Business development through co-creation

Business development through co-creation

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Good morning or afternoon, everybody. My name is Michael Howell and today I'm going. To share you some something about co-creation, and specially in the business. Development. Side. And, I'll. Be studying at, the technology. University by myself. And and lived lived here in thumper and fosters, was actually our second, customer in. 2015. When our company industry hack was. Founded. And. Well. The agenda, today is going to be that I'm going to tell you about, co-creation. Through, our, experiences. With like your. Company Airbus, rolls-royce, Siemens, afford to Minh and other other, companies, and. Then. I'm also going to share some of my personal. Stories. Regarding. The co-creation, to get your ideas. Moving moving on the topic and lastly, we're going to have a little, workshop, around. Co-creation. To help you take these ideas for, your daily. Work. In activities. But. To. Get get started or kind of backstory where I come, from and where these ideas and, thoughts. That I'm going to present you I'll. Take you back back, five. Years on. A roundtable. Where. The. Idea of industry. Had got started, there. Was an, 2014. There was a IOT, roundtable, where there's a bunch of people were talking about in Internet. Of Things and industrial, internet and. One. Of the friends. Or. Colleagues, are over there was a friend of my pet reveal and that, was a head, of shlush, program. At the time and. He. Asked, as about connect. Ranks that hey what. Have you open, up your doors to, create, api's, and invite bus full of coders to co-create new, solutions, together, and. There. Was chief. Digital officer of connector as you have Bukowski. And he, mentioned, that yeah that sounds great when. Are you coming and. That. Was practically, where, the our, company, or the industry idea. Gets started, that first. In 2015. Spring, we brought. A post full of developers. External, coders to, connect trains headquarters, in her Inca and just. Experimented. What will happen if we open up our doors and api's for external, people. And. What. They end up ended up doing in those three. Days on-site, was, that one, used. Started. To using SmartWatch, operating. The overhead trains another. One used chess algorithms, to. Optimize, warehousing, and that also in three dimensions, because things can be piled on top of each other and, last. Team, gave. The cranes, feelings, to, the. Effect, operators. Speed. Speed or how they're operating the crank through emotions, and. There. Was also a bit of frightened. Experience, we were super pumped up then in three days you can come up with the concept like this but the. Chief. Digital officer of. Connections. You have you have mentioned that, this. Is also scary, because in three, days people. From outside of our company were able to do these kind of concepts, that typically, could take 3, or 24, months within. Our traditional. R&D. Processes. So. Next time if I'm on a summer vacation for. A weekend, and or a few. Days on during the weekday what if our competitors, use this kind of similar. Co-creation. Method. They might be or start. To get ahead of us in the competition. So. We. Were pretty excited about the first experiment. Five years ago who will see we decided, that hey let's do ten of these around. Industrial, Internet and and. And so we started doing those in different different. Industries, different different. Companies and it, took took us a. Little, over one years 13. Months to get the first 10. Co-creation. Events. Done. That we had had our aim aim at and. Well. That was the flank of where we started and the first year and now. Five years later we have done over over, 60 of these. Co-creation. Challenges. And here are some of the or, actually all of the customers, a listed listed on the screen. And fathoms. As one. Of them and and, then some. Key numbers, that how many teams have applied during these these. Challenges, how many concept we have built, amount. Of proof of concepts, we have done and to, us the proof of concept means, a to, the three-month project that budget, is typically twenty, to thirty thousand euros and then. We, how. Many of those have been, taken, taken to production. The. Last last, number and. Our. Kind, of role what. Industry hacker does, or what have we doing the for the past year is that we're the facilitator, between, external. Companies, and these customer. Large large organizations.

