Coffee Shop Call with Demond Crump | Getting Structured for Business #272

Coffee Shop Call with Demond Crump | Getting Structured for Business #272

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There. Are four, things now, because it's, starting to get time to get structured, for business okay there. Are four things that. Everybody. Has, to start thinking about in, terms of the vision of the organization or. The. Individuals, that you're, going to be leading to do real business remember. That's that's what we're going to be talking about because, because, here is one thing on what you guys hear most. People in this industry and you can all, my veterans, all my veterans, who, have, been on this call for some time, all my veterans, know one thing they. Know. One. Thing in reference, to. Knowing. Me, I I. Pretty. Much like. To have, people understand, that, as as you're, moving forward with. Someone, you're following, they. Should be but you really really have a real, plan of action and when you bring in someone to the table, from a recruiting, aspect, you. Have to know why you're bringing it may sound simple it may sound simple but, it is very very valid you. Most, people don't even know why we're people recruit with no purpose meaning that you know because I need to bone this I need to rank advanced and that's, why you bring people to the table instead. Of you looking at it as for example that, you are McDonald's franchise, and when, you bring another. Franchise. To the table, you, want that franchise, to be productive. Especially. If you get a piece of a piece of the action of what that franchisee produced, and most, people they look at things too small I look, at I look at individuals. That, I bring, to the table as a gateway, to bigger, and better things because. That, person, can offer to. Me a circle. Of influence that, I didn't have before I met them see. That's the terms you got to be thinking in you got to be thinking in business terms you can't just be thinking short term you, know Oh bonus, right now I get, paid real quick they're gonna clap for me at the next event no you have to have a real business. Structure, they have to be purposed, to it guys you, don't want to be the type of people that's just grabbing, bodies from company to company this, month they're on Facebook live talk about this company next, week they talk about that company then after that there will be on.

The Side trying to talk to you about something, else listen I'm over here doing this but don't tell nobody I'm going to take a little position and I'm gonna connect with you and I want you to just imma send people over there but I'm a centum, through you and you just give me a little kickback see all those little games no. Guys when you're going to do real business have a real structure, where people can know hey listen I could come be involved, with these individuals. And I can grow my business I want, you to understand these these, things I'm about to share with you you. Can do this in your traditional, business, in. In. Your traditional, business but in direct sales these, things, should be paramount, in terms. Of what you do here's, the first thing okay. There. Are several things we're going to talk about on today but here's the first one the first thing that you have to get airtight. Is the. Presentation, and what, do I mean when I say presentation, I'm just not talking I'm not talking about presenting. The the business opportunity, that's not what I'm talking about the. Presentation. Means. You're. Look number. One how, you present yourself that's. Very very important, to me when. I get in front of people it's very. Very important, to me how I present myself I'm, going to go this far to tell you this even in terms of time. Even. In terms of time do, you present yourself in a way that, you're on time, for. Things, that, you have to be involved in that's. Number one, do. You present yourself in a way to, where you, have the look that, someone. Would want to follow you I'm not talking about fancy, clothes I'm not saying you got a ladies you got to have the Louis Vuitton purse, or a Christian, Louboutin, shoes and that's not where I'm going fellas. You got your gucci belt showing, and that's, not what I'm speaking about, do. You have the look of decency. Meaning you take care of yourself did you cut your hair have you shaved have. You have you done those things it is your shirt ironed I'm talking about that, look because, how are you going to sell success, looking like a mess how. Can you do that how can you hide how do you think someone will want to follow you and you never look the part you, never look the part of, being a successful, individual. I. Want. I want you to think about these things I'm talking about on someone because guys we're, about to go somewhere, we. All all of us who, have, been locked in we're about to take a journey and I. Want you to be able to about, these things and I want you to start thinking about this stuff now because. Now, you, are going to have individuals. That's not only going to be following, you you're, gonna have individuals. Guys that's, going to be coming to you and connecting, to you because, of the way that they see you but the question I want you to ask yourself how am i presenting, myself to the public are you, being professional. See we tell my permit. Number presentation. We're. Talking about are you professional. Or you won't when you online when, you are on Facebook, you do a facebook lives you your marketing, on Facebook, are you.

