Coffee talk: Investments and Leadership, how to become financially free.

Coffee talk: Investments and Leadership, how to become financially free.

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hello guys and welcome back to our youtube channel confidence consulting uh today we are back uh here uh i'm with my friend robert thuri hi robert hi catalina and today we're gonna speak about investments and a little bit of leadership robert can you tell can you tell us please what strategy should a person involved into investments at the beginning uh should take in order to achieve some revenues in the [Music] short term then we'll discuss about the long term as well so i believe that the best strategy when starting out is to actually get a source of revenue or get a job if you like didn't inherit any money so if you are starting from the bottom you need to get a job then what you need to do you beat to be a bit frugal for a couple of years so what does that mean that means that you need to when you get your paycheck first you need to pay all your bills all your like liabilities your rent your groceries your all the all your expenses and then try to try it yeah and then try to invest as much as possible from the leftover so try to invest 50 percent of your income if you manage to invest 50 percent of your income you're ahead of 99 of people and you know as i said in my last podcast we also need to have a balance so you also need to live your life you need to enjoy everyday things it's not like you need to save up all of your money don't have a coffee with your friends or stuff like that let's say that um the theory of keynes that he's saying that savings equal investment somehow at the aggregate level uh it works but we should play we should balance along the short term medium and long term as you said in the short term you need to save some money in order to play in the medium and long term with the investments so let me tell you my opinion on savings we all know what happened in the last two years so let's say you saved up 10 000 pounds over the last years okay you put them in a savings account you didn't invest that money now i think you can see that the gas prices went up by 40 percent the energy prices the food price everything just went up and your savings just stayed the same you didn't earn anything on your money if you only saved it up and if we look at other investments amazon tesla bitcoin ethereum cryptos everything just went up in value while the dollar and the basically the fiat the currencies just stayed at the same level currently i invest 90 percent of my money in cryptocurrencies in crypto projects because this is what works for me right now i used to invest into stocks but i only generated about 10 20 revenue every year while in cryptos you can make that make that percentage in a month but obviously you need to diversify because one project might fail or one company might go bankrupt like it was in the case of hertz the car rental company that took a massive hit and it basically they just went bankrupt so you need to diversify you need to invest into safe stocks and you ideally you need to invest into real estate because that's my future plan all of my profits that i make from cryptos from stocks everything i want to put them into real estates in the next five to ten years because i think that's a safer way to get a passive income you don't get as much income but it's like properties always go up in value and you also get the money from your rent but that's another topic where we can discuss more about real estate yes so related to this real estate industry you said that you want you plan in the long term medium long term to to invest over there but uh what do you think now that you're following a little bit the the thought of robert kiyosaki if i'm not wrong isn't it robert kiyosaki okay so he did our matrix as we spoke before in other podcasts related to assets liabilities and so on um my question is is it still up to date this kind of matrix what is the first kind of investment that you suggest to a new starter in order to in the short term let's say let's don't think in the medium in the short term in order to to to consider himself a little investor i think the best investment will all be will always be in yourself the courses that you buy the books that you read so if you only have like a little money you don't have much disposal income you need to invest into yourself first like we both did before we had any money and you know robert kiyosaki's methods might not work today because everything has changed in the last 30 years but the mindset still stays the same because robert said that he has that book reach that poor at poor dead i recommend that to everybody he said that a poor dad when he wants to buy something he said i can't afford that it's too expensive while a rich dad says that's expensive how can i afford that what can i do to be in a position to afford that so if you go into the into deep regarding uh in a deeply mannered inside his thoughts he's saying put always positive questions if if we read his psychology so put always positive questions in order to have the answers of your adopts or whatever meanwhile the poor dad doesn't apply like this let's say okay so yes invest in yourself but how you when when i speak about investments i speak about revenues as well so in an investment in my opinion an investment in my opinion is holding a certain position a certain economical position or financial position for at least one year into a certain industry in order to develop somehow some revenues into the bright future isn't true or what do you think about this well when you are starting out and you don't have a very big capital i think the best way to do it is to invest into high risk investments like invest 10 20 percent of your income in higher risk investments like startups crypto projects and invest the rest of 30 or 20 30 depending how much income you want to invest invested in safer things like i told about the the s p 500 because you need to have a safety net in case these risky your investments fail and if you start investing when you are 20 you don't need to invest a lot you need to invest 100 200 every month and by the time you are 40 you already have enough capital to get into real estate to get into other projects but you don't need to take that much of a risk you can take a little risk and still have a significant income from that so said this what do you think about this kind of angel investors i know if you heard about them and how can you position yourself to to become one day an angel investor because as you said you spoke about small investments into startups so what is the very little first step because i like to follow guides that are step by step of course this isn't a puzzle for everyone but at least for me it works so which is the very little small step to enter inside the angel investors industry and to become an angel investor well there are two ways to become an angel investor the first and maybe the easiest way is to have a lot of money because angel investors are usually very wealthy people the other way of becoming an angel investor is to surround yourself with people who are building businesses or be in telegram groups that discuss about new projects new crypto projects new companies and even though i don't have a lot of money i recently became an unusual investor i can say that because i was in a certain group where i had the opportunity to invest into a into a brand new crypto project into a startup that hasn't even launched on the market and it's gonna launch in 2023. so yeah it's you don't need to invest like hundreds of thousands you can invest as little as five thousand well that was the minimum five thousand dollars and i didn't want to invest more because again this is a very risky investment i only know their their project what they want to achieve but they haven't launched on the market yet so i don't know how they will perform so yeah i took a big risk because i can lose that money but the revenue that i can get from it if it succeeds it's it will be worth it basically yeah well the first thing basically when you have disposal capital or when you have enough capital you can take these riskier investments but before doing this you need to you need to have safer investments you need to have a passive income from something safe or you need to just save up