Cops Shut Down Mr K's Business without a Warrant after Mr K Checks Storage | GTA RP NoPixel 3.0

Cops Shut Down Mr K's Business without a Warrant after Mr K Checks Storage | GTA RP NoPixel 3.0

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48 hours [Music] it's like a terrible idea hey what's going on doing good how about you guys doing good I'm just gonna do some models having some coughs that's all I'm talking about to make it count all right make sure that [ __ ] [ __ ] counts get them all in a small area and lay them all on fire oh my God I hate swash please [ __ ] kill yeah I hate that guy yeah it sounds like uh you know he's like gargling with gravel on my ride like one all right you guys take care good luck with that YouTube I sound like Claire for a second I was like oh it's our [ __ ] peoples uh go check the rat Shack where else those cameras [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I don't know why I came in here every time I try to go to the rest check I every time I just pull up here I feel like oh my business I got some of my business I do foreign yes all right let's put the first one at the PDM then we'll go up to the two mushrooms [ __ ] off [Music] [Applause] the [ __ ] it up yeah he don't want it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] where did I put this one again I put it right there all right so the camera needs to go right here you see what's funny hey make sure you all go click that link show us some love blow it up [Music] [Music] [Music] rings are good [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] stuff in person we don't need to ask for it [Applause] [Laughter] to mastermash apparently they bought a huge order of Uzis yesterday so this thing up here is probably stocked [Music] [Applause] two people start here gold painting you think social I think they think it's safe now but a girlfriend and get [ __ ] nerfed oh yeah brother but uh we'll catch up but they're rating Julie Dragon right now Joel Dragon the Raider yeah they're rating it right now all right I'm coming down I'm in Chumash all right yeah we're on radio 82.7 uh basically what happened you Wanna Give You tldr Yeah hop on the radio all right what [Applause] did you just relax all right why am I oh my God give me a raid one or nothing so what the [ __ ] happened nobody said anything to me yeah exactly basically done I'm on the phone with Miguel right now we did a fleet decay they couldn't catch Miguel they took out a one we end up all getting shot down because Miguel ran through Jewel dragon and into his apartment to get another car they're raiding your business right now and they don't think that someone's calling right now before you do this dumb [ __ ] I don't know listen Maybe conversation no [ __ ] you [ __ ] rat I don't know you guys make it look like some shit's going down we were waiting for some confirmation uh we didn't want to we wanted to you know cease business until we got something signed but before then I was going to call you and uh you wanted to see if you give us permission to go through are you [ __ ] stupid as of right now we have to shut down my business and take business from me before you even get anything approved that's not how it works no it's not none of your Associates went inside your place of business while they were getting chased from a bank we believe they might have stash something in there so that is on your Associates who are employed by you to not do that and we will cease uh business at the property so anytime a criminal goes through any [ __ ] thing you shut the whole [ __ ] place down that's a [ __ ] lie if somebody's being chased then they could have some uh something on them that's a lie then they could stash something and yes we can't see something funny give us permission to go for we can get this done now all right stupid [ __ ] yeah there's a couple cops that are still here apparently they said they're they're cease in the business until everything gets approved what what yeah they said he uh ran through some random ass [ __ ] bro he was making that call there okay uh dumbass what the flex his name I don't know what the [ __ ] this thing is around Miguel even on the list bro I love how they do this and uh you have to find out from us not even through them there's not even they don't have anything to prove they're really just shutting it down to see if they get approved or not I was Underwood by the way I'm gonna call it judge let's see I'm actually just Underwood hey Grayson's Mr Cat I got a question for you sure what's up this guy so I'm trying to run my business here and cops are over here saying they're seizing my business uh shutting it down so I can't do business because Hey listen guys we're waiting to see if they can get papers approved okay well you could shut it down once you got your [ __ ] papers what are you guys shutting my [ __ ] down now you're taking money in my pockets because apparently someone was getting chased and they ran through my my business and came out the other side and now they're they're shutting it down so wait is to see if they can get approved for race I don't know I feel like my rights are just getting walked over you know isn't that the whole thing because they can't lock [ __ ] down until they get [ __ ] [ __ ] signed they can lock things down but like on all of those ideas I have no paperwork yet so I have nothing to look at I don't know what's happening I have no contacts yeah you have enough so I can call do you know who yeah okay I came I could reach out and ask the question okay all right I appreciate it thank you no problem sir all right all right Grayson's gonna look into it for us uh we're talking about bass right now he's uh near the gas station foreign reverse oh yeah happy birthday by the way oh best happy birthday baby happy birthday now what the [ __ ] going on [ __ ] I don't know what I call you oh Underwood not call me after you guys shut down my [ __ ] business illegally I just talk to a [ __ ] joke just talk to a [ __ ] judge man y'all can't do this all