Business process solutions with SharePoint lists and libraries Power Apps and | STR20

Business process solutions with SharePoint lists and libraries Power Apps and | STR20

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Good, morning everyone good afternoon everyone whatever. You want to wish so, it's in the middle of the day thank. You everyone for coming to my talk today. We're gonna talk about the. Business process solutions of SharePoint power. Apps and flow, Who, am I kidding. With, power space apps and power. Automate. Just. To be clear SharePoint is still SharePoint, so. That's. Why I highlighted the elope, is there just to make sure that we are all clear, about the platform, name change, so. I am, Chuck relieve people, many, people know me as Chuck's and one, of the program, managers in onedrive and SharePoint, as. Many, of you here, I started. My career with SharePoint, Server, 2007. Being a developer building, lots of WCM sites how, many of you still work in 2007. Okay. You all need to go to the booth. Where. You'll get tons of clear, information, about how, SharePoint, Online is, great. Anyway. So from there I moved to being, a consultant, and, then move, to Microsoft, in Visual Studio SharePoint. Tools team so. Every. Time you do file, new SharePoint. Project, in Visual Studio how many of you like that. Add. In new add-in yeah. So that was me I built that then. I moved to SharePoint. Team where, I worked on the SharePoint framework, first version, of the SharePoint framework with. Webparts and extensions, and then i moved to the sharepoint business process automation, space now where I'm working with power. Automate, and the power platform, to, build awesome integrations, in SharePoint. So, before. We go I want to talk about the. SharePoint, being a key platform, in Microsoft, where, a lot of things are happening right, so people create sites yeah I could key things that are going on oh. Is. That, right. Now Sean. What's. Happening okay come on hey. We. Doing, huh. How you been nah mind I'm giving it doc, baking, wait hey. There's, a case study that I need you to upload I just, got it from India from. India case today right now, right. Now yeah. We'll, be talking on the phone like just tell them important, people jocks okay. Well, let. Me see, um. Number, eight. Let's. Just couldn't tell them how awesome sharepoint, was we can do that after. Case. Study, sure. You. Guys like, Shawn do you guys know Shawn. I'll. Always accept applause. Okay. So I. Hope. Me supposed to do I have three. Slides oh you and have my presentation, here it's, nice, of you I'm. Here for you it's the Chevron one if you get upload that one that'd be great okay so. I'm, going to put it here I should have mentioned Lee huh it's, in Hindi oh it's. In Hindi yeah are you gonna be able to tag it or in you. Want me to auto tag it that would be nice. Okay. Well let's. See what. It does I just uploaded. Is, it gonna be able to handle it, are. You doubting my skills I would never know. Sure. Let. Me think about it I think I'll, have all these people here I can come back, hang. On it's. It's still doing something. So. Now that you hijack my presentation. Can. You talk, about what you do sure yeah, my, name is Shawn bugler I'm a cloud architect, with the Bay Area Metropolitan, Transportation Commission we're, a government agency based in the San Francisco Bay Area to help coordinate the transportation, planning of the nine counties of the Bay Area we're. A big believer in SharePoint, power, apps and now our, automate we're, really excited but a lot of the announced but you guys have made just, in this past week, we're. Really big believers in the idea that putting. These kinds of tools in the hands of people who. Otherwise. Have, challenges, collaborating, or getting. Work done giving. Them the ability to solve their own problems, the day-to-day basis changing the way that they work and the way the people around them work awesome. So you're already on board with all of the digitization. Tools that you can talk. About and have, your hands on absolutely. Except oh look at that I just, changed right, that's, a change look the language Hindi hey. It is new I even picked up the cone manager that seems even picks up the approval oh and. Look, at the industry it's. All attack to energy that's incredible, I didn't, do anything you saw me right no we were just talking about how good government is well. That's. That's awesome, governments, are great great, exactly. Especially the one that you're looking for it's officially, them so. That. Worked yeah that's, great talent I'm, gonna give you back this, USB, disk. You. Eject, well. That's. What that's, what people do how responsible. But. I use the power the. Power of a Jack Zak I. Just don't want to cut up this disk because what. I'm gonna do is I'm. Gonna give this disc to. You this microsoft. Search brand, yeah for hijacking my presentation. Huh Thanks.

