Day Trading Gaps for Beginners (In-Depth Guide)

Day Trading Gaps for Beginners (In-Depth Guide)

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Pleasure to have you here traders um in this  mentoring session I'm going to talk about   day trading gaps you probably know that that  would be my main strategy but you know before I   start with that I just want to tell you something  very important about having your own strategy   you know I developed my strategy on how to trade  gaps throughout the years it's not something   that you do overnight it's something that takes  years to come out with a strategy actually a   trader should have several strategies you know  what most traders I know don't have more than   five strategies on average something that they  specialize in something that they feel comfortable   with something that they do by themselves before  I continue and explain about my strategy which is   not really my strategy because a lot of traders  do the same thing all over around the world so   it's not really my invention I do take it and I  do tweak it a little bit but and make it ready   for me to make it you know as appropriate for  me as possible but you know it's something that   every trader around the world does develop  their own strategies and many of the traders   around the world have strategies that have to do  with gap trading now why is that because gaps are   extremely volatile so you want to have in one of  your strategies at least one of your strategies   has to do with gaps in fact there are many types  of gap strategies now before I get into the gap   strategy the one i want to talk about today i want  to mention thing that is extremely important here   if you do not develop your own strategy you're  doomed you don't have a chance to survive   and what do I mean by that you know we're  trading in the trading room there's several   of us traders there's several analysts several  experienced traders in the world if you're just   here to follow us and you're starting  out you're doing the right thing   because if you're just starting out if you're an  office trader and you want to look for a strategy   or develop your own strategy and you are basing  it on some kind of knowledge that we can give you   for example you follow my trade you follow  Scott's trades, Danny's trades, Yogi's trade whoever   and then you develop your own strategy based on  that that's fine but if you just keep following   us and do whatever we do you will never survive  you can't survive jumping in between strategies   you can see something very interesting in the  trading room you you can see that uh what we do   uh is different between every trader has a  different way of trading I rarely take Scott's   trades he rarely takes mine I mean maybe on an  average once every two days I will take one of   scott's trade or he will take mine why is that he  specializes on his strategies i specializes on my   so when I'm getting into a trade I know  exactly when to click the button I'm   flying with this trade I know exactly when to  get in I know exactly when to get out I don't   think about it I do but it's it's something which  is in my nature it's something that I understand   so you see if you want to develop something you  need to develop your own strategy you can't just   copy strategies of other traders I've seen traders  who just copy strategy for the rest of their lives   they will never be successful because you need to  have one, two, three to start with and then tweak it   and work with it and and you know adapt it to your  needs and to the way that you trade so if you are   with us in the trading room you need to understand  that our job is to provide you with the basics of   what we do but in order for you to develop your  own strategy in order to survive trading otherwise   you're just not going to make it seriously you  need to come up with your own   so why should I teach you about the strategy that  I'm using personally right now if I don't expect   it to be your main strategy or whatever that is  because some parts of what I'm going to teach   you today could be a part in your future strategy  and again that's my job to give you a little bit   of this a little bit of that and to come to the  point where you understand what I do better and   then maybe take it and adapt it to your needs and  your needs are probably much different than mine   you don't have the same amount of money maybe  you have more maybe you have less in your bank   in your trading account uh your your mentally  built a little bit different than I am some people   are you know like take more risk or less risk so  you see or trade early or trade later five minute   candles one minute whatever my strategies can  only give you some kind of basic idea of what i do   I'm going to get a little bit more into details  now but that should that should be your starting   point to build your own strategy so I hope I   was clear on that I hope it makes sense   and that you know you could  do something with the with what we're going to   learn today okay so with that said let's start  I'm going to talk about trading apps today and   specifically I'm going to talk about trading gap  and goals but before I talk about gap and gos   I want to show you uh the basic gap strategy with  which is in fact gap close strategy you know most   gaps are getting closed when I say most gaps  I would say 80% of gaps are getting close or at   least stock is moving in the direction of closing  the gap so look at the example you're seeing here   this is from today five minute candles CCL  started with the gap down approximately one   percent and as you can see the first move was  up at that point over here it closed the gap   it continued a little bit higher and as something  that normally happens when the gap is getting   close change direction and came down now that  would be the main gap strategy traders use why   it's very easy to do it's normally activated on  five minute candles you can see the first five   minute candle down second a reversal candle third  a very clear technical reversal you can go long   over the highs or even before that and you can  target the place where the stock closes    close the gap very easy strategy to work with most  people prefer that I'm going to talk to you now   about gap and gos which is the exact opposite a  gap that opens down the stock continues down or we   get that opens up and then the stock continues  up that's a close strategy which is more common   simpler to use and I'm not going to talk much  about it today I mean just the basic idea you   need to understand the rhythm that most gaps are  getting closed and I'm talking now about gaps   up to three percent and the smaller the better  like this one for example is one percent so the   smaller the gap the more likely it's