Cara Trading Naik Turun Profit || How to do Trading Profit Up and Down

Cara Trading Naik Turun Profit || How to do Trading Profit Up and Down

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What matters is know the moment and use it well If we know that, 1 or 2 hours are enough to achieve the target Any question? It's easy if you're used to it "When I watch you play, it's very easy. But, when I do that, it's hard" I already do trading since 2005, sir. Watch the progress Most people want to master it quickly If others mastered it in 3 months, the "guy" wants it in 1 month, or even 2 weeks It doesn't mean I don't trust his skills because it's related to the experience in the various markets Market always changes everyday Today's condition is different from yesterday "I did a bit of trading" "But, I rarely did it in gold, because the volatility is high" "I was surprised of that" "I'm a bit traumatic because of gold since it's dangerous" "That's the image for me." -Not just you. Many traders said that But, they also play in gold "So, actually the chance is bigger in gold, right?" "But, we must not enter when there's no chance, right?" Yes, that's it That's why we only take small ones My slogan is Trading is Simple, Profit is Easy I was inspired by the long experience If we found it, it's very easy Make it simple, not complicated or complex Master what we teach so you can use the ups and downs Profit on the buy and sell. 2 transactions can be more than enough

If the market is stabile, don't enter. Find a chance later "Now is going down. We already used a buy chance. So, we focus on buy since the general market is still buy" We can't order buy when it's red like this "It means after it's done, we close it?" -It's done when it's at the top We already got the sell. If pressure to go down is strong, we can wait

then close it If the pressure is strong. Watch the top edge It's having a hard time to go up It goes up, then down again. Watch this next candle "This goes down, right?" -Yes, but it went up first Logically, when it goes up and it can't go further, then a thick down appears We can see that there's tail and it can't go up anymore So, we can order sell here when the move is going down Don't think that it'll go to an area. Watch the profit

If it's enough and the down pressure is getting weaker, close it We can see it by the volume and the floating numbers If the profit is getting smaller, close it and done Then, we monitor again and see the form Except if the movement is strong like last night If you see my style. I do many orders in an hour There are some minutes I take a break, then enter again There's time at the top left It's live. The friends like the videos I shared because they can see the order time and how to solve it At least use it for reference. If you duplicate it, you'll be confused "This is very fast, sir" The pressure to go down is strong. We ordered sell here

If it goes down again, we close again The pressure is strong. -"The pressure to go up is strong here" If it goes up strong but it's locked there It's still red, it'll go down again It's hard to go up. So, it'll go down again strongly although I don't know how far it will go "That up could give us a heartache, sir" It's fine if you're used to it. So, you need to train it

When there's shaking. Watch how far it affects our floating We're the controller. Let it go ups and downs, it's fine Watch the loss and the lot. If it really going up strong like last night, we can close it first, or add more Adding doesn't mean always adding it. Sometimes we reduce it too That's the numbers game and logic game, mixed with the market It's easy if you mastered it. We don't need indicators

Just watch the movement, the whipsaw "What's a whipsaw?" -The quick ups and downs "Isn't that price action?" Price action is the price that's running Whipsaw is the quick ups and downs Same as volatility, the ups and downs But, whipsaw is quicker What matters is we know the pressures. If there's shakings shakings is where it moves quickly. It went down, then up quickly It's called shakings. Pressure is slowly, like this

If the red is getting thicker with times, then it's strong seller pressure At least there's overview Every person can't use the same trading technique. The point is the basic If you think what you do is comfortable, then do it You can't duplicate my style since you have your own basic Some like regular, like ordering when there's breakout When there's no breakout, he doesn't enter When there's doji at support or resistance, here enter What matters is there's basic that we can use It's red in M15. This is H1 In H1, it's still green. But, it's at this edge So, both directions have the chance It can go down long, but there'll be correction Surely buyer will dominate that one We can conclude it by just using the visual Watch the visual. The edge is getting higher It's getting higher. Even the closest is going up

How far will it go up? It'll go up to here Surely it'll bounce when it reaches there Bounce doesn't mean reversal, can be correction or sideways It can even go up stronger. Or if it can't go up it'll go back down Be careful when there's psychology area. When it's going up, focus to buy But, be careful when it's at the edge, there's chance of bounce or sideways We'll be able to see the structure. This, for example

Before it went down, there's clue of strong rejection The body is small. The tail is above. It's a strong sell rejection That's why I was sure to order sell although there's an up correction It closed and make it all ended beautifully If like this, how do we order sell Wait until there's sell clue. This tail is just an early signal We can't order sell again here because it's green "Yesterday, I watched this and I canceled my order" Yes, you must. There's a green here But, we still focus on sell but, we haven't found the trigger yet How to find the trigger? When it goes up again and it can't go higher Turns out it only could go up to here to this buyer's edge Then, when it's rejected and thick red volume appears Watch the time. It's above 5 minutes

