Cei mai buni TRADERI pe care i-am intalnit au fost FEMEI | Mister Spread la Cryptonita 1 on 1

Cei mai buni TRADERI pe care i-am intalnit au fost FEMEI | Mister Spread la Cryptonita 1 on 1

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The best traders I met were women. A sausage party, that is all about finance. Don't you give me, please, some coin that makes 1000 X in the next two years? By an influencer and a digital shopkeeper. Sounds nice anyway, digital shopkeeper. The phrase "Would you like some French fries too?" I think that's a billion-dollar phrase. I like it.

I dream at night about charts. You can really see it when you speak, that fluctuations in your voice when you say it. When the tide goes out, one can see who’s been swimming naked. And that's what happens in Bear Market.

I had everything I wanted for Christmas and Easter. I know I'm annoyingly optimistic, that's how I've been labeled. My job as a trader is to watch the trend and follow it. What should start with a person taking the first steps in crypto? You throw it away like that... And you don't know what's gonna happen? George aka Mister Spread. Surely you don't need any introduction from me.

The crypto community in Romania knows you, heared about you, appreciates you in terms of the content and plus value you are constantly bringing. I am one of them. I can honestly say, 100% honestly that I think you're one of the most friendly and modest content creator in the Romanian crypto space. Honestly. Can I call you a content creator? Do you identify with that? Hi, first of all. Hi, George. Hello everyone here from Cryptonite, from Crypto Bully, everything that is creating Crypto Bully.

Hello to you too, hello to the community in Romania! Thanks for the presentation! Thank you! You're very welcome! Welcome here! Glad to meet you! Such a wonderful city Iași, I have never been here before. I like it very much. About what you just said... I think... I mean, I'm not trying to do anything special.

That's me. Just how people already saw on the Telegram group of Elrond Trader, then All Round Trader and whatever other groups I am in. I didn't do anything special, I was just like that before, too, so I am and I was on throughout the time I spent there on the groups and continue to spend it and will do so further on. Thank you for the kind words, but once again, this is me. This is who I am. And I am really happy, I mean really that you like what I do. Yes, absolutely. You and other people.

People resonate with this stuff. And you can see it, you can see it clearly, it is seen in everyday life, and on Twitter, and on all the groups. Yes, I'm happy that I can bring such feelings to you and to the community in Romania. I know you've been trading for about 12 years.

Right, around there, 12 years. Yet, I would say... about 3 out of some 10-11 years.

Because before it was just that beginning period when I was testing everything. I was all over the place, I was a new trader, but we'll talk about that. What did you do before that? What did you occupy your time? What attracted you before the charts? I think that I liked the entrepreneur stuff since I was a kid. I don't remember exactly where, I don't know where else I've told a little bit about it. In elementary school we were like... my classroom

was on the second floor, and in order to get to the ground floor or basement, where the school store used to be, it took like too much time, there was no time to get there, there was also a long queue. Anyway. And I had a certain system where I was taking money from my colleagues, I was going downstairs, buy things for them, then put the stuff in my bag, and carried it to them, and eventually everyone was happy. It was so... A first win-win.

And even before, with sweets, with ”turbo” chewing-gum it was the same, little trades so to say. So I think I had this approach from a very young age. I've always loved being a little out of the box. I didn't like the rules very much or things that were imposed, I never liked the word "must". "You have to." These limiting beliefs. Since I was a child I kept away from them. So I never liked the

meaning of „you have to". I like this, I totally resonate with that. Yes, and fortunately in Romania too, but at a global level also, the world is starting to move more in this direction, stop obeying that "you have to" imposed by the society, the surroundings, the teachers, family, friends, and so on... Sure, sure. Yeah. Try somehow to find your own way around these self-imposed rules. And to get back to your question. I started working during the summer holidays since I was 14. My first job was at McDonald's, a seasonal job, and I loved it.

I liked it very much. What was that you liked? What attracted you? I liked the way it is organized. McDonald's is a worldwide money-making machinery. The phrase "Would you like some French fries, too?" I think is a billion-dollar phrase that produces extra profits for McDonald's that are billion dollar worth. And it's so simple if you think about it. Yeah, but that's where I

learned professional sales techniques, I learned about management, I learned about efficiency. They have a certain... I don't remember exactly right now... They have a certain daily percentage of waste. It means that you're not allowed, as a restaurant manager or shift manager, to have a quantity of products that you throw that is exceeding a very tiny percentage of your sales. I mean if you have a volume of sales of $30,000 every day, you are not allowed to exceed a thrash value that is somewhere around 2-3 % of this volume. OK, wow, I didn't know that.

McDonald's products get thrown away. There's that strip where they take them and put them into the trash. They also have a kind of timer.

Depending on that timer, they must throw them away if they are meeting the trashing standards. I was like working then at the biggest restaurant in Bucharest, probably from Romania too, it was like the restaurant of reference in some sense, where visits from abroad came, too. It was at Bucur Obor. And I learned a lot of things there. I really enjoyed that period, it also showed me the value of money. Especially at the age of 14. Especially since I was 14, when I was thinking that everything was due to me. I come from a modest family, two hardworking people.

My mother was a mechanic at RTV, my father a foreman, an electrician. I really mean a family of hard-working and God-trusting people. I had everything I wanted, but since we were a modest family, I had everything I wanted for Christmas and Easter. Otherwise, it was a normal, decent family, we were within the right limits. When I discovered money and the salary, I stasrted to have a completely different perspective of life, of things that moved around me. A whole new universe was opening up. Yeah, it wasn't me anymore the one so willingly paying for all my other friends. OK, for the girls that was a different matter, but that was the education I received from my mother.