going to get  close the reason for gaps to get close is not you   and I as traders helping it to close the gap it's  institutional traders institutional traders are   closing gaps the reason they're closing gaps is  because they are hired by someone to buy large   quantity of stocks in fact institutional traders  are 80 percent of the volume of the stocks that   we're trading so if an institution trader who's  ordered to buy CCL finds out in the morning that   CCL starts with the gap down of one percent he is  buying it until the point where the gap is closed   the reason he's buying it is because he's getting  extra commission from his customer he's the same   customer who asked him to buy the stock and   therefore pays him commission normal commission   would be around three cents extra commission could  be another 10 cents so the institutional buyer   who's buying now below yesterday's closing price  which means commission is getting extra commission   that's why stocks moving up and closing the gap  that's 80 percent of the volume remember comes   from institutional traders that's why they are in  the game that's why we're following them that's   why gaps are getting close now I'm not getting  into this into inside this into details but you   need to understand the main force in closing gaps  is institutional traders so having that said CCL  gap close is due to institutional traders why did  all of these four trades didn't work out the same   way why did ANF start with the gap down try to move  higher and fade why did the DLTR start with the   gap down tried to move higher and failed why did  ADSK start with the gap down try to move higher   and failed why did RIDE start with the gap up moved  higher tried to move lower and continue higher   I would call it fail to close the gap  right so all of them failed to close the gap   they did not fail as a trade I mean they  moved the right way they moved the way I   the direction i wanted them I'm not showing you  what happened later i mean i don't care about what   happened later i only wanted to see what happened  during the first one hour because that's the time   of the gap and go whatever comes later I'll be  out of the trade but the gap and go system works   best during the first one hour and usually starts  quite early it starts like in the first two three   five minutes so sometimes you get a chance  to trade it with five five-minute candidates   sometimes you don't so since if if you're  constantly concentrating on this kind of trades   then normally it will be a gap  and go during the first  few minutes and you will need one minute candles  now let me take up ADSK here hold on a second let me get to this point where we see  what happened during the first few minutes   okay then we're watching ADSK in one minute  candace ADSK started down I believe that was a   little bit more than seven percent now what's  the story of a gap and go well the first idea   is to take a look at the gap and see that we  have a very very big gap I will prepare to   this trades pre-market time so pre-market time I  will go over my top 20 it is in my ColmexPro platform   I will go over the top 20 and I will just take  a look actually it's not top training anymore   it's big movers big gappers and I will take a look  and I will find all the stocks that are starting   with a big gap I mean two percent  is fine I would just make different lists one   list is the one two three percent they could move  up and close the gap but then would be the the   list of the stocks which starts down over three  percent that would be a little bit more rare and   and having a stock is getting down six seven or  ten or twenty percent would be even more rare okay   but I'll make the list of these stocks and  today I didn't find a lot I mean I had the   same four I showed you here there may have  been one or two more there were I just forgot    symbols right now and some of them were a little  bit too spready or whatever so I was watching them   but I was preparing pre-market time in fact  I find them approximately anywhere between   one hour pre-market to 30 minutes pre-market I  will make my list but this list is not on paper   it actually comes on one of my charts so I would  have like 20 actually one two three four five two   three four five twenty five different   I think it's one yeah 25 different charts   about half of them a little bit more would  be short candidates uh the big gappers and then   the smaller gappers and some of them would be long  candidates big gappers small gappers whatever so   I'll be looking pre-market time for stocks which  are likely to become very volatile today I'll put   them on charts and then I have my main four charts  which I just showed you the main four charts that   I have on my screen are the ones that I'll be  looking to trade during the first few minutes   so I'm preparing with the the whole group of  stocks that I'm watching today and I'll be I will   be preparing as well for the stocks that i will  be trading those comes on the main four charts and   for each of this chart I have the level two and  the time and sale so I'm really prepared to trade   this these four, so one of them my first  three today was ADSK so right out of the gate   I knew ADSK is gonna start with a big gap  down pre-market time you could you could see that   of course things could change but it started  with a big gap down so it started with a big   gap down the first move was up that would be  the perfect technical formation well before   I move into that let me just say the following  you remember we talked earlier about gap getting   close and the studio traders are closing the gap  and while they're closing the gap because I get   thanks commission I did not get into the details I  would like to explain some other time uh the whole   idea of why the gaps are getting close and what  exactly happens with these issue traders now you   just have to trust me they are the ones of  closing the gaps they are 80 of the volume   we are only trading I mean i am only trading  stocks over 10 dollars and over 1 million shares in   volume daily the reason for that is because  institutional traders are not involved in   stocks under ten dollars well ninety percent of  them are not involved with stock under ten dollars   and they need to see  large volume so over ten dollars over one   million shares that's kind of okay that's a little  bit marginal for the institutional traders the more   volume there will be more institutional traders so  higher volume over ten dollars they will be there   and there will be eighty percent of the volume so  if they are working their way up closing the gap   or down if it's a gap up and they are shorting no  excuse me they are not shorting they are selling   institutional traders don't short so if they are  buying or they are