Business Loan Agent Training 2022

Business Loan Agent Training 2022

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all right well let's get to it because  y'all y'all about business right now and   i do understand everybody's time is valuable  and who knows what else you have to do right yeah did you did you have something  did somebody have something to say okay so i kind of want to go real quick through  the frequently asked questions that i'm getting   asked quite a bit and then um you know we  can chime in in the middle and at the end   to just you know go over any other  questions that i didn't mention or um   to get clarification or more details on something  is that okay that cool all right sounds good   all right so um who didn't watch  the videos yet the videos from dac okay and i might be doing a little bit of screen  sharing too um but so everybody watch the video   so far all right um uh now i'm asking that  twice because um you know i really encourage   watching the videos because that's how you learn a  whole lot more about the company and kind of learn   what to do or what to say it just makes it all  easier in my opinion so like some people say yeah   i watched them but then they'll ask me questions  and i know they didn't because the answers in   the training videos the first ones we get so i  kind of know off hand if they watch them or not   just based on the questions that we're getting  but some some people just learn in different ways   that's how i look at it so um all right so if  everybody did that okay the the next number one   question that i get is about getting the you the  unique url name okay and so i kind of want to   do a screen share real quick and show you how to  do that um because i think that's real important   but um again i think step one is really important  too because once you watch those videos you will   um that will help you to come up with a  great domain name once you learn more about   the company and what you're doing and all of  that so let me share my screen really quick um all right so basically what i do or what i did i  kind of went to go daddy and of course you could   use whatever um i think there's another one named  i think there's a bunch of them but i use godaddy   a lot so i just go to godaddy and kind of just  play around or type stuff to see what's available   because a lot of domain names  are taken for no reason so um hold on one second somebody is trying  to get in can you see my screen okay   yes yes yeah you're good okay awesome all right all right so   yeah i just went to and just go to and right here on the first script   you can play around with different url names like  somebody throw something out at me that you might   have thought about that you might have thought  about using for your adult your domain name   something catchy something easy for people to  remember something that you might want to use anybody got something okay well um the reason why i chose i thought  of because when i joined they were   stressing about this same day 25 000 same day so  i was like okay and i didn't know what to pick   either so i just went i just went to go daddy  i typed and you know i clicked on   search and so of course now it's gonna say  it's taken um hold on somebody's coming in   so okay now it's gonna say it's taken and  then go daddy always trying to get you to   buy something saying that maybe you could buy it  from the person so i wouldn't recommend you doing   that but um so if it's taken then you just go and  type something else so you might want to say um same day i know that was gone  but say you wanted to say   um say you wanted to say loans by  valentina say you wanted to say that right   i'm trying to choose something unique because i  know if i keep choosing common names they're going   to be taken but say you wanted loans by valentina  that is available right um so it's just 885   and then of course you i think you pay an extra 10  or 11 to get your private information not sold by   godaddy so that's crazy they make us pay for that  but yes they do um so you know so like somebody   else you signed up under me they chose get to g-e-t so you know we wanted to choose   something that was real catchy and real easy  for people to spell right so we got  

um another one on the team they have  their name is or you know i do loans by katina also   loans by katina so it's very easy to make  it unique if you put your name in there   so we got that y'all any questions on that  let's talk questions on that while we're here can you hear me yes i hear you okay yeah i was asking if we can  use the bank breezy website so should we create   our own on the go daddy oh bank breezy yeah well  we're definitely using their website because that   makes it all easy um you might have came in a  little bit late so this will be recorded and i'll   put it on um i'll send the uh recording out so  that you can go back and see what you missed but   i apologize too i i didn't say this stuff but  basically the purpose of getting your own custom   domain name you're just getting the url and then  you're going to direct it to your bank breezy site   right and let me let me show you that um i want  to show you two real quick if you ever needed to   find all of the urls from dac you just go in  your search box for whatever email address   you gave them and then you type you type dac and  then enter and all of their emails will pop up so   um this here is when i signed up and everything is  right here like if you a lot of your questions are   answered in that first email but this is my um id  number and so all of these