Butterfly of the Week, 2 September '21: Integral Frameworks for Business

Butterfly of the Week, 2 September '21: Integral Frameworks for Business

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good thursday afternoon thursday afternoon it's not monday it's 5 30. everything about this is wrong everything's different people it is not monday still kim and dave over there still coming davo we didn't as kim said we were um i was traveling on monday and because i was traveling on monday it made it impossible for us to do the butterfly of the week because i was actually at the time of the butterfly of the week no i know you're still traveling that's right you got the light stuck in a endless delay in travel um and i was on my way out to salt lake which is where i spent a couple days early this week yeah and kim um what's going on right now right now people as if you've seen any of our facebook posts is day one of our fully liv september workshop our four day event here in our home we've got a lovely new group that have joined us we've got our biggest group actually we've got 17 so we've got a house full but you know i didn't want to turn anybody away and we've been here but you wound up didn't turn people away there is a wait list that we couldn't possibly fit any more in we would have burst at the same thing but um so we're doing that and we announced on monday that we were going to do a follow-up which was going to be a a little butterfly today yes but um we're in the middle of doing something and the something we're doing just so you all know is that we are in the middle of getting ready to launch the online fully live platform yes we are now tim this is kind of your fault right yeah of course everything all the new ideas and pushings might be my all of these all of these onliney things because i'm i'm a big fan of old school you know sitting down hanging out being with people and then and then you're this this lovely person who kind of goes well um there's a lot of people who want to come and because of border closures and travel restrictions and all sorts of other things they can't come yeah and so i thought it'd be really cool to uh let people know what is coming and then we're going to talk briefly today about how we take the thing that we're doing which is the um the program that we're we're putting together but how we take the program that we're doing and actually apply it to the actual doing of the program so the cool thing is i thought it would be good for you guys to get a backstage pass yeah you can see to um so what is actually coming online but let's start with what's coming online what should people expect and what what is the online what what's the what's the thing well in a nutshell the the um the online stuff came at a lot of beautiful people's requests from all over the world going can we just have something you know as much as we would love to travel and one day hopefully we all can and do our events in other countries and have people come here and you know we can be creative too and go to yeah go to different states in america or yeah ideally other countries or have other countries visit us but right now to be practical um people just want something um because we've been teaching you know obviously not since the butterflies you know i've been teaching uh for for many many many years and david longer than i and um we have or david's um you know got some great amazing tools that he's been teaching all over the world that you know can be applied to anything and everything from business to personal life to economies to humanity work like your personal stuff especially so they're great great tools and um we wanted to get that and a lot of the knowledge and wisdoms and all the different amazing things that are taught um in our workshops out to as many people as possible just have an experience and of course you know this will be our first attempt at it so you know of course there'll be you know refinements and things made and that's part of the fun and you know we'll be loving feedback and things like that and we're going to try and do lots of different you know online courses and things and we're going to start with integral accounting and today we started to give our group its first taste of integral accounting and the the background behind it and it was just a very very interesting way of helping people see life and a lot of things through many different lenses and so we had minds blown and just fascinating conversations and just a lot of aha moments for people and so that's our plan is to is to get those tools out and we've also shared with you about a couple of weeks ago we were over in palm springs and we have this lovely group who we told you about who have come together and um put their hands up to help with this project of getting the online stuff out because it wasn't a strength of ours to actually we can do it in person but we're learning as we go to how do you get this what's the best way and most optimal way to get value and the as much effect of us online as we are in in person i was always close to and um so we thought today would be really really good to actually show you this integral accounting in action where with our group in palm springs we actually use the tool um to actually start the moment the momentum and actually yes start the project of online kim and davo yeah so specifically what we're doing is the first class that we're going to put together is a 10 module class that actually goes through the integral accounting framework and and um what what it's going to do is it's going to go across probably somewhere in the neighborhood of seven to eight hours of of of content broken out into 10 modules and i wanted to show you very quickly a little bit about how that process in fact works and so what i'm going to do is i'm going to open up a window and the window i'm going to open up is is something that helps us unpack a little bit about how we go into the the view of understanding how you build a business using integral accounting and so for those of you not familiar with integral accounting you know that um we'll just kind of highlight very quickly what we do is we try to look at the six dimensions of reality we we look at the matter and energy that's that's in the system so we look at all of the stuff that we've got to work with we look at the custom and culture which is the framework or the perspective that we use to understand things we look at the knowledge which is the skill sets and the tools that we need to use to understand things and then we look at the money and value exchange that goes around those opportunities we look at the technologies that are required to deliver the experience and ultimately we try to look at what the performance outcomes are what is the well-being what is the satisfaction what is the utility of the things that we're doing and what we do inside of our approach is do an audit of the what we have um and that audience actually tries to seek where we have either abundances of things or we have deficiencies of things and then we actually try to take a map and look at that audit and what i have in front of you is actually a very simple graphic but the simple graphic is actually descriptive because what it does is it actually tells us how we go about making an assessment of what it is that we have so let me give you the back