business management 101, business management definition, basics, and best practices

business management 101, business management definition, basics, and best practices

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At. The heart of any successful organization, you'll find good managers, who are making important decisions every. Day, managers. Make sure that projects are completed that, work is of the highest possible, quality that. Employees, are motivated, and engaged and, that policies, and procedures, are followed in fact. Managers, do so many things that management, is more a series of key skill sets rather, than one specific, role good. Management is a use of key skills and practices, correctly. Applied at the right time to, help the organization. Reach its highest potential, the. Good news is that management skills can be learned and improved, throughout. This course we'll explore specific strategies. For honing your management, skills well. There's a range of key management skills and practices, they fall into mainly, three areas managing. Performance, managing. People and managing the. Business, within. Each of these areas are specific, competencies. Throughout. The course we'll, delve into each of the competencies and I'll cover strategies, you can use to improve your effectiveness as a manager, it's important. To understand, that management, has come a long way since its initial roots, management. Was conceived, during the Industrial Revolution, when factories, necessitated. Organizing, the work of large, groups of people early. Management theories focused on controlling, workers, there, was an assumption that people inherently, resisted, work and needed to be prodded, or even forced to do a good job, management. Occurred by using power over workers through structures, like hierarchy, bureaucracy. And punishments, to create productivity, but. We've come a long way since the 1800s, and over time management, has evolved, the. Efforts of the labor movement and key legal decisions certainly have done a lot to humanize, the workplace making, it safer for people both physically, and emotionally, and, our. Economies, have changed the, age of information and technology has, radically, transformed, what work is and how it's accomplished, and globalization. Has redefined, where we access, our customers, suppliers. And even employees. Many. Organizations. Also discovered, that how they treated their employees had an impact, companies. Who treated their employees well saw higher productivity, reduce. Turnover and even less sick time which, translated, to huge cost savings, in addition. They discovered, that happy employees treat, customers, and are more creative leading, to product innovations, this. Has been driven home by the modern generations, of workers especially Generation. X and Millennials, who, have come to expect more from their jobs than just a paycheck they. Vote with their feet making. The costs of recruitment and retention of good workers a high priority even. During economic slumps. Now. I don't want to imply that autocratic, management, is a thing in the past you, can still find it being used especially by older managers, and leaders but. You'll find that organizations. That are thriving are, doing, so because they've embraced the latest revolution in management, which, is to focus on motivating, and engaging employees, and customers, alike. There. Are several key areas of management, that have shifted over the years one. Area is how decisions get made and implemented. Organizations. Are moving away from hierarchy, based on Authority and power and instead. Tapping, into the wisdom and expertise of people at all levels of the organization, this. Yields better decisions, and creases, engagement, another. Area is how activities, coordinated, across the organization, instead. Of using bureaucracy. And rigid, roles, organizations. Are moving to more agile, and nimble models, that allow them to make changes quickly in today's. Fast-paced world managers. Are giving employees more autonomy, and independence the, third. Area is how employee performance, is measured rather. Than focusing on narrow markers, of achievement, organizations. Are focusing more on competencies. That support a wide range of successful, outcomes in.

Addition Managers, are stepping away from the reward and Punishment, model of motivation and tapping. Into how people are intrinsically, motivated this. Yields increased productivity, and engagement. What. Does this all mean for you well. It means that your success can be enhanced by learning and implementing, modern, management strategies, knowing. How to better manage performance, people, and the business will pay off for you in numerous, ways as you. Become known as a great manager, you'll, also reap direct, benefits, in your career as you're tapped for future opportunities, and leadership. Throughout. Your day you're probably going back and forth between managing, and leading in. Today's. Modern organizations. Leadership, and management are closely intertwined because. Almost, all people who manage others and projects or functions, also. Have to provide leadership to their people in the organization. Let's. Explore the important, distinctions, between them the. Primary goal of leadership is to produce change, and growth, the work of a leader is to envision a better tomorrow and design the change that will get the organization from here to, there the. Primary, goal of management, is to produce order, and consistency. The. Work of the manager is to create a stable work environment, that's clear and consistent so, that employees can be as productive as possible, needless. To say there's some natural tensions, between management, and leadership think. About your day to day work over the past two weeks and identify, when you're managing and when you're leading here. Are some key things to look for 1 the, first distinction is about approach, managing. Is tactical, and hands-on while leading a strategic, and visionary, this, is because the timeframe is different number, 2 managing. Occurs in the here-and-now you're. Looking at the short-term and mid-range goals that ensure success, of the organization today. Contrast. That with leading, where the focus is on the future and setting, strategy, and change to create the organization of, tomorrow. 3. Another, difference is that the focus shifts for, management the focus is narrow and internal, whereas, the leaders view is broad and external, including, other functions, industry. Market, and national, and global affairs. Number. For managing. Relies on current, resources, and structures, while, leading designs, new ones for the future, number. 5 for, managing, the task goals are directing, the daily work of employees, to, achieve currently.