are our links right so   all right so like right here it says here's  your personalized website for acquiring dnc   um funding finance payment processing all of that  and this is your personal website for bank breezy   so what i did is i copied this url so you're  going to highlight it you're going to press ctrl   and c on your keyboard right so then you flip  your window back and go back to godaddy right   so i i've already done this so i'm just going  to go to my products right so when i go to hold on one second all right so when i go to my products and i'm  i got a ton of domain names so don't don't even   laugh at me but i've been in real estate and  mortgages for a long time so i i got a lot of   domain names in here um so so so so all right  here's my give me 25. so when you have okay you   purchase your domain name that's step one purchase  the domain name step two is you go into your email   you find the dac email right you click on  the link for a bank breezy because that's   the most popular one so you click the link for  bank breezy you press ctrl and c the letter c   at the same time on your keyboard then you go  back because that's going to copy the link right   so then you go back to go daddy and then you click  dns now i'm i think it's dns and not managed but   just give me one moment yes um yes so you click  dns and when you scroll down you'll see forwarding   and then you just click on this box right and then  you right here you said it says forward to so you   just click in here and then you press ctrl and the  letter v for victor and that will paste the link   and then you click save and you can even preview  it if you click preview it'll show you where it's   going to go when you start sharing that link with  people right so you see it's got my name here y'all follow me yes all right awesome so you can  do that to all of your links i just do it with   um i just do it with bank breezy  and if somebody else wants like   payment processing or something like that  i just send them this link and the reason   is because i rarely get any requests for  that stuff um and they want more i'm sorry somebody say something okay so even  if the client wants more than 25 000   then all they need to do is click more  click need more on the site any questions about that before we move on no my only question i guess was the three links  was a little bit confusing the ones that you   just showed um the one to recruit dac agents that  one kind of seems straightforward to me but that   first one and then the third one so which  one if i'm telling someone here's my link   so you could go apply for this loan which one am  i giving them one's just for my website and then   the other ones for them to directly apply  that's the little confusing part for me   the bank breezy bank breezy that's the most  popular one that's the one people want is the same   day up to twenty five thousand dollars so this one  right here the third one that says bankruptcy okay   yup so you yup and um and then like for the  recruiting dac agents i didn't know what to pick   for that so i kind of did something similar to um  my mentors um he had he i did something similar to   his so i chose i kind of wish  i had chose something different um just because  

i wouldn't want somebody who's getting the loan  to be offended by that so but i didn't know what   to choose for that so that's kind of what i chose  but same thing i came in here i selected the link   i did a copy a control c and i went to go daddy  and i just clicked so let's   let's go even further though than that because  i want to show you what to do with it once   what to do with it once you have once you  have these now what i did with it i just   added to my link tree now i have a lot of products  and services so that's why i have a link tree   and i pay like 6.99 a month but now there are a  bunch of other services out too so i would say   search for it before you just go to link tree and  buy and then also some people go to um some people   just add something like this on their website like  if they have a wordpress website you can add it   you know and not pay a monthly fee so but i mean  kind of what i like about linktree is that they   kind of do analytics so does anybody want to know  more about that because i can move on if if not all right so next let's talk about how to get  clients but um valentino did that give you some   clarification uh your question yeah it was  just yeah the the first the third one was so   the third one's kind of like the important one  but that first top one the one that says here's   your personal website for acquiring dac funding  customer finance and payment processing clients   that's the one that i'm a little bit confused  about what that particular is that the same as uh this is like um hold on let me let some  people win so or is that the one that if   they want more than 25 000 no no no it's for  um like say if somebody has a coaching company   and they're charging a whole lot of money like  ten thousand dollars and um they uh somebody needs   to break it up into um payment a payment plan or  even if you just again if you just like go to your   emails and you start clicking and looking around  um like right here it says home improvement if if   if your husband's a contractor and he uh remodels  bathrooms and kitchens and somebody wants their   bathroom remodeled you could help him to offer  a payment plan to the client oh right yeah i do   remember that okay yeah and then like coaching um  people could do 3 000 down 100 a month stuff like   that so is to help that's with payment plans yeah  i