Crypto Market Review 1-2-21

Crypto Market Review 1-2-21

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hey guys if you like this content i would  greatly appreciate it if you guys liked the   video and subscribed to my channel it helps uh  make these videos worth it going forward hey guys   Altcoin Sherpa here with a crypto market review  as always this is not financial advice i am not a   professional trading is risky do your own research  i'll start this off by uh going through bitcoin   some of the majors bitcoin dominance and then i'll  run through a whole bunch of all coins uh okay so uh we'll go through bitcoin first this is my  fibonacci retracement i'm sorry extension and   bitcoin now reached the 30 000 mark here and this   is an excellent all-time high level  this is a significant fib level the 618   and uh we still have good volume on high time  frame charts and uh this looks great i mean   you know still extremely bullish i don't know  where this is going to stall out at given the   reactions on twitter it's obvious that everyone  is overly exposed to all coins myself included   buying some all coins two weeks ago  was probably not the best idea but   is what it is i'm accumulating it's okay i still  think that bitcoin could go to 36k could go to   45k i i have no idea where this will go before  it stalls out um personally i think that there   will be a 30 correction or so and even if  it goes down to 20k i mean as anyone who's   uh who who's been in trading crypto for years or  even a few months has seen you know 36 percent is   really nothing you know we're all used to that uh  traditional financial will [ __ ] themselves but   i mean a 30 pullback it's it's completely  feasible now i'm not going to say it's going   to happen anytime soon i don't know when or  where but just watch out for it until that time   i mean bitcoin is still highly bullish this still  has healthy volume coming in i did make a video on   what to look for for tops so check that out but  as of right now it still looks pretty good uh   i mean this is just really just a straight  strong run you're just basically seeing   uh you're seeing consolidation drive consolidation so you're just seeing this kind of same price  action where we're uh we're seeing consolidation   drive consolidation drive and eventually this  will stop uh you know there will be a pullback but   again i don't know where this  is gonna pull back at it still   looks extremely strong the bullish  the trend is still really bullish there's nothing really to say about this  if you want to be a hero you can short but   i prefer i think most people will probably profit  a lot more after the parabolic run has stopped   uh you know after you see some sort of big wick  and then price closing really ugly so what we can   do here if you want to look at some other market  short-term market tops or market tops i mean look   at 2019 here where you see lots of really ugly  candle closes and then you see high cell volume   this is kind of what you're looking for right  here if you're thinking about a market top and   i'm not saying bitcoin if it does top out  here at you know 40k or 38k or whatever number   it is i'm not saying that that is gonna be like  that's over like i'm not saying that that's over   and bitcoin is done and bitcoin will go to like  10k you know obviously could it's bitcoin but   i think it's more likely that given we are  going to be in a multi-year uh bull trend   personally given the market structure of the  chart and given the way this move up has happened   but i do i wouldn't be surprised if there  was some sort of big pullback uh to 30k   i'm sorry 20k and uh i mean like look this is this  is 2017. like there were still plenty of pullbacks   even on the parabolic run that it had and  this market structure was was was different   too from what we are currently seeing  in 2020 i mean this was more parabolic   price didn't really have much time to to cool  off ever it just kept going higher and higher   whereas if you compare it to this run here in 2020  there were still quite a few periods in 2020 where   price had many accumulation periods were basically  just satin ranged and in my opinion this is a lot   healthier for a move uh when you're going  higher because it's not as parabolic and   uh price was able to accumulate in range for just  quite a lot more time on this run than in 2017. so if i i still am viewing a 30 pullback i don't know  when or where this is still bullish until shown   otherwise i mean when you see price basically  consolidate like this uh well this is something   like this this is generally going to be pretty  bullish in this context but you are going to see some like high cell volume at the top i don't  know where again or when uh like this was you know   high sell volume at 20k but it was just too  obvious i think that price is going to go a   little higher than 20k at that time given the way  uh price is consolidating there's just like more   liquidity higher in my opinion i i didn't know  