But, anyway, when I was 18, since you asked me what did I do before entering the world of the charts, I went back to McDonald's and I was welcomed with gratitude, because even in the first employment stage I had been a very consequent and serious guy. I mean, even though I was a kid, I was doing my job properly and obeyed the rules. When I was 18, the evolution was much more parabolic, to put it in crypto terms, and in about 7 months, although I was only 18 years old, I was promoted as a shift manager.

Wow! Yes, yes, I enjoyed it very much, I was also very dedicated, I never stayed only 8 hours to my job place. I imagine, otherwise I don't even think it was possible. Yes, I was very dedicated and I loved sales, I liked the sales and when I was on my shift, I did everything I could to win all the contests – there were daily contests, weekly contests. I liked to sell a lot. Such a great thing, you were just fit for the environment.

Yes, then I really enjoyed the idea of management and I learned all I could about micro-management, how to manage a team, how to manage that business, how to make everything efficient in the restaurant. Ways to do these. Everything needed such that things go smoothly. And from there I learned for the first time about business development. OK. I didn't talk much about this job in other podcasts, but

trading was a passion, it was a kind of side hustle, so to speak. OK. It was like that during the beginning period? No, it was so throughout the whole business management time. When did you actually get into trading? I actually started trading after a year and a half since I got into finance. I mean,

I actually got into trading from the very beginning, yet during the first period I had been contacted by a firm that was promoting financial services. Well, not exactly financial services, it was rather promoting the services of a trading platform. I mean, we were supposed to explain to the customers what that platform was doing. Got it. So it was an online trading platform. We were not quite selling financial services or financial instruments. We we just explaining to people what has been doing that online trading platform, and also what were the differences between competitors, i.e., what made that platform to be better.

Of course I also automatically opened that trading platform to see what it's all about. You can't sell something if you don't believe in that something. And if you don't try the product, I don't think you can sell it either . You seem to have some kind of serious experience in sales. Yes, I liked that field too, I have to admit it.

Nice, nice sales. I think that I like most working with people all the time, whether it's a customer, or my team. You're always in contact with people. And I think that this helps you a lot to evolve on a personal level, too, this part of sales. It's just in this way that working a lot with people, with a lot of different people, teaches you a lot about yourself.

You know what I mean? Right! Very much agree. And I think that from the third or fourth month on that platform I went deeper, I mean deeper while just continuing to stay right there. I arrived at my office at 8:00 in the morning and leave at about 9:00 at night. Till 6-7 pm I was in sales, and promotion, and marketing, and from 6 to 8 or 9 pm, I'd sit around in the office with more experienced people in order to learn what was going on with MetaTrader 4. Very cool. So that's how you have been learning,

this was the process in the beginning. That was precisely my next question to you: how did you learn trading? Since by that time especially... I don't know. And look, how do you see the difference between the kind of learning you had when you did it... So twelve years ago... And how would it be now for someone at the very beginning, trying to learn trading techniques. Does it look completely different?

Or somehow do they have now more or less the same resources available? No, no, of course there are many more resources now. There are many more resources now, yet I guess that in the end it all depends on each individual. Since even in those old times, if you wanted to find resources, there was enough material available.

I guess now there is a little too much material available – I do not know whether that makes sense. I mean, yes, now you have quite an avalanche of materials, it's a huge bunch of resources. And maybe for a beginner that is a bit too much, it's overwhelming. It's like going to a restaurant and you get a 60-page menu. You get pizza and sushi and Malaysian and Indonesian dishes, everything. And it takes quite a bit just to clean up in there and find a structure, find what to eat.

Right, yes, right. But, again, if you liked the field or if you were really interested in it and wanted to do it professionally, then there was enough material for you those times. And now there is even more material.

After all, I think that Stanley Druckenmiller or Paul Tudor Jones, one of these huge global investors, said that in this moment, right now, even the big traders, even those who are very good, are actually listening to too much news. We are bombarded with so much news coming from everywhere, that we are forgetting about the basics. I completely agree with that and that is why in my Paradigm Shift, as well as in all the groups where I am posting some information I have always said that what matters is the price. Price drives the narrative. The price leads the narratives, of course. Of course. In Paradigm Shift we are using English and so I'm gonna let go some English stuff just like that.

Of course you cannot avoid looking at what's going on in the market. I mean in terms of the fundamental things. It is in the market that you anchor yourself and you have to know what the context is and to know what are the conditions of the market you trade or invest in.

And it is on the technical analysis or using the technical analysis that you go out there with the scalpel and you do precisely, or with the largest possible accuracy your entries and your exits. And this is true whether it's about trading, daily trading, whatever, swing trading, scalping or long term investing. So I think these things are going together, like a hand and a glove, like this, they come together. And a successful investor, I think, should be able to use both. Very good point. And the scalpel analogy... Yes, I like a lot using analogies.

I think you convey the message more easily. Yes, and that makes it easier for people to relate. I mean, for example I think if someone is in the medical field now, he knows where he can follow. And he might have heard you a little better.

He really hit the spot. When did you do your first trade and when did you start to feel a bit like comfortable or somehow in control of your trading decisions? I mean, what was the time framing? Between the first trade and the time when you started to see that, OK, I really feel comfortable now, I think I know what I'm doing and I'm sure on that the decisions I am making in trading are no longer chaotic or random? The first trade came too early, it was much too early, since I was too young and arrogant. I think it happens to everyone. I think it happens to everyone.