do remember hearing about that but that's yeah   i do remember that okay i'm going  to rewatch the videos again because   clearly i didn't retain everything okay  thank you it's a lot it's a lot to me yeah so but like this one i haven't i haven't  used it at all but i think that i should be   using it and i should be talking about it  a lot more so i'm glad you you know wanted   us to elaborate and and look  at that a little bit more   all right so any any other questions  before we move on out of this subject because next we're just going to get into selling selling again so just just just to make sure i'm  clear you said if if our spouse wanted to move uh   get a loan to do a payment plan for remodeling  that goes for us as well as agents no okay i'm sorry you're asking if you could if you  could do it yourself or as an agent like get if you could do what exactly the  remodeling you were talking about the payment plan   right so like if you want if somebody if you  hired somebody to remodel your bathroom can you   get yourself on a payment plan to pay them is that  what you're asking yes that that'll be up to the   contractor if that's something they want to offer  okay so because you know some contractors want all   their money and some contractors to be honest are  not even going to be like educated on something   like this or they might not be knowledgeable  or that they just might not like it so   um that'll definitely because the way it works too  um i probably left that part out the way it works   uh too is that again i haven't done this but from  what i understand the um you get you would get on   the payment plan with dac and the contractor  would get all of their money so i'm guessing   yes you could do that yourself okay just  answer the wrong question okay great yeah   yeah see that's why questions are good it helps  it help i'm learning as i go as i talk through it   so all right y'all so let's talk about marketing  next right or or selling or getting clients all right so um who has a um fear of talking  to strangers or who has concerns about how to   get clients let's start with that me okay  and tell me what what are your concerns   um like presenting the you know presenting it  to somebody and feeling confident enough that   i explained it well enough for  them to come on get on board okay so um i would say this in response to that um try  not to be a salesperson um just um get a mindset   of i am providing information to help people and i  think when you have that kind of mindset you don't   even worry about it you don't worry at all because  you know that you're simply providing information   that could help somebody okay that makes sense  that makes sense because i am a sales person   so okay me trying to you know okay but it  makes sense the way you explain it thank you   you're welcome you're welcome who else has  a concern about selling or getting clients that's what i should say getting clients ryan i know i have a concern just because starting but  it's always there's always that nervous feeling   but um to me the business it makes sense because  um i couldn't i come from the construction world   where things uh you know i know a lot of people  that have small businesses doing construction   and you know watching the videos he talks  about contractors falling behind on paying   their employees or machinery breaking down and  like that so like the business really makes sense   um yeah i guess i'm just nervous about doing the  initial reach out like i've already watched the   videos and stuff and i feel like i should already  be on my way i've already posted something about   this service at this point why haven't you  yeah that's the part that i don't know why   i guess i didn't feel um uh i i was feeling  confident i was like i don't know what if i get   all these messages and i don't have the  answers for people but now that i have   i finally linked up with you and i have you as my  mentor because i had seen you on tech talk but i   was like well how do i get a hold of this person  if i need help because to me you're just like a   tick-tock uh celebrity i was like how do i get a  hold of this person well you know i'm gonna try   to be very available at least once a week um you  know just to help get everybody going for sure um it can be a little bit of a challenge  for me to do a lot of one-on-ones or to   kind of be on demand so um that's the reason   it's it's it's a little bit um easier for  me to do have group meetings and record it   so that people can even go back and watch and  take a look because sometimes you might need to   hear something twice two or three times before it  really like sinks in because i know for me i do so all right any anybody else with concerns about  selling because i kind of know what i'm going to   talk about but i don't want to i'll just keep  talking if somebody has an immediate question   right now yeah i do i don't have well there's not  quite a concern about having new year one too yeah   it's not quite a concern about um as far as like  selling it in the sense which i understand that   tenacity is i guess at this point of uh building a  a system to where you can hold a database i would   say because i do production and the problem i have  you know i had over the years was i'm so i think i   am so thankful that i came across a tip top and  i actually clicked the link and actually went   through the whole process because i've seen you a  couple of times um i was having a problem with um   getting clients to get the funding pay pay their  funding upfront as opposed to i have people that's   on the team