On. The on the left and how, does this co-creation. Process between the customer, and the supplier work, so, we can solve. Those business business, related challenges. So. That is kind of the short. Introduction. Or a brief as where. Are my thoughts on the co-creation, coming, from and where our experiences, or. But. Then getting. For, the word. Co-creation, so, here's. Some of examples, that what co-creation, can can be and and I try, to. Summarize. Few, key things that what, does it mean and how does it. Differentiate. For example from regular, collaboration. Because I'd. Say that a co-creation, is a sub, term for. Co-creation. Is a sub term for for, collaboration. And. Well. The first thing of course is that it's it's goal-oriented. We have some problem. Or challenge or some aim that we want to achieve and. So. We're targeting, targeting, something. With. With other others involved, and. The. Others involved that that leads up to the second thing that this focuses, on learning from the others so. The. Key in the co-creation, I'd say is in the interaction, of different different, people and hopefully from the different backgrounds, that when those ideas collide, then, then you will learn from each other another people, that hey this is there's, this kind of restrictions, in these idea I need to take that into and. Into my thoughts as as well so, so, this focus is really a lot about learning from those into interactions, and from, the others. And. The last to trust and equality are kind, of, leading. Fleeting, from that interactions. And learning from the each others because you really need to have this trust. Between, the people or persons or in companies. That you're co-creating. With because. If you don't have this psychology. Psychological. Safe. And psychological. In environment, it's really hard to come up or say it out loud your ideas, and thoughts that you have in mind and. And. The Equality, runs runs, with the same same, thing or same theme as well because. You. Need to be really. Careful with with the environment. That they were in because, if there's four, examples your CEO, involved. And then some person. That is like minus. Five degrees. Below below. The CEO, the. Idea is of these two persons should be equal. But. Often it might be that the the person that is this is the boss you you value their ideas the. Ideas more the, ideas in itself there there there should be equal until you validate them on some. Metrics, that well let's see if this, works or this works, but. In. The co-creation especially, in the first phase you should be, able to build a trust any equal environment. It in order it it for. For work and. Co-creation. Can happen happen in these like processes. As we do but it can happen also, during, like we had just coffee before this you. You may have even discussed that hey I have this this, problem what do you think about this and so forth so it. Could happen like in every. Everyday, situations. Like like, that. But. Of course our we have done this bit. Of a bigger process where there's, outside, outside, our companies and suppliers and, then a larger organization that. We have a the most. History. And experience, from and. We'll. Give a bit, of an example that how how these four things. Work. In in a in, co-creation. Example. Process, I share. Story from La Salette Econoline, that, is environmental. Management, company, here here, in Finland and. Three. Years ago. La. Silla the economy had a challenge, that they. Mainly had B. The B costs, of customers, businesses as their customers, but. They would like to have service. For, regular. Consumers, as well but. They were not quite sure that what kind of service, could. Could there be what, but what, could be would be done or what we have so many utilities. Vehicles. Personnel, expertise, what could be done with this for, the consumers, that we have not figured out yet on our on our own. So. There, was a clear goal they were real goal oriented, that what, what, was the goal for any co-creation. Well. Then we. Did our process and that that we published. A challenge, on on our on our for, a network and on our site and in invited, people to participate, 20. 20 companies made a application. Out of those six we got, invited. For the challenge and then again like in chronic rains we spent two. Days couple days, between. La Silla Deacon area and the external, teams, developing.

And Co-creating, that what could be the next service for, La Salette La, Salette pecan oil and. And. It's really are funny that in this case there was like we had sound the first first night evening a second day we have dinner and many, of the ideas, actually. Came from might might have came from the sound or during the dinner because those, are kind of more. Equal. Social. Environments. And and and and create. Create, the trust, environment. That are needed for the for the co-creation. The. Winning team, ended. Up doing, the first day. Idea. Some. Of the first idea during, the second day they, ditched the first idea because they realized that it's not gonna fly and they started looking for another idea. What. They came up with were so like a personal, problem that they had that one. Of the members had bicycles. And a sofa in a, basement of his. Apartment. And for. Many, years and he. Didn't take them to a sorting. Station because he, just didn't have a car. For that he needed. To rent the van. Collaborate. With some friends who carry out the sofa and where is the sorting station how much does it cost when, it's open and, then he thought that hey, could. La Silla pick honor I just do this as a service like, an uber, for hazardous, waste and. That. Ended up being the beating the winning winning concept, on the, La Salette econo occasion, and today there's, service, helper know that if I available. In. 30, 31 cities. Across. Finland. But. How they started the from. The like get going from the idea that hey this, is an idea should we do it they, picked, a one single postal, code area in Helsinki, and tested. That around, around there that would it work how, much are people willing, to pay what. Do they think about the service, well how. Many, pickups. We need to do in certain area in order this to be a business and they. Tested down in one area took. Them four months to test test that out in there then, spread out the whole Helsinki, I work in there as well, let's take ESPO and vonda okay now there's pretty, much a lot of transaction, coming up let's, change. This Google Forms. More. Model to, something. Better, to indicate for our back-end systems, and and. Then spread out it for the 31, cities that it's now now operating, at, so. Small slowly, slowly, and. Firmly. Getting, getting, validating. The I idea, and. Bringing. It up from there. But. So co-creation can create, new, services as, us as well but. What. Other reasons, reasons, there there are why, why is co-creation. Important. There where why, should it matter. Well, the macro, macro, level, few. Years ago Accenture, did a study where they interviewed. Or thousand. Executives, from corporates. And the. Interesting, finding. There was that it that even even though now corporate, ventures and incubators. As accelerators, are seen as important. Drivers. For innovation. The. Third one the joint innovation, or co-creation. Is seeing that it's it's going to grow massively, in the future so. Even though it's now at 26%. The. According, the survey, lead, leaders thought that in in, the future this. You know it's going to grow, from 26, to 39. Percent and. Well. This isn't on, the macro, lever, macro. Level. And. From. From, our perspective. On the micro as well that why why, should you do co-creation, is as I'd say, that, you're. More likely to get it right. If. You have a some. Problem, with, some challenge at hand if you know the solution already, well just. Execute. That but if if you're it's a bit, of foggy then you're not sure how. How to solve that challenge it's, you're more likely to get it right if you, invite. Others or colleagues, or outside, of your company and co-create, the solution, for, the challenge and, that, is to do to do interactions.

