Business Leader Forum - 2018 Spring - Debra Hoyt

Business Leader Forum - 2018 Spring - Debra Hoyt

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So. So. I grew up. So. I. So. Our. Name was Buster and, we've been in the community, for. 90. Plus years and. Our. Company. Has done through love. Change prior to us virtue and, energy. We. Used to be called Mountain tool back. To the day and. So some people might remember that and. At. The time a big motor changed, the. Utility, to. Our. Guest. Mustard. Gas because. A. Lot. Of people don't know you, don't think that what's our gas gives plus sir but it's not that. Was just one. And. Actually the. Smallest, length business, but that's what use consumers. See. And. That's. First. That, goes but we, actually. Continue. Utilizing business, as, energy. So we. Have that exploration production business. Client. To, homes, so. If, you have, a, morning. Or. Supposed. To do and. So. We. Merged. Opinion. And. When. He, first merged with them. We. Think. They were called, Dominion. Energy resources, and, start. Dominion Resources excuse, me and, this was this is the, logo. And. Then. Gave. The local Haven. The logos like this logo, what is that you, know, God. Is their blood, what, is that, and. I guess it's supposed to be I. Am. Touching, energy. But. You. Know did you need an explanation. Right, so. Even. Before we. Were. A. Topic. Of conversation. Mrs., faith, already, decided, we, need an upgrade and. Update her pain and, her logo, so. When. It came together though we were one, to merge with them they were like to give you guidance knowing, and. So there, was a time where we were a star that we were convenient, their, mini, poster, and. Be during. That Dominion what's their time we got no longer. With. Us that's, done that. We didn't have a logo because we, knew this ain't change was coming and. So. That. Give you a turn line so. If the R or H my 16 to be announced the intend, to merge and. Then. In May of 2016. What's. Our shareholders, has to prove that you're. Talking to huge. Companies. But. Energy. Cluster. They're. Huge. And, so, our. Shareholders. Has been through the merge, and. Then. The. We. Got federal approval very quickly and. The. Business line that is that, was most her guests, they. Have stage, written, three. Parameters. Of that stay with them some. Of service conditions, and I hope. And. Whamming had, to review. All this information, to ensure those good. Consumers. And, so. I love when we had some months, to. Make their ruling and. They said don't expect a date for them and, so if you come not, having that memory but knowing the plant dead there like that whatever - around. The same time and. I. Was like hey whatever people do yeah. So. The. Public, Service Commission and, Utah. Okay. They made their ruling in August of 2016 and, Wyoming. In. September. To. Report a, exacter. 16. So. To. Me I've. Always been, a people a that if something is meant to come together and happen, it, will happen and. Has named together extremely. Quickly or. Two big things to come together. And. Then. Because. They. Have been on the track to change, me they wanted a name that would be immediately. Recognizable. As, to what we did is a industry. Because. Like. You know that. Could be a number of things like. The placement. You, should see or something, they're definitely high energy and. So. They. Decided on Dominion, energy. And. That, had going for shareholders. And that, was, approved unanimously and. Then. We. Started to roll out the, new name change, your local, rate in, June, 2017. So. We. Have. Six. Million. Or. So. It's. A big company but. They've. Been around for him plus years obviously they're doing something right, and so bring these. Two companies together. Made. A lot of sense for. A lot of reasons, what. Start with very integrated, across them yeah I describe the three legs business, but. All. Of the so. If they are in agreement about several tons of energy and in the energy industry. Successful, energy, market. So. This illustrates. You. Know we're in 18 states and. Before. Cluster. Questions. They will push our footprint, now. Known as the western region. When. We came on. That. Accrue such as 18, states and we do have some, smaller. Operations. And New Mexico. Nevada. That, we really don't count. Dues. So.