Shocks Or should I say thanks. Bill Baer you, can go sit in the audience. Thank. You Shawn. So. That. Was a cool demo to get, into our talk today. If. I find the right number, number, five. So. With. File share collaboration. And teamwork SharePoint, becomes the center of stage for the things that happens in your business along with every. Other app in the M 365, ecosystem, and it. Integrates very well whether it be the security and compliance and governance that, you're looking for to drive across your. Organization. Or automating. Your business processes, using the several pieces, in SharePoint, especially, with lists in libraries. So. Business, process solutions in SharePoint really starts with SharePoint. Lists and libraries because, we see them a natural, way to extend and build a business process right. You can build structured data you, can track organize, and have, collaboration. Going on with lists and libraries now. We can also integrate them with powerful. Solutions. Whether. It being through. Custom, solutions, or whether it being through local platform, that we have with power automate and power apps also, with analyzing, data that goes through Power bi which is again the same power platform. So. It's all about empowering business, processes, right so you're gonna get SharePoint. As a platform and as an app in Microsoft, 365, ecosystem, is going to give you that native efficiency. Where from. The start you're going to be productive whether it was creating a new list or whether it's entering data or even. Organizing, and filtering the data right. And then, you have the simple customization. Available to end-users now. You, want to represent some, information, in the way you like whether it's a column that you wanted represent, in different way then you see what SharePoint, gives you in the list or you want to just change the view and have it something really simple but driving towards that end user productivity so, you're gonna have that ways. To. Have, lists the best way to organize data and represent, to your team and finally, we also have the ability to build. Integrated, solutions, it. Spans across different. Ecosystems. Of platforms, whether it be third-party, or weather including, within, the own Microsoft, ecosystem whether. It's using the local platform or the developer. Platform SharePoint, framework or the power platform, to do all these stuff so that's kind of the three variants, that we see in the product going, from giving you the, native, efficiency.

For Getting started with lists and entering, data and organizing, them and, then going, to simple customization. Where information, workers, or power users, can go and customize the, list the way they want for their organization, for the department, and finally. You, have these power users, that, can use the tools. Available to them especially to power platform, to, build, awesome. Business processes. And solutions, on top, of these lists, data. So. Native, efficiency. We. Have done a ton of improvements since, SharePoint, conference. We have had a new list from list with us user experience, where, you can not only create a new generic, list but also create, a list from an existing list we, also showed the demo of creating a list from Excel file so if we have some bunch of tables in your worksheet you, would be able to import, that and create, a list out of that and. He can also define the column types so. Similarly. You, can also take. These lists, that you create, if you have a developer. You can actually export them to site, scripts and site designs and apply. Them to various sites or different tenants and we also. Have powerful themes integration, if you go to teams you can add the list as a tab and get the same experience you get in your, site in the teams we. Are also doing ton of improvements to quick it it you've, already seen its modernized, you, should have it in your channel and today we, are improving their experience, with. Several, column types and whatnot you make that experience much better along. With giving you the opportunity, to take that list and embed. It in a page and there. Are also going to be so many updates coming there, so. For, all of those details. Here. In this room 2, o'clock we have a talk sharepoint updates for team work sites pages, listing libraries lincoln. Is, giving a talk along with olga and mark Cashman, you, should be able to get lot of updates from that session and what's going on with the native efficiency, piece with, lists and libraries in sharepoint. So. Simple customization, this is where your session starts it get interesting, i have data i want to organize, it i want to present it in a way that i like so, we really, started the platform, with giving, the developers, or even, people that are familiar or you.

