Creating a Line Sheet for your Jewelry Business

Creating a Line Sheet for your Jewelry Business

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Welcome everybody! I'm so excited to be here and  to talk with you about line sheets. It's a topic   that keeps coming up again and again and we've  had such an interesting year last year. And I’m   getting a lot of designers saying, you know, how  do I approach stores; do I need to send a line   sheet; aren't people tired of getting line sheets  in the mail, they want to go paperless. So we're   going to just talk about all of that today. So  welcome, welcome! And okay so let me click here. Oh, here we go. Alright.

So before we get started, for those of you who  don't know who I am I thought I’d kind of give   you a little bit of background of who I am and my  history. I actually grew up selling retail. My mom   had a store, I had a sister who had a store. And  then I went to college and I studied fashion and   marketing and retail management. So I have a big  passion for stores and all things retail. I then   started working for stores like GAP, really big  box, behind the scenes in the operations. I first   worked in the stores and then I went to work into  the corporate area of things so Williams-Sonoma,   GAP and got a really good education for that type  of the business. And then I fell in love with  

handmade product and I ended up working for small  niche brands and found my way to DOGEARED Jewelry.   And DOGEARED was a 14-year-old company when I  started with them. I was with them for five years   and they grew 800% in the five years I was there.  So it was really amazing and crazy and we grew   really quickly. And there were a lot of mistakes  made but there were also a lot of successes. And   when I made a choice to leave DOGEARED, I wanted  to share all the knowledge that I had learned with   other designers and small niche brands. So just to  give you a little bit more of my background with  

DOGEARED is that I was working with stores like  Nieman Marcus, Sundance Catalog, Ylang 23, Twist.   I even worked with non-profits like St. Jude’s  and Make a Wish. We worked with Anthropology. So,   lots of experience - oh we were with Nordstrom  and we were on a replenishment setup with them.   So I actually started all of these companies, with  the exception of Sundance, were companies that I   personally got to work with and start with  carrying DOGEARED. And in 2010 I left to start Red   Boot Consulting. And in 2012 my good friend Tracy  Matthews approached me about an idea she had for   an online educational platform for jewelry  designers called Flourish & Thrive Academy   and I was hooked. I was like absolutely sign me up  I want to help designers. So that's a little bit  

about my background. I really love the wholesale  and the vendor-buyer relationship. So I have,   with my Red Boot Consulting, I  really help designers focus on   wholesale. It's an overall business strategy, but  with definitely a wholesale component. And lately   there's been a lot of the designers I’ve been  working with who are opening their own stores.   So all very fun. And I love it. Alright so  let's get down to the, let's start with… Kelli:   Hey everybody. I think Robin just got kicked out  but. Robin: Oh my gosh that was really strange.   I’m back. Kelli: I’ll go away and we'll  turn back on your video. Sorry about that.

Robin: Alright there we  go. Sorry about that y'all.   Alright so “You never get a second chance to make  a first impression.” I love this quote and I think   about this all the time with business. And if  you can't get in front of your customer, and you   can't be in person with them, what are the other  types of things that you can do to make a first   impression? And I really consider your line sheets  as part of that tool that's part of that first   impression. It is an extension of your brand and  you want to make a really good first impression.   So today we're going to be talking about the  anatomy of a line sheet, your perfect line   sheet for your business, and knowing your  buyer - because it does make a difference.  

Alright so anatomy of a line sheet.  And I want to know how many of you   actually are currently selling  wholesale? I would love to get an idea.   Oh can you pop that poll in? Kelli: Yeah on the  right side of your screen, click on poll and it   says do you sell, currently sell wholesale and  click yes or no. And I’m going to publish the   results in a minute. And Robin has a few more  polls we'll put in too. Robin: Yes I want to,  

I want to make sure you guys are with me and  engaged and polls are a great way to do that. So   we've got right now about 65% say they don't  sell wholesale and 34% said they do. So   I’m curious to know, and you guys can in the  chat, let me know for those of you who don't   sell wholesale if you're actually interested in  selling wholesale. So if you could in the chat   just give me a little heck yes. Oh we've got  some people say that they have about 30 accounts.   Alright. Okay Mary said she  tried it once it wasn't for her.  

