Delta river trading stetergy ll Subtitles Available Hindi English Indonesia

Delta river trading stetergy ll Subtitles Available Hindi English Indonesia

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and then you just have to study and understand what happens you know it's better than i spend sit down understand me my store no okay okay this is for the good of you understand i have a lot of mine idea that if you took it i do you need to understand the logic understood if he needs to understand the logic it is better than i pass this one over to you and you don't know what you are going to do i'm telling you showing for you that there is a possibility and it makes it very expensive here look here cover shopping a filter that you can develop comes from life got it it's showing sale selling so you better study and develop i'm showing you where you can do it you know the camera is better than passing it to you to go and you just start to apply in the right place you will say this one does not work got it now if you study i can even pass it we have the videos that i studied the pdf that i studied you understand a few will arrive at the same result only that you will get the result understanding what happens they understood there is a series of settings that you can get and i can't get it this is what i say get it get it the manual study man study and you will get to know the platform this manual is in portuguese not mine friend don't need to go through the same path as i did man and it's translated it's there it's there in the group tribe and english and russian understand me translate for hot photo you have to try to understood that you have more if you have this portuguese pdf that i know but you want something this is not what i'm only a little bit of you understand if you guys struggle to understand it is much better for you to receive things all in hand and it's all right with you that i'm doing this kind of thing but you have any questions i help you have life together i'm always here to help understanding but the manuals are all there in the group my friend volume isn't okay is an ar platform platforms platform i watched a lot of video too on the sky website okay he has a lot of video there teaching these markings for example the type of marking you can do things put here in h1 that you are seeing the kids are going to roll really hard here i can mark this one was resistance of course with discretion understood the support i'll sign with criteria now understood is always that i speak if you have to observe what i did will not do at that level look here look me i mark this volume here in the woods there and who look here look the insured insured and after unpoo my son has the money to buy buy buy that life cuba cuba so understand this here also look hero volume i will disassemble hero show me in the belly oh also that that same volume on the go side as the mining it was for you right now and this belly this bar in the vertical volume your bar green down there she indicates something there now change to retin that is also right roll this in this movement here i will explain to you and i'm teaching only essence for you you have to study it i'll show you this one bothering ice cream you must know delta was growing was growing the bar growing so that the delta decreasing or seeing here look decreasing losing strength look see if i stop here look she qualifies me for a life look at the delta that appeared as i'm entering her sale and this is where the strength of the movement is she tells me how much is the strength of the movement can be positive right instead of negative you jail they're the volume of purchase i will complete myself losing strength and if it is losing strength a little bit here look this big bar hero delta delta 75 strong reducing the force of account and look at this bar that she gave me volume of coconut here at the bottom i didn't buy it i wouldn't sell it here because i i'll never tell you this is done got it did you get it do with poo broke with a lot of strength look at the delta hero volume of 285 a delta of 75 until look i have clubs here in the gray has strength man has no strength is just going to have strength here at the bottom of bar and here there is a support here you can see it here and it is about let me see if i book for you understand this support one the green pair left i also saw if find a lot on now learn from my girl's channel i already leave here a few times that he tried by reversion will be left empty a cat writing they are trend in summer mod has how you operate the two empty rollers only which is the so from that day at home you don't have to know the exact time to enter look this is probably also what you are seeing here inside what play there for 75 billion i don't know what happens so abruptly there will be change and look at me change their look look it works look what was the delta of this 75 candle i know i know i was able to get there or others will always leave here until you are play with him so visual is visual a business for us to make an appointment so i end up blew down they're not 19 top because there are two dogs listening clearly there who is oi and there in there for example hear this here it's a rule of mine i wouldn't buy here on this candle because because of this volume here pushing the candle you want and mine even with this empty volume of it here too if i didn't have this rule here maybe i could get an account because i won't have an obstacle here on the screen you know i don't have this obstacle to rise only that as i have this filter i will not count it if my rule and it's my rule and look at a kilo of exhaustion here he broke that level believe 33 look at the both of purchase volume here at the bottom of the bar that is pushing me look up at the delta look at the volume hi all i look understood and here i forgot to say this here you can choose all this type here look for example you can choose just to see delta inside the bar that changes understood for example here you will see even another positive delta negative understood you can see only the difference or and the difference between the two understood and then if you have two the biggest download understood you can see the difference for example on this side here look and volume beyond delta right just this side here look volume width difference from delta ones here look different from hers on this side here is volume and on this side right here is a delta is representing everything he you can choose it here you can study it understood the role number of it and if i'm going to have to pack it a lot not ever i studied about it but always ready high and this one also worse means what is it here is a photo print understood that life is the difference