David Starr with Kathy Mason from Conscious Business Zone

David Starr with Kathy Mason from Conscious Business Zone

Show Video

amazing that's so funny hi everybody this is kathy mason from mason works marketing here on conscious business zone with my new friend david starr hi david hey kathy thanks for having me it was so fun last time and great to see you again yes well i'm still um needing your help understanding everything and i thought if i did that maybe everyone else did too so i was really really lucky that you had the time to go over the divine ray um app with us today so that more and more and more my people can get on it because this is the wave of the future basically david has he he was inspired through um his his high level spiritual connection to create this this app that's going to be part of the big change for everyone by making information available easily for for for your development your spiritual development so david do you want to talk a little bit let's let's go back to the divine ray app and add a little bit first and how you how you were inspired to do it yeah absolutely i was just sharing this oh and it was um it was three prophetic dreams one night when i was sleeping and it like about two months before that i was i had this dream that i had to get to 5d i had to get to 5d right and then there was all these people and everybody had numbers from three to five and we're in this new city this ancient city and then my number was four point five and uh and then others were five there were some of that five and then there was some at 3.5 and some at 4.25 and all these different variations in this and they said you have to get to five and so when i woke up i'm like how do i get to five and and then and then i was guided to that i have to surrender to my higher self and merge with my higher self and and i did this this one night and i surrendered to the divine i surrendered to being full service to and and then it wasn't too long after that that i got this these these dreams these vision dreams these three nights and how i i when i say vision dream it's when i'm the observer and they're showing the presenting information and i'm not a character in the dream so i always look at vision dreams as i'm an observer and i'm being presented information so they're showing me about the um the divine ray and the video the videos and everybody tuning in their divine wisdom as i'm waking up in between these three dreams um my guys are talking to me right in my ear loud and they're like and everybody's gonna love it it's gonna be exciting uh and then by the third dream we're all on a field and the sun is shining and it's bright and beautiful and everybody's happy and there's bliss and then this excitement goes around and they say and it's called divine ray like wow okay uh so i when i and then they they wake me up again and so as soon as i wake up from that i'm like okay i'll do it i'll do whatever it takes and uh and i did do whatever it took and um and it's out now and it's exciting um i'm getting a lot of really positive feedback but what's even the best but what truly makes me so happy is when i'm seeing like especially everybody that i know and even people that i don't know when they're making these videos and they're just these beautiful high vibrational videos because it is the intention for this to be the highest vibrational app in the world right from the beginning and um in my opinion it is right off the bat like these beautiful light language videos people are out in nature like there's there's just things that you just fall in love with when you're watching them um there's this one with this lady she's lying on the ground just lying on the ground connecting with the earth and she's doing this light language transmission while she's like super grounded and connected with guy i'm just like oh my god that just like melt in my heart and then there's another one where this lady she's meditating in a tree and this magnificent tree it says this is huge like it's an old old big tree and it just and so powerful the energy from it and you look at it and you're like i want to meditate there and like how what a great place to meditate um and then you know just like uh robin she's got these amazing videos with her crystal gazing and so you get all these amazing videos that are on there and and then there's also which is important is there's creators who are doing videos saying hey you know i'm i'm intuitive check out my virtual store i'm selling or i'm offering healing sessions akashic readings or meditations and activations or selling products so these creators are coming on now they're figuring out how to use the app to offer their services and their products which is we're really going to assist a lot of people to you know to heal their soul to expand their consciousness and to embrace their hearts more which is what this 5d shift is all about so it's it's i'm beyond ecstatic okay so i'm going to stop you a second just so i understand because i i signed up but i haven't done anything on it yet so you as a creator like instead of me being here on facebook right now i we could be um not doing an interview but i could be on the divine ray and then i could be pitching something to sell on the divine rate that's off the divine ray that's on a website or is it all on the divine ray yeah what's really cool is the app links you to the devine array website which is an area you can create like your virtual store and offerings and it's very easy um you basically and we can show it quickly but you can just set different times that you want to offer sessions what prices you want to offer them at and then as soon as you update it it puts it right in the app under your services in real time for anybody who wants to to book these sessions with you and then when someone books a session they get an email the creator gets an email and and then all the creator has to do is to send them whatever preferred link they want to do the session on if it's zoom stream yard um skype whatever they want and then they'll send the the person who booked