Business Woman: Sis Zaynah on drilling for Hon Min Farrakhan, growing up in The Nation, & divorce

Business Woman: Sis Zaynah on drilling for Hon Min Farrakhan, growing up in The Nation, & divorce

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i'm just waiting notification [Music] and we i'm not to be mocking i mean i'm about to be my here we go okay perfect boom and we are live i want to thank everyone for tuning in to a very special edition of off the record on the people's podcast this evening we have an incredible guest with us one who was going to give us some amazing information as well as inspiration and that is none other than sister zainab muhammad first of all i'm a laker man okay great i want to first of all thank you on behalf of myself my family and the viewing audience of the people's podcast for taking time out of your busy schedule to uh to come have an amazing conversation with us we look forward to it all right so the first question we have you could not just get blinks here like that again okay so the first question we have uh when did you first hear the teachings of the most honorable elijah muhammad um i was born in the nation of islam so i can't recall i can't recall the first time i heard the teachings um my mother and father have been instilling it in me since i was a baby so um i've been fortunate enough to have been hearing the teachings my whole life praise be told okay great and speaking of your mother and father can you please tell me who your mother is sister lakisha yes ma'am and what city or first of all what city are you from newark new jersey okay i knew i heard a strong aggressive accent shut up so louis new jersey and where's your mother from um they are in newcastle delaware right now wilmington mass number 35. wilmington where praise be told your father what is his name john brother john brother john excellent and for those who all want to listen to an incredible love story please go back and listen to when i had the honor of interviewing your parents they did a great job okay great my next question okay here we go my next question for you is growing up in the nation what was that like in newark um well it's a little different because we had a study group that was in asbury park um so we were a part of newark but we really only went to newark maybe a couple times a month or a few times a month but we were able to um praise be to a lot of believers in our study group we're bringing out so many guests to newark that we were given permission to have our own meetings in asbury park so i have like a both homes that i would call that i would say the moss that i grew up in um so growing up at asbe park by way of newark was amazing i mean it's all i knew i didn't go to public school until i was in fifth grade so all of the children in the mosque and all the beliefs in my those that was my family i didn't know it was like i lived in a bubble you know i really didn't get introduced into the outside world until much later some of my best memories was from growing up in a nation just and it wasn't even nothing significant it was just being at the mosque all day the mosque used to be at two o'clock we wouldn't get home until eight o'clock so just being there those long hold back begins and us just running around and that's just playing games and playing slide i mean it sound basic and boring but it was everything because you know you didn't have nothing else i didn't play sports um i didn't i didn't play sports until high school middle school so there was no sports there was no like organized ex extracurricular things for us to do so just being at the mosque was a thing okay okay um now excellent can you please break can you clear that for us um asbury park to newark um with the people coming on from new york like mainly my homie brother kyrie he explained to me what queens and the girls and all that was you know somebody was in new york one time so what is it like how far of a distance is that like from new orleans well the dedication was real for my parents i would say and all the believers at asparagus because it was an hour drive okay okay we were an hour away um the city of asbe park is so super super small however it's like two worlds in asbury park you a lot of people think about the beach um when they live in that area it's a beach is it's glamorous by the beach and then cross over these train tracks that in a sense divide the city so on one side you have the beach and the good life and the happy and the fun and then on the other side you have the hood and you have the crime rate and you have the murder rate jumping so it was we lived in a side just fire so it made sense for the study group to be on that side of town and the people there just um they appreciated the believers that were in the city because it was like a beacon of light like the believers in asbes park was literally a beacon of light to the people you know and even to this day the nation of islam back in those years has impacted the city anybody anybody nation this time can go to ass bay park right now so the final call and you'll get a good reception from the people there from the community so the believers there i have and are still doing great work in the city it raised me to a lot and and you are teaching me as well as the viewing audience about asbury parks you know i never heard of this um place called asbury park all right wonderful uh my sister miriam says i sound like um and what i wanted to ask you was who trained you once you became a vanguard um once i became a vanguard i would say sound lisa shout out to anissa that's what's up um shout out to sister doreen my mother um those those those few people there were so many more but they were the ones that really really took me under their wing especially sisters ikea you know um because for so long she had been you know securing [ __ ] by the grace of allah so she was like a little mini celebrity that we had you know because she brought all the wisdom and the stories back to us and she was kind of able to give us the cheat code in a sense to the training you know this is what we're doing this is how we move in this is what you don't do because when you when you start to secure