of life on account that one that you look at horizontally or diagonally right you can also use this i don't use because i didn't study until i studied but i i did not identify with my beauty case easier for him if you studied i think i think each one of you and i'm showing you the options for you and there is only that i do not care boss comes with my cup you studied not the priest didn't get this volume all but it is all these options here understand yours is what would be my volume one you not for me this does not is it right is you because i don't like the market i want dollar the dollar forex the father hair i think i think this here i think this year would look great for the market in dollar i i don't have it on the rail there i'll give it i don't get it because it's just me silly prejudice because i'm not lost too you know i never had interest in the market i want to open and the forty deuce all takes a doubt here quick there is i use hatch of 12r and the next and the nutrients i don't have knowledge of rich not there like that then said to me like that if you use yourself the normal candle you have to use a larger screen with clans and inside to operate avalarmanati in the 5-minute screen reaches to operate on the graph of a minute whether it's true or not g1 and not for example here this necklace is the same as this one here i just i know what i did this 15 minutes i just talked to him what that's it by five by zero point five and this girl means i'm going to score one day here this level i don't even represent five points you see here is nothing who should hear on the side here the prices that are every five point semi-desert until you put a round clan on me you will change your daughter i'm just talking to him here it's 10 out of 10 points for me it doesn't change man it was important you explained it there my dear i like you to put an a single is equal to increase the scale but it will not be 11 it is but what form of three four five six days i like that m5 design condense 0.5 leave and one here 0.3 because i can better see my life is better i think it changes face i don't know 3. and i cannot speak because i am not aware that the plenty is a color and red line around my life back only take the format that are a little pink there's a different green zenio this rosie here is my filter i'm going to take it out here for you to see this is a filter mine is this here is the only one understood this square here look this is the maximum volume remembers that little train those beings that the gold miner explained there in the summer is this same boy here maximum volume of all the sale clan understood this guy but in this case we have him circle to dismiss and he sits down circulated nothing what would be the difference and it is here pay attention here here it was 52 was the maximum volume within that small 52 did you understand what crime is i think it was the maximum volume in that little thing left at 22 was the biggest roll in that pipe in this case the volume one the seller volume that within that cannon and that is the same enough of this pattern that i tell you and that you pass 75 percent of the volume is not for example if i mark here all this one i'm going to mark any little thing here and we will show when one will show one early hear the inside of the early the present this one is bigger as 65 if i'm not mistaken and this one is the smallest that is 50 in volume at that time until the value in numbers understand here for example hi guys i think this is the rate of strength of this volume here for example is different look is the male volume but the volume of the cluster centers i can explain this the thing in this 70 here he got the maximum volume of 70 with a strength of volume he understands the strength of the volume you do it more to give a patty in the graph right i don't like it i'm using two stronger just add to dish so that you do administration with the strongest volumes because in the eye your others leave it here look very weak only here not standard tooth anyway i understand i have better put that person there in the full volume that part that is bad delta will separate him to understand if this relationship of the march flight together with beyo whole friend actually i'm finding it here but very explanatory or better to understand than that other they're the online side i don't know it's just look at the and look here look later i explain okay talking about differences i want to see he wants c want to see what the square has to have a red square therefore example and has the delto volume what has to do because appearing square is seem a little more because there's that little dance when you do delta to the volume the volume the delta within the cancer in this case here is everything from the delta rio is different i can see for example let's just well i call it just force that volume understood and sometimes and then it for example he is 25 for 133 50 75 and without and without knowing what he totaled that that would be total of sellers or buyers understood not within that candle of this candle here this one all plants was 100 computer you are understand i spoke inside i mark here what's up and for example in this boy here this 34 the buyer was 100 inside of this level here you understand this boy who is four here if you already see if i can explain you better it just mixes strength to tire strength gutter here i had one inside this one i think she's 75 out of 75 inside that candle the clans that was 75 strength i just i leave marked the last two understood why are the two most important owen remembering that it is fully customizable you make you assemble guarding your face your things your way you create yours he can give me do i love i you want it you want the bottom you want is this little blue one the price i like to make the steel line red but i do not enable it these numbers here i left purple this is your color this is what time is the kendo all got it it's lady scan i can let thicker more had i want to show them just set you guys not leave it the way you want it understood more than the amber part here here are the indicators that you will see there we will see everything here is the maximum volume that i rate now on me you want vertical volume you can configure the way you want volume inside horizontal car this is the other one got it there's time they'll read a new one you'll see how she does the volume profile just by dragging hits how did she put the right et alva music law sees the the mascot mass thank you partner m5 which is the right button and always look here and he wants me not to let him he put it because it disturbs me but at that time his selection was this i have the right and schmidt and look who is mine i use the guys