Business Tax Registration in Germany | Fragebogen zur steuerlichen Erfassung | Urdu/Hindi (Eng Sub)

Business Tax Registration in Germany | Fragebogen zur steuerlichen Erfassung | Urdu/Hindi (Eng Sub)

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Have you registered your business in Germany? And want to do tax registration of your business And want to know, how you can do it? Watch this video to find out! Assalamo Alaikum Vlogifyers! This is Mohsin and welcome back to the channel! So in today's video, we will talk about how you can fill the questionnaire for tax registration (Fragebogen zur steuerlichen Erfassung) for tax registration of your business. In last video, we saw that how we can register our business in Germany as a YouTuber, Blogger, or Freelancer If you didn't see that video, you can click here to go watch that video. After registering your business, you receive a letter from the finance authority (Finanzamt) in which, you get a questionnaire to fill for tax registration of your business They used to send questionnaires before but since last year they have made this questionnaire available online through

Like you guys already know that Elster acts as an online finance authority (Finanzamt) and this website is there in Germany for many years And you can perform many tax-related things on this website like tax filing and tax registration etc. Why is tax registration necessary? Basically, the finance authority wants to know that how much do you earn from your business and if that is more than a certain threshold then you have to pay sales tax also. For example, if you earn less than 22,000 € in the first year of your business Then you fall into the category of "small entrepreneur (Kleinunternehmer)" And for small entrepreneurs (Kleinunternhemer) if you earn less than 22,000€ in the first year so you don't pay sales tax.

And if you earn even less than the basic allowed salary (Grundfreibetrag) which is around 9400 € then you don't even have to pay salary tax. So basically through this tax registration, you tell Finanzamt that whether or not you are eligible to pay salary and/or sales tax. It is mandatory and you are basically bound by law when you register a business then you must fill out this questionnaire. So let's go on and check how we can fill this form. When you log in to Elster, you have to go to "All Forms (Alle Formulare)" on the left side. After that you can see this form "Fragebogen zur steuerlichen Erfassung" You have to click on it and then click on the first form "Fragebogen zur steuerlichen Erfassung für Einzelunternehmer" Let's get started Firstly you have to write your Tax Number (Steuernummer) with which your Finanzamt will get selected automatically Where you can get this? If you have ever filed tax before in your Finanzamt then you get a tax assessment notice afterward (Steuerbescheid) in which your Tax Number (Steuernummer) is written So if you have ever filed tax then you will get this number on the tax assessment letter And if you don't have this number, so then there is no problem you can also leave it blank And then you will click on next So first of all, your details (or the person on whose name the business is registered) will come So we will fill it out here Last name and first name Then your profession, for example, if you have registered your business as a YouTuber so you can write it here Then you have to write your D.O.B here let's say 1st of Jan 2001.