Professional. Or are, you an individual, you, think. Is a game and you. Talk in any type of way as you're, dealing, with individuals, to where now your. Presentation. Of yourself, is unprofessional, she, has someone I want to tell you something there's. Nothing more that hurt our company, Dennis. Distributors. Because. What happens is a lot of times, distributors. Present themselves, any type of way and it becomes a reflection, of the company. Because. Distributors. Lack, the discipline, to, do things the right way and. Listening, to what you're telling them to say hey listen don't, ever slay the goose that lays the golden egg. Always. Always, present. Yourself, in a way to. Be professional. When people respect you guys you, guys are going to never see me come before you, you guys go never never, see me coming for you my hair is not cut and I'm. Not clean-shaven, and. I'm a coming for you with some shoes that's not shine if, I have on shoes, or tennis shoes, that's not white whatever the case may be because. I need the presentation, to you guys to be that okay this guy's discipline, you take the time to, make sure that, he's representing, me because remember to, the leaders now when, you are getting in front of the room or you're, getting in front of your groups of gas guess, what bath you, are representative, of them so, you all, to them to, be very. Very sharp in terms, of your, appearance. Here's, the next one here's the big nugget in terms of presentation, I hope you guys are with me with this one you're ready respect. You may say what do you mean when you say respect listener, does respect how to do a presentation demand. I'm glad you asked. Guys. Do you all realize and I. Know some of you guys have been like oh my goodness it's been what four, or five months, Demond, we. Ready we heard we know we haven't really heard what's going to happen how you going to do it when, are you going to let us know what, is the deal we be wondering, we waiting, and and we're waiting and be waiting, guys. Do you realize, this. Was done out of respect here's. What I mean why says it was done out of respect you guys. Just. What you have been saying have been waiting, you. Have been waiting patiently, you have been waiting respectfully. Guys. I want to you guys to. Make sure my. Initial, presentation, is. One. That was worth your time of your week. See. That's, respect, that I happy junkie, I'm not the type of leader that this that's just so arrogant to think you gonna come with me just because I'm, telling you to come with me or you gonna come with me because I'm telling a juster, just a move I'll make it just come on whoa why, are we going what's the vision for what we going why are we going this wrong can you explain it to me can you show me anything can, you validate anything, you guys know my singing, the only way to. Prevent manipulation, is, through validation. See. If a person can't validate anything, for you if a person can't validate why, they making the move as some of you guys y'all know ask no questions, yo, y'all, know hold y'all leaders accountable to nothing meaning. That you don't you don't have them validate, anything to you you, you you follow guys from you y'all follow people from deal a deal a deal a deal a deal and then, I validating, anything and they doing all this jumping and doing, all these deals because. They gotta pay their bills for the month and make, money because, next month when they get the bills paid this month if if the deal is not working the next month they get into it that is gonna go so well and see well so give them a check so they can pay their bills again you don't even know what's going on behind the scenes. But you're you're so naive and and and you're not even taking the time to say hey hold on excuse me validate, this for me I don't. Want to hear no generic talk don't, give me no Jim generic, generic fake. Explanation. I don't. Want to I don't want a generic vague, explanation, on why we do what we're doing on making, this move can, you validate. Documents. Show me why. Explain. It to me help me understand, that's somebody, that put the time in the, effort, before. They came before you that's. What I mean when I say respect in terms of a presentation. Guys. There's. A lot that had to get worked out the right way we, got to make sure a lot of the mistakes that was made we're not making that's, why we like no we're not rushing no matter how long it takes you, guys don't understand I want to start this thing we. I mean faster. Than any of you guys on this line put, together I'm ready to get going but guess what I guess, what Keyon and I refuse, to do rush. We. Say we're going to respect these people and when. We come before them we come before they humbly before, them humbly, saying listen before, you think of making a move before.