the session the link you guys meet up and you do the session and and it happens very seamlessly that way okay and is there a fee for so you do you get a uh the payment portal is that part of divine rate 2 yeah so the it's all done through like um coins and paypal essentially what happens is like google and iphone they have these fees i think they charge 30 on everything that they that every in-app purchase so it's all built into the coin price so the user buys the coins um the google fees and the apple fees are all built into that price okay and um so the cr the creators then they set their price in coins so the um the coin values when you redeem the coins are a dollar per coin uh but when they buy coins it's a dollar sixty a coin which accounts for the google at the on the apple fees plus just um the for the ongoing developments and enhancements with the divine rate and expansion and everything like that wow so this is like an incredible i mean this project isn't just i gotta download and i better i better go do it i mean i've gotten downloads where it's like make this movie yeah it was like i'm not sleep until i make this movie because then you know it's got to happen but this is like a huge endeavor my goodness you've got the front end you've got an um application that's mobile you've got the website with all of that maintenance and storage and then you've got and then you've got a payment um portal so this is wow it's been over a year it's been over a year and the community's reached out and there's just some some enhancements that they would like to see so i listen to everybody and everybody's feedback and um so there's it's going to even get better and better and better i can't believe how excited i am for for some of the things that are going to be coming up but one of them in the before the end of the summer for sure there's going to be a feature where you can go live and do a stream on through the app like a facebook like a facebook live and everybody who is following you will see those streams now the the marketing hasn't even started yet so we haven't started marketing we're just getting creators on their content on there right now when we have somewhere around 50 creators that are offering products and services and a lot of light videos and we have a you know surprisingly there's there's only about 12 creators right now that have because there's a bit of a learning curve to figure out how to offer your services on the app so when we get around 50 and the contents there's like a lot of light videos and it's already started that's when the marketing kicks in so that there's a really good amount of people who are offering services plus there's all these content with these amazing inspiring light ripples people tuning in these divine moments that create these ripples is um of of uh divine nuggets this well well you know i i that was very interesting to me because i've been doing a whole bunch of work on harmony and clearing um a beauty of harm beauty and harmony and um i watched the thing with amanda lawrence yesterday and just getting in resonance with her energy i it like i had to go take a nap yeah really because i feel like some when the last time i went with what on your show here i was like well kathy's got really uh amazing i can usually handle it but no i think the energies that are coming in right now and then when you're around high-energy people but it's resonance so that's what you're saying is you're offering a portal a good news portal basically um because there's plenty of the other um the good news where you get to not like even even a lot of the um so interesting i i prefer to find out good news i prefer to stay in that higher vibe i prefer to see instead of talking about what i'm afraid of i prefer to figure out what i delight in creating because i think that's by cutting it well that's yeah that's that's the ticket that's the ticket you got it that's the shift yeah right because the rest of it is all um it's part of the old paradigm and um that's that matrix that that uh allows you get stuck on a treadmill whereas the other this allows you to really eat right yeah yeah so well so when you got this i mean this is a year are you continually getting downloads and being directed by the the your higher self or whoever it is that inspired you well they started giving me dreams to make a cryptocurrency for it for like this reward system and it's going to take um within it within a year it will be out um but because it takes time to develop the blockchain working with your internet your coin system and then you got to have a wallet so that you can store the coins on but not to confuse anything but um the latest download and it wasn't too long ago was to make it so that it's a reward based system so when people are sharing out light videos they will get rewarded in divine rate cryptocurrency and it's going to create this ripple of sharing around the world and getting new users and people inspired and then getting and then it in embodies the new light um you know um being financially compensated um for being in light and being in love and being and by sharing these light videos and stuff so it's um that's the latest download so that's the that's within a year from now there's going to be a divine rate cryptocurrency that's going to be a reward system for people who are sharing love around the planet and so before i shared it out and because they they they guided me you know to to put to offer a certain percentage of the company out to raise funds to develop this because it's an expensive endeavor and um i'm like you sure and like so i was in the source i was in source in my highest light and and i was just wait before i sent this out i was just like i just want a hundred hundred percent i know you're giving me these guided dreams and then the energies of zeus came in actually and started saying you don't have to worry about this this is if people are going to be attracted to it it's very important for the project you and and go forward with it the vibrations are going to carry it into success uh and just