Details About the Travel Agent Business (Black Friday) Webinar Replay

Details About the Travel Agent Business (Black Friday) Webinar Replay

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all right welcome everyone thank you all so much for hopping on our day one travel Blitz for Black Friday you guys we are so super excited to have you on with us if you are already having a great time put some hearts on this video we are here to teach you all things travel agent business so if you are um enjoying learning about travel if you already travel I want you to drop the word travel in the comments guys by the end of today's presentation you should be able to make a decision if the travel agent business is right for you the purpose of us doing this group is to give you tons of fun ways of learning the travel agent business give you some opportunity to win some vacation vouchers and also to get your questions answered so I'm going to start off by asking just a few questions one I want you to comment with the number one if you are traveling before the year ends see the cool part about me asking that question right now is I know several people not even just the agents on our team but several people are traveling there's this week why because it's Thanksgiving some people are visiting family some people skipped out on family and decided to take a vacation so if you have that idea as well to travel before the end of 22 2022 excuse me drop a number one in the comments you know what even if you're not yet or traveling again I should say by the end of the year if you've traveled at all this year I want you to drop a number one in the comments do me a huge favor and do that for me and now my second question to you is super simple now this I know you're like really this is a no-brainer but how many of you actually post pictures or videos when you travel if you like to share your flight selfies you like to give a little sneak peek of what your Resort Room is looking like I've even seen people post uh what their Morning View looked like or the sunset from their rooms if that's you drop a number two in the comments you guys a lot of people are out there sharing their travel experiences while they're traveling and I want to know if that's you and my last question on this slide at least is do you know others who love to travel dropping number three maybe they're already traveling with you you see them on social media maybe they're friends or family members if you know anybody who loves to travel drop a number three I have young children they're really getting older on me but my youngest kids they're 9 and 10 years old they absolutely love to travel so there's people of all ages who love to travel go ahead and engage with us and let us know where you stand so for those of you who may not know me I am lavonda Thornton Bush also known as the travel Queen and my only goal today is to actually teach you guys about the travel agent business on behalf of a person who actually invited you to today's presentation so I make three star director with the company I am a six figure income earner and I've been here with this particular company for over seven years you guys so I got started November 3rd 2015 all because I thought this would be a great way to save money on my travel and to be able to travel more and get paid doing what I was is already doing if you also already book travel do your own research and you actually love it so much other people ask you to help them drop the word me in the comments just say m e so I know that you can relate to me y'all that was me not only was I working in the corporate world and traveling for my corporate job and booking my business travel through my job but even through Leisure I was also booking travel for myself in fact before I became a travel agent I never even used a travel agent so it was one day I was on social media and Facebook to be exact there was a lady who was promoting an opportunity you could turn your vacations into income that was in 2014. I saw that as a great opportunity I decided to get started a year later I was introduced to an even better travel agent business which is what we are sharing with you on today so so in 2016 my corporate job decided they no longer needed me they laid me off y'all there wasn't a pandemic the economic uh economy I should say was doing fine as far as we knew right everything was even going well for our company they said lavanda you didn't do anything wrong we just decided to take the company a different direction any of y'all ever been laid off before this was my first time being laid off where I actually had a plan B in place that was already paying me money in fact the exact same day where I was let go from my job this business paid me twice so these are just a few snapshots and videos of some travel that I've been able to do thanks to being a travel agent I literally went from barely being able to travel to travel more than 20 times a year sometimes I go on solo trips sometimes I travel with my husband or travel with our kids friends family or even some of our travel agents on the team so I want you right now to grab pen and paper if you haven't already done so so you can take notes I want you to understand that we're going to help you understand how you also can get paid to do what you love I'm going to take time to share all the details that's helping a lot of us win at a high level and if you're excited about that put some Fireballs in the comments put some Fireballs in the comments y'all so there's an opportunity out here that more and more people are finding out about it not only has changed my family's lives but it's literally helped change over 75 000 lives of families all over the globe and so when we talk about this you guys I want you to put on your entrepreneur hat a lot of times people know like today how to be a consumer your emails are stacked up with all kinds of ways that you can spend money on things that's not going to bring money back to you but this is an opportunity where you can become an entrepreneur start a business and tap into some Freedom y'all we're talking Financial freedoms you're not just stuck doing the things you have to do but you have more than enough money to even do the things that you want to do we want you to tap into personal freedom where you have that opportunity to do what you want to do without having to ask for permission I don't miss working in Corporate America when I had to ask to hey can I take Black Friday off you know what about when I have to ask to take my kids to the doctor or even ask for vacation time that they say that I earn and even more so when you're an entrepreneur you guys you get a chance to spend time with those that you love and create some beautiful memories so I always remind people we don't know how much time we have here we might as well spend that time doing what