Can Trading Bots Improve Returns

Can Trading Bots Improve Returns

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where are all the new investors from 2017's  bull run did you know that most left why   now let's make some educated guesses   number one they didn't take profits during the  massive run and got absolutely wrecked number two   they didn't have patience the truth is i was  new to crypto then i didn't have this channel   and i wasn't experienced enough specifically in  crypto to really have had some things figured out   my hope is though that each of you makes better  choices than most of them did in fact better   choices than i did when i was brand new i didn't  know how to tell a mediocre project from a great   one and i also didn't know how to take profits  during the parabolic run thinking it would just   keep running as well as i let my emotions into my  trading way too much because though i had 20 years   investing experience i was new to crypto and i  thought those rules didn't apply well today i want   to bring you one of the channels sponsors during  the month of october we accepted this partnership   because what we love what they have to offer to  you and we feel it really helps keep emotions   in check for many as well as it has some very  interesting aspects that i think will be golden   during the bear run as well so i want to welcome  mud rex to join us right after this quick intro join me rainmakers   adult thank you for joining us now i hadn't  heard of mud rex prior to um really about two   months ago and i was unfamiliar with it and your  team was great enough to spend some time really   showing me what they had and what you've built and  that was impressive actually before i took that   meeting i took that meaning out of curiosity and i  you know there was a 90 chance i was like nah this   just isn't gonna work out um you know we've had  probably about 150 um people reach out looking for   sponsorships and we've said no to all but three  and there's very specific reasons why we said yes   to your project and i shared just a little bit  of that a minute ago with the audience on that   there are some things we like about mud rex now um  for those in the audience that haven't heard about   mud rex it will could you tell us a little bit  about mud rex and what you've built and what   you're working on absolutely right and actually  to be honest going back to the the thing that   you started off with a lot of people who joined  the crypto in 2017 the reason why they left was   because of all the three things that you mentioned  right they they didn't know when to enter when to   exit they didn't know uh and and they didn't know  and they know how to control their emotions and   take their profits and so on and so forth and then  of course they didn't know which tokens or which   project should they invest in and to be honest  this was the same problem that i faced and and we   eventually realized that this is a problem that's  common with so many people trying to do trading in   crypto and we felt that something needed to be  done to solve for that and to solve for that we   built up mudraks and the idea behind mudrex is to  help simplify investing for traders and investors   in crypto we've got two sides of the product one  side of the product is a creator's product where   we've created a very simple drag and drop no code  editor that helps a lot of the traders amongst   that are there on the audience and a lot of the  traders out there who are trying to trade crypto   create their trading algorithms without writing  code now the beauty of an algorithm is that   it removes the emotions from the system it of  course clearly defines when to enter when to exit   and and because we do it in a very simple no code  drag and drop way essentially anyone can create an   algorithm all you need is a simple rule that says  when to buy and when to sell so that's one side   of the product and of course the second  side of the product that actually might be   more interesting to a lot of the audience that's  listening in into this ama would be the investing   uh part so what we did is that we realized  that there are a lot of great creators and   a lot of great leaders out there who are creating  algorithms what we did is we created a marketplace   where all of these traders could publish their  trading algorithms we would vet them we would   make sure that they are appropriately risk managed  and and there is consistent gains and so on and   so forth available and then we made the entire  performance history public so everything that you   see on mondays is live completely transparent and  it essentially gives the 1995 percent of people   out there a very simple one click one button way  to invest uh in crypto so that's the problem that   moodlex is trying to solve we are building this  layer that helps traders and investors invest in   crypto for steady consistent long term gains and  that's the only way you create wealth my friend you summarized it really well and that's what we  saw when abhinav walked us through and did a video   with shared the screen and showed us mud  racks and i've not been a fan of bots another   term for algorithms is trading bots and  essentially they're just algorithms that   you instruct where to enter and when to exit and  the reason i haven't been a fan of them is because   number one it's very complex for somebody who's  brand new to do it and and most the things i've   seen out there they have to be pretty good at  programming in order to try to program anything   so what i loved about what i saw with mud rex  is that they can leverage from other people   that have set up these algorithms submitted them  which then get back tested and then they can see   the performance of what it's been doing and then  they can just say okay i want my portfolio i want   to allocate this much to just follow that  algorithm they don't even