So great feedback. Alright so let's talk about  the anatomy of a line sheet. Photography,   photography, photography. If there's anything  you get from this conversation today is   really make sure you have great photography. It's  really important that you're able to really show   your pieces. And I would say high resolution  photography. And the reason being is now,  

as you guys have experienced, we're now doing so  much virtually. And even when you're printing and   sending to your customers - if you're printing  your line sheets - you want to make sure you have   the most pristine imagery. Because if they can't  get in front of it, and they can't touch and feel   it, you want to make sure that all the texture  everything that your jewelry offers can really   be seen. So have good photography and don't  halfway that. It's really important. Alright. Okay so I’ve put together a little line sheet  checklist. And just so you guys know that we  

are recording this, you're going to have access  to this, you're welcome to even take a snapshot   of it; but I love checklists and it's always  good to know what you need. So your brand, your   cover - you need a cover page. Have your brand  logo. If you can have a model shot on there with   some of the jewelry, but have your information  on your front cover. Then you want your contact   information. Your contact information should be  on actually every page of your line sheet. Because   here's the thing: if you're, if you send line  sheets out to your buyer, and they for some reason   that it gets unstuck or you know it's unstapled  or however it's adhered together, for some reason   maybe a page goes missing you want them to be  able to contact you. So the other thing too is  

you never, you want to make it easy. So you  never want them to be without your information.   Easy, easy, easy. And we'll talk about that in a  little bit as well. About the designer. So it's   important, especially in today's time, that people  know who you are. People do business with who they   know, like, and trust. And if they're just getting  to know you, if you're sending your line sheet   out for the first time to a design to a buyer  and they want, they want to know who you are,   what do you stand for, what's your inspiration -  all of that. So it's really important to include  

that in your line sheets. Product images. As  I said first thing: photography, photography,   photography. Make sure you have great images and  I highly recommend doing it on a white background.   It keeps it's - think of it this way: you want  your product to be the hero of the picture.   So sometimes when there's other things in the  picture it can really distract and you want it   just clean and easy. Easy to see the product, and  it's going to be so much easier for the buyer.   Your product name. Some people like to name their  products, some of the collections are named. It   can be a name, your style number or SKU - but make  sure that's on there. Also product descriptions.  

You want to make sure that you're describing the  product. Some people want to do a little bit more   of a romanticizing the product and giving a little  more about it, and that's certainly a preference,   a choice that you can make. But the basics of,  you know, what type of stones you're using, the   sizing, the colors, the variations, metals -  all of that is really important when you're   providing descriptions. And your wholesale  prices. So I get asked a lot if the   suggested retail price should be on  there - it does not need to be on there.  

You may run into if you do fine jewelry or you  have certain price points or certain quantities   that you sell, for example costume jewelry, a  lot of times does. It will sell in a minimum of   six to a pack or four to a pack. You want  to state that, and there may be a minimum   price point that they have to hit. So on  occasion MSRP is okay, but I would say   most buyers want to dictate what they sell in  their store. That being said, when we get to   the terms and conditions I’ll talk to you about  how to talk about your MSRP and how to also not   sell under a certain point, where you'll have  to monitor the stores that you're working with.  

Alright terms and conditions. You want to make  sure that you have your terms and conditions   in your line sheets because you also want to  know, want to make sure the buyer knows exactly   what your terms and conditions are in order to  work with you. And I like to add an as seen in   and as seen on. What I mean by that is “as seen  in” would be any of the press that you've gotten;  

and any of the “as seen on” would be like  any of the, maybe some of your favorite   clients who had sent pictures in or maybe a  celebrity that's worn your work. Something   like that is really fun to showcase and also  gives better insight into your brand. Alright. Alright so I want to talk a little bit about the  about page. You want to share about you, but also   you know give a little bit about the story: how  did you start, the inspirations. Maybe you have   received a Halstead Grant I think that's great  to put in there. If you have any special skills   that you've learned or certificates that you've  earned, the ethos about your business. If you  

feel very passionately about the recycled metals  you're using or the ethically sourced gemstones,   put that in your about page. Also core values,  your brand personality should show through   in your about page. And I’m going to show you some  examples too because I’m sure you guys are like   give me some examples. It's much  more fun to look at the examples.   Alright before we do that I want to also add  a few things. Sorry you guys I’m still kind  

of a little wonky on the slides so I appreciate  your patience. Okay what I said earlier is about   being really easy for a buyer. And when you have  your line sheets as far as making it really clear   and clean for a buyer, don't put so much into it  that it's going to distract again. You don't want   to distract from your product. And clean and easy  means I know how to get a hold of you, I know all  

the you know the metals, the clasp, the sizing of  everything. I want to know all about the product   and I want to be able to read through your line  sheet and not have any questions. That is my goal.   And that should be your goal for your buyer.  I also like to make sure the buyer knows your,   what your best sellers are or what's new. And  it's always good to include an order form.  