we love to do with the people that we love so here in this opportunity we want to show you how to design your ideal life once social media is such an emotional rollercoaster do you all agree say agree in the comments if in five minutes you can see where somebody is living their best life somebody is regretting life somebody has lost life or someone has given life I literally was scrolling through social media last night I had a friend who just had a baby on Thanksgiving congrats to her I had one of my friends who I went to high school with who was shot and killed Thanksgiving Eve I saw that I saw someone was celebrating that they just purchased a new home and I saw where someone was upset sad and disgusted because they had just lost their job so when we talk about how can we design our ideal life let's start with an opportunity to actually position you to do that you guys so here with our company we show you how you can earn more money without getting an additional job how many of y'all know that there are kids right now today earning more money than some of their parents thanks to the power of the internet not only that we're going to show you how you can travel more without breaking a bank because we're showing you how you can save more money and if you're traveling more you definitely are going to have more experiences so we're going to put you in the game of the wealthy people the successful people in the world have strong networks you guys this is why you seem successful people hanging together so we're showing you how to build a strong Network where you can Embrace and Empower yourself and others you know you also be able to take the glass ceiling off of your income unlike a job you will have an unlimited income opportunity here that means you're not waiting for someone to tell you when you can increase your income but you can give yourself as many pay increases as you like being your own boss now we get to benefit from e-commerce no matter if I'm working from home as I'm doing today or working for my car I when my kids are in cheer practice or football practice or even if I'm working while on vacation enjoying a cruise or an all-inclusive our business go wherever we go we can work from anywhere in any time plus we don't have any inventory guys we're in travel all of our inventory is online and we don't have any quotas so you have the pleasure of being able to sell as much or as little as you desire being your own boss now when we talk about becoming a travel professional y'all this is truly a game changer somebody say I'm ready in the comments see here's the deal most of you are already travel pros you're just doing it for free meaning you're very confident going online doing your research getting your travel questions answered booking your own travel and showing up to the destiny patients ready to have fun we're on the flip side of that guys when you are a travel professional for real you get to earn travel commission that means all of that same activity you're doing can actually pay you more money but not only that y'all we have secrets of the travel industry imagine my story I was laid off March 31st 2016 April 4th 2016. I received a phone call from a business development manager with American Airlines vacations she saw my Facebook post where I said I was let go and I was going to be in the travel space full-time she asked me if I wanted to come to the Bahamas on a fam trip I'll tell you more about that later this fam trip was going to be four days three nights I was standing in a four and a half star all-inclusive property they were including my round trip airfare through American Airlines and it would only only cost me 299 dollars how many of y'all know I went on that trip without asking any further questions when I got there y'all they wanted me to do some hard work hard work I told my husband because I left the whole family I said babe they got me doing some hard work when he looked on my social media he saw one day I was swimming with dolphins he saw I was at plenty of parties we were drinking cocktails eating amazing food they were hosting parties we went on a perfume tour we went on a tour at the beer factory you guys he said they don't look like hard work to me I said well that's the work of a travel professional how many of you can see yourselves working like that well let's go on and share with you guys what this business actually entails we have two awesome companies that came together as a partnership one of those companies is planet marketing Planet marketing was launched seven years ago guys we just celebrated our seven year anniversary last month Planet marketing was launched October 26 2015 by Donald Bradley he's the founder chairman CEO had a vision to start a business where average people could earn above average income it's been able to do that and help over 75 000 people start a business through this online opportunity so what we do is teach people how to own their own travel business so whenever you hear us talk in those terms that is as a planet marketing rep guys we have 75 000 agents working in over 20 countries so a lot of times when people hear us say how simple it was for us to get into the business they want to know how like did y'all go to school for this did you pay a lot of money for this did it like take a lot of time to do this the answer is no to all of those questions y'all back in the day you had to go to school to be a travel agent but nowadays you can partner with a host agency it's Planet marketing partner with intelli travel in fact there's an exclusive partnership the only way that you can be common until a travel agent is through the planet marketing rep that invited you to this group today all right so intelli travel has been around for over 30 years and a lot of times people say well I've never heard of intelli travel and it's because it's travel agents we get a chance to build our own brand you guys we get a chance to put ourselves out there and so most of us don't stay until the travel we say things like desired travel travel with joy travel Queen and things like that but understand that if you made a decision to get started with this business you will be an accredited and certified travel agent without going to school as soon as you join you get all of your credentials from your CLIA number I add a number your Arc number and guess what guys we are recognized through the Better Business Bureau so this gentleman you see pictured here is James Ferrara he's the co-founder and president of intelli travel he himself has been with intelli tribal for over 30 years and he sits on the board of clear clears the cruise line International Association so that means our co-founder and president actually sits on one of the highest boards in the entire travel industry helping to make decisions now with over 75 000 agents y'all could imagine we're one of