It's all the more painful, I can tell, if you start trading when you're too young, I mean in 20-25 years or under 30. Already passed 30 I think you have a certain maturity or should have a certain maturity. You also have some life experience. You're also emotionally mature. Yeah, right. You've been through a lot and up to 30 years I think most people are trained by life and are no longer as impulsive, no more are as arrogant as before.

Or shouldn't be. So... to the question "when was your first trade made?": it was much too early. Like most people who get into trading, I started by the end-point. I mean, when I executed my first trade. Not necessarily like many others now in crypto, who open accounts all the time, feed them and start to trade futures.

Yeah, in five minutes... But... still I didn't have enough.... looking back, I still didn't have enough information, I didn't have enough experience to open the first trade. So it was ways too early. So it was only a few months after I joined the field and I was on the trading platforms.

The second question was when I was sure? When you were more in control of your decisions. When did you start to feel comfortable in this new environment. After taking my first tough lesson from the market. I think we'll talk more more about that. The first tough lesson was when the market put me on my spot. In English I would say it made me humble. I have been trading for a couple of years then.

I've told this story before, but I'm going to repeat it. I had managed to create a trading account with a friend, and we both added a certain amount of money. I managed to increase the amount quite nicely for a whole year I've been sticking to my strategy. I had discipline, I had a high degree of discipline, yet I was still too young and didn’t get any important lessons from the market yet, and I was thinking I was reinventing water and the wheel... and there's no such thing. The journey of a trader, the trip of the traders are quite similar in many respects.

This is what I have been discussing in the groups, in podcasts and I'm discussing now on Paradigm, I'm speaking from my own experience and I wish people to learn from my mistakes or as much as they can... Because, in the end, everyone wants and/or everyone will go through the same things. Sure. But it was an evening when the Federal Reserve went out about the benchmark interest rate, the then head of the Federal Reserve of the United States was Ben Bernanke. And it was a totally unexpected decision, against the odds. It was expected to increase the interest rate and he cut it.

I was of course overexposed in the market, no stop loss, of course. And I watched how in 15 minutes my account so carefully nurtured during a whole year is just going away. Nothing prepares you for something like this. No. 100 lessons, 100 podcasts, thousands of hours of reading or looking at charts still don't prepare you. Unless you experience it by yourself. That is for sure.

Surely this is not learned in podcasts. This is not taught in groups. No. That's what you learn there in the market. And only

someone who's been through something like this can really talk about it. Sure, it looks normal to me. And all the lessons that come out of a... such a mistake, a decision like that. Without them you can't evolve any further and you cannot realize you're making some fundamental mistakes.

There are two types of traders, those who lose money and those who don't recognize it. Haha, that's what we're going to start the podcast with. No, really, that’s how it is. That's right. People have such a strange conception that traders don't lose money. Yes, they do. Traders also lose money. And I'm me too losing money nowadays, but I'm keeping my failed transactions to a minimum and I'm looking to maximize successful transactions.

We do not trade certainties, we trade probabilities. A trader must have a system, must find his joker or his ”edge”, as they call it in trading, and constantly improve his system of trading in order to increase his win rate and profitability. But, again, it's still a probability of success, not a certainty. That was the moment. That's when I had that breaking point, that trigger point, for me it was like make it or break it. And I took then a huge step backwards.

I then took a break of several weeks from trading and I think after that I started to study quite seriously. Before or after that moment? After that moment. Understood, but was it before or after this moment, or when was it when you started to feel like "Okay, I'm going to go into this. I'm just going to stay in this field. I love it too much, charts are my life.

Even more than my fiancée, of course..." (To be cut to editing!) Before or after this moment you really got a feeling where you said to yourself "I'm going to stay in trading in the long run, I like it too much and that's what I want to do!" It was before. It was before. Yes, it was before. It was right at the beginning, in the early months, when I saw how certain fundamental market decisions correlate beautifully with movements on the charts and what it was like when I realized that any or most of the financial instruments are interconnected. And I really liked this job because there are not two days alike. In trading or investing it is always happening something different, there's always a conflict in one area or the Asian weather influences the amount of water in Cambodia and depending on how much it rained in Cambodia, we can estimate how the rice crop is going to be, and depending on how the rice crop is going to be, we can figure out, we can make a certain prediction... Yes, yes, extremely dynamic. Extremely dynamic,

and moreover it's an area where you can always learn something. And I liked that very much, I liked that a lot from the very beginning – that the more I learned, the more it seemed to me I know less. This is indeed the most interesting understanding that I obviously had, too, and very many people have had this understanding, too. And after 12 years I feel the same way, you know? How did you experience that? I mean how... How many years have you been trading? Two and a half years, I'd say. Actual trading-trading. No. A year and a half of actual trading-trading. And it is swing trading, I mean I don't do daily training, I don’t go very deep into it, I do only swing trading, and I analyze a lot before I make a single trade.

So I'm not in too deep and I think I'll study for another 2-3 years before I could say I'm trading day by day or true trading-trading. So you resonate with that part too, that you like it, that always, every day you can improve yourself and learn. And I think it's also the dopamine level when you start to get in this part of trading, investments and so on. You reach consistently a certain dopamine level, shall I say, which is very high.

If I take a week away from the whole thing, it is like my brain starts asking for this thing. It is like ”Wait a minute, what's going on, you were here with your dopamine level. What are you doing now?” So that somehow had an impact, too. I wish that in the Paradigm we could get all the Shifters – because that's who we are, that's how is our new community – to stop having the dopamine effect, I say. Let's be machines.