Whether you send it virtually - where you send  line sheets virtually you can attach at the   end of the line sheet you can attach an order  form or you can tell them how they can order;   the convenience of it. You know again it's all  about making it convenient and easy for the buyer. Okay so we're going to go into some perfect line  sheets and what you need for the perfect line   sheet. And we're going to have some examples. But  before I do that, is there anything that you all   have questions about? Okay I’m seeing in the  chat here Rachel is asking the best way to find   wholesalers without having to go to expensive  trade shows. You know what these are, Rachel,   great questions and why don't we address that at  the end; because I want to talk a little bit about   there are so many ways to find stores nowadays. So  let's hold on to that one. Kelli if you can grab   that. Kelli: I’m, everybody I’m following the  chat and I’m writing down all of your questions   and I’m going to throw them to Robin at  the end. I do have a few questions just  

about the line sheet, or do you want to hold  everything until the end? Robin: Let's bring some   questions sure. Kelli: Well for the line sheets,  people are kind of talking about, I know a lot   of people do the white background photography, do  you - are you anti-black background photography,   or do you just think it's whatever your pieces  look best on? Robin: I think just as far as   showcasing, white just is standard and across  the board. And also when you have it on white   background press is going to prefer that.  And if you're sending, and you kind of,   I would say just be prepared with white.  Because you're also wanting to share,   I mean ideally you want to share the photos with  your retailers, with your wholesale accounts   so they can in turn use it - they can then  with a white background - it's just easier to   use for their press, it's easier to use on social  media. I would say white is kind of the way to go.  

And that's just across the board what I’m seeing  and what I’m hearing from buyers. Kelli: Okay. And   I know you're going to show us some examples of  line sheets, but people are asking - obviously you   want the white background product photography,  but do you also include lifestyle photography   in your line sheets? Robin: Yeah you can do that.  And do that where, in fact I was just talking to   Harris Dolby Showroom - which is a showroom based  in California - and I was asking you know what are   they seeing. And they said that they are trying to  incorporate, because a lot of times they'll take   the line sheets and rework them for their  customers because they're kind of the main   go-to right for the stores. So they'll take them  and they'll add some model shots to that. And I’ll  

show you I actually do have examples of that, what  I mean. And again it's really important to take   into consideration how big your line is. Is your  line made up of a lot of different collections?   When I was at DOGEARED we had a very  extensive line. In fact at one point we had  

three different catalogs of product and that can  be very overwhelming for a buyer. So it's really   good to know your buyer and then really pick  and choose when you're working with them. So   just, you don't want to inundate people. But again  it's all going to depend on your brand, your line,   the different collections you have. You may have  two collections in your line and they may be   15 pieces each, and it's super easy  and you just put it in one line sheet   and you're done. So there's no cookie cutter for  a line sheet, but this is going to help you really   kind of define what you want to do for yours.  Kelli: Okay. And then some people are asking,  

I mean I’m guessing you need to have both  prepared, but digital line sheets versus   printed ones. And then for digital ones is there  any software that you use to generate? Do you,   is it a website link or a PDF? Do you have any  suggestions on that? Robin: Yeah it's funny,   I was also talking recently with Megan Patrice  Riley who's a jewelry designer who does send out   line sheets. She sends out about 50 to some of  her accounts – just, that's how they work - they   work through paper. And then she'll send out  potential new accounts, she'll send out a hard   copy of a line sheet. Have both ready. I think  it's really important to have a hard copy. I think  

it's really important to, or at least be able to  print it out and send it on nice paper. Because if   you're going to the effort of sending it, don't  put it on just regular copy paper. You want to   make sure they are high res images, that it looks  good when you print it out; and because it again,   it's your brand that's going to be you know right  in front of the customer. It doesn't have to be   super fancy, but it does I mean the images have  to look good. And have that digital copy ready.   Some of the designers I talk with use a PDF, some  use a link in their Dropbox. You know it, getting  

to know - and we'll talk a little bit about this  - getting to know your buyer and really what works   well for them. And everybody is different. I wish  I could say again it's cookie cutter - it is not.   And it is, there are many different ways that  you can do a line sheet. Canva is a great tool.   There is a company called Brand Boom that does  line sheets. They're, you know, Flourish & Thrive   I had a line sheet template - I can talk with them  talk with, and see if we can get a link to that.   You know, there are some that you can pay for.  I think the most, and there are people that do  

line sheet work. So you can even hire somebody, a  graphic designer, to do your line sheets. It all   is dependent on how you want it to look and how  you want, there's InDesign also which is another   program. There are a lot of different programs  that you can use. I’m a fan of Canva. And it's,   ideally what you want to do is set it up so  you're not having to reinvent the wheel each time;   that it's you know a look that you can  just drag and drop where you need to. And   I’ll show you some examples that'll probably  help you with just visually how it's gonna   work. Kelli: The questions that are coming through  as Robin moves through and you see examples,  

