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Welcome. To this cache works group project, overview. The. Task Forex group or CFX, for sure is a platform, for those interested in, success in the forex market place without, any previous experience. The. Platform, touches two very significant. Trends the. First is eLearning or online, learning which, is projected, to be a 325, billion dollar market by the year 2025. This. Industry has seen significant. Growth between 2001. And 2017. And perhaps. Most importantly, the, student statistically. Requires 40, to 60% less, learning time than in a classroom environment, the. Other industry, is the global forex, market in comparison, to other markets such as the New York Stock, Exchange the equities, market in the futures market the. Forex market stands out because of its immensity and its sheer number of participants, globally. It's. The largest most liquid financial market, of the world with a daily traded average volume in excess of 5 trillion dollars, it's, historically proven, to be recession proof has. A great deal of flexibility, with risk management and participants. Are able to leverage their capital, and compound. Gains to maximize profits, this. Is a 5 day per week 24. Hours a day market, a few, key, specifics, about the cash forex group and the, core of the company is a goal to offer transparency. Both in the short term in the long term to all members using the platform the. Purpose of the CFX platform, is to bring the possibility, of forex success to its global membership, through, its proprietary, technology. And automation so, those interested, in profiting, the forex market can do so without the burden of having to learn how to trade themselves, the. Positioning, of the platform, includes CFX. Academy so members interested, in learning the specific, skills that drive success in the global forex, market may, develop and hone their skills using, the CFX academy. CFX. Is comprised, of teams of professionals, in the forex trading space and in other financial markets, as well as technicians, and engineers that develop their product line in-house the team also includes, Tekken staff that build out and maintain the platform, technical. And educational, staff that build out and maintain the academy and, all the graphics, teams and support staff that the members rely on at the, center of the executive, team are the two founders, CFX. CEO Huascar, lopez has significant, experience as, an, entrepreneur and multi business owner as well, as very significant. Success within, the cryptocurrencies, market, and the home-based business or network marketing market, and when, a bad is the vp of trading operations, and his, longstanding passion, for forex trading positions.

Him Well to, leave the trading team and the engineering, team a design, develop. And manage all the CFX products. Corporate. Headquarters are, in Panama City Panama the entire 10,000, square foot ninth floor of the RBS Tower was purchased by CFX the house and run daily operations, there's, also an open-door policy, in this facility for. Any member or prospective. Member looking to meet the corporate staff and tour their facilities, the. Most talked about and significant, feature of CFX would be its trading results this, success, is achieved through a combination of live professional traders, and engineers. Developing, proprietary, algorithms, these, algorithms are commonly referred to as EA's or expert, advisors, within the Forex space the, EA that is currently servicing, all CFX members globally was, operational, and running successfully, for months before the company started making it available for individual, use because. The CFX team develops their own EAS, and all, the engineers, are on staff they, are able to constantly, monitor and, adjust, EA performance. Creating, the best possible, opportunities, for member profits web, TV is built into the member back office and it's, the ideal window for members to watch and share CFX, technology, at work. In. Addition to being able to share your web TV from a smartphone tablet, or laptop members. Also have access to an extensive, list of other marketing tools, CFX. Also has short educational, videos regarding, the automated, Forex platform, as well. As a standalone, marketing, product ideal for those wishing to share results or other details about the project on Facebook, YouTube or other social media platforms. Think. Of the CFX Academy as an online University. And the curriculum is broken into three different series and separate. Modules are within each of those series the. Elemental, series is designed to introduce you to the world of Forex and help. You become familiar with the most basic elements terminologies. And concepts, the. Advanced professional series takes you further into the forex market with, more detailed concepts, and techniques, around, the specifics, of profiting, within the forex market and the, supreme series curriculum, focuses. On forex mastery, understanding. The psychology of effective, long-term trading success, as well, as mindset, behaviors, to help you continue performing, well so. The choice will be yours whether, you want to allow the CFX, technology, to do most or all of the work for you or whether you develop an affinity towards the forex market and really want to learn the skills yourself, it's, entirely up to you. Currently. The way members access fully, automated, trading success, is through, the C FX trading packs the. Elemental, series is made up of five different trading packs starting, at $300, all the way down to 3,000, dollars and if, you notice the text on the right-hand side of each one of these packs they're, all made up of 30% of the value of each pack being, dedicated to opening, that section, of the online, university, or the CFX academy the, balance or 70%. Of the value of each pack is trade, capital, that's going to work for you you'll, notice also there's leadership points, attached to each package. The. Advanced series of trading packs starts at $5,000, and moves, all the way down to $20,000. And you'll notice exactly. The same mathematics, 30%, of the value of each pack unlocks. That section, of the CFX Academy and the balance the 70% is. Trading, capital that's going to work for you and then. Finally the supreme series is also made up of five trading pack levels from $30,000. All the way down to $100,000. With the same formula in place with 30% of the value of each trading pack earmarked, to unlock the Academy in the, balance 70% being. Deposited for you into the trading pool and, it's that 70% trade, capital, that the company's technology, and trading, team put to work on your behalf while. Trading results in the forex market always vary depending on market conditions and, various other circumstances, you.