Identified, Goals, whereas, leading requires planning for the future setting. A long-term vision and strategy to bring about the change, finally. Number. 6 the people skills differ as well both. Managing, and lead and rely on emotional, intelligence but. Managing, is more tactical, like conducting one-on-one meetings, delegating. Tasks, and coaching employees to improved performance, leading. Is about building the culture to maximize engagement, inspiring. Various stakeholders, with the compelling vision fostering. Collaboration, and cultivating. The next generation of leaders all. Of this is in service to achieving the future potential of the organization, by, maximizing, the most important, asset its talented, people. As a. Manager, you'll play a few different roles as I, go through the five primary roles think about how you play them over the course of your work week, the, first is producer, you must produce the desired results, and achieve, the organization's, goals through, projects and tasks. Second. Is administrator, you must administer systems, policies, and procedures, so that the organization, runs efficiently. Third. Is innovator, in order, to enact change that serves the organization's, future you'll, need to be creative, and innovative, solutions. Fourth. Is mediator, not. Only when you need to help your employees work through conflict, you'll also mediate, any tensions, between the employees needs and the organization's, and fifth. Is culture, builder you must build a work environment and culture that, values its, members and supports the organization's, goals each. Role, requires, different skill sets and you may be better at some than others you. Want to play to your strengths, and develop. The areas and what you still need to grow also. Think about how you can utilize the strengths of your people to balance, you it. Also happens, that these roles can actually be in conflict with each other for, example administering. A policy, might actually limit innovation, or, an acting change might threaten the current culture part. Of being a manager is knowing how to balance these roles and also when to prioritize, one over another, this. Can be confusing because there's actually two primary, perspectives, to consider one. Is the employees perspective which, focuses, on the experience, of the people under the manager this, is the one we're almost familiar with because we've all been under manager at some point in our careers the. Other is the organization's, perspective which, focuses, on the effective completion, of work that drives the organization success. Every. Manager must find a way to live at the intersection of these two different, and sometimes, competing perspectives, let's. Take a deeper look I'm. Going to start with the organization's, perspective because, it really does come first, everyone. Is employed to help the organization, accomplish its goals it's. Also true that the organization's, perspective is what is driven management, style since the 1800s. The. Organization's, perspective includes, several key questions like are, the assigned projects, and tasks completed, does, the work get completed on time and within the allotted budget, is the. Level of work quality, sufficient to accomplish the goals is the. Organization. Protected, from lawsuits by compliance, with state and federal laws and regulations. Does. Any innovation, occur that enhances, the organization's, success. Does. The manager hire and develop employees, who make positive contributions. To the organization over time, from. This list it becomes obvious that from the organization's, perspective key. Management, skills include, project. Management, time. Management. Resource. Management. Communication. Decision-making. People. Skills and performance, management. Now. Let's switch to the employees, perspective the, people who report to a manager have several key questions like are my, tasks, and responsibilities. Made clear am i. Given the training guidance, and resources to complete the tasks, are my. Skill sets effectively, used and am i given opportunities, to grow am. I treated fairly and with respect, can. I see that my contributions, make a difference, and are they measured accurately and, is. My worth accurately, assess and valued, is there. A clear career path for me to advance and grow and, from. The employees perspective key, management, skills include. Communication. People. Skills performance, management. Training. And coaching and fairness. Or ethics, there. Is overlap the employee interaction.

Is In service of the organization's, goals and the organization, provides meaningful. Work and fair compensation to the employee to be a successful, manager you'll need to find a way to artfully, navigate the inherent, tensions and opportunities. That live, between the needs of your employees, and the, goals of your organization. Management. Styles are the patterns of behavior people use when, they hold management, positions these. Patterns of behavior include how they communicate, make, decisions supervise, and motivate there's. A range of management styles, and all are a blend of three key behaviors, task Direction, decision-making. And relationship. Building, task. Direction is when the manager tells the employee what to do as well as when where, and how this. May involve teaching and training as well as directives, and instructions. Decision-making. Is the extent which the manager involves employees, in the decision making process this. Exists on a continuum at, one end employees, have no involvement at all and, at the other end the manager delegates decision-making, completely, to the employees. Relationship. Building is how the manager forms a relationship with each employee as well as creates the work environment or culture for the team as a whole it. Includes coaching, motivating. And engaging employees, open. Communication, and respect. Let. Me walk through the most common management styles I've. Coined the first style the director this. Manager wants to be in charge so controls all aspects, of decision-making, they, provide a lot of task direction, and are, often seen as micro managers, directors. Don't engage much in relationship, building although they can be cordial, a hallmark. Phrases, do, what I say this. Autocratic, style is appropriate, when employees have very low levels of skill or initiative, or when. The organization is in a crisis and needs immediate change. However. The director ultimately, does harm to the organization, because, employees are not motivated and don't get opportunities, to develop, the. Second style is the consultant, this. Manager, still maintains control of decision-making, but, knows that relationship, building is important, so it consults, with employees, to gain their input, employees. Can feel more engaged with style if the consulting, is genuine. Consultants. Still provide task direction, but allow low levels of autonomy the. Phrase for this style is I value, your input this. Style works well with employees who are growing in their skills or confidence, but, not yet to the level where they can handle complex tasks, on their own, third. You have the consensus, builder who manages democratically. This, manager, genuinely, seeks input and feedback from all. They, focus on what's best for the group as a whole so often make decisions based on majority preference. Or consensus, the. Phrase here is what, do you think the. Downside of the style is that they may take too much time seeking input or, ignoring, the best decision, in favor, of the choice that has the most support. Fourth. You have the coach this. Manager, focuses, on creating a highly productive and motivated, staff they. Provide both training as well as encouragement, to grow they. Often create a fun and positive work environment with lots of team-building and social activities, the. Hallmark phrases, how, can I support you this.