You Come to a one dime. We. Want to give you the courtesy. To. Give you the respect of. A. Proper, presentation. See. That's. With, a leader, who, has a business, plan, and structure is going to do it's almost like this. See. Most leaders look at it backwards you look, at it like the people got to serve you instead, of you understand, you have to serve the people. Most. Most people they get, on the stand servant, leadership they think that ok yeah you you, you know come, on I'm telling you come on let's go no, you're going to respect me or. Are you gonna are you going to tell, me why are you. Going to exhibit. I any. Type of servanthood. Before. You can disrespect, me in acts minute guys you got to realize you, know Norman. Ray ah. The. General charles watson eric 50k, jackson, trawling Triggs GW. Fields these RP that I'm naming us on this call right now that. Have been with us for years. Well. I'll tell you you since, the beginning of my career these. People have been with us for years do, you guys know that I, will not come before. Charles. And Janet Watson, without. Giving him a proper presentation. Today. The general will tell you that, the general, is one of my best friend he'll tell you a man. He haven't shown me anything in terms of the vision that he's going to present to. The district let me tell you why because I, owe it to him to give, him a proper presentation, not, just the fact that he made you a friend just come with me man come with me because I'm asking you no man we getting too old for that type of stuff when. People got wife and kids people got grandkids, so. You're, not going to give me the respect to, be able to give me a presentation. Of your vision of where you're going when I tell you what man you, may not be need, to be the young lady that I follow. Because. I see, you, have no respect for me because, if you're going to just throw something together and, think. That I'm supposed to follow you that's. That's telling me you. Have a lack, of respect, for Hawaii I'm serious, guys I know, some of you guys made you say okay to my here you go you're, on this carpet I called this morning you're going too far enough no I'm not because. I'm showing you what you should demand out, of your leadership and that. Falls back to me so ultimately the, leadership, lives with me Keith Evan should hold me accountable how.

Can I ask keeping, his wife to, follow me and I don't give them the respect, of being able to have a vision laid out for him and dining, Linda Howard and chain English and all these individuals, that are, been. Out there and I, come before you just telling you guys listen, this is what we're about to do let's do it come on y'all everybody, get ready to rock and roll get your change together. Wow. You need to take no time you take no pride you. Can put no effort into this, you. Didn't think about nothing, before you just got up in front of the room and share the, vision or the lack. Of a vision. See. Leaders these. Are the things you got to start talking about what is going to be your vision for, your, organization. What is going to be your, mission statement I know just from the company, on you because, you're the leader you. Have your own brand your team is going to have its own plan, what. Do you want brand it how, do you want them to respect, their, prospect, or their former, partners, what. Are you putting in place for, them to be able to do that I want you to think like these guys. Most. Of you guys guess what you don't want to do great things you ain't going always be with us you're. Not always be with me the day is gonna come you, gonna start your own company you're gonna want to do your own thing that's, what we're actually hoping for. We. Don't believe in bondage, we, don't believe in holding you down hell you better be with me for, the rest of your life or if you don't be with me we can't talk no more we're not friends don't, call my phone I, can't return your texts that's not the way it works for me. Because. The my hold on I thought you said you wanted the best for me I thought. You said if if, you are meant to or mine that, means that, you want the best for me without which you are not. So. You can't be hypocritical, about your leadership, the. People can't just, be good people when they're with you what are they not with you would have bet on seeds your way that. You should have a problem with them you. Should still be able to embrace them absolutely. I want, to see the best for you it's not in my interest to see any family struggle I'm, just not into that for me to make it okay. Number two. Communication. Okay. The first one was a presentation, we. Talked about your business structure for you or for word. Number. One are you, effectively. And articulately. Expressing. Your. Message. First. Things first is your message is, your message, effective. I need. You to think about that. Do. You have an effective message, that you're communicating first, of all before I can say that I got to put respect in there again are you, a respectful, communicator, guys I've watched people in this industry and, they.