right well if he says no on the signature then we [ __ ] off no no you [ __ ] off until you have a signature that's how it works you can't be shutting down businesses without anything approved you're taking money away that is not how it works [ __ ] let me explain to you it's been like that for a long time no it's not you have a protein sourcing seizure one no no no no no no no there is no pending there's no [ __ ] he has no papers pending no no no no no no no you listen he said there's nothing that's been sent nothing that's been received there's no pending documents right now they haven't even received that church must be dripping something because as far as I know there's one pending right now that's what he says they haven't received nothing yeah we got a we got a special seizure waiting they told me nothing's been submitted yet the thing is Mr K if you got your Associates going into this I don't give a [ __ ] brother you gotta follow the law too if nothing happens then we're gonna keep that place like that like we would an apartment until we get a search well listen you don't have a pending warrant out someone says pending then you can come back that's your [ __ ] [ __ ] man it's under lockdown is because during a pending certain institution there is no pendant to the fact that people can go inside I just talked to the judge there's no pending such a seizure one they haven't received anything but I'm telling you there yeah about it yeah but uh kick them off your property right now because they have nothing right now so you could we have a problem if he had nothing pending would you contact the owner of the establishment before doing anything as a matter of fact bass can tell you before anybody stand up here I was gonna call Mr K as soon as we sent Miguel up oh but then the Thousand cops showed up before Mr K was even notified [ __ ] rats learn to do your job learn to do your [ __ ] job nobody has to die I'm gonna sneak in the back you think this idiots that [ __ ] there no no oh this just seems ass backwards though what's the [ __ ] point of having to search a seizure warrant that needs to be approved if they can just lock it down because they do what the [ __ ] they want okay let's be honest bro you're arguing with a brick wall right now he's not gonna change his [ __ ] like I don't think Miguel's stored anything in there bro hit it all he said he did was run through it into his apartment in little soul that's all he did I just checked every stash there's nothing in there it's nothing no [Music] cool dragons a cop said that he got locked in there yo I thought I was the way that I'm going there's no there's a case for you couldn't oh a legal case you can sue the [ __ ] out of the MK for disruption of business and all that jazz because this is a civil suit but all they're going to give you is 50k that's Max everyone's going fine Jay there's just one one destination I can't get in because it's in a a car park some [ __ ] get back outside that's too far in like I've got to be at the spot the little little mer I've got to be at the guy you know it was going well up till then to be honest I may put me back south point okay don't go inside there stay away from it please you stay away [ __ ] this would have made sense right after the bank robbery but this is like three to four hours after giving permission to go in this could be all over and do [ __ ] oh my gosh I am doing my job properly got a property lockdown like they would any other property when we're a pending a certain seizure right right now what the [ __ ] is the point of a search procedure if you just lock it down beforehand yeah okay then I'll keep my mouth shut and then I'll give you no answers I know that you guys are just talking to us like [ __ ] always yeah all the time else you should get locked down that's crazy what about ISM but it's not gonna benefit anybody okay all right I've seen people run through [ __ ] all the time yeah and there's somebody on top of them as I was gonna send Miguel up I was gonna give you a call and ask for permission to go in yeah you were but you didn't so two unfortunately somebody tried to get in when we were keeping eyes on him at that point though our hand is forced in case somebody goes in and gets whatever is in there that we're looking for right and it's a business it so it makes it much harder to lock down like in the normal apartment just like we would any other property would lock it down right right that's how it is okay it never changed it's just circumstances well we'll see what happens to this warrant I think it's done like I said circuit searching the components or the swords inside three hey where are they already leave the area please sorry guys just shut my business down here on top of yeah what the hell are they shooting you they're warning shot remember what time do I give you the respect and I called you and let you know there's nothing to stop shooting their [ __ ] guns the locals going off no it wasn't yeah Sonic shot their weapon I'm not actually pissed yet let's role play uh what happened foreign [Music] I said I'm sorry that you can now buy whatever your favorite jewelry right now from the jewel dragon I'm back another time thank you retweet retweet okay if it turns out tonight legal action and you do this [ __ ] to me what's that I thought we were cool you know Mr K I was gonna reach out so you can ask fast before anybody listen I want I was gonna call you as soon as I could but unfortunately our hand was fast as we were keeping eyes on the place we had to move in I called bass and I said I want to call Mr K and ask for permission to go for otherwise you know I'm not even doing anything well [ __ ] you guys better owe me a million [ __ ] dollars look at all these customers man a lot of customers like I said if you guys tonight feel free to take the illegal action look at all these customers doing I'm here for them sorry about that the cops just locked down the business come on man wait what happened holy [ __ ] what happened to you you're having a sale in