selling and then the gap   is getting close that would be something that  they will often do and that would make it    normally a very high likelihood for the gap  to get closed and again you can trade it but   we're not talking about this kind of trades right  now so why do I expect ADSK instead of going up   and closing the gap to gap and go to come down  the reason for that is quite simple and if you   have any question please write them down I am  looking on both sides YouTube comments and    our training on comments here so if you have any  question if you have any remark to make please   write it down and I'll try and stop it once in a  while and ask and and and answer your questions   so yeah please write them down okay so why do I  expect ADSK to come down why wouldn't it move up   some reason like CCL earlier did and you know  move it up and close the gap the reason for that   is really quite simple institutional traders  are buying or selling stocks instructed by their   customers so it could be a big fund who told  Goldman Sachs to buy CCL one million shares   without buying one thousand shares it doesn't  move billions of dollars of the funds and so   on so they will buy large quantity of shares  now if they are instructed to buy let's say   there's an institution traders who was  instructed to buy 1 million shares of ADSK   ADSK last few days were going sideways it was  fine nothing was wrong and the same institutional   traders let's say Goldman Sachs who was instructed  to buy one million shares started doing their job   so they bought 100,000 the day before and then  yesterday they bought another 100,000 they can't   buy too many at one at the time because then  they will drive the price out up and that means   they'll get fired and no commission and no extra  commission and you know what commission means   for people who are all traders so anyway uh  they are instructed to buy ADSK percent of the   volume in ADSK comes from situational traders so  again stock starts with the gap down it's under   yesterday closed theoretically there should be  some extra commission because the institutional   trader could buy it right there at a very low  price and then the price will go up no normally in   the agreements between the institutional traders  and their customers let's say a fund there will be   the three percent clause the three percent clause  means the following now it doesn't have to be   exactly three percent it's normally around three  percent the three percent says the following if a   stock whatever we have an agreement I'm gonna buy  you one million shares of ADSK if the stock gets   up all down more than three percent stop buying  or stop selling because remember eighty percent   of the volume in ADSK means eighty percent are  also buyers and also sellers it's not just buyers   but I'm talking about the buyers right now because  it's under yesterday's low so the buyers look at   ADSK institutional traders don't care but they  have an agreement and agreement says don't buy why   well you have to remember that the the customer  who's buying the stock let's say again a fund   somewhere he's interested in buying one million  shares of ADSK because they believe ADSK would   move higher they are mostly fundamental thinking  they are not thinking about the technical analysis   here there but they have analysts they have  advisors and the advisor said well we think   ADSK should do well so anyway they started buying  ADSK and all of a sudden gets down seven percent   wow stop then kicks in the  three percent rule stop now stop right now   why can't you buy ADSK because it get down  more than three percent something's going on   we don't want you to continue by you you bought  200,000 out of 1 million stop stop right now   we need to see what's going on in ADSK I mean  what happened there again fundamental thinking   they they are they they have enough power normally  they have enough power to call the CFO of ADSK   called the chief financial officer of the ADSK and  ask what happened please explain okay we're not   the man well too much let's continue buying they  will come to a decision like in a week from now   they will have this they will have a sit down  with Goldman Sachs and with their advisors   and we they will discuss okay ADSK can get down  some person what shall we do we're certainly not   buying it right now with the open let's sit down  a week from now and decide what we're going to do   with ADSK maybe at the end of the day maybe  in a few hours definitely not now so stock   is gapping down three percent clause kicks in no  institutional traders well not exactly right    there may be some who are still instructed to  continue buying so you can I can't really say   100 no but let's just think now that if earlier we  had 80 percent institutions and 20 percent traders   actually not traders investors because in the 20  group we are a very small part you know just just   a fraction of this 20 percent 20 are more like  Warren Buffett's not him i mean people who   think like Warren Buffett long-term investor swing  traders and of course some traders so we are in   the 20 okay now that it changes now we'll probably  like 80 I mean we long-term investors and traders   now we are probably like 80 and institutional  buyers or sellers are now probably around twenty   percent and again some of them will continue  some of them will have a clear instructions   to continue buying ADSK whatever reason I  don't care I don't know but the vast majority   now is going to be people like us normal people  people who fear people who greed and that's where   fear and greed kicks into the equation so now I  have to stop thinking about institutional traders   I have to start thinking about who I have to start  thinking about us about normal people so this is   where it becomes a little bit more complicated  because now we're talking about people we're not   talking about clear black and white rules like  the institutional traders you know institutional   traders again you can read them clearly because  they sign the book and you know what they're   doing you know what they're doing you need to know  what they're doing if you know if you're a trader   you need to know what they're doing and then  you can follow or you can expect the next move   so what happens when stock is gapping   down let's say down and then we talk about the   stock that gapped up what happens if the stock  is getting down in a big way like ADSK well   let's talk about the people who held it yesterday  or several months ago you know what let's take a   look at the daily of ADSK here's the daily  of ADSK as you can see it's rather strong   right i mean it was moving higher recently  and here's the last one here it broke out   nicely recently it's rather strong so most people  think about the investor