she would always tell us when you secure the minister you know she would put that in our hearts and mind and at the time we probably would never think that we would end up doing it but she would say when is your turn to secure [ __ ] this is what you do and don't do when it's your turn to be on the detail so she spoke that on to us and we were only 14 15 16. so she gave us so much motivation and we felt when we trained with her we felt like we was doing something you you know what i mean like you because we had her in our city and we felt like she was such a jew in a gem that we just soaked it all in and many of us went on to secure mother fire compressed me too a lot so it is she definitely manifested that soldier mentality in all of us beautiful praised me too a lot well i definitely uh shout this is like here very conscious and a soldier who was always told okay well i had the um i met you backstage at the drill competition about a few years ago because of the first time that we uh even though we both grew up in the nation we just never crossed paths i don't believe right uh but i see you you're on stage i'm in the audience we're rooting of course we're landing the home team but then we see a sister come across um in newark sounding very much like um brother joshua my opinion you know very much with the new this new type of cadence a new type of style um how did you get a passion for drill and how did you learn to control the microphone to be a di like that well um i actually started drilling when i was about six or seven um i would always see um the sisters drill obviously locally but and i don't know if it's that inspirational tape you know that let them go let them go let the four wheels blow that whole famous routine i don't know if it's chicago i don't know i hope i'm not wrong but that video played so much in my household that that was the image of drill that i had as a young child the foi you know even though i knew the sisters drilled when i thought about drill on a big stage it was the brothers so that's the motivation that i had growing up and i knew that when i was gonna call the cadence it wasn't gonna be soft it wasn't gonna be anything feminine about it because i saw nothing but the foi up on that stage doing it so my parents actually taught me how to drill okay and father both they taught they we would be in the basement going over it left and right left face right face um and we would be in the kitchen with my little cousin she was only five at the time like we were really really young but they taught us at a young age and i don't i don't know that they saw that i needed to be the di i i think that i was the only one i was willing you know to that wasn't fearful of taking the microphones because i believe that my sisters were very capable they just didn't want to do it so i was given the opportunity i think i had the confidence and um the wherewithal to kind of say okay i don't mind i do i was scared i was nervous but i didn't shy away from it so i think my parents saw that okay well she wants to do it let her do it and the first time that we drilled on a national competition was savers day 2001 which was in los angeles and that was that was incredible you know it was like a dream and that saved us day the honorable minister was fire kind [ __ ] were in the audience and we were able to do our routine because he he he wasn't there the whole time he came shortly before we drilled and he left shortly after so praise be so loud we were able we were able to show him our routine we didn't win but we'll need to talk about that but there was a part of the cadence that i ended on or that was part of our routine that i guess he did he couldn't hear what i was saying as we were leaving the stage so he asked that i come back out and repeat and repeat the last thing that i said as we were leaving so if there's a video out there i gotta dig it up i don't think it's online i think one of my answers something my cousin has it on dvd or vhs it's somewhere that i came back out and i was just like so stern you know only at eight years old i just remember my face and just being so stern and just so serious and i can look back and i knew i saw the foi drilling when i was young and i knew that there was nothing soft about it so i knew that that's what i had to exude when i got the microphone praise b2 a lot okay look at you with the exclusive story with you a little bit to come back okay also everybody who's watching inspirational tape if you look on the inspirational recipes you're referring to you will see a handsome junior for why out of chicago controlling the microphone i mean having a microphone controlling the people i'm happy but yeah please look again you can type in the writer you know why inspiration will say right on youtube part one you're really on that tape clearly i was a di like what are you saying i watched that tape probably over 100 times and i'm right there boom you'll see brother versus do a societal school like this you will see yeah commanding the people i'm like whatever and once again you know what i'm saying people trying to write you out of history it's all good it's just for everybody watching please i really i really don't remember you being all right i'm watching it i'm have to watch it it's not i mean i could share the screen and show everybody on youtube right now oh my goodness there's no problem uh okay well what about as an adult um what's your favorite drill memory um my favorite drill memory of course it has to be um 2016 it was not a drill competition we were actually preparing to be in the drill competition representing plainfield new jersey for the first time and since the 90s i believe okay so it was a lot of uh nervousness on us because no there had been no one in the vanguard category that drilled from the eastern region in this in the vanguard category since the 90s so well since the early 2000s 2001. so we had a lot riding on it and we were asked to drill in i don't know i think it was november or december of the year prior to saving the drill competition 2017. we were asked to drill for the iowa minister with firecon at an event in north new jersey at robert tree hotel and i didn't think