That is the dream. Exactly. I mean, you've now said about dopamine and that feelings in trading and investing would, should be eliminated as much as possible, as much as possible. Yeah, we're never gonna get rid of them one hundred percent. One hundred percent I don't think so.

But at least get close to that. Right. You asked me... Back to your question. Yeah, from the very beginning I liked the thing that I can always learn, and the more I learn, the more I discover a new correlation between, I don't know, the S&P500 and the dollar. I find a new correlation between the euro and dollar and I am always discovering something. More recently, for about a year or so, I am paying close attention and study in depth, really in depth, the market bonds. And it still seems to me that I'm at the very

beginning in this business, that there are so many things. And, eventually, studying now the bond market, I realized that, in fact, bond market at global level moves the world economies. It's a huge market, hundreds of millions of dollars. When did you first make a profit? Sorry, when did you become profitable, not when you made a profit and, from that point on, when did you get to make enough money to say "I can be one hundred percent sustainable from this job from now on."

Not that you were. But that you could be. You know... A profit I got my first profit relatively quickly. Yet profitable...

profitable I started to be only after that... after that lesson, because I improved my system, I started to make a tracking of my transactions, keep them in a kind of diary. This is the only way to improve yourself – looking backwards to see what mistakes you made and where it worked. Yes. Concerning that moment when I realized I could do the job full-time, it was also after that moment and when I saw that my system could be improved and could bring me financial freedom, etc.

But it was because I've always been doing trading as a second job or in parallel... Like a second job. Yes, in parallel. I was lucky, because by the time I got back from Vietnam, which was two years ago, my main job as business development manager has always been interconnected with this part. I mean I've always been there, I've always had to be connected to the markets, I’ve always had to know what the world was about, macroeconomic, to ensure the training for future marketing agents that were promoting the marketing and services of these platforms etc.

That's a very lucky and perfect environment to achieve success much faster than otherwise. And I'm lucky too, I mean I resonate here perfectly. You're in finance. Yeah, working full time in this whole area, it's much easier for you, somehow you learn in the same direction from morning till evening and do not have a completely separate job. And OK, I finish at 5 pm, as I have no time at work, and let’s go, maybe I'll catch up three more hours... when you're tired anyway, when you have a family, when you have a child, when you have other responsibilities. I can't sit on charts now, therefore I have to learn at 9 pm on a Tuesday.

So somehow I find it difficult and I think most people who listen to us are not in our situation, they're in situation number two. So this one where I have a normal job and only after the job hours... So tell me, what would you say it is the best way to approach this situation? I mean, if you are in situation number two, when you have a normal 9-to-5 job, you don't have much time left to learn about team, trading, and so on.

But after 5 pm do you have that time? I think it's all about priorities. If you have time to watch an hour on Netflix, nobody's telling you not to. I mean, you need to relax. Let's not be hypocrites, we all watch.

And I have a favorite show that right now I can't watch anymore since Paradigm Shift came out. But I also have some things that I don't refuse myself because you can't do otherwise, or you end up with a burnout. But it's about priorities, just like it's about priorities with sport, just as there are priorities with many other things. You're not going to end up maybe as quickly as others.

But it's not a sprint after all, it is a marathon. And it's not a competition with those around you, it is a competition with yourself. You just have to get better. You just have to get better. And if you realize that, if you do these things constantly... By the way, something came to my mind. I'm a gamer, I've been a gamer since I was a child. There was a player, I think on Quick 2, Quick 3. I don't remember exactly, This computer game.

"Fortality" was his nickname, I think. And he'd come to dominate this scene of Quick 3 worldwide, when nobody believed in him. And a reporter asked him, "How did how did you to become successful?" And he said so: "Practice, practice, practice, practice, practice", wait, it gets better, "and when you are tired, practice." The same I believe is true in trading and I believe it applies in any other area, absolutely any. It applies to absolutely everything. Talent is a very small part... It's a part that can be bigger in certain areas... yet really, practice and discipline.

Constance, right. Constance... and I think curiosity, too. That's just a little parenthesis. When you reach that point of curiosity that can be called passion or whatever you want, then somehow this whole learning process comes naturally. Yeah, somehow it's unconscious, I mean you don't think about it at all and it just comes to you. "That's it, I got three hours off.

All right, that's what I do, that's what I want to do, I want to learn more." I mean, you don't think too much, you know, you don't rationalize. I think you have to get to that "aha!" moment, too.

Sure. That "aha!" moment which is anyway different from person to person, and some have that moment in their 20s, some in their 30s, maybe 40s. There is no age for it, first of all there is no "it's too late". It is not too late for anything. Colonel Sanders, who founded KFC, started at 60+, for example.

And there are many examples of this, more especially online, where it is all the easier. So for those who have their 9-to-5 job, there's time and there are sufficient resources to be able to do this stuff in the long term. You just have to put no limits to yourself, and we are back again at the same discussions we have had about limiting beliefs. There are no

"you really need it now, now, now!". No, you have a certain period that you can allocate to yourself and make your plan, because it's very important to make a plan. If after 4-5 months, 4-5 months you see that you haven't had any results and you give up, maybe that's exactly when you get that "aha!", that's when you got something you really liked a lot, and you got to even higher levels afterwards. But I very much agree with what you said, that you have to have that pleasure in learning, that it's a continuos learning process for everything. That happens in crypto, and not necessarily only in crypto, but in this whole field of investing, of trading.