Try To talk to people. That's associated, with them like they work for them. They. Try to talk to people like their children below. You, guys do you realize you understand, oh my, wife and I we were talking the other day, and. We were talking about a young lady that. Would go with in the past. She. Was she was always an issue to deal with always, always always a problem, always always, every. Time we saw every time we talked to her uh she. Said she just had this way about how, she wanted to do it and everything we should give, her her room to breathe but no matter what you did with her she. Was, always a problem and eventually, we just really stopped dealing with it but she just would never want. To stop you know she would she came back to us in reference, to a move we were making and she wanted to be a part of it and miaccount. Looking at each other like oh here we go you know I'm saying because, we knew our hands, would, be full. With. Her, we. Understood, this we, knew what, we were getting ourselves, into, in, terms. Of this, but. Guys the one thing that. We saw. Is. That she lacked respect in the communication. For. Individuals that she dealt with. She. Thought what we would accept it that's what we always class but one of the things that. I always told Kiana was there so say listen you never be the reason why person, leaves. Never. Remember. You. Being the leader you. Have to be the best customer, service representative, on the planet I don't. Ever want the reason why a person left, was. Because I get, along, we not talk about the people great lies on you you none about that if a person start lying on you and make it stuff up okay we doesn't let you could do about that your. Job is just to make sure it's not true, your. Job is to make sure what, they're saying to you is not. True. And, what, I want you guys to understand, is that's. What, I mean when I said you're, being respectful, in your communication. With individuals that, you're dealing with. Guys. You can't you can't. You can't talk to these people like the children you can't treat them like they're children, you. Need to understand, you, need to have the utmost respect, for them because. For, you, to accomplish your goals and go where you're going. You. Need whatever here they go to bring to the table. You. Have to be articulated in, terms of being. Able to convey your message to these individual. Individuals. Obviously. In, a professional. Articulate. Way guys. We these were all things that I had to work on and these are things that I had to learn on my journey as, we. Begin to grow and begin. To operate in this particular, way because communication is important. And. Respectful. Communication is, even, more important, so where an individual, feels like you know what I respect, that person okay I want you to know something you could, be the best communicator, you can be the best uh uh. You. Know presenter, and and you, you know you you look the best and and then and all of these different things but I want you to understand people. Are going to do business with people that they like don't. Ever forget that when. People like you they're gonna do business with you that's what opens the door for you see, where, we had in our career, what I'm so thankful for is the fact that a lot of times but I pick up the phone to call an individual, all I want to have a meeting with someone the, door pretty much is always open. So. We're there. At least for next year what it is that we have to say. Very. Important. That, you, take. Communicating. Serious. We. Have to talk to individuals. That you gonna have some call our conversations. We can't avoid that many. Of you guys you're, going to have to communicate with, individuals that you want to do business with right.

And You have to have some hard conversations. Here's the one thing I want to tell you leaders, stop. Being. Afraid of. Confrontation. Stop. Being afraid of it I, want. You to realize that I've, been afraid. Comfort. Having confrontation. You need. To understand. You. Can't be afraid of that they're, going to be times you going to have our conversation, stop always try to get somebody else to do it I've, always talking, behind the person's back go. String to that individual, guys and. Address. It head-on I, want. You to be able to do that I want you to be able to go to an individual, and, have. A conversation with, them okay. This is very important, that you do it effectively you know one of the things that I do this, is a technique that I use whenever, I'm dealing with anyone one of the things one, of the techniques, that. I. Use guys is this. Right here I. Always. Make sure I. Always. Make sure that, when. I'm going to someone, and if, I have to confront them about any, type of issue. The. One thing that I do is. I make sure I defy them. The. First thing I'm going to do is satisfy them I'm, going to tell them about. You. Know the, great things that I see in them so, they don't worry okay, he's not coming to hurt me he's. Not coming to just, put me down this is. For a reason, then. I begin to share my grievance, or. Would. They need to work on because. Now they're. Feeling like it's being done respectfully. He's, not attacking me he's. Doing something to help. Me, this. Is very very, important, guys that, you understand. What, I'm sharing with you because. This, is how you will, grow many, of you guys you're, about to go into a space you've never been into before, some. Of you guys the, people you associated, with is going to be more, in number than you have ever had before. You. Got put these things in place to, make sure that your, ship is, sailing, in a. Nice smooth manner. These. Are the things that I think you definitely to implement, here's a number three you're ready our first one was presentation. On, the second moves communication. You ready for the third one innovation. Guys. When I think about someone that innovates, I got. To be honest with you. Deadlift. Eg love litigious, Stanton. That's. The innovative, mind right there boy, that. Litigious is on the ball I saw, I saw her, thing. She had out there what, he was on lipstick. And and high-heeled, lipstick and heels climbing, the ladder of success in lipstick, it is I'm looking at that I'm saying this, girl ain't playing, I'll. Achieve you send me stuff with. Cartoons. And, and she's. Just she's innovating. And I. Love, it to see her, mindset. And. I'm talking, about a part of leadership. Is a leader, that can innovate, to. Where now you. Know you, can do things in a different unique. Way but, it's also relative. To. Where you, can get outside the box you, don't have to do things I everybody else do it see guys the, way that we're going to be presenting the vision the way that you guys going to be getting paid all of this type of stuff is going to be innovative, the, way we go and launch the company it's, going to be innovative, so where you guys going to throw this is different. Nobody. Do it like this I've, never saw it done like this. Because. We. Want to be innovative in, our approach. Many. Of you guys what. You tend to do is you, think the same old same old is going to work for everybody else you think you can go to people, with the same old direct. Sales jargon, that they've heard the last 10 20 30 years over and over and over again or here we go again where, these, people can pretty much say the words that you're saying they, can literally sit in the audience right and, you could give you a presentation, and they can sit there and they can sit in themselves already, know hear about to say oh you. Got to take a position a day you got to get started we got so many people coming in you got, to want to do this right now are we going to help so many people give. Bitch and we're going to take you to that level and and listen, if you wanna you know get, with me we got 20, spots left we got 20 spots left and if you want one of them spot you need to call me you want to do this man your conference call line that's, got thousands, of lines. On it in you knock off the Lolo's line you don't have no 20 spot left you. You, ain't got no 20 spots let's stop playing games, you. Got you got you got 500, spots left what you talk about you got 20 left 4 see. You you don't have to do all of that foolishness, to, get people to see what you want them to see. Because. You're doing what you got to do because hey, listen the only thing you know is games and gimmicks you know, why because you don't have no real business acumen.

