Discovering The Google Of Blockchain With Tegan Kline, Co-Founder & Business Lead At Edge & Node

Discovering The Google Of Blockchain With Tegan Kline, Co-Founder & Business Lead At Edge & Node

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Yeah. So Edge & Node is now one  of three core developers within   The Graph ecosystem. There's also StreamingFast  and Figment, which we recently invited into   The Graph family. And so that's great  that so many developing minds are   focused on The Graph protocol for the  long-term feature that we have ahead of us.   But I do notice really committed to creating  kind of a vibrant, decentralized future.  

Hey guys, welcome to the CoinGecko  podcast. For today's episode, we have   Tegan Kline, co-founder and  business lead at Edge & Node,   working on The Graph. If you're watching this on  YouTube, we at CoinGecko really appreciate it if   you hit the like and subscribe button below.  And yeah, before we start this podcast, here's a   little bit about Tegan. So I've mentioned Tegan's  the co-founder and business lead at Edge & Node,  

the initial team behind The Graph. The Graph is an  indexing and query protocol organizing the world's   open blockchain data and making open data public  good. Tegan was also formally International BD   Manager and OXT Relations Lead for Orchid. Tegan  successfully helped to launch the Orchid protocol   at a $400 million valuation on Coinbase.  Welcome to the CoinGecko podcast, Tegan!  

Thank you so much for having me. I'm really  excited about our conversation today.   Likewise, super excited to have you on the show.  So yeah, let's get into it Tegan. I guess without   getting too technical, right? So reckon if  you can give us like a simple explanation of   what The Graph is and why is it  needed in the crypto space?   Yeah, absolutely. So The Graph is integral  infrastructure for the decentralized web,   which we call Web3, and The Graph helps to  organize blockchain data so that developers   can easily access that data and serve that data  to their users. And so, you know, anything in the   blockchain space, most things kind of touch The  Graph now, but if they don't touch The Graph now,   they likely will in the future because The Graph  is there to support every network. So right now  

The Graph supports many different networks, like  Layer 1, like Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain,   Avalanche, Moonbeam, Clover. We're working on  integrations for NEAR, Solana and Polkadot. So   those will be coming soon, but also like Layer 2  blockchains, like Arbitrum and soon Optimism. And   then sidechains like Polygon, Oracle networks  like Chainlink, of course. And then storage   networks like IPFS. So really wherever developers  go, The Graph will be. And I know it's summer,  

it's kind of the summer of scaling Ethereum. And  so The Graph is there to help those projects that   are helping to scale Ethereum, but also The  Graph is helping to decentralize Ethereum and   really decentralize other blockchains that The  Graph is integrated with. So that developers can   have kind of redundant infrastructure and they  know that that infrastructure is always there   for them. And also The Graph helps to kind of  lower the barrier to entry so that more developers   can come in and build in the blockchain space. Wow, I mean, you guys started on Ethereum and when   you talk about scaling onto all the different  blockchains, you guys are definitely scaling   out onto all these different chains. It must  be a lot of work. Wow. But yeah, I mean,  

I definitely agree. Getting data on a blockchain  is difficult for many developers. We at CoinGecko   rely on The Graph to capture all of this data.  When decentralized exchanges, such as Uniswap was   kind of getting popular, last year in the early  stages of DeFi summer, we were trying really hard   to find ways how to index audit and get the price  and volume for all these tokens traded on Uniswap   and we searched high and low for a solution,  and eventually we found out about The Graph and   we use a subgraph and that enabled us to kind  of have all these long tier of Uniswap tokens   added onto CoinGecko, and we've used so  many subgraphs from you guys for the Curve,   SushiSwap, and so on and, they all enabled us to  aggregate. So yeah, we at CoinGecko definitely   very happy with what we use from you guys. Yeah. It's so great to hear that. And I think within The   Graph ecosystem, you have subgraphs  and those subgraphs are open APIs,   and it's so different than like decentralized  internet where you have like LinkedIn or Facebook,   where those APIs are closed. And so like a  CoinGecko, wouldn't be able to pull that data,  

even though that's all of our data as users.  Facebook kind of has this walled garden   around it. And so that's what The Graph is focused  on is kind of making that open data public good.   As you mentioned at the beginning, so that  we have these Lego building blocks so that   everyone in the ecosystem can benefit from that  technology and also innovate with that data.  