now forget about you   forget about traders think about the investors  so what would most people do so they love it   for whatever reason they believe it's going  to move higher because they are fundamentally   thinking and all of a sudden their beloved stock  gaps down seven percent they still believe in it   it's like your football team do you do you have  a football team which one do you support write it   down in the comments if you like anyway it's like  your football team so it lost so it lost the last   three games it lost the last five games  do you still support it of course you do   will you keep buying ADSK it's like your  football team of course you do you support it   stock is down seven percent you believe the  world of it you told all of your friends that   it's a great company you were right it was  trending higher and you bought it yourself   and now it's down seven percent so maybe  I'll buy some more maybe I'll double down people do that they do this huge mistake you  know when the stock is gapping down seven percent   it gets down for a reason and it's probably  going to continue it's not going to stop right   here it's I bet you it's going to continue  when I say I bet you it's going to continue   it's because it's very likely to continue it's  because 70% of the time it will continue coming   down but there is the 40% percent of the 30% that  it will stop here and come up which is less likely   okay it's more likely to continue coming out so  buying it buying a falling knife or catching a   falling knife is a is something you're not  supposed to be doing and there are of course   people who are averaging down their loss so think  about recently the stock moved higher people were   buying most people by the top you know this thing  where everybody tells you ADSK is such a great   company until you make a decision it's already  sky high and then you buy and then it falls   you know that you've been there right so anyway  these people are averaging down their losses   so let's let's go back to the intraday  and see what happened today with the ADSK   at the beginning of the trading session which is  right over here okay right over here so at first   the buyers kick in I don't really know if  they're gonna kick in at first normally they   will come in the first five or ten minutes  they do that I mean as a whole they do that   but they're likely to fail they're likely  to fail because fear is much bigger than   greed and when the stock is moving up it  accumulates some more buyers but then the   people who already decided to buy or people who  had automatic buying orders because of stocks just   fail to their entry point they are the ones  who are likely to get out of the game they are   the ones who are likely to lose again likely  it doesn't always happen like that but if it   happens 70 percent of the time like that then  you can probably make money that's what I do   so you want to see them buying you want  to see it moving higher that would be the   perfect technical formation there are some other  technical formations I'll show you I'll show you   soon but you want to get in after the failure of  the buyer if you don't see a failure of the buyer   well then it becomes a little bit more tricky in  fact it becomes much more tricky at that point it   becomes much more dangerous at that point so you  look at the ADSK it starts with a big gap down   institutional traders are out of the game they're  not going to drive the stock higher they are just   sitting on the fence waiting now so the the ones  who are buying again those private individuals   who are buying some of them institutional traders  could be are buying and then you the only thing   you need to look at is a nice technical formation  for a reversal now normally when a reversal like   this comes that would be the reversal I mean just  imagine now that I'm just gonna theoretically   paint it I mean you know what I do have a  painter I don't think I ever used it here no okay let's leave it so anyway just imagine  this stock starts moving higher comes down   and then imagine an uptrend now it moves to a new  high and then comes down a new high just imagine   this pullback here could be just a small pullback  in order for the stock to start moving higher   so normally if you are planning to go long  what you should see is a pullback up to   61.8 percent fibonacci pullback and at that  point you could start thinking about buying   you look for a small reversal and then you start  buying but the thing is when the stock is gapping   up in a big way like ADSK down seven percent today  you do not expect the pullback to take you back to   the highs you expect the pullback to show you the  high of the day that's how it normally is and that   would work 70% of the time because again the buyers  would usually move out and then what kicks in is   the real fear and the fear would take it under  the lows and more that would be your trade what   comes next I don't know i moved out I had to stop  somewhere I don't remember I think it was 315   i had to stop for the rest of my quantity anyway  i was out adsk came down because of the fear   mainly because of the fear and because there's no  institutional traders out there and because the   buyers were just there for a short while until  the stock finally came down again because   fear rules now if I'm going to show you  uh the rest of my trades today you can see   that things were quite similar with  DLTR and ANF let's talk about ANF here the first move in ANF again one minute candles was  down very disappointing when I saw this today I   was extremely disappointed I mean I was watching  ANF first candle second candle third candle it   was coming down I wasn't disappointed I mean  ANF started off eleven percent down I believe   something like that it started down it was one  of my main candidates and it was just going down   without the buyers moving in so then I saw  that then the buyers came in but just remember   if the stock is just coming down you cannot  participate not I mean it could clearly continue   moving lower but at some point during the first  10 minutes normally the buyers will come in those   people who are bottom fishing the  people who are averaging down their loss   they would normally come in at some point and  you need that so when I was watching ANF coming   down initially and I was trading ADSK I was happy  with ADSK I thought well I'm missing this trade   and then it stopped and moved up very  nicely now the way that it moved up   suggests that those buyers who probably thought  that the gap will close or they can buy it at a   lower price or they're just averaging their losses  they thought it's going to continue moving higher   and then comes the topping tail and again just  the technical formation first sign of a pullback   that then