when or where this is gonna stall and i still   don't but as of right now it's still bullish uh  places i would view for buying a pullback uh well   if it comes obviously 20k is just like a really  good clean buy if it goes even lower to like   16k i mean that would be a 50 drop which  would be really ugly but again like we're   we're pretty used to that in crypto land  and like say like this does stall out here uh say stalls out near 36k like this fib area  would make sense to come back to the 50 retrace   at 20k um but if you want to start looking  at some other levels here for a pullback   24k is gonna have some support 20k obviously has  important support there's some micro levels too   on lower time frame charts like 26k but i don't  know how strong those are gonna be in general uh 24k would be the first strong  line of defense in my opinion   and then if that fails i see 20k but the bottom  line is that bitcoin is still highly bullish   and i'm not sure where this is going to go so  let's keep going on i expect eth to basically   follow bitcoin for the most part uh this  has been lagging relatively speaking because   in the sense that it hasn't moved quite as  strongly as bitcoin and it normally does not   almost always follows bitcoin there are some times  in the year when ethereum will outpace bitcoin but   and we're actually getting closer to that time in  my opinion i wouldn't be surprised at all to see   this hit a thousand dollars within the next few  weeks personally uh this chart right here just   shows that ethereum has hit a 100 gain over the  last few decembers or starting in december in the   preceding months after and i don't see any  reason why this uh shouldn't happen i mean a   thousand dollars is here i use this december  7th swing low around 500 bucks to uh show   the bottom on december and i don't think it's it's  out of the question at all to think that this will   go to a thousand dollars i i think this is still a  good buy i think that ethereum still looks strong   uh this has as i said been slower than  bitcoin for the for the most part and you're seeing similar price action as well you're  seeing you know a drive consolidation drive   and a simple strategy that you can do if you  are trading uh majors or all coins specifically   or i'm sorry if you're trading all coins  and majors specifically is if you see   uh bitcoin being very strong and you know ltc  or eth are just kind of not doing anything   you can just pretty much buy assuming that  the btc move is legit and just assume that   these coins will probably follow to some degree   so if this i'm guessing this continues higher  i i'm expecting a thousand dollars within a   few weeks or potentially a few months depending  on the way that price uh moves with bitcoin but   there is a signif there are some significant  interesting levels like coming up like   800 bucks is an interesting level  uh there's going to be some other   levels like 900 as well but for the most part i  still am bullish on eth i think it's potentially   a better buy than bitcoin around this time of  the year but that'll be more reflected in the   ebtc chart which i'm going to go through next  and this is my eth btc chart i was thinking that   potentially the uh lows around not lows well  the lows could get tested around 0.1016 let's   hope that doesn't happen that would be pretty  ugly for many ethereum uh holders but i use this   overall range here to show that i think that eath  could still be in this long range since 2018.   uh i think the next area of interest in my opinion  is the .021 area and that area is already kind of   coming up pretty quick there should be some  buy side liquidity right here and should um   there should be some demand but it's already  been tapped once here on this big spike down and   the market structure in the short term  is certainly bearish i mean this is not   bullish yet still making lower highs and lower  lows on lower time frames high sell volume what does it mean when your alt btc  pair is going down it means that you   would have made more money holding  bitcoin versus this altcoin and   usually that's always going to be the case for the  most part there are some times of the year when   alts outperform bitcoin but for the most part  bitcoin will almost always outperform all coins   uh all coins in my opinion should be used as a  tool to acquire more bitcoin and i think that all coins are going to continue to struggle  until bitcoin is done with its run and that said   i do think that all coins once bitcoin is done  with its run at you know 35k 40k 50k i don't   know where when but i expect bitcoin to have a  30 retracement or potentially up to 50 percent   and it's going to depend of course on how how it  happens and where it happens in my opinion but   uh at that time that's when i think that it'll be   some really ugly days in the market followed  by some strong buybacks for all coins   and that's just my opinion it could be quite  some more pain for all coins until bitcoin is   done doing its thing and i've always thought that  uh i'm waiting i've accumulated many all coins   right now but i'm going to keep i'm going to buy  one last time when i see that big shakeout happen   uh each btc is generally a good market macro uh  indicator for all coins though and when each btc   does very poorly this is you know all coins in  general just don't do well with all btc pairs and   this right here is is just kind of neutral in  general i mean it's bearish in the short term but   there might be some bounces here in the 0.020 area  