the top host agencies in the world right booking the most travel so we're getting some of the top industry Awards and recognition from companies I'm sure you've heard of like Disney Marriott Norwegian Cruise Line Carnival or even like we get the Grammys y'all when travel is called the Magellan Awards so picture this you are already in the travel business you're just on the wrong side of the money if you're already booking travel on a public size website like Expedia Priceline Travelocity cheap Caribbean or even if you go directly on websites like Marriott or Southwest vacations you're already in a travel business because every time you book travel on those websites guess what they earn a commission so what we're doing here is teaching you how to earn your own commission for the work that you are already doing so with intelli travel has is a commission based set in place guys and we're one of the top paying agents or earning agents I should say in the industry one of my son's football friends mom is also a travel agent she was so excited to tell me about her host agency guys her commission split with her host agency was 50 percent I feel bad for her I said well our commission split is 70 to 80 that means whenever we book Travelers agents that earn a commission that commission is split 70 to 80 percent go to us the agent until a travel only keeps 20 to 30 percent so just to make that into a real example let's say you planned a Disney family vacation before okay and that family vacation yields a 1 000 commission well Disney will see until it travels the host and send them that one thousand dollar commission and teletravel will see that you are the travel agent who actually booked that trip and you will earn 700 of that one thousand dollar commission but if you've earned five thousand dollars of commission within a 12-month calendar period you're now earning eighty percent of that commission that means eight hundred dollars of that one thousand dollars would have been paid back to you now what if you weren't a travel agent you you probably still would have booked that trip and that means no money would have came back to you right but also understand that this is a full flat fledge work from anywhere agency you get state-of-the-art personalized booking portal so if someone says well I don't want to book with an agent you can still give them your website they book like they would on any other website and you will still get paid we're partnering with every major supplier that means you don't have to beg people to change their buying habits you'll find that a lot of your clients have already done their research they will tell you the exact Resort they want to stay in they know the dates who they're traveling with they'll even know their budget you will never pay using your own money your clients pay using their credit card and you have the power as an agent to be able to set up payment plans to help your clients out as well so if you love to have fun with travel guys this is definitely a great playground for you because you get to use your creativity Planning Group trips individual travel we have agents who specialize in group cruises corporate and church Retreats fraternities and sorority trips destination weddings we even have two agents that actually met on one of our team trips who's now getting married booking their own destination wedding in Punta Cana and yes I'm in the wedding y'all so could you imagine planning your own destination wedding and getting paid we have agents who specialize in honeymoons anniversaries girls trips and all types of trips so if you're already starting to overthink this don't do it because that's usually where people miss out on this opportunity they think they need a lot of experience they think they need to be some tech Guru and you don't guys this is truly a turnkey business not only will you get help and support from our team but intelli travel have customer service and support and you're a travel agent so all of these hotels Resorts Cruise Lines Airlines rental car companies they want to give you support too because remember we're helping them make money but if you're working a full-time job you can do this on a very part-time basis we have on-demand travel agent training that means that you can learn at your own pace again having access to Major suppliers worldwide is huge we give you direct contact information for each of our preferred Partners so that you can get that one-on-one help if you desire we have sales and marketing materials I use Disney as an example Disney has a website just for travel agents Vacation Express just for travel agents American Airlines all these companies have travel agent websites with brochures and videos and all types of marketing materials for you to use in your business so people ask this big question what do I have access to they often think that we're limited like a time share or a vacation club where you have to ask for permission where you don't really have access to all the things so guess what y'all this is not that somebody say we sell the world what do we have access to everything cruises vacation packages tours car rentals airline tickets hotel rooms Resorts travel insurance huge okay sports and entertainment tickets train tickets vacation rentals excursions and activities we even can get paid helping our clients get their passports and Visas so remember we are thinking about this from an entrepreneur perspective all of you already know how to be a consumer and travel most people nowadays don't use a travel agent there there's a lot of folks that just go online and book their own travel if you're in this group that's probably you you already know how to let travel make money off of you but why does it make sense for you to get paid from travel because it's already one of the top money makers in the world you think about it people who sell makeup their clients travel people who are hair stylists and Barbers they're clients are traveling Boutique owners clients are traveling jewelry customers are traveling right so this is amazing we get to tap into an 8 trillion dollar annual business that's looking Thomas double just in the next decade but not only that guys it's already one of the top search words and hashtags online Millennials are spending over 200 billion dollars a year traveling they're not waiting for retirement right they're not even waiting for their kids to graduate high school we used to hear back in the day older people say when the kids are gone and grown I get to be on my own guess what we're taking kids with us on these trips nowadays but baby boomers who have worked more than half of their lives who are retiring they're fueling the growth of the travel industry and guess what these grannies are not rocking and rocking chairs they are cruising they are enjoying their own all-inclusive and they're talking to