middle of a raid right now these guys are bastards sorry guys cops are [ __ ] shutting down all businesses temporarily thank you clown get the [ __ ] out of here before I rescue so many people I mean whatever about warning shots but in what [ __ ] why is there an officer in my business when there's no rain taking a picture of this lock them inside something right just inside the business why are they inside my business with no [ __ ] raid one I really wish come out from that counter I see you back there right now you unlock this door so they can get out of here I can do no such thing that they broke into my business before raid one was a lawful person Ally it's not true yes they did the door was open it wasn't out if it was locked are we dead quarter then I agree with you sir I did not touch this door it was definitely open I walked inside as well Mr K really if you walked inside there when you your search warrant wasn't ready yet well I walked inside because the building's supposed to be shut down it's just blocked down right I ran inside to look for a suspect to run inside the building to make sure they so you're telling me you were running I don't run very often I was walking so I'm saying so your story is already beginning to be flies here to lie to you get your off shot of the [ __ ] building right now all right come on guys got the building y'all deaf get the [ __ ] out of the building we're gonna go inside the building until the search warrant signed oh multiple look at this look at this wow guys wow this is how you treat a business before the [ __ ] search warrants even out well I told you the reason why we're inside because the suspect ran inside the building you had the suspect caught and arrested with the nines so why are these officers in there if they're already Caught no no ran inside who was not the primary suspect oh no he's not the suspect right okay well we'll be seeing this tape in court okay of course can't wait to go to court they're putting these [ __ ] uh Industries this is pretty bad for business sir oh it's horrible for business I know I just wanted to get some um a bracelet and a cool necklace let's see what they want to be honest with you [ __ ] videos what's the big deal leave come on in man now is the time to leave the area oh no no I got that on my back you're crazy you're crazy you're bugging your bugging I'm sorry actually yeah I don't have a class on my back stop it what's on your back a bag no it's not um shut down my business come on hand it over okay just just go ahead and search for search me for the class too I ain't got no goddamn classes okay optical illusion leave me alone all right okay wait so is it 50 off ERS so not right now telling customers [Music] yes sir when there is a sale okay I just need this sale I'm gonna say on behalf of everybody here I have a hundred thousand dollars personally that I want to spend here and I'm pretty sure everybody else here has the same really yeah a hundred thousand we working no not at all actually yeah oh my God this is ridiculous fast I'm gonna be honest phones are ringing off the hook for Jordan actually Anarchy that's what's happening get really real quick let me just for uh evidence purposes let me take a picture of all the customers waiting on here pause your arms guys Cross Your Arms look at this yep same same every come this embryo but they got her trapped over the corner you'll be arrested for what you have nothing you have a pending so this this should this should be still in operation it is a rate operation you coming inside and trying to interfere with the rate operation could be considered felony obstruction yes shame on you best shame on you yeah Shame Shame Mr K thank you thank you send it over to you listen I must say it's an effective strategy okay all right I think the strategy sir happen to happen as soon as the rate operates sorry I didn't mean to do that actually oh God I didn't mean to do that over there let me just tell you something guys on average 100 000 per customer how many people we have waiting here me included one two three four five six seven eight hundred thousand dollars not to mention the guy in concert a million dollars say it was going on that's crazy I'm just trying to cut yourself trying to catch a sale man all right man I'm losing more pain man let's see this my birthday you can't make fun of me why not shut the [ __ ] up come get your sand tell me this 50 sale happened to happen at the same time the rate operation was taking place I called last week's sale oh what the [ __ ] is being blown up out there man it goes the first Guys nearby and nobody's checking it yeah shooting random helicopters in the sky go to one double woodchang it's the dream Tower okay aircraft is not answering to ATC shut up he's gonna shoot it down over a populated city where it could possibly crash into a building look at your posture ever since you put this weight on look at your posture bro you really let yourself inhaler right right avocado one arm holding a [ __ ] Uzi holding your dragon I hope you feel good about yourself they all got their scars out and everything you see this I'm so sorry guys I can't uh give you the business that you guys require uh I'm being forcibly shut down unlawfully by cops that don't even have a search warrant um [ __ ] up I don't know yeah you guys are on really short time frames guys well we can't go here because you guys are closed we'll go to a different jewelry store let's get out of here denied I saw all the costumes if it gets denied oh yeah oh you're gonna eat that egg up don't stop playing [ __ ] stupid look how fat you are yeah oh my God sorry how much money at least 5K I just ran here I saw the tweet and I couldn't receive it sir somewhere else you broke [ __ ] yeah okay okay 500k yes can I get into the establishment can we forcibly uh unlawfully yeah okay listen uh offices I'm willing to spend 1 million here today right here right now my wife is very very very very he's a different actor this guy's uh let's play 30 minutes no it's I need to do it