You. Don't have a real business that you're, operating from you, know you got to get your spot today now listen I got a lot of people I'm dealing with ok I can't promise to you that that this, spot go beat it come on man stop it. You. Know what I'm saying to people a take your time. Let's. Take your time and I understand, we'll. Be here you. Just when you're ready you, let me know. Seriously. I don't. I don't have time to I don't want to finagle you in I don't. Want to finagle you in I want. To be innovative in my approach to where you want to come in I. Don't. Need to tell you all these games about how many spots I got to recall in a meeting in addition to that and it is I don't have to do all that I. Want. To be able to sit down ever. Have, a conversation like to business people because. A person is business minded and about their business, guess, what guys you don't, have to do all of that with them have. A business conversation with, me. Let's. Talk let's, communicate let. Me say how innovative, your thought process, is and, that's. How we move forward can, we do that, she'll. Show me that you're creative, as a leader. What. Are you creating, are you the type of person you're, passive, you're going to just sit back and and. And and you're going to tell a company which you think this I think y'all should do this where would you go innovate, why. Don't you innovate and sit, it to us so the way of you think you should be implemented, as a company, you do it guys I never. Ever ever. Used. To send suggestions, to a company, let. Me tell you what I'm saying it's wrong I'm not telling you not to do it guess what I always did I always, did stuff myself first I. Was. Always the one to go out there and, go make something happen and I see I wanted, to see how it works. Before. I try to bring it to anybody else, that's me personally. Because. I believe in innovation I wanted. To see how the calls will go we. Would go out there and make phone calls a certain way we would go out there and try this and try that first, before, I, try to implement I remember I remember my very first company, I started. Doing, something called, the test-drive where. I was. Able to sell the website to. People by, taking, people through the website and showing them the value of the website, that's. What Devils that was the presentation, literally. I stopped. Everybody in the company was doing PowerPoint presentations, I stopped I no longer than a PowerPoint, presentation when. You came to my presentation. It, was the website live and all I was doing was walking the people through, the audience through, the website, showing them the value, that, the website offers and I was signing more people up than anybody in the company for two years straight I was the top recruiting. Person, in that company for two years straight when everybody, business, was falling, apart and going, nowhere the, company, was saying the man high in the world are you, still growing and then, the company, began, to implement, implement. The technique that I was using, they. Actually put it on the front of the company corporate, website. The. Test drive and how to do it and how we did it why because. I was always finding ways to innovate. Instead. Of being passive sitting, back o. With. You what are you going to give us to, share with individuals you know I you. Know I'm not focused, on people, but I want, to do organizations and, all of this what I'm actually question, what have you been thinking about right now towards organization, stuff some like you personally. What, have you been thinking about in terms of bulk sales have you been having any ideas, that you've been putting together an approach you go make.