the grandkids on face time you have Generation Z these are jet Setters y'all this group my oldest son is a part of this group guess what they're looking for jobs that's going to pay them to travel so travel is just that industry we don't have to beg people to do it we never have to ask anyone have you ever heard of travel I've been on airplanes with babies I've been in cruises with 98 year old grannies you guys so absolutely everyone is out here living their best alive traveling so you get paid on what people are doing already people don't just travel for vacations even though I just spent a lot of time talking about the fun of travel but what about the times when people have to travel for a funeral be at the bedside of a loved one what about when people travel for business or their Education and Training people travel for medical treatment and surgery and some of you may have busy kids like me where you actually have to travel for your kids sporting events so almost everyone you know is already traveling or they want to travel and what we're doing here is teaching you how to get paid from that travel just imagine if if a frequent business traveler were to go on your booking engine and they booked their own trip three times a month booking a three-night hotel stay they did the work but you earned a commission of 151 dollars how many of you would enjoy that deposit say I would in the comments and just imagine you could put a link on social media and it go viral every person has ever booked on my booking portal I didn't even know these people y'all so what if you had like 10 business Travelers book the same type of state that's over fifteen hundred dollars in passive income now let's go over to you actually using your services as a travel agent let's say this gentleman reached out to you because he wanted to go on a group trip to Scottsdale Arizona and play some golf with his friends he'll tell you it's a group of four of us us he'll tell you exactly where they want to play golf he'll tell you how much money they want to spend and you as a brand new agent could book a trip like this in about 30 minutes to an hour and earn a commission of 274 dollars now if you become an experienced agent some of our agents book trips like this and it take them less than 15 minutes you guys so what I love about this next example is people are actually on social media proposing live so it's not hard to find some honeymoon potential clients you see hey we're now engaged hop in their inbox and say hey I'm a travel agent I would love to help you plan your honeymoon when you're ready let's say they hire you and they allow you to book their seven day honeymoon Cancun all-inclusive resort with Butler Service they have a great time and your commission is 561 that's a pretty good commission how many of you y'all would like that put some hearts on the video if you would catch that check and look at this five day group Cruise so family reunion 20 cabins or Western Caribbean cruise this is on Royal Caribbean I actually have an agent on my team that booked a cruise just like this because you imagine earning a 2200 commission now you may not know this but as a travel agent when you book cruises these cruises will gift a free cabin for 8 to 12 cabins that are booked y'all so if you can imagine travel is already fun but it's even more fun when you get a chance to learn and earn at the same time so when I talked to y'all earlier about that damn trip some of the pictures I was sharing while I was in Jamaica I was been in Mexico with my family uh Orlando Florida Punta Cana all these different places this is actually work for an agent I know it doesn't look like work because our workcation actually looked like vacations but these are familiarization trips we call these fam trips designed strictly for travel agents to get a better experience from a client perspective I had a lady say well this is just for travel agents to get a client perspective how are you able to take your spouse how are you able to take your children guys because in order for me to get a client perspective I need to experience a couple's resort with my my significant other right I need to experience a family resort with my family so agents are invited to these properties you can go out and find these properties yourself and utilize their travel agent Insider rates and get this you guys you will have the opportunity to eat the food drink the drinks enjoy different excursions and all types of activities and all these companies want you to do is to use your pictures and videos to help book More Travel how many of y'all can do that say I can because earlier when I asked you if you're sharing pictures and videos you're all already helping these companies but they're not paying you now you'll be sharing pictures and videos and your experiences and you're getting paid you'll be getting better educated in the industry of travel you'll have unlimited access to free certifications worldwide somebody say free in the comments y'all know I love the word free because we can barely use that word because you imagine learning about Dubai without even having to travel to Dubai online through a free certification these companies have videos they give you fun quizzes and they want you to pass obviously so they can earn money from your bookings they teach you about the culture the best time to travel so you don't have to feel pressure and thinking that you have to travel to a destination before you book the destination you'll be able to learn everything online it has a top um host agency we get access to intelli trips this is an example of a fortnight Montego Bay adults only trip that our agents took guys for only 99 per person not per night total that's less than 25 dollars a night to stay in this five-star luxury resort you guys may have heard of the brand secrets and on this particular trip we were allowed to bring a non-agent now I missed out on this trip we had several agents on our team that were able to take advantage of it we also had this until a trip it's a seven night Royal Caribbean cruise could you imagine being on this cruise and have only paid 399 dollars for Ocean View cabin or 559 dollars for a balcony cabin these prices already include taxes fees and gratuities you guys so picture this the balcony cruises sold out faster than the ocean view and you can see why sometimes people look at this and they just overthink it I had a lady one she said well why would Royal Caribbean give rates to agents solo because all of these cruises are our opportunity to sell right we can sell Carnival a region royal princess azamar all of them and I don't know about you in fact if you've ever been on a cruise just say Cruise in the comments so I know if y'all can really relate but every cruise I've ever been on I've never seen just one ship most of these cruises are docked in the ocean