You can select your religion here After that, you have to write your Tax Identification Number (Steueridentifikationsnummer) here You get this number when you first move to Germany or when you are born If you don't have it or have it misplaced then you can order it through this website You must write few details here like your gender, last name, first name, D.O.B and place of birth, and address and then you will get your tax identification number from Finanzamt by post I will put the link of this website in the description which you can check later We will write some random number here for now Rest you can leave 12 is family status, if you are single, married, or whatever your status is you can write it here If you are married then you can write since when you are married here After that, you must write your address here where you and your business are registered And then address in foreign country, which you can leave blank And if you want to write your telephone, email or internet then you can do it else you can leave this, it is voluntary If you are married or have a registered partner, then you must write the details of your spouse/partner here And their identification number, address and details must be written like you did for you on the first page then afterwards you can move on to the next page Thirdly you have to write your bank details here which are mandatory because for tax purposes because then they can deduct tax directly through SEPA from your bank account on your earnings So you can click on "weitere Daten hinzufuegen" and afterwards click on edit sign and write your bank details and your IBAN for your German bank account and BIC also, and you have to select here "Alle Steuerarten" And for "Kontoinhaber" you will select "Steuerpflichtige/r" if you have given your own bank account And if you are giving your spouse's/partner's bank account then you will select "Ehegatte/Partner" as simple as that And afterwards you can go to point 4 So if you have taken consultation from a tax consultant then you must write the details of that person/firm here And if you have not taken consultation then you can leave it then you can go on to the next page This is, if you have filled this form in consultation with a tax consultant and with his/her consultation you have registered you tax then basically you have to give him power of attorney that he/she can do it on your behalf then his/her details will come here but if you have done this yourself then you can leave it If you have shifted from one place to another in last 12 months then Then you have to write the shifting date and then the address from where you shifted And if you registered tax already for some other business or filed tax in the last 3 years so that you can write here or else thats not the case then you can leave it blank So this page is important and basically you have to write here about your business "Art der Taetigkeit" means what type of thing you do in your business Here you must write exactly same thing that you wrote in the business registration form (gewerbeanmeldung) What we saw in the last video where we wrote "Erstellung von YouTube-Videos" meaning creation of YouTube videos so we will write the same here "Bezeichnung des Unternehmens" here you will write the name of your registered business If your business is registered on your name so you will write your name here Or if the name of your business is registered with a different name like we saw in the last video that we registered our business on our YouTube channel name So here basically we will write that name here In point 79 you must tell when did you start this business, this date will exactly be the same as what you wrote on the business registration form Meaning the date on which you registered your business In last video, we wrote 1st Feb 2021 for our business so we will write the same here And of course on/from whatever date you registered your business, you must write it here Here the address of your business will come like we saw in the last video that we registered our business on your own address because we perform our business from home so we will write the same here And then you can leave this point blank And then you write your postal code and city here Telephone, email and website is voluntary if you want to write it then write it else leave it and then we can go on to the next page So basically if your business is registered somewhere else and you live somewhere else so so you have to write the address of the place where you live here in these boxes and then same telephone, email and internet is voluntary if you want to write it and you can "Betriebstaetten" this point is not relevant for use because we don't have a branch and we perform our business only from one registered place so we can leave this So let's move on to the next point this point is basically that whether our business is registered in the commercial register and our business is neither a big business not it has a legal form like GmBH, AG, etc., and it is not registered on a big scale Because we work from home and are a small entrepreneur so we havent registered it in the commercial register and this we also mentioned in our business registration form that our business is not registered in the commercial register so we will select No in point 91 and then we can move on to the next point Point 96 is important that what is the type of formation of your business this is exactly the same "Neugruendung" that we selected in the business registration form And then again here the date of registration of your business will come, we can write 1st Feb 2021 which we wrote before If your business had a previous owner from whom you took over or bought the business so the detail of that person will come here and then if you registered this business first time and you own it so you can leave all this If in the previous 5 years, you registered any other business besides this one so then you can select yes and then write the details of that here and if not then you can select no, in our case we will select no and then we can move on to the next page This page is important, here basically you have to tell that how much you earned in the first year of your business And on the basis of that calculation you must tell / calculate that how much you can earn in the next year so for example in first year you earned 5000 EUR and you must write this in the Gewerbebetrieb section because you have a business And if you expect same earning in the next year so you can write the same here And for example if you are also earning as an employee in a company so you must write that salary in point 113 so for example if you earn 30000 EUR from your job as an employee and are expecting the 