See. You you got you got to be prepared now your. Innovation, got to begin or, what. You're going to do is be the type of person you're going to constantly be complaining of all the needs to be done and now we need to do it and watch this you never send any suggestions, and guys I would have people all the time, this is what we need to do we. Need to do this we, need to do that we, need to put this together and guess what guys you ready for this they. Never once let anything go you know what I will tell people I would always tell people this hey put, it in the proposal, for, us and send, it over so, we can look at it and, I'm. Still weak I haven't had one person-one, to this day ever, send me anything of idea today and put, it in writing do what they love to do is give you homework people. You get people that sit at the table with you and I only want to do is give suggestions, all we did and we need to do this we. Need to do that oh great, no problem, well if that's some you believe in you passionate, about why, don't you put together the vision for that so, that we can look at it and evaluate it and move forward with it guess what God never, produce anything. See. Innovation has, to be a part of your process see, me guys. I've been in the lab innovating. For things kill you so when I come before you i'ma show you what I put together I'm, basically, going, to be giving you guys my business, proposal, for y'all approval. That's. The way we come into the table, see. You, have to implement. Innovation. In your business, structure concept, how do you mark I'm talking about you have a traditional, business right now what. Way differently, do you market your business to attract people to you outside of what they already heard I. Heard. That before I saw. That before many of you guys met what many of you guys have it many, of you guys have it many, of you guys have not been seeing the. Wild factor yet for the new. Demonstration. Will be done now we got something else we're going to show y'all we're. Going to show you something that's going to desk employ your mind many of you guys have not physically, saw it only the people that, we've, been going around that we've been physically, able to connect with they've, been able to see, the. New. Demonstration, basically. And I know some of you guys are thinking like okay well the way we do not know the old demonstration, is it's always prehistoric. I'm, someone literally your, demonstration, gonna be over down 30 seconds probably 30 seconds to a minute you'll be finished, it's. Done everybody. That I met with when I was on a roll and and. Literally to take up kitten call, all cultures, do complain call, Wayne and. Amory hall call al Rogers, call uh Charles. Watson call, Eric.

50kg, Call these individuals, called Donnie, Donnie. Howard. Ernest, Hardy call these people they had a chance to see a key debits and. Actually. Share Lucas contact. Them Champa, tailor, and. Ask them was. Everything done in 30 seconds to one minute finished. Nine, boy. Now, I'm sick about you, ain't gotta go no further mind. Blowing, to where, it's over, it's. Finished is done you know why because we've been innovating. We. Did not work because we know what everybody thinking, c15. Hey. Guys when, you when you're innovating and you're thinking you. Want to always be one step ahead of your organization. And the enemy, in, the. Enemy in your. Competitors, because, they always ought to take you down they, always try. To discourage. You they're always trying. To come against you but here's what I want you to understand. Innovation. Always Trump's them. Because. Now. People. Are thinking well, what are they going to show different, than we already know what, are they going to do different, with, what they was doing before that's. Going to make it that much special, I need to just stay where I'm at and do what I'm doing good. Because when you see what, we're coming with now you're, going to be like oh my goodness, now. The, same excitement, that begin to happen with, the people that saw, when, we release, the product at first guess, what guys is going another look, that's. Why when. You guys begin to see some of the videos because, it's been recorded but, it's been being shared, privately, so. There's only been select, people that's been able to see this information, but. Now once. You begin to see if publicly. It's going to be mind-blowing I. Promise. You it's. Going to be like nothing you've ever seen in this industry that, we're. Bringing to the table. They. Got people I said in front of and that's why we're saying this that's why we laughing. They were sitting there when we first came to the mall he go which the same thing oh can you go sue me the same thing that you bitch you on me and, he is with it and I promise, you and everybody can attest to this was sitting there I didn't. Even do the demonstration, I, didn't. Even do the demonstration, that we all accustomed to it and we all know I, did. Something totally different, 30 seconds to 1 minute he couldn't believe what they were looking at. They. Couldn't believe what, it, was, that. They were looking at at the time you, know why. Because. As a leader, we. Are always thinking about innovating. We. Don't ever want to remain the same so, for some of you guys that. Needs to be your mindset. You. Need to understand, that an innovation. In terms, of your. Company, your corporation, is important, for you to move forward. If. Your message, difference, is your concept, different if is, how, you pursue. Different. Are, you. Sounding, like everybody, else are you looking like everybody else does this feel like everything. Else I've experienced. No guys I'm not looking forward to that she, I've accepted the challenge of. Being. Able to innovate and, come. With something different, come. With something unique come. With something that exemplifies, a visionary. That. Was the past that's, that's what's been going on all this time as we've been in the lab. Because. This was it for important, to be able to move forward, but hold on guys, what's my last part, in terms of your business structure we went over presentation, we went over communication, innovation.

