Businesses to Start for Under 5k

Businesses to Start for Under 5k

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welcome everyone to the main street business  podcast with matt sorenson and mark kohler   we're delighted to be with you today sharing  what we think is some helpful information but   that's it it'll be up to you to decide man we  report you decide that this is going to be an   awesome topic today i am so excited about today  this is going to be helpful damn it it's going   to rock your world you people are going to love  this i'm so excited everywhere yeah yeah it's a   big topic this is a big topic and it's something  we've seen everybody in our law firm our clients   you know our family ourselves have to come up and  answer these questions yep so here's the topic   brainstorming yeah if you didn't see the title on  the podcast you're multitasking here's the topic businesses i can start for under a thousand  under five thousand dollars or less   what could i do right now to get  a side hustle making more money   people all the time i teach college groups and  classes and you know there are workshops we do   around the country we're constantly harping on  people have a side hustle teach your kids how to   have a side hustle teach your brother or sister  how to have a side hustle teach your mom and dad   and everybody's like well what can i do oh my gosh  today we're going to throw down as many as we can   in here's our categories do you want to start  matt tell them our categories yeah products okay   services and we got some subcategories there  online businesses food businesses because we do   that three times a day and pets because there's  more pets out there than kids now so there's a   lot of businesses around pets yep and under the  service section so you know we're not gonna i mean   we're gonna throw out everything under the sun we  can but we're gonna try to keep them to categories   to keep this organized for you but music related  or industry home and real estate anything dealing   with the real estate industry like even to a  handyman level professional services and maybe   in fitness and health so we're gonna we're gonna  throw just and there's so many that we could and   some of you may say well why don't you organize  all these beforehand and all these categories   you know what people the best part of this show no  one was going to say that don't chris they would   they would i know them they're very you know our  listeners are very demanding they want the best   but here's here's the beauty of this show it's  live and uncut we don't have a script we're here   just sharing our heart and soul you can't script  that you can't script heart you know yeah you want   it you want to be raw and real we don't want us to  be some watered-down version totally scripted so   um because you know this is where genius happens  you know maybe there'll be a great idea that comes   out that'll hit you um or that'll make you start  thinking about what you could do for a business   um but i want to before we hit and start  throwing out things okay i want to just   say like there's like a guideline on starting a  business did i that's like what type of business   are you are you trying to pimp out my workbook  the 99 workbook that's taking the country by   storm on amazon were you trying to put in a plug  for my workbook you weren't working actually i   was you were the i was okay coincidence has it go  on ahead today's episode yeah today's episode is   brought to you by mark j kohler author of what do  you call that book oh my gosh you know if you're   going to plug you really don't know do you come  on look at he's looking around like do i have   a copy of this thing right you don't even know 10  10 steps 10 steps to start and grow your business 8 steps jerk my gosh you know you know this is   some of you may be in a relationship where you're  like you know you really don't know what i do do   you and it hurts it cuts it cuts to the heart no  okay yes it's called everybody out there is eight   steps to start or grow your business i've had  successful entrepreneurs go i got some killer   ideas in there it's got 60 videos a business  plan marketing plan strat plan so anyway we've   got some resources for you our podcast is packed  with good stuff down the road starting a business   is all happens after you come up with the idea  today is about ideas yeah that's kind of what   you're getting at right yeah and then what i would  say is it's it's this shotgun approach you know of   what we're going to talk about today that you may  narrow in on something that's that interests you   or that is something and this is what i was  going to say is the guideline something you're   already good at like look at the things you  already are good at or do and think how can   i make money at that let's say legal music  that's legal just want to point that out   yeah uh it's not legal in your state  maybe it's time to move touche or country   um but let's just say you're into music let's  say you play the guitar you know okay well maybe   guitar lessons on the side could be something you  could do maybe playing in um a bar or club or at   a coffee shop you know and these are things to  start we're not saying this is you do this for 50   years unless you love it but um so start there at  the things that you love and already are good at   that you've already developed a skill or a talent  for because that is valuable okay that now you've   got to leverage that value i love it i love it  now yes i'd like a few caveats here i'm going to   i want to write these down okay caveat right now  obviously caviar's do you say did i say caviar   i'm a little hungry for lunch you know i'm going  to just chow down on some caviar for lunch i'm   going to catch everything now because i got 10  not eight i mean could you add two more steps in   for me and you're going to you're trying to  make me look worse when you're the one that   didn't know eight or ten i don't know where  you're going with this you're the one digging   out of a hole you should be complimenting me i  should probably stop talking about it okay so   number one obviously you want to do something you  love and that you're passionate about and maybe   you're not good at it but you can get good at it  practicing on people and jacking up their homes um   you may have always wanted a wallpaper you're  not good at it but you can practice yeah on   your mother-in-law's house and see how it goes  you know i'll just i'll give can i just start   with an idea okay now hold it we got a couple  more caveats first partnering i have a business   idea i would do okay i've gotta i gotta reveal  too my daughter last night allison shared her new   business idea i haven't even told matt yet and i'm  really excited about it okay but let's just get   these caveats out there something you love and are  passionate about it do you know 50 of americans in   the department of labor survey this last spring  they do it every year stats show now over 50 of   people in their daily main full occupation dislike  or hate it you're spending 40 hours a week or more   doing something you hate so if you're gonna start  a side hustle let's at least do something you love   or passionate about or somewhat good at i'd say  caveat number two partnering's okay you may have a   piece of the equation that is really like you may  be great at uh writing music but you're terrible   at playing it so just sticking with matt's  guitar theory for a minute now making making   money in the music industry is very difficult but  