have to reach out to them hey pay your  invoice this needs to be paid we already have done   the work so i feel like if i could put funding  in front of them it'll be very very helpful   and then save us a headache i would say okay when you say you're in production in what aspect what do you mean by that aspect  of just create creating anything digital whether   it's a website whether it's movies social  media content just anything of that nature   uh i don't know what it is linux of executives  probably just building right here um so production   as in that aspect so what clients do is i sit  down with clients give them a consultation   and a lot of times they don't have funding  and i would like to provide funding   for them with what we are doing now that makes  sense what i'm saying yeah definitely okay   yeah so i think i'm just glad i found a solution  by meeting and coming across you on tick tock   awesome i'm glad you did too i think it's right  here here okay this is good yeah so other than   that that's that's about it just just knowing the  approach and the right approach and how to hold   someone's attention span when you're  talking about revenue and funding right yeah all right so um what i gotta do with anything  tammy can you hold for one second i just kind of   want to respond um what i would say is that could  be why you know i my approach is a little bit   different because i don't uh come at anybody with  a a mindset that i'm selling something i just come   with a mindset of i'm providing you information  or i'm telling you what i can offer and you know i   might say i might say who do you know that is that  needs business funding or that's having a tough   time with their business right now so you know  a simple question like that could plant a seed   and if they say nobody then um you just simply  say okay would you mind sharing my information   if you hear anything and in a lot of those  instances they might hear something a day or   two later but it might not have stuck until it  might only stick because you asked the question   if that makes sense it does thank  you it does all right awesome all right awesome um a domain is a you are i'm  slow getting to the messages in the chat but a   domain is like your website name your url so  that's what a domain is um yes we definitely   use the bank breezy website we don't want to  create any new websites we just direct our uh the   domain the url website name that we purchased  on godaddy we just direct that we forward   the the website provided to us the  bank breezy website we just forward   that site to our domain because that  site if you look at my computer right now   are you still we're still screen sharing if  you look at my computer right now in the upper   left you see it says  slash question mark reference code equal   nobody's going to remember that so you just  take that you press ctrl c you copy it you go to   um go daddy and you that is what you uh paste and  get your own do and go daddy will help you to do   that and walk you through it too and there's a  ton of videos on youtube too on how to do that all right all right somebody just purchased 25k  me oh i love that queen i love that that's good all right um any other questions before  i start getting into my own stuff   yes i do have one question um hi everybody i don't  know if you can see me right now but also so the   one question that i have is in terms of selling um  what specific mediums do you use outside of maybe   tick tock or i saw you actually on reels um and  i was like oh cool let me check this out oh and   there's no fee even better so are those the only  i'm sure that those are not the only places that   you actually um use to reach out to people um to  possibly offer the funding or the opportunity um   what other places would you should suggest someone  even do this including link link tree which which   i've already you know kind of done that already  but um anything else that you would suggest   for for reaching out to those people or building  that audience definitely that was um what we were   getting to next oh even better clients okay  i'm so glad i am so glad you said you found   me on reels because i complain all the time about  instagram i'll be like instagram give me no love   but so i'm so glad you said that so now i know  to keep going keep trying um but okay that was   the next thing i wanted to talk about y'all is how  to get clients so yes the majority of my clients   came all from online um the only i think i may  have had a couple of phone calls from realtors who   said they had somebody they needed to send to me  and that's because i'm a i'm a real estate broker   and i'm a i'm a mortgage broker too um but i  really i just got into mortgages this year but   i've been doing real estate for 20 years  so i do know a lot of people in that field   so but mainly i'm doing it all on tick top  now but here's the thing anytime i'm into   any new product that i'm selling or working on  commission i go back to selling 101 which is what   i learned in real estate all right so the main way  you can get clients no matter what you're selling   in a commission type you know atmosphere is just  set a goal to talk to 20 people a day somehow   some way top to 20 people a day all right now this  could include posting videos on social media and   i know everybody's not comfortable with that but  um the other way is you can simply create a flyer   and go to businesses and leave the flyer there  right that's easy that's easy to do flyers   are not expensive okay um you  could create flyers with word   um with canva all sorts