In order to translate it into that constancy you were talking about, it must be that, you know. Because, if there isn't that, it seems to me that it's gonna be 3 months, 6 months, a year, two years, let's say, but up to some point only. You see that you don't have the success you were waiting for from the very beginning – kind of ”I want that yacht, I want... whatever”. Yes, this is obvious so. It is true with everyone, yet the degree of personal satisfaction is somewhat different. And maybe one wants a Dacia Duster, there's certainly nothing wrong in that. Absolutely nothing wrong.

But if you see that you haven't reached it, that success, it just means you have to keep going on. That's right, just keep going. I loved this... I don't remember the exact quote... I'll say it in English "The Universe

falls in love with the Warrior Hard", something like that, I mean, "The Universe loves a fighting spirit". I mean don't give up. And I think that's one of the most important lessons that I have learned. Go just your way. And when it didn't went well,

I've tried and tried and tried again, and again, and I must sort it out somehow. And it's a fight with yourself at the same time, you prove certain things to yourself. Right. What are the biggest mistakes that a beginner, or an experienced, or middle-level trader might do? Not to pay sufficient attention, I mean a very high attention to the emotional management, I mean this empathy part, emotional management, psychotherapy. You need to find someone to work on all the limiting beliefs that we are born with. and that we assimilate on the way, that we gather during the course of our life, whether it is in the society, or whether it comes from the teachers, the parents, the family, the entourage, friends, colleagues, from all the directions... And the beliefs that we impose on ourselves, they're the ones holding us back, dragging us down when it comes to success, whether it's personal success or the success on the technical side of the investment.

So, in my view, work on the mindset part first of all. ”When there is no enemy within, the enemy outside cannot hurt you.” That is, when there is no enemy inside and you're the master of the situation and the master of your emotions, nothing outside can affect you, from my point of view. Again I'm gonna get comments that I said this thing so many times, yet this is so true, and I'd like to point it out and here, live, with you. There is no use in reading 100 books, in listening to thousands of hours of podcasts, if during the critical moments when the transactions go against you, you are not in control. Then you're most likely to fail.

So I would suggest to people who want to start trading not to start by opening a Binance. Let's start with psychotherapy sessions. There's a big difference between a psychotherapist and a psychologist, a very big difference. Unfortunately, in Romania there is still such a a taboo belief about psychotherapy... And this happened with me, too. I mean, I was talking to people that are close to me, friends, acquaintances, and I tell them, "Come on, aren't you going to see a therapist?" "Why? I'm not crazy!" Wait! What?! They were like, "I'm not crazy!" I am not crazy, I don't have to go... OK, that was, somehow, a bit extreme, it was someone older, from older generations. However, someone closer to my generation was like, "But I'm not in trouble, I have no problems!" Come on! You don't know how many problems we actually have, I mean, there's a lot of them out there.

So that would be the first chapter, the first step, working on the mindset part. I'm working on the psychology part because Trading is 80% psychology, trading is 80% emotional management and only 20% strategy, discipline, information, etc. And then I am working on basic and fundamental knowledge. Knowing what a GDP is, knowing what inflation is, what an inflation rate is, interest rates, knowing that they are interconnected and how they influence the classic financial instruments and the traditional markets. Then you have nothing more to look for to trade crypto, which is a derivative and very young asset. After all, bitcoin and the crypto market are just the little brothers of the S&P500, Dow Jones, Nasdaq and bonds. And it's starting to show this.

It's starting to show it more and more. Sure, they are not 100% correlated these financial instruments, and that they are not instantly correlated, and that's normal. So, you have to start with the psychotherapy part, the mindset part, getting to know yourself, being in control at critical moments or want to get there, working on the personal development and emotional management. Then you start reading what an action means, what a GDP means, what is the inflation, what does a financial calendar mean, and all the basics - what does a leverage mean, what mean the parts of contracts for differences futures, the commissions you pay, and so on, and only after you are having these very-very well rooted, only then can you start with the trading part.

And you have a stable foundation. Unfortunately. since you asked me what's the biggest mistake, well, the biggest mistake is that the traders start with the very end part. They start with the trading account on Binance, feeds the trading account on Binance because they eventually heard something from some neighbor or saw a tik-tok in which someone did 1000 x with Shiba Inu or whatever shit, and they just come in, and they trade or invest, they lose money, sell out of fear, they buy only based on appearances... and only then do they start maybe to see, if they're lucky enough, that someone has to do this thing about working on the emotional side, that you have to know where to be in the market, that you have to know where you are on your road map, on your journey as a trader, as an investor, to know, to figure out where you are. Sure. And somehow you end up there, at the right starting point, except, as you would say, that you come in from a different direction.

I mean, does it push you to go there? Or will you stay there stuck in an area where you don't touch these points? And... But how do you see this? I see a lot of people who, in the beginning, in the first months, in the first year, in the the first two years, are looking a lot at Twitter accounts or YouTube accounts or so on with trading signals and whatever you want of the kind. And somehow they get addicted on these accounts. They replicate these signals somehow, yet the rational and emotional side can't be the same as the trader who is giving the respective signals.

Right. What should I do? When I think that it's very easy for me to stay there in the first 3 months, to see the person who's giving me signals, tells me about them, explains them to me and so on. I understand very little. I replicate that stuff. Of course, I don't have the same results.

What should I do? Good question. Shut down the noise! I mean, leave the noise out of the way, because that's just noise. Unfortunately... No, I didn't mean unfortunately or fortunately, there is no such thing. Eris Valeri. That's right, that's exactly right. Most people, yes, people in general, don't like...

