Disiplin Dengan Sistem Trading || Be Disciplined to Trading System

Disiplin Dengan Sistem Trading || Be Disciplined to Trading System

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So, this is the maximum limit of seller Turns out it's rejected and the color changes. When the color changes It's at a psychology level and there are rejections. There's big chance that it'll... Good night. Assalamualaikum wr. wb. Hope you're all healthy

Tonight, we'll review and give lessons that we reviewed Maybe there's 1 or 2 that haven't been taught yet Before we go to the main topic get used to see the market condition so there's review and lesson We already gave an overview in the morning. For people who tried it hope you get some profit. Surely the way to order is different whether it's running or using requirements If we combine the chart, the movement isn't that significant The movement goes ups and downs and almost the same How to face a condition when the ups and downs are the same? Let's review this morning's analysis We told you the probabilities in the morning We said that there's down potential Surely the down is limited by test area of psychology level So, when red appears, it doesn't mean that it'll go down We must do it gradually, see the existing market condition Watch the psychology level there If we see it, we already formed a retracement area this green line We know the retracement from this bottom end to the top end. Then, we draw the middle line So, this is the retracement area An area to test the power, strong down or otherwise Turns out there's doubt at the retracement area When it was at the retracement It was trying to bounce We marked this since we ordered buy here this morning surely we don't just buy when it's green We always wait for the right moment. When it's going up, wait for it to go down and can't go down further Then, we can order buy When it keeps going down and has no up rejection it means it'll change direction again It goes down and breach the retracement, and it's down to here It means there's potential to continue to go down How far? To the next psychology level. There's rejection here We already said, when it's at the middle when there's still space from the breakout to take profit we can order sell here What if there's rejection? When it breakouts and has a rejection, we must be careful It means it doesn't breakout the next level If it doesn't breakout, there's chance that it'll be rejected up Above here, there's retrace area If it can't breakout, starting to be rejected strong, and rejection is starting Wait in the first 5 minutes, if it goes down Remember, don't enter in the first 5 minutes Wait until it's stabile If it's supposed to go up, then it doesn't go up, we wait If after 5 minutes, there's no up but it keeps going down then starting to be thick. Watch the time. If it's more than 20 minutes and the down pressure is strong

we can order sell here when it's really stabile there We ordered sell here in the morning After it goes down and breaches the retracement, we can order sell If we don't use this trigger, we can use the breakout trigger After it breakouts, then it couldn't go up and thick here we order sell here. We only get small amount Small or big, what matters is run the system What matters is there's trigger, then we order then prepare the risk and run it Clearly wait until it's thick If it's not thick, then it's not strong. Or, we can wait for it to go up in early minutes If it can't go up again and change to thick red then we see if there's impact at the left If there's no impact, we can order There's an impact here Turns out there's an impact, so we must be careful Although it's rejected up then seller is pushing and it keeps moving down don't forget to see the left and find a strong impact If at a key level like this there's an impact and starting to be rejected and bounce we must be careful, since there's chance to bounce What if it's closed as green? Watch when it's closed as green This indicates that there's changing color There's indication that it'll change from down to up The sign, watch the formed candles slowly the volume is starting to be reduced The volume is getting smaller. it goes up again, but it's not big The maximum spot is at the lowest tail This is the lowest spot of sell This long red tried to go down, but only could reach here Let's see. The seller edge is here Then, it tried to go down again Although it's rejected, but it's still above the psychology level Watch the last one. It's too close. The maximum is here Although it's getting lower, but all of them are closed above the psychology level So, this is the maximum seller power Turns out it's rejected and changing color. When the color changes

then it's at a psychology level, there are rejections, there's big chance that it'll continue to go up How far? Surely there's this green barricade If we use requirements trigger if we use the regular 2 requirements, we order buy after there's another green But, if you're sure with your experience the clue isn't just this 1 green but already seen the existing moves This is the peak, and if you're sure that buyer is strong you can order in the next candle, it's fine What matters is there's clear reason When we analyze, we must read clearly Read the structure, rejection then see if there's support or resistance, or key level When there's confirmation, we order run the system and limit the loss It didn't go up, but down Once again, after we order, we won't get profit directly We won't get profit directly after we order. That's the market Sometimes we get quick profit and slow profit in the market Same as if we're opening a shop from morning to morning More time means more work time but it doesn't mean that more people will come Some people shop at night. Some at noon What matters is run the system, then prepare the risk Watch the impacts above and below. Know the maximum power of up and down It all must be clear. If our target is 100 and it's achieved, clear it