Style Is great for mid to high performers, but, coaches can stumble if they have poor performers, or difficult, employees, who don't respond to their encouragement, the. Fifth style is the visionary this. Manager, has an exciting vision and they're good at inspiring or persuading, others to get on board often. They're great at strategic thinking, but not so good with tactical, skills this. Manager is exemplified by the phrase follow, me to. Thrive under this style employees, need to be independent, because they have to figure out the day-to-day work for themselves. The. Delegator, is the sixth style this, manager uses a very hands-off, or laissez-faire approach to, management they, turn over almost complete control to their team stepping. In only when necessary. This, style only works well with high-performing, employees the. Phrase here is you've, got this, delegate. Errs have to remember that while they may be able to hand over tasks performance, and decision-making, they, must continue to build relationships. The. Last style is called the narcissist, and it's actually the most harmful style with, very few redeeming qualities, the. Narcissist, maintains, control by providing a lot of tasks, direction and no, decision-making, the. Engage in relationship, building but only to garner favors or support abruptly. Dropping, people when it no longer suits their needs this. Person is very self-centered. But they can still be likeable often, even charming, but. They rule with an iron fist. Using punishments, from firing - petty retaliations. To keep people in line people. Under them are in fear so they cannot speak up or seek, help often. Once this person leaves or is let go a whole series of shocking information comes, to the surface, to, know if you have this most toxic kind, of boss look, for high turnover or, a boss that takes all the credit for their team successes, and blames, their team for any failures, as, you. Review these Styles think about which Styles you've experienced, as an employee, what. Impacted, the styles have on your productivity, motivation. And loyalty. To the organization also. Consider, which style is most like you we. All tend to have a favorite or a natural style that we use the most. So. Which style should you choose well. It all depends on your situation with. The exception of the narcissist, all of the Styles can be useful in certain contexts, while, no one individual style is good or bad a management, style can be, a good or poor fit for the situation which, determines, its effectiveness. Let's. Start with your natural style of management which of the Styles is most like you if you're, not sure ask friends and colleagues for their feedback it's. Important, to know which style you default to because, that's what you're likely to do under stress. Ultimately. Your natural style may be the fit for some of your employees and they will thrive under you but, if you want your entire team to thrive you must be willing to become versed in all of the styles it's. The managers responsibility, to be the chameleon, and change, your style to suit the situation, by. Picking the best style for the situation you'll maximize the productivity and, engagement, of your people to determine. Which style to use first. Assess the skills and attitudes, of each of your employees, consider. Their job description, and identify, the skills or competencies they. Need to be successful, meet. Their current competence, in those skills also. Look at their attitudes, are they enthusiastic. And motivated, cautious. Or nervous or even disengaged. In bored look. At how they get along as a group are they cohesive, and friendly or is there a lot of tension or conflict, now. You, apply combinations. Of tasks Direction relationship. Building and decision making to bring out their best with. Employees who are newer and skilled use. High amounts of tasks direction and relationship, building this. Will help them learn what they need to do the job as well as start building a positive connection between you you'd. Want to use the director and consultant, Styles, over. Time as you see evidence that your employees are becoming more skilled and confident, you'll, throttle, back on tasks direction as needed and maintain. Relationship, building, also. Now add some decision-making to push their growth and development now. You don't just hand over a big decision to them but first start involving them in discussions, about decision making begin.

By Seeking their input and sharing what you're doing and why as they. Get the hang of it then you can let them make some low-risk decisions, this. Is when you might want to use the consensus, builder and coach styles. Continue. To build relationships, as you push their skill development with more and more opportunities, for decision-making. Once. Your employees are highly skilled you can delegate a lot of things to them at, this, point you're providing very little task direction and even then it's rare you're. Also giving them a lot of autonomy with decision-making increasing. The complexity, of projects, to keep them challenged, and engaged you. Can also dial down the relationship, building as you should have a strong foundation of trust and respect to stand on however, be, careful that you don't stop relationship, building altogether even. Your top performers, still need encouragement and acknowledgement, you'll. Find that the visionary, and delegator, Styles work well for you here. Especially. Because as your team grows you, can manage them less and less allowing. You to turn your focus toward leadership, and strategy, if, you, want a great book to guide you through the many challenges of management I highly. Encourage you to read the book leading, at a higher level by, Ken Blanchard it's. One of my all-time favorite, books and a must read for managers, let. Me leave you with one more tip think, of yourself as a habit, changer, seriously. Current. Developments, in neuroscience have revealed new and exciting information about, how humans, form habits habits. Shape everything, we do from our professional, to our personal, lives every. Day we engage in habit loops that have been well built over time and in many cases are quite grooved both, behaviorally, and neurologically. Think. About your own day habit, is behind your commute to the office how, you behave in meetings and even how you answer your phone when. We do behaviors over and over again they, become grooved, and even develop thicker neurological. Pathways, in fact. Research has shown that it takes about 40, repetitions, of a behavior, before, it becomes grooved as a habit and 66. Shows measurable, thickening of the pathways, what. Does this have to do with management, well, first, as a manager, you have your own habits your. Default management style is one of them it's well grooved if you, want to help yourself become, better at the other styles, you have to practice them so they become habits too in. Addition, managing, people is largely about helping them form new habits or, better ones as you, give them tasks direction, or opportunities. To make decisions, you're, actually helping them develop new habits for, working, effective. Managers, are patient and, people time to learn and grow knowing, that after about 40 repetitions, of any new behavior habits, get formed, so.