and yeah i still i think this is going to  be pretty good in the following months but   you know until bitcoin is done doing its thing  we aren't going to see a big move for each btc   it's very possible that this will have a v-shape  reversal similar to like 2017 run where we just   see this continue to melt down further and further  and further and then we see a strong buyback um but let's see i guess i mean you know each btc has  had a few of these types of v-shaped reversals but for the most part they're  they've been kind of more rounded rounded reversals and more conservative they  haven't been insane like back in 2017 2018   uh let's just go quickly with bitcoin dominance bitcoin dominance is still really high right now  what does bitcoin dominance mean i checked i made   a video on bitcoin dominance it basically means  that the higher bitcoin dominance is the lower   market share that all coins have and everybody's  crying for alt season and want alt season but all   season will never happen until bitcoin dominance  starts to pull back bitcoin dominance and all   coins have an inverse relationship meaning  that the higher the bitcoin dominance goes the   worse or lower that all coins go generally  speaking and this is mainly speaking with   all btc pairs not all usd as bitcoin goes higher  alt usd will gain but usually not as much as alt   uh beat or as bitcoin so what am i looking at  for bitcoin dominance i mean this is right here   obvious resistance level coming up i don't  know if charting these things is necessarily a   great thing i mean there are interesting  levels that are respected interestingly enough   uh you know the 62 area was  interesting and it held again 58   also held uh for me personally bitcoin  dominance is going to keep increasing and   all coins are going to continue to suffer with  all ptc pairs until this until bitcoin is done   excuse me doing its run and i don't know  where that run will end it could end   at 73 it could end at 77 percent uh i don't  know where this will start pulling back at so an obvious area of resistance is coming up right  now the previous uh 2019 august high which was   that summer was awful for all coin traders   for all btc traders that is like me uh when i  was trading all ptc but if bitcoin goes to like   37k or something like that then i expect  the 77 area to be tested personally   so as i said before it's probably safer to  just not buy and hold all coins until you see   something like uh strong pullbacks for all ptc i'm  sorry altcoin i'm sorry mark uh bitcoin dominance   you know when you start to see stuff like this  pulling back this is like a great run obviously   from late 2019 all the way to the fall of 2020  this was just like a good time to trade all coins   and obviously there were times time periods  when all coins were tough to trade here and   there again when bitcoin dominance goes up all  coins all bcc values go down for the most part   but i still expect there to be some good times for all coins coming up i i  i think that usually this time of the year   and i again i go through this stuff on my bitcoin  dominance video but generally speaking you'll see   bitcoin dominance start to go down on december so these last two years bitcoin dominance basically  went down starting in december like last year it   was you know december 30th or so when it  started to come down december 15th or so   2018 is when it started to go  down and then obviously you had   alt season which was early december this was when  it started to go down so i personally think that   bitcoin dominance will probably start going  down relatively soon it wouldn't surprise me   to see but again these past years  contextually were different than   current years because currently bitcoin is going  on a massive run and because of that massive run   we're seeing that bitcoin dominance is basically  skyrocketing you know in these previous   bitcoin wasn't really going on massive  runs obviously 2017 it was but uh   that makes me believe that possibly like 80  percent is potentially coming which would be   really painful for all ptc values but i expect  there to be pretty quick pullback on this so   my advice to you is if you're being  conservative and safer which is   totally good i would just wait until  bitcoin dominance starts to pull back   and then start scaling into alts if you  want to start accumulating now and you're   trading a big stack it's not a bad idea to  throw some money in now but just know