Know Okay. With json to, write JSON code to, format columns and views so. That had, tremendous, success we, had several, customers doing. Awesome stuff we also have github. Repository, thanks to as a sharepoint, P&P project, and community, we, have lots of samples, showcasing, the different formatting you can use in a column and a view, so. We learnt a lot and we have introduced. A lot of updates, to for. End-users to be able to do through the ux and not, through JSON so we have lots of updates that I'm gonna show you today and talk about that with, rich, rule, builder and and, rich text capabilities. To format even, more and we. Have heard, loud and clear the, feedback for, simple form customization. Scenarios, you, know some of you don't want to go to power apps power hats is very powerful, so. Sometimes. It's all looming for some users to go to power apps and do that, powerful things so. We. Went, and talked, to several customers, and we have a story around how, simple, forms customization. Can play really well for information, workers, so, you can, do simple things now, the simple things yeah we can define what those simple things are but at least for a start we're going to have the, ability to reorder, the fields in list form show. And hide the fields you want in the list form as well, as very soon you will see the ability to conditional. Show/hide, so you can specify the. Condition, like Excel formulas, and you can hide and show the fields based on that. So. I'm. Gonna jump into the demo to show you what. Are the different customizations. I have on listing. Libraries. There. You go that's, my list. How. Awesome it is I like, this right, it's, no longer there. Is some information to it some colors, that represent some, conditions. On how they are right previously. If you had to do this sort of list you had to do a lot of JSON. To put into it this list, to make this look this way so. We, have several updates now for, example let, me look at the day I have, different colors, so, that should mean something right. So, now if I click the review date and then go to column, settings and format, this column I get conditional, formatting but, notice I also have, manage, rules so. Now I can easily create, rules, and specify, the formatting. For each of that rule to apply to that column so now I can say here is a rule that I created if you click here it says that if review date is before such and such date well, here, is my formatting. Right. Today. You get all these colors pretty. Neat. But I want more I want more power to the things I can do so, now we have the option of more sales if we click more styles you're gonna get more options you're. Able to specify the font, size, the font bold italics. And even. The font color, you're. Also going to get some inbuilt, icons that you can actually put. In here so you can see I have applied the data icon I can also have the icon alignment, which side do I want left or right and finally, I can also have the ability to put borders around right, so I can have this or you. Know I don't want any bottom so, we. Are giving, more power to information, workers to customize, these types, so, that they don't want. To just stay with what, the column really looks like but put some formatting, so they can send some message to use this similarly. You can see here I've done the same for project status. When. You format the column its fill background color now i'm not using conditions, but I'm just using the, template.

Called Fill the background color but, I get the same ability, to format, so if project status is new because. This is a choice column, I already, get the value, of the, different, choices I have there and it's, able to help me configure, right away without needing to build a rule, so, now you can see here I can click this I can choose the color or, I can go into, more styles, I can, apply an icon and the same functions. So. This, way it's really really, simple now, with more options for you to build with, rule updates, with managing, the rules for the conditions as well, as the playing rich text capabilities, how, many of you like it. Yeah. So. That's my list now one. Thing I'm going to show you here, is that now if you open the. Form, on the. Top we have edit form previously, it was only power, apps so, now we have the ability for users to show/hide columns so. If, I click the show/hide columns I'm gonna get the similar. User. Experience, it was very familiar when, you go and hide, or show the columns in the view, so. Now I can actually move, this, columns. Around so, I can bring owner here project, status up maybe reviewed it also up right, so, now that basically, changes the order in my phone. There. You go so, you don't have to, go, to power apps for the simple stuff we can actually do it here, so that you get the benefit across the board now. If. I want. Some conditions, right so let me show an example so here you can see the, effort days is in, the form right. Now, I'm, gonna go to this, farm. And. It's going to open the farm and. You can see I don't see the effort days, right. Because, I have a condition set to that column if, you go, to the same show/hide. Columns here. I have the ability to show/hide condition. So. Here I've said if the, project, status is new show. That column if the, project status is not new don't show the column these, are all Excel, expressions, these, are not new these are just the same expressions, somebody would use in Excel and.