a lot here that we operate the dollar they make the lag you see what the belt is good but i use it for no no by you know nothing no beauty thanks understood if you don't have a question anymore if you said you have to study the platform that you will understand better but it is essence the kittens are these here in screen time right i want to show the only remedy even a screen time with enough patience dude this is all i see and look i already know what to do time is family familiar already yes i can be talking that quickie but i don't even know if you understand why i'm close to explain to me you know i need you to ask you to ask you of questions i will answer the best selling to learn this i'll know but it's there to do the installation that i i already looked in the face i will not answer you will not have to chase and worse that is still together man i hit this terrible one today there broantha head and try to understand but it was nothing okay caught you the other g you have to read at least one manual dude you will understand his platform their their shows step by barrier log out of tomorrow okay so people see only delta river has a video on youtube so at least say something then you go to the configuration if you put it on youtube and shows step-by-step translation a is a minute i think you can leave normal someone and if you want to put setting go there has help option help there it seems manual you put the option translate into portuguese to that there that everything you want to make this screen like him i am saying this because i did it too i already did it and look how you gave to sometimes they are even retained with her this seeing has nothing to do with it but it will be later but not him but he understood differently he doesn't use it for and when the pattern with a little bit with volume at the top of the screen you have do not support essential for me not for an entry in that of delta's situation i'll show you now this is how he said okay has some news that i also need us to be like him says how long have you been studying this tell people there it was two months now i also spent all this video on the business today i'm typing with you but seeing this has also because the graph view there what is it that you want operate and operate a breakout that operate close by you want to operate the mind eye i love to operate accumulation is because there is no how to scratch it but it has a great accumulation i get can he trend over there than i see her hi to me when the bank does not have the maximum volume of a cancel okay kiss read depending on the area is an entry point for me so i took a building i have to enter the question of movement a lot right patterns come here another one and laugh with delta i'm still trying to fit volume issue horizontally to further confirm my but i couldn't fade it but just like us milk i'm being really old is a lot of reading and like after you pass that stage there to understand what here in the market are doing because to give hints there to get it right not always because a fight between an old man entering and his will there but look here you just have to use the card to drink look at the account injury there i know what i do here look at her increasing also having delta so look at the god here look inside the with this one look a little bit of it here candle can come do not come here we'll have to go up so seeing this let's go there stop being not stopping at home on that same candle to trace if you have a delta 12 and 15 42 and 13 huwindy 2013 gives it to me no wonder he is on the cable there what happens we'll get 142 there to get there at zap that will understand just removing those zones where 126 in volume here means the volume of color strong there she was strong ready so far for so what happens you to come on the other sale was an area of 36 with volume 13 that happened seller buyers are already in doubt there i wait for what to fall again until my beautiful support to see if he is dancing in this area probably in the next and the next ring or belka bell with asking for the volume so small and the datagram will at least happen understand why sellers buyers are not making more seller flow i'm talking about the issue of these zones there we will gradually shape it because it gets easier when the guy is doing getting loose loose but it's more or less this kind of this delta e52 is because it is not in it can but you will see 5235 21 means here roughly speaking the sellers are wanting to leave the market just for two or wanting to get in there see it in the support and resistance area and enter in this criteria it's because there's a lot of things going to get old i'll do a little video there to see how something is a little different from your victory look at the resistance that i scored still understood the and i think it operates the population there you see it ready i want i want it to be 30 in this candle in this one and maybe this one it is because you are showing the tip of hers here we are not talking about breaking pattern still the girl here because we're looking at is what it is the fuel inside look here look strength strength strength has decreased strength you can see here if people hitch at ah well that's where everyone has faced i say i say it because he does it well you if you see me i asking zeus there my friend just talk only sent me to look a lot understood i didn't have that help either a kurt and the russians are all very thick old man they are not so even website donuts so i say this is for your good guys if you want learn this here you will not answer even did not understand if you have to hand over the manual even if you can make it true of the city then i understand all this here this line okay i see you hi there is so much that i i got lost this is normal as how i started in the group that i didn't understand nothing is not high mom then you start to understand there and transform today i can see a book book russian book an article that at the beginning i didn't understand anything old you that's it it's not a seal and bh the ones see the understand too i can already look at this this is what i talk in this gay group from the group of others but it's been a while that you will happen i just translate something and it's because he shows me exactly what number understood the world i did go i saved hear your use part right i had should but i need altair i would rather be right there to learn another river my old man is ready and look here too i put a little bit to see here an hour i told you where she speaks i never okay another 30 this one too i will never count these two together here i showed it i sent a lot of front there today and the group did here shows me in addition to a little bit of strength