that we were ready at the time but who's turning down that opportunity okay we had our big sisters around us sister monique shout out to simoni brother majid's she believed in us and she said you don't have to do anything fancy just be be the be the drill team you know call do what you do you know and then we had to realize okay we're drillers you know this is not no big deal so we were able to put something beautiful together for him and the manner in which we drilled was a little unorthodox you know normally there's there's a there's other people in the program and then there's a drawer routine then there's announcers and they bring on the minister this time around they announced the minister and we were the introduction to him coming on the microphone so it was like there was sister um frederica who announced him and then we drilled and then the next voice you heard was his so that was so so so special and i'm so so proud of my team because just him standing there looking down at us and he he saluted us before and after and we were able to meet him that night in his hotel room that was extra special um so i don't know that that had to be like hands down my favorite drill moment just being in close proximity to the man of god and just having him cosign our routine and just fearing his spirit that close up was it was priceless then i'm gonna be telling my grandchildren about that and shout out to everyone who was uh continuing to like share subscribe to people's podcast thank you you know i'm about to say because everybody who's watching some people throwing love in the comments i can't wait to put this on youtube uh so we can continue to hear uh sister zaina muhammad and her growing up in the nation and businesswoman since the saint of muhammad and growing up in the nation okay well speaking of growing up in the nation many of us including myself we grow up in the nation take some time maybe whatever time it is whatever college the world whatever to figure things out but everybody doesn't come and accept it all nation babies don't accept the teachings what was it about you or was it about the teachings that made you want to accept um to be honest i have a strong um self-accusing spirit at times and i honestly felt like allah was gonna chastise me if i didn't okay like that i'm just be honest okay okay i felt that way because even though i recited at 16 i don't think that i took on the teachings on my own and took it seriously until a few years later you know what i mean so at 16 it just not that it was drilled into my head but it was just okay at 16 you have the decision at 16 you have the decision you're gonna recite at 16 you know everybody around you deciding that 16 almost was reciting at 16 and that's what my parents expected me to do and i felt like ready or not you know this is the best place for you okay okay ready or not you can do this ready or not you can obey the laws of islam you know it wasn't impossible so it's like recite a 16 like i didn't have anything pulling me by the grace of allah in any other direction i just didn't you know all my friends were in and saw my close friends i have like maybe two friends to this day that are not muslim you know what i mean so i i didn't i didn't have anything for me and i think that i was blessed because a lot of my peers had a lot pulling them in the opposite direction and i just was blessed i didn't have that situation i wanted to be in the ranks i wanted to get that to be in a detail i wanted i wanted that like that okay okay okay like being on dp and doing dignitary protection was like the epitome of like you know being a soldier and i wasn't about to waste time and be out in the world and then come back later i just didn't want that you know not that i didn't stumble and fall not that i was a perfect muslim i surely was not but i didn't i don't know i had no interest to go any other route beautiful and for the so the young young brothers and but specifically young sisters who are coming up and who are deciding whether or not which way they should go in their faith what would you tell them i would say trust in allah and i know that sounds so cliche i know that sounds so cliche however it is a realist thing in the world okay because it's only when we don't trust these teachings and we don't believe that we're going to be rewarded in a tangible form that's when we decide to go and explore and feel like we can gain more outside but once you realize that being obedient has a tangible reward that's what you got to realize if you think it's just going to be all google gaga and it's like but like spooky you know what i mean like like elijah's going to have a like a i don't know he's just gonna be your guardian i don't know i don't think spooky about this and and i think that when we take the spookiness out of it we'll be more successful i know that the blessing that i have the tangible blessings that i have is because i'm being steadfast like know that that's the reason and not just because it's just happenstance or you just know like he has favor on you because you're doing something you're trying so i never thought anything spooky about the teachers and i think that's why i didn't stray away too far because i also felt like you could get into a car accident tomorrow if you leave like i would think like that absolutely absolutely absolutely i fought trip and fall down the stairs and break my neck like i always think like that like real life physical things can happen to you and when you think about the real tangible testism there's tangible blessings as well on the other side when you are obedient so that's what i would say like it's real life blessings out here when you are doing what you're supposed to do beautiful all praises into a lot and thank everyone who is in the comments thank everybody who continues to show zayn um i'm just impressed with hearing this side of you i've i've seen uh follow you on social media so i see more of the military serious uh side i mean i haven't got a chance to hear the ministerial side would you ever um want to go into the ministry it's funny you asked because my parents put me on the roster when i was little okay i think like eight or nine years