With That you can simply, do, the simple, basic things that you want to configure for, the columns to show/hide based, on condition, based on their values that you have in the other columns. How. Many of you want this today. Yeah. So. One of the things we will focus on is how, do we continue, this into, power apps right so once, you have, this here, and now, you say I want to go customize with power apps you, know today it doesn't bring that over but we are working to make sure that continuum, exists so if you had configured something, here in this form and then you go to power apps we bring the same show. Height so you don't have the you, know suddenly those fields doesn't show up right you want to keep that continuum. There so we will absolutely work on bringing, these simple customizations. Forward, to, power apps as well so there's a consistent, experience, whether. Your information, worker and suddenly you want to do power absolute so you should be able to take that forward so. That's, the demo, with, the simple, customization. You're. Good so far, yeah. So. Integrated. Solutions, now this is where you. Go beyond, what you can do with SharePoint. And list what they offer and, integrate. With a number, of things that your business process depends, on maybe its governance, maybe it's complaints, maybe it's another, data source that you want to go figure out what you need to do so. It, really starts with you, know we have seen users start with Microsoft, forms that's a simple thing people, talk about I have a even, coming up I want to collect some, data or, I want to collect who. Are attending the events I just want to cut this survey so, they start there it's really, really simple how many of you use forms Microsoft, forms. Excellent. It's, really simple helps. Everyone to be effect, product, you really, soon, but. Then there's some few, quirks right so you want to do like hey you, know we hear things like I want to now take it to a list, or I want. Like I don't, have a date column, I don't have this in Microsoft forms, I want to go deeper, now that's when we, think power.

Apps Comes into play right so. Power apps are still easier, if. You just spend few hours you would get to very, familiar with the platform and it gives you much robust, you. Know controls. Like, dead call dead type and rich text and whatnot that you can simply put it in a, send, the app across your organization, and collect data well. The, data is collected but. It needs to happen you need to do something with the data that's where the power automate sits in between them or, since you know ability to go across the platform, to, be connected, with these data sources so that if somebody submits, a, survey. From power app or farms you can trigger a Microsoft, flow and Microsoft. Flow can, actually go do the things it's, supposed to do send an email or. You know go and put that entry in a SharePoint list, or go, and put that entry in a different sequel server that you have that needs to do something, you. See I still said Microsoft flow so I'm, still getting used to that. So. That's that's that's where we, see SharePoint, comes into play and how SharePoint experiences. Can be integrated into the power platform, giving, users the flexibility, and rich capabilities, of those business applications, into, your you. Know when you build your business apps, so. Power, platform, power. Platform, is basically, integrated. Into, all of our products, it really has the, ability to build, business, applications, at scale whether be it standalone. Apps with power apps and, then having the orchestration. And automation. With power automate, and finally. Giving you the insights and analytics by, connecting to power bi platform, dynamics. 365. Office, 365. Are. You, know integrated. Into the platform from day one so we have you, know for SharePoint, it's. Been four years now we have been integrated into it so. We have done ton of changes and improvements, to that as well and not, only that power, platform, gives, you the ability to connect, to common data service which allows you to build your own entities business entities for, power users you don't have to go to Azure sequel, you don't have to go to your sequel, server there.