that   if you throw in money now you are going to be  underwater for potentially weeks or even months   depending on how this bitcoin dominance chart  goes and how bitcoin moves and uh no i'm sorry   underwater in terms of all btc values not all usd  but yeah my personal plan is just to basically   keep i'm going to keep accumulating some all coins  i already accumulated some of them and i'll just   buy a lot more when i think bitcoin dominance  is starting to head down and when bitcoin has a big blow off top okay so let's go into some  majors now i already went through eth this is xrp   xrp had a lot of fun going on i think that  the relative bottom is in for the short term but i still am very skeptical on if this will  continue higher i think there are a lot of   inefficiencies to fill higher like this move  was was pretty inefficient this is like a big   big move and what i mean by inefficient i mean  a total imbalance between buyers and sellers   or prices cascades down and usually see these  inefficiencies filled out for the most part   like here is a good example here like  this was a big pullback and you saw price   grind its way back up so you'll see that in both  directions too like if if you see like a big big   move up you'll see price either so if you see  a big move up you'll see price fill it out on   the way down or if you see like a big move down  you'll see this grinding price action like this   and a good example of that is uh looking  at bitcoin after the kova dump this is like pretty textbook uh inefficiency fill where big  price dump price grinds up and this is this is   this is pretty standard you can see this across  all time frames too and you can see it on very   low time frames you can see it on high time frames  like bitcoin it just depends but anyways with xrp uh i think mo the short-term bottom is in  for the most part i would be surprised if   this continues to grind up a little bit higher  but there's just a lot of instability in this   particular market so i personally am just going  to stay away from xrp it's usually a good coin to   trade because of the volatility and liquidity but  it's i personally wouldn't advise trading it right   now it's just too choppy uh link usd i personally  think that link is gonna do well in 2021 but i'm starting to have a few of my doubts frankly  this chart doesn't look great and it's continually   just ranging in between this 16  mark in this 10 mark or 9 mark   this chart doesn't really scream bullishness it  doesn't really scream accumulation to me it just   is kind of it's just kind of there it's i  know that's kind of a shitty description but   i mean the the only thing i could  really compare to maybe is like   double rounded bottom or something like that i i  have no idea like we'll see something like this i don't know i think i mean  i'm still holding out hope that   he i'm sorry link will do  well i have a link stack but   i don't know i might consider cutting it we'll see  i might just throw it into something else but uh this is has been like the one of the most  bullish assets in crypto since its inception   like you know this went from this went a regular  ridiculous amount since the start but overall just   doesn't really look super bullish to me the chart  itself doesn't look bullish uh there's not really   clear signs to me of accumulation but we'll see  i mean you can't bet against [ __ ] you can't bet   against chain link just because of what it's done  i'm personally just a little more worried that   the oracle space is getting more and more  competitive and chain link will maybe start to   lose some of its market share but again we'll see  uh it wouldn't surprise me at all see this test   ten dollars again again the chart doesn't really  look super bullish to me yet and the emas are just   ema's are just tightening up the 200 ema is  generally 200 ema has been traditionally a   pretty good buy and it wouldn't surprise  me just to see a lot of compression here   over the next few days or weeks or whatever  if all coins do start to pump in december   then i expect this will start moving and  that's kind of what i'm betting on more   but for now i don't really know if  link is a great coin to really buy   or trade it's just choppy and doesn't really  look super strong either way or trending uh vid this is a popular coin  i don't know what it does this is vid bitcoin it doesn't really look  like anything right now i mean it looks like it   potentially could be in this accumulation range  actually this is a better way to do it here   it looks like it's this better  accumulation range potentially but this might be just go yeah so i mean this looks kind  of neutral to me in my opinion price is kind of trading at this equilibrium  it looks like a relatively new coin which is   nice you know new coins are better to trade  generally this is bearish for now though   i don't see this being super bullish  yet the buy volume is nice but uh yeah i mean this buy volume looks nice  but this doesn't really look great