I think it's gonna make a little bit more sense.  A lot of people are asking about one-of-a-kind   pieces. Robin probably will be able to speak more  of this, but if you have a basic design and the   stones are one of a kind, that's definitely a way  that that works. But Robin probably has some other  

advice on one-of-a-kind for wholesale. Robin:  Yeah what's exciting about one-of-a-kind   is that if you'd asked me probably 15 years ago,  if one-of-a-kind if you are one-of-a-kind designer   if you can sell wholesale; and I’d be like yeah  not really, it's a little tough to do that.   Nowadays stores are really enjoying one-of-a-kind.  So yes you can. And we'll talk a little bit,   don't let me forget Kelli about one-of-a-kind and  I’ll address that towards the end. Kelli: Okay  

for sure. Alright, well let's keep going through  and then some of these questions I think will be   answered so. Robin: Alright. Okay your perfect  line sheet. So we talked about the about page   and I wanted to show you these two  designers. This is Sierra Winter Jewelry  

and I’ve had the pleasure of working with Sierra  for three years; and Elizabeth Moore Jewelry   and I’ve also had the pleasure of working with  Elizabeth. And if you look at their about pages,   they're really you can tell the personality of the  brand. So Sierra is a little more fashion forward   and she works in gold and she has some vermeil  and she does a little bit of fine jewelry,   but it's really more fashion forward.  And Elizabeth is all fine jewelry. It's,   she's very etho-conscious and environmentally  conscious. It's all made in New York where she   lives. And she as you can even see in how  they're writing, Elizabeth has more details  

about her inspiration, her background. And you  get you get a feel for their personalities even   in their pictures. So it's important to  have an about page that reflects that. Okay and let's talk about, we talked about  photography a little bit and how important   it is. But also aesthetically when you're working  through a line sheet and how it's going to look,   don't smash everything in there. You want it to be  really easy to go through, you don't want people   to kind of have to get a magnifying glass to  see what, you know, what the style numbers are   and all of that. So spacing's important, having  your collection name - it's great to have. If you  

name your collections, it's always good to put  that on the page where the each collection - and   again I’ll show you something, I’ll show you some  examples of that, because I think it's easier to   see it and to get the idea when you see the actual  pictures. Product name - a lot of designers name   their products so make sure you include that,  the materials, the style number or SKU, sizing,   color and variations, wholesale price, and  product description. We touched a little bit   about that earlier, but these are things that  are that you must have on your line sheet. Okay so here's a great example. This is from  Sierra Winter Jewelry. I’ve taken off the pricing   just as a respect to her so you don't see her  wholesale pricing. But you can see how easy is   this to be able to shop. So the pictures are good,  the placement is really good, it's very…it's just  

easy, it's clean. You see her logo in the  left-hand corner down at the bottom. You can,   these are all ways to get a hold of her to see,  you know, she's got her contact information   and she's given you a lot of information about  each product. It's just really easy and clean. And the next, this is Elizabeth Moore’s  collection. And this I just chose,  

it's not even the full collection, but it's a  couple pages of her Circle of 5ths collection.   And what I love about this too is  you can, she really wants you to know   what her Circle of 5ths is all about. So she  goes in, she has a page that's just dedicated   to telling you about the Circle of 5ths and what  inspired her and what inspired this collection.  

So I love that. Because you're really getting a  feel of what this collection is all about, she's   telling you. And then as you can see, she also has  not only her logo but she has the Circle of 5ths   on both pages. And she, you can see the  clasps there for the bracelets. You can,   it's the photography…you know, Sierra's was very,  very linear. It's, you know, you could see things,   it was very orderly. This has a little more  movement to it, but it still works beautifully.

Alright and this is courtesy of Sunday Girl  Amy DiLamarra. And she has also, this is a   collection that she has called the Crystal  Intention Collection. And she also had a page   that was dedicated to naming the collection,  so you know what this collection is about.  

And then she goes into some detail here in the,  just a little blurb of what the Crystal Intention   Collection is about. And she shows you all of  the different bracelets that are involved in this   collection, that are part of this collection. And  then she also shows you the back where you now see   the clasp, how does it close. And so she's giving  you that information, as you can see I took away   the pricing here so you just, didn't want to share  that with everybody. But this is very again clean,   straightforward. She tells you what it is  and you know exactly what you're getting.