probably a bad idea first point but there are ways   to make money in music that are simple fast and  easy without becoming a rock star and so but my   point is you can partner with others partnering's  okay and sometimes you can leverage your own skill   set with someone else that complements it and  that's good any other caveats out of the gate   yeah i want to say one last thing i've always  loved this venn diagram about figuring out   what to do in your life and it applies  for a business then you got you want to   then go ahead then then what'd you say what  diagram diagram would you call it what diagram   don't worry there's three things there's three  things i'm just trying to keep up here is it   like a vin number on a car i thought you said  a venn diagram i'm like what's a venn diagram i   i just was asking that's all just trying to  okay yeah all right so you have a diagram   what's this diagram okay three things okay we  want three things in there all right to match up   something you love or like to do okay something  you're good at okay and there's something that   makes money if you don't if you find those three  things to collide you've just found happiness   you'll never work a day in your life as they say  you know what i mean it's like there you go all   right those three those three things because  there's things out there that you're good at   but no one's gonna pay you money for it there's  things that that you're good at that you don't   like doing that you're gonna hate you might as  well stay in your job you know what i mean so   if you can get those three things to align and two  out of three it's pretty good oh man and i know so   i know some of you want to get to this list but  i'm going to say one of the things i got to is i hate this statistic that you hear all the time  of 50 businesses fail in the first three years   no a good business owner never fails they pivot  and they're flexible i want all of you listening   today if this is a new thing for you you're  going to do a side hustle i want you to know   that you i want you to be committed to this  the rest your life for the foreseeable future   and a lot of people start businesses in  their retirement to be making extra money   doing something they finally love so this  could be for the rest of your life doing   something you love that you're good at that  makes money i love that little diagram whatever   vin diagram that maybe but i i love the point  that it's a vin diesel diagram you know mindy's   i love in diesel okay all right fast and the  furious 19 probably okay now here's the thing   you're going to be flexible your idea may change  you're going to stay dedicated you're going to   modify you're going to learn changing your idea  six months from now because it makes more sense   in a different methodology or a different type  of service a different doesn't mean you failed   it's all about modifying and growing and staying  committed to the concept of entrepreneurship   you okay yeah can i tell you the  biggest pivot of all yeah instagram   instagram what we everyone probably listening uses  that it was designed to be a location sharing app   they create it to like be like hey i'm here i'm at  xyz restaurant and they and it never really caught   on there's a few there's a small niche group of  people who liked it and then they they added the   ability to upload a picture of where you're  at so you could take a picture of hey i'm at   xyz bar or xyz you know restaurant or i'm at  the pier and you could add a picture and that   caught on like wildfire and they're like oh my  gosh we're not a location company we're a photo   sharing company and so like that's like and that  would have failed if they did not pivot who loses   a location sharing yeah thing anymore you know  i mean that app wouldn't have been successful   the phones do it now anyways just on is a part  of anyway so okay so that's a great huge example   okay now last last thing i promise i promise then  you can start with your first you get to choose   the first category i'm ready and that's your ideas  okay here's the next point everybody before covid   there was close to 40 million well they they say  working americans one in three had a side hustle   a side gig driving uber think of that  or selling something online or a little   handyman business on the side we're  going to go through tons of ideas here   that was before covet since covid there's  estimates of over 20 million more people   starting side businesses to make ends meet  they can't rely on their day job they're now   working from home and realize you know what i  can do some more stuff from home to make money   i'm they're they're discovering all the ways to  make money on the web they're they're learning   about zoom and the power of being in their home  in a home-based business this is a good thing   people why not create another stream of income  to pay off debt and build wealth i don't want you   to buy a bigger nicer home i don't want you to  have a cooler car i want you to take more trips   i would just be grateful if you took the side  hustle paid off any crappy debt you might have   and then push the rest into an ira a roth a  self-directed 401 k some strategy where you're   building tax-free income for the future that's  where a side hustle freaking goes on warp drive so   everybody if you're listening today you're  in the right spot you're headed in the right   direction having a side hustle is the freaking  american dream it's a great way to make money   build wealth get out of debt and just love life  we should end right now that was yeah that was hot   can we just cut that that was cut cut all right  okay first idea i'm going to start taking notes   all right let's okay let's start in the mechanic  of i'll take uh alex i'll take products for 100. i'm interested in you i'm interested you went  with products because i told you before the   show i think is this could be the hardest area  to make money with very low capital under five   thousand dollars under a thousand dollars give  me your ideas matt product i'm gonna give you   one i'm gonna give you one my daughter did okay my  daughter's brooke and claire my oldest two mostly   my older daughter brooke um did hats she sold hats  and beanies she would buy them in bulk online she   started with less than a thousand bucks she'd buy  them in bulk online these are like trucker hats   and then beanies and then she buy unique patches  on ebay and you know she can get the hats for   two to three bucks a piece um then she buy  patches that are maybe sometimes they're 50 cents   sometimes they're a dollar sometimes a really  popular one was two bucks and she would iron   on the patches onto the hat sell the hats for 20  bucks she always made about 15 bucks a hat and she   sold them on her social media um showed them on  my family social media she created her own social   page on instagram in particular um set up an etsy  store for it to sell the hats she went into local   boutiques that um that would sell local product  and like a hat is just an easy accessory item that   people don't make very cool unique stuff and so  that was it was called divine dough goods she sold   uh i think about 30 was it 25 30 000 hats over  her time doing it crazy no no sorry about 30   000 of revenue from selling the hats this is in  high school like 16 years old okay now what i   like that matt just did is he gave us an idea and  then expanded it for us now the rest of the show   we're not going to be able to expand each business  idea and matt and i planned on that we wanted to   