College of Business Commencement

College of Business Commencement

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Please stand by for realtime captions. >> [ music ] >> Oh, say, can you see, by the dawn's early light, what so proudly we hail'd at the twilight's last gleaming? Whose broad stripes and bright stars, through the perilous fight, o'er the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming? And the rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting in air, gave proof through the night that our flag was still there. O say does that star-spangled banner yet wave o'er the land of the free and the home of the brave? >> Good afternoon, everybody. Welcome to the commencement ceremony for the College of Business. Please join me in thanking Emily Rosenberger, a 2021 graduate, for the wonderful rendition of "The Star Spangled Banner."

We want to make this a comfortable and safe environment today, so I would like to make a few announcements before we continue with the ceremony. If you need medical or assistance, please ask an usher. Restrooms are located on both sides of the stadium. Water is available in the concourse. No smoking is allowed in the stadium. In the case of

inclement weather, Campus Police will notify us should we need to evacuate. Please be respectful of those around you and remain in your seats until the conclusion of today's ceremony. For the benefit of the graduates and their families, university has a professional photographer who will be taking pictures of each graduate. You will be contacted by the photographer regarding the purchase of these photos. Thank you for your cooperation in meeting the holding these ceremonies by wearing your physical distance among parties, and outside the stadium after the ceremony has concluded. Now it is my pleasure to introduce Jonathan Alger, the sixth president of James Madison University. President Alger

graduated with High Honors from Swarthmore College and Honors from Harvard Law School. A lawyer by training, President Alger has devoted much of his career to issues related to diversity, access, and inclusion. Under his leadership, JMU has become known as a model for service learning, for promoting access with such programs as the Valley Scholars, and ranked as the top college in Virginia for getting a job.

JMU has also developed a vision to be the national model of the engaged university Engaged with ideas and the world, and a strategic plan focused on engaged learning, community engagement, and civic engagement. It is my honor to welcome President Alger to deliver greetings. >> Good afternoon. Welcome, students, families, friends, and colleagues to the commencement exercises for the James Madison University College of Business! I must say that I have never been happier to see all of your faces today, here send heartfelt greetings to anyone After the many challenges of this past year, this is truly a time for celebration and new beginnings. long and hard to make this ceremony possible, and I want to thank everyone who contributed to this moment. During this most extraordinary year, it truly took a village of dedicated people to get us all here.

As we begin, take a moment and look around you. You made it! And you made it together. Even as we've spent so much time apart, we've never been more aware of how much we need one another, and of how our lives are interconnected. Human relationships are at the heart of higher education, and it is fitting that we join together in community even as recognize all of you individually for your accomplishments. I am especially glad that each

graduating student can be recognized, since I know that each of you has faced unforeseen obstacles to make it here today. While we have all been reminded that the world is full of uncertainty, your JMU education has equipped you with the skills and the mindset to address the challenges that will come your way in the future. In fact, business students here over the past year have seized new opportunities in the midst of challenge. For example, many canceled 2020 internships turned into full-time employment offers, all while engaged learning charged ahead in Hartman and Godwin Halls. Marketing students learned valuable skills through mock virtual sales calls to conduct business in a new way, which will give them a unique competitive advantage as they begin their careers. Accounting

students who enrolled in tax classes state tax returns for local residents who needed all while implementing a COVID-safe drop-off and service. Supply Chain Management students sourced and filled shipping containers with medical supplies destined for Africa. Business students from all majors continue alumni and future employers as our Career Treks went virtual. At the Hart School, students knew that the show must go on, and it did. In early December students majoring and Sport and Recreation Management utilized their skills by hosting a live-auction fundraiser. By all counts, this was one of the most successful Le Gourmet events to date. Your flexibility during

this period makes one thing very help as the world starts to emerge from this pandemic. to innovate in ways that engage customers and create new products and services. We need you now to utilize everything that you have learned here to remake the world into one that is even more engaging, open and inclusive. Madison University, you join a list of alumni all over the nation and the globe world a better place. You have been only survived but thrived. Keep bleeding purple wherever

you go, and wear your JMU colors with pride. We need your talents and your passion to be the change we want to see in the world. I do hope you'll come back often, because you are part of this JMU family and community for the rest of your life. Be ready to share your knowledge and experiences with the generations of Dukes who come after you.