We're Really. In. Teamwork States but that's. Predominantly, in, California. Basically. Was. There are solar. Firms. And. There's actually also a very. Large solar farm with just sheer city and. Even, people be versed the company. Invested. Three, billion dollars, in, that solar, farm. So, I asked, you guys, your. Notes about bus dark energy. Change. So. In. June. July of 2017 we. Did, a survey. Cuss words that. That. We had tagged effective web in, the last three days Hungary. And. If they, need. An internet connection building. Obviously. Very. High. Recognition. And. General. Population, who hadn't, had a recent, interaction. With us was. Still pretty. High. So, we, have a lot of work to do to, change. Our. Name up there and. Our, new brand so. You, have newspapers. That. You. Have, billboards everywhere. We've, seen those. All. Over what's up front. Billing. Inserts and you're now have bill. For those who. Don't. See them electronically, which, you surprised, to have are my customers. Gas. Customers. About. To. Make. Something out. So, we were really messaging. Messaging messaging, in, a lot of different ways. Beautiful. Itself and, curved. Posts or gases emanating energy. So. We're really trying the saturated. Market, and, get, that message out there it, doesn't want somebody to get billed just. Post our gas or any, energy and just toss it not, knowing, who. That, is and. So. And. Then all the borrow shirts, that, apply. To an. F gas customer, those. Only have to be changed. And rebranded. You. Know that this is an addition, to, vast. Amount, pleats we have all. Our. Over. Uniforms. Look, the, business. Birds. You. Know all that stuff have to be redone so there are layers, on, there there's, of. Things that have to be done and. 2017. Was a huge. Year for us. Making. This all happen, and. So. You. Know and then I don't know if you noticed. Did you drag it around, there's. Markers, that. Mark. Or the gas lines are and. They you, just think mustard gas well there's 11,000 of those throughout. Our footprint. And. You, have to rebrand. Under to some of those and, because. It's huge cost to actually change, out this way the sign. With, those stickers over. The cluster gas. Name so. About saved, a huge, amount. -, as. Far as the words went, so. We've. Done all that now. June. Through, up to the verb, same. Thing so here are the numbers that were tears why you. Kept it to the next three months, and. The. Three days. And. It's being able edge better as we go and. Then the general population. So. It's. A ever evolving, process. And. Then, at that yogurt, or, seeing, their. Their, Wyatt's, commercials. And radio. Spots. And stuff like that so. This is our conservation, program. And. It's. A little older home. Jermeir's. Ago and. We were surprised this has been a real, amazing. Campaign. And. I've. Been here ever changing.

Names. Of where Jane we have folks group so you said. This. Is it this press course should. We drop. This. Surmise. There was great concern. So. So. Our homework as. Said. Therm, there's something different values, that was too long dear. But. That was sort of overseas but in public it. Was funny because they're like there's some different ideas I think you belong here. So. Anyway. Love the. Lots. Of changes, and. It's. A I, think it's good for consumers I, think customers. We. Need it this beads for as your service is, the same people and. Commotion region and doing the work that we've always been doing it work is just a different name and we're just part of the very. Large organization. So. Moving. On. What. I do some, people to come pain, you. Saw her and I mention, our, telepathy and. Our community, outreach, all. Cheer efforts and those kinds of things and. People. That care about my Jude or like you, get it give away money. And. A, lot of it and. That's. About the best job in the world, and, in. A lot of respects it is it's. Great to give away. Somebody. Else made, great. - I'd. Be able to represent a company that. Being. A good citizen, and. That. It. Is the. Great thing to do and. It's what star announced a new energy I never. Felt. Uncomfortable. Felt. Like I was out there, you. Know not, being truthful about our. Company and that will be do. We've. Always had great leadership and. So. One of my favorite, sayings. About. Giving. Is. This, I'm going to read every word HIPPA when money is an easy matter and, in any base power anybody, can do it let's. Decide new to give it to an how large and, when and. For what purpose, now. Is neither, and it removes power nor. Any matter, it's. Not easy to get one thing in, Sonny's each doing it in a way that is. Aligned. With your, values the. Importance. Of what is it needed in the community and. How. Do you have that impact. To, help those. So. We. Have a process that. Goes. To apply, for funding have. To go through. What. We call a community investment. Board is. Chaired by the ice bubble, of judgment in. The western region, and. All the requests vote for me and then they need as they. Were. Born. Several. Times throughout the year and. We have the ability on. Up a level to.