now if I don't do it now I can't do it it's unfortunate but sir you just could go to the next jewelry store yeah she's very demanding okay I'm sorry about this I need to spend a million somewhere else okay thank you uh into the recording already pulled up looking like this saying he wants to spend one minute this is gonna Pawn a lot of one-star reviews on the Dual Dragon Chief yo listen Richie Rich fights [ __ ] case something that you don't even have already pending pending and you shutting the business down right that's what happens when you have a pending search warrant okay shutting illegal business that Mr K's losing millions of dollars right now if anything if you want to Channel all this anger and frustration to the guy that used Jewel dragon as a mean and Escape shut the [ __ ] up that guy seems like just as always been served on him now you're just [ __ ] talking ruining local businesses wait a sec I'm taking my review I'm taking my opinion to Twitter give me a sec I will not come back I promise today have a good day sir this is disgusting Behavior disgusting absolutely disgusting pitiful pitiful hey uh Mr K it's okay if I took a [ __ ] inside you Jewel Dragon no it's not okay you've already taken the [ __ ] on my mind like a porta potty or somewhere I can taste your [ __ ] I mean uh my business was open you could have went to the bathroom in there but [ __ ] okay wait are you all leaving and that's what's happening between boys retweet is everybody leaving because you got denied did I use my bathroom fast oh my God oh this guy's [ __ ] in public it's not a crime don't film me okay babe you're vandalizing my property sir is this part of your property public and decency peed in public got it got it God damn it all right I'll [ __ ] in my car then you [ __ ] in your car what you're stuck in here having a warrant it's in the process I am rushing on a dog I am traveling back home yeah okay hey relax hey Mr Kate oh I'm okay just you know pushing away millions and millions of dollars so the warrant for the jewel dragon has been denied so I apologize if you do wish to proceed with legal action for any loss of Revenue feel free to go ahead and do that okay we apologize best you guys may want to start you'll be hearing from his lawyers I wonder yeah it is classic take care losers all right the [ __ ] out of here fat ass let me contact the lawyer all right take all those pictures yep should we just use Rosa y'all getting [ __ ] right yeah she she already called me wanted to know if you wanted help I'll let you know all right yeah come down to the jewel Dragon right now really big man that is literally the best case scenario probably they are so [ __ ] because this is not even a civil at 50k Max you're gonna get because they literally shut down your business and and rip money from you and we gotta shut up your proof of all these customers coming up y'all my man Miguel my Miguel took a 24-hour hole for this [ __ ] good [ __ ] man yeah oh yeah and you can test we have all these Witnesses too to testify I'm surprised to speak to you Rosa I'll be looking to open up a uh case against the police department for unlawfully shutting down my business without a search warrant and me losing millions and millions of dollars we have video evidence of uh cops being with inside their business uh four cops armed and on duty uh inside the business without having their strengths warrant approved and I got video evidence of many many customers paying customers coming up trying to shop during all this and being pushed away uh loss of business in Revenue um but yeah so I just talked to Crane and he said that they can lock the property down pending a search warrant but that doesn't mean they can enter and start searching yep they were inside there armed and dangerous said something about Miguel running through I don't know what the they got denied so that's even better for us okay send me all the stuff you have and I'll get the suit going all right chat if you guys can clip all the times all the good moments I'm glad you're alive please do so I know I'm ready I'm actually about to go away for a vacation after today so I'm not gonna be able to do it so if you guys you got shot by nunu happening and stop uh misusing your police lights please what do you mean misusing my police lights uh is there an emergency here or a crime scene whenever I drive it's an emergency sir oh really so anytime you're driving it's an emergency yeah whenever I drive it's an emergency filter okay yeah how does one misuse lights well they're supposed to be used for emergencies oh there's nothing in that truck listen is there a Flash sale going on all right then Romney gets in the car and you got [Music] you you had three uh hacking devices in this trunk no of course he did they were broken but we can repair them up yeah oh all right uh yeah we'll get those uh videos all over too and I guess we start compiling not so many they yeah motion to dismiss your case but I don't think it's gonna go through yeah I'm so impressed by the way for stealing my car at least the 100K is over the 50k PD lament and I said we're suing him as a person for as much as I want yeah he literally stole my car the day that uh we were stealing all the cop cars he stole my car and then said it was it used it was in use of a crime and then I went to PD and it said it was illegally pocketed at a 500 ticket on it I agree and he said he was going to fill it up with guns oh yeah and he's and then I got the point of that too that he said he's gonna flow with guns and everything and I 3-1-1 and he said I'm proud I do what I want [ __ ] off that's what he told me that's true Good Luck Good Luck let's keep hitting this [ __ ] yup all right perfect beautiful roses oh by the way Romney I killed your fiancee yeah for much longer my guy yeah I don't know who she thinks she is bro shooting up [ __ ] Carmel but I already talked to her I already talked to Carmelo [Applause] that was a nice dub right there

2022-10-22 16:47

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