right next to their competition so yes they want you the agent to come on their Cruise eat their food drink their drinks have fun in their parties so when your clients ask you to put book them on a cruise you're going to share the experience that you already had so one of the things that really sets us apart as a host agency is that we offer these three guarantees one we offer best travel price guarantee that means you can meet or be competitor pricing Apples to Apples and if not you'll be able to offer your clients 110 percent difference or on our future trip and the seven years I've been with intelli travel I've never had to use the best travel price guarantee because the rates that I find as agent as an agent you know what I'm already getting the best prices and any of our other agents that's on right now drop the word true if y'all know this is a fact now our second guarantee is our 100 money back guarantee this is where you get a chance to sign up and sign up today get your 30 days of access you get everything up front your credentials access training opportunity to book your Insider rate or even rates for your clients and if this isn't what you thought it should be or if it's just not for you you have plenty of time to cancel and get your money back but how many of you know that this is a business somebody say business in the comments and the reason why I stress that is because it's common sense to know that it takes longer than 30 days to really find out if this business is right for you I mean it really gives you time to learn to put the word out to Market and brand yourself and think about it when you start a new job most jobs have 90-day probation periods because it even take a job longer than 30 days to figure out if they want you so the same for your business but here is how our unique profit guarantee works if you stay in a business for 12 months and you haven't earned more or saved more than you've invested the company is going to refund you the difference game changer absolutely no risk you cannot lose so I just spent a lot of time sharing with you all the details of what's included in the travel agent business now there's another side of this industry you guys are in this group checking out this webinar and information not because you're ready to be somebody's number one travel customer but because you're interested for yourself how you can make money and save money and travel if that's true drop the word true in the comments so the deal is that in the travel space there are people that don't want to book their own travel the clients that I've had they've had groups where they don't want to be the in charge of their headache group there are business Travelers that they don't want or don't have the time I should say to book their own travel sometimes people are intimidated to book travel to a destination where they haven't traveled to and some people they just will love your marketing and the deals that you promote and they will want to book your travel but then there's a whole other set of people that will see your posts and will never ever book travel with you why because they booked their own travel they enjoy the process of booking travel they like doing their own research and they don't mind doing it so how do you make money from these people what's through our affiliate program with Planet marketing where we have the opportunity to do is teach other people how they too can make money and save money in travel so we have multiple streams of income here with this business opportunity and I love it we have many of our team members that make more money selling travel than they do building a team we have some people on the team such as myself that make way more money building a team than booking travel and you even have some people that don't even participate in building a team they just focus solely on travel and I want you guys to know right now that that's 100 up to you but it will be unfair if we did not tell you about this money maker on this side of the business so let's say someone reach out and say you know what I've always wanted to do this for myself I wanted to I want to start my own travel business so I can make money and save money doing what I love to do they decide to get started with you you will earn a direct sell Commission of fifty dollars y'all in this example this gentleman helped four people that's two hundred dollars now this is weekly income if someone sign up you this week I by Sunday You're paid next week that means literally if you sign up today you'll still have more time to make the money back by next week we also have a 50 check match so all the people who you personally sponsor in the business they too will go out and introduce this business to others when they earn fifty dollars you earn 25. so

that's on everyone that they bring in personally so what if this young lady who went out she got two people to join her she she earns a hundred dollars you would earn fifty dollars but what if it was someone like a Miss Kyra Harris she's someone that I met thanks to social media she's been on a team now for a seven or almost seven years seven years for her will be in January and get this guys there have been weeks but she's brought on five or more people so if you ask someone like that on your team they earn 500 for the week that could be a 250 dollar check match just on one person you can help friends and family and even total strangers join your business here and I love that because we're talking all things travel but something else happens you'll get excited you'll share your business more your team will start to share the business board which means you will then be able to earn additional bonuses as you promote so you can earn anywhere from ten dollars to sixty dollars y'all from people that join your team no matter who brought them on so there's no limitations here you can earn as much or as little as you like on your direct sales matches or team bonuses and this is weekly income so we like to celebrate you too you'll learn that we are very fun and interactive uh Team here in the company but the company has made it very easy for us we don't wait until you have hundreds of people to celebrate you as soon as you have three active agents you then are a bronze Builder if you're a bronze Builder on a team go ahead and hashtag bronze even if you're planning to work on being a bronze hashtag bronze now go out and get three more people you're then a silver Builder you guys so that's a silver Builder you have six personal active agents and we are ready to celebrate you if you've hit silver go ahead and drop silver in the comments some of y'all are holding out waiting to go gold right we have our goal Builder promotion if you're a gold say hashtag gold if you're going gold just say gold gold in the comments and this is where you unlock more income when I got started