old um and i just i wouldn't want to you know as a muslim woman i find it more comfortable for me to speak to women you know what i mean directly not men and women both i don't know i feel like i have so much more to share with women directly that i would want that one-on-one conversation when we go out in the community when we're doing community outreach that's where i feel the most comfortable so i i don't know i don't i don't i'm not comfortable talking to like both sides okay i'm just i'm just not well that makes sense uh yeah well praise be to alive for you you know understanding your strengths and you know where you going a lot of young sisters are looking for mentorship a lot of young sisters are looking for guidance if they um can they reach out to you absolutely okay so young sisters y'all hear that please reach out to zayna you know i'm saying she's been there and she's if she she teaches so praise me to a lot i have a quick 60 second commercial break for all of the sponsors of the people's podcast and we have to come back and continue to hear from this uh drill instructor who i think that what you all seeing today please regularly find your clips on youtube i'm saying like you would never know this is the same i don't have an income the same sister who was on stage drilling you know doing all kind of uh going to war talk so you know it's good to be balanced i guess you know what i'm saying uh you can we youtube like where can people see your your dream routines if you youtube state of the black world in north new jersey i believe the routine is up there when we drilled for the minister um i don't believe any of our savior's daydream routines are on youtube but they are on facebook and just type in newark vanguard which what are you typing you would you would have to type in playing field vanguard on facebook okay you gotta make this easier for people all right so playing field no play field there got all right boom hold on 60 second commercial break for all of the sponsors of the people's podcast this episode oh no i'm so i mean this season this is a new season starting the month off i am so grateful for all of the sponsors continuing these mystery people's podcasts for all of the guests and most importantly you all the the people the viewers who continue to like share and subscribe if you'd like to be a sponsored donor please catch up to people's podcasts my brother rashad street premier media production he has a 4k camera a drone he does television and film editing please reach out to him my sister miriam abc i love me children's book and coloring book both of which are available uh on amazon please go out and get both of those my sister naima stay on point dance academy llc we love our tiny dancers she teaches ballet virtually the young girls all across the country and right here in the studio in atlanta georgia thank you to love it for always showing love in the comments everyone who's showing love in the comments sister rashida reflect raw communications if you're working on a book and you need copy um editing project management content development she's just media relations she does a phenomenal job right communication system rashida rafat please reach out to her out of houston texas elevated places um sister melvin muhammad they teach they're just a phenomenal school an institution but they engineering spanish all these different languages since the melvin muhammad out of houston texas where god where i am with god says i am thank you very much to elevated places our brother student minister out of austin texas brother robert l muhammad conflict mediation squashing the beef in the communities uh thank you very much for coming right back to our sister this is designer muhammad sister fudiyama his wife children of the most high um an amazing book on giving birth to the gods and the science of child rearing she does a great job in the book and in real life with her actual children uh brother kenneth both side make extraordinary he'll ship bow ties to you anywhere in the country thank you everybody continue like share subscribe asiatic minds a phenomenal school virtual if you are want to sing your children online virtually uh during the pandemic please reach out to aj my sister sherry mohammed i i've witnessed it with my own eyes the amazing job they do with those students all across the country raising gods kings and queens please reach out dr

harrion carter king henry's turkey legs right here in atlanta georgia for the rashad muhammad colbert 19 disinfecting cleaning services in chicago my father's book a soldier movement of christ and his new book that just came out down is not out thank you very much last but not least my two books cleopatra which is the children's book and no farther no excuse both of which are available on amazon sisters ain't it have you ever uh read my book since cause i mean we seem to know each other i don't think you i've never seen you post my book or something before i did read no father no excuse and what were your thoughts on that i think it was a great book and i think that it literally it gave meaning and it gave word form to how a lot of maybe many children in the nation feel about their parents being ministers or like regional captains um because i think that that's something that has been gone on for generations but there was no one to really put it into words you know what i mean um because we don't want to call our parents absent i don't think no one wants to do that so um i think you articulated that feeling very well and um definitely gave some motivation and some insight to that because um it was it was great it was great to read what i've been feeling a little bit myself personally and read it into a book and to know that other people are going through the same thing so a lot thank you for that plus i'm dropping that flip up and putting that on my own face thank you very much for that um your siblings speaking of social media i see that you have a great relationship it appears you know everything in social media you know we all big families everybody don't seem to get along but you all seem to be very much like the huxtables like the jacksons y'all riding atvs going on trips