Consuming Mass Quantities.... Of Beer. I Pour It??? YASS!!!

Consuming Mass Quantities.... Of Beer. I Pour It??? YASS!!!

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look at all these hungry birds outside  my rv they're all looking for something   i don't know what they're expecting they're  just kind of chilling next to this truck   so yeah good morning everyone for reference  this video actually starts just 13 hours where   my other video ended from the from the rest area  and if you can't tell i do not advise any of our   viewers to stay at a rest area or truck stop it's  unpleasant but it does work for one night so we're   getting on the road and gonna go do something  totally different tonight should be a lot better well you might notice here in texas as we move  a little bit farther into texas that the snow   berms are gone on the side of the highway so  it's definitely finally warming up and we're   moving past storm ernie umi i forgot what  it was called it was nasty around here but   i'm gonna go check in to beaumont texas i  haven't been to a harvest host location for   a while it's a great boondocking resource that  i don't use very much but there's a craft beer   brewery that i want to go see so that's what  we're heading for first and then maybe i'll   unhook the car all right i'm gonna take  the uh downtown the beaumont exit here   gosh i'm so glad the sun's out ah it's just a  beautiful day all right downtown beaumont texas all right we're turning on to wall street and okay  so the brewery is off to our left right here and   where this rv is at is where i am supposed to  go so let me find a spot in here heck yeah i'm   parked i'm doing some boondocking uh most of you  have probably heard of harvest hosts i don't talk   about them enough they are a wonderful company  a great resource for people who like to boondock   this is not some big scam company that charges you  fifteen thousand dollars for a membership and then   kicks you out and shuts everything down no harvest  host is a family owned operation and it's meant   for people that don't mind just boondocking in  a parking lot however they have some 1600 farms   wineries distilleries like craft local breweries  that allow you to well this place actually has   a really large boondocking lot across the street  which is awesome they don't open until 4 p.m here   so i'm gonna go check it out in a little bit i'll  probably unhook the car and go explore beaumont a   little bit maybe go to a few thrift stores see if  i can find some mickey mouse stuff here in texas   so in fact let's go inside real quick i want  to show you their website real quick in case   you're interested in joining and so take a look at  that they have 565 wineries nationwide 470 farms   323 attractions you can add golf courses for an  extra i think 30 a year and three currently 232   breweries and distilleries like i said a  membership is not fifteen thousand dollars   it is only seventy nine dollars a year yes  you heard that right seventy nine dollars   a year for up to fifty almost sixteen hundred  places to boondock in the entire country and   oh and that's right they actually have an  app for your phone to be able to log in and   look at all the different they are  literally everywhere in the country folks   look over here in the northeast you think  i'm going to use some of these this summer my point is they're a good decent company  who's trying to do something really good   for people trying to save a little bit of  money who don't necessarily need hookups in   their rv but still want to explore the country  and from time to time like i said there's some   really cool attractions like the tallahassee  auto museum you can stay there and then go to   the auto museum they started listening to some  of their members a lot more i'm one of their   classic members i've actually been with them since  november of 2018 i'm one of the very first that   joined harvest host i was so excited to be a part  of it and i'm so glad that i have been able to   uh kind of help them grow as i continue to kind  of share some of these locations and things and   a lot of people had been asking for a while you  know hey let's get some more breweries in here   and distilleries some craft beer because not  everybody's a wine person so like i said they   have they've added one and we're at one now  where you can actually uh test some of the   local craft beers of beaumont texas so they  really do care and listen to their members   unlike some other companies but let me show you  the process and how easy it is to get in touch   with one of these places you might want to stay  at we'll go back to the computer here since it's a   little easier to see on here and where am i over  here in beaumont there you click on the little   it's like a little beer mug and then that opens  up poor brothers brewery you open this up and   then you're in the harvest host version of  that which gives you some information here   so there's a phone number to call and it does  say that you have to request a stay from nick   