Most of all, you know that I will always implore you to dream big about what you can do. Dukes know how to rise to a challenge and to make a positive impact! Go Dukes! >> Will the candidates for the undergraduate degrees please rise as you are able? President Alger, it is my pleasure to present the undergraduate degree candidates for the May 2021 Commencement. They have been approved by the faculty and are entitled to receive the appropriate degrees. >> Are you ready? By virtue of the authority vested in me by the Commonwealth of Virginia and the Board of Visitors of James Madison University, I now declare that you are graduates of James Madison University, with all the rights, privileges and responsibilities afforded you under your degree and as alumni of this University. >> Graduates, in the academic tradition, you may now turn your tassels from right to left. Congratulations. Let's applause our 2021 graduates.

>> Thank you , President Alger and Provost Coltman. Michael Busing and I am honored to serve as the College of Business at James Madison University. Good afternoon Class of 2021. And welcome to your families and

guests. We are glad you are here with us in Bridgeforth Stadium! Graduates, you represent the next generation of leaders of businesses and organizations of all types. Some of you are headed to Wall Street while others of you are busy launching your own startup companies. Some of you will live your dream of working with a professional sports team while others of you will follow your passion of making a career with a not-for-profit organization. Still others of you will take on leadership positions in the new age of the hospitality industry.

Some of you are actively preparing for the CPA exam while others have already received certification as a Specialist in Wine, by passing a challenging international test. And many of you will pursue graduate education now or in the future. Whatever you do, I would encourage you to always follow your dreams but remember this quote from General Colin Powell. A dream doesn't become reality through magic. it takes sweat, determination and hard work. So your undergraduate education is a major dream that is now reality. I strongly encourage you to keep dreaming and following your passion and, by doing so, you will lead a productive and meaningful life and positively impact those around you. I would be remiss if

I did not recognize that the last year of your JMU experience was not what anyone would plan for you. But I believe that what you learned during this experience will outlast the memory of the experience itself. All of you acquired the ability to adapt and not just survive but thrive as a very uncertain global environment unfolded around you. Whether you know it or not, by being a student at James Madison University during a global pandemic, you likely developed an entrepreneurial mindset, which will serve us all well in the future as we rely upon you to bring innovative solutions to the table. You are indeed impressive and are joining a network of equally impressive JMU alumni. They

lead large teams at Fortune 500 companies. They are successful serial entrepreneurs, and they are leaders in their communities. JMU alumni routinely reach back and open doors for those who come after them, and I know you will continue this culture. Please remember to keep in touch with the world-class JMU faculty members who were engaged with you along the way.

we will recognize the graduates from the College of Business. Will the graduates receiving the Bachelor of Business Administration degree with a major in Accounting please rise and come forward. >> [ Reading of Graduates' Names ] [ Reading of Graduates' Names ] >> Because of the weather, we have been told that we must delay until further notification . Students and guess to your cars. Take shelter >> [ Captioner standing by ] >> [ music ] >> Test. One, two, three. >> [ The event is on a weather delay. The session will

reconvene at 4:45 p.m. Eastern Time. Captioner on standby. ] >> And now we will continue Will he graduates receiving the bachelor of business administration degree with a major in accounting and come forward. >> [ Reading of Graduates' Names ] >> Will the graduates receiving the Bachelor of Business Administration degree with a major in Computer Information Systems, please rise and come forward.

>> [ Reading of Graduates' Names ] >> Will the graduates receiving the Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, and Bachelor of Business Administration degree with a major in Economics, please rise and come forward. >> [ Reading of Graduates' Names ] >> Will the graduates receiving the Bachelor of Business Administration degree with a major in Finance please rise and come forward. >> [ Reading of Graduates' Names ] >> Will the graduates receiving the Bachelor of Science degree with a major in Quantitative Finance please rise and come forward. >> [ Reading of Graduates' Names ] >> Will the graduates receiving the Bachelor of Business Administration degree with a major in International Business, please rise and come forward.

>> [ Reading of Graduates' Names ] >> Will the graduates receiving the Bachelor of Business Administration degree with a major in Management, please rise and come forward. >> [ Reading of Graduates' Names ] >> Will the graduates receiving the Bachelor of Business Administration degree with a major in Marketing, please rise and come forward. >> [ Reading of Graduates' Names ] >> Will the graduates receiving the Bachelor of Science degree with a major in Hospitality Management please rise and come forward.

>> [ Reading of Graduates' Names ] >> [ Event has exceeded scheduled time. Captioner must proceed to next scheduled event. Disconnecting at 5:18 p.m. Eastern Time. ] >> [ Event concluded ]

2021-05-09 20:25

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