CTE Sector Week 1 Business

CTE Sector Week 1   Business

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you're going we are now being recorded and i'd like to welcome you to our first in the cbc oei improving online cte pathways speakers series this one this one on programs in business online programs in business um as some of you know most of you know but not all are our iop improving online pathways grant is devoted to c uh cte programs career and technical programs that are moving fully online we funded 70 grants from 68 colleges this is a total of 27.5 million dollars awarded in total thanks to the people of california the state legislature and our california chancellor's office the community college chancellor's office focusing on two goals to lead to short-term industry certificates pathways again moving programs to hybrid or hybrid to fully online [Music] and also with an eye to helping create launch pads from our california online community college cal bright to join the other colleges in larger programs as i mentioned we have business programs today from seven colleges yuba college with a general business program shasta college with an adt in business and accounting san diego con continuing education with the business it program last week this last week supervisory management berkeley city college with an entrepreneurship followed by two more entrepreneur entrepreneurship programs from santa rosa junior college and woodland community college each of the individuals will have five to seven minutes to present if you would please um keep your questions either in chat or in your heads and we'll have 10 minutes at the end questions and i think we did find that we could get captioning in case you need it so i think we are good to go shall i call on our first presenter from your college hi my name is liberty harrison um i work in the general business department at eva college i also have a co-presenter brittany strong she's also working in the agricultural part of our cte um improving online pathways um i do believe brittany was going to take the first couple of slides hi everybody can you hear me okay yes okay i've got a generator running in the back because we have no power so i'm just trying to mitigate background noise okay so to begin uh liberty and i worked together on this grant she was in the business side of things and i was in the agriculture side of things and there's so much overlap for the both of us with this grant to begin our statement of need our college really does not have a large focus on transfer students our larger focus is on students that need to get in get out get a job or maybe they need to get in get out and and better themselves better their wages and so that is our focus and it really tied in well of course with the scope of this grant and a majority of our students at our college are cte students already so it's really great that we could expand their options and additionally many of them are working with families so the traditional path of going to school during the day just doesn't work for them and they really do need something different and so this was such a lovely opportunity for our area and we are have just had such a good time working on this grant and and are excited to present the details of it to you today uh next slide please so the project goals were obviously the same as as most is improving online cte pathways for um for not just working learners but for anyone who needed to take that route and we had to address the impact of moving away from like i stated traditional forms of instruction to a digital form of instruction a humanized form of instruction um a cpe project-based form of instruction that that centered around collaboration between instructors and departments and then equity we all know how important all of these goals are right now and it couldn't be more timely for all of us to be wrapping this up and so that was our our project goals obviously included the regular scope of the grant of developing certain certificates and courses but overall this had a really overreaching effect for us next slide please so this was just a graphic depiction of how um this grant and our work could be the key to success for some students um traditional course offerings aren't it's not a one size fits all anymore and it's not just your typical 18 year old student high school graduate coming into college anymore and so this grant expanded their availability the course offering availability and so that is the key to non-traditional student success uh next slide and i'm going to turn it over to liberty thank you brittany so um one of the things uh students need to know what type of learner they are um code 19 has really helped us figure out a lot of uh issues that that students are going to be moving forward because most of our college was face to face prior to this and so moving over to more of an online base really helped us see some issues so having um the students know what type of learner they are if they're audio or if they're visual or if they're hands-on or a mixture of any of these really helps the instructors and the students be able to create that more of that one-on-one feeling that you can get in your online courses so we're going to have to work on that and work on them communicating that with each instructor so that's something that we is relevant to our students and another thing is students need to know what resources or resources are available to them we have a lot of online tutoring right now uh that wasn't available prior to covid19 and it showed us how we can expand we've been very resourceful so this has allowed us to learn um what resources are out there and if knowing you're an audio learner knowing what resources that dsps has for you that can read those um the text to you or the projects to you that are in the class are are great but the students need to know that those are available to them and how to access them through online students need to know about scheduling their time it's prior to this you would have most of your classes