of ways there's so much um  affordable technology and and ways to be creative   so you could actually go to businesses and do that  you could um pay somebody um to start collecting   uh business email addresses and save it and  start creating a database that's another way um   another way um you could pick up the phone you  can pick up the yellow pages and start calling   now and i'm telling y'all these are all strategies  that i used in real estate and i used to sell   a lot of houses i sold over 40 million dollars  in worth of real estate okay over the last like   six years so and these are all the strategies  i really really used i would call them   i would email them or i would pass out business  cards now this is a good one and i know with kovit   it's not a lot of it's not as easy anymore because  of kovit to just go to networking events and pass   a card to everybody leaving because that's what i  would do i would go to um you know how they would   say oh big real estate event free you know  some kind of big seminar coming to your town   i would go to those places and take let me see  here i would take me a stack of cards and i would   pass one out and try to have a conversation to  everybody um the new tactic now i'm sorry go ahead vr oh i'm sorry okay so yeah i would actually  do that and then um before we move on though   let me just show you if you don't have  business cards you can go to vistaprint   everybody heard of vistaprint yes okay so i  i use vistaprint a lot because it's cheaper   but i just went and this is my recent one i  kind of created so i just went in there showed   something let me see if i could look at it because  i kind of want to show you the front and the back   so i just went in there created something that's  my front that's my back i got all these qr   codes um i created some from my brother as well  he's in the cannabis industry so um because of   his industry he doesn't have his face so he just  has a qr code right so it's really about how   comfortable you are right you would create your  business card based on that but these qr codes   is really cool right now some people don't have  any information but just a big qr code and you   can make it um connect right to your link tree  that might have your facebook your instagram   your youtube all of that on this one  qr code so that when you pass your card   out um people can go to all of your products  and services so you could create this   have them go to bank breezy have them see the  link for bank breezy the link for financing   the link for payment processing the link for  your instagram too any questions about that oh yes i have a question okay this is this  is clydefuse um my question is pertaining to   um i know you mentioned the flyer  do you have by any chance like a   a template that's already put in place that you  know you had success with already that you can   share with us is that possible because i'm i'm  in the process of trying to put a poster together   so i knew i know of a few um business clients  that i'm gonna go drop it off to and put it in   their business i was just wondering if you already  have something in place like as far as a template   with certain keywords uh like i was just  telling y'all i have not i'm gonna tell you   i'm having really good success with um with um  being a business loan agent and i did not have   a plan to do that i came into this as a side  hustle i was just like let me do something and   so it just kind of started moving real quick um  so i don't have a flyer but i always got great   resources right so if i wanted to create  a flyer let me show you what i would do   which take would take five minutes to be honest  if y'all have everybody heard of canva yes   yes yes canva i'ma tell you i create all my  stuff on canva it's like 14 a month i create   almost everything in here it's very easy to do um  here's the flyer i did for home loans and it says   something you you just go in there you click flyer  you plop in your picture and you change the text oh okay okay y'all see can y'all  see all these flags on the left yes yes yep it's so easy y'all it's so  easy to do you just look at them you   know decide what type of layout you  want um like say if you're you know   you might want something just real simple like  like say if you wanted to use say if you um say if you didn't want to have  a lot of tax and you chose this   you could put some money right here like it's  so simple y'all i did not plan to do a canva   uh orientation but say if you wanted to put  some money right there or um hold on let me see   now these over here on the left these are all  pictures i've used in the past to create stuff   so i'm just trying to find some money stay  if you wanted to put money right there and   money right there you see how simple  it is i'm just sliding the picture over just slide the picture you can  say what did you say is that your website uh yes ma'am so if  you did or 25k me oops okay well  