Will See your Monday to Friday trading, results posted in your own back office that you can access from your phone or a tablet or, a laptop, CFX. Caps your trading gains at a maximum. Of 15 percent per week and the, company refers to this type of automated, trading game as bear, capital, you. Can see from this slide that there are multiple ways to benefit, from participating in the CFX platform, as this. Short video is product focused only we're, gonna focus on bear capital specifically, if you, recall a moment ago when we walked through the trade package ladder starting, at $300, all the way through to $100,000, you, learned that you could start at any one of those trade packages. Regardless. Of where you choose to begin 72. Hours after you've selected and, purchased, your trade package you. Will begin to see trading. Gains accumulate, in your back-office, your. Trade package can grow up to 200% in the value, of that package so, for example a 1k. Trade package purchase, can, return $2,000, to the owner once. 200%, growth has been reached the, trade package owner has three options, option. One they, can pay a withdraw, fee and take all of their gains out of the system and leave, the CFX platform, option. Number two they. Can withdraw their gains and rebuy. Another 1k, trade package an option, number three prior, to reaching the full 200. Percent trading game on their 1k package they, may choose to take a portion of the gains and upgrade. To the next trade package in the latter this. Third option allows, the trade package owner to, steadily move through the trade package ladders, until. They ultimately reach the 100k, trade package of. Course as the trade package owner moves to larger, and larger trade, packages, more, trade capital, is being traded for them and therefore their daily trading gains continue, to grow. That's. The end of this CFX, product overview please get back to the person that shared this video with you about, benefiting, from the CFX suite of products yourself. Welcome. To the second half of this CFX overview featuring, the CFX rewards plan. The. Previous short video focused, on the CFX product, line and the technology, behind that product you learned, that you can access the CFX trading platform, by purchasing, any one of 15 trade cottages, the, trade packages, enable, you to benefit daily from the CFX trading technology, through, your daily trading gains, you. Were able to earn up to two times the value of any trade package you choose these. Gains are called bear capital, now. We're going to focus on the many other ways you can earn with the CFX platform. Bull. Capital, is accessed, by referring, at least one person, to, the CFX platform, this action unlocks several, bonuses that we'll discuss in detail in this short video we'll. Also discuss, the benefits of rank levels and rank qualification. Through the leadership program points, at a company every trading package, here's. A complete breakdown of both bear and bull benefits, this, example shows how one would benefit getting started with a 1k, training package, each. Trade package is separated, into two distinct, parts bear. Capital is made up of 70%, of the value of any trade package in this, case $700. And this. Is the capital, that goes to work for you using. CFX proprietary, trading technology, as we, just mentioned your trading gains can continue, to grow until you reach 2 times the value of your training package in this case $2000. Bull. Capital, is comprised, of the remaining 30%, of, the value of the trade package in this, case $300. 30%. Of the value of any trade package goes towards accessing. That, section, of the online university. Known as the CFX Academy, and the, money from this purchase enters, the CFX rewards, plan in two separate ways. Half. Of the Academy purchase from a new trade package goes. To the referring or sponsoring. Member in the, form of a fast start bonus and the. Other half of the Academy purchase, goes towards, a unilevel, bonus either. One of these bonuses or both may continue, to accumulate until. An additional, two times the value of the trade package is reached. Before. We discuss those and other bonuses, in more detail let's, discuss trading results as mentioned. In the previous video the. Strategic, use of technology. Developed, by CFX. Engineers, technicians. And professional, traders to. Create the trading results that we see every day, trading. Activity, on any given day may, comprise of dozens of trades hundreds. Of trades or even more depending on how systems, are interacting, with various market conditions, at. The end of a trading day all results, are added together and shared, amongst participating, members, daily. Trade results, are posted in members back offices, at the end of each trading day CFX. Has a weekly cap on trading results of 15%, per week and daily.