either way   for me a trigger to consider buying this  would basically be to break this uh 2400 sats   region because of kind of what we talked  about before with the inefficient move   uh yeah i think that this will need  to be broken this this area here before you consider buying there's nice buy  volume but it's not a buy yet in my opinion   theta this is uh incredibly bullish coin  i mean i don't know why i just didn't just   buy this and just focus on the trending  coins this market's still fairly choppy   for many altcoins in general but theta had  its own market cycle it's been highly highly   highly bullish i thought it was actually kind of  stalling out around the dollar six d6 area but i was i was wrong there this is a good example  of bullish accumulation and what i expect for   bitcoin really uh you saw this massive run in  may i remember when it just had that insane run and blow off top this is the trade this is like  a very good example of a blow off top here huge   cell volume big wick ugly daily clothes and then  i had this bullish accumulation here and this is   really what i expect for bitcoin and it wouldn't  surprise me at all to see this happen for bitcoin   over a larger time period because usually uh  bigger assets need more time to accumulate   less liquid assets like data in my opinion  don't need as much time to accumulate given   how small of a market cap relatively it is to  bitcoin but i expect this to basically happen   for bitcoin i expect big drive up to 35k 40k  i have no idea a big pullback not big 30 50   range range range range range range range and this  is kind of what i expect basically i mean there's   going to be some moves within this range of course  and then i expect bitcoin to basically go huge in   2021. so that is an example and this is kind of an  example of what i expect for bitcoin this is what   theta did basically big move up consolidation  and accumulation big move up accumulation   and we're seeing that now we're seeing  this huge parabolic run where this just   is looks great i mean i don't know where this  is going to stall out you might want to use fib   extensions or something like that but for the  most part i mean data is awesome bullish zrx this looks neutral it's not really doing anything this could be doing what theta did i mean  you see big drive and now it's just ranging i wouldn't buy this personally unless  you are looking for a long-term play   this is just going to keep within this  range in my opinion and there's going   to be deviations from the range of course but overall uh yeah this is just just ranging  it's not doing anything i wouldn't buy it   unless you're accumulating i did do a  video on accumulation too so check that out   wi-fi uh i was the idiot that bought some  around .95 thinking it was a good buy   and i took a little profits but not  nearly as much i rebought again around the   nine five area and i'm underwater but  that's okay because i'm accumulating this   uh i personally believe that this will do  pretty well in the coming weeks and months   but this might end up doing a full retrace for  the btc pair and this is what you're gonna see   too for a lot of btc pairs is you're seeing a lot  of pain for these btc pairs but wi-fi is a good   example of what i expect for btc all btc pairs  you're basically seeing this a v-shaped reversal v-shape reversals are generally  categori are characterized by   high by volume and a reversal that looks  like a v like as indicated here and this   is again what i'm kind of expecting for many  all coins is to hit certain levels of support   wherever they may be i think that  this bleeding area is getting close to   uh ending but if we see bitcoin go to like 50k  then all pcc values are going to go even lower   than you can like even imagine like this would  maybe go to 0.3 i don't know i mean i don't   know where or when bitcoin is going to bounce of  course but if it goes to like 50 000 then all pcc   pairs are just going to get annihilated so this  is what i'm expecting for wi-fi and this is the   same type of chart for many all ptc values  as well kind of like how i checked for vidt it's going to be a v-shaped reversal for many  of these alt btc values but yeah let's see   uh roon highly bullish on this one this  is our this is a really messy chart uh let's get rid of this uh i wanted  the 0.5 area i did not get the 0.5 area   this is still really bullish all-time high levels i kept telling myself i was going  to buy a bag of thor i never did   i'm sorry thor chain rune whatever this  is still really bullish i don't really   know what to say about this i mean if you  want to look for targets you just basically   look for fib extensions so just fib the  top and the bottom parts of this range and next step looks like 156 and then 174 or  i'm sorry 170 and so on so yeah this is   just the fib extension i mean this is this will  give you somewhat close numbers in my opinion   still bullish on this project this is really  a nice one i should just buy honestly and