Play With the six styles using them based on what's the best fit for the situation you, may even use one style with one employee and a different style with another, ultimately. Your goal is to bring out the best in your people and the right choice of management, style is how, you accomplish, this. I. Believe. That managing performance is at the heart of the manager's role so, I've put the section first because it will frame the rest of the material in this course we're. First going to explore what performance management, is and then, I'll share some strategies you can use with your employees. Performance. Management, is the entire series, of practices. Policies, and procedures, that, guide and support an employee successful, completion of their work, ultimately. You're managing people and completing work that's, necessary to your organization's. Success all, of. This is done within the structure, of the performance, management process you use and. I'm not just talking about the software or system you use for completing annual, reviews although, that's certainly part of it this. Means that effective, performance management includes. And aligns, many different aspects, such, as the organization's, goals and objectives, the organizational. Values and culture job. Descriptions. Competencies. Assessment. Of employee performance. Process. For developing, and motivating, employees. Compensation. Like salary, and bonuses, and making. Employment decisions such. As promotion, and termination. Ideally. All these elements should align to create a cohesive system that's clear to all involved and it. Should provide you the manager with clear strategies, and practices to, use during your interactions, with your employees, from. One-on-one, discussions, to project, meetings to formal annual reviews. No. Matter your organization's size or industry, today's, work environment is dramatically, different than it was a few years ago, more. Work straddles, multiple departments or customer bases this. In turn requires more collaboration. Which, then necessitates, better communication. And more. Employees are now working remotely or with colleagues and other states or countries. Because. Of the changing nature of today's business environment many. Organizations, are realizing the need to revise their performance, management, systems so, you'll likely experience, a range of models and systems over, the course of your career as a. Manager, you'll need to utilize the current system in place at your organization. But, I think it's always a good idea for you to stay informed about best practices, and performance, management because. It can guide how you implement, your, system, or even how you advocate, for needed change, some. Of my favorite sources of information are, the, Human Resources Leadership Council the. Society, for Human Resource Management. Harvard. Business Review and, Burson, by Deloitte, to. Be an effective manager I recommend, that you use the following, strategies. First. Become, informed about your organization's, process, for performance, management and do, so as early as you can if they, offer training, attend, it right away many. Managers wait until they must complete an annual review but, that's actually 12 months too late, performance. Management is something you should be doing every week with all of your employees if they. Don't offer a training or if you still have questions make. An appointment with the appropriate person in HR. Ultimately. The performance, process, offers legal protection, to both employees and the, organization the. Manager is the person responsible for, implementing, it appropriately, and accurately, no. Pressure or anything. Second. Create your own method, for organizing key, information, consider. How you'll track and measure each employees progress, throughout the year perhaps. Design your own forum for one-on-one meetings, or agendas, for team meetings that, helps you align the day-to-day work with performance, management, be. Sure to explore the features that an online system might offer you or, other online tools that can help you, third. Be, transparent. With your employees, share.

With Them all you can about the process, discuss. How and when their performance will be assessed how. You'll support them in being successful and, how, it relates to compensation, and career opportunities, no. Employees should ever be surprised during their annual review, I recommend. Doing this in a group setting so that everyone hears the same thing at the same time it not, only saves you from repeating yourself it also helps the team know that they're all held to the same process and standards, in the. Rest of this chapter we're going to look at more parts of the performance, management process and how, you can use various tools to maximize your, success as a manager. True. Or false, your role is someone's manager, starts, their first day of work actually. It's false it begins the minute you post a position for, hire the. Part that says reports, - identifies. You as their supervisor and the person who's responsible for the performance management process, the. Job Description outlines. Important, aspects, of their duties and responsibilities. And usually. Includes other key elements, of the performance, process such, as expected, quotations, and compensation. And it's. Likely that you'll ultimately participate. In interviewing the top candidates, assessing. Their skills and abilities which, will lead to a hiring decision and, a formal offer of employment. Hiring. And onboarding your, employees is the beginning of your professional, relationship and you, want to start off strong let's, look at how, first. Make, sure you use best practices, and hiring, ultimately. You want to hire the right person for the job, someone, who has the skills to be successful and will, grow from the opportunity, the. Hiring process should be designed to help you assess key aspects, of each candidate's, competence, as well, as how they'll contribute to the daily work environment, of your team. Second. Follow established, procedures, and practices if. You, have an HR department they'll. Like the guide and oversee, some aspects, of the hiring process so. Be sure you attend any training available to you employee. Laws have gotten very complex, over the years and your colleagues in HR work hard to help you and other managers, be successful, but. You have to listen to their guidance one. Inappropriate. Question during an interview like are you married not, only opens your organization, up to a lawsuit but, it can often cost you a good candidate who might question your competency. Since you didn't know better. Third. Put, in the time and energy to lead a great hiring, process, hiring. Is a two-way street you're evaluating, the candidate, but the candidate, is also seeing if they want to work for your organization, and specifically. You, take. This process seriously I know that you might be busy but, don't make the mistakes that many managers do which is to treat interviews, as an interruption in their day schedule. Time to review applications, create, thoughtful questions and assess the candidates, make. Sure you come to the meeting with an attitude of, respect and openness after. All first impressions, matter on both sides of the desk the. Hiring process takes time and energy but consider it an investment in building a great team the. More care and thought you put into the hiring process the, more it will pay off down the road in productive employees and collaborative. Teams. Now. Let's turn our focus to onboarding. This. Is the new employees formal, introduction, and orientation, to your organization, and your team it's.

The Process of getting new hires adjusted. To the performance, and social. Aspects of their jobs quickly and smoothly the. Benefits of onboarding, include increased, job satisfaction, increased. Performance and decrease, turnover. Onboarding. Can occur through a range of tools including, online and paper documents, such as websites and handbooks, videos. And in-person, meetings. Onboarding. Can range from a couple of hours to a couple of weeks or even months depending. On the needs of your organization and, the complexity, of various roles again. There are best practices in, onboarding. First. Employees. Should be on-boarded, to three connected, but distinct, things the, organization, the. Department, and their, job you'll. Want to make sure you address all three. Another. Best practice is to focus on boarding on what is known as the four C's. Compliance. Which are the laws and policies that must be adhered to. Clarification. About job, duties and expectations. Culture. Which includes the stated, and assumed values, goals and norms of the organization, and connection. Which are the interpersonal, relationships, and networks vital, to their success by. Using these best practices, and onboarding, you'll not only be setting up your employees for success but, also begin building a positive work relationship, between, you. A vital. Part of any performance, management, process is setting, goals and tracking. Progress towards accomplishing them let's. First talk about choices you have with a performance management system one. Best practice and performance management is to have the system organized, around cascading. Goals at the. Top they begin with the organization's, goals or objectives and, then waterfall, down to the department, goals followed, by team and employee goals this. Allows each person's, individual, task performance, and each, team's performance, to be measured against how it contributes, to the organization's, success. Another. Option is to have two tracks one. That focuses on task performance, and one, that focuses on career or professional, development. Tasks, performance, is about the actions, behaviors, and competencies, needed, to complete the task goal set for the year these. Are directly tied to the employees current position and job description, and they're. Not just to-do lists either they. Can include key people skills like communication and. Collaboration as. Well as other competencies, needed, to do their job effectively.