Approve. Anything up to 25,000. And. It doesn't need to go further than that if it's beyond 5,000. Then. It needs to be escalated, to the Dominion energy. Charitable Foundation board. For an. Additional level, but. They. Understand. That what, is that level the. Local community, of this work has memory condition so they pretty solid, request. So, it's, very perfectly. Fine. So. What. Do we do is it completely my, 17 that contributed over 28, million dollars, in. Our living room, so. In, 18 states and. Nonprofits. And. Some. Of that funding, also, led. To energy, share and reach, programs. That help people with, their. Their. Bills going to pay their lenders or, gas. Bill or their electric bill food. Will help them and provide a source of funding to get. Them through those tough times, also. We're, a big, maple. Community, where Husker. Energy. Volunteer. In the community, five. Hundred twenty-five thousand, hours a lot. Of support like they come up the. Company gets these employee eight hours a year. To use however they want here, go, to. 501c3. Nonprofit, or. Involuntarily. To school or whatever that eight. Hours they want that to be is, what they can use it for, but. The, third twenty five thousand hours late. Not all helping section deaths we. Provide an opportunity for employees, tell so that, their. Their. Small volunteer. Efforts. That they want to do that you. Know a lot of people are involved in Girl Scouts or, some. Other great. Organizations that, aren't sanctioned. To come is certainly. They. Want to know so. You. Know that's why it's, a big the, six thousand hours, down here to see important question region our, connection. Because. Up until January 1 we didn't have the ability but, in personal. Culture training so. That's six thousand. Over. 6,000, hours. Company. Sanction dependents so. Employees. Takes, my account of their. Day. Volunteer. We, also we have. Employee. Employees. That you have their, donations. Match dollar for dollar up, to, five thousand dollars per 40, if. They serve on a board or, committee or they volunteer, hours. Volunteers. Mind to a specific. Profit, the. Company will, match, it to 1. And. Then, we do have a lot of our employees serving. On that problem and. Committees and those and things that's. Another way to do those. People have great expertise, they have, knowledge that they can these. Nonprofits. Oftentimes. Nonprofits. Are shoestring. Budget they, can run a huge them and so. By, dubbing people. On words and I hope one, day you'll consider being, on board profit. The. Skill set that you bring is something that is, valuable. And. They can't you, can always have CFO. You. Know team I mean, so, the. Skill. Sets that we as a company is employees. So. Last, year, locally. Invested, in western region of the gave to. $20. To. So. So. And that's just to be supportive. I got hundreds. More requests. That. Went. Back to the if give away money, I. Hate, to tell people know a lot more than I did to tell people yes so. Hundreds. More, requests. We. Have a budget of all. Not, saying that they're not great organizations. Great causes that. You. Just catch them every day it's, just not feasible. So, we. Do what we can and, we always try to make sure that it's. Impactful when. We can we want to use. Our mulcher, teens. And, efforts. To, supplement. And help a non-profit, so. We really try to. Do. As much as we can. Madison, and. So, the. Servicer, is human. Needs partnership. Education. Community. Let's have community, vitality, and. I'll, read everything that we. Have. These books area so that we as a company can. Stay. On task and. Help. Those that that. We are focused on there's. A neat although there's. Almost 9500, month profits just, in Utah and. You. Simply. Cannot support. Everybody like I've mentioned and. There, are amazing people doing extraordinary. Things, if you not have that nonprofit, community in. Our communities, we've, been have huge gaps.