That You're gonna have you're gonna get in other opinions. You're gonna tell something that they don't know you're gonna hear something that you didn't know beforehand, and through. That interaction you're gonna get the closer and closer more, certain, to the solution, that it that is best for it for that challenge and. Sometimes. The best. Talent does you're. Not like. Me, as an individual, for many challenges, I'm not, the best best person to solve that out but even in my company, or in a bigger company the best talent doesn't, know what worked for the single company so sometimes, it's much much. Better, to look for the outside help as well and. For. That like a little story that happened. Actually. Last week a. Couple. Hours north from north from here when, we were, my. Wife's wife's my mom's house another, our cottage, there. Was a problem. That our trailers. Tigers. Had they. Didn't have enough air anymore so. I thought okay okay I'll pump those up and see that if they will hold there for after a couple of a couple of days, but. A place that where the trailer, was was. A there. Was no electricity, that's, okay, well would. We have a some. Manual, pump okay that seems bit difficult they may, not have that. Here oh they, have a compressor, okay well that, would need electricity, okay, here's an aggregator, that's pretty, large okay, I might, have be able to carry that to the van and transport, it for the place, I. Test. The compressor, okay it works I try, to start. Aggregator. And after, a second pull the wire. Snaps, I. Was. Like okay great I have. An hour left. For the day until it's, it's gets dark. What. Do i do do i start repairing this will I make it and, quick assessment gives, me okay I don't have even the tools to open up the chassis, do that you rewired. The rope over over, there and. I start partnering to, my wife and and and his mom that okay what what should we do did you have any mechanical device. To. Like the pump pump. The air airs over there or not and after. A while. My. Wife wife says that hey didn't we have the mobile. Compressor. Or, the emergency, compressor, at our car, I, was. Like actually. We do, we. Don't have a spare tire in our own car so the, manufacturer, has it but this is tiny Continentals. Like. Mobile compressor, that that you can light, up from the cigarette, lighter look. That's. Brilliant idea, that, now. I didn't if it. Still works I don't need to carry the huge, aggregator. At the I didn't. Get it working anyway, and the compressor, and so forth I don't need need the van anymore I just drive my tiny car over there and and use, that and.