And this is Suzanne Schwartz, Suzanne Schwartz  Jewelry, and she, so these are actually two   separate pages it just looks like they're one  but it's two separate pages, and it's part of her   collection. And what I love about this collection  is that you can see, even the way it's laid out   again, very clean, it has a little more product  than the others that I showed you. But it's very   clean, you can see the product, and she gives you  all the information. And she works in gold and  

silver, and this, she provides you with the sizing  of it. So again and at the top you'll see that it   has her name, it has how to get in touch with her.  So it, she's giving you everything that you need   in order to place an order. And you can also  tell that her jewelry is more art jewelry. Alright and this is courtesy of Towne and Reese.  Towne and Reese is more of a costume jewelry,   fashion costume jewelry line. And you can see  they have, they're going to have, a product   shot that's going to introduce them, introduce  you to the actual category. So for bracelets,  

it's a really nice shot of that bracelet and  then she goes, and then they go into the bracelet   collections or the bracelet category. And all they  have in that category are bracelets. So they've   set up their line sheet a little differently  than Elizabeth Moore has done. Elizabeth Moore   is going to do collections and Towne and Reese  is doing categories. Same thing with the rings,   it has a really nice product shot and then  they go into all the rings offered in the line. And then we had some questions about model  shots. So this is a really great example,  

this is courtesy of Martell Studio and this  is exactly what somebody was asking about,   what we were talking about. Is that there  are model shots to show how are the pieces   being worn. And then you have the pieces and the  details and all the information there. And this   really helps a buyer too. Now the only thing here  that I don't see is I would really love to see   how to get in touch with the designer, the  vendor. I don't see any of that. And that's   the beauty of seeing these different line  sheets - you see where there's some missed   opportunity there. So my feedback to  Martell Studio has already been that   I would love to see their information at least  at the bottom of how to get in touch with them.

Alright colorways and metals. So ways that you  can actually showcase the different colorways   and metals that you offer, is doing something  like this. So this is courtesy of DOGEARED, and   most of DOGEARED product is carded. So  they're showing you the carded product   and then in the smaller little circle they're  showing you a different version of it - which is   a really acceptable way to do this where you can  actually see what it would look like and then the   different metals that are used there. And then  here's another way of also showing a model shot  

of how the necklace looks on and the different  ways, the different colorways that it comes in. Another way to show colorways and gemstones,  and this is courtesy of Viv & Ingrid Jewelry.   That they have all the information here; but  then as you see below they're going to tell you,   they're going to show you the different gemstones  that it comes in - the different semi-precious   gemstones. And this is a really easy way to do  this where it's showcasing the jewelry, the pieces  

and then you can choose the  different stones with it. And they do a really nice job too of,   I want to just point out that the Viv &  Ingrid logo is in the top right-hand corner.   They also have their Facebook, their Twitter,  their Instagram, and their Pinterest too. And here's another, this is also courtesy  of Viv & Ingrid. They do, they're mostly   work with gemstones. And one of the things that  they've done is they have this one sheet that   is just all the stones. So a buyer can reference  this in a really easy fashion. Unfortunately my  

picture isn't as clear as what, how it comes out  for them so but you can get an idea of being able   to do that. And I can tell you also a buyer  who is a jewelry buyer is going to buy very   differently and look for different things than  a buyer who is a gift store or lifestyle buyer.   Jewelry buyers know what they're doing as far as  like, they know exactly what their customer wants,   they know what kind of stones they want, they  also know there's going to be some variants   of the stones that they order. So  it's definitely a different buyer.   Okay and also in your line sheets you want  to talk, you want to make sure you have your   terms and conditions. And a couple of things  that are really, we're going to go over what   you need for your terms and conditions. And  then we're going to talk about some add-ons   now that we're in this coming, we're still in a  pandemic but after last year, what can you provide   to make sure the buyer knows how to work with  you best and what's going to work for them   as well. So for terms and conditions you want to  let them know how to place an order. Where do they  

go? Do they email you? Do they call you? Do they  go, do you have a form that you can send them?   They also, you want to let them know that  what the order minimums are and what the   reorder minimums are. You want to talk about  your pricing. So I had mentioned earlier   if you don't have to have  your MSRP on every single   piece, every product right there with your  wholesale pricing, what you can do is in   your terms and conditions you can talk about your  wholesale you, excuse me, you can talk about your   MSRP and say that our MSRP is times 2.5.  And you can also say you know we reserve   the rate not to sell if you sell under a certain  amount. So for example when I was at DOGEARED,  

if a buyer decided to sell under keystone - and  keystone means that you're doubling the price,   the wholesale price. So let's say something is $5  wholesale and then the store decides to sell it   for $7 retail, you can - because it's in your  terms and conditions - you can choose not to   sell to them because they're underselling  what keystone. And keystone would be $10. So   if you have questions about that let  me know, but you can state in your   terms and conditions what your MSRP, and  again it's really important to know your,   who you're working with and have a conversation.  You know, ask them what are, what's your markup?  