mclaughlin 24-hour notice is required some other  information up here says that they have six total   spaces uh an rb of 45 feet or more it says and  pets they are pet friendly here they've also got   pictures and you can do a review and post your  own experience or post pictures from this so it   looks like judy b said great harvest host friendly  staff easy to access parking it was rainy night so   we grabbed some take out pizza across the parking  lot and a six pack of beer and for me it's kind of   a twofer because you get to park the rv you get to  unhook the car you get to actually go experience   the city knowing that your rv is in a safe spot  plus most of these places are attached to a winery   a brewery or some kind of attraction that could  make for some interesting content on youtube so   i really hope to be using this a lot more in the  future instead of going to rv parks and rb resorts   i'll still do campgrounds especially national  parks and some nice state parks and stuff like   that but i'm leaning more towards boondocking  now here in 2021 and moving forward because   it makes me happier it's it's uh it's a lot more  fun it's a lot less stressful also harvest host is   also listening to us again they are just right now  this month i believe actually unveiling a new test   system for an online registration of these places  so there's a few that are participating this   just kind of a trial run to see how it works  and how the system responds and if you know   and everything and to see how convenient it  is but you might not even have to call some   of these later on you can just click it and then  get instant approval with some information you   do have to be a harvest host to be able to stay  at these places though sometimes they ask you to   give them your your card number ahead of time over  the phone your member number uh others just want   you to come in and check in and show them the card  when you get here this place doesn't open so they   wanted it over the phone and then you do have to  print like a like a parking pass for your vehicle   i just went to fedex office and printed two of  them one for the rv window one for the car window   yeah so there's poor brothers brewery and  we will check that out after 4 p.m today   since they're pet friendly they even have this  outdoor area where i can get jax's buggy and sit   out here with jax and have a cold brewski maybe  enjoy my cheat day and check out some of this new   york pizza and pasta later also i'm gonna unhook  dirty tater tot here see if i can find a car wash   and uh go explore beaumont a little bit well do  i love having a car don't get me wrong i liked   the motorcycle but having the car just i don't  have to put on a jacket or anything just just go   and i can load it up so i'm gonna go find a  thrift store real quick i haven't searched for   any mickey stuff for my collection and it's it's  something that makes me happy it really warms my   heart to be able to do so i'm gonna do it turn in  here oh no the next road okay pay attention eric   yeah i'm just gonna go see if i can find anything  fun and stuff that doesn't take up a whole lot of   space for the collection now i'm in that phase  where like i have a lot of big stuff let's get   like smaller stuff don't need any more blankets  or anything to drape over walls or anything   so i'm so happy to have this car i can't i just  can't stop smiling i do miss my motorcycle though   all right let's check this one out  yeah this is a really big store   oh awesome awesome possum tater tot parking right  there that's what that is yeah it's hit and miss   sometimes sometimes i find like three or four  things sometimes it's just not that's a big store   i didn't find one single item in the  entire store that had mickey mouse on it   so you know but now i'm in texas and my buddy  josh is down here probably stealing everything   right in front of me so good luck eric and i i  actually tried to find some swap meets and flea   markets it's midweek so there's nothing going  on that's all right i'll hit one more and then   we'll head back to the rv and get some lunch  yeah this is another really big texas goodwill   huge store i better find something something i  still can't believe that as big as this store is   i mean i have scoured this i just wanted to point  this out i did literally find one thing that has   a mickey on it so mickey still does exist but i  mean this store was huge and that was all i found   it's crazy it's it's just cleaned out in  texas i am happy to see that the place i'm   staying in tonight beaumont texas is a little  quirky their fire station museum here has   these little uh dalmatian painted fire hydrants  and not only is beaumont texas known for the   world's largest fire hydrant but also the world's  largest working fire hydrant that's right yeah   this sucker actually pumps water how funny would  it be if that's actually dog pee all around the   base of this thing it's probably not but some  of these texas towns are really unique and it   seems like every time i come back you