just   sit on it eagled bitcoin uh still bullish on the  usd pair but this btc pair is pulling back hugely   this is an example of a rounded bottom reversal   this was more like kind of rounded here as  you can see this is a little different than   the v-shape reversal because the recovery took  a little more time to grind up it wasn't like   wi-fi were basically just started moving right out  of the gate from its reversal this is also another   type of reversal pattern and i made a video on  reversal pattern so check that out but as of right   now this doesn't look very good for the btc pair  uh the usd pair i think is still pretty bullish   but it wouldn't surprise me at all i mean this is  gonna hit 800 sats almost certainly and since that   area has been tapped multiple times it wouldn't  surprise me at all to see this area tap next   the 662 satoshi area this was  obviously a really bullish thing but it is pulling back heavily and what  you could maybe look for is like something like like this like a cup and handle type of thing  but the handle's already getting a little it's already getting a little uh deep   and this might just make a full retrace  depending on i i i don't think it's gonna   go down to 400 or 500 satoshi's but if bitcoin  still goes strong and it will in my opinion uh let's go to bnb bitcoin this is at  a very critical area in my opinion if   this current area gets lost then i think we  see this uh was that 9000 90k i can't read   90k area uh and it's looking that way right  now it looks like really bearish right now   many all ptc values again are going to be bearish  this is my next area of interest if this current   area fails uh nothing to really say about this  being like binance was one of the most bullish   assets in the bear market and it's also one of  the reasons why i want to buy a bag of ftt as well   just because i think that ftx is a good exchange  and i expect fcx to do pretty well going forward   uh but you know this looks pretty bearish  in general this is not bullish in the least   bnb looks i mean i always thought it kind  of thrived as like a safe haven asset   where it just was kind of more stable when the  market sucked as evidence of the 2018 run but   as of right now it's it's just looking  terrible like many other all coins uh ada let's go to ada ustt uh this is still a nice looking chart  but it takes some time to get through   the cell liquidity how can we never okay i'll go  through ltc after this i was we'll say this kind   of looks like an ltc chart a little bit but uh  there's a lot of sellers in this uh 18 cent region   and it's going to take some time to grind through  those cellars it's not quite it's not quite ready uh this swing high around 19 cents or 20 cents was   significant and i think that you know there's  still a lot of sellers in this area you can   see basically price grinding through it with that  said i i fully believe that this is going to break   it wouldn't surprise me at all to  see this go really strongly after after it breaks this 20  cent mark and if you look at volume profile i mean this is there's just nothing  but there's no resistance above it's just nothing   but clear skies there's going to be residual uh  cell liquidity you know right here and obviously   at all time high levels but i do think that this  is going to break in the usd pair break higher to   the the all-time high usd pair level i the alt btc  pair of cardano will unlikely get to its former   glory again in my opinion just because there's so  many new projects but the usd pair should almost   certainly reach new all-time highs in the usd pair  uh personally uh i'm still bullish on this but   i wouldn't take a leveraged position personally  because there still could be more chop involved uh   if you want to take a leverage position i  would wait for a break of 20 personally but   in my opinion this was certainly going to break   this area just because the market  structure was way different now than this original move in march of  2020 but yeah still still looks bullish   uh dogecoin looks good in  the short term this was a support level i didn't trade this one  uh we're seeing some nice gains for sure to be determined if it's going to be like this run   it had before i mean as you see  dogecoin has these massive wicks and uh you know it has these massive runs and quick  pullbacks so i i wouldn't be surprised to see   the same thing but if it's gonna be something  like maybe it'll be something more like august   2018 where this will be a a multi-week pump  i don't know but for now i'm just kind of   watching dogecoin i'll i'll probably trade the  usd pair coming up but we'll see uh v-e-t v-chain this one looks pretty bad for the btc pair  the usd pair i think is really decent still wouldn't surprise me at all  to see this come back to this area 40 40 satoshis might be good but until  that time it's not i don't know this looks i mean   this just looks bad on high time frames all all  ptc pairs are going to look bad just hammer that   into