More than 20 minutes, it'll more stabile so it'll go down stronger "Is it 20 minutes in H1?" -Yes 5 minutes is for waiting the stabile ups and downs, then we enter because if we do it early, there's market that's looking to go up, but it's going down When it goes up, then it can't go higher and becomes a tail then going down and thicker It's relative, depends on our own experience "I'm a bit confused about the thickness, since there's green at left" "Should it get past the green, then we order?" -Not really If we enter in the running, not really What matters is there's a volume that can be seen and it's not thin, not near This is thin. If thick, we can see the volume What matters is we can see the volume "Usually when it's running, the position is green like your drawing" "sometimes it can go up higher" "After the shake, it's getting thinner again" "Sometimes when we have an order, it makes us afraid too" What matters is keep watching it If it goes ups and downs, try to stop it at the edge, here When it goes up strong again back to risk management. How much is the minus? If it really goes up and the minus reaches our limit even when it's going down again, close it first. Or, we can do a recovery There are many ways. You may try it all

If you don't have experience, you won't be able to do it, sir Once in a while, try to not cut loss it and do a recovery There are times we release it or add more Those experiences will train us Use the key levels, time, fast moving candle then use the stabile lot so we can control it, either it goes up or down Don't leave it. It goes up, for example 1000 pips up, then we leave it It means we don't know rules, because we play short-term trading What I was saying is we use the running If we do long-term trading, 2000 pips floating is not a problem It's no problem since the durability is more than 100 thousand pips If we use the running, especially with high risk, low durability we can't wait for thousands of pips If we wait to this edge, we won't find it and we'll suffer a big loss Maybe, you may consider on how far you can risk If it's still minus, it's fine to hold it as long as it doesn't reach 1000 "You said that 500 is the biggest, right?" -Yes, 500 is fine If it's 1000 and the lot is 0.5, it'd be 500 dollars I never recommend too high floating. Usually it's around 400-500

If we can do recovery, we do it quickly What matters is we must monitor it and don't let the minus explodes Even if it goes back after we cut loss, don't regret it. It's the risk There's other time for us to order again "For example, we order" "We must finish it in 1 candle if it's possible, right?" -Yes "If we wait for the next candle, the minus is higher" -If small, it's fine If long like this and we wait for it, it'd take a long time to recover If we already recovered, at least we have reduced the loss "If we sell, and the body is red, like this" "it's more than the target, right?" -It's fine If the target is achieved and the pressure is strong, we can hold it We want to achieve the target, indeed. But, when there's more we can hold it. Even if it turns, it won't run out suddenly

It's relative. If the condition is good, we can learn to hold the plus floating Don't just learn to hold the minus floating, but the plus floating too It needs time and training. If not, we'd always be afraid We'd be afraid and close when there's profit "But it is long." -We don't know how far, so watch the movement If it's going up gradually we can close it earlier "For example, we get profit on this red" "In the next hour, there's long red again" "Based on what I learn from your YouTube" "These reds close the previous greens" "Can we enter again?" -Yes, but it must be above 5 minutes "20 minutes, right?" -Above 5 minutes is fine 6-10 minutes are fine. What matters is let it go up first

because there's indication that it's going down. So, let it go up first If it doesn't go up, wait until it's stabile Sometimes it goes straight down. But, when it goes up Let it go up first, above here or below here What matters is it goes up and a tail appears When there's tail and it's starting to be thicker then the time shows more than 5 minutes, we order sell It's to convince us and avoid a long floating because it could become green and doesn't go down If it doesn't go down we cancel our sell, especially if the green closes the red "What if it's green but only the half the red?" No problem, what matters is it goes down again "It's closed when it's at the half of the red" If like that, we better wait. It's still doubting "So, we don't do any action." -Wait for 1 more candle Why? Because even if this goes down, but green appears again. Don't ignore it

even though it's only the half of the red If we combine them, like this it becomes a tail. It's just a buyer rejection, but not strong yet So, wait for this candle to be done Let one dominates first. If the next candle goes up strong, we buy "It means the red is eaten, right?" Even when it's like this we can't just order buy, but wait for a correction first If the candle changes, let it go down first then it can't go further and becomes a tail After it becomes a tail. The candle is red

No need to wait for a too long volume, what matters is it's clear Not thin, but a bit thick. Watch the time. It's like this, for example It means when there's rejection and it goes up, becomes green then we can enter. You must try things like this I tend to use these techniques because when the transaction is clear, there's no burden in my mind I can do other activities without any burden It's different if we do mid or long-term trading Or using stop loss and take profit. For example, when there's correction like this When there's correction, say, we order buy here To be continued....

2021-07-13 00:53

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