at some point here you can  short it so if you want to short it   you can definitely short it somewhere around  here to and expect it to continue coming down   and that was the trade in ANF I also  added once it walked down under the lows   which was a good thing to do because it continued  coming down and once it broke down under the lows   it gave me the it gave me the confirmation  that I needed to know about uh the fact that   it's not gonna come back up not during  the first few minutes anyway so it came down   added once it came down on the lows and and  continued the only thing you need to look for   is the buyers to come in stock that is starting  with the get down noise tissue traders buyers   who would normally come in like most of the time  they will come in and they did come in ANF a nice   technical reversal look for the technical reversal  shortest talk it's likely to continue coming down   don't expect this technical reversal here to  take it up to the highs again that would be   rare that would be losing trade for me because I  would expect it to come down and again fear works   much better than greed that's the reason you always  have to wait for a first pullback see the reversal   and then go short somewhere and look for your  target there's another thing I want to talk about   here I'll read your questions first but let's just  say your entry point is 35.50 which I believe is   the right entry point I can't remember which was  mine really today but right now looking at it I   think 35.50 would be the right entry point for a  short let's let's discuss that for a second but   before that are there any questions entry point yeah I'm just talking about that right now hedge funds yes of course such funds Leo short  stocks not all of them not all of them but I would   say most of them they do short stocks but they are  not the main volume they are relatively very small   volume compared to the big funds they are the  smaller players out there so yes they do short but   most of the volume comes from institutional  traders and I'm not talking about hedge funds now   entry point yes we're talking about that what  if buyers cover 50% of the gap and after a failure   what would you do okay good point I didn't  want to get into this detail right now but since   you ask it I will answer if you look  at ANF and ANF doesn't stop right here and just   continues over the highs and covers approximately  50 percent of the gap don't mess around with this   trade you can mess around I mean short it not here  you can short it somewhere where it closes the gap   it's likely to close the gap and then come down  if you remember earlier we watched CCL that would   be exactly like CCL again look at CCL don't short  it as it goes higher wait until the gap is closed   look for a reversal and then short it that would  be the best way to do if you're trading stock   like CCL but it does happen sometime for a big  gap that it continues higher if it moves up   around 50 percent it has something's going  on i mean it has an upside momentum don't mess   around with it that was a good point to mention  and that's all how would you find your gapers   talks at the start of the day Tim I have  it in my ColmexPro platform are you trading   comics or TEFS you you also have it though  so just just look for that I mean it's   there and there are some other platforms of  course that shows that big pre-market movers   you can probably find on some websites I just  don't need to Aaron asked when it breaks down under the lows do you add  depends I'll talk about it it breaks down or you   wait for another pullback everything is possible  here Aaron you know it you know I have to say   this not all trades are created equally sometimes  I look at the market the market's coming down and   I feel like I have the the markets helping me  so that could cause me to add okay so how much   do i head now 50 of the initial quantity double  my size you know it depends also on the stock   is it very volatile is it spreading is it this you  know i have to trust technique formation do I like   the technical information do I the market working  there's no really clear black and white rule here   but and i don't always add okay so it has  to do with with how much I like the trade   Zuhair when preparing for your trade captain  go strategy uh do you check the daily yes I do    check it extender for downside the upside yes  absolutely it's very good point you know   let's take a look at ANF here let's take a look  at the daily when you take a look at ANF daily   let's move to 12 months here okay what you  can see is the entry point right over here   the entry point right over here suggests the  following it's a good point you just mentioned   okay i'm gonna draw the line here that's the line  of entry okay that's the line of entry you need to   take a look at the last six months or so and what  you're seeing with ANF is that most people bought   it higher than the price that it gapped down today  so if you look at the last six months you can see   that most people bought it somewhere over here  over our entry point we shorted it right there   so once we shorted it at that point most  of the people here were disappointed buyers   if you have most people disappointed buyers it's more likely to come down stronger look   at the daily and ask yourself who are most of the  people who recently bought it the people who   recently bought it are people who bought it higher  than today's past now if the gap would have been   somewhere over here somewhere over here and it  just moved to a new high and then gap down well   people could still live with that because you know  they still most of them bought it five percent lower   it's it's again it it's the mental you  need to think about the mental status of   the people who are holding it at that point   what do they think if most of them bought it   higher then it's more likely to come down if  it's more likely to come down maybe you should   trade it with size for example okay so you  see where I'm going it it all has to do   it there's a lot of things to to think about  here did you have more questions here did I miss any of your questions uh can you  predict the volume of a stock before market is   yes I can you watch the volume pre-market time  and you normally want to see over 30,000 shares   pre-market time like one hour before the  trading session is open and when the trading   session open you kind of want to see more  than 40, 50,000 shares I cannot predict   I can't predict it but I can definitely  I can definitely hope to see it   I when I see a lot of volume I can I can  I can believe that it's likely to have a lot of   volume Yogi you're giving us money seriously  we're supposed to be paying you on YouTube Yogi probably aimed too much today depending on  the time of