together what makes you and your siblings so tight um as siblings you know we allow each other to be ourselves and because we've all grown up the same way but we've all taken different paths as adults we can learn from each other you know because we haven't all gone through the same thing you know we've had different journeys in life that allow us to share with one another that things that we wouldn't be exposed to or we wouldn't know so i think that all of my siblings were all very different and we all lead four different lives so when we come together and we allow each other to just be ourselves no judgment no condemnation you know we're not judging one another that solidifies the bond you know i'm able to be myself around my siblings they're able to be themselves around me we don't ask each other to compromise our faith we don't ask each other to compromise what we find fun or what we find joy in and peace in so we we have those i don't want to say boundaries but they are little boundaries we have that with each other so we're able to just keep the bond alive because no one gets left out nobody feels like they're changing up on the other person you know so i think i think that's why we keep in contact we keep in communication as well beautiful our friends do so a lot that's incredible um my siblings and i we watch the interview with your parents and we i mean we just spoke about this so much because they were so transparent and so fun um you seem a little more serious your parents will be more fun a little cooler about it but what i'm just saying what's your favorite memory of of your parents like you know growing up in your household my favorite memory of them i would have to say us traveling um we didn't take many vacations save his day was the vacation so we would drive we would not fly we didn't have we didn't start having flight money until like later in life so we would drive from new jersey all the way to wherever savings day was and it normally would be in chicago so you figured that's 12 13 hours of us in the car so that has to be my favorite memory of them because we would talk about different things one thing about my parents they talked to us like we were we were talking about real life stuff at a very very young age and they wouldn't talk at us like my father would force us to have something to say back you know he wouldn't just lecture us all day okay what do you think about this zayna i want to hear what your thoughts are so he forced us to just pull from our young minds and to express ourselves so we felt heard you know we felt like how we viewed the lecture mattered to him you know we wouldn't just go to a mass meet and just nothing he would ask and we will all be ready to just okay what am i going to say when daddy asked about the lecture oh my god what did he talk about we would try to remember different points because we knew my father was going to pull from our minds so i definitely enjoyed those memories those long long long road trips and conversations beautiful praise be to a lot well what has been your greatest trial in life and how have you overcome that drought um the greatest trial that i've had has to be um divorce that was like the greatest child of mine um it knocked me off my feet you know i felt like my faith was like rock solid and that just had me it had me wavering you know i'm not even gonna fight had me wavering and i was just like what is going on you know it was it was real it was so real and coming back to my foundation is what got me through that thank allah i have a very very very very strong mother who was in my corner the whole time and i have a strong sisterhood that that pretty much reintroduced me to who allah is because you know when you when you have someone who is supposed to be your other half and you're supposed to be being one with allah and it's no longer that now it's just you it kind of throws off your equilibrium and i i literally forgot who i was and who god was so in that time period it can get very dark it can get very confusing and and you feel like you want to just say you know f all this really in a sense you just want to step away and just have a break and just but that's not where the reward is that's not where the resolution is that's just giving up that's just staying still that's just uh prolonging the time of healing so i think a lot again and again for my mother for being there for the sisterhood for being there and without them i i don't know how i would get through it so i would say my sisterhood is is definitely what got me through praise be so loud beautiful thank you for your honesty and transparency if there's any um other you know young sister who may be going through divorce what advice would you give them to help them to heal um i would say silence silence just be be still be still and be silenced because when you start to take in the noise take in how you think your life is supposed to be and take in someone else's life okay they went through this they why am i going through this you start to compare yourself that's not going to do anything for you because this is your life this is the only life that you have and it is not cookie cutter it is not a lot doesn't owe any of us a perfect life a lot does not owe us a trial-less life so once you realize and get get off for yourself and just feel like you're not being picked on and it gets silent and let alone speak to you again i ain't trying to be spooky but let alone speak to you when we cloud ourselves with other people's situations and other people's bad advice and what oh my god he did this oh what are you gonna do i don't know i don't know it's it's it seems to be a lot of noise when we're going through things you have a lot of people who want to help you but then you have a lot of people who just want to be nosy and you have a lot of people who just want to want to see you down so when you're going through something a lot of times it's important to just quiet the noise and let allah speak to you and you'll be surprised the comfort that you find in his and his bosom in a sense you know just it's comfort there and it i don't know why we turn away from that and like to go other places we like to seek other