People don't want to be assumed. Excellent point. They don't want to be assumed, they don't want to be assumed when they have the wrong trade and always want to blame someone else. They want to point fingers. Ah, well Mistrer Spread told us about that trade.

I'll be watching someone else more from now on. Exactly, X is better, Y is better... Yeah, look, he hit your stop-loss. So? People are not assumed and do not take responsibility for their decisions. And it's much easier to put the blame on someone else the moment you have an unsuccessful trade. And the moment you have a successful trade, it's all good, it's all okay. But if 3, 4, 5 trades follow that aren't good, it's very easy.

Oh, yes... and the guilt one is... First, they look for someone else to blame. That's what happens in the beginning. He's looking for someone else to blame for, from a human point of view. "That's what X said he was going there." Then, all because they're not assumed traders, or investors, and have not reached that capacity and level to realize it's their own fault, just our own fault after all.

I blame the market, I blame Jerome Powell, or the Federal Reserve, or the moon, the stars, the grass... Anything, anything but them. Sure. So that's why people in general

follows other people's trades, for they don't want to take responsibility and, secondly, for the moment it's also much simpler and it seems like I don't have to keep banging my head. Exactly. Right. Let's take a moment, analyze it from scratch... Why should I spend two or three years learning, going through all the stages... Shouldn't I open a trade? Those people make money, they showed me, after all, look, they showed me trades that are profitable and so on...

Since you have been for some time in contact with a part of the crypto community in Romania, how do you see this level of trading education? What do you like, what don't you like about it all in Romania? In Romania? Yes, strictly in Romania. I really like that with Covid and the emergence of crypto in Romania, the world began to go more in that direction. More people have emerged who are doing financial education, more channels have emerged, you have appeared. There are many channels - Stakeborg, Metaventis now for NFTs... There are many channels of financial education lately. Yet as in any forest, there are also droughts. We also have dead wood.

Yes, every forest has dead wood, but it's normal, it's absolutely normal. There is a very famous phrase from Warren Buffett, "When the tide goes out, you see who is swimming naked." It's very good and it applies here too. This Bear Market has such a very good feature to clean things. And that's what we're going to see. But I really like this thing, that there are a lot of people and names were created in Romania. I don't like the term influencer too much. No, neither do I, which is why I reffered to you as ”content creator”. I mean, it seems a little more okay to me. Otherwise I don't know how to refer to you.

I'll trademark what I found. Do you know what an influencer or how it came to be influencer at the moment? It seems to me that it has come to be a digital storekeeper. I think the best definition of an influencer in that direction. That's why I don't like guru, influencer... Guru is terrible. Although in its essence guru is something really cool. Sure, very.

I mean think about Buddhism, about the beliefs of India. You know, I mean, it originates from there. That's why it's a term associated with something so cool and pure and old that you cannot transpose it into this area. However, it has come to have a much more less use pleasant now... financial guru... I didn't mean to offend anyone when I said the influencer is a digital storekeeper, but unfortunately, it's kind of gone in that direction anyway. But it sounds nice anyway, digital storekeeper! Yes. What don't I like about Romania?

You know, this is happening out there, but I have more contact with audience here. It's that we're too mean, too rude. We seem to care too much about our neighbour's business. It's like we want too much the neighbour's harm. It's like... "He takes it, look, he's successful" and they hate it for that, just for the pleasure of it.

Did we get that harsh and bad, rude in the comments? I mean, I look at people who are commenting on other peoples” work for no reason... What a pitty! And that comes from the fact that they are suffering, you know. I'm taking my ratio of hate on certain groups, on Twitter, now it doesn't matter, and when I see that malice in people who don't know me, who have only seen me writing in groups or online, they don't know my story, they don't know who I am, they haven't sat down with me for a glass of wine or beer to discuss life or hear my past...

Nevertheless, they comment on issues that they don't even understand. And they let me realize that this comes from their own suffering. And somehow also from a lack of emotional intelligence, I'd say. You somehow externalize very quickly something that you don't understand. Right. I'd like to take them into my arms, actually.

I'm serious. Very nice. These people need understanding. You know, they need compassion, because they are in so much suffering. If you go online and comment to someone who has never hurt you and say something bad about that person, it means you're... That you have a lot of blackness in your soul, a lot of sadness. Of course, after all, you're projecting outside whatever you have inside.

Right. If you keep throwing venom at everyone, it's gonna become you, your own being, that venom. So that's what bothers me... There seems to be too much malice without any reason, here in Romania and I would like that people care more about their own business and their own way. What's your direction in life? Can you bring a little added value? Okay, you can't. Then why don't you think ten times before you write or say some bad thing to somebody else? Did that person hurt you? No. It's so simple moreover. I like that person, I think he adds value to the community, to society and so on. I'm watching him. I don't like him... you know,

it is so simple on these platforms! Yes! You can block him and never see anything again from him. Goodbye! I don't understand, I saw too a lot of people just coming in, every day, every single day... I was just sitting there and thinking... what mental energy you need, negative energy obviously, to do this every single day.

I go in every day and I hit on this guy, because I don't like him, I don't like him, I don't like him! "Why do you say that?" I'll tell you something now. I don't know if you're aware, but there are groups of haters in Romania, on Telegram. No, no, I'm not kidding. I know these areas exist,

but I'm a more positive guy, I can't help it. There are groups where... I don't know, I'm not commenting there anymore, but Elrond is constantly commented on, they comment about X, and those people did not done any bad thing to them.

