hello everyone this is Sam from DATEC Studios in this video i want to create a simple business card i already searched business card in google and found this image let me show you the bigger version this is very simple business card but i think there's few tips here to show you alright let's start if i open this website as you see there is dimension for this business card which is dimensions based on inches so you could enter exact this value in photoshop or convert it to centimeters or millimeters if you need to convert it to centimeter i run my calculator each inch equal to 2.54 centimeter so 3.5 multiplied by 2.54 so it is about 8.9 and 2 multiplied by 2.54 is 5. so i create new document in photoshop i set my unity scale to centimeter or millimeter point nine by five note that one millimeter or two millimeters it is not so important just make sure your resolution is set by 300 dpi pixel per inches and color mode for CMYK in the previous video i mentioned that you could also use RGB mode doesn't so important and create all right first of all make sure you have rulers in your photoshop if you don't see your ruler simply press ctrl or command r or go to view menu and enable rulers also right click on your rulers and set to centimeter i usually make two guides to make sure found in the exact center of this document and save frame margins which i usually set for half a centimeter if you cannot find the exact value move your mouse pointer to the cross of two rulers and bring down all right now i could set exactly 5 centimeters here also for this corner another tip here if you dragging horizontal roller or vertical and you need to switch to other type just simply hold down alt or option key now your guideline will switch to other type and hold down shift that's it i brought my reference image into my document to make sure nothing missed if we analyze our reference it is very simple we have this left grayish side and some elements with blue background some horizontal lines and text the left gray side as you see there is some linear diagonal pattern and logo and of course text we could simply make it i bring my guides again if you don't see your guides or want to hide them you could go to view menu in the show there is few options like guides grids or smart guides by press Ctrl+; or command semicolon you could disable or enable guides if you press Ctrl+H or Command+H all guides such as a smart guide guides itself and grid will be automatically hide and unhide so if you press Ctrl+H you could disable them or re-enable it i create new layer and creating a rectangular shape change the fill color to pure black or gray if you click on the fill color and select the color picker based on CMYK i set value for c0 m0 y0 and for blackness maybe on 90 okay if you need transform your rectangle shape press Ctrl+T i hold down Ctrl and Shift or command shift on the mac and start dragging the bottom right corner now i could resize it to my desirable position if you check your reference again we have also another lighter gray version for the border so i could duplicate this layer drag it on create new layer or press Ctrl+J or command j the blue version i will move it to the right and i could change the value or transparency any method you like i think i rather to change the color you could find in property the colors if you cannot find or it is hard to you just simply go to one of your shape commands again while your layer is selected click fill and readjust the color or change your foreground color i set this time maybe fifty percent okay and press alt delete or option backspace on mac to change the foreground color to feel foreground color into your shape i think it is too dark so maybe 35 percent better okay again hold alt or option and click on your reference layer to go in solo mode and we have this icon here it is a hexagon icon with overlapping colors all right i create a new document and something like maybe 1000 pixel 5000 create again create your guides to make sure you're creating accurately i create a hexagon by using polygon tool click and drag if you hold on Ctrl key you can rotate while you're drawing if you hold down shift all angles snap so i will find my desirable value while you're dragging if you hold the space and start dragging also you could move your shape or any drawing region Ctrl+T and make it bigger actually, this is my reference if you check your reference there is some triangle shapes so i could simply duplicate my layer temporarily change the color and go to the pen tool control click on the border to enable points and simply remove some of these points here is asking are removing your points and your shape will no longer stand their shape would you like to do that yes so again i will remove this one this one if i hold down the alt or option key and click your corners will transform from busier or busier corner to corner so you will have a sharp corners all right i duplicate my layer Ctrl+T hold down shift key and rotate for 60 degree and reposition it Ctrl+J or command j or go to the layer menu and duplicate layer or new and via copy Ctrl+T again also i control click to select this layer Ctrl+J, Ctrl+T hold down to shift key and rotate it j Ctrl+T and the last part if you check your reference we have two colors let's simulate some kind of two-sided color the lighter versions and darker versions so this is light and this is dark i enable my eyedropper and click on darker color press x or swap your foreground and background color and this time i select my lighter version color alright now we have two colors lighter color for foreground color and darker for background so this is lighter and lighter so i go to the move command control+click to select alt or option delete and control click and alt or option delete as you see now we have to lighter version here i make these three darker control bleed or command delete to fill with background color we are too close except this part you cannot set the color with overlapping here of course there are several ways to do that i will do with a simple trick first i control click and move this layer to