have to build it   while they're building familiarity with it and  doing it because what i like about algorithms   over trading is it helps take the emotions out of  it now specifically i'm not interested in throwing   all my money into algorithms but part of it yes  especially because there was another thing that   as we were talking about he's like hey in coming  soon we're working on this that you say you're   interested in the dot ecosystem polka dots  ecosystem or something you can put into this   category and it will vest invest across the top  things in that ecosystem and i was like exactly   man these guys read my mind if i were to list  what i wanted created in some kind of software   or some kind of program it would have been  exactly what you're already doing and so i was   just shocked at that interview and afterwards my  manager doctor and i we were talking were like wow   really impressed with what they have didn't expect  that at all and was like i think the our audience   could benefit from this so let's definitely talk  with them further so we appreciate all the time   that your team put into the whole vetting process  that we have because it's stringent and we just   we say no almost every single time because at  the end of the day credibility is important   to me i make my money through crypto investing  this channel is just a fun way that i can share   and build an audience the most informed audience  in all of crypto and so i'm just really careful   what we bring to them yeah so i'm actually very  glad that you put in so much trust in us and uh   i'm i'm hopeful that a lot of the audience is  listening into this this ama and this interview   will be able to take out from from madrix as well  uh but the the interesting thing though rain is is   is what you said is actually right because what  mostly happens is that mentally people have like   a share of wallet and that that they want to keep  across different different investing products and   this is there across asset classes right like even  if you invest in traditional assets what people do   is that some amount of their money is in let's  say in mutual funds amount of their money is in   index funds some of their money is in in fixed  income products like debt funds that give them   close to zero risk but a steady return and what  we've realized is that crypto is no different   people are looking for these kind of products  itself where on the one end people just want some   products that will give you market risk market  returns and very low fees and and that's the   coin sets product that we've launched on the other  end people want fixed income products where they   can just put in money and get like a 5 10 annual  savings return and on the third side people want   market beating returns they want the volatility  to be reduced they want high risk high returns   and that's the main algos product that we have  and actually i would i would love to show this   these these products to our users if you think  yeah we would love it if you could share the   screen absolutely in fact i'm going to make my  picture disappear so that everyone can see it   let's see yes i'll just quickly share my screen  and the great part of what i also showcase to   the audience is actually our own personal company  portfolio that's on there perfect i'm gonna have   to make a shift to the screen they're not quite  seeing unless you can move to the right i have   part of the screen cut off apparently let me see i  can fix that though can you guys see my screen now   yes i'm just going to move it over it cuts  off your picture a little bit but oh whoa whoa   okay i'm yes we can see it we can't see you but we  can see your screen okay no worries so i think the   screen is the most important part here so let me  first showcase to you what are we seeing over here   so as you can see uh this is our company portfolio  you can look at it over here it says team mudrex   this is where we put in our own company's treasury  money uh directly on our bots what we do is every   single month we go out and pick up the top  algorithms that are there on our marketplace   and allocate a hundred thousand dollars of our  own money and showcase the the strength of the   platform right and as you can see in the last  month essentially btc has been down i think   about 500 percent and our and our algos or our  allocation has made about six percent returns   in the last 24 odd days and you can see there are  we've allocated our funds across these seven algos   some of them have made crazy 16 17 returns a few  others have just broken even on on the other end   there are some that are making loss as well  and it is completely fine right it's never   going to happen that all albums will make money  all the time right and and we've chosen these   from this publicly available marketplace and  essentially what we do is we provide the simple   straightforward platform that users can come in  look at these different algorithms check out our   various filters that we have for example there  is a scoring system that we've created that helps   people understand risk reward we showcase returns  and since how long it's been running and of course   we give a very very granular view of of how  returns are and then if you click on any one of   these algos you can go into much more details in  much more depth and that helps you pick and choose   and decide where you want to invest in so just to  give you an example this algo vdt maximizer is an   algo that trades on vt it's created by this trader  called as bitcoin shelter and you can see how   steady gains are here for for this algo you can  see that it's it's done about 138 returns in the   last uh six odd months that it's been live yeah  it's been live for about 228 days so that's about   seven seven and a half months and over here what  you also see is like a complete public record of   every single trade that