vices you know other people may want to do this to get an outlet and do that but there's there's true comfort is wrapped up in allah's wisdom and you'll be surprised the rejuvenation that you feel when you just let him talk to you okay this is what you do and you you'll be surprised the type of people he leads into your life whether it be a listening ear whether it be something your daughter says to you that motivates you it could be in little things it can be in nature like you know what i mean like i know some sisters say you know they saw like a blossom of flowers and that was the thing that made them get up out of their um funk in a sense so you know that that's that's something that i would say just allow a lot to get in and you'll be all right from there everybody's story is not gonna be the same so i'm not gonna sit here and tell you what you know one two three four five because what works for me may not work for everybody but i'll know i know that a lot is the constant for all of it okay raise me too loud don't be extra don't be actually i'm just saying judge if i would have never knew he was just teaching like this mr minister i didn't know this is powerful you give me a lot of us you know talking points let me chop up and you know share on social media to all these uh women out here i switched line henry mohammed says powerful testimonies to robin says some wacom and love and brother william says greetings and thank everybody who continues to like share subscribe to people's podcasts and thank you sisters and for your transparency and uh positive energy praise be to allah um and i'm sure your parents are very proud you know i'm saying shout out to you shout out to your parents um and shout out to one person that you love to uh post a lot on social media who is your daughter can you tell us how being a mother has impacted you um being a mother um i feel like it just solidified my journey in islam um and i have to go back to that all the time my journey in islam because it doesn't ever stop it doesn't ever stop like it is it is a continuous line and i feel like i knew what i wanted from my daughter and i knew that i had to be that and not just teach that because a lot of times we say the right things but we forget our children are looking at us they're seeing who we are you know aside from our spouses we forget our spouses are not the only people that see the bad side and the at home and the you know the real real us our children see the real us too so we can't fake it with them fake righteousness with them when they see how we act at home you know i'm not going to tell my child don't curse but i'm cursing at home you know what i mean i'm not going to tell my child this is how you this is how you should carry yourself as a muslim woman and she sees the way i carry myself and it might be the contrary so when i had her i understood that from the beginning so i knew okay xena it don't matter what you tell her she's gonna follow what you do regardless to what comes out your mouth she's going to be like you through and through and she's like that you know what i'm saying she she sometimes speaks out of turn you know she's always in the adults business because she's exuding her mother you know what i mean she's not exuding a seven-year-old you know what i'm saying so she's she's taking on these mature mannerisms because that's who i am you know so that it sharpened me up it gave me even more will to keep striving and to keep accomplishing my goals having her motivating me to go back to school because i'm not going to sit here and tell her to accomplish her dreams and she's asking me don't don't you want to be when are you going to be a nurse like she's she's not you know she's asking me when you said you want to be a nurse why aren't you a nurse so if i'm not going after what i want to do how will she have the tools and the blueprint to accomplish her goals and do what she wants to do so motherhood has been beautiful it has been rough has been hard because she will she will call me call me on different things and pull my code and it's just like okay i gotta i gotta be all my pins and needles and my p's and q's all the time because she's always watching me and she will we know our children tell our business so i knew she was gonna tell my business wherever she at and i wanted her to be able to say some good things yeah mommy was at home and i saw her doing this and it'd be something islamic you know it'd not be nothing crazy because she she's a talker and i knew that wherever she was in this world wherever she would be i wanted her to be able to say beautiful things about me because i know with my mother i haven't seen my mother act other than herself ever i've heard about it i've been told about it but i've never seen it so i can't there's no way i can say anything different or act any different way i've never seen my mother undignified even at home and i wanted my daughter to be able to say that about me praise be so beautiful shout out to your daughter and shout out to your mother as well okay great and bring some shout out to your father for you know teach you all the ministerial stuff that you got you know what i'm saying thank you uh my next question for you is fear okay so you murder capital the east coast in newark in this new place you just made up i gotta google at appalachian jersey what's it called asbury park ashbury park jersey in your tenure there in your time there has there ever been a time where you were faced with fear and if so how have you overcome that fear um that's something in asbury park i would have to say when we went to public school that was fearful for me and i know that sounds like real like some real punk stuff but it really was because when you're used to knowing everybody knowing their parents growing up with them and your learning environment is easy it's comfortable it's secure my parents had to put us in public school for various reasons i'm sure it wasn't by you know intentional and by choice it was something that they had to do but it was a fearful transition because i didn't know how to like fit i didn't know where i fit in the public school system i didn't know who to gravitate to what type of