stock your follow market on sector   okay that's a complicated answer  here Mark but yes of course you could   definitely depending on the way you trade  you can definitely prefer some sectors   some some stocks that you like trade  better or so on but that's you know I could get   into this for an hour right now but the answer  is yes I do prefer but it depends on the gap   if it's a big gap like over five percent I  would disregard the sector no I would not   disregard the sector like if it's going to  be a crypto company or something like that   different issue if it's a Chinese company  sometimes different issue if it's a big company   like you don't want to see let's say IBM  gets down five percent it's not the same as   ANF does that uh more people would like to buy  IBM for the long term so when IBM gaps down   five percent well I'll be careful because you  know it could just gap and close and move I'll   when ANF gaps down it's a big company yet but  it's not IBM it's not Facebook okay it's not Apple I hope I answered your question I'm not sure if I missed more questions though   okay let me just continue do you lose gainers  and losers to find the stockiest exactly   exactly what I'm using okay so where  was I what did I want to tell you we went into this summer right oh yeah I  was trying to figure out okay we talked   about the entry point the entry point was  right over here 35.50.We're talking about  

shorting it at 35.50 and the next question  for you is where would be my stop loss   where's my stop loss do you have any number I  mean just okay let me put some lines here   this line is 36.50. I'll put another line okay the high of the day 36.93 approximately okay this reversal over here is 36.17

and I'll add another line I want you to write  down a number if you didn't get my meaning I   want you to write down the number where  would be your stop-loss assuming you're   gonna show it under 35.50 where's your  stop-loss please write down the number FIBO you're looking from  the point of the from the low   to the high of the recent  move so from 35.10 to 36.51 a cent of the high right down the numbers  the cent over the high the high   is 36.93 so if you want to write  down cent over the highs that will be 36.94   so we've got some numbers here  37 Simon said 36 and a   half 36 and a half 36 enough Tim  36 says George it's 36.51 I like the 51.   I'm not saying in the right place I'm just saying  I like the one over the semi-whole number it's   always very useful that's the right point so Mark  if you're writing 36.50 always add another cent  

because the semi whole number could help you  36.50 always 36.51 would be your stop 36.93 and uh in YouTube 36.60 36.51 36.90 okay now it has  nothing to do with your risk reward let me start   with that you could base your risk award after  you decide where would be your stop-loss point   in my opinion your stop-loss point  should be 36.17. do we have a winner 36.17

21 you'll close I would regard you as a winner yeah you're my winner 36.21 he says   because it's exactly the same it's quite the same  36.17 okay let me uh uh erase the lines here I   will just leave the line where I think stop should  be oh sorry I wanted to where's my entry point so that's my entry point and my stop-loss  would be like once entire over here   okay so in my opinion entry point 35.50  and stop loss 36.17 that makes it 67   stop loss or 68 or 70 stops or whatever   why would this be my stop-loss this would be my  stop-loss because this is in in my opinion the point of no return  that's the point of no return hold on a second okay why would I call it the point of no return  I would call it the point of no return because   I just have to imagine that in my mind   let's let's let's do the imagination game here  and i need you to be very very imaginative I need   you to imagine you know when you're a trader it's  not all about it's not all about you know   why did I paint this line now it's not all  about uh the technicals it's not all about   technically speaking it's a lot about your  imagination seriously it's a lot about   your imagination you move into a stock the next  thing you need to do is imagine the stop loss   and what do I mean about imagine the stop  loss look at the point of your entry and start   thinking about the failure okay so it moved down  a bit and then close to the lows you didn't take   your partial yet it stopped and started moving  higher started moving higher please imagine that   and I want you to think about the point in which  the stock as it moves higher in your imagination   as it moves higher is at the point of no return  think about the point where the stock is looking   higher and it just you just look at it at some  point at some price and you say goodness it's not   going to return it's done with it's it's going  to move higher now that's it finished I'm lost   I'm it's going to continue over the highs or  maybe it's going to close the gap or whatever   just look at that point try to imagine the  point of no return of course you could be wrong   but mostly will be right you know I don't  know if you play some kind of sports or you do   those different things that when where you have  to activate your imagination like if you're   playing golf you can't succeed in playing golf  without imagining the way the ball is going   to move and land right into the hole I mean you  imagine the way it flies you imagine the way it   gets when you when you hit it you just imagine  where it goes if you don't use your imagination   you will never be a good golf player so when  you're hitting the ball and you're imagining   and then your body follows and everything  becomes very clear and very you know   intuitive you just do what you think you're  doing so the imagination in trading is extremely   important it's not just technicals it's not that  if you're a good mathematician you're going to   succeed in trading if you know about the economics you will succeed about in trading   in fact I guarantee you if that's the only thing  you know if you're great in mathematics or great   economics I guarantee you that you're gonna lose  money okay you you need to use your imagination   that's why I normally say that you  know trading is somewhere in between   exact science and art really seriously  you need your artistic part and your artistic  partner is really your imagination I want you  to start thinking if the stock is moving higher   what will happen what would be the point of no  return I want you to take a look at the chart   build the chart in your mind watch the way  to move higher and once it get to that point   I want you to think okay so now it's at 36.17.  is there any chance it's going to come down now if you're not sure ask it seriously ask the  stock don't you probably think I need to be   hospitalized now seriously I'm not joking  just ask it what do you want to do ANF  what do you want to do you were 36.17 i thought  you're gonna break down under those what do you   want to go 36.17 and then ANF is going to think  a little bit and it's going to tell you well  