Trading Results accumulate. Towards, your bare capital the. 50% fast our bonus is comprised. Of half the cost of the Academy pack, 100%. Of the value of each Academy pack is distributed. To qualifying, CFX members the. Intention, of CFX, is for each and every one of its members to be able to move through the trade package ladder, from. Wherever they begin all the, way through to, a $100,000. Trade package each. And, every time you refer someone to see effects you. Earn a fast start bonus and additionally. Each time the repurchase the same trading pack or move, up to the next trading pack another, faster, bonus is released this creates a very unique, opportunity to, earn over and over, from the same participating, individuals you, initially preferred CFX to the. Faster bonus accelerates, bulk capital. The. Unilevel bonus is made up of the other 50%, of the academy sale whether. You choose to share CFX with one person five, ten, people or even 100 or more each, of those individuals, that you generated, a fast start bonus from comprises. Your unilevel, level, one and any, time friends on your level one choose to share see effects with others those, new members become your level 2 and when, level 2 members share, see effects with others well those members become your level 3 and so on and so forth, the, unilevel, is automatically. Unlocked, to four levels when you first begin so. In the previous beer, bull breakdown, slide if you, referred someone to CFX who got started with a 1k, trade package one. Hundred and fifty dollars was earned by you as a faster, bonus, additionally. 150. Dollars enters, the unilevel as you, can see levels 1 2 3 & 4 are 10% levels, so, of $150. That enters the unilevel you, would earn 10% or. $15. If, someone. On your level 3 sponsored. A friend into your level 4 and they join with a $10,000, training package. $1500. Would enter the in level since. They're on your level 4 which is a 10% level you, would earn 150, dollars as, you. Share CFX with others you begin to accumulate leadership, points and this qualifies, you for rank, advancements. The. First rank executive. Opens, up levels five and six of the unilevel each, of these levels 5 and 6 are 20%, levels, for. Example a, new member joining with a $5,000. Trade package would. Have $750. Entering, the unilevel on, a 20%. Level that's another 150, dollars for you the. Next rank advancement, is manager, and this unlocks levels, seven and eight director. Unlocks level 9 and, President's. Club unlocks. Level 10 you. Will access an additional, bonus when you become a member of the President's Club and beyond in, addition to a 5% level on level 10 you, now have the opportunity, to earn from, level 11 to infinity, so. Regardless, of how large and how deep your business grows organically with. Friends, sharing with other friends you'll. Be able to capitalize on it ambassador. Is the next rank and finally. Global, ambassador, where, you can receive a 2% global bonus on anything. That joins your unilevel, no, matter how large it becomes the. Unit level bonus contributes, towards your bull capital. This. CFX bonus is rather unique the. 3 by 10 force matrix is for all members, to benefit from regardless. Of whether you're a CFX customer, only, focusing, on bare capital, or whether you're recommending CFX, to others and also wanting, to accumulate, bull capital, the. Very first time each member, purchases. A trade package they, secure position in the force matrix the. Structure, of this bonus is significantly. Different from the unilevel, where. You may have one 5, 10, a hundred or even more members making up your level one in the. Matrix, there's only room for three people so.