this algorithm is done  so so all of this helps build confidence all   of this helps build reliability and familiarity  in the minds of of users and so on and so forth   so the investing process itself is very simple  straightforward connect your exchange click on   allocate funds we go out and showcase the  balance available and in one click you can   just go ahead and invest on these algorithms  so this is the main first algos product uh that   we launched and then as i said the new product  that we are working on that just came out live   is coin sets where the idea is that okay if if  you don't want to invest in algos and you're in   you're in the crypto markets for the long run  then you typically do have some kind of a theme   in mind right that you want to buy so for example  you either want to just back the entire crypto   market or you are just long defy or you believe  that exchanges are going to be the next thing   or you think that web 3 tokens are going to be  the best right and in all of these cases what we   have is this simple basket that you can invest in  so let me let me showcase this basket for example   this is a basket of the top six most popular nft  tokens uh in in the world that we've created and   we've curated and as you can see it's like an  equity distributed portfolio of theta axi chiles   and jamana right and as a user you can literally  just one click and invest in in this coin set   without requiring any overhead and what we will do  is we will go out and buy all of these individual   tokens for you in the background every single  month go out and rebalance and make sure that   if there are any new nft tokens coming in that  are very popular they automatically get added   to this basket which is essentially the beauty  because at the end of the day we remember what   we started with the promise of mudraks is  that we want to take away the overhead of   deciding where to invest deciding when to move  from one to the other and deciding when do you   book profits away from the user right just like  how mutual funds and equities and indexes are done   for the equities world that's the same thing that  we won't do for the crypto world and that's the   promise that mothrax is trying to fulfill today  love it and i love this aspect of it too because   that couples really well with what i think does  well right so so during the bull run the general   bull run i don't necessarily want to be in and  out of positions all the time i'm okay with   holding them long term so i'm looking for  baskets right so i can diversify because   though i know what fundamentally  looks like a really good project   i don't know exactly how it's going to play out  in the coming month or two months or seven months   and so i've been a big fan of diversifying  across multiple ones now one of their questions   the audience question i imagine would be well okay  you said you can connect it to your exchange but   what exchange can you connect this  to is going through their mind   that's actually an excellent question and and rain  uh and you guys listening into this we we support   nine of the world's largest exchanges so we  support binance coinbase by bit dairy bid bit mex   okay ex and ftx also now uh and for our u.s users  we support coinbase us and coinbase pro and of   course finance us and finance pro so effectively  if there is a large exchange out there then then   it's already connected with mother x and in case  you are not live on any one of these exchanges   then what you can simply do is also use our own  wallets so what we've done is we've partnered and   deeply integrated with binance where what we do is  we provide the entire back-end security of binance   and a front-end that's of modrex so let's say if  you've got tokens on an exchange like kucoin and   you want to still want to use modex all you can  do is you just transfer your tokens onto madrax   and use our wallets and our platform to do all  the order execution when i say ours is actually   finance on the back end is just our front end  in the front right so this of course also helps   makes perfect sense so yeah maybe i can get a list  of the uh all the exchanges that you have access   to though binance is a big one for those outside  of the u.s that's really got a large percentage   of the tokens out there for those inside the  u.s can be connected through apis  

as well as multiple other exchanges so then once  they connect them up they really don't have to   think about that again right nope and that that's  that's the entire point connect your exchange pick   your algo site and one click let it run we will  take care of the entire overhead yeah it makes   perfect sense cool um go ahead yeah so i think  i think one more thing that i want to point out   is that is that a lot of people a lot of times  people think that what we are giving out is   essentially free money right because you can  come and just make money on an algo that makes   a lot of sense for a lot of people just to come  and invest but what i want to point out is like   with all things in life it's not like you'll  always make money and always make returns right   you can see that there are some algorithms that  are not performing well in a particular given   market conditions but the point is that over  time these algos consistently give returns and   give gains and i think that patience is a is a  virtue that that that's very easily developed   using tools and products like mothers because  they help you consistently grow your capital   yeah now for the viewers who are newer to  crypto and that means they may be newer to   investing as well could you explain and i  don't mean to catch you off guard with this   question but why is it that professional  traders often use algorithms and bots   yes so i think one of the main reasons  professional traders use algorithms in bots is a   that they want to have a system in mind because  as