Course Income Secrets - #321 How can you start multi-million software business with just $100?

Course Income Secrets - #321 How can you start multi-million software business with just $100?

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Hey my friend! joe sales gang oh  and we're gonna talk about your   own multi-million software business that  you can start with just a hundred bucks   I didn't think it was possible I certainly  did not I mean I thought maybe but it wasn't   really um possible for me until I actually went  through the initial process and I actually have a   developer that's gonna be doing my extension  my software extension for a hundred bucks   and then the next steps of obviously the next  step there's uh there's steps to do that I've   been talking about starting your own business  starting your own software business you know   becoming the next Microsoft that is so exciting  so insane to even think it's possible right   especially when you have no software knowledge  you have no business not even business background   at least not in the software business industry  you're having your software company it's not   it's not something that you would probably think  you can do right but I tell you you can do it even   though I'm a programmer I don't have time to build  this I don't have time to create it I don't have   time to do it and even if I did have time to do it  it would cost me a whole lot more than 100 bucks   so we're going to talk about how that's possible  and and how I did it I'm going to kind of show you   a few things I'm also going to be putting together  a funnel so that you can join and get notified   when I have more and more info as I get ahead I'm  going to be sharing that with you and uh you got   to be on them on the list to get notified  so anyways we're going to talk about that   in just a second but first this So the real  question is this: What are the strategies,   techniques and tools that you need to learn to  generate residual income from the e-learning boom   that's happening right now? My name is Jean-Serge  Gagnon and welcome to Course Income Secrets... so   seriously what if I told you that you could  start a multi-million dollar software company   with just 100 bucks and you don't need to have  a big following you don't need to have a big   audience you don't need to be blogging every day  you don't need to be creating content every day   you don't need to be really doing anything that  that you see all these other marketers doing   and all this other stuff there's some things that  can help for sure but you can still accomplish it   without any of that and I'm actually learning the  process of doing it myself because even though I'm   a programmer and even though I could probably do  a lot of the work myself and I could figure it all   out I don't have time as you know if you've been  following me any length of time you know I have   a job a day job I have a family I I'm building  another a website I'm doing all these other things   I don't have time to also be starting a software  business even though I built a website and I'm   kind of trying to build that that isn't what we're  talking about today we're talking about a simple   piece of software that you can get for like a  hundred bucks to you to to start your portfolio   to get to a multi-million dollar software company  so we're going to get into that just in again   just a second but if you're listening to the  audio you really want to go check out the video   at you want to go check that  out there now I'm going to have the video I'm   going to be sharing my screen showing you how  things are and I'm going to be uh yeah that's   that's why you want to go check out the  video and the blog post right all right so   let's get to it first let's talk about how  I discovered this so let's just go to this this site here just a second okay so I met kim  a little while ago not very long ago just maybe   a month or so if I can load it up let me  share the screen here so I met kim c dang   about a month ago right I just saw her in  my news feed um and I probably had sent   her a friend request a while ago we never really  connected but all of a sudden I saw her in my um   in my news feed and there was a post that I just  replied to was saying hey or I don't even remember   what it was but she ended up reaching out to me  and asked and and I ended up seeing this crazy   thing where she talks about chrome boss she talks  about subscriber scaling she talks about finding   your win winning simple software idea to monetize  it and obviously you can go ahead and join a kim   and go join her challenge like I said just go  find and you can find her   to to if you're if you're wanting to join somebody  who's been who's been doing it for a long time or   if you're interested in following along my drawing  and joining me along what I'm doing right now is   I'm actually creating a I'm i'm actually going to  be creating like if I if I I'm actually creating a   funnel so that you can join my list to be notified  and that'll be I'm actually not really sure what   I'm going to call the funnel or what it's  going to be but definitely it's going to be and   let's just okay let's just back up here um I  want to make sure now I've been talking about   this a lot I've been talking about this a lot it's  totally insane how much I've been talking about it   because I'm excited about it because I'm feeling  like this is actually going to happen it's   actually for real I've been saying things like  you know making 10 000 a month or whatever on   income and those obviously I can't make any kind  of income promises or anything like that because   anything anything happens if you put the work in  but this is so simple anybody can follow along   there's really five steps that you got to  go through and I document that that another   blog post go ahead and search for them but  I want to show you my results of the initial   getting a developer right it's possible to  get a developer like I was actually having a   conversation with somebody and he was telling  me well you know when you post your job you   should just have a basic description of what you  want then you should wait for people to uh want   to make an offer then you send them the details  and ask them for