Cryptohopper Tutorial: Crypto Trading Bot Strategy!

Cryptohopper Tutorial: Crypto Trading Bot Strategy!

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crypto hopper on today's video yes we'll be  talking about cryptohopper and why cryptohopper   is not performing the way it should perform and  i will show you how we can change or modify our   setting so we can still make money or at least not  lose any money in that crazy market hi everyone   welcome back to my channel i hope you are  having a wonderful day as usual my name is carl   so on today's video i will um i need to review  two of my strategy first of all for today's video   because i don't want to make it too long i'll be  covering the a macd strategy because i believe   that's the most popular strategy on my channel  so i'll be reviewing that strategy and i will   show you exactly how you can modify it to make  it more profitable in the current market we are   going through right now because first i think it's  important once in a while to review the strategies   market change over the time and it's a good  idea to review and see what's going on and do   some modification when it's a possible um because  if just to make a short restored i started using   crypto opera last september of last year so it's  been at least uh six seven months eight months   that i've been using crypto opera and back then  um the bull market was just at the beginning it   was just starting so the strategy i was using they  were working perfectly but now after a period of   time we're we're currently seeing that the market  is changing um it's we have more and more dump   and when it's dumping sometimes it's like 15 20  in a matter of hours or days and then you recover   a little bit and then it crash again so it could  be a little bit difficult to find a good strategy   for that kind of market i've been studying and  i've been testing for the last week multiple   strategies and all the knowledge actually that  i have in trading i put them all together and   try to see if i can set up a crypto opera that  would be efficient so i think i did find it um   i've been testing it now for quite a while i  did a lot of back testing and i don't need and   i don't mean the back testing inside crypto  offer i mean real back testing on the chart   uh so i took couple coin different coin and i look  at in the last month every possible trade if there   were a win or if they were a loss and also did the  back test on crypto upper and on today's video i   will show you the result i will show you what are  the notification and why i did this so at least   we don't lose any money because in a bear  market it could be very difficult to make money   but my goal number one for me it was to find  a strategy that would prevent losing money   when the march kit is crashing so that way all  the money we have on crypto opera or all the game   that we accumulate over the last weeks or month  we keep them we don't lose all of them so let's   go on my computer and i will show you exactly what  i mean if this is your first video on cryptohopper   i'll put the link up here of the introduction  video on cryptohopper so you can better understand   how to set it up for yourself and then you  can come back on this video to see how you can   configure it and today's video will be about  the MACD strategy i'll be doing another video   about the ema so my other strategy in the  next few days because i did some change   also on that strategy to make it better uh but  i still need a couple days to complete my test   so on today it will be about the MACD strategy so  if i give you just a recap of the strategy that   i'll be showing you today so what i did to find  my solution is that i'll be using two trend signal   not one but two to find the uptrend of the market  and once i i have a confirmation that both signal   gave me an uptrend i'll be using a the MACD  but more aggressively to enter a position   so as long i'm on the uptrend the macd will  send a buy signal so we can buy very small   profit and then we get out as quick as possible so  we have a signal we buy we make a small percentage   and we get out and we keep going like  that and same thing with the stop loss   i they reduce a lot the stop loss  so when the trade or the position   will get on the negative it will get stopped out  pretty quickly so we don't lose too much money   so let's go on my screen so you can uh better  understand so this is my dashboard on a crypto   opera um so just to give you an id let's go on  the uh first of all let me show you the strategies   and then i'll show you why i did this so if  i go to my strategy which is right here macd so this is what i change so there'll be a bit  