soon as you have a system in place that's   doing these decisions your emotions don't get in  the way and that is extremely extremely important   because what you don't want is that you enter a  position the market is suddenly dipping and just   because the market is dipping and you're steering  a lot of chatter around you that the market is   going to crash you exit that position and move out  right and and what you see is just a few minutes   later it's going to recover and come back again  having a system helps you remove all of these   negative thoughts and gives you a system of when  do you enter when do you exit when do you take   profit and when you set up a stop loss and to be  honest this system helps build consistency and   consistency is actually what makes wealth in the  in the longer run right like like the for the   people who are relying on one-off bets to make a  large amount of money in a vast majority of cases   those those people actually end up losing money  in the long run the people who end up gaining   money and making consistent returns are only able  to do it because they are consistently steadily   always wanting to get small small small gains and  compound those gains again and again and again perfect explanation now so what are the advantages of having some some  of your money trading for you through algorithms   versus handling them all yourself yes so i i am  of course of the opinion that it's not like you   should be putting in all your money on these  algorithms and and there are reasons for that   but the reasons why why you should put in at least  some part of your money on these algos is because   at any point in time the markets are moving  fairly volatilely in the crypto world right and   that volatility gives you the opportunity to  make returns even when the market is not going   anywhere when things are just moving up and down  and up and down for example what's happened over   the last month it's just been moving up and down  and up and down that up and down movement itself   gives you the opportunity to capture some gains  and that's one part why you should be putting in   money in the algos but i think the bigger reason  why you should be putting in money in these algos   is because they are extremely good at reducing  risk so just to give you an example bitcoin in   the last year has given us about 300 returns right  but at the same time bitcoin in the last year   has actually also seen its value eroded by about  30 at one point right we knew it went from 60 000   to 30 000 and now it's back at about 40 odd where  it's still 25 down from its peak right and that's   actually where algos help when there are large  crashes like this they help avoid large dips   just to give you an example when the entire  markets crashed 50 60 in in april may and june   mudraks and our own treasury fund only lost  about six percent which is incredibly valuable   right because every single money lost not lost is  money that you can compound later and help grow   and at the end of the day that resilience in  that reliability is what helps create wealth in   the long run so that i think is the single biggest  reason why you should use i should put in at least   some part of your allocation across algorithms  because they help reduce volatility reduce risk   give you steady gains they might not give you  best returns or market beating returns but that's   not the objective as well right the objective  is to reduce risk that's where algo's coming well said now um are there any disadvantages to  using algorithms for part of your assets yes of   course so for example what a lot of time happens  is that if you are just bullish in the longer run   and you don't care about what's the price today  or what's the price tomorrow or what's the price   going to be day after tomorrow then you actually  end up paying some fees that are unnecessary right   so let's say if you're if you're buying bitcoin  today so that your kids graduation could be paid   off with its gains 20 years later and that's by  the way the reason why i bought my bitcoin uh   then in in that case you you idly don't care  about what's going to happen with the price   today tomorrow day after right and if you're  using that bitcoin and allocated it to algos   then you're paying fees and fees at the end of the  day do end up being meaningful and active trading   on the exchange also ends up being meaningful  right and that all of that all of those losses   continue to tend to add up and the other reason  also is that to be honest let's even if you are   allocating money to algos you are going to go  back and constantly check and if you are going to   look at it again and again that itself also causes  some emotional stress right you might as well just   let it be on bitcoin or better yet put it in one  of our coin sets and let it compound automatically   and let it grow right so so that's actually  the reason why we created the coin sets product   because algos are not suited for everyone or  alcohols are not suited for all of your money   a part of your money should be  allocated for long-term wealth creation   and value creation and products like coin sets  are much better suited for something like that   yeah what's great is i love how on the same  page we are with everything that you've said   i'm really picky about things and i look for  efficiencies i've always been wired that way   and that's what makes me probably helps make me  particularly good at investing because prior to   crypto i i used to do investing for a big firm  and i would make all their acquisitions my job   was to filter through all the stuff out there  find the good deals and then negotiate the price   and help them on their acquisitions and so i  think i'm particularly wired towards where value   is so as we were talking with avanov i was like  i love the the feel of this company i love what   they're offering and i feel