and I saw this I immediately wanted to be a gold Builder it took me a week to get it done I introduced this business to a realtor she was very successful already had a great social media influence guys she had gold builder in 24 hours we've had some people to take a year to do it remember you set your own pace but at Gold Builder you unlocked ten dollar team bonuses that means now you're earning sixty dollars on your personal sales 35 on your matches and you're getting ten dollars for everyone else to hit your organization I remember one week earning a hundred dollars for 10 people that hit my team that I didn't even know so this is a great opportunity for you as well right so we here have a 10 match on all of your travel agent commissions now when I saw this I lost my mind I have personally sponsored over 800 travel agents in this business since I've been apart right now today there's 244 no 242 excuse me of them active right now today including the one who just signed up today could you imagine overriding over 200 travel agents so just to put this into perspective for you remember that cruise I shared with you where the commission was twenty two hundred dollars well if you were a gold builder at the time of that booking when the agent earned that twenty two hundred dollars you will earn two hundred and twenty dollars just a little further there's an agent on my team we didn't even know each other she found me in a Facebook group she signed up she got all of her training through intelli travel she booked a destination wedding in Punta Cana you guys her commission was 15 000 and I earned a fifteen hundred dollar override for travel that I didn't even book that's called passive income and leverage income I love it so another side of this as a gold Builder you get a 10 match on your personal reps Matrix commission see the thing is that some people will join this business and have no desire to book travel they just want to travel themselves and build a team so you will be able to match your personal reps residual income every month no later than the 10th of every month guys we get paid residual income this is where we're earning four dollars per active agent inside of our team now this isn't just from Agents that you bring on board you're going to get paid from Agents that have came to your team because of you and in spite of you right where your team will bring others on and with this Matrix even if you're a sponsor or your sponsor sponsor to bring someone in that would land in your Matrix and go out and build as well so we call this a three by nine team builds Matrix because it truly grows based on your team now to unlock this Matrix you only need to sponsor two active agents you have the opportunity to earn up to 48 dollars in residual income every single month now most people go for gold you do that you unlock the entire Matrix you have the opportunity to earn up to 118 000 92 dollars in residual income I'll be 100 transparent with you we have close to 1400 agents on our team out of nowhere near that 118 000 residual but it feels good to know that the potential is there my residual check is actually right at seven thousand dollars there are people inside this business you guys but they're residual checks are over forty thousand dollars a month how many of you love the idea of potential I know I do now we have another stream of income y'all this is bonus money somebody comment the word bonus I remember when working in Corporate America I would get a bonus once every quarter and I would look forward to those bonuses here we're paid monthly bonuses and this is just a company way of celebrating you as a leader so you can go out and grow a team of 100 agents y'all comment the word team if you're taking notes write the word team that doesn't mean you have to go out and get a hundred agents yourself but let's say you go and you get 10 agents you help those 10 go out and they get 10. now you have a team of a hundred which means that at the beginning of every single month you will earn a 500 bonus I remember when I first heard this and saw this I set my goal to become a one-star director even while working a full-time job those two kids that y'all saw in the picture when I joined this business they were two and three years old you guys well almost two and three okay they were having birthdays coming up so I had a full-time job two toddlers my oldest son who's Now 23 at the time was 15 so I had an emotional teenager you don't like when I say that but I had a busy plate and I was able to hit one star director in my first 51 days of being in the business thanks to growing a team so whatever job you have understand that most of our directors still work full-time jobs and they earn this income as a part-time income to them so our one star directors are guaranteed to earn one thousand dollars minimum per month could you picture that imagine income you're already earning on your job and you are adding a thousand dollars a month to it that's how some of our team members went from traveling twice a year to now twice a month even while still working full-time jobs well there's no limit as you can see here you can go all the way to Nine Star director earning a hundred thousand dollar per month bonus I introduce myself as a three-star director you hit that we have a minimum team size of 500 agents and start your month off with the two thousand dollar bonus y'all even have three six star directors in the company they each have teams way more than ten thousand because you imagine that this upcoming December first they're going to each get deposits of Sixteen thousand dollars a month now again there's no pressure for you guys to do this you get to go as fast or as slow as you desire but it is so important for us to show you all the ways that we can get paid we also have a presidential ring and Rolex Watch program I received my sapphire ring in 2018 just a year and a half after I was laid off from my corporate job how many of you know how powerful that is to be laid off from a six-figure job and to go and create your own six figures in your own business in this opportunity it doesn't matter what background you have what degree you have all you need is the vision and work ethic and we're going to train and Coach you along the way we literally have hundreds of six and seven figure earners in our company and we get these rings to signify our earnings our top three earners are millionaires y'all could you imagine earning 83 333 per month minimum and one of them was even a College Dropout talk about Game Changer now when we talk about money like this sometimes it intimidates people sometimes people haven't seen business models like this or maybe they have and those companies were irresponsible what I love about planet marketing is that we do business the right way y'all got started in 2015 and every year that I've been in