trust so i said okay right fantastic so so um do you have a lot of initial investors then is there part of your i mean you kept fit 50 or more right so yeah yeah there's um there's just under 20 there was a first round i um i was really nice in the first round and i was i was offering things at my cost just to get people involved to show them how far down the road how amazing that this is going to be and then in the second round the guys are saying you know that you have to have a value of a million dollar valuation and offer this 10 of the divine ray to people and what what they're going to get for that is the percentage in divine ray shares but they're also going to get when the crypto comes out whatever percentage that they own in divine array they'll also get that percentage of the cryptocurrency tokens which is huge so it's double they get double well and the cryptocurrency is going to be so big too yeah it's a it's a really huge really huge opportunity well and you're still able to work and do other things while you're doing this and of a family and yeah well you know it's like this is this is primarily what i'm doing and um and um just working through it all yeah working it working through it all getting all the updates for the app and because there's there's lots of features lots of future developments that are gonna like really make it even that much better so well i know right after you were on my show victoria reynolds had you on her show and she went right away i mean i i felt like oh gosh i'm busy i didn't get a chance to get something up there but i think she put something up right away so so a lot of people are seeing the vision of what you're offering and are jumping on it and i'm hoping with this presentation again and once you show people how to use it and get on it um that that there'll be a whole new generation of a whole new group of people that are sharing their stuff because people have been sharing their stuff for free on facebook and there's no control if it's getting if there's no way to know if it's even being seen is part of it and the algorithms are totally out of our control we have no ownership of anything so um you know when you build your whole business on a free site is that your problem so um but but this idea so can you so you create a product and you create a video or a digital product and then you upload it and then um and it's like a attachment or how do you want to do you want to show a little bit about the do you want to share your screen and yeah let me just um get it ready here i'll get the screen sharing thing going here so you can see okay yeah it's um the idea is to create these moments of divinity to not only inspire and help people change positively but for creators it will also help people connect with you as a soul and as a light of source and when people are connecting with you they'll also um they'll connect and identify with hey you know what what products and services do they that does this person have that can help me spiritually um so there's that that's what i was calling resonance i mean i really think that i'm like hearing your voice you have a certain resonance so if i was in a lower resonance if i listen to your voice enough all it's like tuning forks all end up at least picking up most of it if not totally matching and that's what um you know if people want to increase their joy and happiness that's one of the fastest least expensive easiest ways yeah because we're never going to monitor anybody we're never going to like um we're not sharing anyone's information like this is high vibrational app that is specifically for shifting the planet and assisting everybody in the ascension it's just okay it's very clear and creating abundance for everybody too like a way for people to share out their their wisdom to share out their services and create abundance because some some people find it hard because i got to do a website i got to do this and i got to do that in this platform with divine ray you just have to share your videos and then upload what your services are you don't need a website you don't need a lot of things that that normally you would have needed before and then you're on mobile platform that's going to be marketed around the world uh everybody's always on their hand with the phone in their hands it seems right so so it and it's in alignment with everything that we're i don't want to say that we're fighting for everything that we're anchoring in into the shift because we're not fighting it actually is a way to um serve in a different way than uh has been the traditional way plus you're finding all your soul family i mean that's what this whole lockdown time and people getting on the internet and and people choosing you know um what what information the ones that are awake and then the ones that aren't awake hopefully they'll find the divine ray and that'll pop them awake yeah yeah exactly and then people who are just coming awake they're going to be watching their videos and they're going to be like they're going to be like what is all this light language stuff oh my god oh my goodness there's something really special about i don't know what it is but i know it's special because their guides their soul everything about them is going to be going to be telling them this that's right that's right and the thing is is that um you have to feel for i think it's still a feeling um being in your heart game and that's that's the crack that's when that cracks open then all of that can happen but there is there is that and um it isn't oh it's painful sometimes for people some people start to crack open and it hurts them and they're scared of that but but it's better on the other side so once you start living in the heart space there's there's never um a day that goes by like they're of course your channel you have challenges but it's a totally different way of living uh and and you're so happy your self love for yourself amplifies um there's there's so many people that look in the mirror that they they want to fully feel that love for themselves and when you do this kind