like they're they're  coming from the same perspective that i come from   of really just creating a system that helps people  do better because one of the challenges with   investing is we're human and because we're human  we get our emotions in the way and that leads us   to make really dumb decisions and even though i'd  had 20 years experience and that that helped but   when i was brand new in crypto i thought the same  rules didn't apply and i made many many mistakes   and i was so much further behind than i could  have been but i mean in truth you're always   bad before you're good so what i liked about  mud rex is it offers some options for people   to look at to take some of the money out of  the emotional decision making process that   we as humans make while they give themselves  a chance to get better and you know it's hard   now when i see big dips like just two  days ago the whole market was tanking   and oh my gosh this chinese real estate company  that none of us had ever heard of before is like   defaulting on their loans and it's going to crash  the chinese market which might crash the world and   everybody was scared and probably you were tempted  to panic sell and then two days later work great   again and the truth is this emotional roller  coaster plays out over and over and over again   and so hopefully none of you got you know tempted  to sell and then you missed this rebound that   we've had the past two days on a lot of the alts  not all of them but some of them and so it does   take some of it out and puts it in to play in  a different way now that doesn't mean you don't   have to manage it i personally am going to be  taking a lot of my profits during the bull run   and putting them on the sidelines and things like  usdc or usdt that's earning me a return because   last time i got hit square in the face with the  pullback and bitcoin did a retracement of like 85   percent which is still gigantic the problem was i  was in the riskier alts and many of them retraced   95 to most of them being 99.5 percent getting  hit with that kind of retracement leaves you a   little bit scarred and jaded so probably i'm a  little bit leaning too much toward the side of   taking most of my profits and putting them on the  sidelines as the market hits this parabolic move   that i think is ahead of us but um and then i'm  going to be having some fun trading it during the   bear market another thing i liked i i figured this  out during the later part of the last bear market   was that when you come down to this flat bottom  generally what happens is a lot of these alts they   pop up and then they go back down and they pop  up there's some news event and go back down and i   i figured out okay so i'm going to buy things with  fundamentals and then i'm going to set it up to   automatically sell when it doubles and then buy  back in when it goes back down and uh had a lot   of fun doing that uh you know only caught a couple  times of it because it took a while for me to see   that pattern once i did and i thought oh great  you know there's probably a way we could create   a trading algorithm right through mud rex because  you can create your own algorithms and they have   this really intuitive interface that allows you  to create that probably create something to do   that automatically for me so that during the  bear market i'm playing with part of my money   now the downside of doing that is theta i totally  did that with theta and i set it to sell half when   it doubled and sell the rest of it when it like  2x well theta went from seven cents where where   i bought it all the way to like fourteen dollars  i sold it i sold it 14 cents in 21 cents right   because i i had it automatically set up playing  with that right and you know the problem is i   had too much of my position in theta in there and  even though i believed in theta in the long run i   had a hundred percent of mine set to sell between  those two numbers um so so there will be some fun   times during the bear market and thankfully a lot  of our audience understands that you don't want to   just be here during this bull run and the great  amazing gains that can still happen ahead of us   but as well as take some profits and then be  here during the bear market as well because   not only can make some good buys but with little  strategies like that it helps keep it entertaining   that you can be making money even during a  general down market yeah and in fact actually   in my opinion in the bear the bare periods are  where a lot of the core good stuff happens right   because in the bull period it's all euphoria and  it's there there is just so much happiness going   around that people forget that we are in here for  the building phase right all of mudraks actually   got built in the last bear market we we started  this off in october 2018 and now it's september   2021 three years later and we slowly steadily  build out this product so that we are able to   help uh give our users these wonderful gates  yeah well awesome so um we'll get a link below   in the description uh that we can put down  there from you so now if users want to sign   up they can just sign on that link you had  mentioned before that you'll have like an extra   special thing for them if they use that link  to sign up could you tell the viewers about it   yes absolutely guys so uh we'll be adding  a link to this video down there and please   do sign up using that link as soon as you  sign up you get 25 extra credit that you   can use on the platform for whatever you want  that's like a welcome gift from us and rain   yeah so by all means use that link to sign up and  you know play around with that 25 see if you like   it see what you're liking about it that way you  can try it before you send over other funds and   that way like every one of you play around with  it and get the free why not get the free 25 gift   and maybe if you play around