can always  find something that's larger than life in texas   there's a bronze statue out here in front too  it is the official state of texas firefighter   memorial here in beaumont texas thanks for your  service guys you guys rock all right the brewery   opens in two out that's such a hard word for me to  say brewery i know what a brewer is but a brewery   say a slow eric the brewery opens in two hours  let's go back and check out that new york style   pizza place uh the pizza place actually asked  me to move the rv they share the lot with poor   brothers brewing and i probably would have known  that if i'd gone in there because they're not   open yet but they asked me to move over so i went  ahead and moved over they seemed pretty popular so   i'm looking forward to getting some pizza new york  pizza and pasta i feel like i'm in new york wait a   minute oh my i definitely feel like permanent work  all right i got my 10 inch meat lover special here   it's not necessarily thin crust but it does get  thinner the bigger the pizza size you get i just   got the 10 inch and uh coke zero to go with that's  going to complement it really well oh my gosh guys   you wouldn't like any of this i know the chefs  don't like it if you put extra stuff on it before   you've tried it but i like my parmesan cheese  so i'm gonna put some parmesan cheese on there throw it on the plate that's good all  right so poor brothers brewery here   in downtown beaumont texas let's go check it  out we're early oh we got more people pulling in   so inside they may not be doing things as they  normally do it but this is a little unique i mean   i've never done anything like this here at uh fort  brothers brewery you get a beer card that's right   a beer card and a cup and we get to go  self-serve over here and try different beers   so as you can see up here they got all the  uh different kinds that they've got there   and then you can swipe your card your  pour card then you get the beer tabs there   i'm looking at uh this orange chocolate stout  sounds good part of our valentine's day special   box oh so it's a valentine reject all right  all right anyway it's rfid so it doesn't   name pops feel and then this does it will cut off  at eight ounces it is a half eight ounces okay interesting place right so that's orange chocolate  oh i'm just gonna just get through just that is   really tasty like you know they also do growlers  and they got some t-shirts here some stickers and   and i see can koozies there they  are also pet friendly in here   so jack's to come in they've all they've got  the outdoor spot but it's been cold in texas so   i don't think it's going to be too popular out  there tonight but we'll see that orange chocolate   was ridiculous guys i wish they bottled that  one i don't know how to ask them maybe they do   just get a growler then huh we'll see i'm gonna  clear my palette with their patty bees they're   one of their first ones here just a golden  ale kind of like a fancy bud light i think tastier than bud light actually yeah look i know  i'm the only one here right now this is actually a   really happening place they have live music here  as well they got cornhole competitions they're   they're part of the uh street drinking gang you  know from pub to pub but this is one of only uh   four breweries in this area of beaumont there's  a lot of bars but they brew everything right here   in this location right now so i don't know i  just wanted to be out here i kind of want to   hang out with jax later but they are pet friendly  in here i just wanted to just wanted to try out   a few of these maybe i'll come back we've now  now got a total of four rvs over there they're   expecting six tonight there are six scheduled  people from harvest so supposed to be here so   we shall see all right one more before i go  back to the rv and check in on jax trying   the hooligan which is their one one of their  newer ones one of their four staples that they   have they have it in a can over there but i don't  think anything can beat that orange chocolate   that's tasty good that's tasty good also in case  you're interested you can order food from the   new york pizza and pasta place across the street  they'll bring it right here while you're here at   the brew house there's also dooley's barbecue  and grill they opened up here recently but uh   yeah you can get pizza and get your pour on  yeah so the local two alarm pilsner here is   actually made and sponsored and worked with  the local fire department here as well as   the placeholder here is also they're working with  the local police department here to work on that   doesn't have a name yet but they're trying now i  may try that one out later also fantastical i'm   gonna come back tonight when the place uh comes  back alive i actually did just buy one of their   cards so i have one of their poor me cards i'm  gonna hot glue a magnet on there so i actually   have a magnet from this place but i want to see  how jax is doing a little bit and then maybe   jax and i'll go back in later since they're pet  