of work and you do this shadow work and you do the soul healing and expanding your consciousness and you're loving all things unconditionally and you start looking at yourself in the mirror and saying you know i love yourself and you totally believe it it you go to bed every night so content with life and you wake up every morning i'm so happy to have the next day in the next moments that's right right love and gratitude the the i do the gratitude process every night and every morning and even the people that um have triggered me i put them in yeah and they got it you know like because these triggers it's not it's another you know usually the triggers show us that we got to do more work on ourselves and i mean at first um triggers would always upset me they would always upset me and i'd just be like oh i don't identify with this person at all and then you know eventually you're like that person is me and they're helping me to overcome what i have to overcome why am i getting triggered what do i have to work on it right right exactly there's a i'm like oh thank you for giving me the triggers yeah well usually time heals all wounds because at the time it's it's it's a very courageous person that'll be able to see well or enlightened person that'll be able to see it at the time oh somebody's coming can't see him very well he's hi hi super kid oh good so should i put um are you okay okay yep i'm ready to go uh i'll just put i put it in the stream okay okay perfect so this is the this is my profile right here um now i'm just gonna move this out of the way now you'll see in the bottom of the app there's there's these um five buttons okay on the very end there's a person emoticon so that person emoticon will bring you to your profile now in your profile if you want to share your profile and say hey find me on divine ray you just click on share profile and then it'll bring you to a copy your link okay and then you copy your link and you can share right to facebook share it out to your friends and this while you're on your profile this little settings wheel at the top here when you click on that settings wheel this is where you can go and you can you can update your password your description you can buy coins this is where you can buy coins okay and it is also where you can go down and where it says my store this is for the creators here so you click on my store and it will bring you to your the website portal and this is where you'll add products if you want to add products okay well you click on appointments sorry i probably went too faster let me um this little three arrows right here so this will bring you to your profile screen and this tells you like how many coins you have how many followers um this is where you'll be able to redeem your coins we're just doing a coin update that's coming out next week and then you'll be able to redeem your coins it was a security update um to prevent hackers from being able to take coins because now every every coin that you have will have a key and it'll all be tracked and everything so that was the security we did here so you click on the the three um buttons here and then you go to appointments let's say and then the appointment section you got your schedule sunday monday tuesday wednesday thursday so this is where you create let's say you don't want to work on sunday or saturday so you want to do something on monday so you click on monday and then you'll see right here it says to add slots and these are the times that you want to offer sessions so let's say on mondays you know you just want to wake up and have a coffee or tea and get ready and then start offering things at 10 a.m so you start saying i want my start sessions to start at 10 a.m okay and then you know um and then you just want to go and where your last session ends at 4 p.m

okay you click on that appointment rate let's just say it's 88 just because it's a nice number of unity and okay so question a quick question time is that your time so your time so you're central um yeah so mice so there's a was it there's an update coming out next week now this is going to like be like the holy grail for spiritual people because everybody's always fighting time zones and everything so frustrating so the update that i have coming out next week and i think it's coming out like um monday or tuesday is when i save it in my time in the app it shows it in your time so whatever yes so there's no more confusion on time zones um so this is going to be if you want to do half an hour sessions or an hour sessions and then um we just have it as spiritual or psychic readings like psychic you're going to be more like your tarot cards spiritual is going to be could be like life coaching healing sessions and then um on the app the time zone is going to come out um next week is just going to this is going to be your time zone it will automatically be your your your time zone and you won't pull it once you register it'll take it from your profile yeah it automatically figures it look okay so i saw in a screen before that you were connected to facebook are you gonna connect to other social media platforms yeah you can you can share it out right now to your facebook and you'll be able to copy the links and share them onto any of your social media platforms the um the one that um where you have to copy videos is instagram so instagram but you can still put the link to your video in instagram so you can really share it out to any of your social media so you see how now it's it's created all these different time slots yeah um so it's already created a schedule but you might be like you know what i don't want to offer a session at lunch so you might just want to delete that um session at lunch there cool okay and so we'll just click on that so that session's gone and then you just go through your the your week on tuesdays you want to offer this um you know maybe on tuesdays you just want to do a short time let me just make it so it's easier to see you just want to do uh like a little um 12 lunch hour time to um until two you just want to offer a couple sessions