Yeah, without The Graph, we have to run an indexer  node and index all these data on Ethereum and   trying to make sense of it. That was a real pain.  Because when we spoke to all the teams and they   said, I mean, they were focused on getting  the app and when we want the data, they say,   "We used to getting API from central exchanges  and just like, get an API and this, and all the   answers that we got was just get it from the  blockchain. Just read it yourself and it was,   oh, that was really painful, but we found out  from you guys. So yeah, coming back to you Tegan,   would like to hear, I mean, you used to sort of  work in banking, and then you kind of made the   switch from tradfi to crypto, right. So curious  to hear how and why do you make the switch?  

Yeah, absolutely. So I guess the decision comes  back to like when and why did I decide to go   into finance? And I accepted a full scholarship  to a finance school and I, as an overachiever,   I'm like, well, I need to get to the top of  banking. And so what is the top of banking? And   so I went into investment banking at Bank of  America, which is a [inaudible] bank. From there   I moved over to sales and trading at Barclays.  And during my time in banking, I was constantly   volunteering because I didn't feel like my passion  was within banking, as you can probably imagine,   but I didn't know what my passion was in. I was  always kind of searching for it. And it was when   I learned about Ethereum that I finally found  something I was passionate about, and I really   just saw the opportunity to create a new internet,  to create a new financial system, and so I dove   deep into the crypto space. I joined Orchid. I  got a lot of really great experience, kind of  

leading OFC relations and getting to know a lot  of the investors on the Orchid cap table, but also   doing business development. I think I traveled to  over 26 different countries in less than a year   time while I was at Orchid and so. It  was really great to just kind of dive in   to the crypto culture, which is very, very  different than banking culture. And yeah,  

it just, it really, really feel like I've kind of  found my place and my home in the crypto space and   I'm grateful that I was able to kind of bring  the experience and helping to launch Orchid to   The Graph ecosystem. And now I have a  career within The Graph ecosystem, you know,   for the next 10 plus years, which I haven't  committed to anything for that long, like four   years max for college, right. Nothing, nothing  that long, but yeah, I'm grateful to kind of have   found a home in The Graph space, in The Graph  ecosystem. And that's really in the Web3 space   because The Graph touches everything, like  I mentioned. So, so many challenges, so many   things to kind of constantly learn and absorb. It's interesting how you brought up, like, being   overachiever. I mean, I kind of relate a  lot of the things that you said just now,  

like kind of go to college and then you want  to overachieve, and everybody in my class,   my cohort was like kind of gunning to get the IB  job, the investment banking job in Goldman, in JP   and all those places. And I was like, it's kind  of a big race to get it. But I didn't apply to   any of these banks. It didn't really feel like the  right thing for me to do, but I knew that a lot of   my classmates were doing it. And then I think kind  of the same, like, you don't really know what you  

want to do until kind of I discovered Bitcoin  and Ethereum back then, and then it feels like,   there's like a calling I suppose, if you know  what I mean. And over the years, started to   build a career for yourself in this industry,  which is really interesting, I would say.   Cool! Yeah, you are more  wise, more wise than me.  

One of the taglines used for The Graph is the  Google of Web3. So, I mean, it's a big world,   right? Google is obviously a large tech company.  How do you see, or how do you think The Graph   can become the Google of Web3? Yeah. So what Google does is it  

indexes all of the world's information and  data, and The Graph is indexing all of the   world's blockchain on-chain data. And so  in that sense, The Graph is similar to   Google in indexing all of the world's blockchain  information, but it is a good point. Google is a   really large company and there are many elements  to Google, aside from just indexing and querying.   And I think those will likely come in the  blockchain space over time. And that's really why  

Edge & Node is there to kind of solidify that, so  that blockchains become the future of the internet   quickly. And obviously the business model  of The Graph is much different than Google.   Google's business model is to sell ads. And that's  what those walled gardens kind of incentivized,   right. They have a monopoly on all of that data.  And so they're probably going to be unlikely to   open that data. But in the blockchain space, we're  kind of putting new data out into the world. And   I foresee that blockchain will become the future  of the internet because this model of making us   the product is not what the internet was created  for. And so I hope that with blockchain technology   and in Web3, we can kind of get to a more pure  version of the internet, or I guess maybe the   version of the internet that we had hoped at the  beginning of the internet, it would turn into.  