Oh. I. Wouldn't. Remember that by myself, so again. Co-creating. With up with with others like, a personal, story is you're. More likely to get it get it right or at least. Find a better solution that. You might have at the first first. Place. Well. There's different. Ways to use co-creation. Probably. For you the most, relatable. One would be the internal. Co-creation. Within, within, your company with. Your colleagues, or with different, different. Segments. Collaborating. With different different, aspects, and we've. Done facilitated. One one internal, channels for a. Forest, machine company, ponds two ponds as well during during, the summer. The. Most. Experience. That we have on the co-creation, is the customer, and supplier, co-creation. Phase so you might, co-create. With with other external companies. That hey what, could be solved. Or. What, could be the solution for this challenge. The. Third point could be that you, could have a value chain and. And, what could be things. That benefit, everybody in this value chain and often this could be like data streaming. API. Perspective. That the whole whole value value chain for. Example from, the forest to, the McDonnells. Where the cup, copies actually at the customers, customers, hands it has has been done from the by. The pulp and paper sector. Then. There's a. Non-competing. Organization. Might might have. Different. Challenges. That they would pursue, on on. On our consortium, and. These. I think business, Finland in Finland is a really good. Example. Of these that how they, orchestrate, or, give. Incentives, to do non company or organization. To do co-creation, different, levels. But. Then there's also competing, organizations, and. This is this one is a bit, trick here and bit harder than the non, competitors. But. Their sexually at least two really good examples that. Were where, what, I know. That we're in co-creation, has been used by by, the competing organization. And first. One is radio. Dot, fil, a be a twister fee, application. On your phone, so. Competing radio, stations, they, came. Up with hey there should be a one single app for your phone that, you can just play live music from any radio station in Finland and. It. Doesn't there's, no sense to everybody, make their own, versions. And they're, not so good and so forth why, don't we collaborate, and co-create, one single application. That, that is really good and and. So, everybody wins. Another. One is DEA's, dot fi DSP Steffi. Electronical. How. Do you how can you buy a partner. Apartment. Without a paper just, do. Agreement. Work online. Again. Different banks real estate agents. Lots. Of. Competitors. But this is something that we all would. Benefit if this was done and right and now now, at this moment it's it's operating, and you can, start now buying and selling apart, apartments, without the traditional. Pay. Paper that. Whoever. Holds that paper owned has, the rights. For that apartment. And. Lastly. There's there's, a suppliers. And shared, offering, that that, if there's. Big. Big organization. That would like to buy this big offering, but there's only like, four different companies that do, a bit different angles, on the same thing what if they're they, create a shared offering, and co-create.

That In order to serve the bigger bigger clients that you you might at hand. Well. When to use co-creation, where or in other words when they're not T not to use as a wall co-creation, and the simple. Solution for that is if, you, know the problem, but. You don't know the solution. Is. If you know the solution already, it's much, faster. And easier to just go, there and execute that but. If if you're not sure that this this, the right way to go, it's. Gonna take me let's, say one month execute, that would there be a way to do. That in two weeks with a better quality and so forth then, it might be better. To. Use co-creation, in in. This situations, and like. Like in my like, tire. Story, it's I I, knew then that like solution for that but my, wife came, up with a much much better idea and well in, many many cases that's. That's what what what happens and in. In our family. But. Yeah this is like like. Not, going, much, more into the details but like the cheat sheet like when, should you use co-creation, or not it's it's it's always down to this that if you if you don't know the solution then. Then it might be good good idea to focus on the challenge and the problem and and, get, others in involve as well. But. What happens. When. You don't know the solution and start co-creating. Is. That. It, might, lead to. Unexpected, results. And. A. Really, nice story about this has been. With. With actually, with La Salette Akana again, we have done couple challenge with them, is. Relating. To wood chips and they're. Another challenge, theme. Was that there's. Huge like large, piles, of wood chips outside, and when. It rains like. A few days a week you know in a row and. It does it doesn't get any sunny so so the core, of the wooden, wooden chip pile will start the mold because, it doesn't dry dry. Fast, enough from the from the center of the pile and when. The wood chips they get mold. Or mouldered you. Cannot use that material anymore in the on the energy and energy. Sector. It, doesn't burn like. It's good it anymore. It's becomes, practically, a waste if. That.