because and this is like this is what the whole new age is about it's about um you know working what you want to work and being in abundance and being supported in that and then so again this is um just going to automatically do the time zone for you so then you create that so that then it offers these times that's perfect okay this will carry out i think it carries out for uh almost like almost over a month maybe like a month and a half of schedules it creates for you like it just keeps looping this pattern so if you don't want like let's say it's sunday and you're like next week i got things on tuesday i gotta do um so just clear just clear the slots just clear them then you clear your schedule um so we'll just go here now and that's um if you go back and you go and you click on the three points here now for activations and meditations you can put links to your youtube on here now so the really cool thing about this is you can offer some for free and then and then share on your media hey like and this is what i did i go hey i got this amazing activation for removing curses and negative energies and it's free in the divine ray app and so then when they go on to your store and they see this one that's for free they'll also see all of the other ones that you're you're charging for so uh and you give people extra value so they get to get a taste of what you have to offer and then they have a choice to purchase other activations and meditations now the other the other one here is products but i'll just go i'll show you how easy it is to in a second here right now on products you got to upload your your own picture you title it and enter the description and then whatever product or picture that you're selling it will upload it right onto the it could be a piece of art and i'll show you robin's because she's done an amazing and like with showing her art on hers and and i'll show you how that all works so that that it's very simple but right now people can't buy your can't buy your products through the app but on a future update they will once we figure out the global logistics but right because we got to figure out partials weights and costs all around the world and it's just going to take some time to develop that future if it's digital even downloads how you're going to get it yeah the downloads and the activations are immediate you can sell all of that i'm just basically not no sorry not right now um so the the downloads and the meditations you can buy the sessions you can buy all through the apps the products they'll be able to inquire with you right now so they'll be able to message you saying hey i want to buy it can you give me a price shipped to um chicago and then the per and then like robin will will or whoever selling a piece of art will figure out how much it is to ship this out and give the person a price and they'll have to transact privately but before the end of the summer it's going to all calculate and automate so you're just going to get an order for this product and and it will all do it automatically for you but i just want to show on the activations and the meditations when you go to add one you just click on this little plus sign right here and now right here you have a meditations leak so you can choose a file but it gives you like a um a limit here so it's very restrictive on how big of a file so it's always easier to upload like a youtube link or something so if you what's really good for your for the youtube videos that you do or you can do a link if you want to upload a link on your um on your google drive but if you do if you do a youtube link you just you just put it to unlisted and then on your youtube so that you know because if you're selling if it's free then you can just put the link it doesn't matter but if you're if you're selling a youtube video because it's great and amazing and activating just put it to unlisted because it's not fair um for people to pay for a youtube video when they can just go and watch it for free right on your youtube so if you put it to unlisted and then you can charge a price for it and title it put your description now i just want to show you what this means here um so we'll quickly go over to the app now um and i'm just going to go back now to looking for people and connecting with people now you see this little uh thought dot here with the three little dots in the circle when you click on that that and you go at the top this is how you can find people so if i want to look for robin nicole i click on her and then you can follow her now you'll see everybody when you're searching other people they have the services tab under here these are all the videos that robin has created so we go click on services and i wanted to show you what robin's physical products she has so many amazing art pieces on here that she's put on here yeah no you know if this if the flower of life one really when the crystal grid really resonates with you and you want to buy it when you click on the buy it right now it will bring you to message robin and it'll say hey i want to buy this ceramic crystal grid amazing and then they can transact eventually it's just by the end of the summer they're just going to be able to buy it and the robin will just ship it but um appointment bookings for robin's offering sessions here on sundays so you can book appointments with her okay and now to show you what happens here when you book an appointment let's say you click book now this is a thing so people don't get sued so we put us for entertainment purposes only because it's going around the world and we don't want any of the creators being sued by anybody saying that that they their life wasn't changed they were promised that you know what whatever it was so there's just a disclaimer here is it more for protection then you enter in your name your email address twice and it will send you an email and it will send robin an email and then that will happen and then we look at robin's activations and meditations so you see the coins but i thought you said you could buy with coins or with um paypal um well the