more indicator so like i said we do have the   still the macd so this is the main one that will  give us the buy signal and then i'll be using   two trend indicator which is the mezza  adaptive moving average and the directional   movement index i'll be using those two this one  right here the average true range i put it there   but this one would apply if you have a hero  subscription if you have a neural subscription   activate this one it will help you uh on your  trade but on today's video um i won't cover the   uh i won't use the average true range because i  know a lot of you don't have the aero subscription   so i'll be using only those three so the one we  have like i said is the mezza and the directional   movement index this is to find the trend and once  those two has confirmed the trend we use the MACD   to enter our position so first setting we do  macd 15 m 15 minute period by necessary signal   fast period 8 slow period 29 and the  signal period 16. so what those number   does it make the macd a lot more  aggressive on the 15 minute chart   second one would be well if you're using dtr just  leave it as default and then we need to add the   mezza so adding the mezza then again you  just go to indicator and you just find mezza   and you click on it and once  we're there so we need to select   one hour why because i just want to make sure on  the one hour chart that we are on a uptrend so   the number we need to change is the fast limit  would be 0.3 and the slow limit will be 0.003   make sure it's necessary necessary signal  by and then here do not keep a signal   and the last one it's the dmi so we do the same  thing you go to indicator you search for dmi   and then you select it the dmi will be on the  15-minute chart buy necessary signal period 14   and keep signal 4. this is very very important  this has to be completely at the maximum 10 candle   what this mean is once the directional or the dmi  signal a buy signal i want to keep the buy signal   for the 410 candle unless it reverse if it changed  to a cell signal it will change automatically   but as long it stay for a buy signal i want crypto  opera to signal this indicator not just once so we   click close and by the way i do get that  question very very often actually that's   what i'll do through the video i will answer  some of the questions that you've been asking me   on my facebook page and on  the comment below the video   so one of the comments that come very often  is this part right here the minimal buy signal   this one does not apply to my strategy why  because all my buy signals are required so   that's why we put the check mark right here  so this let's say this strategy right here   is necessary so i cannot buy anything unless this  one is check mark and this one has a buy signal   so all my three indicator that i'm currently  using they all have the uh necessary   signal so i don't need this because all the three  need to be applied to be able to enter a position   so once you enter all those information all you  have to do make sure you click on save all right   now when it's done let's go to the configuration  so click on config base config so if i go through   very quickly uh those one are default buy setting  this is it never changed since the beginning   coin an amount now this is important not every  coin should be used in that kind of market so what   i would recommend you is to try to use at least  maybe the top 10 or the top 20 coin that you would   find on let's say on so this  is all the coins so i would probably go maybe   up to 25 not even try to go like within 20 because  what we want is to have a coin with the biggest   market cap so if the market is crashing it doesn't  crash as hard uh compared to the smaller coin   so let me show you the coin i currently have that  i test and that i know it's working i'm on binance   so all those coins will be available to you on  binance if not try to find the one that you have   and having like 15 20 or 30 different coin  won't make it any better it doesn't matter   so the one i have right now it's bitcoin ethereum  iota nano teta atom solano uh dot and uni   that's it that's all that's the one only  one i have i know those one has been tested   they're working fine and you can try also on your  side if you want to do a couple back tests on   different kind of coin but i know those ones are  working and that's all what i need i don't need   anything more than this now i have selected  my coin and same thing with your base currency   guys it doesn't matter what base currency you're  using as long it's a stable coin it doesn't matter   i really recommend you using any kind of usd  usdt u.s coin from coinbase or whatever because  