this is all caps but you get the point like if  you wanted to be something really really simple   something you could change really really quickly  try to just get like you might want to put your   picture in this corner and then up here some money  and then just you know just change this and say   business business loans available same day  business loans available say you wanted to   say that you would just change your tax and then  you save it but canva is a great investment if   you want to use flyers and you want to use  stuff like that canva is a great place to go   canva and vistaprint that's what  i would recommend for flyers all right um any other questions before we go anything  i didn't didn't mention or didn't touch one another thing too uh has everybody heard  of fiverr i use fiverr all the time yeah   you can get one there to create to create  you a flyer really probably use canva   what'd you say so they probably  using canva to be honest   yeah i love canva yeah what  is the site called fiverr f-i-v-e-r-r dot-com and it's supposed to be five  dollars but a lot of people are charging a lot   more than that now it's like 25 depending on  where you go um i do have a quick question um i   don't mean to well you did record it so i could  probably go back i kind of missed the dns part   oh okay yeah we'll redirect them on  the domain name yeah you see how okay   so let's go back so in the upper right it'll  have your name then you click on my products and then you just scroll down look for your domain  and then you click on no it was dns i'm sorry hold on a second so you click dns and then you scroll down and then you click  add this was a good one to choose because i'm   not forwarding anywhere but you would click add  you click that box you go control v so that just   pasted what i had copied from earlier and then  you click preview and you see okay this is correct   so then you go back to your godaddy and then  you save it just click the save button that's it   that's how you forward that's how you create your  own custom domain and then you have the website   for it and and again that is great for um you want  to make things as easy as possible for the clients   um that's another thing i wanted to touch on too  is that the way i think i've been getting a lot of   loans closed is because i do a lot of um texting  and messaging um and now this is because again   my background is real estate and you know we can  waste a lot of time in real estate as a realtor   um talking to people teaching them stuff  and then deals not even going through   so i'm kind of done with wasting time  so i'm working smarter not harder   and i'm just um messaging and um maybe  this is something too i need to touch on   is that a lot of the i'll say a large percentage  of people who apply for these same-day loans   do not even get approved that's another reason i  don't want to spend a lot of time talking about it   is um so basically i send them a  message with all the guidelines   and so you might want to take a note of  this part the main pieces that i tell them   the main pieces i tell them in my text message  about the guidelines is i tell them they need a   revenue of at least 5k a month they need  um let me look at my message hold on um the main part i tell them because it just  stream it streamlines everything for me   i don't want to be on the  phone talking for 20 minutes   to somebody who's not even going  to qualify does that make sense yes it does completely okay thank you so it's like a pre-screening you send them like  a pre-screen text message and they check off yes   then you might want to hop on the phone with  them um i mean you know i i say to each's own   and do what's comfortable for you um but like i  said i i came into this as a side hustle but it's   definitely quickly turning into a full-time  thing for me so it's a real challenge for me   to be on the phone with everybody and i'ma tell  y'all too this video i don't even have it out yet   but let me just tell y'all you might have wondered  why i'm the only person talking about this like   have y'all seen anybody else talking about this  opportunity no no not at all no no one oh yes on   youtube yes yes i have i have two i've seen like  two people maybe two other people but um now i'm   i just should probably tell my story too real  quick i got into this because i decided in 2021   i don't want to be a full-time real estate  broker no more i want to get into something else   so i went and went through all this long drawn-out  process to become a mortgage broker so once i   became the mortgage broker quickly um a lot of  the stuff i stopped liking about real estate   i had a problem with in the mortgage industry and  the mortgage industry is heavily regulated by the   state so they were giving me problems too so while  they were giving me all this difficulty i started   searching for something else and that's how i  came across this becoming a business loan agent   so i kind of had it as a side hustle  but it's turning into um full-time quick   um and it's turning into full-time quick because  i'm closing a lot um i'm helping a lot of business   owners like closing every day or or at least  three to five three three to five times a week   and so but again i think it's because i'm getting  the information out quickly and a lot of people   aren't talking about it but i really think a lot  of people are not talking about it is because they   want to keep it a secret they don't really want  everybody to know that they can do this without um   a long drawn-out process like what i experienced  in mortgages and they don't want you to know you   could do it without getting a license they don't  want you to know it's available because it can   be a very lucrative business so does that make  sense yes it does yes it does make a lot of sense i want to add this before you go so i you i  see all your stuff on real i didn't see it   on tick tock i don't even think i have ticked off  i've seen it all on real and when i first saw it   i didn't jump on it right away because  i thought i was like oh my goodness   um she was like it's right here it's right here  you know you're showing all the information   and i keep going back to it over and over and over  