You Ready number for duplication. Can. Your message, be, conveyed, by, people, that's, associated, with you. Do. You have a clear, concise. Message. Do, you have a way to do, business. To. Where now it. Can be simple, and duplicatable. To where you can have a nice, tight system, to. Where somebody could come in see, how you do things and begin, to move forward with it. Are. You. Able to do that, CV, some things that, needs, to be implemented, because a lot of times i'ma tell you something guys in. The. Past it. Used to be exciting, all the, mine oh my. Goodness we can't wait to you cut up you're. So passionate oh, we can't wait to hear you speak I just, love when you speak I know I don't want to hear nobody else speak with you no that's not cool to me anymore. Because. Guess what that's telling me to mine you're, not doing a good job of, other. People being raised up to be able to duplicate, the message. It. Should, be no matter who's there no matter who's on this Friday call no matter who's in front of the room no matter who's, leading the event. This. You feel the same exactly. See. Guys you got to understand with the new company that's gonna be formulated, oh no no no no. Station. Do praise Jermaine and the TJ and Jackie and. Stacy. And and and, the prints are pads and all you got none of y'all got to get ready, y'all. Got to get ready you, know we taking things to the next level meaning. That it's, not going to be a thing where it's going to be the demand chrome show that's not the way it's going to work you. Guys, are going to be moved into, positions, of leadership Kristen. Johnson did a phenomenal job on that call, last, Saturday, Saturday before, no. You're gonna we're gonna we're gonna utilize you guys gifts. That's. Not the way we operated so, that you can effectively, convey. The message, you guys is about to become big boys and big girls now we. Gonna put you in positions, to where you better be ready you better be in the lab preparing, and innovating, because, the time is going to come to, where now you, gonna leave it large. Now. We're gonna sit back and watch you, progress. And take, us to the next level, see. That's, why, the, message, has to be duplicatable. Your missus deep and everything that you have that, you're conveying to your following, they. Need to be able to understand, it our customers.

Need, To be able to understand, what, our vision, and our mission is all about this, is important, all. Of this is a part of the. Duplication, process. That. Has to, be able to move, forward. It. Has to be engaging guys. Can. You engage the individual, to, where now you know what I got, I want to convey this I, wanted. To do it I want to do this the way that it should be done and it's supposed to be done that's. The mindset, you got to possess, with. The individuals. That you associating. With guys you owe it to yourself, I, don't. Want I don't want to be the guy say I want to be the guy that you. You could never see me but the message lives on and the. Message still could be conveyed and we still progress it that's true duplication, now that's. True do if it's always on you then you already got you got to say to yourself I'm not doing a good job, if. People only want to hear from you know, behind you you already know I'm not doing a good job meaning. I mean I possibly don't be doing a good job in terms of delegating, letting. People world and some, of you leaders you, got to stop that you. Got to stop always wanting to Mike you have to stop always wanting the attention, all, the time you'll. Ever ever want, to delegate, and allow, somebody else to grow give, them an opportunity create. A platform for them and let them grow, some. Of you guys a lot of you leaders guess what you hope you got good messages together cuz y'all gonna be coming on this call Friday morning coffee shop call oh yeah. Absolutely. Ladies. Y'all lingo just beat on the woman's call I, like. It to do the woman's call every, once in the no no no no no no no, it's going to be Friday's you guys are doing the coffee shop call we're. Gonna be doing a lot of traveling, we. Don't have a lot of business means we're running with you we got the corporate staff that's being put together now, to, where we're, going to be working with them constantly, so, guys as I'm running a company it's gonna be Friday mornings, we're okay leaders, It's Showtime let's, go what's your message.