kind of develop how would you approach any  business and then then we're going to start   rattling off ideas and hopefully get your juices  flowing okay maybe stop and joke about one or two   or have fun but now i want to give another product  idea and then i want to talk about integrated   profit centers this is a word i came up with  this is all me mark kohler okay now here's the point brooke did trucker hats now let's  say you've got a little craft idea   um i had a couple girls in a college class  i was teaching their sisters and they were   making some really cool really cool bracelets and  they were showing them to me going we're going to   start a business selling these bracelets and they  could produce a bracelet for five to ten dollars   yadda yadda yadda and i said where are you going  to sell them and they said well we're going to   go down to the local farmer's market and we've  got a little display that we picked up at the   local thrift store and we're going to lay out our  bracelets and sell them for 20 bucks a piece and   all of our friends want them they like them and  i go okay cool and then i said let's blow it up   here's some integrated profit centers that's  great you're going down to the farmer's market   you may go into some boutiques like brooke did  but could we not set up a website very quickly and   affordably with a wordpress theme the great time  for you to get on youtube and learn how to build   your own freaking website you could have your own  website up with a theme and a godaddy registration   for around 100 bucks yeah you've got to learn  some things but there's some great platforms that   will set up a website for you that are really  plug and play so you should be they should be   selling those bracelets online square would be one  for great small business owners because they'll   come with a little merchant account you can get  orders online easy to set up on your own website   okay now notice where i'm going i love it this is  where we're going is think of all the integrated   profit centers with one idea so they're going  to make bracelets sell them locally number two   they're going to sell them on their website number  three that means you're going online you better   be selling them on etsy so you're getting  that's a huge for that kind of craft stuff   next could you be teaching craft classes  if everybody's loving these set up a little   craft class at a local rec center or out  of your home where you could be charging   and parents love their kids to go to classes  and get them out of the house learning things   so you could be teaching a craft class on how to  make homemade jewelry for kids for teenagers sign   up i swear you could fill it with 20 kids under  age 12 and a heartbeat next are you making youtube   videos on how you made these because guess what  i [ __ ] if i just youtube how to make a bracelet   there's gonna be a thousand videos but that video  becomes a platform for your website and for etsy   and you may even get some ad rev down the road  once you get your threshold of so many subscribers   next you should be selling product for people  that want to make their own bracelets that brings   up affiliate marketing so on your website and on  your etsy site and on your social media sites and   on your youtube site you're going to tell people  if you want to buy your own products and do this   go here to my website i've got all the products  the best places to get them at the best prices   you can sign up to be an amazon affiliate  right down at the bottom of the website   walmart target all these affiliate sites want  you to do this and they'll give you a five to   ten to twenty percent commission on anything  anybody dies buys while they're on amazon   and that affiliate marketing means you don't even  have to carry inventory so these two girls i said   we could probably come up with three or four  more but look at one two three four five six   six ways to make money with one idea and then  that's integrated profit centers so now you're   making money while you're sleeping you've got all  these great ideas and they feed on each other so   every idea we demonstrate today and we talk  about you've got to be thinking what are the   nine different ways i could make money doing this  and integrate them together and then it snowballs   that's absolutely critical in the process how do  you like that yeah i love that man how many that   was great i love that i've never looked like  i was like running around all the bases right   there and getting into home boom okay let's stick  with products i like craft ideas you said hats   what other products could we do they're cheap and  affordable corey throw out any ideas too we got   our producer in here okay we've got um i think i  think one thing on products and this is this is a   crossover with some services is reselling of goods  yeah so i was gonna go so one thing i love is um   and people do this quite a bit and have on a large  or small level whether it's clothing it could be   clothing it could be furniture um i mean there is  a clothing store in fashion square mall here in   scottsdale like next to designer places not cheap  rent all it does is it sells resell clothing yep   and the new generation you know the current  millennials the new generation uh whatever you   want to call them they like buying resell product  they feel good about it i mean it's not just their   generation but um okay that's a that's a great  way i think just getting low-cost products okay   we're going to get out 50 or more we're going to  go back and forth with an idea we've now developed   how cool what you could do with an idea now  we just need to rattle them off so you said   reselling product my daughter allison would go to  thrift stores buy and resell i'm going to stick   with that one wedding dresses vintage wedding  dresses are hot right now she would go find   used wedding dresses and resell them on etsy  she was marking them up sometimes a thousand   percent she'd buy one for 100 bucks and sell  it for gosh ten times sell it for a thousand   dollars i guess not a thousand percent okay next  what do you got reselling selling gym equipment   i was selling some gym equipment that i had i just  posted an ad online guy calls up he owns a company   that's all he does he comes he just buys people's  gym equipment they're trying to get rid of for   you know a tenth of what it costs then he  resells it um and when he was also there he said   all right because i was moving he's like do  you have furniture he does the same thing   with furniture wow and see it doesn't cost him  anything to take someone and consign it i'm going   to put it inside like i'm like dude i'll take 50  bucks for it i just don't want to have to move it   or take it to donate it somewhere he's going to  sell it for 400 bucks you know okay next soap oils   home care products that are easy to make a lot of  people have a little idea now we could we're not   going to go to food yet but anything that people  can just candles potions and lotions potions and   lotions candles lots of fun and these are great  around the holidays almost every holiday if you're   doing products you need to be having be thinking  holiday sales six months in advance what can i do   product wise to load up and do that and these  again can be very very affordable because your   your initial sales are going to fund your next  purchase of raw product and then you well that's   a whole other topic of how you do this but we're  just coming up with ideas anything else in product   okay i got one i think we're