And you, you are one of the co-founder at Edge &  Node, which is the initial team behind the launch   of The Graph. So I guess for many people, they  might be curious, like what's the relationship   between Edge & Node and kind of the role of the  company after the launch of The Graph protocol?   Yeah. So Edge & Node is now one of three core  developers within The Graph ecosystem. There's   also StreamingFast and Figment, which we recently  invited into The Graph family. And so that's great   that so many developing minds are focused on The  Graph protocol for the long-term feature that we   have ahead of us. But I do notice really committed  to creating kind of a vibrant, decentralized   future. Our team is now over 40 people. And so  there's five co-founders. There's Yaniv Tal,   who's our CEO, Brandon Ramirez, who is our  research lead. He put a lot of thought into The  

Graph token economics. He's super brilliant. And  then there's Jannis, of course. He's our brilliant   engineering lead. So Yaniv, Brandon and Jannis  are all the original co-founders of The Graph. And   then there's Carl, who's also a co-founder with  us at Edge & Node and he is an amazing designer.   And so it's really nice kind of having all of us  with such different skill sets and really kind of   owning those skillsets. It's really like yin and  yang across the board. And then just the team is   incredible. Like I've never seen anyone execute  like, the Edge & Node team. And I'm used to kind   of being like the one that cares the most. And  I kind of have to get everyone else to care, and  

it's not like that within Edge & Node. Everyone  just really cares. Everyone executes really   flawlessly and everyone's wearing a lot of  hats. So it's really great to kind of be around   like-minded people. And I think we're also  very much like mission and passion focused.   And Edge & Node has kind of skillsets, so a lot of  engineering talent including from like MuleSoft,   Microsoft, HP as well, I believe. And MuleSoft was  actually acquired by Salesforce and I just kind  

of find it ironic because Salesforce was really  the first to really own the SAS market, right.   A lot of people were like, why are you buying  up all the inventory and selling subscriptions,   like this isn't going to work. And then Salesforce  turned that into over $200 billion industry.   And I view like tokens as the next evolution  of the business model. So it's great that,   you know, so many people within Edge & Node come  from MuleSoft and Salesforce. But, yeah, we're   really just focused on solidifying the Web3 stack.  We have a researcher who joined us from Google.  

He's focused on everything in Web3 and kind of  we're putting together what that stack looks like,   so that we can kind of get to this future more  quickly. If you look back at the internet,   like creating a website was so difficult. You'd  have huge teams. You'd be sending so much money,   and now you can create a website with one  click. And I think we'll get to the same   space within the dApp space, but we need some  time and we need to really solidify that stack.  

That's what Edge & Node is focused on. Sounds good. I'm curious, right. So you guys   launched the Mainnet, The Graph launches Mainnet  in December, 2020. So we're looking about like   eight, nine months since the launch right now.  So you guys have some interesting stats of the   network that you can share with our listeners? Yeah, absolutely. So many statistics [inaudible].   So, right now it's important to say that there's  two kind of versions. So there's the hosted   service, which is always kind of an intermediary  step before we get to the decentralized network.  

And so the hosted service there's over 20,000  developers who have built over 18,000 subgraphs   and that hosted service has done over 135 billion  lifetime queries. And in the month of May alone,   and that was over 18 months. In the month of May  alone, the hosted service did 25 billion queries.   So that just shows you like parabolic growth, not  just within The Graph, but it's really a proxy   for the growth on Ethereum and the blockchain  space. But as you mentioned, the launch of the  

decentralized network, and so now we're kind of  putting the hosted service in their rear view   mirror a bit and focusing on the decentralized  network. And so since the product launch in July,   which was early last month, they have gone  from eight subgraphs on the network to over   134 subgraphs on the network, which is a huge  percentage of around like 1600% increase, which   is great to see because now it's permissionless  and anyone can migrate their subgraph from that   hosted service to the decentralized network. There's also over 150 different indexers   on The Graph network. And I kind of think of  each of them is like their own little Google.  