this business I received a 1099 Planet marketing reports all earned income to the IRS so that means if you earn 600 or more a year you will also receive a 1099. their reporting incomes as low as zero dollars and it's high as over a million dollars so that proves that we are not a get rich quick program if you do nothing you get nothing so you have to go to work to earn income but that's not hard for people who are already going to work for someone else right we can easily go to work for ourselves you can go to and take a look at every single income disclosure statement since we've been in business so now if you're wondering if this is the right business for you guys if you're looking to build a legacy income for your family you can do it right here we have a planet marketing pledge so it states as a planet marketing director you can feel secure in knowing that in the event of your death the planet marketing business you've built will Outlast you that means that your family will still receive your planet marketing weekly commission director pay director bonuses and monthly residual income y'all this was the reason why I worked hard to get to six figures and maintain six figures because even though my husband and my children have no idea how to do this presentation it wouldn't matter if I were to leave this earth I hope not anytime soon but when that happens my checks will continue to come to my family y'all put some hearts on this video if you care enough about your family to build a legacy finally an opportunity where even if you were not born into money you can change the trajectory of your own family by making a decision to create that and break that generational curse for yourself so I get really passionate when sharing that but y'all again this is the turnkey business even if you've never owned a business before even if you have no idea how to Market on social media if you're not some tech Guru or you're not comfortable doing a presentation like this you can still be successful we have all the tools systems and support majority of our team have been invited to this group and so that they can leverage the information that is here so we have all types of resources to help you along the way now I've explained everything a I've explained both sides of the business how you can make money from travel and how you can make money by sharing the travel business so as always it does take money to make money in fact we all know that what I love about this business model and the price point is that the company has made it affordable even if you don't have two hundred dollars today you can responsibly save fifty dollars a week for a whole month and come back and invest in yourself I love that I've seen opportunities like this I was actually talking to our planet marketing compliance manager a few days ago I said do you know us host agencies out there charging people five thousand dollars to get started a thousand dollars a month and don't even offer half of the value that we offer here so most times when we share this people do decide to do both sides of the business it just made sense to me me you know I'm making money because I'm booking your travel or I'm teaching you how to be your own travel agent it just makes sense 199 dollars and 90 cents total for both businesses that means you'll have a planet marketing business where you're selling the opportunity and you're an actual travel agent where you can make money from travel and save on your personal travel with intelli travel so when you break these prices down the 199.90 breaks down to 19.95 for Planet

marketing and 179.95 for inteller travel so why we break it up like this is that even though we've shared a ton of value there are still some people who decide that they only want to focus on being a travel agent we do not hide that from you in fact if that's you and you only want to be a travel agent to have access to travel as an Insider and make money from book and travel you can do that it's 179.95 to get started 39.95 per month there are no long-term contracts here y'all you can cancel at any time but most people do go with both options to 20 difference 199.90 to join and 59.90 per month remember this is a legitimate business you will be able to write off 100 your startup costs and your monthly fees if you don't have a home-based business get into a home-based business y'all there are over 400 tax deductions that are available to home business owners only actually any business owner is funny because we as home-based business owners get the same tax deductions as big businesses you have a travel business guess what all of your travel is now tax deductible go look it up on IRS for yourself I'm not a CPA or a tax prepared professional you can even go and consult with them and they will tell you the benefits but for those of you who are ready to get started this just makes sense for you you can go to and reference the sponsor ID code that was provided to you and get started tonight if you're off for a few days this is perfect timing to Dive Right On In so here's the big picture and a recap y'all 30-day money-back guarantee work from anywhere it's an online business it's a phone based business an iPad based business it's a cruise based business an all-inclusive resort based business I love it here y'all so work any from any device whatever Wi-Fi is available and you're getting all your credentials today you sign up today you get your Iota your CLIA your airline reporting commission that means you immediately have access to saving on your travel and booking travel we also have social media training for y'all I've gone viral through Facebook Tick Tock um on YouTube in fact that's how I've been able to earn six figures through this business I train and teach all the ways to build your own brand you'll learn the latest tips and hacks to grow your own social media influence for free we never charge for additional training we also have an on-demand agent training so learn at your own pace have a full-time job work this on the weekends you work during the day work at night 100 up to you we have live and recorded webinars and don't forget about those free certifications as soon as you join your sponsor will give you a link to our exclusive private Facebook group just for our team of Agents we share trips in there we share fam trips we share travel uh tips and tricks ideas on marketing Flyers all those things you also get unlimited free one-on-one coaching even though this our team is very virtual we do a lot of Hands-On phone calls meetups as well as Zoom meetings so if you learn best as a Hands-On person this is still the right place for you you're earning and receiving and winning some vacation vouchers in this group this weekend but guess what y'all when you join our team you get access to all of these vouchers free to you because I pay for them for our