this this is the most popular one but the currency  itself we don't care we just want a coin that   doesn't change in value that it's stable so for  binance the best one to use is usdt because it   has a lot of volume it's very popular and there  is a lot of coin available with that currency   so i would recommend you usdt or any kind of u.s  based currency for your crypto offer strategy   make sure you have your strategy right here  trading stop by right now it's enabled um   but yeah you can use it or not doesn't really  matter sell sitting very important profit take   profit we have to take profit at 2.5 percent why  like i told you that kind of strategy we're in and   we're out as quick as possible we locked in profit  and that's it we wait for another signal so that's   why we don't want to stay in a trade for days or a  week and as soon we hit the profit we get out sell   strategies off everything is off so we don't sell  any uh anything on strategies stop loss same thing   we have to make it low and tight so right  now i'm at 4.5 percent i did multiple back   tests so anything between 4.5 5.5 percent it's  pretty good there's even some coin that i did   at three percent using that strategy that  the result was also pretty good but not all   of them maybe one two or three that i did that  was okay um but the average 4.5 should be good   trailing stop loss disable completely so for this  strategy we won't use trailing stop loss we have a   fixed profit at 2.5 percent we're in we're out  that's it auto close disable shortening this  

and by the way that's another question i got  very very often now that we are in a downtrend   market why don't we short the market the problem  is crypto opera is not a real uh shorting feature   all what it is it's selling the coin that you  already have so let's say your own hundred dollar   of bitcoin and you use this feature all it's gonna  do is to sell your hundred dollar bitcoin and wait   to buy it back later so that's not really shorting  it's just to buy at a certain level and open to   buy it lower when the market goes back down so we  don't need to use that it's not real short so the   best is just to leave it disabled same thing for  dollar cost averaging so dca could be good on a   bull market but right now i would not recommend  it at all so once we have all the configuration   make sure you click on your save button to save  everything and also before i forgot um there's   two coin like there's ethereum and bitcoin for  the strategy that we need to modify a little bit   so once you set up your configuration we just need  to go here to config pool and we need to create a   special configuration for btc and ethereum because  btc and ethereum are the two biggest one their   market cap since it's very high their movement is  a little bit lower compared to other coin so we   just need to change this so what you have to do is  create so add a config pool and once you do that   just give it a name and just put bitcoin  in ethereum so select those two coin   and we need to change setting just for those  two coin so what we'll do all you have to do   uh training stop by you can leave it there sell so  take profit change this to one point six percent   because like i said bitcoin and ethereum their  swing a little bit uh smaller compared to uh other   coin so make it 1.6 percent here and the stop loss  change it to four percent so this one also can be   a little bit lower and that's it the change the  rest doesn't change you're not using anything else   just click on save so crypto opera will have those  a special configuration just for btc and ethereum now let's go on back testing and give it a try   i have my coin right here so let's select atom  the first one let's do load existing config   so my config are right here i'll  disable the trailing stop by for now   and let's click start back test so i'll pause the  video while it's back testing and i'll come back   all right so here's the result so far uh this one  was for atom so we have 78 percent uh successful   cell 22 with loss which is perfect what are  you looking for usually it's to have at least   60 of successful sell and the maximum  profit is 10.3 percent so if we look   quickly right here at the chart all the green  line are buys and all the red line are sells   so as you can see as the market is going up it's  buying buying buying buying buying so you keep   buying all the way up and once the markets start  to go down as you can see nothing is happening   we have one right here that was a stop loss  but it's normal it's fine it's part of the game   and then it goes down nothing is happening  nothing is buying and then it buy right here   and it does get a profit right here so  probably two point something percent   right well actually we can check so  june 10th so if we go at june 10th no june 9 maybe yeah june 9 9  pm so that was a 2.91 or 2.6  