Services. And. It. Would just create a huge problem we depend, on the state. Government. Certain things these nonprofits, have had huge service, to our communities, so. But. We want to make sure we're that your. Life, American company, and that. We're. Focusing. On those kinds of beyond expertise, and as well. So, why, did it get, social. Responsibility, and effect and. That's the bottom line you wanna make a difference and. We want to. Be. Able to, you. Know pull our guns up high in, the communities, that we serve because there's a lot of large companies that. Do not give it's. Not in their strategy. Is done and their philosophy. They, don't give and it's. Too bad. So. Obviously everyone, with a brand. Engaged. In retain great talent. Grow. Our bottom line I tell. Our profits. You know Vermont in business. To. Delimiting. We're. In business to make money and, the, more we make the more. We can give them to the communities that we serve so, you. Know, it. Does. Help. When. You know a company gets, into the community, there's, a brand words, that. Yeah. Pepsi, to get to the community, but did you, do that from. The. More. Optimism, FC. For. Themselves. Okay. So. There's that brand Alliance brand awareness and, then, of course it provides. Service. Development. For our parties and. So. We. Have, you. Know key objectives, and we want to also bring, awareness. To. Calm. Promise that we serve and, so. We. Have been starting. To do 60. And 90 second videos that. Highlight, your. Other foot, perhaps our company. We. Serve and, some. Of the nonprofit's that have, a story to tell have. Great programs and, we. Want to turn that and, get it out there not. Only through our, website. And. We're. So thankful, that. Meeting. With, us for many, many years these, numbers, will go the. Non-practicing. So. The easy way that, we can get folks contacted. Again those, programs, are unnecessarily. About building. Skills but building confidence and. Self-esteem. So, that simple can get back engage, with their communities and thank. You so much for Jamaica energy to support those who served our victory. We supported, national Billie senator, little bit of diversity. And. So. You. Know we. SUV. The two remarks. We've been screwed them for many, years they help lots. Of people with disabilities, and, we. Have. Been be seniors focused on their efforts to dump our military we. All know that military. Our. Military. Implement, are. Coming. Back either. Missing, limbs or, with. TS, de issues, and. So. The. That. Our funding. Would be best, here's, that program celerity than $50,000. And. I, will, mention to overbook about military the. Company in energy also. Pleased in giving. Back and, helping our, veterans and so one of the five the, new hires. Intercompany. Is a bedroom. So. That's pretty cool. So. What, for marketing for taste, I've talked about the foundation. Direct. Giving you notice things like. Tablets. And, breakfast. And you. Know those things. Oftentimes, nonprofits. That's. How they have their biggest fundraising. Opportunity. Is by having these kind of events it's. Important recipe out there for us to be supporting, their efforts and. So we. Those. Types of things as well as programs. And projects. Anything. That. The. Foundation. And a few charitable foundations, focused on projects, and programs and. And. The. Drugs giving is, about, some of the things I mentioned so the volunteering, mission. Is good and energy programs, and, then, inclined. To. Different things. So. This is just sampling. You. Know I expected, okay 150 or give nonprofits, this year could be more but. These are public, sampling, of - we have supported, all, grade this year and. In addition to these we, also. For. Decades, Westar has made energy has, to give them. Scholarship. Dollars, to, twenty colleges and universities, in, Utah Wyoming and. I'm, talking back to the mid eighties so, and. Now that is used for scholarships so, we believe. In. A new way that education. Is important, and. That's. Lawsuit. Company, with old medication. And. You know you guys been here you, are, ensuring. That you have a stronger. Future and. If. You do well in your career and, your, accountant, life. You. Are. Getting. Your consumer you're. Attending, different. Density, you need to revive, different, products in the community and.

It's Because you have that good, solid educational. Background so. These. Are a couple of F. That, we put. Out there. Being. Printed out there. And. We. Would use you know some of these for abuse. So. Volunteering. I will tell you if you guys landed the job or your makeup job with a company, who believes. In giving back, by. Volunteering, I will. Tell you guys one of the best ways to get engaged and. We. Always. Have. The question fellows despite employees, how, tonight, and any company. What, can I do the. One thing, the one important, thing they can do is volunteer. Because. Not only are they giving back to the communities of the serve but they are interacting. With deploy, these they're. Thoughtfully, they may not even work with or know who they are other than beating them in volunteering them so. It increases, their scope of networking, and. Oftentimes you have leadership and people to do you. May be, looking, for job well, later, in your career so. Meaning. Out doing, something great or community is, a little fill the need somebody Hall. So. Since. Then there are two roles for success. Never. Reveal everything you know. Three. Years ago I'm like that was it for us. And. So. Of, course I. What. Do you think Harper. Tells us of these invitations the. Number one thing. That, matters. It. Is so simple. They. Need to like you. And. So. It. Is a very, simple concept but if you're not a very nice person you're, probably not going to go she ate well right you. If. You. Have. A shoot my shoulder. Instant. Impact your career, and, your. My, second. Goal for success, of jewelers. And you know is. Attitude. Attitude. I, think is the number one thing you can have two people that have the same skill set. And. If one that's bad attitude, I can guarantee. Good. Attitude, it's. Going to be considered, things of that other, person's. Work. So. What, separates, winners from losers is is. An ability. Oftentimes. The most often, attitude. So. It's, the number one thing that holds people back and. Sure, experience. Education. All. Those things are factors but. Some. Clients will matter a dull because companies feel like okay. This person has good, attitude, there go getter and great work ethic they, may not have know everything we. Can teach them and. You. Can have this person up here who has. The highest education, ever who. Thinks, they've got it battle him but. They're they're, not very nice they're not they don't know the others and. The. Company's going to go I don't. Think the this. Is the way to go even. Though they have degrees and they have lots. Of education, lots of experience. Although. The person used on back to now too. So. You. Know research. Shows this. Is true you. Know the education, system collaborations. Off and call no, cheating, right, your. It. Can't. Be often times but this. Is the, way to get things done right and. So. When ever. There's a collaboration, there's, also an issue of trust you. Don't want to collaborate someone, you think may, be stepping, back or main you.