Is An common. Data service provides that opportunity for, you to create entities have rules and whatnot and build. Apps on top of that so, it's, it's, very powerful. When you go and think about hey just want to build a business app that, talks to multiple things but I also want to store my own data in a, data set and. There are lots of data connectors, available whether. It's Microsoft, or third-party connectors, that you can go look and. Obviously. Everything, is powered by Microsoft, Azure. So. SharePoint. As I said before has a lot of integrations, I'm, going to go through the power automate, integrations, quickly so, we have several, out-of-the-box. Features, today, that is powered by Power Platform if, you go to a SharePoint list error library, you will see these features you can create a personal reminder, for a date column if you have a date column if you go to automate menu you'll see set a reminder option so, it's a very quick way to say hey something is coming up remind, me five days in advance right so you can create those reminders, request. Sign-off is no. Setup required approval. Flow it does not use a Content approval but keeps it really simple and it's. Available for everybody to quickly request, approvals a sign-off on a, specific file, or a list item that you have an a-lister library content. Approvals, it's not integrated in the UX but that's, one of the biggest approval, scenarios, in a lot of organizations. Where, it is governed by a document, lifecycle right so there is new draft, pending, and then approve rejected, lifecycle status we integrate it very well with flow that's, all we have not only document, approvals, we also have page, approvals, using that technology and page, approvals, is fully. Integrated, in the SharePoint, that's, probably the best experience we, have shipped in ensuring, the power of how these, two platforms work together how many of you use page approvals. Okay. Few, of you use good and, finally hub join approvals, it's in targeted, release I know we have been talking about this for long but, finally it isn't targeted release this week so if you have a first, release tenant or targeted, release you, can go check out the hub China approvals. How. Many of you use hub sites a. Lot. Great. So, hub China approvals, is going to simplify the process for. Site owners to, have an approval flow so if somebody. Joins. A hub they. No longer can, be able to join when you enable approvals, they will go through a request and that request will go to the hub owners and hub, owners will have to approve that request you although that site to be associated, so, we got a lot of feedback around this feature. So, you can now you, know take away the scope from a tenant administrator, and then put the scope, on this hub, site owners - to, maintain this hub site in pools allowed and not allowed to, us be associated, with the site. Of. Course if, those things are not, if. You need more than those things available here we, have the ability to create our own flow, and integrate it into the lists and libraries that you have in your SharePoint, and we have tons of templates available to. Start that. So. When. You think about where, do I start with the, power automated platform it starts with the sharepoint connector, the, connector gives, you all the necessary actions. And triggers that, is integrated with SharePoint lists and libraries, in. Fact I counted, this just. This week we have 46. Actions, and 10, triggers. One. Of the top triggers, in or one of the top connectors, in the Microsoft, power auto made platform. So. It's been used, by many we have got tons and tons of feedback we, listen in to the flow, ideas forum we, look at it you can see me playing to many of those ideas as well so we. Are making improvements. Every quarter. On this connector to ensure that it gives a consistent experience for, you guys, and. Of course there, are lots of templates, that we also publish, in the flow website that uses these connectors. And. I. Want to just spend a little time around, the, things that we have released so far since sharepoint, conference that was May 20, 1980 yes this is a time we announce a lot of things but I think we have done a ton of work since. May that. Has actually, helped. A lot of customers. To go and integrate into these solutions unblocked, for many business scenarios, so, we have document. Management actions, check in check out file and, discard check out so that was one of the top ask in the flow ideas, forum we. Have access, management actions, granting. Access to a list item or a file, there's. A slight bug there there's no reset access that's probably stop sharing. So.