face-to-face and like one or two in the online world and it was easy to maneuver one class well now that we transferred 90 of our classes at yuba college or online right now all of their classes are online and so the actual carving out those times for five different classes enough time for for studying and doing the homework along with the class time and watching lectures or reading lectures or going through those is different so they have to know that students also need to know that it takes time to communicate so these are problems that they're also coming up with next slide okay what we've learned um one of the biggest obstacles is the newer technology and the classes that are based on technology um oer resources you know are not out there we're having to create them ourselves um so a lot of that is not there so for technology it's a little harder it's a little more difficult uh we also need to increase our equity amongst online learners and the essential you know to adopt those um practices and encourage this mindset because we are transitioning a lot from mostly face to face to online so that is um something changing that mindset covid has helped us do that uh our lower income and students are having problems with gaining internet access computers and resources to do that we've had to expand our wi-fi at our school and we're having a problem with that but our biggest one is kova to shut down all of those fares and marketing things that we used to do so that's another one okay next slide so our accomplishments uh come fall 2021 we will have an agriculture technology degree and certificate 100 online health services administration degree um 100 online and an office administration degree and certificate 100 online uh 98 online for um fall 2021 is a human resources degree this is uh we're missing two classes that's it and we're trying to focus in trying to switch those over we also updated three of our certificate programs and they will be 100 online that is the medical office procedures so your medical receptionist your legal office procedures which is your um legal administrative assistant and just the normal office administrative assistant during this time we created five brand new online courses between business and agriculture and 18 uh converted courses between business and agriculture all right liberty thank you so much and now we move on to the program from shasta college business adt and accounting well thank you bob hello my name is brianne brakashak and i'm from shasta college and normally i fill the senior online learning instructional technician role for this project i filled the co-pi enter project director shoot excuse me today i would like to highlight two programs brought to fully online status uh first is the adt in business which had a nearly complete fully online pathway and the second the certificate and counting with the bookkeeping emphasis that had an inconsistently offered online pathway and in fact the one instructor that had been teaching it had retired and so it hadn't been offered in several semesters all right before i share the reason why we chose these two pathways let me share about our district as it may make more sense to know who and where we are as a rural and geographically large district shasta college covers shasta trinity tehama and a piece of modoc counties which is about 10 000 square miles or to put in a little perspective slightly larger than the state of maryland we have over 28 percent of our students enrolled in de courses and all of our potential fully online pathways these two programs in particular address local workforce needs by increasing the number of online offerings more students can access the programs especially the working students in those in remote areas which we definitely have an abundance of here moreover the accounting positions are often considered recession-proof supporting students through all economic situations and we really anticipate increased interest in this field of study with the availability of the fully online offerings i'm really excited that even to have these programs because with our expansive area we really rely on small business in our remote areas and so this will really boost our communities by focusing on these two pathways shasta college is able to reach the following goals to support our students success first we expanded access to both programs eliminate the barrier to oral communications and science lab courses for the ge requirements so um the i'm happy to say that the csu pathway is now clear and the igetc is clear all but the foreign language requirement unless the student happens to be an online student this fall or next spring because we are fully online for that time number three create a more reliable scheduling pattern we have a fantastic accelerated college program called ace and so this more reliable scheduling program will support all of our students but in particular those accelerated students excuse me and finally we are we had a goal to strengthen our relationship with california state university chico as their um bachelor's of business program can be done on our campus as we have an extension partnership with them for that all right so from these excuse me all of a sudden i'm very froggy from these goals we would like students to know that the programs are fully online and they are developed of the highest quality to support their educational goals and they do for sure have clear uh pathways so to be really of um transparent for the families juggling or the students juggling families jobs and while the strangeness of living in a pandemic they are fully online from start to finish um through the grant we have learned to be prepared obstacles as they are inevitable and it might shock you when i say that our obstacle has nothing to do with kovid our obstacle um centers around the economic incentive we offered to faculty we anticipated the amount to be a strong motivation for prompt completion um but it didn't quite work out the way we intended and um in all honesty if it feels kind of like hurting