Happens. Well. Again we had this like Innovation Challenge so, tackle, this problem six teams comes outside of the company five, of them's with like a regular laptops, and and and and, these kind of things one. Team used drone drones, and and so forth but this one team came up with. This. Like. Really. Large book, about. Mushrooms, and then. A mini grip like this plastic bag then, there was this little sponge, over, all within the plastic bag and this was, like some mushroom. That they had just imported, from the USA, to Finland and. They. Say that hey that when, we take this molded chips. And. We put it in the plastic bag with the mushroom what actually happens is that, the mushroom consumes, the. Molded. Wood chip and as an output it, creates, this a leathery, type. Of material. That, is used in, design, industry, to create the shine shoes like, leather shoes and. Purses. And. This. Team was from, from hell. See any company, provides, an increase hauls whole, slug and, this. Is one one example from, from our history that, when. You open, up that you know the problem. But. You don't state the solution yet, and you start the figuring out that okay what could be the best solution for it for this and especially if you open up your like. Company. To external, people. As well that hey what do you think about this it, might, result is really really, unexpected. Result us as with this mushroom. At example. Well. Why. Don't we use co-creation. More. Often, with, if they like. Results are made amazing. It. So. Often. Well. First is the I believe that that's the transactional, costs, like. In in your. Company first image you have people. Involved, you have the contracts, the NDA s you. Have processes, you know the people you trust them you, have this all things, that place that if you do co-create something you you know what's gonna go into happen and you don't need to guess if. Something, gets. Confidential. Information gets, leaked or who owns the IPR, or or, many. Many different reasons so, it's. Much easier to do just. Within your own own circles, or or at. Least it's more easier to do in internally. Than then with external at the co-creation, because the transactional, costs. Well. This I already, mentioned, a bit like the process do. Do we have a process, for co-creation, I, might. Like, doing the coffee breaks talked with my colleagues and and and, hopefully the atmosphere. Is is like that you can, share the different, challenges that you have and get perspectives. And ideas to those but. If, you, come up with a challenge or idea or anybody in this company comes it comes with an idea. What. Happens to that idea. This. Is there a process for for that. And. If, you need help. With that bit, more than your closest, friends or colleagues in the company. Where, is. There a way or method or process, to, get the participants. That. That, might be or hurdle at times.

But. I'd say the biggest biggest hurdle for. Or. The reason why we don't use co-creation, more often is our mindset. Because. Creating, unknown, is it's a can, be scary scary. Experience. Imagine. That you're. In a room with, your best friend you're doing something you like you're playing guitar, on playing, video games or singing. Out live poetry or singing out whatever some something that you really really love to do with your best. Friend in a in a room and. There's. A tiny. Door or, like this door. To our next next room and right. After it door there is a big big dog and. You're. Imagining that you're really scared of the dogs and then though he's not in the same room as you are but this is in the next room and there's that like a door that. Keeps, the dog away away from you and you're doing again like something that you love to do. Can. You enjoy. The. Thing that you're doing but. Your friend, if. The dog is in there not other room it's not in your room but you know that it's nearby. The. Dog. Could. Be interpreted as well for, failure. So. You could be afraid of failure as well as as. We like. Human. Being of an are and maybe maybe a little, bit more and more in Finland and in the Nordics. But. That, failure. Could. Affect. Us so much that we we don't we cannot do what we're doing even though it's with what we're love to do on and even, though it's it's not happening, its doors, open it's closed but it could it something could happened and and, that could affect. A lot a lot on the under the things, that we're, we're. Doing and. So. Often the biggest hurdle for our minds is to feel, of failure and I. Remember I was an in school. At times, I like, we, don't raise our hands because we're afraid, to if we say, the wrong thing or happen, in, the in the, companies as well, in the intermedius, what if people, laugh at my III. Do you think something bad about us. My, wife, mentioned, that he's afraid. To try. New foods. Like cooking, new food and. Asked, my wife said hey what, is the. Most. What is the worst thing that had happened that what, are you that, what is the worst thing that happened, if you make new food and. Then, he pondered, for a, while and said that well if. I make new the. Worst thing that could happen is that it comes. Bad nobody, wants to eat it and, then we, need to go to the grill and. Oh. That. Didn't sound too bad to me either either they go go outside so I have a had a hot dog or pizzas. On sometimes, and. Often. Times the what. Is the worst thing that can happen is, is often that it's well it's. Not. Not too bad but, just, the fear of failure or the mindset, of ours it can can be the one that is, keeping. Us away on doing the things that that it, love to or we would like like.