an estimate how much it'll take   to do it and then you're going to get a 2 000 3  000 estimate out of these estimates now you got   to look at it and figure out whether you can uh  whether which one you want to go with and I'm like   that I mean that sounds reasonable you know two  thousand bucks for a piece of software that you're   gonna make thousands but I don't really have that  money right I i I'm like okay well how do you how   do you get that to be 50 or 100 bucks or 150 bucks  right how do you how do you find somebody who is   actually willing to do that and the thing is I  was like after hearing that I was like well um   maybe maybe I'm my expectations are too high  as in wanting to pay solo right and I actually   found this this this this guy that look that that  seems too good to be true in a sense but at the   same time he's got demos of of software that  he that he showed me that he's done he's got   lots of positive reviews and everything so but the  process is basically here's here's what happens   I posted a job on upwork right so I just posted a  job in upwork this is actually the one I have here   need chrome extension to save Facebook comments  so I've got this extension that I'm i'm asking for   which if it's is it not going to load up okay  let's look at the proposals so the way that I   set it up is I posted it and I said my budget  is a hundred bucks that's it I just said it's a   hundred bucks and I'm like I'm getting responses  from different a whole bunch of different people   right saying they're willing to do it I don't  know if you know an upwork I don't know how it   works uh I know that well I do I'm starting to  learn all this and that's part of it right the   thing is that you can get it done even if I post  a a a hundred dollar you know a hundred dollar um as a budget it doesn't mean that they're gonna   they're gonna experience they're gonna want just  a hundred they might want more they'll they might   reply back and then they end up they end up saying  you know like this for example this guy here where   is it where is it this guy here thank you for  a good description okay so if I look at this   and I look at this person's comments right if  we look at if we load this up he sent out this   whole big thing telling you about our company  we're at abc agency uh they get they he shows   me all these different projects that they've  done it looks really it looks impressive right   and then I see there should be another should  load up my messages with them does this not maybe I never replied to him oh this one I  might not have replied but if I look at this   you know look at this he got he's got this 40  000 that he made with this one he's got this   2000 made there 20 000 there 14 thousand there  seventeen thousand there twelve thousand there   it's insane I mean I would not be able  to pay five ten thousand dollars right   for somebody uh here's another one uh so there  this is one here that replied back to me saying   okay that's there you go so this one will  have so she just said thanks for invitation   um and then proposed a hundred dollars  right but even though she proposed a   hundred dollars if I can if this can load  up and I can show you the thing waiting   so she even though she proposed a hundred  dollars in our chat conversation that we had   and she's posting that she's 15 an hour right  in our chat she I'm just loading that up hold   on hold on we're going to get there we're going  to get there just a second this is loading up uh   well let's look at through let's look through the  work history right she's got some five stars here   with all private earnings right it's  like well why wouldn't you want to   tell people how much you made on these  jobs right I don't know maybe it's okay but   I don't know anyway so I had a conversation  with her right she started by saying it's uh   con that's the thing so then I said is this  something you'd be interested in reckon   she said yes can we discuss you want a chrome  extension that there's blah blah blah and I say   yeah that's not sure it works doesn't and then she  says it's not possible on 100 and then I just said   okay well how much do you think it would be she  never never got back to me that's uh when was that   that's well I guess it's only a day ago so maybe  maybe she will get back but the point is that   even though she agreed to 100 right here  she said proposal details a hundred on   unless it no no because see if I look at this  other one this guy here he came back to me and   he said 500 he said I'm gonna do it for 500. so  that's how much he's willing to pay for it right   and then I just replied back to him I said  okay well do you think it'll so it'll take   you 20 hours because he's at 25 an hour 500 bucks  would be 20 hours for him and I just said it's   it's more than my budget how I have done this  and whatever right I kind of have a conversation   so it's a lot of work to get all this done right  you can actually like I'm actually um working   with somebody with like I said kim and her hiring  manager and going through these and he can help   me and I can help you to figure out which person  is a good fit but so far I i found somebody who's   actually willing to do it for a hundred dollars  and it looks like he's got amazing results   after it's all said and done I'll definitely let  you know if it all you know works out obviously   it's possible that it might not but it's looking  really really positive so let's do this I need to   create a funnel to go here I'm in click funnels  right here I'm actually going to create this   page right here right now live to show you what  it'll look like so you can actually see it maybe   you can let me know if you think that I can have  something better here but basically I'm going to   say in here I'm going to say your very your very  own your own software let's just say multi-million software business whoops business right your own  multi-million software business okay so over here   I'm going to say learn the easy steps to starting  your own your very own whoops your very own multi software business with just 100 dollars with just without being a programmer  or knowing anything about hiring hiring people   all right so that's that's going to be the funnel  it's going to be send your