good no no okay  what corey says collectibles okay scary part   there is you got to have the money to buy  the collectible in the first price and resell   right now you kind of like a garage seller  yard sell to find some treasures yeah like   people are doing this i'm going  to repeat this say it fast okay cory's saying even buying retail and  selling when they're out of stock like   pokemon cards i remember corey went and bought an  xbox the day that came out and then resold that he got a xbox for 400 sold it for 800 the next  day so i think as you're watching retail um   and buy and resell i have clients that do it with  concert tickets they'll buy a concert ticket turn   around and resell it on stubhub that's they make  a living doing that last one i need i think in   the product arena we need to talk about are mlms  now mlms are what are called multi-level marketing   and there's a thousand of them out there they  of you know monavie uh nu skin amway any of   these companies that sell a product um and you  can sign up and be in a distributor uh very   affordably that's not a bad thing i'm not down  on mlms we have to be careful that it's really   a product that you're you're sold about and you  got to realize you got to build a a contact list   of how to get the word out mlms are not a bad idea  you can get them to them very affordably okay so   crafts resell gym equipment affiliate stuff oh man  i love it anything else in products that you like   um nope let's start you wanna hit service next  okay now i'm gonna say this about products   every time you sell a service there's  typically a product that goes with it   so i'm going to throw it on the first one on  service landscaping now i know a landscaping   trailer you could be into that 10 or 20 grand  at least with the mowers and the blowers   and the weed eaters and all that but a lot of  people can start right out with no money at all   using the equipment that a homeowner might have  and giving them a discount on landscaping and just   digging ditches and putting in sprinklers and  getting a retainer up front and when you start   doing landscaping what are you going to sell  them you're going to sell them hoses rakes   shovels on an affiliate site that you create  with the best prices around so you just tell your   homeowner you need a new sprinkler here's where  you go corey you were going to say on landscaping christmas lights big one christmas lights  big one uh all the holiday lighting okay   map services and we're doing home area  services oh home area services okay   well i chose landscaping so i think we're  gonna go down that lane for a minute   staying home okay all right um well just right  now i'm buying a house that needs a remodel   and i can't tell you how expensive contractors  are right now if you want to know where's   the most profitable place with the lowest  amount of training or credentials that has   that your services could be highly valuable it's  in the trades it's do you have a trade or can you   go develop one or learn from someone to do things  from just laying tile you know i mean i'm not   talking about you to come be a master electrician  but can you lay tile can you do demo can you frame   can you hang put install lighting all those  types of things that um are happening right now   as people are staying in their homes remodeling  there's low inventory it's a great opportunity and   and the fees are if they're getting charged as  i'm on the other end as a consumer right now   is i'm like it's pretty amazing yeah i'm going  to rattle off a few handyman services in certain   states if you charge more than a thousand or 500  or 2000 you have to be a licensed contractor you   want to look at the rules on handyman services  but a lot of subcontractor trades you don't need a   license for you may need a little bit of insurance  and you got to have a good contract when you walk   into people's homes but you could do wallpapering  painting uh grouting a little bit of woodworking   i love the demo and dump runs i had two kids in  my neighborhood they're like can we borrow your   trailer we're gonna start a dump run business i'm  like all right you're doing five dump runs for me   for free and they would just go they'd put flyers  up this saturday we're doing dump runs they were   swamped people were like you'll go to the dump  for me and they'll say 20 bucks plus whatever the   weight is you know let me give an example there's  a kid that went to high school with with my   kids i mean he's like 22 now he has his hvac  subcontractor license he worked in it a little   bit in high school and he worked it out through  college um he's got his own business and has a   lot a bunch of employees the kids like 22 and busy  as he can ever be he's just busy like you know so   um and could have an opportunity to build a  super profitable long-term business when i   was in college i owned a janitorial business  for eight years i started it no lie people   with a mop bucket a vacuum and a wet dry vac  that's all i had and i i started for under 500   i started knocking on commercial locations saying  can i clean your office twice a week or once a   week i build it up to 20 employees and i'll full  disclosure i sold the business for about 50 000   when i after six years running it six seven  eight years and um sold it used that money to   go on to law school and so again you can have  a day job you can be going to college these   are side businesses to see how they go and  they may supersede your day job they may not   um but janitorial construction cleanup i have two  ladies are doing construction cleanup and love it   window cleaning okay all right you want to get  out of home or you want to stay in the home   anything else on home window cleaning janitorial  construction cleanup job let's get out of the   house okay go ahead out of the house do you want  to stay in service how about we do it let's do a   the same services okay um let's do uh in services  teaching for 500. teaching um all right teaching   okay think of the things you could teach  fitness maybe you know personal training   um yoga music yoga um coaching oh yeah life  coaching huge right now and i we could even   put that in the professional category but there  could be a lot of things you could be doing um   in the personal development arena whether with  soul spirit body mind all that okay so but i   love the teaching because that is the one thing  where you can just think of what do i already know   what am i good at and as mark talked about earlier  with the bracelet example this is also something   where you can do one-on-one teaching you can do  virtual my daughter takes music lessons virtually   you know you could have an audience of people from  virtual you can do group lessons there's a lot of   people who do group lessons that are all online  you can do this from your house you don't need   a storefront or a location you know you don't  need the local kids to just come to your house   but you can also record stuff and create content  and sell the video about how to learn to play   guitar you know um so you just stay in that  lane and just keep developing a product and   service build your brand your reputation get good  at it and and then you're going to have some more   valuable content to sell whether it's one on  one group or package product i love it matt and   here's where the integrated profit centers come  together because on that bracelet idea i didn't   even get like i said there was like nine ideas  one of them was doing virtual training virtual   classes now samia made