These. Discussions, hi directly, to the annual review process. Career. And professional development is about helping the employee move up to other positions, or opportunities, in the future this. May include preparing the person for management roles or, helping them develop new skills that position, them for parallel, careers, one. Of the key ways to motivate and engage your people is to support their professional, development. Many. Organizations, build these discussions, into the performance, process although. They're separated, from the annual review process and compensation, decisions, no. Matter how your performance management, process is organized, you'll, use goal-setting. As a way to focus and direct actions, and behaviors, let's. Look at some strategies you can use as a manager, to help your employees with, goal-setting. First. I recommend, using the SMART goal technique, where, each goal has the following five qualities. Its, specific. Meaning, that you get clear about the details of who what. Where, and how. Its. Measureable, meaning, that there's a clear way to see progress. It's. Action-oriented. Meaning, that the employee has the ability to do something as opposed, to it being in someone else's hands, it's. Realistic, meaning. That it can be accomplished, with the time and resources available and, finally. It's timely, meaning. That it has a clearly stated deadline possibly. With smaller milestones leading up to that deadline. Using. The smart gold technique will help you and your employee clearly, identify, measurable, behaviors, that, will make it so much easier for you to track progress, you. Can also break the larger goal into smaller steps aplomb. The smart technique to each one this. Allows you to take a larger, goal and see how it should move along over weeks or even months. Second. Institute, quarterly, progress checks one. Of the mistakes that managers, and employees often make is to, set goals at the beginning of the year and only, assess, them when it's time to do the annual review this. Not only makes the review process difficult, as you wade back through 12 months it also eliminates the opportunity, to make course corrections if you. Use the SMART goal technique, you should be able to map goals across time, shorter. Milestones, should build to the completion, of the goal when. You check in every quarter it gives you and the employee the opportunity, to see which goals are on track and which, may be falling behind then. You can strategize solutions, for getting back on track before it's too late to fix it. Third. When, progress, stalls identify. And remove the obstacles, it's. Very likely that progress was stall for each of your employees in some way when. That happens, it's important to take a closer look at what's happening, because if it won't do much good if you set a new deadline without addressing the source of the roadblock for example. If your employee has too much on their plate or competing priorities just. Putting this goal back on their plate will likely lead to another missed milestone, down the road or. Perhaps the employee needs something to accomplish the goal such, as information or authority, or training, you, need to provide it if you want to see progress or it, could even be emotional, in nature when, people procrastinate it's, often because there's something about the task that's not compelling, or motivating, you, may need to help your employees or, what's underneath their resistance, so you can address it as a.

Manager, You'll often find that supporting your employees in achieving their goals awesome, choirs some coaching skills on your part I certainly, have we're. Going to cover that in the next video in the. Meantime can. How you can utilize these strategies to, help your employee set and achieve both their performance, and professional. Development goals. As, a, manager, I have found that coaching, is one of my primary, tools for, helping employees be at their best however. There's a lot of confusion, about what employee, coaching is and how it works that's. Because there's actually different styles of coaching and different. Types of coaching conversations. That you can use in a professional, setting so. Let's clear that up coaching. Has evolved from two important, but very different fields, and this essentially creates two primary, styles of coaching the. First is skill coaching, where the coaches expertise, is in the skill and they teach that skill to another person this. Mode evolved, from athletic, coaching where the coach is someone who has extensive, experience with, a skill say baseball or swimming and then coaches, another on how to improve that skill it's. A model based on teaching, observation. And offering. Advice tips and strategies, it's, intentionally, directive, and it's, what we naturally, default to as managers, the. Benefits, of skill coaching is that it's often faster, and easier, to direct people and it offers the manager a lot of control about how work is completed. The. Second style is clarity, coaching, the, coach's expertise, is in the clarity process, and they facilitate, the other person and accessing, their own answers, this. Mode evolved, from the field of life coaching, where the coach is trained in formal coaching skills the. Coach facilitates, the other person and becoming clear about an issue and uses, powerful questions, to, help them tap into their own knowledge and expertise, the. Coach then supports the person's progress with action plans and accountability, this. Style is intentionally, non-directive. And the coach must be well-versed in the techniques of clarity coaching, there. Are three primary benefits, of clarity coaching one. It's a process that's proven to motivate and engage employees. To. Behavior. Change is more likely to stick when, they arrive at it on their own because, they become more invested and accountable, and three, over time you, build employee confidence, because they're more likely to initiate solving, their own problems in, the future, obviously. These, two styles can be at odds with each other yet, both are very powerful tools for employ coaching, it. Becomes a question of which to use when. Generally. You want to use skill coaching with new employees who need a lot of agents or employees who are new to a complex, task, but. As your employees grow and develop you'll want to shift more and more often to clarity coaching, now, let's look at the four types of coaching conversations.