percent right here so that was good and as you  can see market is going down nothing is happening   no trade no nothing markets start to go back up  buy again buy again profit so we're in we're out   same thing here we're in same thing here we're  in we're out and then we hear we have a stop loss let's do a another one let's go to let's go to  i don't know solano so let's try this one start   all right so there's solano so as you can see same  thing the market is trending on the way up there's   multiple transaction transactions so there's  a lot of buy by here and then when the market   start to go down nothing is happening it's waiting  for an uptrend buy here and then sell right away   and then we have a stop loss right here then we  go down we go back up buy buy and sell right away   and then right here we have a another stop loss so  this one is 63 successful 36 percent with a loss   now one thing is important also another  question i get very often get a comment   in the comment section asking me or telling me  that they just started their bot two days ago   and nothing is happening no trade is coming  in then nothing is moving on crypto upper and   they wonder why well this is a very good  example so let's say you start your bot   on june 11 well as you can see june 11 12  13 14 no trade at all why because the market   is going down right now the market is crappy  so you cannot make money with a crappy market   so the bot won't buy anything it will just wait  so if your stock or even worse let's say you start   your hopper right here on june 9 or 10th and then  the first trade that happened it's a loss five   percent loss and then three days later nothing  going on well look at the chart and you will   see why it's going on it's because the market  it's not in a good position to take any trade   so this is why all right so let's try one last  one so let's go to data right here and start while it's currently back testing don't forget  my goal number one is not to lose any money when   we have a really bad market like this or at  least make a little bit of money but my goal   is at a minimum not to lose anything that's  the most important thing and when the market   start to go back up and get better again we can  start make a lot more money but at this point   we need to keep what we currently have and by the  way guy if you think this information is valuable   well i would really appreciate if you could smash  that like button all this information i'm giving   it completely free to you and free information  it's always good you get better to understand how   crypto opera work and you can at least make better  decision to make more money and by the way if   you're not subscribed well make sure you subscribe  if you don't want to miss any of my future   video all right so back testing is finished let's  go back to my screen so this one is teda this one   actually was pretty good so 19 83 successful sell  and 16 which was only five well maximum up to five   uh loss for that period so it was from may 31st  up to june 19 so for about about three weeks same   thing here so if we look at the trend so there's  a lot of buy and sell while it's going up now it's   ranging so no trade all going down a little bit  and then it start to move up again and as you can   look right here there's a green line and there's a  red line just beside it so that was a really quick   2.5 so get in and get out right away and then  not long after markets start to go down again   so no buy no transaction we're just waiting  and then we have another successful trade here   another successful trade here and that was  probably loss and we have a successful trade here   so don't forget guys if you're wondering  yourself why your bots are not doing any   transaction for a couple days well this  is totally normal look at the chart   from june 4th to june 7 there was absolutely  no transaction no buy at all same thing here   from june 10th there was one and the  next one was june 14. so between june 4   and june 14th so in 10 days there was two  transaction that's it um we're trading   multiple coins so there was a good chance that  there was another coin that was giving us a buy   signal but for teta itself there was only two  trade in 10 days because the way the market is   currently going so let's go on the chart so i can  show you exactly how the bot or how crypto opera   decide to take a trade so let's go right here  so let's start with atom so the first indicator   let's go back to uh very quickly to my strategy  so first thing is the mezza on the one hour   so if i look on the chart right here i'm currently  on the one hour so what i did i draw a box around   where mezza was giving me a green or a uptrend  signal or buy signal and by the way this is   trading view i'm using and if you want to add the  meson trading view just go to indicator type mezza   and it will be this one right here mesa  adaptive moving average by bran flake   so you could put a star on it beside it  so you you will have it in your favorite   and then you have to go to the  setting and put the same thing   as i show you in the strategy so 0.3 and .003  like we did in this strategy right here 0.3.003 and also you can select right here  enable bar color so it will change   the color of your graphic so when it's green  it's a downtrend when it's a green uptrend   red downtrend so what i did on the one hour i put  a box around all the uptrend signal giving by the   mess up because don't forget the strategy is on  the 15 minute so i go back to my strategy put   it back on the 15 minute and from there i can see  all the uptrend from the meza so let's say we take   an example from this part right here so what are  the condition condition number one is i need my   mezza to be on the uptrend and then i need  my dmi to be also on a buy signal so dmi   it's right here at the bottom so if you want to  add it same thing go to your indicator put dmi it   will be this one right here directional movement  index you don't have to change anything so the   way dmi work when the blue line is above the  orange line it's a cell signal so as we can see   we have all the blue line here we have the orange  line below so first condition we have to make sure   that the mezza gave us a uptrend and then we look  for the macd to go when the blue line cross the   orange line for buy signal so do we have a buy  signal right here no actually not i'm currently   outside the box so i need to wait for the next one  right here so let me put this a little bit bigger um okay right here so first one was outside  the box that doesn't work second one blue   line cross up right here so i'm inside the box  which is good the blue line on my dmi is above   which is good and i have a cross up right  here on the mcafee on the mcafee on the macd so let's take my right here so we have two point five percent profit five percent stop loss and that's all  that's the way i do all my testing   so i have my box right here so i move it  to where i have my buy signal right here now that's outside next one right  here and i put it where it was so it would enter a position somewhere around here   and it's a win so we have 2.5 percent so this  one was good so if we look at the next one so the next one let's take another example so  i have my macd crossing right here my dmi is   in the blue so the uh yes right here crossing  right here so this one is good we have another   cross right here so MACD crossing up i'm still  in the blue so we have a another win right here so we can keep going another cross bmi is blue we have a win and then we have another cross  right here but dmi is red or orange   so that's not good we have to wait another  cross up right here this one is blue but this is good so we're in profit  and i keep keep going like this so i   have another cross right here so that would  be maybe a profit here another profit here   and right here we have a cross up but we have the  blue on the dmi so that's not good so that's the   way it's done so if you want to test it out like  i said this is you can create  

a free account if you want to i'll put the link  in the description if you want to access it   and by using my link if you decide to buy a  subscription you will be getting a rebate also and   if you want to try other coin that i mentioned  you can try them just back test them and see   what kind of result you are getting so that's  it for me i hope you dislike this information   if it was valuable i would really  appreciate if you could give me a like   on this video and if you're not subscribed  well make sure you subscribe to my channel   i do cover a lot of video on how you can make  money in crypto i do cover uh crypto opera   so if you're very interested in crypto  opera well this is the place to be   so i hope you have a wonderful day and i'll  see you very soon on the next one thank you bye

2021-06-25 11:55

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