email here and I'm not   it's not going to be download free report it'll  be the text will be it'll be uh join get details details now okay so what I'm going  to do is I'm actually going to send   an email with the details of how to do this  yourself right you can do it yourself and   you're going to get on the list as well  so as I uh maybe I should say get on get enter your details to get started I actually get no it's not really because the thing is that this is going to be a  funnel to join a list where I'm going to let you   know how to do it over time as I do it I already  know what the steps are because I went through   training right but I had I haven't taken  action yet I'm just starting to take action now   and and even though I know the steps which  I could probably put together an ebook to   describe the steps until I've actually done it and  gotten the results I mean right now I'm getting   the software built right now as we talk as well  as I'm recording this the software is being built   right now by the developer for 100 bucks right so  then we'll see after he's done it how good it is   and whether there's any problems because you know  there's there's it's software there's there's   it's not a simple process to get software done  you got to have somebody who knows what they're   doing they have to do it right and then you  have anyways but that's that's my point if   you find the right person that's willing to  do it first for a low price because they're   they're trying to grow their business right  they're trying to build become a good a better   a better known programmer then that's  that's the rock star that you need right   so let's just say uh find out more okay  I'm just going to find out more more now   okay so subtext what's subtext I don't even know  what that would be hello oh okay I will send you send details oops details to your   email email right away okay so let's just put  an exclamation mark too okay that's the font   the colors that's fine set action okay so now  how does this work in clickfunnels you gotta set   action I gotta say I want it to uh go all right  it'll just go to the to the next submit order   form that's not what I want um okay so that's  it there then I want integrations over here   so this is going to connect to my oops it's  right over here my aWeber and I have a list here   integrate to existing list and it's going to be  what is it is it up to the top no it's in chrome   extension bonus it's not really well I guess  I'll have to anyways right now the the list was   originally for something but that's good okay so  now I have that and let's just say 2021 right here   whoops because it's 2021 and the name of the  software company that I'm building is a social   elite social elite software right so for me that  this is what I'm doing I'm social elite software   privacy I'm gonna have to create a a website  for it right which I haven't done yet   um it's gonna have to be a page maybe  this will just be this page privacy policy   anyways I'll do that in a I'll update  that later so I'm going to save that   should you do save it all right now  seo data is going to be your own multi multi-million software software business right  business all right so we're going to do that   so that's going to be the seo data I can put  description whatever I can do all this stuff   I'm not going to worry about it right now I'm  just going to save it again uh the other thing is   settings tracking code I'm actually going to go  and get the tracking code in here uh from my other   funnels it's my emails I got this page here that  this is the original this is the original funnel I   had for a free software because the idea was I was  going to give away my free software to people that   sent me an idea so I'm just going to edit this and it's loading up loading  up over here edit the page   I gotta load up the and get the the code the the  tracking code right the pixel Facebook pixel all   these different things I get in this particular  editor which called funnelizer I get it in here   I'm going to copy that here and then  I'm going to go back to the other guy   and paste that here all right so that's  just going to be the tracking code for it   save that okay so now learn the easy steps to  the the easy five steps let's put the five steps   it's actually four steps really right five  steps the easy the easy let's put simple   I rather say simple the simple five steps  to starting your very own multi-million   multi-million let's put multi-million dollar right  multi-million dollar software business with just   one or 100 dollars without being a programmer  or knowing anything about hiring people that's probably that's great  okay let's save that so now this   is going to be the page that  you're gonna go to if you go to   uh social elite software right social  elite software uh it'll have to be the info dot right so let's go do that I'm gonna  go into my zone edit zone edit domain I'm   going to go edit the domain to point to  that right um so I'm going to log in here and that's basically right all I need to do here  log in and the social elite software is over here   social elite there you go dns and I'm going  to say social elite so info will be this new   funnel page now right because I had the I had the  other one I'll just save that I'm gonna exit there so now I just need to get the url for this  funnel right so this is the funnel right here   that's fine oops and there we go  I'm just going to say it goes there and for now I'm going to make this go to info  oh actually this will be the same right here   okay so there so info and  that'll be that save that social elite software dot com okay so now if  you go to that which will be this other one social elite software okay if you go there if  I go there now you're going to get this page I   probably need to set up the thank you page  right because it'll actually send you that   so let's just do an incognito window and  go to that link so make sure it works   because I want to make sure this is doing  the right thing social elite software uh that didn't work did I type it right   social elite software okay so http  social elite soft there we go okay so now if i if I should this will be this link if you go  to social elite software dot com you're gonna   end up on