friends i wanted i didn't know sometimes i didn't know what to say when they questioned me about my islam because i never had to defend it i never had to defend why i covered my hair i never had to defend why i don't eat this while you'll never catch me wearing this wearing shorts and short really really short sleeve shirts or tank tops like i i i couldn't defend it the way that i knew that i could because i never had to defend my islam ever ever ever in life so that was a fearful moment that was short-lived think a lot because it only lasted probably that first school year in public school and i was able to sharpen myself up and it forced me to like read different things and ask different questions because i knew i didn't want nobody asking me next time and not having an answer for it so it would just be little things about the whole 9 11 thing you know i had my views about it but during that time dave was going to jump on you if you say 9 11 was an inside job or it was the u.s oh my god it was just certain topics i would never bring up because i didn't want to smoke i did not want to smoke i i'll talk to i'll talk about it with my my muslim friends and my muslim family so like i'm not even gonna find that it was it was a fearful time but i would what else you gonna do all it did was make me stronger all that made all that did was made me a better defender so i think i lied for it but that that was definitely a fearful time okay great and thank you for your testimony and honesty about that um and it's crazy how we grew up in the nation but have different upbringings because i grew up went from mui private school to public school and it was the greatest i wanted that environment yeah not the wildness of it but it was just like i did not like knowing everybody i i wanted to play sports i wanted to you know i'm saying so as a man and a woman i think a brother-sister type thing i think it's different you didn't play sports sports and i couldn't wait i couldn't wait praised me so loud okay boom my next question for you is let's get down to your business what is your new business and how did it come about my business is d-e-i-f-i-c a lot of people see it and they pronounce it wrong it is diffic the word is to make divine or godly it is it's pretty much the adjective form of deity which is like a god something divine so my cousin and a really really close sister of mine aaliyah and nafisa during this pandemic they were starting businesses and they say you know birds of a feather flock together you know you're gonna keep people around you that you want to aspire to be like and you're you have common interests so they're popping off with their businesses it it kind of put like a target on me it was kind of like what you gonna do you know they got this you got what you doing you know and not that i thought well yeah i'm gonna say i felt peer pressure because the good peer pressure is is good so i i felt like i was pressured into doing for self okay and i had already been sewing i had already been sewing already making things i already possessed the sewing machine i bought a sewing machine in college because i was tired of buying clothing that it fit me so i bought a sewing machine so that i can buy something and tailor it to fit me the way it's supposed to fit so that's where it started and then there was a sister and my sister yvonne allah bless her who guided me into making it look more professional into making it look like it came right off the rack in the store so she took me and i would go over her house and she would walk me through step by step how to make a garment from start to finish just from straight fabric so i had that skill really really early so i knew that i could sew so i said to myself okay i want to have a brand that represents something something righteous you know i didn't want to have i don't i didn't want a brand that's like oh that's a muslim brand you know but i wanted i wanted some type i wanted god to be involved but i didn't want to be put in a box like oh that's that christian brand or that's that muslim brand you know i didn't want to have don't just arabic and then i don't know i didn't want to just be in a box i wanted to have god involved but i wanted anybody in the world to be able to relate to it and wear it so that book that word yetific is actually in one of dr wesley's books so that's where it really derived from okay and it just it bloomed from there i mean i didn't i didn't know where i wanted to go with it i just knew that i could make i knew that i could start off doing things that i knew how to do already and i knew how to make crew necks and i knew how to make modest crew nets so i said let me start there and then the beanies came and then i had the satin lined beanies and then it just it's just adding on now i have t-shirts now i have baseball caps now i have bucket hats and it's it's blossoming and i thank a lot for the nation because they have been my greatest supporters right now um but yeah i'm still growing i'm coming up on my first year anniversary next month so inshallah has some fall things available very very soon okay all faces into a lot excellent and i was looking for the mail today so i could do a you know grand gesture or something like that that's not the reality so where can we get where can i because i want to you know support you and wear um your clothes support black business everybody out there support you know independent designers where can we go what's the website is it instagram facebook what we do the website is deific and when you go on the website the facebook and instagram are all on the website too excellent and you're saying once we order this we can get snapbacks some hoodies what do you say what's going on well right now because the fall isn't here yet we have different t-shirts and you have different baseball caps and beanies now the the special thing about it is that you can get your own embroidery color i invested it i invested in a industrial embroidery machine so if you wanted to get a white shirt but you don't want black letters you know you just bought some yellow sneakers you can get yellow letters you know if you want to get a baseball cap and you got red sneakers