like how do i do that how  do i schedule it how do i take people's money   this is where these websites and especially these  platforms like squarespace they're so helpful   getting you a website that has a plug-in calendar  where people can book time with you and a plug-in   payment app where they can turn around and just  pay you right there on venmo so they schedule you   they pay you pops up on your calendar for the day  it's already done you just know who you're going   to call you're going to get on zoom you're going  to get on whatever live youtube and teach someone   and get paid then you're going to sell product and  then you see so they're all integrated once you're   teaching something you better be selling something  with it yeah i've got uh one more in the teaching   okay unless you've got something nope let me go so  tutoring okay yes tutoring for kids like in high   school again i'm just on the consumer side of this  college kids they typically get these tutoring   companies there's they're online and you can be a  tutor um what what were you good at are you good   at math can you tutor algebra one and two can you  tutor calculus you know maybe you're into sciences   like maybe you're into writing and you know so  pick the subjects you're good at and like and   and tutoring those for junior high and high school  kids and let's put this in perspective too some of   you and i talk to college students about this all  the time if you're working at the lo you know the   college cafeteria or in the janitorial department  making ten dollars an hour you can start tutoring   at least twenty dollars an hour how many i paid  more than twenty dollars an hour for for college   students to come teach my kids if you're not on  some of these things whether it's music the better   you get um in tutoring you should be charging 20  25 30 an hour and uh and they can buy in blocks   this is techniques you can say well i'm 30 an hour  exactly but if you buy 10 hours it's 20 bucks an   hour and they pre-buy it and then you're off to  the races um yep love it and also some businesses   are ones that are very scalable like the tutoring  for example that's very scalable you get good at   tutoring you get a good system down you learn how  to tutor the right subjects you get other people   to tutor that you pay you know and have obviously  you know some profit on top of you're building a   brand building the business building the systems  making a scalable it could be a long term type   business that you stand the conversation like we  said from the side i love it now i think that the   teaching slides into the music because it is so  many people think well you can't make money in the   music and the arts you can if you're creative and  here's why in the music realm most of the clients   that i know that are musicians and they want to  have that a huge part of their life music bakery   you should be recording riffs recording your music  that you create and you can be selling it online   through all these different websites where people  like need a jingle for their podcast need a jingle   for their website they need this and you can go  sell your specialty music that you create in 15   second clips 30 second clips so check out music  bakery and um the pro music just you know because   this is like one of the favorite side hustles that  i mean i went to a breakfast restaurant on sunday   okay there's a guy out front because they always  have a weight at this place it's a great local   place they always have a weight he just sits out  there and plays his guitar he sets up a little mic   um the guy probably makes at least 50 bucks an  hour in tips the whole time i was sitting there   the the amount of people that dropped a few bucks  in five bucks in while he was there was insane uh   and the restaurant probably paid him a cover  they're loving it right yeah that's true he   might have got a little kick from them to people  yeah no i love it and and and so okay now before   we go to professional because i think it slides  right into professional which some of those   fall into the professional service you know um but  before we go there my daughter i wanted to throw   this out allison last night she goes yeah now she  works for me right now she's trying to massage me   because she's going to be quitting she's like  kind of prepping me for that sad day when she   quits because i love seeing my kids at the office  but she goes i'm going to start doing alterations   now my daughter is much like brooke she loves  to sew she likes to create she's a fashion   merchandising student she's the one that was  buying and reselling wedding dresses and clothing   and what she found was when she was buying and  reselling jeans and clothes that were unique   at thrift stores and then on her etsy site they  always needed to get a little cleaning there was   a little sewing involved she had to tighten it up  a little bit or fix this or this that or another   and so and she's been going to college for fashion  merchandising where she learns how to drape now   some of you ladies know what that means i don't  know you i guess you put a dress on someone and   you fit it and drape it or whatever but she's like  you she's like you try to go get some alterations   right now where do you even go and how much do  they charge and she's like they've got their new   little rental property they're in and she goes i'm  putting a sign on the door alterations three days   a week from this time to this time stop in and  she's going to be charging 30 to 40 an hour for   alterations and it's in her lane see she's going  to be buying and selling clothes she's alterations   makes her better at these other profit centers so  i was like oh my gosh i love it i love that it's   funny he got the example i love that um and i've  seen some of stuff ali's made which is super cool   like my thing i realized at the  beginning of the what i would want to do   like if i like hated being a lawyer or got  sick of iras which i'm not i love it but um   i've always thought like being a tailor would  be cool like like being a tailor i love like a   well-tailored suit or a nicely tailored shirt  fits super important to me on like clothing   and and and i just i've always wanted  to like tinker with my own stuff   and i've seriously this is on like my bucket  list of things you told me this is true   yeah i want to take a tailoring class and like  print to someone or just i don't know there's   probably a place you can learn this just to do it  for my own crap and get my own little tools and   machines sewing machine and just do it um but you  could make a business out of that like even when i   go to nordstrom you know and it's like how much is  it to tailor 75 bucks it's like three weeks later   um yeah yeah three weeks later and you know i love  nordstrom but the tailoring has gone down there   you know and and i've gone since to just  another local business that's down the street   from my house that just does um tailoring for  my clothing so um great little service business   okay let's jump to professional coryo i'm  going to be getting the online whenever you   know corey's over there waving his hand from time  to time having the ideas when you have ideas just   rattle off three or four just be ready to go  boom boom boom online now corey is our youtube   frickin genius and there's a lot of money to make  on youtube every 15 year old in the country wants   to be a youtuber and they think it's easy to get a  million followers that's all their story but there   are many ways to make money there