team so you can use these vouchers to build up your following on social media to reward your clients to give them as referral incentives all of that there's a ton of value here for less than two hundred dollars again go to start reference to sponsor ID code that was provided to you if you're not sure what that is make sure you get back to the person who invited you we have Miss Teresa here in the group she's actually one of our 2020 club members which meant she went beyond gold Builder y'all she didn't stop with the team of nine she went and shared this business she's also helping us with the Black Friday Blitz Miss Teresa was an agent who focused only on booking travel for one year before she started building a team remember we said that's 100 up to you right but guess what y'all her travel commission alone paid her more money than her job she decided to quit her job and focus on this business full-time so Teresa loves traveling taking pictures sharing them on social media that's how she attracts her travel clients to her she's actually working on a bali trip for a group of 30 people she saved a ton of money on her personal travel but guess what she's getting paid for every single person that's going on that trip with her and I'm so excited to see her now grow her own team and help coach and train them to do amazing things as well we have Miss cat I want to see people from all sorts of Ages and backgrounds like I said Miss cat is a grandma she likes to become called Nona by her grandbabies she have 14 of them and you do not see her rocking in a rocking chair cat Simpson is a one star director she's a baby boomer who went out and made things happen y'all she said as a baby boomer and Grandma it was my time to travel but I couldn't afford to like I wanted until I found this business I've traveled more since then and with more luxury than I'd ever dreamed next year I'm beginning my grandbaby trips all 14 of them one at a time so cat actually was on that Montego Bay Jamaica fam trip that we shared with you she's been to Greece all over many cruises she go to Mexico like it's down the street you guys so you can build this business to be what you want it to be meet Miss Gwen I miss Gwen decided she didn't want to build a team she just wanted to focus on travel and she's one of the top selling travel agents on my team y'all she's been on a team since 2018. and Miss Gwen she's been on two

Disney Cruises this year she's a baby boomer but she don't have any grandkids yet y'all she is so excited she shared her Disney College of knowledge she's actually been on nine cruises this year she just reached out to me a few weeks ago and said Lawanda I think I'm ready to start experiencing and selling all inclusives next and there's not a doubt in my mind that she will not kill it Miss Gwen love going on cruises taking pictures posting them on social media and even while on her cruises she booked cruises for her clients and get paid a commission now you are joining a family understand that you are not just a number we travel together we host events together y'all we really enjoy each other's time and know that as a leader I often well I say often all the team trips that we've planned we haven't had any since the pandemic but we are planning one for 2023. somebody should get excited about that but for all of our team trips I always negotiate the best rates for our team and we are allowed to bring our kids spouses cousins sisters grandmas whoever you like to experience these trips with you this is my birthday trip a couple years ago actually right before the pandemic we paid eighty dollars per night per room for this trip you guys and we stayed at the Hilton fives downtown Playa Del Carmen they hosted a free breakfast for us they were training us they took us on a tour they made sure we were never thirsty and never hungry we had an incredible time on that trip but it's time to make a decision somebody say decide in the comments because even if you don't make a decision you made one that means you're okay with overpaying on your travel doing the work for free while somebody else get paid even if you ghost the group you made a decision to not let travel uh not for you not to get paid from travel but for travel to continue to get paid from you I'm sorry when I got this information I couldn't allow it I was already booking my own travel I was already doing my own research so it didn't make sense for me to continue to let travel a trillion dollar industry continue to only leverage and make money for me so but we do know that this is not for everyone so if you are a number three and you're saying No thank you we still want to thank you for your time for at least getting the information when you're ready to book travel get with the person who invited you here so they can give you the best custom personalized experience through their their travel company and if at any time you change your mind get back to the person who originally invited you and get started now some of you are number twos which is why we love groups like this you have questions ask your questions there aren't any bad questions because you know what we were not taught in school how to be an entrepreneur most people didn't come from families of Entrepreneurship so even though this may make sense to you you may have some additional questions and we want to help you get those answers and last but definitely not least we know a lot of you on here are already number ones your number ones before you got in a group you're just trying to figure out if this is the right company for you if this is the right team and if this makes the most sense for you if you are a number one that means you are ready to go you could drop a one in the comments right now you can say ready you can say all in you can get back to the person who invited you you to this group where you can go get signed up right now and go to start your and reference the sponsor ID code provided to you remember as soon as you sign up you get a welcome email with all your travel agent credentials which means that you can start telling your friends and family that on Black Friday you decided to become a travel agent while people are out here spending money without an opportunity to earn a return on their investment you made an investment in yourself where you will now be able to make money and save money in travel I am so grateful for your time you guys time is up I hope that you learned something you can put some hearts on here let me know if you learned anything and remember get your questions answered while you're in this group and we hope to see you on the money making and money side money saving side of travel I'm lavonda Thornton Bush also known as a travel Queen have a great weekend and I'll see y'all back here same time tomorrow

2022-11-29 04:53

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