squirrels um so now we are thinking about the future how can we plan better for this and you know one idea is that we either do more discrete payments based on or payments based on more discrete goals or increase the amount paid per high quality course so i'm really excited to hear if anybody else has dealt with this how they overcame or how they've seen maybe another school overcome so please share if you have experience um as of today i'm really happy to announce that these programs are fully online and are raring to go for spring 2021 as i mentioned earlier we have also removed the barriers for student access to complete the ge requirements which is also part of our grant process and we chose to develop um let's see we have free oral comms courses and as of yesterday we have three science lab courses and finally we have created more community awareness about these programs through our direct marketing thank you very much thank you brienne all right as a reminder uh you can type your questions in the chat box we'll talk about those at the very end of the presentation or will open up your mic and you can ask audibly now our third presentation from the san diego continuing education uh unit down there and this is a business i t program take it away yes hello i'm steve major from san diego continuing education um i don't know if you have my slide deck in here very good um we we were developing something that we call icom academy the interactive competency based online micro credentialing now prior to this effort we had no online course offerings we did have hybrid classes where we did some instruction online but this project really helped us get to a place where we now have fully online courses next slide so we we know we needed to develop our online courses we we had talked about this to some point and i think uh covet 19 kind of really pushes you over the edge when it comes to to doing this particular project but you know we had a you know some goals in mind um as many people have mentioned you know the the types of students well i'll back up for a second san diego san diego continuing education is about adult education it's about free non-credit education for people in career transitions so we were trying to make our courseware more available to our students that had schedules to keep up with work schedules some of them you know didn't always work exactly the same hours and so we were trying to meet that need as well give them the skills they needed in order to basically take on a new career challenge you know dealing with some other challenges such as transportation insecurities because some folks have a tough time getting to the college so you know our our our base we you know they seem to need quite a bit of assistance and you know we feel good that we're able to offer them something without textbook costs doing it online and making those resources available to our students oh steve are you done hi you're on mute so oh sorry i must accidentally hit the key sorry about that um next slide please relevance to students what i have here is i have a video to show you a quick uh you know four minute video so we'll just kind of if you can go through and play that i'm not picking up audio from this yeah sometimes in zoom online educational program to provide adult learners with fast free flexible job training and extensive career placement services the icom academy our certificate programs can be completed and as few as five months and it's been designed for flexibility so our adult students who are working can easily attend the icon academy icom academy could potentially house hundreds of online career options for adults but our initial launch will focus on small business entrepreneurship and information technology initially our first programs will be small business planning linux server administration mobile application development python programming and virtual data center what's great about icon academy is that students not only learn from me the instructor but they also learn from each other i know a lot i am the subject matter expert but i assume that i don't know everything students are great wealth of information for each other this interactive medium allows students to interact on their projects they can work together through the channels that we offer them whether it's online live or through other interactive mediums community colleges can be life-changing for people particularly when they have robust offerings through their continuing education position and help people pursue career changes and help people get back on their feet and importantly often provide a gateway to the middle class we're delighted in 2019 to shine the spotlight upon san diego continuing education what makes the icom academy unique is that programs are short and intensive but also flexible students will be able to learn on their own time and in their own space yet every class includes scheduled faculty-led instruction and peer-to-peer collaboration in the future our support services will also be online so student support services be anything from career planning to development of your education plan what are all the courses that you need to take in the program and what are your future goals the students are completing career training programs that are industry recognized and state approved our use of open educational resources means zero textbook costs for our students our courses are generally short-term and many can be completed in five to ten months icom academy will actually improve the way adults learn online and that will absolutely be a game changer for future online instruction this is the fastest most flexible way to earn a micro credential san diego continuing education is reinventing distance education with this icom [Music] academy [Music] thank you um so um our approach to doing this was to work with a um outside so so our strategy next slide um our strategy um for this was to work with um ease learning a outside um developer instructional designers in order to work with our instructors we had two instructors per