friendly sound good all right no they didn't have   any kitty beer well i know you're old enough to  drink but they didn't have any actual kitty beer   no just adult beer you want some catnip or  some cat treats you want cat treats don't you   can you do any tricks for cat treats can you flop  can you flop for treats you can oh that was that   was pretty impressive can you do it again you  can you can do it on demand okay can you flop one   more time i didn't believe you okay you get treats  you do is a temptations brand okay will that work   because that's all i got i mean i've got like  12 of these freaking cans of temptation streets   but still that's the only that's only the only  brand i got for you okay oh sorry about that i   told you they're pet friendly you want to go  see if they have any kitty barley pops let me   go check it out together here we go aren't you  so glad that poor brothers allows kitty kitties   well they said pets i'm assuming that means cats  we're gonna go find out okay all right man going   with the black cherry here oh it's dark one it's  a good one jax can you help me with this one   probably not that's the black cherry stout  dad that's gonna try that one okay i'm gonna   try that one okay go ahead and hop up or down and  then up and then yeah is that gonna work for you   all right are you are you and me gonna play  some cornhole cause we could play some cornhole   we we could do that if you want okay these  are honestly the kind of memories i like to   make with my kitty cat not too many cats  get to go to a brewery you want something   i'm not your kind he doesn't like the black  cherry okay black cherry stout here we go oh i'm just gonna pour it out i'm gonna  pour it out jack's ready gonna pour it out   that's very similar to the orange  chocolate the cherry chocolate i gotta give that one a thumbs up that's a  good that's a good okay okay okay yeah you   can play some cornhole it's texas cornhole  with the stars you know you know how to play   you you don't want to play you just  taste like that that's how you do it okay   i mean he can't really get away because  this whole area is fenced off but   he's not afraid to explore look at this guy  you ain't right this one you ain't right   you've got problems you got cute problems  but still you got cat problems you like   this place you like poor brothers this is  pretty good what if other puppies come by   you'll just bite them like you bite cords you'll  just bite them okay technically some cats probably   could get out some of these parts i wouldn't trust  small small dogs or cats necessarily because they   might be able to get under that part right there  but jax is pretty good boy what do you smell what   do you smell right there is there weird smells  okay he comes running he's a good boy since i get   to pour my own you get to eat your own okay chex  you get to eat your own can you yeah there you go   this is one time since i get to pour my own  okay okay is that good did you have enough   oh we're going for the buffet okay that's that's  a good boy oh you didn't like that okay sorry too bad you don't have thumbs you could unscrew  that yourself you could yeah okay oh you want   me to tell you how to do it so you go like  this you grab one of these and you chuck   them in here with your thumbs that you didn't  watch see like that put them in there like that   is that pretty hard is that too difficult  for the kitty kitty okay just just paw it   in there what just give up already oh okay  where are you where's he going he talking to   i guess he's doing his own  cat thing i had to put the   top down on here when i went and got a refill i'm  trying me a placeholder from the local men in blue doesn't taste like bacon it's actually pretty good but still not as good  as that orange chocolate the first one i tried man   i hit it out of the park with that one you want  to come out play gonna be good never miss an   opportunity to explore dad don't eat all the grass  i'm vegetarian man what to do all right since   daytona i can't even fake it anymore you guys know  when i'm drunk no matter how slow i try to talk   i'm gonna hang out with this cool cat here and  uh i may go back one more time but i want to   just kind of end it right here does that sound  good yeah i think i'm just going to end it right   here i have had a fantastic time here in beaumont  this harbisso system with poor brothers brewery   yes thank you more of this let's do this this  is life this is fun this has been awesome   i'll see you guys in a few days thanks  for joining me guys bye where'd he go   are you embarrassed to be next to me but i'm  i'm the treat master i i have all the treats   that's what i thought because you were you were  over here and then you left when i started filming   like you were embarrassed or something oh now that  i'm not filming you're i'm actually filming jacks   i haven't i haven't pressed  stop it's still recording   so now they know you really love me you do yeah bye

2021-03-16 02:43

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