What do you, you know, what's your margin for  the jewelry that you sell? So okay to ask that.   Payment - so how are you, how are they going to  pay you? Are they going to, do you offer Net 30?   What credit cards do you accept? Do you do any  wire transfers? Any type of payment that you   accept, you should put it in your terms and  conditions. Production - so this means what   is your lead time? Where is your, where are you  shipping from? All of that information should be   listed under production. And shipping - how are  you shipping? USPS, UPS, FedEx? And other, you   know, if you're shipping overseas - do you ship  overseas? Shipping is something that everyone's   going to want to know how you're shipping. Repairs  - you know it's always good to put that you stand  

behind your product. That if there's a repair  that needs to happen, here are the steps in   order to make it happen. And that's when you have  a return authorization number which is called an   RA, but let the buyer know how to go  about getting a return authorization. Returns and cancellations - are you going  to offer any cancellation time frame? So   if somebody places an order, do you give  them a five day or seven day grace period?   Returns - is there a time frame where when they  get the product that they can return it? Also too,   if for some reason they get the product and  it's not moving, maybe there is some sort of   arrangement you can do, you know, if pieces  aren't moving but in a certain time frame   we're open to doing an exchange. So again  this is a great place to put that information.  

Alright and also I wanted to mention  with production, you know, I talked about   lead times - you can also say with production  are there any, can you do a rush? Are you doing   any customization or personalization? You can  talk about that in your production as well. Is everybody, is this, how's everybody doing  here? I want to check in and see. Kelli: I   popped back in. So a lot of people are  just having questions a lot about terms.   And obviously it's going to be different for  every type of person, but here's some for you. So   is it normal to have a 2.2 markup now? Is doubling  not, what are you seeing? I guess what is your  

suggestion or advice or what are you seeing with  the markup? Robin: Well I what I’ve been seeing,   and what I’ve been seeing for some  time, is it ranging from 2.2 to 2.5   for a markup. I rarely see it just  doubling. Just keystoning. And I think it's   and even, you know, catalogs - there are  some catalogs that do a three markup. So   there, with your line, you're going to come into  some situations where some, your margin is going   to be lower on some things and higher on others.  So you just have to weigh that, weigh that out.   But I think the most important thing is what will  you not accept? So if somebody is selling, like I   said if somebody is doubling the price I, from  when I was at DOGEARED, we were fine with that.  

We prefer them to do a times 2 or times  2.5 but, and we sold on our website a 2. I think it was a 2.25 markup. But, you know,  if they're underselling, by underselling keystone   you can just say that's not something we're  okay with. Kelli: Your terms right? Just so you,   if you are doing retail and wholesale you don't  want to undercut your retail sales. Kelli: Yes.   Yeah you and, you know, now I think now so many  people are online, so many designers are online,   that a lot of times you're selling the same price  online as the stores are selling in their stores   and that's okay. But if you plan to sell  wholesale, it's always nice to be a little   higher on your retail site on your,  excuse me, on your website just to support   those wholesale accounts that you work with. In  fact I still amazingly enough even last year when  

everyone needed to be online, I still know some  designers who sell wholesale and they don't sell   at all online direct to consumer; which I think  is a mistake. I don't think you should, I do think   you should have your own site. I think it's really  important to have, if you're selling wholesale,   you need to have other - it's like having a  one-legged chair. It doesn't work. You need a   three-legged chair. Have, diversify your business.  Kelli: Right. And some people are asking like  

how important is it to have a line sheet if, I’m  guessing these people have a back-end wholesale,   maybe you log in through their website to get to  the wholesale pricing? I mean I’m just, if you   meet people in person you want to have something  to give them. But I mean what are your thoughts on   that? Robin: Well I would say before you invest  a lot of money in creating a whole other site,   it's like you've got your website and before  you invest in doing a wholesale site too,   is find out what your customer wants. I  mean do you have the demand to do that?   Having a line sheet, you can work through  by just having your line sheet. I have,   I can tell you Sierra Winter Jewelry, she has her  line sheet but her customer - she's got young,   fun buyers - they go to her website and they, she  has a lot of great model shots. And so they really   enjoy going through her website and seeing all the  product - and that works well for her. And it's,   that's works for her. But other designers, you  know, it just depends on who your buyer is and  

what they feel comfortable doing. Kelli: Right.  And so one other question was how you talked   about a jewelry buyer is different from a gift  shop or a lifestyle buyer. Can you just kind of   explain the two different types of buyers? Robin:  Sure. If you're working with a jewelry buyer,  