And so Web2 has one Google and The Graph  network has over 150. And then there's over   6,000 delegators that are delegating to those  indexers to earn passive income and help secure   the network. And then curation also launched with  that product launch in July. And there's over 2000   curators on The Graph network, helping the index  figure out which subgraph they want to index   on. And I actually think a lot of the CoinGecko  audience would make amazing curators because you   have to have the skillset of a good trader or good  investor, because you're looking for the new cool   subgraphs that come out. You're minting signal on  a bonding curves. That means like the earlier you   are to those projects, the likely better you do so  long as they are quality subgraphs that are used.  

And then of course you all would make a great  curator as well, and I hope you are curating.   Yeah. Amazing. Yeah. So those are the kinds  of some of the numbers. There's also over 3.1   billion GRT staked in the network currently.  That's 31% of the total supply, so that number  

keeps increasing as well. So that's great. So you sort of mentioned a few interesting roles.   Curator, indexer and delegator. And I'm sure  some of our listeners here would be interested   in playing a role because obviously these roles  get rewarded pretty well, I would say as well,   from what I saw the numbers. Explain a little  bit more to those who may not be familiar, what  

curators, indexers, delegators, and who are most  suited to be one of these roles, I supposed.   Yeah, absolutely. So those three roles that you  mentioned are the three roles where you can earn   GRT in the network. And so delegation is the least  technical role. Anyone can do it. The hardest part   about delegating is figuring out which index that  you want to delegate to. Each one has their own  

economics. Each indexer is kind of competing  for query fees by serving queries quickly and   efficiently. And so you wanted to use the indexer  that's serving queries quickly and efficiently,   but also that's willing to share a  larger amount of those queries with you.   And so it's really passive income, but you're  also taking a role in the network and helping   to secure the network. And you're also  helping indexers get a larger stake,   which is really important, and they're all very  grateful for that. Indexers are doing the heavy  

lifting. They're really the backbone of the  future of the internet. They're serving those   queries. They're indexing that data they're  choosing which subgraphs they want to index.   And so if you're, if you love dev ops and you're  quite technical, you would make a great indexer.   And then, there are the curators, as I mentioned.  I like to call them open data alpha finders,   because that's really what they're doing. They're  looking for the alpha on The Graph network. And   as these subgraphs migrate over, they're paying  attention and they are looking at those subgraphs   figuring out, okay, is this really from the team  that they say there are. They're checking Twitter,  

they're doing their due diligence. And then  they're minting signal on that bonding curve.   And then that's what helps the indexers identify  which subgraph to stake upon. So an example is   like you could launch a CoinGecko subgraph,  and I could launch a subgraph called CoinGecko.   And so how would the indexes know which one to  index on? And so it would be the curator's job   to say, "Hey, Bobby's the legit subgraph.  Don't index on Tegan's. Index on Bobby's.   And then an indexer would stake on yours and  start getting to work on your subgraph.   Interesting. Very helpful and underlying these  three different roles kind of the GRT token,  

right, I suppose that's where it takes on a  lot of this functionality. So I think it's a   good segway to see what's kind of the role of GRT  token to tie in the entire The Graph ecosystem.   Yeah, absolutely. So The Graph is a work utility  token, and so those three roles earn GRT in the   ecosystem. And then the dApp developers, many of  them that are on the network now have committed   to paying for query fees on behalf of their users  to reduce friction for the time being. But I do  

think that there will be a learning curve. Also  products will launch, which will allow users the   autonomy to be able to pay for query fees  on their own, kind of similar to how we use   gas costs in Ethereum, for example. And you could  also envision that a subgraph developer build into   their protocol, the cost of the query fees.  I think we'll see a lot of that in the future   as well. So I'm really excited for what that  holds, but yes, the incentive structure in The  