story of of how we came to the conclusion of what we're doing we start with the fact that right now we have about 250 hours of video recorded content 250 hours all hd multi-camera phenomenally produced content that has come from a number of movies films other things that we've been involved in we have about 250 hours of content and most of the content has in varying degrees pieces of a bigger story pieces of a bigger curriculum that would fit into a conversation about how we would teach integral accounting but we're not actually interested in having people have to watch 250 hours of content so what we had to do is we had to first define what is a module approach that is something that what is something people could actually appreciate so from a custom and culture standpoint what we did was he actually tried to get feedback from many of you to get feedback about what would be the helpful thing that everybody could use and it would have immediate value yeah then we went back to those 250 hours the actual commodity of video and inventory we had informed by what we heard from people would be helpful and we built a curriculum and the curriculum is actually this 10 module course on integral accounting which takes us through what people actually experience in some respects inside the workshop and obviously one of the challenges is actually to say okay it's not the same experience as being present because in the being present experience you're part of a community and you're part of a social interaction and you're part of a human dynamic that's unfolding and when you're doing this online it's a different experience and so we've tried to figure out how to take the knowledge that we put in the workshops and put them into a video format and then we actually had to come up with how we're going to provision this and that involves two things it involves the investment that we're making in actually building the curriculum producing the content getting the stuff on a platform getting the platform ready to be distributed and so that involves investments that we've made and some investments that other people are interested in making we then actually had to go through a process and we are going through the process of choosing the technology which allows people to have the experience of encountering the material and interacting with it and sharing it and using it and doing whatever they're going to do with it the goal of which is to increase the number of people who can have access during a period of time where we can't have access and what we have is a map this happens to be a map that i did for a gold mine where in fact we used the integral accounting to measure what the gold mine actually had which is actually a pretty cool thing to do just to say hey how do we see the world through the lens of what is present and in this particular case you'll notice that the different fields are filled in based on what the community at that time had in the case of what we're doing right now our commodity wheel is very high which is we have 250 hours did i mention 250 hours of content that's a lot of content and what we needed to do was move out of a space where we had that content and we had to move it into a space of understanding how we actually deploy it in a way that's helpful and what we've done is we've actually not only used this to audit the what we have but more importantly what we also have done is we've actually used it as a means by which we've literally built the production company yeah to make the thing that we're doing possible yeah now think about get a team if we did the old-fashioned way of the way most businesses are started up you actually would pretend that there's a pie and you'd actually go okay how much the pie is mine how much of the pie is kim's how much of the pie is for the video how much the piece of pie is for something else but what we do people is we take the integral accounting framework and we apply 16.7 percent a series of one-sixth allocations to all of the six dimensions because it turns out that even though those 250 hours of content are quite literally videos that i'm principally involved in that does not mean that they are 90 of the value of the course yeah because right now there are 250 hours of video content and those 250 hours are sitting hmm and they're not really doing much of anything what we are doing with that is we're now saying that inside of the actual structure of the enterprise that we're building the literal production company that we've set up we are now taking each one of the integral slices of the pie and saying that not only are we divvying up the proceeds of what comes from this based on the contributions that people are making but more importantly we're actually using that distribution of benefit which is how much of the percentages of each one of those six 16.7 pieces how much of the distribution is each person getting but the other side of it is we're also using as a tool for accountability in other words not only are you actually allocated a position for the showing up and being part of the thing but you preserve your participation in the benefit of what is created based on your accountability to continue to show up in that way and the reason we do that is because if we're going to teach integral accounting we want to actually live it yes and a lot of people are more than happy to promote a theory but then are for some reason unwilling to eat their own dog food you can promote it you can talk to other people about how important it is but you actually don't live by the very thing you teach and the one thing that we have been deeply committed to throughout the entire arc of our experience is to make sure that what we promote and what we teach we live are things that we live by which leads me to kind of the point of this butterfly we're in the middle of the well we're not in the middle of we just concluded the first day of our workshop here in charlottesville and one of the things that's common about the first day is that we challenge almost every assumption yeah that's not an easy thing to do no you're in a group with them you know they've got their you know well-ingrained thoughts and beliefs about how their world has shown up and that's everyone has their own lens on things so it's actually it's really interesting to watch people go oh my gosh i've never considered it from that way and it's such a healthy release for a lot of people because some ways of looking at something through a lens that they've always thought of can be quite painful and they can't see a different way or a way out and it's causing trauma and or um i don't know just expensive and you just feel like a weight's lifted off it can be very healing and just interesting as hell but often what we find is in the first day we trigger a bunch of reflexes yeah i am notorious for offending people and i'm a notorious for offending people for a very good reason i fully intend to do it that's the reason why it happens and what i do is offend people for a very specific reason because if we look at that integral accounting wheel the first sixth of the wheel is matter and energy it's the commodity it's the stuff and it turns out that if we want to engage in a conscious exploration of what our life is about why it's the way it is and how it's showing up we have to actually get some energy because this is not