That's A slight bug but, you can assign, permissions, to and remove permissions, now one of the things I usually get is hey what about SharePoint, groups and permission, levels unfortunately. These things supports the group permissions, so, that they can actually flow across the M 365, platform so. Right now the actions, only support read, write and say read edit and, view permissions, that is mapped with the Office fixify group permissions, and. SharePoint permissions are if you don't have a site connected to SharePoint you'll still see those three things but. You won't be able to bring in your custom, group or custom. Permission level that has been assigned to a group so. That won't work with these management, actions but we are, listening to feedback and we want to know several, scenarios in that space request. Sign-off we did a ton of reliability. Fixes, we. Had a long thread, in the tech community forum. In the in the SharePoint and we learned a ton and we have fixed all of those bugs and we are still working on few of the improvements. To the user experience request, sign-off, the. Content approval status initially, was not flowing, through, the. Connector, now, they are available along with the new sensitivity, label if you wanted you, know a same some sensitivity, on a document, they. Will flow through the connector as well and be available in your flow and power apps guest. Access so we finally have guest access for b2b users, many, people have mergers and acquisitions. Mergers. And. Sometimes. You. Know the two companies have their license I mean you invite a user into, the let's. Say contoso invites adventureworks and a bunch of votes already has a license, and. You come, and access any flows or power apps in your contr, subtenant it. Will use the license you already have so, that is enabled today so if you go and try it out it'll work with flows. We. Did updates, to conditional, access and delegated, authorization. So those, also now work properly with. Flow in your SharePoint, site there's. Maker, improvements, in the flow portal copy/paste, action is finally, available so. You don't have to keep adding stuff if you have a thing. That you want, to put in ten places in your flow you can do there with copy/paste actions, custom. Responses, and approvals, you no longer have to just have a pre reject you, can have your own text you can have how many other options you want to add previously. It was premium, it's no, longer a premium, you can use it with your office 365. License that you have in your flow it's, a very very powerful thing customer, responses. So. I want, to quickly go into power apps power. Apps integration, we have basically, it starts with the customizing, the listing library forms and then, the, ability to build standalone, apps and we also have the power apps web part if you have a standalone app that you want to put it in your site you can embed that app in your side, with the page so, those are the three key integrations, we have with the power apps platform. So, spending a little time there we. Did a ton of improvements we, finally have the delegation, for choice. Lookup and person column how, many of you are happy about that, yep. Many people I think have. Been one of the top user wise requests in ideas forum so. We finally have it we are also working on date time this, year, custom. Forms guest access support is also available so if you have inviting, a guest similar. To Flo you'll be able to use that here, with custom forms and we. Did a ton of improvements to performance, the custom forms loads much. Quicker in your list in libraries, there. Is a lot, of maker improvements, happening to the power app studio there, is improvements. To how easily you can connect your gallery to, a data source and the. Fields, experience, how easy it is now to move and. You. Know there's a field Spain that is much more I. Would say user-friendly. Now and. There's also context. Menu that if you right-click you get more options to format text or realign, and. And, move, things back and forth between groups. And whatnot so there's. Going to be a lot more coming across. The board in q1, timeframe. So. I'm. Gonna quickly go to the demo that we saw.

Thanks. To, Sean. For hijacking, my presentation, there. Earlier. So. If. You remember the demo I got. A case study from Sean and then, I uploaded, the case study here. In my document library. And then. All, of the metadata got. Tagged automatically. Right, I did. Not tagged any of the metadata in. My computer. Here it is so. The the Chevron, was, the one that we saw, so. If you look at the flow I have, the flow here. It's. A really simple flow so. I have the trigger when the file is created or modified right. And I have the library, and then, I have set for the entire library and then. I'm getting the file content, this, file content, today is binary, we, don't have an action in Microsoft, SharePoint connector, or word, connector, to get, the contents, in text file right, so. What. I'm doing here is I have a third party connector, which, is from cloud massive that. I'm able to use it right away with by creating a separate account and, then. Using. That connector. To convert the document to text now, this is where Power Platform is very effective right it gives you not only to. The Microsoft, connectors, it also has tons of approved, connectors. From ISPs, and partner, ecosystem that. You can use in your flows, so, you're not just limited to the ones that Microsoft, gives you your, there's, abundance. Availability. Of connectors, and scenarios, that you can go look at so. That's. It that's pretty much one step I did and. Then I. Get a text sample so that hey, sometimes my file, sizes could, be huge, and takes content, could be huge so, I'm just getting a sample text fry splitting. With whatever, logic, I have here which. Is like I'm getting the. First. Element. When I split using, a period in the sentence so then what I did was I went to as your text analytics so, if you go to a. Sure. Portal there, is Microsoft. Azure text, analytics that. Basically. It. All it does is I. Don't. Think I have it here anyway. If, you log in you should be able to see the text analytics it, helps you to analyze, certain things on the text it can analyze sentiments, or it can also detect the language, of the, doc or the text that you send so, using. That service I'm. Using, the azure text, analytic, action. Here. And. Then. Sending the output, of the text to Azure as you're, in first the language and I get the language and passing, the JSON because, it. Can detect more than one language, so if we have Hindi, and French nearly in your text it will detect that and send you both so, in this case I'm just simplifying it to say hey just, get me the first of the, languages. Array that I returned in the JSON and. Then. I'm getting the items, for, from. Another list called Regents, because I want to know who the approver is based on the region because it's Hindi so, I, want, to get the region for the Hindi language and then get the approver. But. One thing I'm doing here if you can see here I'm also filtering, the items that I want to return in the gate items action, so, I'm writing a query that says language, which is my field name equals. The. Language, that I just create, the god from Azure so. Now I'm. Not getting all the items from that list I'm only getting the items that satisfy, that condition. And. After that I can, have two items in this case I'll have one but I'm just going to make it simpler to say apply, to each it's going to be an array and then, I'm going to update the file properties of that, new file that i just uploaded and. Fill. In the metadata values accordingly. Whatever, I got here so, that's how I automate. All of the metadata, through. A flow that. I can, go reach out to as your cognitive, services specifically. The text analytics service, to, infer the language, get the language from. The language and now, I know I, can get the region and the approver, so, now then, I have the approver, I go ahead and do it in, the I, update the file properties one. More thing he saw was industry, right, so, there, was a format.