your head right now all all ptc pairs are  going to look bad as long as bitcoin is strong uh   that's all i can say about that it's a good  time to accumulate if you have a big stack   where you just buy some but until that  time it's just it's gonna be bad rsr   this one is good i fibbed this out i did not buy  this one has really nice fa like a really ton of   good hype around it uh there's certainly  going to be some sellers here in this area so it's going to take some time to get  through this cell this cell zone but i   expect rsr given the hype to really break  it eventually uh but it could be pull back pull back it's going to take some time to chew  through it in my opinion this timeline is going   to be accelerated too it won't take this long but  you could also see something like this uh where   it just hangs around and then it breaks up but  there's gonna be a lot of sellers in this area uh but the volume for rsrs looks good sushi  i've long talked about waiting to just buy   a break of 350. i know it's not the sexiest  thing ever but the reason is it's just that  

volume profile is pretty obvious in the sense that uh there's just that's better there's just a lot of like a lot  of trading volume within this area this three 3   50 to 225 area there's just a lot of trade  volume here and it's going to take a while   to grind that liquidity it's similar  to what i just talked about the rsr   just takes a while and you know if you're buying  and holding there's nothing wrong with it like   you could have bought 225 and like had a  fantastic gain like uh you know 50 almost 50 gain i always wanted to buy a uni bag or a uni  or sushi bag but i never did but for sushi   looks bullish uh in the short term it wouldn't  surprise me at all to see this go a little lower   and then go up but i'm just waiting for sushi  to break 350 and fill out this inefficient move   but still could take a little more  time could break now i'm not sure   if i start to see some higher lows  that'll be the trigger point to buy uh silica this was a bullish market  structure in my opinion because it   this was a higher high and this  was a significant higher high but as i said with other all ptc pairs   this is going to pull back huge because of  bitcoin there are going to be some significant uh support levels coming up in my opinion but you'd have to go down to lower time frames to look  for some levels for the fib 230 is interesting   200 is interesting it wouldn't surprise  me at all to see these two areas   tapped but all pc cc values are  going to suffer for the most part   ocean this one again is very hyped i don't  buy i don't i don't have a bag of this   looks okay i wouldn't it's not bullish yet in  my opinion i think it probably found a bottom   i mean this is very choppy price action though  but it's still bearish market structure like   you can still see lower highs being formed  everywhere and this might be one where it'll just   accumulate first for a little bit and  then go kind of more of a rounded bottom   but i like the buy volume coming in but  i'm neutral ocean looks whatever to me   band i have a stack of band i will be buying  more of it soon i think it looks like it's   an accumulation mode 200-day ema right at price  right into the equilibrium this is doing nothing   this is just i'm hoping accumulation but this could break lower of course  too i don't i don't know but   i'm just gonna keep buying band  personally i think it's a good project uni this one is similar to sushi in the sense that i think that the fa on this is really good and this is the breakout it  wouldn't surprise me to see a   return to this level at 420 and then  go up there's gonna be some sellers uh along this area but not a ton and  you can look at volume profile too like   right there like this is this is where obvious  resistance was right and this was obviously two   where volume profile was stronger generally  these volume profiles act as magnets because   this is where price likes to be traded at and this  is where the market finds fair value so to speak   so it makes sense that these are usually highly  liquid areas and they can sometimes also act as   sr levels as well but once price  breaks this five dollar area then   it's 5 30 area then i there's not much resistance  there's another resistance area around 6.50 but   uni should do pretty well in the coming coming  weeks and months in my opinion i think dexes   are going to be a narrative in 2021 so  it's not a bad idea to buy a bag of this   ogn btc this looks like absolute [ __ ] i don't  know what to say about this looks terrible   uh i mean this is this looks the  same way as all those other 2017-2018   og coins like icx it just looks bad if  you're looking for any sort of reversal um   you're looking for a v-shape reversal similar  to so if you have a underwater bag of this and you're looking for v-shape reversals basically and it's possible you see a kind of a rounded  bottom reversal like this but i'm not so sure my advice to you guys if you guys