they're going to come in and they're going to know  exactly what they want. They're going to tell you,   you know, they're not going to question your  pricing. They're not going to question, you know,   the variants and the stones. They're going to know  that information. They're really smart about their   buys. They're really, I can tell you when I’m  at trade shows we would have buyers come in,  

and jewelry buyers and they would be buying by  just saying pointing and saying I want 5 of those,   10 of those, 20 of those. They just don't hesitate  because they're really well educated in what   they're, what they need and who their customer is.  And a lot of, and I’m not going to say all of them   but, a lot of gift store buyers or lifestyle  buyers, they're buying many categories. And so   they're trying to know as much as they can about  a lot of different categories. And if jewelry   is not a big, it's a good category for them,  but it's not necessarily their only category,   they're gonna need some more help. They're gonna  look for the best sellers, they're gonna need you  

to tell them you know, put together - and I can't  tell you how many stores, gift stores that I would   just do the buys for them. I would find out what I  can about the store, what their customer was like,   the magic price point that they had for their  store. So let's say it was $200 was their magic   price point, it would sell all day long, then  I could put together an order for them based on   asking them specific questions and we would try  things. So they're just not as sure of their buys.   They need more help. Kelli: Right. Okay well I  think some of these other questions about getting   some tips for getting accounts and  stuff, I think you're gonna kind of   get through in your presentation. So I’m  going to hold some more questions to the  

end because I think some are going  to be answered. Robin: Okay awesome. Alright so additionally, it's great to have on  your line sheet and as I was saying earlier you   know we're in this unchartered water that we've  been in for a little, almost a year now. And what   are some things that would be really good for a  buyer to know. So additionally how to become a  

wholesale account. I would suggest also having  on your website a place where people could sign   up to become a wholesale account and just have  a form to ask questions. What their, what is   their resell number? How long have they been  in business? What type of store are they? What   type of product do they buy? You know what's the  location of their store? Getting that information,   because these are questions that you might be on  the phone with them and asking that, that could   and if they say oh well I don't have a store or I  don't have a resale license yet or…it's saving you   time. So if you could put together a form and have  it available either to send to them directly or   that they can access on your website that would  be ideal. So here on your terms and conditions  

you can, to become a wholesale account and give  them the different ways that they can connect with   you and doing that. Add, you know, materials. Do  you offer any displays or you know what types of   materials are you working with. As I said earlier  in the about page, if using recycled metals and   ethically sourced stones are really important  to you put it in here as well. Because it's   also good to just remind them that that's really  part of your brand that's really important to you.  

New product - how it's great to put like  you know a little. if you go back to Sierra's…let's see I’ll take you back there. Oh  I don't know if I can, let's see I’ll go back   really quickly. So you can see that in Sierra’s  that she, oh maybe sorry I think it's this way. Just remembered it's under terms and conditions   I’ll put it here. There we go. So this  is Sierra Winter Jewelry, you'll see  

that up here she has a little asterisk, a little  indication and that indicates a best seller. So   she does that throughout her line sheet, which  is really helpful. So if you have new product   or best sellers, it's great to have some sort of  asterisk or some sort of color differentiation,   or even saying the word new or best. It's  just really again, really helpful for a buyer.   Also terms and conditions - it's great to talk  about exclusivity and proximity. Because you're  

going to get that, you'll be asked that quite  a bit - are you, can you be exclusive to me; or   do you monitor the, you know, by mileage  or, you know, how do you monitor so,   you know, the store next door doesn't buy what I’m  buying. So this is a great place to address it.   And diversity - I think with everything that's  happened and continues to happen regarding around   diversity and Black Lives Matter, I think  it's really important to state that you,   your business is a, you know, is supports and is,  you know, you have a diverse, you know, if you   have a diverse team to state that, that it matters  to you. Also the safety and cleanliness. With   the pandemic, I think it's also really important  to note like how are you caring for the product.  

Your environment, you know it's your team, your  health, the health and well-being of your team,   the health and well-being of your customer. And  you can say here's our protocol. Everything that,   you know, we wear masks, we do extra cleanings,  when we package everything to ship we're wearing   gloves and masks. You know, how are you taking  care of the product before it reaches them. And   also what's happened more is virtual appointments.  So that's a great thing to have in your terms   and conditions. We're happy to have a virtual  appointment with you. You can even have a link   if you have a calendar where your people can  schedule appointments with you. You can have  

the link to that, you can offer Facetiming  or Zoom calls or other, you know, texting   is something else, if you're offering texting. So  ways, again, ways to communicate with your buyers.   And really important partnerships - how are  you going to be a really good partner to your   buyer. And think about the ways that you can help  them sell your product. How can you help support   them because if they're successful with your  product, they're going to buy more of your product   and it's just a win-win all the way around. So the  partnership; are you providing them with images,   are you providing them with copy to put on social  media, can you do dropship for them. You know,   what are the above and beyonds that you can  do for your customer to let them know that   you're supporting them. Another thing to  do is giving them social media shout outs,   you know. So just having it all there in your  terms and conditions is a great thing to have.