That Every, case study was using, energy. Underscore, Chevron. Nonprofits. Underscore, American, Red Cross right so, you can see that the first thing that it starts with is industry, name. Many, organizations, have some process, around it so, I'm just using that for us us to, get my industry. Name by. Using the same split, function to. Say that hey take the name and then split it by the underscore, and then get the first element that's, going to be my industry, and then, that I updated here in my file properties so. That's, pretty much the flow it's it's not big at all it's it's pretty simple with some ten. To twelve steps as. Long as you can go configure, the Asha tics analytics and then come back here you, don't need any models, in Azure text analytics it's pretty straightforward, you. Can just send the text and it'll come back with the language so, that's how the, demo, worked initially, in the start of my session. So. I'm going to switch. So. All of those case studies I have here they're, not made up they. Are available, for everybody to go and look at how these organizations. Transformed. Their. Business process, and modernized. With Paddy, Power Platform, so if you go to the power apps, and, customer. Stories the link at the bottom you, should be able to get the case studies for all of the things, you saw in my demo here as well including, chevron. So. What. I showed you was really simple, I, created. Text analytics account, I got the text I send it to Asher I got it but. That, could be many things in the document, there could be many you, know I used. A case study you could even be using farms and whatnot within documents so, you've got to infer the content, and. Get, many things out of it and you might probably want to fill their metadata so. We. Announced project codex, this week at ignite it's, a new announcement. From, SharePoint it, is powered by SharePoint, so that will give you the next level of where you can take the simple, demo to, be a much more AI. Driven, and, knowledge driven demos. So, there was a talk yesterday from. Naomi and and Chris I forgot to put the slide here. But. If you search for Naomi moneypenny. Or Chris McNulty, you should get the talker own project, codex I highly, recommend. To go and, watch that session if you haven't to. Get the idea of how we can take the simple demo to a much larger concrete. Demo that can help across you, know not only this library but even across the whole libraries, that you haven't files you have in your organization. So. The, next topic this. Is where everybody gets, you. Know the. Whole goes silent the. Feature is now how. Many of you is in footpath and. Sharepoint. Designer workflows. Excellent. See I told you. This. Is the time to transition off of work, flow and InfoPath we. Have been talking this, since. We. Announced on 2016. But. The. Landscape, is pretty clear and the approach is pretty clear. InfoPath. And sharepoint, designer access. Web apps they're. All going to go away soon and power. Absent flow is the, successor. Of those tools. So this. Is the right time the platform, is getting a lot of momentum you get seeing a lot of updates coming to us from. Whether sharepoint, or other m65, services. And. It's. A great time to get up scaled into these tools. If you haven't started that and looking, at how, you can move your organization's, to the, the new tools I. Know that's hot so, that's, why we. I'm proud. To announce that we have the ability to scan workflows, and InfoPath in your organization, in the SharePoint modernization, scan and tool so, if you download the tool today it's a SharePoint PNP open source tool, the, link is up there if you go to a kms, slash, SP. - modernization. Scanner they'll, give you the tool you can run the tool in your organization. Scan all the workflows, it, gives you a detailed analysis. I'll show you the file quickly and also, it gives you an upgrade ability, score, for your workflows, how, many of those workflows can actually, be. Converted. To Microsoft. Flow so. That's, we, got this from. Talking to a lot of enterprises. Where, they, were like Microsoft, great, I can move to power ups and flow but I don't know what's happening in my channel I don't know who's using this I don't know how many of them are active or being, constantly.