course work with the instructional designers to come up with the curriculum to come up with discussion boards to come up with assignments activities so that we could integrate um both the teacher to student interaction as well as student-to-student interaction and kind of made that integral to you know each module that we went through in this curriculum um with lessons learned i i kind of heard someone else say you know it's like hurting herding squirrels we were using the term herding cats in our in our um our courses um the other thing that we saw was the fact that it took um the amount of time it took for us to do our first course um i don't think we set our our benchmarks right as far as how much time it would actually take to do this with all the sessions and everything in order to get this development project and so our first course really paved the way for the future courses that we did so um the amount of time it takes in order to develop these courses you know could be a bit more especially when you're you know trying to fit that into an already busy schedule as we were you know trying to convert everything immediately to online due to the covet 19 piece so you know we found that what we learned in our first round of course development certainly helped us as we kind of move forward through the development cycle next slide so with our product accomplishments we had actually initially planned to do 11 courses online and we're going to do it across subject areas and we were going to start with our it program and then because our it program already had some skill sets in using online technologies we all use canvas and most of us were using a product called netlab plus and netlab plus gave us the ability to use actual physical gear routers switches and then we had virtualization with of servers and platforms so that we could make these um this equipment available to our students online and so we integrated our our campus our our canvas with our netlab in order to basically value add you know make it so that the students didn't need to purchase anything materials equipment or resources in order to go through technical labs with this courseware next slide um if we can click on this what we have is this is a a link to one of our learning objects that was put very early in on our courses so if we can kind of walk through this it would be an activity steve i'm going to have to stop you and move on we we have just seven minutes for each presentation but we are going to share these slides yeah we can go down go down in the slide gag what i want to do is kind of hit on at the end so again we were planning on 11 courses we ended up completing 29 courses by the time we were yeah i think we got additional grant money was able to do um two more phases after our initial phase and down below and these were the courses that we had developed mobile applications development small business planning virtual data center this was in our first batch of courses and then move on we went into a phase two did some more development now these courses will be available i believe beginning um i guess some of them are available fall and then our next round of course courses next page we have some courses that we're going to make available this spring as well so um you can see we jumped out of the it set and we've gone to many different areas of the college and make these online courses and i believe that's it i think these are another one yeah that's it thank you steve and san diego continuing it now we move to las positas college uh program in super bizarre management hi everybody thank you um i'm vicki shipman cte project manager i also have my colleague vicki austin with me and we'll be presenting about our project business access and quality um what we call our bank grant and so go ahead and go next slide please a statement of need primarily we wanted to meet the needs of our employer in fact in 2018 the lmi in the east bay showed over 3 000 students for an annual gap for business supervisory with over 12 000 in the entire bay area our primary employer sponsors were lamb research uncle credit union and then of course our local labs we have livermore national laboratory and sandia a meeting for guided pathways uh definitely one of the pillars a clear pathway to employment and further education and then of course increased enrollment uh we really need it nowadays that's for sure next slide um our primary goal was to improve existing online certificates or programs we went with track one we emphasized on increasing access quality and then filling in the gaps we did this by training course alignment and then that gap i mentioned was accessibility coordination our college was deficit in providing an accessibility coordinator for our online programs next slide please relevance to students i want to share our video with you it's about two and a half minutes long and you'll get to meet uh some of the faculty that work with us on the project and i will share with you that um the event that was taking place when the um camera crew was out was our last event on campus so if you go ahead and show the video that'd be great from cts college isn't just trying to expand access to online pathways and business it's banking on it the business access and quality initiative also known as bank endeavors to eliminate barriers to business careers with high quality and convenient online courses and with the college's goal of a fully online certificate of achievements and supervisory management insights it's safe to say that las positas college means business online release barriers to completion and success students mention obstacles such as lost mute work and family responsibilities lack of transportation poor health and lack of flexibility and schedule because of this online education is a game changer for our students it's a supervisory management certificate so as you can you know probably imagine you know managers are in high demand in all sorts of industries right to learn those soft skills to learn managerial skills the challenge providing las