we'll come to  it in a moment professional big one bookkeeping   oh my gosh holy crap bookkeeping people need that  i'm gonna throw in that you know life coaching   the uh personal virtual assistant um you can  you don't need anything just start helping   someone schedule and do things for them um how  about social media marketing management managing   people or brands social media if maybe  you're into that and have some skills on it fitness zoom classes so you're doing  back to the um on zoom sales training   computer training see so you're like people all  the time older people are like trying to figure   out their computer online and what do you what  did i do i have an it guy a lot of people don't   you used to go to geek squad right you'd go  to geek squad over at staples or home office   depot best buy whatever best buy is the best buy  whatever um but that's tough web designing um bookkeeping virtual assistant marketing  consultant which falls into the social media   just help people manage their youtube uh yeah  okay anything unprofessional here's the if   you're like in a job let's say let's say you're an  accountant you know and you work in an accounting   function maybe you do bookkeeping on the side for  private customers um maybe taxes individuals taxes   if you know that's your your field you want to do  something a little bit on the side um maybe you're   in the marketing department of a company and you  want to do some marketing consulting and work on   the side too and build up you know so i'm not just  talking about someone that you know is 20 that has   that really needs to land i'm just thinking you  could be a very experienced very knowledgeable   person in your space that would have no not a  hard time getting some customers on the side if   you want to branch out to that way and that is the  gateway to starting a full-term marketing business   or accounting and tax practice or whatever it may  be i was in my dallas workshop three weeks ago and   this woman raised her hand because everybody that  raised their hand at a question at my workshop i   asked him what's your side hustle they have to  say and she said well i'm a shipping coordinator   i'm like what she goes in my day job i learned how  to get ship things that fedex and ups won't take   so if you want to ship a piano or you want to ship  something big where do you go and everybody tries   to go to the web and figure it out you just call  me i line the whole thing up she goes i can do   international i can ship a pallet of things i can  ship this companies will come wrap it up put it on   a semi and take it across the country and there's  a lot of big equipment type people that are   either manufacturer or reselling that need that  next um i would say also freelance writing copy   editing proofreading and if you need ideas on  this i'm going to give you one of the best places   to market your wares elance uh oh did  they change their name no what is it now it's not  

elance or is or what was the one i used before  that went from elance upwork elance was bought   out by upwork so you go to  takes you to but this is the freelance   website and you can see all the different it says  find work and you just click on it and see all the   services that you can find around the world that  you can provide to others sales marketing design   digital design yeah are you like proofreading  or editing maybe you are an english major or   you got a master's in it or something or even  a phd um when i did my book the self-directed   diary handbook i paid an editor through amazon  that would hire people that either a masters   or phd in english or creative writing that's  some skills and experience that that would then   proofread and edit your book how cool is that  yeah i mean that that was cool and this person   probably just did it from the comfort of their  home you know i'm sure they love the book too   i love it i'm just gonna win for them i  freaking love it and this is right off elance   here's eight different categories that you could  do uh content writing translation translators   and i know a lot of kids that are you know we're  here in a little community that has uh lds or   mormon kids at this college here locally that go  t go on missions around the world and learn some   weird language other than just the basics swahili  or whatever and they come back and they never use   it again but if you go to elance and say i can  translate for courts for different government   services editors ghost writers copywriters see  there's content writers and copywriters they're   two different things proofreaders creative  writing and grant writing writing for grants   uh could be really uh fantastic okay uh the  list goes on and on but i get over to upwork   and see what they have um in this area they have  graphic designers art directors web designers   voice artists matt and i had to hire  someone to do the intro for our podcast   um so animators motion designers all right  so that's professional we could keep going   on and on let's jump from service  you choose where do you want to go   let's hit let's go over to food oh good one  i mean it's almost lunch time here i'm kind   of thinking okay my mind's on food as it is right  can i tell you the one you go first and then i'll   tell you the one i love let's see if you hit  the one i like all right the one i love is um   like the meal kit or you know making food in bulk  that you then sell to other people and kind of a   delivery business i've seen a lot of these a  lot of them here in arizona locally but some   of them are you know they don't they're not a huge  business it's really just someone doing it out of   their house and delivering you food for the week  in bulk that you can then you know use for lunch   whether that's like they'll do the rice and the  meat and the vegetables and it's fresh pre-made   and easy for you to just kind of warm up so okay  food make and delivery i don't know i love it cool   i'm gonna say grocery shopping a lot of people say  can you just do my grocery shopping here's what i   want and when you go online to buy stuff online  at albertson's and if they don't have it they   always replace it and it sucks and you're like i  didn't want that well we do the next best thing   so but if you have a grocery buyer for you you can  tailor make some of that my favorite one catering   catering is a huge business you try to hire  a caterer a week out from now good luck i   mean caterers are booked out two three weeks in  advance and some caterers say you tell me the   food you want and then they go to restaurants  and line it up but then they bring it set it   up and provide utensils and all the goodies so  you can say i need a caterer but you could be an   all-in-one caterer and i'm supported by eight  different restaurants i've seen a lot of that   and you're not out of pocket you're not  out of pocket yeah you're the middleman   yeah yeah personal chef go down your path matt  say i don't want you to bring me food i want you   to make me dinner two or three times a week and i  want healthy food what would the cost be and i had   a molly my daughter when she was going finishing  her last year high school she was um an assistant   to a chef that taught cooking classes another  one cooking classes and then what he would do you   could book him for thanksgiving dinner he did four  things he goes i can handle four and he goes i   will make all the trimmings for your thanksgiving  dinner and deliver it on thanksgiving morning   he goes i'm doing four families this year and he  was charging like 