Crypto Market Review 12-28-20

Crypto Market Review 12-28-20

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Hey guys if you like this content I would  greatly appreciate it if you guys liked the   video and subscribed to my channel it helps make  these videos worth it going forward hey guys   it's Altcoin Sherpa here with a crypto market  review as always this is not financial advice   everything I say here is just  for educational purposes only   I'm not a professional please do  your own research trading is risky   I had a great break and am now really happy to get  back to the charts and market and let's start I'm   going to be doing a review today on bitcoin and  the majors and yeah I guess we'll go from there   so right here is I have a bitcoin chart with a  fibonacci extension and I am expecting price to eventually test 30 000 if this current  area of 26k is broken I'm sorry 27k and   as you scale down the fib extensions are  pretty good in general in my opinion you   can kind of see this 24 and a half here I'll  ex-- I'll make this a little more condensed   you can see this 25k acting as resistance it's not  perfect and if i fib this a little more accurately   you probably would be a little tighter but this  current area was resistance as you can see price   broke through and now is going to the next fib  area it wouldn't surprise me at all to see this   break up to thirty thousand thirty thousands a  very logical psychological number it's nice and   even similar to 20 000 I am expecting this  to go to 30 000 on high time frame charts yeah this is still incredibly bullish you can't  call this bearish at all even if this were to dip   down to 20 000 that's still just like a 30 retrace  and that's still really it's still fine it's still   a very bullish market structure you know if this  grinds up to 30 comes back down after like a big   shakeout period go comes back down to 20 000.  that's still going to be a higher low formed and   i don't necessarily think that's going to be  the macro top um if you look at the way that   price basically came to this 20k level and higher  this move right here and we can just really just   delete this this move right here going to 20 20  000 and beyond this was quite a bit different in   my opinion than when price went from you  know the 3 000 all the way up to 20 000.   this move right here was quite a bit more  parabolic in my opinion whereas this move in 2020 had a lot more ranging periods where  price just straight up accumulated and there   were a lot of arguments for accumulation  all throughout the summer and the early   early fall and fall and price basically just  ranged for weeks on end in months and the way   that price did this in my opinion is quite a bit  different than in 2017. 2017 pretty much did not  