positas colleges quality and collaboration at a distance for the bank team it was all in the design as an instructional designer i'm happy because each course will be reviewed against the oei course design rubric so i'm happy with the knowledge that these courses will be of high quality when they are sent out and offered to our students and with new and updated courses submitted for pure online course review business is booming les positas is making bold progress toward its goal of creating or converting online business classes even as it makes strides on the professional development front i think it's very valuable because right now in terms of professional development having this peer review allows the faculty members to see and get feedback in terms of the way they organize their classes way the training definitely kind of puts you to use a little bit because it breaks it down with the fight type jump and then you get this big oei rubric that's finally filled out of like yeah this is good but you'll also have to do this it's more of a you know you're on the right track you're just going to make these little pitches the bank team's hard work is paying off and when that work is complete las positas college's unique and fully online supervisory management program will be open for business thanks to this grant we'll be able to help shape today's leaders and provide them with opportunities they might not otherwise have online can be a lifeline to a better career and a better life for our students okay thank you you can um go to the uh next slide i'm going to turn it over to my colleague vicki austin and she's going to talk about obstacles and lessons learned so our our grant included um training a number of faculty in and outside of business um in our course quality uh program the online course development program which was our internal course quality program um and aligning these 11 classes and getting them ready so that the certificate would be available fully online and also um training some additional um reviewers uh for our poker program um and then finally we wanted to send faculty to the online teaching conference but i don't have to tell all of you that that opportunity um was not available people attended the online version but not the in-person conference so those resources were shifted to other professional development opportunities because that was in line with the grant goals anyway getting more instructors trained in online teaching um uh the first speaker that you saw in the video and the final speaker uh mary laffer runs our um work experience program and work experience has some very unique requirements in terms of state um forms and state things that needed to be done so getting that fully online was a challenge in a different way because those classes are in some ways very different from other classes but we are able to do that we had a really unfortunate circumstance we had a faculty member who um uh succumbed after a long battle with cancer so uh his course we sort of had to shift mid-stream to another faculty member who was already doing two courses um under this grant um of 11 courses so uh that um was really challenging in terms of completing uh the work that that person had to do next slide please um you saw in the video you saw a peek at our website the website has multiple pages to inform the community about the project the progress our quarterly reports are on there and other resources that were developed as part of this grant 15 faculty members not just in business but also outside of business completed the online course development program and some of them will go on to create good quality courses in other departments our local peer online course review team doubled in size with training that was provided from funds from this grant and during this period of time although it wasn't a grant objective we received our statewide certification so we are a fully certified um local poker college i think we were the fourth in the state to do that and uh there's a list there of how we did on all of our courses vicki do you want to speak to uh where we're going from here yeah that'd be great if we have time i know i think i already got the two minute warning yeah yeah we're at time uh but we will be able to share these slides later for the attendees that sounds great thank you so much for this time thank you both uh both vicky and vicky from las positas moving on now to berkeley city college their program in entrepreneurship management wonderful thank you so much it's so wonderful to see familiar faces i'm joya chavrin and i'm the interim dean at berkeley city college overseeing this wonderful cbc oei grant um my faculty are currently teaching who've been incredibly instrumental in introducing us to an intentionally designed online certificate at our college um mary clark miller and chris bernard i have to give them the the kudos and they send their welcome as well they're just really there for the students right now so again i am dr chevron and i'm introducing berkeley city college's new business management and entrepreneur certificate of achievement netslide please so like many of you most of our students at berkeley city college are 70 part-time balancing work in school marginalized and linguistically diverse they need to be able to have opportunities that increases their skills so that they can in intentionally increase their their um earning capacity so this certificate was designed in in that respect and basically with regards to the certificate it provides a clear on-ramp that is stackable if they would like to an a degree but also a new career as well as free oer resources student-centered as well as user-friendly so in the sense where we of course designed this before our pandemic the intentionality regarding this certificate was using the data from our campus to see what did our online programs look like before the cvc oei program funding what did our retention rate look like and we realized we had a population of students that enjoyed online learning and we needed to figure