People, Can have in a professional, setting, the. First is problem solving this, is when the employees, have hit a roadblock with a project or situation, and they, need help thinking through the issue and possible, solutions. Second. Is performance, this is used when employees, need to improve or develop a professional skill, to, do their current, job well. Third. Is development, this is used with a high-performing. Employee and is about preparing, them for the next level of skill or responsibility. Finally. There's Career Planning this, is used to help an employee identify, their long-term career goals and, plan, for achieving them as a. Manager, you should be having all four types of conversations with your employees, in all. Of these conversations skill. Coaching might take less time but. If you want to build the competence, and motivation, of your employees, you need to be using clarity, coaching more and more of the time like. Any skill clarity, coaching will get easier if you keep practicing, it. I'm. A big fan of creating, a coaching culture in an organization, many, studies have been done on the benefits, with the return on investment paying, off in increased. Productivity, employee. Engagement and the effectiveness of leaders you'll. Find that employees are most happy with and loyal, to managers. Who use clarity, coaching because, they feel valued heard and empowered, so. Develop your skills today and start, reaping the many benefits that coaching your employees, will bring. Giving. Performance, feedback can be an entire course on its own, ideally. Your organization's, performance management, process clearly, outlines how performance issues are handled if so, then you would implement that process as instructed. Obviously. There are legal implications, for performance, discussions, so I strongly encourage you to consult with your HR and legal professionals. They're, there to help you navigate these situations, successfully, so take advantage of their guidance. Performance. Problems, very rarely just develop overnight they usually build from small situations. Part. Of your role as a manager is to address issues early so that they don't become a problem, let's. Look at how you do that first, start. Off with clarity at the, moment someone becomes your direct report you should have a discussion about these key items the. Main elements, of their performance, this, would be an overview of their job duties how. You'll measure that performance, talk, about what data or markers, you'll use to measure their success and at what intervals how. And when you'll communicate both praise and problems. This, might include formal, reviews and informal. Meetings and the. Performance, improvement, process discuss. How and when an employee will learn that, they need to improve and, how long they'll have to do so if, employees. Are out we'll talk about what that means -. Honestly. If every manager had this conversation with their employees, you, let go a long way to solving things. Second. Honor the, plan you, have to meet the standard you create as the. Manager it's your responsibility to. Drive the process for performance feedback and reviews, so. Provide feedback when you said you would using, the measures of progress that you are already outlined. Third. Address, concerns, immediately. If you're, even wondering a little about an employee's performance it's time to speak up it's. Far better to address things early because that's when you have the greatest chance to make things change, since. You're addressing things early you'll use language like, lately. I've noticed that or, I'm, wondering, if we've had a miscommunication because. You. Don't want to make any assumptions about your employees behavior but, you do want to bring up your questions and concerns, ask. Them for their perspective, - you, may discover something important, like the need for some training or even a lack of clarity on your part your, goal here is to help them improve they. Meaning some coaching or more direct guidance from you to get going in the right direction, be. Sure you wrap up with a clear understanding of, what needs to change and by when you. Really want to ground the conversation, with a clear action plan you cannot, be too specific about what actions or behaviors you need to see occur and when, you expect them to be done and of. Course it's always a good idea to keep a file with your notes, fourth, stay, on top of issues until they're resolved, the, employee will either respond to your feedback or they won't, the, vast majority will get things back on track, if they, course-correct, quickly be sure you acknowledge, their efforts that's a really important part of the process, but.

For A handful they'll still be going astray at. This point have another meeting to discuss your new observations, and you're, concerned that they did not make the grade upon changes, the. Tone of this meeting should be more serious, arrive. At a new agreement with clear goals and timelines if, they shift praise, their efforts. Sometimes. Issues, continue, to arise when. That happens, clearly, mark that they're moving into problem, territory. The. Biggest mistake that managers, make is assuming that their employee knows when they're in trouble it. Doesn't, matter how many times you've talked with them they, won't know until you say the words something. Like this. Is becoming a problem you need to address this or you'll experience, the following consequences. And then, spell those out tell. Them if it's going to affect their performance review, rays or ability, to stay with the company it's. Better to shock them into action with firmness then, wait too long when they can't recover if you're, clear and strong you'll know for sure that you gave them every opportunity to, fix it in the case that they don't you'll, be more at peace if you have to let them go also. When things move into problem territory, get, support, work. With someone in HR to ensure that you're taking all of the appropriate actions, there. Are often very specific, stipulations, you need to meet in terms of communication, and documentation. Ultimately. The goal of giving performance, feedback is to help people be their best it's, part of maximizing, their potential and guiding, their professional, development, your. Job is to give them clear information, and the opportunity, to do their best the, rest is up to them. Letting. People go is one of the hardest parts of being manager, in all, my years of professional work I don't know anyone who's ever enjoyed the process but. Making tough decisions is part of your role as a manager so at some point in your career you'll, have to do this let's, make sure you're prepared, the. First thing to know is that ending someone's employment can take a few different forms each. Has its own complexities, and is governed by different rules policies, and even laws there. Are also different, employee statuses, that affect the process to an employee's. Exempt, status or membership, in a represented, labour group all play, a role as do, local state and federal laws sound. Confusing it is, this. Is why your first strategy is always to involve HR and legal professionals early, I cannot. Emphasize this enough there. Are often very specific, requirements, around documentation. And communication with. Your word choices and actions having a greater impact than you may realize, so. Always seek guidance and support as early in the process as possible, let's. Talk about different types of ending employment, which, you'll also hear referred to as terminations, or work separations. The. First general type of termination is voluntary. The, person leaves of their own will so this really doesn't involve you letting them go but. As a manager there's still policies, and procedures that govern voluntary.