tell you what Meir is going to tell me I  think i want to go up I'm not I'm not coming   back down no not coming back down anymore you  see what I mean ask it's not gonna answer unless you really need to get this hospitalized  but just imagine your answer just imagine what's   going to happen once the stock gets to 36.17 if  it gets there it's just crying I don't want to   come back or maybe there will be a chance of 30% it  will come back or 40% it will come back it's good   enough for you to exit the trade when you get  to the point of in your imagination no return   that's the point of your stop now please forget  about everything you've been taught with some   whoever taught you day trading stop over  the highs stop at the reversal point    stop at the technical stop sometimes it is  a technical stop I'm not saying it's not   sometimes a technical stop and sometimes it is  over the high sometimes the point of no return   the point where ANF will tell you I don't want  to come back down that would be the high just   imagine the way it moves higher maybe it could  have been near the high but it's not in the case   of ANF some other stocks it could be and  sometimes it's over the highs so i want you to   use your imagination think where is the point  of no return just forget about high of the day   five minute reversals and everything  it's sometimes it is there okay but   it's your your your point of no return is what's  important your imagination is what important   your in intuition is what's important use your  intuition if you're a trader if you don't use   your intuition you're just not gonna make it  you're just not gonna make it that's it okay   so that would be your stop loss so if you have  a 70 cent stop loss where would be your target not getting to a lesson of risk reward here we're  not getting into this point right now uh it   depends on your risk reward like if you always call  this one to one then you need to think about 70   cent target if your risk reward is one to two then  you need to uh believe that it can do a little bit   more actually this one did one two three depending  on where is your stop if you got the right stop   you can have an easier target if you  believe that 70 cents is the right stop loss   then your target doesn't matter if it's  one to one or one to two or one to three   is easier to reach your chance to succeed  is better I hope you get my meaning more questions here at what point you think the stock is  going the wrong way we just discussed   that if it was 36.50 for this  specific trade I would okay we talked about it when mentors   is it good you think the stop loss or if it's  level where things get worse for your trade   that's exactly what we talked about saying  I believe i believe I answered your question I would imagine formula formation using  the first false candle first false gather   you know again you now look you're  getting into very technically you're looking   okay the first four scandal you see you're  getting a little bit too technical for me here   you get my meaning just imagine the  point of no return in my opinion okay   that's it yesterday my server trade I think  I remember I remember how I made twenty five   thousand dollars yesterday seriously I  think I remember that I wanted to ask    I'm just joking I wanted to ask you a question  about your stop-loss well not now sorry I mean   can go back to this one the faster  the failure the better the moving down yeah I guess how do you decide the size of your trade okay  as I said earlier it has to do with um   market direction for example does the market helps  me how big is the gap is it a three percent gap   seven percent gap eleven percent gap as ANF in the case of ANF I doubled down as it moved under   the lows I really love this trade and it worth  it so size of my trade it's you know it has   to start somewhere I mean does how much you can  risk per trade and so on and how much you can   I would normally suggest people to have  a max loss sum that would be your initial size   and then you could double down that so if  you have a max loss of let's say $100 you're   at some points if you really, really  like the trade and I'm not getting into   should you like this one or other one but  it depends on the trade not all trades   are created equally then you could double  down and that's exactly what I did today   what causes gaps when the market is closed  most of the most most of the announcements come   pre-market or after market time Adam so when the  company has an announcement it will always do it   pre-market time or after market so pre-market  two hours before they just publish their    annual report or something like that it will  always be not during market hours unless some   something comes out during market  hours and they have to disclose it if you stopped out and continues coming down  would you re-enter good point sometimes   I do re-enter it happened to me yesterday modern I  think uh that would be real that would be real I   could be if I'm stopped out and let's say  I'm i have a stop at 36.17 it moved up another   two cents and then it came down yeah I could I  could enter but if it moves up higher than that   I think I won't but again it depends on the trade  the answer is yes i could uh do you consider ATR   yes ATR is very important you should  be using ATR but you know when you look at ANF   with a big gap down you look at the first few  minutes you don't need the atr you look at the   chart you know the ATR you don't you don't really  need it sometimes when you're not sure definitely   use the ATR how do you decide when to add too many  trades as I mentioned earlier some trades are just   looking better much better depends on the market  direction depends on the straight depends on the   how big is the gap depends on how the volume is  so you need to come out with everything together   to me again it's very intuitive I watch the  chart I want this volume i don't even think about   okay high volume okay dodgy okay then it's just  embedded in my mind i'm training for 20 hour one   years when I look at the chart when i look at the  chart I see the matrix  I'm not joking I see the   matrix what you look at the chart and you look at  buyers, sellers, bid, ask Fibonacci's, VWAPs ,volume and you start analysing  this I don't I see the matrix okay I look at   everything it's like I don't have to  analyse everything it's just like I look at   it and I know what's going on I'm not joking I'm  not joking I'm serious about it I see the matrix   and then I'm not the only  one I'm not the only one okay