Graph ecosystem is quite involved and there are  different mechanisms and levers. And for example,   unlike Cosmos, where you can get slash  as a delegator. In The Graph ecosystem,   there's no slashing, if you're a delegator. If the  indexer misbehaves, the indexer can be slashed,  

but not the delegator, but there is a 28 day  thawing period. And so you can't just switch   from one delegator to another. And the reason  for that is if I could switch, I could just look   at when the indexers are closing their rewards, I  could take those rewards. And then within 28 days,   I could move to the next indexer. That's  about to close and you could game the system.   And so that's kind of one of the, one of the  mechanisms, but there are many. There's also  

a limited amount of stake. So each indexer  can only take a certain amount of delegation   rewards. You can't have like only a  few GRT and then take billions of GRT   in delegation. So it's a really cool protocol.  It's a really complex protocol. So I invite   the listeners to really, really dive in. Yeah, I see that that's a lot of nuances with   regards to GRT. It's not the simplest tokenomics  to follow, to understand. But I guess that's where   the opportunity is, right? That's the alpha or  like that's like where if you've got a chance to   earn all these GRT. I keep telling all my friends,  like, guys, if you want to be rich and all, like  

crypto is the place to be. There's just so many  ways, so many opportunities to make so much money,   like if you want to, but it's not easy.  You've got to spend the time to learn it. So   most people don't want to spend the time.  They just want free money landing on the lap,  

but you know, you got to take the time and effort  to understand and find your niche, find your role   in how do you want to help to play and  decentralize the future of blockchain.   That's how you get rewarded, I suppose. Yeah. Exactly. And I think we're shifting the way you   work, like you can now work for many different  protocols. You can be a liquidity provider on   Uniswap, a delegator on The Graph and you can  earn passive income that could potentially be more   than what you're earning in your day job  currently. And I think that's the power of   peer-to-peer protocols because there's no one at  the center taking all the money that you should be   earning for doing all the work they're doing. And  now within the crypto space, you can actually get   compensated commensurate to the value that you're  bringing so long as it's a legitimate protocol,   that's bringing true value to the ecosystem.  And that token economics are thought out and  

it's not like you know a centralized wolf in  a decentralized sheep's clothing, for example.   But yeah, I think it's really exciting and  there's so much opportunity for so many people   that have might have been left out of the previous  financial system or economy to come in and really   put in the work and get rewarded. I always like to tell people that in a Web2   world you have companies like Uber and Airbnb,  who's became giants by Facebook, Google, and so   on. Uber, Airbnb became giants by themselves, but  they sort of use your work and your contribution   and kind of centralize all the profits for their  shareholders. And you don't get a single cent,   whereas in crypto, you contribute to the growth  of the network and you get in the upside as well,   which is a more fair future, I suppose. Yeah. [00:21:04] Yeah, absolutely.   Earlier you sort of mentioned that The Graph  started out by hosting a bunch of subgraphs in   a centralized manner. And the plan is to sort  of decentralize the hosting of this subgraph.  

I guess the decentralization goes to their  indexer? And what do they need to do? Do they need   to run like a server or is it kind of like, IPFS?  And I'm just curious, how is this decentralized? I   think you kind of mentioned briefly, but how's  the decentralization process coming along?   Yeah, absolutely. So the hosted service was always  kind of the temporary step so that developers   could come in, they could start building  subgraphs. We could iterate on the product. There   was a lot of that iteration at the beginning of  The Graph ecosystem. And then we kind of saw this   parabolic growth take over on the hosted service  when the documentation got better, when the demos   got better, when the product got better. And now  the decentralized network, and in that timeframe,  

we were focused on building the decentralized  network. The idea of The Graph started four   years ago. So it really has been a long process  and a long journey to get to where we are today.   And this is really only the beginning. You  know, Ethereum is six years old. The Graph is   four years old. The launch of the decentralized  network is only what, eight months old or so.   And so, yeah, it's coming along really well. We  started kind of bootstrapping the supply back in  