have many pullbacks at all just kept going up  higher and higher once it started going from   you know 7 000 3x in price pretty quickly whereas  this market structure seems quite a bit different than in 2017. so what am i trying to say here I'm  trying to say that i don't really expect price to   have a 2017 blow off top type of price action and  then go all the way back down to 10 cat 10 000 to   10ks of course you never say never in crypto you  know it might hit up there then you know maybe   it just just goes back down and maybe that's  just it for a while but i personally believe   that what's more likely is that we will see price  hit 30 000 or maybe 35 000 I'm not sure where this   is going to stall out I think that it makes  sense for price to come back down to 20 000 area   just in terms of this being a demand area  and even if it goes from 30k to 20k as I said   a 30 correction it really isn't bad at all in  my opinion by crypto standards that's that's   completely normal like you know we're used to  losing 50 on a day traditional market people would   [ __ ] the [ __ ] themselves but in crypto that's  like totally normal and seeing a big shakeout   period in my opinion would be it'd be healthy  and it's something that I would like to see   not just because I trade alt coins but just for  the overall sustainability of this move I think   it's it's like a healthy thing to see um so yeah  that's kind of what I'm really wanting to see is   basically a move to 30 to 35 000 shake out to 20  000 or maybe a little lower depending and then   for price to enter this big old ranging phase for  a few months I I don't expect it to go this long   I'd like for price to build a base and then for  price to just go on an absolute moon mission in   2021 to I don't know 50 000 or something  like that i have no idea but that's kind of   what my projection is for bitcoin I'm still  waiting for a big pullback I don't know when   or where it's gonna happen but I'm just assuming  that price will eventually pull back it's just   the way markets move in my opinion and i just but  I just don't know where it's going to happen so   that's kind of what I'm looking for in terms  of bitcoin and i think that you know this is   a bullish market structure any dips should  be bought ETH USD I have many charts of this   going basically 100 starting in December  and it's quite possible that price   um you know this was the low in December 7th  right here but if you look at the previous three   years and I'm not going to go through that chart  again because everybody's probably seen it but   the ETH USD has basically gone on a run starting  December where it goes at least 100 percent   return on investment over the next few months  and it has the last three years i don't   see why this year should be any different and  i really really expect ETH USD to just go to   at least 1k I think it's it's highly likely  that this goes to one thousand dollars at least   even if you use the December seventh lows here  over the next few months I think that this   goes to a thousand dollars and any dips  for east should be bought in my opinion   ETH is one of my biggest spot bags just because I  think that this one is going to do very well over   the coming months and yeah it wouldn't surprise  me at all to see this go to a thousand dollars   in terms of lower time frame charts I mean you still see really healthy volume coming in and you might have thought this heavy cell volume  was scary but given the context of the market   and given bitcoin is doing so strongly  I expect ETH USD to follow bitcoin   and you know this heavy sell side pressure  was just absorbed buyers just kept buying   all these dips and then price kept moving up so  in my opinion it's very risky to short ETH USD I expect this one to do very well over the coming  months I don't know how many multiples it's going   to do but I do expect it to at least hit  a thousand dollars in the coming months   I think it's just super likely and I would be  very surprised if this didn't didn't do that ETHBTC has been in this arguable range and  ETHBTC has always usually been an indicator   for any alt coin pumps that we might have  or alt season whatever you want to call it in my opinion all coins don't really pump and  move hard until bitcoin is done doing its thing   and that's partially the reason why I'm hoping  that bitcoin does just just do this big 30   retrace move is because I'd like to see that a big  shakeout period where bitcoin goes down and then   alt coins are also going to go really down  they're going to suffer more than bitcoin   I expect alt pairs to sell off  if and when the shakeout happens   and then following that  period I expect alt coins to   start pumping big ETH BTC has traditionally been a  good indicator in terms of overall alt coin health   the health of the altcoin market and right now  price is trading right at the equilibrium of   this range this range has been established ever  since 2017 I'm sorry 2018. I think that we're   getting closer to the point where ETH BTC is  near the bottom and the reason for that is that   we're seeing some signs of capitulation we're  seeing like very very high cell volume come in   the most pretty much highest highest sell  volume on the weekly on this coinbase chart   for most of 2019 of course this doesn't  include the great el covid special   where we had super high cell volume not  seen since 2017 all season but the ETH BTC   cell volume was very high and we saw  some buyers step in a little bit and   what I'm hoping to see now is for  price to see some follow-up volume wise if BTC continues to go really strongly I expect  ETH BTC and many alt coins really just to keep   suffering and you know if bitcoin went to like 35  000 or higher then I wouldn't be surprised at all   to see these range lows tapped quite frankly  it would be really ugly for all alt BTC values   and remember alt BTC values is just really  alt coin price divided by bitcoin price so   if alt coin price is staying the same or  even still going up but not nearly as high   as bitcoin then the alt BTC value is just  going to keep going down and whenever alt   BTC values go down it means that you would have  been better off just holding your alt coin in   bitcoin instead or just holding bitcoin instead of  your altcoin so ETH BTC I don't think it's quite   there yet what I'm waiting for is just a strong  volume follow-up and you could kind of see that   more in the march area I mean basically  anytime from March I'm sorry December to March   it's generally a fairly strong time for  alt coins and you could even see it in 2018   you know you see like these big volume follow-ups  and this is basically what you want to look for   in terms of alt coins really starting to pump and  move is you want to see big volume follow-up but you can see here in 2018 you  saw like a lot of selling   in this area right here and then this is like  similar to what we're seeing right now is we're   seeing a lot of selling but then you saw a lot  of volume following up right here right after   and you didn't really see it too much in  December I mean you did see some high volume   sell-offs for a few weeks but then you  did see this high volume follow-up so   you want to see the high volume follow-up  when price starts to move and that's kind of   the confirmation that I'm willing or I'm kind  of waiting for again I don't think this alt b   alt BTC values really move until we see a strong  shakeout for bitcoin whenever or wherever that is   litecoin i just analyzed this one on twitter and  the basic note was that these supply zones or like   resistance whatever you want to call them they  sometimes take quite a few days to get through   you saw here this was the supply zone right before  the covid dump or price it looks like went from 60   to 20. 25 bucks and this one took several weeks  to get through higher supply zone right here   right around 85 to 90. again this took several  weeks to get through this is the three-day chart   and currently right here here's yet another supply  zone it wouldn't surprise me at all to see price   basically ping pong here for several days if  not a week and or more and price to basically   go higher and this is a lot of this is going  to depend too on bitcoin if bitcoin just keeps   climbing higher and higher and higher then we are  going to see litecoin chew through this liquidity   quicker and it's super bullish still I'm not  calling this bearish in the least like look   at this insane volume just follow up is crazy but  there still are going to be sellers in this region   and once this area gets cleared it  wouldn't surprise me at all to see areas like 1 70 get tapped this is like  kind of the next area right here 170-180   and then quickly after the  200s in my opinion is an area XRP this coin is obviously really  really really bearish right now and   here was some hopium I posted for um here's some  hopium i posted for the XRP army maybe like an   adam and eve reversal but I'm not really  quite sure to be frank and honest with you   in terms of this reversing you know there  could be more bad news on the way I don't know   but for now i mean this is like like potential  opium for for ripple enthusiasts I personally   I'm not trading this coin it has good liquidity  and everything but there's too much fun around it   for me to really you know long-term hold this or  anything like that like before I used to actually   do I did have a longer term ripple bag where I  held it for like a few months and then i would   just sell it but and I did I did buy some I think  in November sometime but the problem is just that   this just has so much fun around it that I I just  don't know what's gonna happen and it's it's just   I think that this could still very well pump to  like the 45s or even higher but any potential   pump is just going to have bad news  looming over it and I think that the   potential of this pumping is going to be limited  compared to what it was before the bad news   um so it looks like I have  some old BTC pairs basically on on this list I think that I just wanted to  highlight too this is kind of what we're seeing   there's several different types of reversal  patterns for all coins with their BTC pairs   and we're kind of seeing this now where we're  seeing these long accumulation periods this is   one for seller and yeah I mean this is still  still going on it's still still accumulating   here is so okay so this is one type of  reversal pattern is the accumulation bottom   and what you'll see is like basically for prices  range for months on end and then it'll start to   move another accumulation pattern is the v-shape  reversal this is what we saw with YFI I mean it's   pretty clearly a v shape and now price is coming  all the way back down to the origin of the pump   it wouldn't surprise me to see this go even lower   I would like to think that wi-fi wouldn't  go this low but it's certainly possible   if bitcoin still goes to 30 000 then  this one's going to go to you know 0.6  