paypal is for redeeming the coins so uh okay yeah everything's coins you just go over to um this uh back to your home page right here and then you go up to the settings wheel and you just go you click the buy coins and it'll show you you know 16 or 10 coins so again it's uh a dollar 60 per coin essentially us for every coin that you buy and um so we're going back to um this button here well i think i'm following robin on here already so i'll just click on her so you you follow everybody and then you click on them you can message them but again going back to the services and the activations and the meditations so you see robin can say hey i got this guidance on the divine ray app it's free check it out on my profile share her link and then people will also see she's got the crystal activation that they they can watch this meditation for 13 coins or she's got this healing chamber one and it's only five coin connecting to inner earth only five coins um she's so she has all these amazing activations and all this work that she's done and she's been guided to do on these videos to bring out new earth light and innovative concepts and now people can connect to it and buy it and then so this is that is the creator side and then you can you can message people on here there's a bunch of messages here i'm talking a bunch of people here and then on this plus side this is where you can you can either press record and make a video or you can upload a video when you you'll see here you can add on a sound add on a song to your video you record the video wow or you can upload upload videos that are under a minute a minute or under okay and um and when you save them what happens i'll just give you an idea so this will take some time to download here uh so when you save them then you it gives you you title them and you save them to what that what it is and this one here here this is like a portal machine that i got from an atlantis akash but i'll show you exactly how it turns out once you save them and so this is this is how that one turned out now this one is a an abundance portal manifestation machine i was putting in all the ancient symbols the ankh the tree of life the um like flower of life all of the ancient symbols into here to activate manifestations so when people put their intentions into this video is going to amplify to create the reality that much more than by itself because crystals can amplify and this is a portal machine but if i go to robin's video or even more important here if you click on this one right here that one free so that one's showing up in your yeah this profile picture exactly and so this is this is the divine ray now when you log into divine ray they'll bring you here i know bring you to all these divine moments this is what this is going to shift everybody and then you scroll through and get activated by video after video this is where the magic happens this is where everyone's chakras start expanding their hearts expanding they get activated by all these amazing light workers this lady's in melbourne shasta right now just and then morning star here offering her divine intuitive intuitive i work with grandmother right so you get a chance to really connect with people it's so wonderful to be on divine range and then there's just this amazing look look the rainbow energy doing the light lying which in the rainbow energies and that's the rainbow energies you can see like the rainbow energies you can't see that's happening that she's transmitting moving her hands around she's she's got her hand in a whole rainbow right now doing light language it's amazing [Music] i just love it this was the one i was talking about we're just still on the ground just grounding doing light language so special like these moments they're they're priceless all these moments are priceless this is showing off his heart here this amazing heart with unity channels [Music] and you can share this to anybody on your medias and private messages and it's just so much high vibrational energy that's in here this is shifting the planet this is really going to help shift the planet um and help humanity during the awakening so we want as many people as possible to this country you're assuming that you so everybody everybody that's on here doesn't have to go through a vetting process at all they just put it on there and and you're trusting that it's all going to be appropriate or well we have we have there is there is like we do have policies on what you're like um one of our policies is not like posting politics and things that are lower vibrational to keep it high vibrational uh um but or nudity or profanity or or and there's certain filters that will just stop things from being able to happen but if if somebody's being verbally abusive or racist or anything the videos are monitored and there's positions called moderators that and these videos will get deleted they're just they're not welcomed on the app okay um denise yeah i just looked on facebook denise asked um if there you could put spaces between the sessions or at all i mean is there like an hour and then a 15 minute or is there is there breaks between that's what she asked is curious if you can put space between the sessions so they're not back-to-back um yeah i mean it would be right now it's just half an hour hour like and you can delete you can delete a uh space so like you can maybe maybe maybe do a certain time where you do a couple one hour session so this so you just have to spend you just have this please i'm on call right now please no yelling so you'll just have to um create the space so maybe you'll just you'll have two out one hour sessions and then just instead of starting it right away you you just delete the the one hour session in between the second and the third so you give yourself an hour space or you can spend more time really on your schedule and just really do it like these are your two spaces and under your next start time is going to be here so a lot of the readings i do i do two hours i don't do one hours is there a possibility to do two hours not rate on this version