When it's still floating and still tolerated, it's fine Don't be too panic and carried away by the market movement What matters is it's still normal the requirements are tested, it's fine Sometimes we must wait for 1 hour, 30 minutes, or even 10 minutes What matters is run the system Then, we must clear it soon. Don't wait for days Even we can clear it after some candles if we have strong reason That's the way. What about the next move? When it moves like this, no need to look at it too far it'd be useless See the nearest. If it's starting to be night, see the nearest Watch in H1, see the movement and power Watch the movement. Draw a line from this seller Seller is dominating. The trend is sell

Then, buyer rejection is starting This nearest psychology level could be a strong impact because the running went down to here and rejected Now is the 52th minute In the last minutes, when the condition is like this, see the volatility If it's not aggressive or extreme there's big chance that it'll be closed above the psychology level We can see that there's a strong impact below This is strong impact. Proven by many candles that couldn't breach it Now, since it was going up from here It went up, then rejected down again But, it couldn't breakout We can see that by the tail, it couldn't go there There's still 7 minutes before the candle changes Always learn much when the candle is going to change in H1 Not just theory, but more to practice Learn to apply When the market move, watch the time for the trigger, it depends on the condition 5 minutes to go, for example This condition is slow and not extreme 5 minutes to go If the movement is like this the early conclusion is it'll be closed above the psychology level So, we must have a temporary conclusion The early conclusion, in this area seller couldn't continue its move So, there's big chance that it'll go up Slowly, it'll change to bullish Then, if we want to order In conditions like this, we can order buy but not yet because it's still red The red still not eaten and the time is still 5 minutes to go It could still go lower even though it's above the psychology level The result is different So, if it goes up there's green, then the potential would still go up But, if the red is long and nearing the psychology level wait for the next clue either it's a down breakout or bounce up Don't order when it's doubting This condition is doubting. It goes down, but buyer is in line We focus on buy if the red is rejected and become green Or it goes down again when the candle changes, down again, then goes up long, then we order buy Order after it couldn't go down longer Before it's green, we must be aware we must be careful since seller still there It could be just correction, then it goes down longer It means it's at a psychology level, bounce area where it's starting to bounce in this area Actually, it's a right moment to order buy But, this red must be eaten and becomes green then we can order buy there Although red is long, it's still above the psychology level, be aware Both direction are possible What if it breakouts? Then it'd go down stronger If it breakouts again, then it'd go stronger If we draw a nearer line Let's see the line that follows the trend let's draw like this. It goes up again, then down again When it goes up and rejected here, so it couldn't go up higher Since it's red again, we focus on sell again Wait until the candle to be formed Although it's long red, if it's not a breakout yet, be careful We don't have to wait the breakout When it goes up a bit, then there's tail above and becomes red, we can order in the running Once again, the trigger depends on the condition Don't just use requirements, since they may not be fulfilled If like this when the candle changes, it goes up first, then down Thick red, then we order sell Turns out it's closed at the psychology level, so be careful Be careful, wait until it's strong If like this, the candle changes here Let it go up first because it's at the exact line Both possibilities still exist if it's like this If it's still in the middle like this, both potentials exist Let it go up as strong as it can Since it goes down, we focus on sell, not buy But, it must go up, then goes down to thick red, then we enter What if it doesn't go down? If it doesn't go down, we can't sell even though it's thick because the effect of this red at the left we can't ignore it. It's thick with small rejection

This green can be just fake candle that ruin the first minutes Don't be panicked when there's candle that change direction or even thick candle Usually people only follow thick candle, thick red, they sell When they buy, the market goes down and vice versa It's because they're not patient in waiting the trigger This is our review. Let's go to the lesson Whilst we discuss the topic, we also see the progress To be continued....

2021-08-16 03:47

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