Used When where they last used I don't know so we. Started this project with SharePoint P and P and now we have the tool actually if, you go download today has these updates, included, and of. Course don't, forget support. For SharePoint design for part 2013. And, 7:14. 2026. That's. The date so. You cannot start thinking about this, in. 2026. It's, going to be, you're. Gonna have stage transitions. So, if you start today I think, it's. Really, helpful for you to move off of the. Workflow and info. Path to power absent flow. So. Scan. Your tenant today using the modernization, scanner tool if you go, talk to your ten administrators, help, them understand, what. The tool can do and what. It can give you back with the entire detail. Analysis, of workflows and info path and then. Trash. The active and inactive, inventory. There's going to be a try adding process, these. Tools are available to everyone so people, who might have built some have left or you know someone's just running there because it's very old and then. Finally, see. The option of whether, you can turn off SharePoint, workflows and info path in your Jeanette we. Have talked to many customers they, have actually turned off and. We see this from time to time from big enterprises, so, you're, not alone, this has been going, through several enterprises, as well and then, finally look at how to plan. The migration, and make the transition, so, this would be the simple steps to. Look at how we can do this today, or how you approach, this today, of, course it's not simple enough so we have a section at ignite. Modernizing. Info path to power apps so I'm gonna be co-presenting with Emma, Cooper from power apps team and we, also have Andrew, Welch who's going to give you ton of insights, around how. To transition, from or, what are the challenges that. You, could face moving, from info path to power apps so, that's on Friday 11:45. A.m.. So. Again go look at those case studies they're going to give you a ton of information of how those transition, does happen not, only from workflows and for path but even standard you know ms access and things like that so, there, are videos and tons of documents, and case studies are on that. So. This is a road map it's, a ton I'm gonna keep it here so. That you, can have a read before. That I'm gonna quickly show you the. Excel. File that gives you the detail analysis, of the workflow because I think it's pretty cool. Here's. A file like is the detailed analysis, of all the workflows, that I have scanned you, can see it gives, me the version it gives me the scope it, also gives me how many are upgradeable, to floral also if I click true it's. Going to filter just to the workflows that are, going. To be upgradeable. To flow, and. Then there's an update.we percent like, Oh, 100%. How many workflows are here five workflows. Recommended. For upgrade to flow of flow agreeably score two workflows. Can, be 100%. Converted. To Microsoft, flow right. And you. Can see what, is the definition name of that and which, sites they belong to right. And then. Here's. A site-to-site so it's, a very detailed analysis, I, would really recommend, to go download the tool and try it out it's. Going to give you a lot of information you're gonna keep, making. Updates through this tool so, if you have any feedback if, you go to the SharePoint PNP github, you. Should be able to submit. Feedback and, ideas for, improving. The scanner tool even more with the information you're looking for. So. With, that I think that's probably, it. Yeah, so I'm gonna keep the roadmap slide, over. Here thank you for coming and if, you have any questions, I'm here to help you yeah. Thank. You.

2020-01-24 09:28

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