To Do. So. Should. We be afraid well. Michael. Jordan the legendary. Basketball, player, he threw, nine. Thousand Vasquez. Were. Missed missed, nine thousand, shots. During his carrier and, twenty, six times he was trusted, to take. Decisive. Or the game-winning, shot and, and. He missed. Or lost and. Thomas. Edison the person. That invented the lightbulb was, asked that he how did it feel to. Fail. Thousand. Times when, you were developing this this light bulb and. Thomas answered that that hey well it. Was just a down step process. In. Order to get. The light pole working. And. There's. One gaming company, that 51. Games and, none. Of them were hits and a couple, divers they even, even went bankrupt because of the games didn't do so well, but. The 52nd, game was, called, Angry Birds. From. From Rovio. So. Even. Though the dog, or. The feel of failure they it might might hold us back even taking the shots, but. If we take enough shots like. Every. Now and then some of those will. Will become a hit. And. Well. Due to fear, of failure we might not even take take. These such as I mentioned but but if the course or the purpose, what, the potential. Is. Greater than the feel of failure, then then we can step take steps to, to unknown. Some. Of you might have, heard this out, of a Napoleon or by car to Nepal story. We went 2012. We drove, a car to Nepal and back and an, I was on the when. We traveled here from Tampere - to Nepal driving, that that car there and my. Many. Of my friend said that he wired, me why are you going there like it's super dangerous there's, like. Different. Kind of like. Tiny. Wars between the countries, that were going. And really. Dangerous places. And, one of the dangerous roads you were taking taken, in the whole country we're going there and. For. Me the reason why why I took the chance was. That the motivation. That like the, cause that we were trying to help to. Get. Get the children education, in Nepal in better shape in these, callous. Areas, and just. To sheer like. Joy. Of traveling, and and and I've never been to Asia before this trip that was much greater than the feel of failure. That what could happen during the trip and. And. This. Is the kind of the same same thing that in in in, our everyday lives and when we have this different. Challenger. That it should we start that or will, I fail or should this just this create, a good co-creation, project, the. Good thing to, remember is that is the. Potential, or, is, the. Motivation. Of yours or the, compo companies impact, that if it succeeds, is it greater. Than, the fact that well, what if it fails does it really, matter are, are, the learnings. Interesting. In enough. You, to continue, their creation, process. So. Peak. Important. Challenge that that really matter that even though you might fail at times if you repeat a couple of times if you.

Saw That at the end it's it's really really worth it because. If. It's not important, enough what, do we notice, during, these like many, jobs challenges, that we've done. Especially. At the first two years we had that the would didn't focus on the the, importance, of the challenge that hey just let's just bring outside of developers, and let's see what happens. The. Situation was that when. We needed money or. Resources. Or, people or whatever. Then. Other things were more important, than they they got very very very down, so. It's really important, to, get. A challenge that is important. Enough that if we get dissolved, the impact of it's it's it's gonna be huge. It's, either. Well. It's like you could test for a, challenges, that if we, don't get is get, this salt is, to. Something bad happening. Does. Something happen for our revenue, our earnings, our position, in the market, my. Career, our, KPIs. The, something, bad happened to those if this challenge is not solved, and. That kind of helps a lot with finding. These different challenges that that are important, enough for you, to get food put time and energy energy, on. And. One. Good example. Of this was was with fin fin cement they just like a. Cement. Cement, company. That, is part of this bigger CRH. Age, company. That. They, had a challenge that they, have a 24/7. Running. Process. Creating, cement and if it if the process stops. It. Costs, a lot of lots and lots of money, for. The company so, would there be ways, to, predict. That, okay, in a few hours few weeks there is likely to come become, a stop, for the process, and and and you, you could. Maybe. Prevent that or or, do some some other other other work you know that not, be so drastic, for the company. Again. We invited. External, teams one. Team. Came. With sensors. And analytics, and knowledge and was. Chosen. For the pilot project and in the pilot project that was worth. Of fifteen thousand euros they installed sixty three, external. Sensors. For different parts of the, process and, because. Of that those. Sensors, and the, knowledge gathered, from those they, were able to increase. The lifetime expectancy. Of the kiln. Of the. Process ten. To thirty years and. And. There was also an, article. On the on the technique and Talos last a couple a couple of years years, ago for, the cement. Oven. Life. Lifetime expensi, increased. By by decades. So. Pick. A challenge that if it gets solved, the. Results might be might, be really really trusting and that's that's when you're gonna get the resources, needed, along, the way being. Done money people. From your company, buying. More. More, hardware. Or sensors. Or people from. Outside. Of your company. Well. I heard a really nice. Story. About believes, that I'm trying. Trying to share with you. Imagine. That there's, Pike. On the under on the Left there's a huge water tank and then, there's a small smaller, fishes. On the other side but then there's this, tiny, tiny glass. Wall. On the between that that when the pike tries, to go over there and eat the little fish, it. Cannot get past. To. The glass wall. And. After a couple couple of tries he tries and tries to get past it it he learns that okay there's something something. In there I can get. To the little fishes and and heed heed those. What. Happens in when, you lift. The. Wall out and. The. Little. Fisher started to swim. Around in the whole pool. The. Pipe doesn't move. The. Pike has learned that hey even, though I tried to eat those other fishes that I couldn't. Do it. And. Even. Though the circumstances. Might. Change this is this. Could happen or actually, happens in our daily work as well. It. Didn't work ten years ago. Why. Would, it now work, well. Why. Didn't it work ten, years ago did somebody document, that well that's a harder question, often. It's just like some, older, person says to you that they didn't, work then don't matter don't, try try, try, it anymore cos it didn't worried then, but. It would be really beneficial if, we documented, the why why. Did wouldn't work have something changed, in. These ten years five years two months and. We. Have also like a bad habit that we. Were. Not canceling, the projects, that that. We start we. Have this challenge that hey we we need to eat eat those fishes and we notice that there's there's, something that we cannot get I get past you and this, is an RD project and we just keep. Keep on pushing and pushing and pushing it we, don't want the project to fail.