December. So we really started with the indexers  and the delegators on the decentralized network.   We grew that up, and then in July we launched  the subgraphs studio and the graphic score,   which allowed for curation to go live. So then curators started coming on and it also   allowed for the permissionless version of that  network. So the hosted server still exists today.   We will be deprecating it after some time, but we  want to make sure we give everyone enough time to   migrate over, to feel comfortable. And  so we've already seen, as I mentioned,   134 of those subgraphs migrate over. And the  decentralized network, it's all on those indexers,  

and those are all third parties. So The Graph is  not running an indexer node on the network and the   network has actually experienced no downtime thus  far, it's working as we all envisioned it to work,   which is great because The Graph's hosted service.  I mean, anytime you have a centralized point of   failure, you're going to see downtime. And that  is why we've been so focused on decentralization.   And so just like Bitcoin and Ethereum have  never gone down because they're decentralized,   there's redundancy. If one index or node stops  working, there are a ton of other indexers to   pick up the slack for those different subgraphs.  So yes, it's going great, but so much more to   come and I'm excited to see new developers  come and spin up some graphs directly on the   decentralized network. Perhaps some that didn't  want to use the hosted version of The Graph.  

And DeFi started out mainly on Ethereum, but I  think the interesting thing for me observing as   well this year was how DeFi grown from just  purely being on Ethereum to being active on   Binance Smart Chain, and then now on Polygon.  And then we start seeing Arbitrum, Optimism   and Phantom, xDAI, and it's like Solana and all  these different chains. So what do you think of   this rise of the multi-chain crypto ecosystem  and how are you guys thinking of this future?   Yeah, absolutely. So I think The Graph has kind of  been thought leaders from the early days, right,   four years ago saying decentralization is the  future, Web3 is actually cool. And everyone's   like, what are you talking about, just build it in  a centralized way. And like, let's get a move in.  

And The Graph kind of did some leeway with  multi-blockchain. So in January it was still kind   of contrarian to say, you know, we believe in a  multi-blockchain future. But we did and we started   those integrations back then. And I think that  it is just naturally where the future should go.   Part of, I know as humans, we tend to be  very tribal and we see that with like the   Bitcoin maximalist and Ethereum maximalist.  And I think each of those maximalists play   a very important role in the ecosystem, like  the Bitcoin maximalist hold our values strong.   And so I think that it's good to kinda  unite together and it's great to see   so many chains going EVM compatible. Projects like  Connects coming up to help with interoperability.  

The Graph helping with interoperability at  the indexing inquiry layers that we can see   a holistic view of all of the data across all  of the chains. I think it's so important, and   I think as an ecosystem we need to unite together  because there are huge centralized organizations   that we need to focus on as opposed to inviting.  So I think it's a step in the right direction.   Yeah, I definitely agree. And I never thought of  it until recently as well, but this growth of this  

multi-chain future is needed because Ethereum by  itself, cannot handle the growth, the demand for   all this exchange and [inquiring] that happens on  one chain. There's just so much data that can be   added to one chain, but Ethereum can't support it  and gas fees go up, and because the price became   so high that a lot of people got priced out of  Ethereum. So I think with the rise of Polygon,   and BSC, and all the other EVM chain, like we  are creating new capacity and inviting new guys   to come and experience DeFi for the first time,  which they will have been priced out if, I mean,   just relying on Ethereum could be a bit too slow,  I suppose. You just need solutions right now.  

Yeah, absolutely. And I think Ethereum will  always kind of play that security role, but   maybe not everything needs that much security. And  so, and it's also kind of exciting to see Solana   get traction and bring in kind of the traditional  finance space into the blockchain space. So yeah,   I think there's room for all of it. And I  just focus on kind of the values that I hold,  

which is like decentralized open-source  permissionless technology. But even with that,   you know, there's room for less centralized  or less decentralized players as well.   Yeah. And what do you say would be some of the  main plans for The Graph or maybe Edge & Node,   I suppose, for the second half of  2021, maybe next year 2022 as well?   Yeah. So we're really focused on adding  more networks, like I mentioned.  