it's one hour one hour right now okay it would be i mean you could you could say that a person has to book two sessions right now to get the full session or you know what because ultimately you're doing the time you're doing the time anyways when you send them the uh when you send them the link so you can say it does say one hour session on here but my price is actually for two hours so when you send them the link on the email back you can say this is actually a two-hour session okay you can explain that on your video if you want as well so you can yeah you can do two-hour sessions it's just the way that it's represented right now it's only going to look like one hour okay okay um so this is i was actually here recording this in this moment with ariah which is really cool i was opening up recording her and after we took all these pictures that's in the shasta falls right there yeah there were all this rainbow energy around and there was six and that water super high vibrational so like you can do all these hello beautiful souls it's up to you what you want to do right like it's and how people connect hey guys i'm very briefly going to perform to a song right now i did and it was channeled a few years ago i created a knob of life um for this healing and activation obviously not everyone is drawn to lots of life because they can't physically see it so yeah so this is like or you just want to do a song and channel some lately [Music] it's fun right yeah he's got a funny one like uh where is it going to follow him because i just love it i just love it and you fall in love with all these all these different opportunities here so i'm just going to um go back to the stop shooter this is apple and android i baby doll um yeah apple android and um it's um so it covers the all the all the phones out there basically and it's free it's free for them this is how this abundance works so it's free for everybody to download it's free for everybody to create there's no fees um the transactions are in coins and divine ray does well when there's more creators and more people offering services and also in the in the long run like in the future um a good percentage of our profits are going to be going into community voter programs for other divine projects that we're going to partner with to invest in to just perpetuate abundance perpetuate change change systems create the new earth with the light workers with the community with everybody like this is why we're here so um we're following in our hearts and we're just going to try to create not try we are going to create and shift everything we're not trying to do anything so people are saying how exciting um somebody said maureen moore said hello i'm just getting started building my page with devine ray really enjoying it and all that others share and offer so what i think it's really interesting that uh clubhouse is started uh almost at the same time you're doing yours and what's interesting is that um i i in the past um almost everybody i've worked with we've created physical products or then digital products but it's been you know i wanted on my hard drive whereas like clubhouse you can hear a great presentation but you lost it there's you they're talking and there's no way to record it and it's it was like if you didn't take notes you lost it and and your phone app too it's more about state change a lot of it is it so if if people are doing videos that are a minute or under um how are they using it to teach in a minute or under well you connect your divine moments and your longer videos are going to be in your activations meditation section so you can have life coaching ones there your youtubes you can give them some like if someone's doing a life coaching program that's let's say 12 12 sessions let's just say they might give away the first one for free in the app and they might say hey check out my life coaching the first session is free you're going to love it it's in my divine right app under my services activations and meditations so people will check it out and they'll watch it and then they'll be like oh my god this shifted something within me and then they'll buy the other the next session and then they'll buy the next session and they'll buy the next session okay and those are where the longer videos will go so the short videos are for your divine moments to really shift people and capture people and create those ripples and that connection and just shining your light right and then your longer videos are going to be in your meditations and activation section yeah no it's great it's great it's great so so how can we we want everyone to know about it and to go in and start playing around um but is there anything else that we can do to help you get get this party started well if anyone wants to get on the ground floor investment um we're over 10 now over our investment goal so they can email divinerateinc at gmail.com or they could private message me davidstar on the facebook messenger that's a great way to support it's also a great way for a ground floor opportunity of of really some serious abundance and then the but also the abundance and creating in the app and just get out there put your put your because we want we really want the light workers to create and offer their sessions in there we want them to be abundant create their own schedules and start offering it in the app because we can't put the marketing ahead of that so we got to get the the creators out there putting their content up from their services all this amazing videos and then we start the marketing and that's when it starts getting exciting because we get really out there and people just they'll just wake up they'll put they'll put their certain monies into the uh values on their activations meditations their life coaching and they'll just wake up one morning with like a thousand coins from 10 different people who've just bought their life coaching or their healing activation videos and those wake up and i'll just be like this is how it should be right right yeah because really truly i tell my customers all the time