some money quite a lot of money before jumping into these things and you need to do your research so that's what i'm trying to say you can become an angel investor even if you don't have millions of dollars but it's risky and you just need to you need to be there you need to know about the projects that's how you need to get into these groups you surround yourself with like-minded people so catalin i told you how i manage my money how i invested what i do with it how do you manage your money what do you do with it so for what concerns me since i here in uk i started to save mostly all my wages or my part of my wages and i just waited the perfect moment the perfect one will never come but i just waited for two projects everything is online nowadays but i will have two projects one online and one a little bit more offline so digitalization is the future like we said it's a trend but i like as well to disrupt a little bit and to follow as well the offline businesses so two projects for me uh i will tell you more about this in the next couple of months uh one is starting with you now building our community of entrepreneurs and another one is more special and i will tell you about this in the next couple of months hopefully it will be a success because i'm working on it since i came here uh into uk but i just waited for the proper moment in order to launch it to develop it so yes these are my my thoughts and i will keep you updated i want i'm that kind of person that likes to speak more about the facts and not about the possible ideas that uh that might come but only about the facts what i've done and what i will do actually you know i like i like that idea actually because i like the fact that you want to do something with your saved up income you are not like some people that just save up their money and then they spend it on a car or on some on a liability so i like the fact that you do have a plan with your money you want to build a business i was as well in adapt because once is like that father that covers his money in order to don't be reached out by his children you know don't follow because the children might get a little bit uh you know into [Music] into trouble when they find out that they have some huge amount of money at their dispositions so i just i i i wasn't adopt about to buy a new car to about to go into holidays fancy things but i just tried to keep you know a little bit humid and at the same time very direct and straight to the point so instead of investing of not investing instead of consuming your money as before we said into new cars fancy things holidays things that can bring you uh emotional benefits but in the short term because in the long term it will be past you'll have only some picture or whatever but in order to achieve a monetary return of this i prefer to wait i prefer to spend my wages wisely and to divide them into saving accounts basically so i waited the proper moment in order to invest somehow and as i told you before i have two projects now one to develop this kind of community of entrepreneurs so we are building something together right now and the other one to a more offline oriented business but i'm working on it since i came here into uk maybe even before because i studied very well the the market of uk uh before coming here and i didn't have second thoughts i just acted on it there are different type of entrepreneurs for instance i i learn a lot about that kind of people who want to specialize in some industry and after to develop their own business for instance there are a lot of people who are getting into banking for instance and they hopefully they will have some fintechs in the in the in the bright future so another step another alternative to get into entrepreneurship is to have this kind of specialization into a certain industry and then getting on your own it's more less risk-oriented because the the risk is always but it's less orient but it's less high there is because you will already know the industry and you will have only to build up the team so you will need a few skills such as leadership the capacity to go to lead the people towards a vision or a common goal and to direct them to the right decisions towards the common goal [Music] and you will need as well a good capacity of forecasting and a good nose in order to perceive which will be the following trends and how you can disrupt them in order to to build something new to be innovative as i said before i'm not very innovative but i'm good in uh taking the best for what i'm seeing so somehow if i'm here today i'm somehow embodied all the leadership styles that i met during my life so from authoritative leadership to more charismatic leadership to a more collaborative leadership so each one is applied to a certain contingency what does this mean that in a certain in a certain environment you will have to be very authoritative it's not being a boss because both you know they are not empowering people but you might have a certain degree of authority which is not oppression but it's authority it's not that it's not a bad thing actually it's very good to be authoritative to be sure of yourself confident then there is a collaborative uh approach which which teaches you to consider the opinions and the facts of all the other people that surround yourself in your work environment and then there is more charismatic leadership which actually appeals to the emotions of the people and it helps you to understand them deeply inside which are their needs and how you can satisfy them inside the work environment for someone maybe it's work life balance for someone maybe there is some money for someone there can be a lot of things so according to each environment you have to have a leadership style so you have to adapt somehow but adapting it's not in uh you know in such a manner that is reacting to the environment but it can be even proactive so you can actually design your future and implement a vision into the business and then create the following strategies in order to achieve it so tell me now robert please which is your leadership style is it an authoritative it is a charismatic it is a collaborative which style have you implemented so far we saw that there is no one rule of thumb there are different kind of styles of leadership but which one suits you more nowadays into your investments and when you are dealing with people when i was in a leadership position i actually tried out a couple of styles because i was only 21 years old so i didn't know like what style to approach and i don't think that you can only be authoritative only if you shout at people or if you speak badly with them no you can have an authority even if you speak nicely but you just have to make your point you have to come across as a confident person as a leader who knows what he does and i think people will respect you but an approach that i do today and that i like is being a charismatic leader basically i try i try to show people how i do it and i try to make them follow me exactly to be natural i don't i wouldn't ask from someone to do what i want to do that's the approach that i always took like exactly i always try to be an example and i don't try to just force people to do something i like to make them have a passion for it you know because i'm so passionate if i'm so passionate about something i think that's why people will follow me because they see that fire on me they see that commitment so i think the best approach is to be charismatic yeah be open-minded be open to their opinion like don't just look at things the way you know it like you need to listen to other people to their opinions said this as a summary today we spoke about investments and leadership so guys thank you for watching confidence consulting we'll have plenty of ideas that we want to implement with you as well if you like this video give us a thumb up and a share hope you will share with us your thoughts regarding this and why not just be confident in yourself always thank you guys for watching our video we hope it was helpful also leave us in the comments how do you manage your money how do you think it's the best way to invest it to spend it and also tell us what leadership style you prefer maybe you had a an awful boss maybe you had a kind one just let us know in the comments and until next time take care

2021-11-25 04:20

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