Because. We're going to duplicate, we're going to create and give you the platform that. You. Need, to, grow guys. But last but not least all of this should, equal up to this your presentation. Of your. Business structure the communication. Of it the innovation, and the duplication, of it, really really, all roads. She leave right here you ready. A good time. Happy. Fun. Guys. That's what we want to do man we. Want people to have a good time with us, we. Want to be able to have you guys in the position, to where you feel like you know what I enjoyed, this I. Really. Do I enjoy. This. I just enjoy, what I do guys I'm telling you right now I enjoy, what I do I love. It I love, the fact I'm seeing people empowered, I love, the fact that we're doing some wonderful for women all over the globe you, don't understand how I love, what I do I'm. Happy about it, it becomes unhappy with me when I got to work with the wrong type of people but. Now all of that's over with guys you don't understand how happy I am. I'm. Like a kid in a candy store. I'm. So happy to be moving forward and. I, want you guys to be our culture. It's. Going to be one of fun we're, going to have a good time it's going to be one of celebration it's, not going to always be I got a beat you over the head to. Produce you. Know and I gotta get you in a room and I always got to give you you, know all I gotta do this to them and I gotta lock, them in the room for five hours and, I gotta make, sure you're no man couple, of minutes enjoy ourselves along the journey. Either. You go do this thing or you not I don't have to do all of that where, we got to be locked up all day every day we can never have no fun you. Know what the launch event oh I got them all here in Atlanta, now so, that's it so, so what we gonna do is we all make sure everybody, you have no time to breathe you're barely one four people they eat man come, on take it easy, and. The. Reason why you want to crack the whip on them, you ready because there's nothing you doing. Most. Leaders that you find it always want to crack the whip and I, always want to give you techniques all the time for, how to build a business a lot of times they not building they believe it or not I'm serious. Have. Fun with people man and. Let, them enjoy themselves, let. Them have a great time and. And the way we gonna launch this thing. And and, the last weekend, and the way that we're going to do things guys listen, you're going to have more is going to be more about you ever coming, having a great time then it would be business. Because. Most. Of us right, now if you don't know about not you and go never know. So. We want to make sure that, the message is clear and concise and we want you guys to be able to enjoy yourselves, on the journey all of us may we get an older, and. I don't want to live, my life and I don't want to I don't want to wake up miserable, to. Doing something that I'm not happy about I don't want to wake up doing. Something that I don't believe in is. Uncomfortable. In its and it's miserable and I oh here we go I gotta go I gotta go grab more people today because, I'm making no money right I want to live my life like that I want.

To Do real business I want. To put a real business infrastructure. In place so, eventually, every day that I wake up I can, be progressing, further to my goal and, once I'm able to reach those results, guys now. I can live the life that I always dreamed of because. I did it right from the beginning I was disciplined, and I. Did what I was supposed to do how I was supposed to do it it. Translated, to being fun in my life I want. To have a good time with you guys I want to be able to enjoy myself. You. Should feel the same exact way and, all, of these things that I'm telling you for you and your organization that's. What it needs to translate to leaders. Some, of these eventual, doing have a good time with these people, have. A great time don't just bring them in all the time and okay you know I'm gonna beat you over the head and imma training you for two three hours and go think of something that y'all can go do together some. Of you guys don't even take the time sometimes, it just go ahead you know dinner with your people have lunch you, know go have a good great time with them go, go go have a nice you know you know when, you're having a cookout and different, things where y'all just hanging out man come, on over we're doing a cookout hey we we're, watching the game together all we want everybody in town on the team come on over we don't just watch the game you get to listen we're, not talking about no business don't try to pull me to the side I want, to talk business we having fun today we, we have in a space tournament. Know I love me some speed we having a speed. And when we comment on come talking to me about all my goodness and you know I might. Be as my goal no we having a good time we, want to have some fun we, want all of this to translate. Into an, enjoyable life so we, want you guys to, know. Today. Is a beautiful blessed day continue. Swimming in that golden, stream, of income. We. Are earning, over. 100. Million, dollars a year commissions, in our life as we know it has changed, for the better forever, financially. Listen, to me guys keep. Your text, messages pay attention to your phone pay, attention to the latest Facebook, page pay attention to my Facebook page we. Will be having potentially. A special. Call in the next few days of bringing. Everybody, that's, preparing a rock and roll up to speed on some, things that's about to happen and where, we're going and and the game plan on what everything looks like so, keep your eyes and your ears open as things, begin to transpire, you guys be blessed we'll see you next Friday same. Time, same. Time guys. Every week.

2019-03-15 23:55

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