okay so yeah we talked  about your target as well   there's one more example I'm sorry if I  didn't ask I answered only a question I'm   telling you sorry but we're probably not going to  have the time for this we have to end it sometime   so let me just move to my last trade  i want to discuss today which is RIDE we had a nice ride in RIDE and here is what happened RIDE was posted in  the trading one of you guys posted it today    it wasn't my pick i didn't see it pre-market time  because I'm not watching stocks under ten dollars   sometimes it is a mistake it's a very rare  occasion where i would trade this talk   like right it had 30 million shares in volume  where I moved in it was posted in the room   where it was approximately at seven then popped up  to the highs and then pulled back and i said well   you know I already have three winners how about  risking my money with another one so I posted it   in the room for a long over 7.05 if i remember  correctly and then we moved in right over here   and wow look at that huge move up so what the  issue is with right is exactly the opposite   we talked about earlier with about stocks which  are gaping uh which are gapping down which   are gapping down in a big way and then continue  to come down that's a gap and go now we're talking   about a gap and go long which is exactly the same  idea just the stock starts with a big gap up this   one over 20% the bigger the better start with a big  gap up and then it moves up and then the sellers   start coming in profit taking whatever again we're  gonna analyse everything but just remember this   you look for a technical formation so if stock  just moves up and up and up and up and up you're   not joining it and there's several stocks that  behave this way okay you just don't join something   that looks like that and then it continue to come  up you don't have a technical information to go   long then you wait for the sellers to come and  then they come and then they give you some kind   of a reversal technical reversal probably we could  have moved in a little bit earlier but you know   it was just posted in the room when it was around  here 7.12. so anyway waiting for reversal going   long and that's exactly the opposite it just goes  higher now please understand these big moves gap   and goals are not initiated by institutional  traders they are not they will not be in a trade   that moves from 6.60 to 7.70 they are not there they  are not playing this game this game is for traders  

for investors for people like us for people who  appreciate the volatility appreciate the trend   institutional traders cannot participate  in that because it's moving too fast for them it's   it they they cannot participate they need to  wait for pullback buy get commission it goes   up some of them are selling some of them are  buying they're not getting into the crazy games   and again it popped up more than three percent so  it's on hold so now they're having a meeting in   a day in a week in a month whenever so they're not  in the game it's mainly about us and when stock   is moving up that way just think what happened  to GME to AMC to Tesla whatever to think about   what happens when grid kicks in it's  not as good as fear I personally    would short more gap and goes and go long that's  why I had three gap and go shows today and one gap   and go long today so you know that's that's  really uh that's really the way I trade I    really personally prefer I really personally  prefer to go for the for the sorry for the   get go shot sorry um if you're wondering  how i finished today if you didn't see my   recap when we started training today here's  all of my trades today three of them are for the   short side and one of them is for the long ride  I also had some right some quantity riding after   closed when I closed the training session today  I was up 27 grand and it continued to ride   some of them and just finished 32,000 in profit  today gap and go strategy all of this is just gap   and go strategy and you're looking at my numbers  and you and you're probably saying wow that's   huge please remember trading is hard it's  not as simple as it looks I'm very experienced   my results are not typical and you know but  even having tenth of what I did today is three   still is three grand and having one hundredths of  what I did today with extremely low size it still   is three hundred dollars and who makes three  hundred dollars in 30 minutes I'm at 30 grand   in 30 minutes but 300 in 30 minutes if you're  taking it with extremely low size compared to mine   that should be a good day  right that should be a good day   so again forget about my results just look  at the fact that there's a hundred percent   I had today a hundred percent today it doesn't  often comes this way I mean my average is 68%   today I had 100 a good day exceptionally good day  uh yeah i use a lot of leverage I definitely   use a lot of leverage I'm very experienced  i just don't need all of my cash to be in   my account so I use a lot of leverage again  not something that you guys should do how long   did it take me to become profitable it took me  approximately two years to start earning money    you know on regular basis and then when I say  starting earning money doesn't mean I was making   more than minimum wage I stopped losing money and  started earning money at approximately two years   but until it became something interesting  it probably was over three years yeah longest grid shortest fear absolutely  that would be the best well traders   sorry I couldn't answer all your questions but  I really enjoyed this webinar and hope you did   too it took a little bit more than I expected  so I appreciate the fact that you were still   here with me didn't fall asleep I hope it was  interesting so thank you guys for participating   it was really nice to have you around and  um let's do it more and um have a good night have   a good day and I'll see you all in the trading  home tomorrow thank you for participating again   and if you're on YouTube and  you didn't give us a thumb up   that's the time I guess right i mean did we  earn it today please do that thank you guys   bye. Sure do appreciate it Meir. Thank you so  much great lesson today thank you to everybody on   YouTube as Meir thanks for smashing that thumbs  up button we appreciate you and look forward to   trading with you tomorrow I had a nice profitable  day today tomorrow is a Friday looking in on the   weekend we look deliver more of these here as  we grow the channel so thank you again everybody   for attending thank you for everybody here in the  room and we'll have a great night tonight look   forward to seeing everybody in the morning good  night everybody thank you to Meir and the rest.

2021-09-01 00:44

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