Yes, and it's sad. Exactly that way, that's what I wanted to talk about, But I'm hoping that by evolving and better understand everything that happens, those people are going to use their energy for something constructive. I mean, just like you said, do you realize how much wasted energy, how much logistics, time, opportunities exist in such people and in such groups? Do you realize how much they could grow as individuals if only they used that time they are using now for trolling, for hate, for whatever... use that time for their personal growth? So that bothers me. Oh, and there's something else, it's promoted a little too

much the competition between people who offer content, not to speak about influencers. X is better, Y is better... But there's no such thing. Not everyone is on the same pot.

I don't know if your label includes the strategy part, which is the best strategy to achieve success, but from my point of view, there isn't such a thing. There is no such thing like a best strategy. It doesn't matter to me if you get into Paradigm Shift or write to me privately or in a small group and you tell me you're using Elliot Waves, that you use Fibonacci or that you use CSR or, I don't know, whatever, any other indicator, as long as it works for you, you've tested it and got long-term results. The best strategy is the one that leads you to good results and profit on the long term. There is no best strategy. That's it. Too much promotion of the competition, the kind "you're better than". No.

No, no, I don't want that. I want that the direction in which the crypto area is going and the investments in Romania are going to be one of true development, of collaboration between the people who make content. As we are now, more collaboration between certain projects.

You know, after all, we, as Romanians, have a huge capabilities. We are, I think, among the most intelligent people in the world. I'm deadly serious. I think so. And I think that people in Romania can see this.

It is obvious as I go now in much more circles and much more groups than before. And you can really see this stuff, I mean you see those people who stand out of the crowd. Right. Yes, I couldn't agree more. So, to summarise I really like the direction of education and that this direction developed a lot and I don't like that there's too much meaneness among people and that it's promoted too much this stagnant spirit online. Look, as a little parenthesis related to other public persons, content creators, digital storekeepers...

I was just kidding! Yeah, we're both kidding, obviously. In the last few months, let's say, we've been talking with several people in this space, people that either write for the newsletter or that we meet at some conference, people from projects, content creators and so on. And I tweeted about this fact too, and I'm as sincere as I can be. The level of openness and modesty that I've seen in most of these people, I repeat, in most of them, and the collaboration they have... These people were very, very keen

to help you! And this is true even for people that I was not expecting to act do – because of some aprioris I had. Limiting beliefs? Sure, sure. For examply, that guy seemed a bit arrogant to me, I don't know, in a tweet he gave a month and a half ago... Which is silly, obviously.

But then that guy responded so beautifully during that meeting, that he broke down all my barriers. Very cool! And this is what I found very, very cool in this community in Romania. I mean, the overall community in this sphere. You know, I've noticed that too. I don't know if it was like that from the beginning, because I wasn't following that too much, I was focused on what I was doing, I had the business management in Vietnam, yes... I don't know if it was like this from the beginning, but it's like this over the last year or so that I've been noticing this kind of kindness, of humbleness. I have the feeling that the whole bunch or most of the people who are content creators are just like that, more down to earth, more balanced, more humble, more empathetic.

And this is a very, very good thing. It's really cool. If we want to make ourself an example, this is the right way to transmit it in the community. Yeah, that's great.

Which are the most annoying questions you get from people and not necessarily from the people you go out for a beer with? Most annoying... Well... kind of ”what's the price gonna do?” A price will do whatever it wants. No, no, I don't know if it's necessarily annoying, because it doesn't annoy me, or does not annoy me anymore since a long time. Such questions come mainly from people who don't have much experience in this area and I really understand their anxiety. Yes, but that's the question. "So, hey, what do you think

that the price will be?" I have no idea, I don't know, I follow the markets, I don't make price predictions. I follow the trends and my goal is to be on that trend until I notice signs of change, and then I capitalise profit and get out of there. But ”don't you, don't you please give me a coin that will make 1000 X during the next two years?” I think about this question through the prism of the messages that I have written and the content that I posted on the Telegram groups and on Twitter, I am wary of such messages because no, I never promoted something like that.

Sure, it makes sense. Nothing of the kind ”Hey, guys, I am promoting new Al Coin 1000 X!”, without giving the names of the influencers that do that - and I call them influencers on purpose, because they deserves that name. I know exactly who you're talking about. Yes, MoonBoy and others.

Yes, there are 7-8 of them out there. 100 X, 1000 X. We did not promote such content, not even once, therefore people were more reserved in asking me things of the kind. People would ask me more things like, "Hey, what do you think about this support? About this reaction, about this analysis?" I have also received questions that I don't necessarily consider annoying, but light so to say, light, right? "What do you think bitcoin is going to do?" I have no idea. I'm closer to step-by-step approaches.

I like to watch things at the global level, what's going on with economies around the world. I like to correlate them with the dollar, with bitcoin, the S&P500 and so I am more in a step-by-step kind of approach, as we are now, for example, in the current situation. Coming back to Romania... How do you see Romanian crypto projects? What do you think about them? And I would put somehow everything about Elrond separately. Not the Elrond ecosystem, just Elrond as an infrastructure network. Yes, because they had already made their proofs. They have proven that they are obviously playing in a different league.

Yeah, I can't give my opinion about many other projects in Romania because I have not studied the matter enough to have an extremely valid, clearcut opinion or have some in-depth analysis. But the projects I had analyzed and I was involved in, that BlackHat and Sense4Fit projects, are some projects in which I believed from the very beginning, starting with their teams. They already had products that were launched and were already working properly when they went out with them and they invested their own money in these projects. I mean, they were ”skin in the game”.