If You share see effects with more than three friends, the additional, friends will drop down below in the, next space available, this. Is why see effects customers, that, refer see effects to no one still, have an opportunity, to benefit from this bonus as they. Very easily could end up having individuals. Dropped down below them after. They've secured a position in the Forrest matrix, the. Matrix grows, in multiples of three to a maximum, of ten levels hence, the, name three by ten and the, money that feeds the matrix comes from a 20%. Withdraw fee that. All members contribute, to which is why all members, potentially, can benefit from this bonus it's. Very important, to note that the 20% withdraw, fee is designed. For disbursement into, three bonuses, it, does not meant to be a profit, Center for the company. 50%. Of the withdraw fee feeds, this 3 by 10 matrix, 10%. Of the fee is for, matching, matrix bonus and the, remaining 40% is for. Leadership rank bonuses, allow. Me to explain how this very powerful bonus, works if. You look on the right hand side of each level there's, a green number starting, at 3% on level 1 and 3%. On level 2 and 3% of level 3 all the way through to 10% on level 10 added, together these numbers total 100%, so. As an example if, a member on your matrix level 4 was. Making a $1000, withdraw 20%. Fee would be $200, and 50%, of that would, be $100, that's $100. That's entering this matrix because, the person that made the withdraw is on your level 4 of the, $100, entering the matrix, $5, would go to you likewise. If a member on your level 7 was making a $2,000, with drum that, would be a fee of $400, with $200. Going into the matrix level. 7 is a 30% level, so. You would receive 60 dollars of the $200, going into the matrix as. Your matrix begins, to fill up organically with friends sharing with other friends and everyone. In your matrix making, withdraws, this. Begins to become a very powerful bonus, for you when. You factor in the concept, of each and every member in your matrix. Journey towards. 100,000. Dollar trade package which, would be in much larger withdraws, you, can see the potential of this very exciting and dynamic bonus. The. Forced matrix contributes. Towards bear capital and also. A part of the forced matrix is a ten percent matching bonus, anyone. That you've sponsored into the CFX platform, in other, words anyone. That you're earning a fast start bonus from you'll, also be earning a ten percent match of anything. They earn in their matrix if. You notice the trade packages on the right-hand side of the screen you, can see which trade package unlocks, which level, in the 3 by 10 matrix this. Is especially powerful for customers, who, may never refer anyone to see effects but, still have opportunities, to earn within the matrix this. Also serves as motivation, for those customers, to move their way up the trade package ladder as well because. In addition to unlocking, greater depth in the matrix each, time they upgrade a trade package they have more capital being traded and therefore making larger, daily trading gains and of course for you anytime. Those customers, upgrade, a trade package means, another fast start bonus and another.

Contribution, To your unilevel this. Personal, matching bonus contributes, towards your bull capital, and therefore the force matrix affects, both bull and bear capital. The. Leadership program is accessed, when one shares see effects with others as young. Teams start to grow leadership. Points accumulate, the, first leadership rank of executive is, accomplished, by simply referring, three, people to see effects 500. Individual, personal volume points and a, total team accumulation. Of 25 thousand group volume points the. Donor point ratio is two to one so, 500 PvP would be accomplished, with a 1k, training package, CFX. Uses a 30 day rolling calendar, so, to reach the rank of executive a, member needs to accumulate, 25,000. Group volume points over, a 30 day period, the. Next rank and linus manager. Easiest. Way to reach manager, is simply, to help two individuals, from two different lines of lineage reach. The rank of executive an, additional. 25,000. Points that month has you reaching the rank of manager. By. Helping others reach the ranks that you've already reached this. Is how you propel, yourself through the entirely, program, in. Addition to unlocking the entire unilevel, and beyond, through the global bonus program, you, will also be able to participate in the leadership, matching bonus as well and the, gains in the leadership bonus program contribute, towards your bear capital in. Addition. To unlocking the entire rewards, plan moving, through leadership ranks also, unlocks rank prizes, reaching. The rank of executive, members. Will receive a new iPad air when. The rank of manager is reached members. Receive a his or her Rolex upon. Reaching director, a five-star. Vacation, for two anywhere, in the world and. Reaching. President's Club where you begin earning from the global bonus also unlock, support sports car reaching. Ambassador, earns, the reward of Ferrari and reaching. Global ambassador, qualifies. You for Lamborghini. Thank. You for your time reviewing this CFX, rewards plan please. Give back to the person that asks you to watch this video.

2020-05-14 00:32

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