you don't want to have white letters you can get red letters so you can customize the color of the brand that you want on your t-shirt so that's that's that's an added bonus that you have you can really be creative so everybody's everybody won't be wearing the same thing okay well we definitely gonna support it i'm looking forward to a shirt some whatever else you know i'm saying we look forward to it okay i just have three more questions for you very much and thank everybody who's continuing to watch like share and subscribe can't wait to put this on youtube all right um if you had a chance to meet god and speak to him face to face and you could ask him one question what would you want to ask him ma'am that's this interesting question and i still have not thought of it so this is going to be really really like spontaneous if i could ask god anything i would probably ask him what he sees in me because i think that he of course would look beyond the surface and he would look into my soul and he would really be able to tell me what he sees and i think once if allah tells you what he sees in you it's only up from there you know so i would i would love to know the qualities and characteristics that he sees in me i would ask him that and if you think and if he could ask you one question what do you think that he would ask you that's another hard one because i feel like he knows everything god knows everything so i think that he would ask me hmm i think he would ask me do i trust him do i really trust him because we talk about faith all the time and i've mentioned it numerous times on this call and talking about fleeing towards him but i have my moments you know none of us are perfect you know as long as we stay the course but i have my moment where i where i feel like i fall short of that faith in him and it doesn't last long praise be to a lot because the longer it lasts you know that's the issue that's where the problems come in that's where the rebellion steps in but i just feel like i have my moments where i doubt so i think that he would ask me even though he already knows he probably asked me do you really trust me or why don't you trust me mate okay great well we have one more question for you and i want to thank you again and thank your family um shout out to your parents and your siblings and thank everyone who's watching your legacy oh hold up i gotta ask the music question what's your favorite what's your favorite album of all time my favorite album of all time is of course it's a beyonce album okay okay which one and it's herself title album beyonce i can listen to that that album front to back like over and over and over again that's hands down my favorite because it's like it's it's very upbeat and it it's it's a song that i can put on when i'm in a good mood so i love that album you know hey you already know she's behind me yeah i know what it is someone asked me i say okay what what do you like to do for fun i love to travel and i didn't realize how much i loved to do it until i went out the country with my parents for the first time we went to jamaica okay okay and that was when i was like i got back home and i was like where else are we gonna go what's next what's next you know i just i didn't want to stay still after that and i realized that i really really love to travel and i just go and be in a hotel like i want to go what's the you know what's the most fun thing to do in this city what what trail can we go on you know what excursion so i really really really love to travel even if it's just i don't know somewhere close by but just i've never been so you know recently we went to niagara falls which is right in upstate new york but it would have felt like we traveled across the country we went there so i really really love to travel praise be to a lot all right last question what do you want your legacy to be ma'am my legacy i want my legacy to be hmm i'm trying not to make it sound cliche but this is really what i want um i want a generation of faithful people like i i want i want a solid family tree of believers that has nothing to do with career path that has nothing to do with finances although i would i would love to be financially wealthy i would love generational wealth i don't want to be a broke generation or broke family tree i want generational wealth yes however i want a solid believing group because that i feel like is more powerful that will inspire more people even just looking at your family your family unit probably inspires way more people because it's your siblings and your parents and not just your dad it wasn't just your mom it wasn't just your sister it wasn't just you it wasn't just your brother so it was the family unit so i feel like you can reach so much more i feel like the impression on the world and the impression that you can make with as many people as possible that is what's important to me um and i don't not not just the mission well the mission yes but when you can see strong family and strong marriages that is everything that is everything to me and you know going through the divorce that i went through was kind of like a small setback but i'm not completely off track you know because i can still have that strong marriage inshallah in the future and keep this legacy goal going by the grace of allah that has been started by my parents praise be to a lot well that's incredible and shout out to everyone who's watching and um man shout out to your goals and your inspiration and i have to go on your instagram and just make some comments like man y'all don't know this just is really like a well-balanced system praise be to a lot i look uh thank you very much for uh commenting on the people's podcast everybody one more time the support to the zayna with the listen get it and i'm listen i'm a problem as soon as i get the shirt and everything you know i'm aware we're going to promote it we're going to help you out help you out very much thank everybody for watching this is joshua linda muhammad signing off for the people's podcast thank you again susana awesome laker man blake of salaam thank you for watching no problem

2021-09-08 20:29

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