500 bucks but it was all done   yeah okay interesting um ones i like that have  been relatively low cost you probably do under 10   000 is these like uh maybe a little more  but um these drive up drink places you know   whether it's like flavored sodas um used to  be like the snow cone place in the summer but   um but it's expanded now to be um coffee  or teas um some simple baked goods   that come in those those are pretty low cost  but high profit margin they'll sell like a   drink for like four or five bucks that you know  it's costing them 50 cents if that to to do so   and the drive up has been super popular so you  see them i don't know we have them here in arizona   back in utah before i came here these little  shacks that are trying to drive up in certain   you know anchor tenant type places you can just  drive up grab a drink and go yeah and i'm going   to say this and not that matt's idea was a bad one  but i want to caution people too that you got to   look around you need to find a niche in the food  industry because i told some kids came by that   were in the local area and they said we're going  to start at a little restaurant i'm like please   we do not need another one of those restaurants  i won't say what it was and and i'm like there's   six soda shops within four miles please do not do  a soda shop just find something that's unique i go   why don't you deliver made to order vegan food  for those that are vegan or those that are glute   gluten free no one's doing that find something no  one else is doing for crying out loud um yeah i'll   i'll just con you know defend myself for a little  bit on that sure you want to find a need that's   not being met but you also want to do something  that's been proven to be successful because on the   other hand i hear people come up with dumb ideas  i'm like no one's going to pay you for that fair   like who else is you know yeah but no one's doing  it no one's thought of this yet no maybe there's   a reason a lot of people are proud of that some  people have tried it they didn't last very long   that's quote this is where i was going to go next  and matt that's a great transition to this point   a lot of times in the food industry i've seen  clients are like well i've got a special hot sauce   or i've got a special recipe and i want to bottle  it and sell it barbecue sauce something a drink   whatever and i'm like okay that's cool that's  phase three getting a product approved and with   all the different issues you need to go through  to be able to ship a product and have the right   preservatives and all that very very difficult but  what i say is start local start doing the classes   start doing the local delivery start selling it  at the local uh market and do just do some local   things build up a following get your website  set up do it made to order made to ship next   yeah and you think of i mean just let me say on  this news on the food every major restaurant chain   every major food brand that you bought from was a  one store place at first if that it was a kitchen   could have been out of their house yeah you know  in their kitchen at home okay this every one of   them started like that every one i love it um  don't don't think that that's just where you're   gonna end you might have a you know you might love  it and i might have a tremendous amount of success   okay i'm gonna go back i'm gonna jump if i may  out of food and use it as a jumping point with   catering from catering even local small  weddings and little get-togethers parties is   um floral design and gardening what am i  floral is because i don't corey does wedding   photography uh we didn't even get into wedding  videos videography filming of course he's like   it's tough it's tough world yeah gosh watch bride  wars before you go jump in that but floral design   gardening consultant furniture repairs i've  just got i've just got a list here that i was   playing with and i forgot to throw it out image  consulting matt i'm just going to throw this out   yeah was that a hint for me i need  to hire one of those a little bit   we'll go with image consulting and  fitted clothing just you know side note the one okay let's go to pets what do you got  in pets okay well i mean we're just dog walker   yeah yep the dog walker huge huge growth in pets  and i think right now this is a big opportunity in   pets for for a couple of just demographic  reasons one people bought more pets ever   during the pandemic you know two they're now  going back to work those pets are gonna be   a little lonely and a lot of pet parents are  feeling a little guilty about it yeah play on   i've talked to friends about this yeah i like  the guilt play yeah you'll pay big money well   that's what they're gonna they want someone to  come walk their dog you know they need they want   that for their dog and and they'll pay for that  that's a something that they really value and   that you can take a number of dogs of course at  once yep cory's throwing and i know the app i just   forgot it there's several apps out there to get  dog sitting or pet sitting yeah there's   that would be one you could also do like house  cleaning if you want to clean houses there   or like nanny or babysitting services of  course those are yep i love your app   dog airbnb what's that so you pick  up my dog and air take it for a while oh ok i love it they got a house you want to throw a  bunch of dogs in it and airbnb okay i got an idea   it was 160 a night to have their dog airbnb at  their this other person's house okay i'm going to   bring together two cool ideas if you want to house  it for dogs why have them come into your house and   destroy it i would go get an airbnb for a weekend  and then book like 10 dogs you're going to sit for   and bring them to the airbnb you're renting  and then walk away yeah yeah and you'll never   get be able to rent another airbnb again and  i got a good one on this your rating will be   zero stuff get a van and then carpet  it to look like a dog and then   you could drive the dogs to certain events and  deliver dogs to people the shag and wagon just   yeah yeah just a crazy idea i'm just throwing that  out yeah if things got bad you could sell the van   get a motorcycle yeah you know uh yeah whatever  it takes okay um i'm gonna say pet photography   all the products that go with pet pet clothings  pet gadgets pets things that you can make and   sell on etsy so this is the crossover with the  products and online is you're providing a service   and then you're also selling a product how cool  it would be is someone watched my dog and said   oh you need to buy this for your dog well i  don't know where to go just go to my website i   got it all affiliate fee you're making money at  night yeah the uh on the pets thing um like the   personalized dog callers or a  cat even from an account i've had   is you know it's just a caller but it will have  their name on it so it gets a little personalized   and those are very popular on like etsy and  websites to make and i'm full disclosure here um   matt and i after a long day's work we're a  little we're a little beat up we're a little   lonely a little sad and you know we need a little  bit of love so i have a little dog named winnie   when he follows me around she sleeps on the  corner of my bed with me matt's you matt's   got a cat very what's your go ahead and tell you  your cat name and your your cat my cat's name is   duffy duffy duffy that's for my daughter i got  my daughter the cat someone in here today yeah   i mean i like her too so yeah yeah she's grown on  me yeah i