But What, if you like after, two, or three like rise and we see that it doesn't work we just document, the wall there's, something in between that we just can't get across but if in, future. We can kiss get, across this point let's. Take another look and. We. Had like a couple, of couple of cases with our customers, that like. As, a hindsight, afterwards, if we were really beneficial to just stop, the project at some, point, document. That hey why didn't, work come. Back to the project every like three months every 12 12 months and just see, that it has, the market changed has, the thing something, within, within, the environment changed have, for example the parts that would be needed for the project have the cost of them come down or are, they now final available that you can continue the project is. There knowledge in the company that was needed that was was not in the company were when, your last right right this. So. The believes, that we have. Their. Really effective on like even. Even though the believes. That we have they're not necessarily. Necessarily, true. But. I'm on an, emotional level, they they they feel feel really really true. But. We can use these believes, on the on the positive side us as, well or more, I'd. Like to see them use in here rather, than the negative side so. Rather. Than thinking hey we can do anything that we want I. Can. Do this I really can can do desires and knowledge to do this I'll give it a shot I think, I can do it and, professional. Athletes use this method, a lot that they imagine like for. Example I form formula, drivers, that that, in their mind and they go within their mind and how does the lab let go and okay after ten laps and this and this and the final lap and I'm leading and now, I'm get get into the final. To. The finish line and. I've won the race how, does it feel to get out of the car and I walk to the podium and and and. Spread. The champagne all over and so forth and when. They get get, to the car, really, they have already kind, of in their mind gone through the race, and won, so. If they won again that's. Not the first time they've they've already like. In their mind they have already run the race so it's much easier. Mentally. To go go, go race, race, that because there's not whether, the alternative fear. Of failure over here that hey it's what, if this happens what if this happens my car. Breaks down. Somebody, crashes me and so forth rather, than focusing, on head that how does it feel when. Everything, goes goes really smoothly and and and focusing, on the fact that yes I can I can do this and. Sometimes. You might not. Have. The. Knowledge, before. You're given some some tasks that that. Hey, Michal. I can can you do this and. Even. Even though you, wouldn't. Know how to do it you at some times you could you could it this possibility, that you say that yes I can. Handle it and. Was. It, eight. Years ago it. Was I, was, asked that hey my god can. You do a video, interview, of, you. Pile on and your Melilla and riku, rantala famous.