It's very important to me when I look at a project to see that they already have a product that works properly, which they've been developing for several months or years, a product in which they invested an amount of money - and I don't mean 1000-2000 euros – that they invested in some legal stuff, that they are fully compliant, that they are fully legal, because that legal and compliance part will be coming in the crypto area, too. Sure, sure, sooner rather than later. And the fact that they have a dedicated team, and that I see passion, and I see that they are on groups at 2 am, at 5 am, that they are in their offices at those times. Of course, there were also projects that were failures. It's normal.

That happens everywhere, it happens in every industry. I want to see more and more projects that have added value and that deliver value. There are some new projects yet to be launched.

I'm talking to some guys from Craiova, very, very dedicated, very passionate about what they are doing. The crypto epicentre in Romania, by the way, Craiova. Really? It is known. I didn't know that. I'm serious. I didn't know that. I really didn't. It's a news! Look, see? You're always learning new things.

Welcome to Cryptonite. Many things are happening in Craiova related to this. I didn't know. Very cool. The guys have some kind of SID platform. I still don't have in-depth info there, I need to do more research, they are just doing some pretty interesting things. There have been, as I said, there have been projects that have failed, and it will always be that way.

That's what happens, it's called stock-market, this is what happens in any industry. They're all on the free market, and everyone can come with a project they are working on, I do not know, since 20 days, and they just launch it without thinking about it at all. So it will always continue to be that way. Right.

Let's get a little bit into an area that I'm sure you like. Just after the launch of Paradigm Shift, this is the first podcast or the first public talk you've been to? Have you had any previous one? Well, only inside the community. Yes, only inside the community, not outside the community. OK, that's a great honor then, and such a cool timing! Thank you. With great pleasure, I'm also glad that you accepted our invitation to come to Iași! I've never been to Iasi before, I wanted to get to this part of Romania. To my shame, I haven't been here before.

Neither have I been to Timisoara... So when you invited me to come... I really appreciated the content you create, everything you did, and everything you've done all of you as a team. You have very active girls, always very active, and promote this space as much as possible to the wide mass audience in Romania. So I said to myself...

"why not?". The schedule allowed me to do it, too, that is, you know, that was a really good timing. I know, I was thinking it was so! What was the idea you started with, or what were the ideas behind Paradigm Shift? What do you want to achieve with this project on the long term, short term, medium term, whatever? Paradigm Shift is not a project per se, so to say. I wish Paradigm Shift to be more something like a state of mind. I mean, when people say Paradigm Shift in Romania or in any crypto space, whatever, in a few years, to have deep in their soul such a feeling of the kind "I was part of a movement... of a movement of change. I was part of that field."

After all, that means this paradigm shift, for that's what it was for me. It was a turning point, when I realized that I was very ignorant to all that means crypto, bitcoin, blockchain. Very ignorant. I had bitcoin and Ethereum on my platform, my trading platform, for 8 years, but I had them grayed down somewhere because I didn't enable them. I did not enable them and never looked at the price, because I didn't care about them.

I had a turning point after Covid. I heard Michael Saylor first, on BreadLove, I started hearing the older ones, listen to a lot of podcasts and that's how I got the bug. Paradigm Shift is about that. That it is what it's all about. It's gonna be a feeling for change, for better, an exclusive group, because it's gonna be highly exclusive, of people who want to get better every day and want to become the best version of themselves. Very cool.

Sort of "be the change you want to see in the world". Very nice. Can't go wrong. So I wish you luck, even if it doesn't even make sense.

I receive it with pleasure, you know! Wish me health, because if I'm healthy and I'll do what I've been doing, these beautiful people that I've been gathering around me, already over 500 per group in two weeks, there's no way we can't make beautiful things. I do it with passion, I don't do it because I have to, given what I discussed at the beginning of the podcast. I really put passion into charts.

I like it. I dream at night of charts. You can really see when you speak, what fluctuations in your voice when you say these things! It's obvious. Glad you noticed. It wasn't even something special you noticed the fluctuations in my voice. I wasn't paying attention to...

Yeah, I really like it. I like to write, I like to discuss, I like to debate. I love when someone comes along and argues with me with a valid point of view and with good arguments. I like to find another piece, another new piece to the puzzle, and the puzzle no longer has 1,000 pieces, it has one more. And when I put this new piece... Do you remember what Minecraft was like? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, and when you put the piece in there, it appears a Nova. I put bonds,

look, government bonds... a whole new piece has opened up. You know, I like this part. And what I really like... there are two things I like right now.

Well, it's these messages that I get from time to time and they say to me, "Well, look, you know in the Bull Run when you have said it 30 times on the groups to take out some of the profit, because it's not a diamond hands contest, to stop taking every youtuber for granted... although it was harsh for me, I listened to you and I built myself a home near Bucharest." That's fantastic. When you get messages like that, what the hell! I got another message, also in the same direction, on the group. I don't post signals. Paradigm Shift is not a group of signals, but when I open another trade, I say "this is my opinion, that's my transaction, I got in here." One of Shifters, reply on group,

said it was the first time or among the first times he made a profit with a Futures trade and wants to donate that profit to a child whom he does not know, but who needs that money. I think, if you ask me, that's the end-goal with Paradigm Shift, to become a community so strong in terms of mind-set and so strong from the point of view knowledge, so knowledgeable, that we constantly improve the qual

2022-12-16 10:05

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