Termination, Such as their resignation, or retirement, from the position in addition. To ending their employment status there. Are other ramifications for, benefits, the transfer files and records etc. There's. Also something called termination. By mutual agreement this. Includes things like the ending of a contract, employees, agreement, forced. Resignation and job abandonment, the second, general type of termination is involuntary, the. Person is not choosing to leave but the termination, is forced upon them again. That can be many different reasons some. Common examples include, layoffs. Where positions, are eliminated, in order to reduce the size of the workforce this. Is also known as termination, without prejudice, because, it was not a function of the employees performance in this, case employees, are eligible to be rehired in the future, being. Fired is where the employee is being let go for a specific reason usually, related to performance or some egregious violation. Of or legal policies, this. Is also known as termination, with prejudice, or termination. For cause and the person is not eligible for rehire, and then. You have situations where the employee was wrongfully, terminated because. The manager, and/or, the organization, violated, laws or policies governing. Work separation, these. Can often lead to expensive lawsuits. Finally. The third type of termination, is due to death, obviously. This doesn't neatly fit in either of the previous categories so. Legally it has its own and is, governed by laws policies, and procedures, that involve, the survivors, and beneficiaries. Of the deceased employee if you're. Feeling overwhelmed at this point it's normal, I do to labor. Laws are complex and also ever-changing, as a. Manager, you're not expected, to know and remember all the details but you are expected, to know that terminating, employees, has important, and legal, ramifications for. Both the interests of the employee and the organization, you're. In the middle and that's why you don't want to take any action, without the guidance and support of, HR and legal professionals. Luckily. They're well versed in all the current information it, can not only guide you but may actually lead, and conduct aspects, of the process as well. Ultimately. When an employee is terminated you, will be involved in some way often. There's a face-to-face meeting, that, occurs that you will at least participate in if not lead while. It may be challenging, you can prepare, yourself by taking these simple steps, first. Be, prepared, review. The process and be clear about what you need to do and say take. Notes and ask questions, it's, your responsibility to. Make sure that you know what you're doing. Second. Practice. Role-playing. The conversation, can be really helpful and making you more confident, for the meeting, oftentimes. The folks in HR can help you do this be. Sure to roleplay the situations, that worry you to like, the other person crying or becoming hostile, you. Want to know that you can handle anything. Third. Connect, with your compassion, sometimes. All the formality, of this process, can make us feel like we can't be compassionate you probably. Really care about your employee even if they have been difficult it's. Normal, that you may feel sadness or regret, that things didn't work out better and you. May even worry about this person's future and wish the best for them it's. True that you may or may not be able to say certain things but you can still arrive at the meeting with compassion, in your heart and the, commitment, to treat them with care and respect. Remember. People thrive in different environments we.

All Know folks who've been fired to, come on and find the right fit somewhere else. Ultimately. Letting. People go is never easy but. It is your role as a manager to make the process go as smoothly as possible for, the employee and the organization. In, today's. Collaborative, work environments, more and more work is being done in teams as a, result an important, aspect of performance management includes. Team performance. Ultimately. You need to find a way to assess and measure how, collaborative, work reflects, on each individual, employees performance, as well, as the group as a whole a team. Is different from a group of individuals, who may form a department, or a cross-functional, group, specifically. To be a team the group must have the following four qualities, number. One a common, purpose this, would be the clear goal there to achieve, number. Two their, efforts must be interdependent. Otherwise. It's just coordinated, efforts of individual, contributors, and that's, not a team, number. Three they must share accountability. Everyone. Is held responsible for the group success or failure, and number. Four the members must believe that the outcome will be better working together than. Alone, managing. A high-performing, team takes effort so plan to spend some time energy on implementing, these strategies, this. Will also help you address the most common reasons teams fail which, are unclear. Purpose or goals, lack. Of clear plan or commitment, to the plan. Inability. To deal with conflict. Lack. Of shared accountability, for results. Insufficient. Resources and, lack, of trust. You. So. You've been promoted to manager. Congratulations. This is a great opportunity and, if you're like most people you're, simultaneously excited. And nervous, I know I was we've. All experienced, bad bosses and I'm sure you want to do a good job and be someone your employees trust and respect, in, fact, that should be your goal to. Build a relationship with them based on trust and respect in this. Chapter we'll cover ways you can do that but first let's, talk about how you transition, from being a peer to, a manager, if, you're coming in from the outside and haven't worked alongside your reports, it can be easier because you don't have a previous relationship with, them you, come into a role of authority while, they don't know you they also don't have any preconceived notions, about you however. You'll have more work to do to help them get to know you and trust, you if you've. Been promoted to supervise your colleagues, they do know, you which. Means they have some beliefs about who you are and how you'll manage these. May or may not be accurate so, you may need to overcome, not only their assumptions, but your own whether. You're promoted from within or hired from the outside the, following strategy, should guide your actions the, first few weeks and months. First. How patience with their nervousness, you. Probably remember having a new boss yourself, because. We've all lived with poor managers, people are somewhat anxious to see what kind of manager you're going to be this. Means that they'll simultaneously. Be putting on their best behavior for you and, also, guarded about what they share with you they'll. Also be trying to bend your ear about their priorities, and concerns that's.

Good You, want to learn all you can so, listen just don't. Promise anything early on until, you've really had time to assess everything. This. Is a great time to focus on getting to know your people your, second strategy, one. Of the best things any new manager can do is to make a point of meeting with, each of your people to learn more about them here. Are some key questions to ask, tell. Me about your role I'd like to hear your perspective on what your priorities are and the challenges, that you face. How. Can I support you and being successful. How. Do you like to be supervised and what motivates, and engages you at work and, by. Thanking them for the information at, this point don't make any promises, about what Miller won't do it's too early to commit to anything I also. Think it's a good idea to meet with your colleagues, and other departments, and also those above you ask. Them the first two questions you'll. Learn a lot, this. Is all part of the third strategy, which is to take time and gather, information, this. Is certainly important, if you're new to the organization but. It's even more so if you're already working there and here's, why as you, move up you gain a whole new perspective about things you'll, be privy to all kinds, of information that you didn't have before you'll. Learn more about the people above you the, organization's, goals and challenges, as well, as confidential, information about the budget and personnel files, trust. Me when you move up it's, a whole new world so, you want to take time to learn all that you can before you make any big decisions or implement. New ideas while. You may be brimming with them it's in your best interest to slow down and thoroughly, explore, the real lay of the land. Fourth. Be transparent, with your values and philosophy, while. You may be waiting to design and implement changes, you can use this time to share your values and management, philosophy, this. Is how you start building trust, and establishing. Your integrity, your. Employers are nervous and they want to need to know who you're going to be fifth, take, time to craft your overall, strategy, once. You've gathered information you want to think about how you can address and resolve some of the challenges, while, also maximizing strengths. And opportunities and, this. All needs to work within the structures and resources, you have by. Crafting, your overall plan it will help you map out how you'll make changes over time in addition. It will be the North Star that, will guide your decision-making in all kinds of situations. Finally. Pace, yourself, I know you may be chomping at the bit to get started but if you rush too quickly you, may accidentally, damage the relationships, you're trying to build your. Effectiveness, as a manager, is completely, dependent, on your ability to build positive, working relationships. With people all over your organization, so focus, on that first and the rest will follow. Establishing. Trust is an ongoing practice, something. You do every day in your words and actions as a, manager, your success is dependent on creating an environment where you're seen as trustworthy, not. Only by your direct reports, but also your supervisors, and your peers so how do you build trust let's. Look at the key practices. First. Have, integrity, with your words and actions this. Means that you do what you said you would you, follow through meet, deadlines, and keep your promises this, is not occasionally, but all the time in, the, rare instances, where you cannot deliver you take responsibility, explain. Why and even, apologize, when appropriate. Second. Share your values, people. Have to know what you stand for in order to assess if you have integrity or not study. After study shows people, assess trustworthiness, based, on how well you live in alignment with your values they.