up to make sure the order is correct also this layer should be the next order now this is correct except this corner ctrl+click to select this layer if you hold down control or command and click on this layer thumbnail your filled area will select it all right now find this layer ctrl+click to find it if i hold ctrl alt and shift altogether or command option shift and click only the intersect layers will remain deselected now you could convert it to path or shape or just simply create new layer and fill with your foreground color so i create new layer and simply press alt delete or option backspace on mac to fill with that layer and this layer order should be fixed too so i find this layer and move it down we don't need this reference anymore now we made our logo, i select all these layers because all of them except this layer is shape if you merge them you will make a rasterized layer so instead of that i press ctrl g or command g to make a group and name it logo now i could move this logo to this document all right bring back your layers press ctrl t or command t and set the position anywhere you want i think that's fine and simply you have few texts here code pro and print design so press t or select type tool and start typing code pro make these types smaller and this part is white resize it and change any font you like also because my smart guides enabled from view show and smart guides and also we enabled the snap now simply you could set your text exactly in the middle of this layer all right hold down the alt and shift or option and shift on mac and drag to copy these text layer and write the secondary text print design i select them all and change the color also i think it's better to make regular or even lighter version ctrl t and resize it all right if you check your reference we have some diagonal lines here as a pattern or you could simply make any type of pattern you like to create a pattern i go to my secondary document delete this group and trying to create a pattern make your foreground color anything you want 0 0 0 and 100 for now and i start to creating some lines or rectangular shapes if you want to make very accurate go to video menu show and grid or press control quotation or command rotation on mac now we need adjust our grid go to edit menu preferences and guides create and slices or on Mac go to your application menu and find preferences or simply press ctrl or command k so i press ctrl k go to guide gradient slices and for the grid, i said every 200 pixels and subdivision i think four is enough okay now select a rectangular shape make any color you like and start drawing i think that's fine press ctrl alt t or command option t on mac and move it down any place you like actually, i think this first position is not correct so select this layer and set exactly touch the border of this grid so now hold ctrl alt t or command option t on mac and shift track now hold ctrl shift alt t or command option shift t for several time to create these lines and the last one select all these shape layers press Ctrl+E to merge them now i could press Ctrl+T and hold down shift and rotate it or simply you could rotate your pattern later with styles in your business card document i already tried but it was not fully tileable i think because the shape didn't cut correctly so i rasterize the layer right click and rasterize layer Ctrl+A and go to crop tool and press enter to cut any extra information now i will exit from the pattern preview Ctrl+A edit define pattern okay hope this time works well yes that's correct i think maybe 15 is enough okay as you see now we made our pattern and this based on style so anytime you could go and edit the pattern position pattern scale and even the angle cancel that we have four blue diagonal box here which is very simple i could make guide to create them all right also i need to make this wider so simply create a box change the fill color with your lighter blue version set any position you like i press Ctrl+T resize it maybe in middle of here fine if you hold on the control shift and alt or command option and shift on mac and start moving your borders as you see your box will skew so hold on the all control keys and set any value you like i think that's fine hold on alt and drag to make copy the middle is fine alt and drag again also for last part with assist of smart guide you could make exactly same distance but if you check your reference date distance are different which is doesn't so important now we have four hexagons and view icon here so i select my darker blue color and start creating hexagon and make these hexagons all right alt delete or option backspace to fill this color and start copy them i think this is and last layer the order is not so correct okay and any icon you like you could find from internet or ask from your customer or create by yourself it doesn't matter or even use topography with some fonts like uh wingdings or any other iconic fonts it doesn't matter i just create few symbolic icons to set the position also you could use custom shapes sadly photoshop newer versions remove the legacy custom shapes so you will find it by searching on internet all right and few horizontal lines and finally view text so select a lighter version i could use line or rectangle doesn't matter and any with you like hold down the alt shift and drag to make copy and i think that's fine now a few things left here is simple text all right i made this text as a sample now we could prepare it publish this file for printing because my image mode is CMYK you have no worries you could check from image mode CMYK also from your title bar and as i always offer to you to prepare this file for print always save as a tiff file so go to the file save or save as and set the name pc 0 2 select tiff file format if you don't need the layers so uncheck the layers save and in image compression select LZW which it is non-destructive okay and done we simply finished our business card thanks for watching if you like this video please hit the like button and subscribe for more videos see you next video goodbye.
2021-02-11 14:12