out a way to step our game up to provide the the resources and supports and the accessibility and the integration of um of a fully intentionally designed online class benefiting from the cbc oais trainings and support and funding so thank you next slide so the problem project goals were short-term industry valued we didn't build a a degree but we built in a 19-20 unit certificate which we will hear about later again stackable to a degree and as someone mentioned i won't re regurgitate what my colleague stated but according to the lmi data there's a many jobs in this in this sector and so it was designed um that's why we chose both business as well as we um designed a multimedia arts degree which i can send information about later for those of you who are interested in that and again we aligned it to our vision for success which was also mentioned earlier so we'll go next slide um so again this is our management and entrepreneur certificate and again it's designed to basically think about what is needed to become a business owner create your own business for self-employment for management um what our career education advisory board um shared is that many people come in to the field thinking that you know they wanted to be um tech you know technology experts and kind of looking at my notes here but wanted to um build their skills to start their own their own startup well what this program provides the knowledge the skills and the competencies to do that and looking at not only just accounting but what does it look like as it relates to the ethics and leadership of business what are our management practices look like and what is the macro and the micro economics impact so all of these these these student learning outcomes these competencies these skills are directly needed for us to get this on wrap and to to start a new career in business and hopefully if interested continue on so it's portable it's short 19 to 20 units what's great about our 100 online it's the first honestly at berkeley city college we've had hybrids we are having online classes as a result of the pandemic but this is intentionally designed to be a full one-year program that a student can complete and we also are building relationships through our career education advisory committee with our local employers so that our students could get work work based learning experiences as well as it relates to the certificate and that was something our career education advisory committee recommended as we continue to build relationships with them in our chamber of commerce so i i kind of rushed it because i felt like we were going out of time but netslide um so our project accomplishments we couldn't have done it without you cbc oei we really appreciate this funding and hoping to continue to do this for all of our programs because what's been incredible is that you know we've been able to launch this new intentionally designed online certificate they're done in a year and we were able to access trainers that not only provided opportunities for our business faculty to be trained but we were able to open it up to our other faculty members so that they can improve their um online curriculum construction and practices as it relates to our our students who who are taking our online classes and then we also too are are looking forward to becoming a hopefully a poker review college i'm really excited by what i just heard from my my partner college and maybe reaching out to you vicki but um we we we are working on that we have 15 train another training happening and again all of this is um because of you and in the funding to ensure our efforts are intentional and our students have high quality online courses designed so they can be successful so thank you for the time to present today and it it's a great great time to be with you all even though we're not together we're on zoom thank you thank you joya and i love the phrase intentionally designed as opposed to pandemics here let's get online next week intentionally designed very well put for those not from california or our system poker stands for peer online course review it's a process by which peers help other faculty by aligning their course with our cbc oei course quality design rubric all right moving on now to our program also entrepreneurship from santa rosa junior college take it away good afternoon good afternoon my name is i'm on all right my name is daniel weinsberg i'm an adjunct professor at the santa rosa junior college and uh sit in the business department where our eship courses are nested so over the years the business department has seen an increase in students interested in launching their own businesses this really tracks cultural trends relating to an increase in entrepreneurship largely driven by market factors and low cost decentralized services so as we launch the eship certificate we started hearing students calling for more convenience and flexibility with class times given who our students are they're working professionals they're mid-career professionals and so given the various schedules and staffing constraints it just made a lot of sense to offer the eship certificate online and especially during the current times we think there's going to be an increased interest and demand as employees displaced from the workforce need to reinvent themselves and become potential entrepreneurs so having this eship certificate expand with most the courses available online is allowing our students at the jc to have the support they need to succeed in the emerging market realities so this grant which we're really grateful for it funded the first fully asynchronous eship class which was uh it's just wrapped up the midterm and the learnings from this initial class eship 106 which is the capstone course for the eship certificate it'll be applied to the rest of the eship courses in the hopefully near future as we strive to make a permanent bishop pathway that's entirely online entirely asynchronous so the goal of the project is to offer a pathway online fully asynchronous for the east ship