this page so you can you can actually  put your name and email in here I'm gonna put js   test and I'm gonna say test at I want to see how  this if this is working did you mean no I didn't   find out more I will send details to your email   so I didn't have it go to the thank you page I got  a new email so that came in if I look at my emails and I reload this now I got my uh I guess not   not yet well maybe it'll take a minute okay  anyway so whoops so now the other thing is uh so if I go back to here into my  aWeber now let's go into my aWeber   let's go see if that that list has added a new  user if I go to the social not this one I go to   the social elite social elite no it's not guts  it's chrome it's actually the chrome business   clone chrome chrome chrome extension bonus  all right so I'm gonna go into my subscribers and see if that user is added there now   name unknown subscribe today edit today nobody  had it today so I guess that didn't work   so I don't know if it's the click  funnels integration that I got wrong but anyways I'm going to fix that  it's going to work by the time you   watch this video now the next thing I need is  a thank you page I have to say thank you for   you know this and I'm going to let you know  about the next steps check your email all   that stuff right so I'm going to put a video on  here this is the one here is that the one I want   this preview awesome added you to the waiting list  back to the home page with a that's just a picture   I want a video I want a video because I want to  say thank you your order is complete that's not   an order but anyways it's a video preview this  is what I want is this what I want mother funnel   thank you your order is complete and please  contact us expert secrets get started log in here I just want a simple video maybe this  one there's so many options right in   click funnels it's really really  thanks here's your video preview sign up for the Facebook group hmm that could be it let's use this one let's  use this one select this one that'll be the   thank you page that'll have a video in there  that I'm obviously I have to do this video   and maybe I could not we're 25 minutes in  that's a little bit longer than I wanted   but yeah so that's that's the thing you can  have your own business it's totally crazy   how that's possible it is possible and  it's actually not that complicated right   you can have your own business that you  know that's uh sure there you go okay um so fantastic fantastic check um fantastic  check your inbox check your inbox your emails   for details but first watch this video for amazing amazing announcement okay so that's going to be a video that's  going to talk about then sign up to the   Facebook group I guess maybe I could leave that  in there that is going to do what is the action   settings so set action subtext set action for this uh go to website yeah so put the url for the  for the Facebook group I'm gonna have to do that   and let's just save that for now   and then we're gonna go back that's  not don't worry about that go back here and now I have my opt-in and my thank you  page in my funnel I just have to go into   my opt-in page and have it go to the second  page whenever it's done right so edit this and that's kind of how you do  it right that's you need you   need a page that will send people over to it right settings oops tracking   I'm not the integration that's fine okay  that's good uh it's actually this button oops this button here I want to set the action  to open Facebook go to next step and funnel   this does not submit your form really okay why not submit form okay that's what I want but I  also wanted to go to the next page maybe okay so save that that probably is  why it didn't work when I did it   let's try it again new incognito window  and we go to social elite software it does a search again why is it doing that oh because I gotta if I don't

now look at that does socially  I didn't know they existed so social elite   software dot com there you go that'll  that'll work okay now it goes to the   funnel let's add this again so jsg  test test at find out more and it's loading up is it no oh submit it there you go and there you  go so now it goes to the next page and it sends   my email to the list if I go back to the list  here let's go back to the list if I refresh this   well I just need to reload and there you  go so now I have my oh it's not there yet so I'm going to have to figure that out but  anyways yeah so that's the thing so if you want to   build your business software business all you got  to do is start with getting you know an idea got   to have an idea you got to get that software done  by a developer for like you can actually do it for   100 bucks right or even maybe even less right if  you're if you're lucky and if it's a simple idea   the next step is getting it published and then  getting subscribers to it so that's really   it's really that simple these four steps  right four steps the fifth step is just repeat   add another extension grow your business by making  more and more extensions redoing the same thing   to with just another idea and there's dime a dozen  ideas it's totally insane how easy it is to get   ideas all right so uh if you want to be on  this journey just go to some social elite   software dot com get on that list like I said it  didn't work in this in this video but that I got   to fix it I'm just going to fix it it'll work  by the time you watch it you watch this video   it'll be working so go ahead and go to social  elite software dot com or social elite   to get on the list to go find out exactly how  you can get your software business started for   a hundred bucks a day and not  a date no what am I saying   a total of a hundred a total of 100 as  little as a hundred dollars you can get   your software business started all right we'll  see you in the next episode have a great day   This has been Course Income Secrets, the  entrepreneur's blueprint to generating   income from the e-learning boom! Some of  your friends need to hear this message,   so don't forget to share. For more content  like this, go to  

and make sure to subscribe and follow us here.  My name is Jean-Serge Gagnon, until next time...

2021-02-03 10:18

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