again and so when i asked you the question earlier   about my presentation it made sense you say stop  don't sell give them information and so now it all   makes sense to me because first i signed up and i  got into it but i and i did some um something on   facebook but i it makes all the sense you giving  information so it doesn't hold me hostage anymore   in my mind because all i'm doing now is  sharing information and i can easily do that   all right so thank you for that if you just  share information share tips i always tell people   share three tips that's the easy way  to get attention um share three reasons   share three benefits it's so easy you could say  three benefits of or three reasons business owners   are getting this twenty five thousand 000 within  24 hours and then you just name why like they   could be experiencing a tough time they could need  um additional funds for a marketing campaign they   could need um money for uh remodeling at their  facility there are so many reasons so that's easy   three tips or the number one reason these are easy  video ideas if you start with that it's so simple um there was a question in  the chat that i wanted to to address um definitely you create a facebook  page for sure why not um i didn't finish telling   y'all my pre-qualified questions either my  apologies um so yeah i will send them a message   and it'll say my guideline or the  guidelines are 5k minimum per month revenue   must have a business checking account the  business must be at least six months old   so i tell them the top three and i send them the  site and sometimes people get upset and they'll   say well i had all that but i still didn't  qualify now anybody know why that might happen   why they might meet all the guidelines but still   you know not get approved that  might be in collections bankruptcy and y'all know what to what  i'm starting i'm sorry go ahead i was gonna i was gonna say something  else that i'm seeing a lot of is they   might have a merchant cash advance already  with somebody else oh and let me let me go   in on this part as well that okay the 25 000 up to  25 000 same day it's called a merchant cash event   right um it's not a traditional loan like one you  would get at the bank and that's the reason that   they're able to get it so quickly now when they  go above the 25 it's um still a non-traditional   business loan but it's just a little bit different  and so they call that funding so so questions   if if they already have in place a um merchant  cash events the chances of getting approved is   is is slim or are they not approved at all you  know i'm not saying either one but i'm saying   like there are technically some additional reasons  that they might get declined and um because again   really honestly we are um kind of marketers for  the company because you know when people ask me   or they might get upset i'll say i'm sorry i don't  handle that technical side i don't see any of the   decision-making process and all of that but you  know just from my own knowledge and experience   i know that that is a reason another reason too  is that they've had too many um non-sufficient   funds uh too many nonsense non-sufficient fund  fees or issues in their account so that could be   another reason too but of course if somebody's  applying i'm not going to break all that down   to them our job is to get them to apply and  then let the decision makers make the decision   and so yeah while we're at it too i got a few more  minutes i i was gonna say or i like to tell people   or i was having a conversation i was having a  conversation with somebody i know from real estate   and so he also does mortgages and business loans  and so he was telling me well i i've been knew   about david allen capital but i don't like this  or i don't like that and so what i explained to   him is the best part that i like about being a  partner with david david allen capital is that   is we don't have to do all that paperwork  and waste all that time with again people   who may not qualify so i like that they have the  process so streamlined that all we have to do is   bring the client in the door and then get paid  and i to me i like that because in mortgages   and in real estate we're on the phone all the time  emailing documents back and forth and the deal may   not even close ever so i've just wasted too  much time and i like dac because i don't feel   like i'm wasting time i don't have to handle  the process i just bring the people in and get paid okay i have a question okay so you say every client that we bring in the  door regardless of if they get approved or not i   get paid or they have to get approved in order  for us to get paid yeah you got to get a closed   deal only a closed deal to get paid okay just  want to make sure i understood okay thank you   christine i have a question as well uh as far as  like uh do they take into account their personal   credit i remember looking over it and and it  gave it said as long as they have higher than a   450 credit score uh that's one of the guidelines  uh does that have an effect on approval or not   um well yeah uh it is a four it's a  450 minimum credit score requirement   i don't know a lot of people who don't got a  450 yard i'm just saying me either so that was   amazing to me like 1 450 that's crazy they're  really saying that credit is not an issue but   i think what they might be looking for when they  run the credit maybe they're looking for something   that you you know to or they're making sure you're  not in bankruptcy at the time i'm not sure but 450   come on now so how do you change