Can Do this faster if they know what your values are, interestingly. They, don't have to like or approve your values for you to establish trust. Third. Make, ethical choices, ethics. Are another important, aspect of integrity how. They differ is that each culture or society has, its own laws and norms that determine, what's considered ethical within. That context. Acting. Ethically is about being in alignment with, the agreed-upon standards, of that community, certainly. The workplace has some agreed-upon standards. Like not discriminating. Against people, sometimes. An industry, has a code of ethics like medicines, Hippocratic, oath of do no harm and many. Organizations have their own code of ethics so they outline and shared values or specific, policies, and practices. Forth. Sincerely. Listen to others when. You listen to others without judgment, it makes it easier for them to open up in the future you. Want to be a place where people can bring their honest, concerns, needs, priorities. And hopes and know, that you'll listen this. Doesn't mean that you have to give them everything they want in fact you often won't be able to but. If you listen and respond with respect, you'll, build trust with every conversation. Fifth. Be, accountable, for your actions part. Of managing is taking risks and making decisions sometimes. You'll be successful and sometimes, you won't if you, blame others or make excuses you'll, damage trust, and if, you take credit for other people's work you. Harm trust too so. Be accountable, for your actions both good and bad admit. Your mistakes and be proud of your wins. 6th. Be honest, in your communication. Your, word has to mean something this. Is not only following through on promises but. Also that you can be honest about anything, sometimes. Honesty, is hard it, means that you offer realistic, assessments, frank critiques, and clear opinions, that. Can be challenging if you know the other person won't like what you have to say or may be hurt by it but.

Trust Has also built on people knowing that you'll be honest, find. Ways to communicate honestly, and clearly but also with kindness and empathy it, will make it easier for them to hear what you have to say. Vii, respond. To feedback you'll. Be the recipient, of feedback and how you handle, it is part of building trust if you, get defensive or shoot the messenger, you're gonna harm trust as a, manager, you have power in the relationship so you need to intentionally, seek feedback and then make changes, remember. People, leave a boss not, a company, before. They leave they'll, try once or twice to give you feedback if you, don't change they'll, start disengaging. As they get ready to leave so, take feedback very seriously in, fact intentionally, seek it out don't. Just wait for people to bring you feedback or complaints, actively. Seek out their opinions, both good and bad about how things are going and reward. Honesty, when, someone has the courage to tell you challenging, news sincerely. Thank them they've, actually shown you a great sign of respect. This. Is all part of making it safe to take risks the last and most important. Practice, one. Of the worst things that can happen in work setting is if there's a culture of fear when, people are afraid they're, obviously not in trust and even worse you've, shut down the pathway to creativity, and innovation, something. That all organizations need, to be successful as a. Manager, you need to create a culture where it's safe to take risks, be. Open to hearing feedback, or ideas that are different from yours, also. Don't, allow your employees to treat each other poorly, and don't. Tolerate behavior that undermines safety, for anyone in the organization. Be. Clear about how, Harmons issues are handled people, feel safer, if they trust that the process will be fair if, you, consistently, focus on building trusts you'll be able to do so but, the work doesn't stop there while, it takes time to build trust it can be destroyed overnight, one. Violation, on your part can undo months of hard work so, make establishing, trust one of your top and ongoing priorities, it should, be built on a set of these practices, that you use every. Day. As a. Manager, you have a responsibility. To build others up, obviously. There's a business case for doing so helping. Others achieve their potential yields all kinds of measurable outcomes that affect the bottom line like, productivity, innovation. And customer satisfaction I think. It's important to remember that building others up also reflects, well on you one. Sign that top executives, look for is whose team is thriving, and excelling they, know that this indicates a manager, that has high potential for future opportunities, as a. Manager, you want to intentionally, motivate, and engage your team, recent. Research has clearly demonstrated key, factors that inspire people let's. First look at motivation, studies. In psychology and human potential show us that all humans, are motivated, by three driving forces in ranking, order first. Need, for physical survival and safety this. Includes the most basic necessities from air food and water to. Our more modern versions, of being able to buy a home afford, health care and have job security, when. This level is tended to we can focus more energy on the second level which, is the need to belong this includes. Our social needs of having friends and loved ones and being able to spend quality time with them in. Addition this level includes our sense of achievement and, competence, in professional, settings, when. This level is tended to we can then focus on the highest level which. Is the need to achieve our full potential. Humans. Are drawn to becoming the best they can be this. Not only includes personal, excellence but also expressing, and appreciating, creativity, as well as making a difference in the lives of others in fact, compelling, research has shown that when the other levels are met humans, are most motivated, by having autonomy, developing.

Mastery And contributing. To a meaningful purpose, now. Let's look at engagement. Engagement. Is the level of positive attachment, employees feel toward their job and organization. Which, serves as profound motivator, for productivity, and growth. Studies. Show that the top causes of employee disengagement. Are, feeling. Invisible because efforts, are not measured or recognized, the. Job or workplace is not as expected. There's. Little to no feedback or coaching and there's no access to professional development. They're. Overworked, and stressed out and there's. Lack of trust or confidence in, the senior leaders. So. Engag

2019-03-02 18:24

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