that shows the volume at that time went there and came back got a break bar and came back you won an entrance for me understood this is this entry video there you have to see it there man i didn't say this is giving me a break is not worse the video i'm going to clean have this doll i'm strong dragon one is already ending life here you have any questions there look just let me let me ask you a question but so they say they say that asking doesn't hurt right then you can't do anything because you said like that ah thinking for everybody's sake be you know more or less the way that everyone has to walk to polish to accumulate knowledge in a way correct to reach that level up to that point leon would be very would be a lot you put this to us 11 example topics first read the manual from delta river and it's the main one but it leaves music i wouldn't know how to tell you this because for example i studied everything man everything that comes in front of me but for example if i go there i face something for you first is to know the platform and then we did we'll know what is a delta the volume horizontal volume the vertical volume understood what that is a cluster there you go in this information what is a photo would i use the understood and then you will have some faithful knowledge all i know i already use it nourishes for a few days already i already see formation of the buyer and seller price already forgive me atlantic market reset it is it you have to get this here everything what is what is a divergence what is a volume i thought it is what is a photo client understood and you go on this information together but i can't talk with a headache so i already commented with leandra blanco with that we will gather everything we saw and we'll pass it on to people in a way chronological there my head there i was attending i have to assemble small videos but it has to be a picture the logic and then it starts and here it comes is that it can for delta volume and then horizontal volume and soup for later going deeper into the book in front of the example i can give a definition for you what is a delta you type there in the group that you will know understood what is the delta has that is a volume you understand what is a pop what that you will see that there is a volume of christmas this i think a guy so the plastic i'm giving you the kitten here on the road that i use my graph looks like this it's there that you are seeing with my wires and then we will mark i will need for you what i use you all fell into volume volume is where all this sans serif understood you you understand the voluminous mechanics of the volume the stance of the volumes interpret the volume the rest then my brother is the same as he did there in a month you were high guys high and thank you saw that i don't i have lived and live like here lying down saw beauty here look this is it i ask god every day i really show that i'm here for you i don't like showing these businesses not because i prefer my knowledge to you guys one and one already said they're in the group the prospector also kills history there and if it works it works very old got it then i can prove it doesn't have nothing to do with the boys there but it really works out between 60 already in the tournament i never have to do it just depends on you staying it's not how low my name is because it's like this i'm kind of lost in installing the platform if the boy just didn't understand anything today i already know how to destroy the whole platform it was a matter of 20 days just for me to learn everything on the flex platform came out then my difficulty was just installing it wasn't me it was my brother who was when he is there ready i turned everything around and looked up here for him to be a boy but i did talking about nothing i don't like in my own way now i think these things more complicated here for example of operational gates i think that's right i help you get it you there's no mistake it's not because like i wanted help to take in the part of delta's exclamation to go there but there is a manual manual that telling me step by step also sent in the group there is a little video you do not step-by-step fixed installation is not past it just right because it's just a request it's not him it's hi wesley drone same thing i'm not a story of the group is there and say it like that it's not just anyone drop this is the manual in the directory option in your example and the second option is the copy of folder 34 is ready i know it's even giving priority that sid man got the manual in english it's also very well explained there's no no there for example there is in group is just typing manual here you will find understood i will give a glaring one here there is no video there is video on youtube i was thinking about creating a channel just for this one just for delto but i don't have much patience for that nor time and nothing put this you want it only god to reward you but do it i don't know dude don't have time don't have patience takes work when i don't want to be known that i want to operate on my here and good i don't want to have bag management nobody understood me i'm sure i don't think this course would have a lot of money but no i don't want this guy either i can change my mind someday one more is for me is not wonderful here marcelo crazy here from mac ready everything was always there black guy in the in the volume group could one day the staff on fee knee times is the people who are starting maine who are already intermediate who are only advanced and the measure you want if you were advancing and it's jumping around in a group for example today because of what i saw i was very interested of content i will chase after nerve chase after translating that you have that translate me and my grandma then i will disturb you then there is no it's just ask guy like that i don't i don't i don't like i said type definition i don't i will answer you now you have something more complex i am there to answer this is a right forward understood for example this is what i'm talking about the person being too lazy to type what is a delta on google he will say this is what i'm saying so what thing she won't do not have to run after it yes that's what i'm saying send it a road there in the group and say no analysis follow for me please that i i already made face with janelson i already told you understood and my artistic i think that helps personal understood understand tide it's good here but i'm indicating toyo that painted too i want to have an eye i'm trying to clean this up here is the ultimate understand and then you just have to study and understand what happens you know it's better

2021-01-26 19:58

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