certificate and um it's been challenging to do this to be frank uh yes i am a millennial i'm a digital native but so much of the eship course and curriculum has been really hands-on learning and project based and that's how the class has been run the last few semesters when we were together face-to-face but thanks to the amazing staff in the distance education department at the jc and a plethora of really great online content i've been able to keep the the course content really relevant and modern we use element the lms canvas at the jc and so it's helped keep the course really experiential and really engaging which is important to me and i think it helps the students really apply the material in real time so as i enter the second half of the semester i'm growing in my confidence that the course like it's in person analog is really leading to student success both academically and professionally the current class like i mentioned briefly is project based and so it depends on a high level of interactivity between the students and this semester has been really really disruptive in northern california as well as most other communities we've had power shutoffs evacuations fires and displacements of all sorts of types and so this is uh creates some challenges because it's impacted students ability to engage with one another and kind of keep cadence with the content and so it's it's tainted a little bit the the alpha testing of the course and some of the student engagement along the way and students are still able to complete assignments and make progress on their projects and uh the course content so by making this course 100 online we're able to include a lot more folks who've been wanting to take this class but couldn't because they couldn't make the six to nine time slots or they couldn't make it during the day because of child care concerns and so by having more students able to engage in this very uh it's not a didactic class a lot of learning takes place from students bringing projects visions passions to one another and a kind of co-creative generative conversations so by having more people at the table there's broader perspectives the project diversity is richer and we're able to see some neat collaborations taking place that i hadn't seen in the in-person analog so some of the lessons learned first and foremost i was not excited about making this course 100 online so much of the richness of my experience as a teacher comes from being live in the flesh with the students in that creative space but after learning a lot of the e-tools that are available and receiving some really good creative coaching from our de team i began to see how we could make this course actually even more hands-on and more engaging in the digital environment than i was able to in the classroom environment as we're all learning some of the the human elements the getting folks deeper into rapport students with each other and myself with the students is inhibited by the virtual confines so i'm seeing maybe less honest feedback than i would in class and um not so deep of one of understandings of students projects of one another so they're not able to coach each other as much which is relying on me as the professor of the class to be more of a coach than the peer coaching that i think was really rich on the in-person analog um that being said tools such as play posit are making the videos really interactive and easy to format simple to use prior to this course i used about five percent of our lms's functionality but after getting a lot of coaching and support from our de staff been able to see just how powerful our lms is and really use it to increase interactivity and creativity of the course content my major accomplishment uh is finishing the transfer and reformatting of this really hands-on course into a completely online environment and honing the course content and delivery more and more now is my focus as i'm getting real-time feedback there's been a lot of it support that i've been playing this semester and due to the lms functions and dysfunctions there's been some work arounds that i'm learning so some other accomplishments include leveraging this environment to foster students tech and communication skills so now students can submit their assignments via youtube as podcasts as instagram posts because of the the projects that we're working on just really lends itself to that so our department will be able to offer an e-ship certificate almost entirely online in the near future i hesitate to say by 2021 or 2022 because things are so in flux because covid and i'm really proud to have a great start to a great e-course and as my students engage in this environment i continue to focus on finding ways to make this tool even more humane and connective and i just gotta give a huge shout out to the distance education team for for supporting me and supporting my students in our department and bringing this content expanding who can be at the table so thank you very much thank you daniel and now we have our last presentation from woodland community college also an entrepreneurship program hi everybody i can't tell if my presentation is up yet or not oh there it is so i'm annette lee i'm a professor of business and management at woodland community college and we decided for our project that we were going to focus on developing also a very intentional online entrepreneurship certificate next slide so in lake county the focus of our entrepreneurship certificate was specifically to provide a vehicle of recovery for the lake county economy it was planned to be our very first online certificate for woodland community college and as we started deciding um exactly why we wanted to target lake county it was clear right away because lake county is um we're one of two centers of woodland community college and the community itself has gone through um such a very difficult time over the past five years and we've lost over 60 percent of our land has burned thousands of our homes and businesses are gone and um the history of lake county has has been small