Alright so because, again this is Sierra Winter  Jewelry, her terms and conditions. As you can see,   hers is not lengthy and she has  everything that she needs to state There. And this is Viv & Ingrid’s terms and  conditions their whole, they call them the   wholesale policies. And they even talk about  you know, how if working with non-profits. So   there's a lot, as you can see, they have  a lot more on their terms and conditions   than Sierra had on hers. So it's again  it's going to be based on your business. And one thing I also like to encourage is  surprising and delighting your customers.   This is something that Viv & Ingrid does. They  said they included this in their line sheets and  

just a “do you know” or “did you know.” Did you  know that we actually will replace an earring,   that we stand behind our product. It's  just a nice way to present that they   actually care a lot about their  product, and this is what they can   do. They give you a phone number, they give you  an email address, so I love that they did this. And here's “as seen in” and “as seen  on.” So as I was saying earlier,   as seen in would be like the press so on the left  hand side here is press that Sierra Winter Jewelry   has received. And on the right hand side  these are some of the celebrities, singers,  

and even her cat who's wearing her jewelry that  her jewelry has been seen on. So it's all so   you can see the personality of her line showing  through. And just even how she's arranged this. And this is press from Towne and Reese. And you  can see that they get a lot of magazine press and   it really looks, it's clean how they present it.  It's just a whole different look than what we   saw with Sierra. So again the personality  of the brand is coming through as well.

Alright. Now let's talk about knowing your buyer  because it really does come down to knowing your   buyer. And I know some of you are saying, oh my  gosh well I’m not selling wholesale yet how do I   know my buyer without actually having met them.  Well a couple of things. You want to research,   and you want to ask questions,  and you want to listen,   and you want to follow up, and you want to  have a partnership, and you want to connect.   All of these things are important when you're  working with a buyer. And research is, you know,  

look on Google, look on Yelp, go to their  website and see, you know, how are they - how   are they merchandising their website. Do they  have a blog post? You know, read the blog post.   Do they have a newsletter? Sign up for their  newsletter. Get to know their brand and follow   them. Get to know them on social media. I actually  have a designer who has gotten a couple stores   because she's followed them on social media, she's  been engaged with them. It takes a little while,   but they've gotten a nice rapport. And she bought  something from one of the stores and it was a cute   sweater. And she put her necklace with the  sweater and did, just took a picture of it  

and then tagged them in it. And it started this  whole wonderful relationship. And the store is now   purchasing from her. So there's lots of different  ways to go about getting kind of in front of a   buyer. The next thing too is the phone is always  a good tool. And whether or not you're actually  

getting a hold of the buyer, I always say  that sales associates are a gold mine. They   can share with you, you can, you know, you can  ask them questions of like oh I just, you know,   let them know that you've done your research. I  was on your website I really loved x, y, and z   about it. I would love to know, you know, tell me  about the store. I would love to know more about   it. I just think it's so great. And get to know  them. I can't tell you how many times I have just  

done a cold outreach because I saw a store, I’ve  researched them, and I, you know, wanted to find   out more about them and got ahold of a great store  associate and got some great information. And then   asked for, I’d love to reach out to the buyer, do  you have an email address I could have or what's   the best way to contact the buyer? So associates  are great. And even in this time - and I know some   stores are closed and other stores are partially  open - and the phone is still a great tool.  

Also listen - so when you do call or when you do  email, make sure you're asking a lot of questions.   It should always be about them and not about  you. And find out how do they buy, where do they,   do they attend any shows, do they, when do  they buy? Typically for jewelry there are five   shows that used to dictate when jewelry buys  would happen and they would be in January, March, May, August, and October. And things  have changed. And there's a lot more; people   are wanting more newness on a more regular basis.  So you'll see people doing smaller collections   throughout the year or maybe even coming up with  a couple of different pieces. But typically,  

so that's for jewelry - jewelry buys five times  a year. But typically I would say if going to a   gift show, that would be January and August  would be the two biggest times of year that   people are buying. Because they're buying right  after holiday and buying for Valentine's Day,   Mother's Day and going into spring and then  August is going to be fall and holiday.

2021-05-04 21:48

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