people are buying your energy and now you've created something where they really are it that the whole premise of it is buying somebody's energy the way you look at it it's not about it it could end up being physical products but it's really about sharing the light if that's why ryan ray such a perfect name i didn't even name it and that's the beautiful part about it is that the source source came up with the name and they provided it to me so so are you still at 4.5 or do you are you at five now i think i'm at five i do think so well this that's i'm very impressed that you can do this left brain technical stuff while you're in in multi-dimensional um uh parenting and everything i mean the that's the i think that's the fun of it all of this right now is we're using and our kids and what we're doing like this little guy right here he's able to he was able to go up to a rabbit just the other day in her backyard give him a carrot pet to pet him the rabbit let him pet him because he was talking to it and letting it know that it loved it and it was here to feed it and and and that happened right in my backyard and this is um and my little girl over here she's able to feel the energies of the crystals and this is lily over here and i really i'm and you know it's um it's these changes that we make within ourselves and and our kids when they're growing up they're going to be more connected now to nature and into this higher vibration that we're expanding into as well so it's i i fully believe that everything's going to shift in the world and i think there's going to be some cosmic help as well coming up so yeah there already is there has been so much it's just amazing i mean you can get to a point where you're wondering or you're feeling alone um because your perspective is so different but but then but then you can find something on the divine ray or something through david and even on facebook and watch one of his videos or one of uh robin nicole's videos and you just shift you just shift to this higher perspective of co-creating universe with intent to to be in love and it's it's a different game different yeah i can't wait for the day when everyone is working as a race helping everybody out there's no compensation anymore everyone's just provided for like and no one's starving to death there's the diseases are all being handled holistically and properly without the um the need for pills and the that that love and compassion that everybody has is for everyone is is is the same that they love themselves you know and that people might say well that's impossible but it's not it's not it will happen it's it's going to take some time and we got to band together and um and we'll shift it you know one goal at a time and we have the cosmic teams helping we have the aim and everyone's angelic guides and everyone's higher selves coming in and so much support that we have that i was even shown that even people who are just starting to wake up they're really being guided to these lights and really being guided to the truth um so here we are and we have this opportunity and this platform here to bring this light to bring this truth and to activate people who are going to be waking it up while we can also create abundance for ourselves in a variety of different ways so abundance in this case is body mind and spirit and you're when you're lifting spirits i mean we are all one and so there's there's so many advantages to being in this kind of uh mind and in service in this way that um that there's hardly anything against it it's all go go go plus as far as i can see the the thing is is choosing we're as conscious creators we have to decide and choose and that's that's what you're giving people tools and way pa a path well it was a source idea it was a source um down like i never had three vision dreams of anything in my life i've always i would have one i'd have one one time i was always wondering about light language and then and then saint germain came to me one night and it was showing me my dream and then while i was awake he was holding me in the energy so i could practice and channel the light language but i never had i never had three vision dreams i never had two vision dreams so to have the three all about the divine ray was really special and i knew and i knew and i know with all my heart that this is what the divine wants and they're really happy and ecstatic about it and yeah yeah it will the energy is great and the cause is just and it's time it's time this is um it's seriously if you can go and change your state in less than a minute by going and watching a video that what's wrong with that and and you'll and it'll all be guided you'll just go on there and and there'll just be a video that's exactly what you needed to hear of course in that state that you needed to shift so well please please everyone um share this video so that more people know about this and go and sign up for divine ray um the url is below i'll also make sure that it's in all the comments so that you can really see how easy this is to do you saw how logical it is it's only at its infancy so it's going to get better and better and and you know if you only need to do an a minute video do a video do if we introduce yourself for a minute it's good all in all perfect hiya well we're creating a new world and the the children are leading us to go back to joy creativity and the possibility space so this is another way another tool that everyone can use to do that so thank you so much david thank you for coming back on and and explaining it to me no thank you i hope your vacation was good oh yeah it was really good it was really good and i just before this i was at my garden planting things because i'm a little behind because i was on vacation but that is perfect it's perfect thank you so much really appreciate you and your energy and your caps thank you thank you so much okay we're gonna sign off thank you bye bye bye everybody thank you for being good while we did this bye [Laughter] that's a miracle

2021-08-17 05:28

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