with that and that  alone could go to huge numbers and then if you're   really liking it and you feel comfortable then  you can move over more funds if you want yeah well   great adult i really appreciate all your team's  work in making this uh happen and it's been good   speaking with you in person another thing that  abhinav said that we really loved as we were   considering whether to take on an additional  sponsor or not is he said hey if your community   ever has any problems we want that feedback and  we don't mind if you talk about anything bad   about the platform if you come across it because  we'll take that feedback and make it even better   i said absolutely yes we love that  and we love that you're okay with it   because like i believe this way too i don't mind  when people tell me bad things in fact if you're   hating this video or something's wrong with it or  if it's not at least a seven out of ten if it's at   least a seven out of ten give me a thumbs up but  tell me why it's only a seven or an eight out of   ten so i can work on it i'm new to this youtube  thing i've only been doing this now for about   eight months experienced investor yes but new  to youtube also like you know if you're testing   out the product and there's anything that you  have wrong with it tell us what's wrong with it   also in this video if you think this video sucks  give me a dislike please tell me why it sucks in   the comments below also really where a lot of our  engagement goes between the crypto rain family   is on the telegram channel and that telegram is  down below here at crypto rain discussion you can   join the bigger family as well as i have a link  in the youtube video below and not just myself   but many of our smart audience members are in  there and they have amazing backgrounds and you'll   find some really good engagement there though  i will warn you any negativity and we will boot   you negativity not from like having something go  wrong that all happens but if you're like spamming   like crap projects and just you know there's  lots of spammers that just are like bots that   that we have to kick all the time as well as  like we prize that community like our family so   if you're treating our family bad in there we'll  kick you out because we don't want you part of our   family one we want a positive family we so like  if you're just a whiner or complainer in life you   won't find happiness in that telegram group but  if you're positive influence and you want to learn   about this crypto space and do better join us  there um well thank you abenov uh we really   look forward to working with mud racks and i  look forward to playing around with your system   more myself so thank you for joining  us and joining the audience today all right so i do appreciate the audience  and all your time with us now i want to   thank our other sponsor um  they have some amazing nft technology   um if you're ready to level up your crypto game  join us through subscribing as we get into analyze   projects and how they do really well and i'm  share with you how i think about things that turn   my portfolio from thousands into millions and the  system i share will work for you but before it can   you have to understand it as well as how to look  for undervalued projects and that comes through   joining us on a daily basis all right thank  you everyone here's our wrap for all of you   who are rainmakers and part of the rainmaker  family you know what this wrap is all about   this really is to reinforce the  principles that have made us successful came into the space chasing all the games chasing  the pumps and all of the hype trains but like in   life uh [ __ ] right before your good was taught  to buy when it was boring like a rain making sure   goodbye when it's down don't change the votes  that i missed cause i always made a time   in mind i set the one out cause i'm patient  like that and i'll wait for the right time   i sell when it's high i buy when it's  low they call me rich they call me smart   i'm just a rain maker running the show  calculated investments suddenly with my heart   the principles are simple but leaving a mark  why when it's boring just gotta be smart   i said when it's hyped like all the channels they  pump it that's when i was selling got parabolic   and dumping they call me rich they call me smart  i'm a rain maker making my own start i'm with the   future learning the past makes the time fly by  years going so fast the game plan is mine i'll   own it now when i reach the top hey it's asking  me how cause i'm a rain maker investments i love   and i follow what i've learned not relying on look  um time is never better the time like the present   is next five years is a gift and i'm feeling like  heaven i'm committed to learn i'm studying to know   that nothing comes easy but with knowledge to  gain show sticking out this wrong consumer come i'm strong like that i'll let the others be fresh  two years time the bulb will bring back the gains   that makes it worth the effort cause here comes  the rain so let's go rain makers let's make it   all happen the goal with the hate they the  haters be crapping i'm here for five years   let's do this together the time is right  the time could be better the call me rich   they call me smart i'm a rain  maker making my own start   i'm with the future learning the past  makes the time fly by years going so fast   this game plan is mine i'll own it now when  i reach the top hey it's asking me how cause addressing what to say when i'm wearing  my crown they're chasing green candles   like someone who was new i got a vision  that was bigger helping me to push through   i'm still human and sometimes it is rough and  that's what makes me special simply i stay tough   cause i'm a rain maker investments i love  and i follow what i learn not relying on look you

2021-10-04 16:28

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