have underwater  bags that look like this and i have some as well   don't you know your favorite charter  influencer whatever you want to call us   has these bags you know they're  lying if they say otherwise if you have these types of bags you're looking  for this you're looking for v-shape reversal   you're not looking to get back to all-time  high you're not looking to get back to   break even you're looking to probably just   sell and take what you can get this will  probably reverse big and then come on back down it's better just to take the loss  at this point say you bought it   at like i don't know say you bought  it say you bought it here 2500 stats say you bought it because you you thought  this level here was gonna be like support   and it was obviously not it just kept  falling through and it just kept dropping take what you can get here don't look for  all-time high levels because all-time live   all-time high levels are probably not going to  happen they your coin will probably go up 100   maybe it'll go up 200 percent maybe 300 like  this take the loss the opportunity cost the um   just the value of your money just sitting  in this coin hoping for all-time highs and   waiting for it to go to zero is not good i cannot  emphasize this enough um i have some old bags   that i just sold you know on the last pumps  just because that's just the way you have   to do it you have to take it take the l you're  not gonna get your old money back uh just take   what you can get take what the market gives  you that's my best advice for you if you have   ogn a coin that basically went from uh 93 since  august that's just you know it's it's incredible yeah so just just make sure you sell on the when  it when it has a v shape reversal i probably   wouldn't sell now because it's i mean it'll  bottom eventually but that's just my opinion   uh bell bella btc this looks really uh really bad it's kind of crazy to think this was just launched in september and  already massive destruction   nothing to say about this again all all  pcc pairs are just going to be gross this doesn't look good any anything  you buy here is just a knife catch   because it's already breached  the swing the swing lows this will have a v-shape reversal probably i  don't know where it where or when it'll happen   but unlike ogn though this actually has a  chance to go higher because it's a newer coin   so not saying it will but there's less  price history enj this looks bad i mean i   should just skip all all btc pairs they're all  going to look the same this is just terrible this is just going to i mean it's already  lost high time frame support the next area   is this right here right is the start  of the inception in 20 in all season yup this doesn't look good so this is my next  area of interest the 250 sats area to 360.   dot this thing is insanely bullish i kept  waiting for lower like this the seven dollars   it never came in the short term it might  still come here's my uh range just ranged for   weeks and are actually months and now  it's just going really really well because   this volume is just crazy good still and uh yeah  a good strategy just to buy any dot pullback   in a super bull market too  when some is doing its run   and many all coins will start doing  a big run soon in my opinion but   this is the best you'll get you'll get a bull  flag and then this will just keep going higher   uh yeah i'm so bullish on dot i think it's going  to be very strong in 2021 i exp i'm gonna keep   buying some dot too i just keep throwing some  more money more and more money into dot and   it's a little bit here a little bit there  and yeah i think it's going to be strong nano choppy price action it's hard to read this chart frankly resistance area all here and uh  i think let's log resistance area   this is once this breaks it'll be strong but  for right now it's just locked in this range yeah not much to say about this  it's just it's neutral i wouldn't   trade this personally it looks very  choppy goodbye might be like 90 cents and lower but yeah roon roon is going to  be we already talked about roon but we're   i think roon is going to be very good in the  coming months the btc pair is still in this   accumulation zone though so uh yeah it's it's not  really doing a whole lot it's because it goes to   show that even if a coin hits all-time high in usd  it can still look neutral to bad in ptc pairs so   that that's a good reason why should always almost  always have exposure to bitcoin in my opinion just because you don't know when bitcoin  is going to do its massive run in general   uh so it looks like i'm out but i wanted to  add a few other i'm gonna go to twitter here and uh look at my chart request actually you know what it looks  like bitcoin is breaking out   so i'm actually going to call this video  because i need to go and start trading   anyways thank you guys for watching and uh good  luck i hope you guys enjoyed this market review

2021-01-04 00:54

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