would not surprise me at all to see this see  this return I'm still bullish on this personally   but and I'm gonna actually buy I already  have some originally from around this area   in terms of the BTC pair I bought it on this  first move up and I've just kind of held it this is the other type of reversal pattern  you saw this as well with regards to   you saw this for ripple and you saw this for like  dogecoin where basically it's a v-shape reversal   so one last thing I wanted to go through is I  wanted to talk to you guys about the bitcoin   dominance chart that I have here and this is  just something really briefly that I wanted   to talk to you guys about I have a video on  bitcoin dominance so check it out I go into   it a little more in detail but basically  the green boxes that I've marked here are   times when alt coins really start to pump in  late December or early January and this has   happened the last three years obviously 2017  was the greatest alt season of all time but   the market cycles have been pretty consistent  the last three years where around December to   January alt coins really start to pump this is  the bitcoin dominance inverted chart so when you   see price moving up that's the alt coin value or  I guess alt coin dominance so to speak so you know   when you see like a traditional bitcoin dominance  chart would be something like this where you see bitcoin dominance going higher as bitcoin goes  up but I thought this was easier right here the   the bitcoin dominance inverted chart to basically  highlight overall alt coin values a little better   than the traditional bitcoin value chart  dominance chart so I already as I said I went   through a video on this so please check it out  but basically I wanted to talk to you guys about   this market cycle being fairly consistent where  bitcoin I'm sorry alt coins pumped pretty hard   from December to January and you saw this again  in 2018 December 12th was the start and then it   started stopped pumping around January 7th  again end of December December 21st 24th   and then it ended in February so you have about  a month time followed by alt coins retracing hard   for about a month this in 2018 it was late January  all the way to late march this was a longer one   because of how explosive that move was this one  right here in 2019 was January 13th to February 6.   so about a month and this one was February 12th  to march 25th so again about a month you see alt   coins cooling off after their big runs and then  furthermore the blue boxes have been strong alt   coin moves from usually March sometime in 2019  this is mid-February to early April in 2020 it was   March 25th I think that was right near the  covid special all the way to April and then the   tan boxes are where alt coins basically die in  the summer in 2018 and 2019 that was really a   brutal time for many altcoin traders myself  included and I just basically kept losing   all throughout these two years 2020 was really  different that was due to decentralized finance   and what we really saw was the cooling  off period in September and October and   arguably continuing we are seeing it  more now too we're seeing further all   alt coin dominance just going further and  further down just because bitcoin is so strong   when bitcoin is super strong bitcoin is  going to take more and more of the overall   market share and as I said I don't  see this changing until bitcoin   basically is done with its run it's possible  that maybe this is the area where it basically we're basically we'll tap around 20 well this  will be the altcoin dominance chart so 27 percent   and then maybe it'll bounce from there but  anyways the bottom line is that I expect alt   coins to really move strongly over the next few  months I believe it's going to move strong for   one month here starting in early January I  believe it's going to pull back in February   I believe it's going to bounce again in march  to April and then I'm not sure on the summer but   that's kind of my plan so make sure you guys look  at the bitcoin dominance chart or the alt coin   dominance the inverse chart when you can and that  will give you a good macro indication of what to   look for anyways I hope you guys enjoyed this  video I know it was a little longer than normal   but I have not done videos in a few days and I  plan on cranking out quite a bit more content so   please like and subscribe if you enjoy  this content thank you for watching

2020-12-29 20:38

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