30000 EUR again next year so you must write that here And if you only do this business so you must write here the earning of the business only And the second column is for your registered partner/spouse if they also have a business or work as an employee somewhere then you will write their salary here for the year of starting of your business And in the next year what your spouse/partner will earn from the same job/business that you must write in this box Basically from here the calculation is being done that whether or not you fall in the category of small entrepreneur "Kleinunternehmer" So here you can see that if you are earning 5000 EUR in a year which is less than 22000 EUR I wont say wage rather if your earning is less than 22000 EUR in a year so you are eligible for the small entrepreneur ruling "Kleinunternehmerregelung" that means that you are exempted from paying the sales tax so whatever are your earning in the year of business registration and in the next year which you will calculate, you can write here if you are expecting more that also you can write here for example 10000 EUR it totally depends on your calculation and for example you earned nothing in the first year so you can simply write zero and if you are also expecting nothing the next year so you can also write zero here its totally okay then we will move on to the next page here, we basically have to select that how or through which method will we inform the finance authority at the end of the year about our profits/earnings For that we will select here "Einnahmeueberschussrechnung" which is basically you must fill at the end of the year with your tax filing and also for this form we will make a video for this to explain you guys that how you include this in your tax filing but here now we just have to select it and that's it Here we can select no because you are applying in the same year as you registered your business then you can move on to the next page We can leave point 124 And this is also not for us okay So "Kleinunternehmerregelung" we have to select it because on the basis of our previous calculation we decided that we fall into the category of small entrepreneur "Kleinunternehmer" For that, you also write about your sales/earnings So you must write that here what you earned this year and what will you earn next year basically The difference is that here we have to write sales/total earnings and in the previous one we must just write profit (earnings - expenses) Not this one sorry Angaben zur Festsetzung der Vorauszahlung Basically, we have to write here profit and not our earnings If your expense was 10000 € and earning was 15000 € So basically your profit was 5000 € which you must write here and here we must write the total earnings so we should write 15000 € here as simple as that and we can say that we are below 22000 € so we are eligible for "Kleinunternehmerregelung" so we can select this point 134 After that, you can select no for point 145 because we are not applying from tax exemption "Steuerbefreiung" so we will select no Then point 146 and point 147 will also be selected as 'no' and then Point 153 is the sales tax number Basically whenever you go shopping at rewe, aldi, or penny and when you see your bill at the bottom you can see a 19% sales tax on non-food items and 7% sales tax on food items so basically, it is that sales tax number which you put on your bills (Rechnung) Although we are falling in the category of Kleinunternehmer meaning we aren't eligible for sales tax payment but it is still okay and makes sense to select this option so that you get your sales tax number beforehand and if in future you make more than 22000€ a year so you would need this number then we can move on to the next page and then this is also not for us Point 159 is important, for example, if you offer downloads or offer ebooks in your business inside the EU then you must select this and if you don't do this so you can leave this box blank and then we can move forward If you selected point 159 and then you must give here your website through which you are offering ebooks or downloads 21 is that if you must attachment any form because of the details you filled previously then you can select the form here which you want to attach Basically, in our case, we will at least select 186 "Teilnahmeerklärung für SEPA-Lastschriftverfahren" meaning This form you will get when you receive a letter from Finanzamt after registering your business in which it is written that you have to do tax registration online through Elster including in the letter, they also send you a SEPAf form which you have to fill out and you must submit that online along with this Elster form for tax purposes Aftwards you can click on "Alles prüfen" Of course when you haven't done any mistakes so you will see a green sign here And then you can send the form but because we filled dummy data here which was incorrect so that's why we are getting errors but if everything is right then of course you will not get any errors and then you can easily submit this form So this was all about that how you can fill out the tax registration form for your business through Elster and submit online to the finance authority (Finanzamt) So the form that you got for SEPA by your Finanzamt How can you send that to finanzamt? Basically, the questionnaire that we filled before this that we already sent to Finazamt after clicking "Alles Prüfen" And that SEPA form you have to fill in by hand and then scan it and then again you will come to "Alle Formulare" on Elster Click on "Anträge" and and then click on "Sonstige Nachricht an Finanzamt" Then again you must write your details here Your tax number "Steuernummer" then your first name, last name, address, and everything like always and then here the details of your partner afterward, if somebody else is sending this message on your behalf then his/her details will come here else you can leave it then here you must write the subject and text message and tell finanzamt that why you are contacting them and then in point 5, you can attach the SEPA form that you filled and scan and then can send it to the Finanzamt I hope I explained all the things correctly but if you guys didn't understand anything So guys can ask/write below in the comments section, I will be happy to answer you guys So in the description, I will write the link of Elster and also of the website where you can order your Tax Identification Number and then you can check that website and order your Tax-ID number from there I hope you like this video, If you liked it and want to see such more content then kindly subscribe to our channel. See you in the next one, Allah Hafiz

2021-06-21 03:24

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