sitting passively by and listening to some sort of inspirational speech this is about getting down and dirty with breaking apart a series of assumptions that are being held that are in fact not your own not serving you well but not only not serving you because they're not your own they're serving somebody else yeah absolutely and one of the things that came out of the experience of today and one of the things that we actually talk about inside of the course that we're putting online is the importance of holding equanimity and not being fooled by reflexes yeah what is the first mean well the first to us means the ability to observe a situation without judgment meaning letting the thing that's unfolding unfold as it is not trying to say something is good or bad just acknowledging the presence of a thing do i actually have the ability to examine my life through the lens of what is there not what i wish it was not what it could be not what i'd like to narrate it into can i in fact see the world as it is and kim i use the example today of the energy of futility and i'm gonna share that with everybody yeah it's a good story because last night exactly when the show stopped on activate humanity i got a phone call and the phone call was from a physician that physician was actually part of a physician's group and the physicians group was get getting ready to try to file an action which was meant to secure decision rights and liberties for people who were choosing not to participate in something their healthcare system was mandating i think i politically correctly danced around all of that people and what was fascinating was the individual who called me asked whether i could do something that was probably i don't know a week or two weeks worth of effort yes and asked whether i could do it between the hours of nine pm at midnight last night very thoughtful so that i could be responsive to a legal filing that was going to be done 24 hours from the phone call yeah now the reason why i said that gave me a sense of futility was because i have spent the last i don't know how long what is this um let's call it uh 23 years 23 years going through all of the anatomy and all of the architecture of how the current situation that's unfolding was built having an individual at 5 00 pm tell me that it would be helpful for me to summarize that in a way that can be submitted in a court filing within 24 hours suggested to me that somehow or another i had actually dropped a bunch of balls the first is the illusion that somehow or another i actually have nothing to do then jump when anybody says jump just do this and it turns out that that's actually not the case but what was more problematic for me than that and that was problematic but was more problematic for me was the fact that they had gone for weeks potentially months working with lawyers to come up with a strategy and come up with a way to file a case and that suddenly the information that has been uniquely supplied by the butterfly of the week by activate humanity really by the work that i have done that somehow or another that was worth waiting until literally hours before the court filing to then reach out and go hey you know what now it's time to get that involved because here's where the story breaks the story breaks in that it is highly likely that the case that's being filed is actually going to go the way that most of the other cases have already gone yeah which is that we are going to take well-meaning well-provisioned energies which actually intend to do good and we are going to chalk up for the opposition another point in other words because the argument will be constructed in a way that has been repeatedly structured repeatedly filed and repeatedly rejected rather than learning from all of those past errors what's going to happen is we're going to have a situation where the critical components which would change that dynamic are not part of the filing and unfortunately the thought about considering whether we were going to go down the same path or a different path was actually a thought that occurred too late to make a difference now the reason i'm sharing this with you is because it is very important to understand that inside of the work that we do the work we're doing is actually not trying to answer questions or tell you how to think or tell you what to experience or tell you what to believe the work we're doing is trying to make sure that you have access to and visibility of the information that needs to be thoughtfully considered and thoughtfully deployed and what i find is that far too often we know that there's something wrong we choose to do something which is the impulse that is our reaction to doing something but what we fail to do is engage consciously in how we go about deploying information and energy so we can achieve a desirable outcome and so today i felt very futile yeah but like everything else like i said we're trying to teach how to examine the energies that are in the system but also do so with equanimity what we did was actually started the course recognizing that this was unfolding while we were doing the course and what i did was i took the energy that i knew was there the energy that i knew was part of my experience of reality and i used that to motivate and animate my best performance today because i wanted to be more effective yeah then i have been in the past and you know what courtesy of the call that i got last night the course that i taught today was way better than it would have been had that call not happen yeah now the reason why that's critical is that the basis for integral accounting the basis for the approach that we teach and we practice is to recognize that all of the matter and energy that we need to achieve what we're here to achieve is always present in our system and our challenge is to build a methodology to understand where it is what it is and how to use it to a beneficial outcome yes and it turns out that today was living proof that what could have been narrated as an unfortunate development just hours ago turned into something that has made an impact on the lives of many people today yeah it's important kim to just make the point that everything that we are doing and everything that is going into the program that we're putting up is specifically and singularly focused on helping people have the tools to discern what is in fact right next to them in their ecosystem so that we have the capacity not to look to someone else not to look for a savior not to look for the person who's going to wave the magic wand it is about making sure that we have the tools to observe reality and then bend that reality into alignment with that which ultimately moves humanity forward well said thank you that's what happened today we came to you on a thursday yeah we didn't want to september the 2nd and um as we uh as we think about the fact that this is the latter part of the week we've got three days of workshop ahead of us what i can assure you is our butterfly of the week on monday is going to be at the regular time yes at the regular station and we look forward to seeing you then have a beautiful season beautiful day thank you for coming thank you for showing up when you didn't expect to see us yes have a beautiful day and we'll see you again on monday

2021-09-16 00:07

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