Oh, there's so many. [inaudible]   very soon. So that'll be an announcement coming  out and then we'll be there at Optimism mainnet   launch. But just really kind of growing the  mindshare about Web3 and educating everyone across   the ecosystem. I know that crypto can sometimes  get a bad rep because there are some centralized   wolfs in decentralized sheep clothing that are out  to kind of get the wrong things out of the space.  

But there are true builders in this space and we  are really kind of paving the way for the future.   So just kind of trying to be an example in that.  And also like you mentioned, there's so many ways   to make so much money in the crypto space, but I  think sometimes people see that and they feel that   pressure and then they sacrifice the long-term  for the short-term. And so I really tried to   never sacrifice the short-term for the long-term.  I'm very long-term focused. And so just kind of  

trying to hold that bar and the space and be a  good example, I guess. And there's just so much   research that's being done. We have a zero  knowledge researcher on the team. And so we   will have some exciting innovations around  privacy that we'll announce soon, but yeah,   so much coming up. It's really exciting and like I  said, wherever developers go, The Graph will be.   It's interesting. I mean like, launching on  all these EVM chains is one thing. I mean,   there's some work involved, but launching  on non-EVM compatible chains like Solana   pretty sure that's a lot of work involved  in the dApps to kind of do all this work.  

I'm not sure if you saw, but the foundation  actually allocated to Core Dev grants. The   first was to a StreamingFast. It was a $60 million  grant. So they've actually, it's kind of like a   decentralized exit or a decentralized M&A. They  no longer have their investors. They no longer  

are going to like launch a competing project and  they have bought fully into The Graph's mission,   which is really what their mission to begin  with. So it's great to kind of welcome them into   The Graph family and be building together. There's  some of the few people in the entire world,   I would say that have the experience that  they have in improving inducting speeds.  

And they're really great like with Binance  Smart Chain, for example, [inaudible].   They're really helping a lot with  some of those initiatives. And then   the foundation also allocated 80 million GRT to  Figment and a similar thing happened, but it's   for their data hub team, which the data hub was  kind of a competing project. And now they fully   deprecated that and those 10 engineers and npms  are focused on The Graph. So it's just exciting to   me. Like nothing centralized will ever be able to  compete with a decentralized protocol. And I think   protocols will always win. So I'm  excited to see what that future holds  

and just the level of decentralization  that some of those grants provided.   Cool. Anything else that I should  sort of ask you that we haven't   really covered at this point in time yet? I don't think so, but we are hiring a ton. If   anyone is listening, excited to potentially  join this mission, we invite you to apply,   but also check out the roles. There's a place for  everyone in The Graph ecosystem and every skillset  

is needed. If you're not technical, there are so  many business skillset that we need in this space,   and we're creating a new internet. We're  creating a new financial system and we need   all voices around the table. So I hope everyone  feels kind of included in this movement.   I definitely agree. And if you're listening  and you're not working full-time in crypto yet,   get yourself into crypto. There's just so  much alpha in the space like we need you  

and you got to come into the space, as well  because the space is just a hiring crunch   and everyone's really finding it really hard to  hire good talent. So we welcome all of you to   sort of apply to The Graph or anywhere else. Yeah, absolutely.   Thank you very much, Tegan for taking the time  and talking about The Graph. I think it's been a   very insightful conversation for the past half  an hour or so. Really appreciate your time.   Thank you so much for hosting me. This is great,  

and we'd love to do a followup  at some point in the future.   Definitely. Thank you. This podcast is provided as part   of the overall information on cryptocurrency  contained on our website, is for your general   information only and does not howsoever constitute  any endorsement, financial or investment advice,   nor any solicitation or offer of securities or  other financial instruments. CoinGecko and the   podcast presenter makes no warranties, implied or  express of any kind in relation to this podcast,   including without limitation, the accuracy  and updatedness of its content, all opinions   and recommendations there in the podcast are  based on the personal opinion of the presenter.   Please conduct your own research and procure  professional advice should you at your own risk,   decide to howsoever invest or trade in relation  to the content contained in the podcast.

2021-08-26 18:31

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