Know Or you ever us so. Those. That out you don't bring the bad, element to the table and productivity. Is reduced. So. Best predictor, of a success at work is not smarts. Or efforts but it's how, team members build, on each other. And. Again on back they like you and then feel like you. Aren't really a collaborative, team, member and team player. They. It. Just reach that synergy. And that ability. To get things done. So. Be. The first time you, I. Think. People often times forget that they. Go, into an interview your. Look amazing. You've got this great attitude. Your. Guy you've got to go on right you're there who impressed are there to make a difference and you're there to get that job. That's. What they think they hired right, that's. What they what they were getting for the money you, were positive enthusiastic. Well-prepared. And to please, another. Version of that great attitude and. What. Morgan is company has more so. Would. A. Scenario. Happens like happened to me here. We, request. Are I could. Log, into my boss's office who, was. Company. Walking. Or anytime say. Hey I have to does issue we. Get to sing you're doing, decisions, made. Now. I have like five layers, Canadian. Embassy. Managing. I've. Been demoted to. Levels. So. I'm no longer director. So. Lots. Of changes, right and. So. One. Of my all-time favorite, sayings, is this. Life. Is all about counting. Kendall, plan. B, because. They. Know I didn't post our for 25 years and. I. Retired. From, Custer I never. Blame yours thought would emerge company. Let. Alone a company there's been a method. So. I can. Either, go. With my plan B and, work it out and. Have that cut out to where, I belong with oh. My. Life is over I you. Know stop I envisioned. But. The, reality is it's changed, to starting from home deal, with it every lon. So. Dirty. Know who the bullet is. So. The poles and famous. Polish. The ball no, football coach. Successful. And as well as that case. Now but. I love this st., is the, ability is what your hip won't doing, motivation. Because the way to do that attitude. Determines. How, long do you do it, so. I, am, choosing in, my situation they come to get out too because. You never know it's. Really it's. You hear this then you go yeah actually, than one door closes another, opens. If, you're looking forward. If. You're not looking forward and that person. So. My. Last line is Watson your life you've. Never had, don't. Have to do something you've. Never done. So. Take. Chance you're here your education. That is huge keep. On that path finish. Move. On to, either premier or. You. Choose to form. For your institution, whatever, that is. Stay. On that path y'all. We. All that's great everybody, has a story about how they're here today and. You. Can choose to let. That. Be a defining, moment in other way for the employee and, I sure hope the issues a positive way let's. Bring questions, so efficient is why it was important, for us to really get our new brand out there I. Mentioned. One thing and that was you, know as people will to secret gas bills. If. That, energy, on there. But. Also your, part of the into. A corporation, like this what. Started on welfare, is no longer so, it really helps, you method. That. All. Day every day because. The ERG, company and that. Used to be the messaging, out there or you. Know a lot of reasons to have that furnace, so you'll see us that you. Know, you. Know bowling terrain out. There with our volunteer t-shirts. Dominion. Energy oh that's that's, what. Blessed are the, other to be an energy so. Is. That brand awareness and, and. You. Got, us started anew premier moving. Forward. Good. Question. Other. Questions, you. Guys have to get to this class no hopefully. I look something that you. Know resumes, and.

2018-03-25 14:36

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