go to matt's house and duffy's sitting   right there she follows matt around but i think  they say now one in three americans have a pet   uh and if not more i think after the  pandemic there's so much to do there okay   we need to jump over to our last category online   making money online now i want to explain one  thing here could i matt i don't think everybody   understands affiliate marketing let me explain  this let's say let's run off the pet and the craft   so you've you've got a pet business you're walking  you're sitting you're helping pets pet owners then   on the weekends you build personalized pet  collars so when you sit when you house sit a dog   you go hey by the way i made this caller would you  like one handmade for your dog oh my gosh how much   is it 25 bucks 30 bucks okay so you're selling  these personalized callers online maybe on etsy   you're do combining it with your clientele that  your house your dog sitting for or dog walking for   and then you set up an affiliate link on your  website now let me tell you what that means you're   gonna go to amazon and sign up as an affiliate  and then on your website you're gonna copy and   paste all these pet products that you're a fan of  food different things that pets need whatever toys   and then when you go to serve your clientele  you'll say don't go on amazon it's so hard to   find this go to my page here's my little business  card with my website you can buy all the things   for your dog that i love on my website and they  go oh thanks so i don't have to go get lost in   the amazon wormhole for you know two hours i can  go to your website yeah so you go to the website   anything they click on it it takes them to amazon  because you're signed up as an amazon affiliate   the embedded link pays you anywhere from one to  two to five to ten percent uh based on the product   and you just get it paid to you whenever  anytime anybody's anybody buy something   that you created a link for on your site but  it gets better because here's what happens   let's say they go to your site and they go oh  i'm going to buy this caller they click on it   but they don't buy it with most of these affiliate  links they keep the window open on amazon anything   they buy within the next 24 hours even if  it's a new red dress you get a cut of it   because you got them to go to amazon so amazon  rewards you not only with the product that   you got the client to click on to take them to  amazon well they're on for a certain period of   time and they buy anything because they entered  amazon through your link you get a piece of it   that's the power of affiliate marketing  so whatever service product online grocery   pets whatever the hell you're doing if you have a  website with products that you want your clientele   to buy your affiliate linking them back to amazon  more money in your pocket that's online power yeah   when i when i think of online i think of online  as many times that that's not the business that's   the mechanism you sell your product like or  that's the mechanism you deliver your service   you know like because we talked about let's say  you're into music you know you might let people   book stuff on your website you might deliver  classes on your website you might have recordings   of learn this on you know on your website and um  and you may promote a lot online through social   media through youtube like when i go play when  i want to learn a new guitar on the song i just   go to youtube and i put in guitar the name of the  song and it'll pull up tons of videos of different   music instructors basic guitar and teachers who  say hey we're going to talk about how to play   this song and they show you how to play the song  but then that person teaches music as a day job   i mean that's what they do all the time they've  got video content and stuff you can buy that's   more premium about how to learn guitar and learn  tricks and other skills and so and sell guitars and yeah so they it's not just the website when we say  internet like it's a or an online business it's   like well there's that that's a mechanism to  deliver the product or service in many ways it   isn't the business in and of itself that's that's  a great affiliate marketing its own little animal   of course but yeah yeah no no and i think using  the power of online marketing can also generate   revenue and of itself i think the most classic  is adrev ad revenue is kind of the word that   if i can go out and create enough followers and  subscribers in these other areas then youtube's   gonna reward me and what's the threshold corey  how many subscribers do you have to have to be   qualified to start getting ad rev is it 100  subscribers or a thousand i think it's a thousand   okay so youtube is a whole profit center and of  itself i think pewdiepie and all these people have   millions and millions of followers they're making  money off of creating videos that people watch   and that's a business idea a lot of people think  it's seems easier than it really is it's hard to   get people to subscribe and hard to get people to  stay on and watch who would watch a video about   small business i mean it was right there you know  you're fighting an uphill battle it's brutal um   okay well any other final ideas you want to  throw out matt corey i'm going to look at um   look at my list here here's an interesting  one we didn't even think about this   babies and children uh teaching classes to  children tutoring we kind of touched on that   cloth diaper service a lot of people are like i  want to go back to cloth and they drop the claws   off they pick them up they launder them and bring  them back um children's party services uh this   is your chance matt to dress up as a clown  do a little magic on the side do a party um   i i what else could we do oh my gosh there's got  to be so much for children i shouldn't have opened   that can of worms without but my daughter allison  is it makes or buys and resells children clothing   a lot of people want kind of a retro um i don't  want to say antique what do you call it um when   you buy clothing it looks it's not retro  she has any word for it anyway but there's   a lot of buying reselling in children's clothing  children's products all right um i like the one   idea you actually we had on the show at one point  an example you had a neighbor kid that was doing   cleaning rvs oh people went like their camper or  their rv when they came back from a trip and no   one wants to clean it and she learned how to clean  her own family rv and that's a that's an excellent   service that you know people just need to probably  do annually or buy annually anyways or after a big   trip they may want someone to come clean their  rv that's a little more tailored you probably   get a little more higher dollar for that than just  cleaning someone's house or even a business oh and   i love it and i love um the rv repair maintenance  inspection business little shout out to those   guys down in texas doing that um stephen coop we  love them but the rv industry holy crap we could   probably bring up 20 ideas with rvs too renting  out your rv now this as again this is outside the   scope of start a business under a thousand dollars  but you can i love how you brought up cleaning rvs   and more rvs were sold during the pandemic than  any other year people are like i gotta get out   of here gotta go buy an rv wow um okay well this  is exciting i think we covered a lot of ground   any final words for matt someone that's

2021-11-01 00:16

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