your email  and phone number information on the website um   so when you first sign up you get a  email from you're gonna also you're   gonna get emails from dac but you're  also gonna get emails from youngevity   that's who they're partnered with let me see  if i can share the screen one more time um oh it's right here it's still on that same dac  email so you see this last one right here where   it says you can also have access to promote other  dac services and it has um health care all of this   stuff but the one i paid attention to was the  youngevity when you go to the youngevity okay   this is where you can update your well no no  no that's not it that's not it hold on give   me one moment this is the one all the way on the  bottom where it says youngevity back office login   so that's the one you want and you would log in  and it's on that again it's on the email that came   from dac when you first signed up so you would  just go to my profile and change your information   so i did that also i had to go in there  right away because i didn't know how   i didn't know how everything worked  so i had to go in there right away   and i wanted a special phone number to be on my  website and i wanted to change my email address   so that i could organize and keep all of the  stuff for this company together and not mixed   up with the mortgage stuff so yup you just go  to that link and you change it and click save all right is that it before we go anybody close to getting their um first loan closed i've actually only been in the  business for about a week now and i have uh   two business owners applying today actually  nice nice yup and just remember if they want   more funding they just click on the  need more button on the same website you could even um you could  like you could even say   lynetta's loans you could you can  make the website whatever you want   you know just make it something that people can  easily remember and something you can remember too okay thank you you're welcome   all right everybody thank you for thank you for  being here and thank you for all the questions thank you all right thank  you you're welcome and um   let me put a link in here for my youtube channel  y'all because i the company is not giving me   y'alls email addresses and that's mainly how i'm  accustomed to communicating with large groups   so i don't have the email addresses but i was able  to quickly start collecting the phone numbers so i   had to get a whole new program that's why i  took for somebody who signed up a month ago   that's the reason it took me so long to  start communicating because i had to figure   out a way so i'm gonna put my youtube in here  because i might be communicating that way too   just so you know um because it's it's just  easy it's a lot of work they got me doing   a lot of work just to just to communicate  you would think they would have sent me the   they would have sent me everybody's um email  address but they didn't so let me try to put   my youtube in the chat if you could go there and  if i can figure this out too if you could go to my   youtube and then just um add yourself that would  be awesome if i could figure out how to get my   channel all right one moment i got it i got it  i got it small business owners getting up to ten didn't mean for that to happen but uh-oh katina i have a question for you okay this is  mark out of houston texas hi mark hello how are   you doing good you sent me a text message i do  apologize by my voice i'm trying to get my voice   back but um the text message that you sent from  a number called 5260 is that directly your number   is it an a33 833 right yes yeah that's my that's  this new text number that i'm that's this new   program that i'm trying to figure out so yeah  is it called project is that project broadcast   no it's um simple texting which i don't even know  if i'm gonna keep this because they don't even   it's really expensive they're not  even allowing you to text a lot   to text it's very limited so i'm i'm trying  to figure out a way to get everybody's email   because that is so much easier to communicate  emailing youtube so yeah i put the youtube   page in the chat if y'all can subscribe to  that channel um because it'll go there it's   going to go on this page probably faster then  i can email everybody the link because i don't   have y'alls email addresses yet so i'll  get it together i'll get it figured out   so if i was a text you my email address  back through this program you'll receive it   i will but that i wouldn't say that's the best way  to do it right now okay i i gotta um figure out   how to um that you could text and get it added to  my list okay right away because i'm going through   assistance so it's a lot of work on me and um  things are happening kind of slow because then   they're not giving me the email addresses okay  what about a contact form that's on your website   so someone go your website they  can actually i'm a representative   name email address phone number as soon as they  hit come to your email yeah if you go to um see that yeah see that's the  thing yep but if you go to the   catina the broker um site that will store your  email address but i'm not it's not going to   put it in the right list so i got to get um  the list together just for the dac marketing   and information so but i'm gonna have it figured  out in the next couple of days okay all right cool all right well thanks everybody for  attending y'all have a great weekend   thank you as well all right  all right bye-bye later

2022-01-11 14:14

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