business i mean we've really been a gig economy before the gig economy was cool and so we knew that this online entrepreneurship certificate would be a great vehicle of recovery for lake county uh students who needed to really get back on their feet and retool their skills and and get their businesses up and running again we also wanted to um make sure that it was an online fully online certificate so that that access to the the education and the courses um was county-wide and also college-wide but specifically for all of our students in lake county that might not so readily have access to face-to-face classes on campus um and also um it was really important for us to be able to provide those 21st century entrepreneurial skills that all of our employers are saying that they want to see in in their employees so not just we're aiming our training not just at those folks who want to become entrepreneurs or small business owners for themselves but also take their own business practice and the practice of being a business professional out into the work world so it's a transcriptive certificate of achievement um the online classes were intentionally developed to be asynchronous even before covid we in lake county have recognized that synchronous online education presents issues in terms of accessibility we don't have wide access to high-speed internet in lake county so it was really important that we focused on asynchronous course development and we knew that we needed to be collaborative with our community so in the development of our courses we've reached out to business professionals to help make videos and develop content that would be interesting and relevant to the students who are taking these classes so next slide so our high impact features of the certificate were that initially we knew that we wanted the certificate to focus on diversity equity and inclusion so we were really intentional about making sure that we aligned the courses in in the development of the courses with the peralta college equity standards that was done very intentionally on our part and we also wanted to create mastery paths for a baseline technological readiness that we could then make customizable for portability so in this first certificate with the entrepreneurship certificate we have four mastery paths that that have been developed there's a um a presentations mastery path that focuses a lot on powerpoint skills there's the numbers of business and and these are um these are very small micro units that are embedded within the certificate that that will be portable that we can extract from this certificate and hopefully use in other certificates in our in our business and cte programs so the numbers of business which is focusing on excel skills then we have online marketing technologies and cyber security so these are the mastery paths that we've been developing for for this certificate design consistency we wanted to make sure that all of the courses in our certificate were consistent so that when students took the courses in the online certificate that they felt familiar to them and that each course the design and the feel and the look and the branding felt similar to the last and then um we have five of the courses so far are aligned with the cbc oei rubric and we're continuing to put our courses through the poker process to make sure that um that we continue down that road and we're also using oers to make the courses more affordable for our students so next slide so lessons learned just like some of my colleagues have said we we need an adjustment period so that we can establish those collaborative working relationships with our colleagues thoughtful planning regarding the project participants oftentimes you you know you hire somebody to develop a course but when you look at um contracts and scheduling sometimes that person isn't necessarily the person that's going to be teaching the course so so some thought needs to go into exactly who is is being placed on these project teams um prepare faculty for workload this is a big one faculty need to understand how much time and energy it takes to design a standards aligned course and also to to take an oer textbook and design the supplemental materials that go along with oers also when developing new programs it's important to pay attention to the funding formula and success metrics um we've we designed this as a 15 unit certificate and um you know coming from lake county campus resources are we're always scrapping for resources and so um i you know knowing that if we could have made it a 16 unit certificate that we'd get more points for the funding formula you know we hate to think of those things but this is the world we live in now and so i think it's really important to uh consider that when we're designing new programs next slide so that's that's it i thought we were gonna do question and answer but it doesn't seem like we are so i will say thank you very much for the opportunity and um i had a great time developing the certificate thank you annette i appreciate that and thank you all to all our presenters we've learned that this is not a simple matter of uh creating an online course where there was an on-site course we need to consider motivating faculty providing proper compensation and time for development of these thoughtful well-planned online courses synchronous or asynchronous or bits of both from san diego we were introduced the possibility of non-credit courses in this area uh las positas reminded us of the importance of making these web accessible to comply with those regulations so thank you all yes we we did run over time i'm sorry for that but if you have questions i'd like to invite you to email them to us at grantscbc.edu donna and i will make sure these are sent to the grantees today and we can solicit answers from them and and share them back out for you so i thank you all for uh your attendance today and stay tuned for our next presentation i believe in two days thank you much you

2020-12-25 23:03

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