Finnish People, and. Well. I'm, doing. That time I was, taking, like. Photographs, every now and then I was like well, I've never done a video interview but yes I can. I can. Do it and. Then. My first video. Interview was like, after from, from demo in two weeks and, it was UK Allanon and he the, UK has just won the second gold medal for. The Finnish national, ice hockey hockey, team in, 2011. And. I. Had two weeks time to learn how to do the video, interview. I call, my friends at what I need to know do, I have the equipment can i loan this and this and that and just. Started, started. Doing and not being, a like, afraid too much that well everything. Can go wrong but. I'll. Learn, I'll have motivation to do this and. What. Ended up happening is, that. When. I was filming filming, the. First first, personal. Yoga alone and. Noticed. That okay I have this lights that are made for making. Still, photos and, at times there, was this little fan that started to create this really annoying his noise and on. That moment I know it is okay or, it's. Really hard to cut. Different parts of this course the background, noises is, it's different in every different, scenarios, okay next time I will get the different lights and. Well. Then, I should like you fellows hands afterwards I'm like whoa will, I manage to do this and then I call my friends and hey can you help with this and. We. Were able to come up with like, afterwards. Editing, that it didn't didn't really bother, the hissing hissing noise over over there. But. The fact that yep I had to I can do attitude yes, I probably, will learn or if if I don't I'll do another one maybe or there's, 14, different people, that I can still still, shoot and both well in this case and then ended up being being going really well. But. If, I would help focus onto the dog or, did. Like the failure. I wouldn't. Probably even started doing doing. Them and learn. How to do do those videos. And. Like. Before. The some summary, I believe. That like why. We. Have an edge in Finland for the co-creation, is is that. We. Have a. Background. In communal. Work or in. Finnish talakad, and. Sappy. Really wonder wondering, is we've been doing these kind of projects in like Japan, Estonia. Germany. Sweden. And. So forth and that the why especially, in the Finland then maybe in the Nordics it's. Much easier to do this collaborative, cochlear. Sorry. Co-creation, project, and any other parts, of the world and, I think that that's due to our history, within within commune or work and. Well we are here up at the North in in life sent. One. Hundred years ago we have just needed, to work together in order to survive in here here in the North but. Also like more. Lately. There the Nokia's phone technology. That's. Sorry from the city of salò in a radio. Amateur, club. Bunch. Of students and friends just collaborating, and co-creating, sharing ideas and and and. Talking. About thing or, subject, that they were really into. Another. Another example is that after, the Second World War in the we, were. The. Architects, gave two weeks of their time. In order to create design, for a house that would be. Easy to build for the soldiers, who fought. In. The battlefront, and that. Was that created the, rental. Amidst a lot like the drawing for this easy to build house and.

More. Recently as I previously mentioned the I'd, say the business Finland has to be one a key, player in the. Larger, organizations, to, creating. Co-creating. Together, because, the day. Demand of often that you need to create a consortium. In. Order to get get. Grants. And the money money, from the from. The business Finland. So. To. Some. Some some of these up and, go go today, has been that I would get hopefully, get, your ideas. Flowing, around. This this co-creation. And thinking that hey I probably. Could do it even though I'm not sure about what the solution, might be could. Be bigger projects, it could be or my own daily daily daily, work, and. When. To use it is that, when, you know the problem but but not the solution, that, it that is the area, where you know that would, what, would. The co-creation, be a beneficial. Method. To use. Also. The best talent doesn't, always work for the same same company or organization. Or a team that you were involved it might be that could good look elsewhere as well and. In. Order to for the co-creation work it's it's important, to create an equal, in, environment. Because. The best best, like ideas might might come across in a, song. In a sauna or dinner. But. These. Were some like some some, some, thoughts and, things, that you you take take, learnings in their daily work but. I have for. The end of this session we have a little. Workshop. Because. My motivation, was that my my, aim is to talk talk. So you could take some ideas and methods, and for your daily work and then that's that's, why we have some. Papers, and pens pens posters over over here and, we're. Gonna. Have. A have a look with those you, know in a moment. Alright. So. There's. Gonna be first, a, little. Individual, tasks for let's say five minutes and, then then a groups group. Tasks, for, around 12 minutes and the goal, for for. These two, tasks, is to. Find. A ways that utilizing. Co-creation, in my, my, daily work, and. We're. Gonna start with the. Individual. Tasks. And. There's. Two, things you should think, on the bigger, white paper write, down a different, list on, like. What advantages. Pluses. Why, why do if. You're trying to use co-creation. In your daily work what, would be the benefits, or what. Could be the good, results, that if you, would use, the co-creation, in your daily work what good could happen if you use co-creation, and. Then. On the what on, the other other side there's, the what, barriers. What. Are the things that different, things that are stopping.

You To use co-creation, if is there some. Processes. As culture. Or is. It resources. Or people, or. What, kind of different things are like, barriers, and not that. You're not able to use co-creation, in your daily. Daily. Work, so. What could be the good. Sides advantages. Results. For. The co-creation, and then, then what are the things that are holding you, back and. So. There's gonna be five five minutes just listing, those, on. The paper that what are the advantages and what, are the barriers, for for, if, your goal, is to utilize co-creation, in your daily work. Alright. Then. Next. We're gonna have the group, task don't don't start acting yet but I'll go through that what's what's gonna happen so, you'll. Choose, like, like, ideal would be three three person grips you can be even. Two but more maybe. Four four or five would be better but, three is there I'd, say the best best amount and. Let's. Go through the every. Everyone's, of the, list that what what do you have on the pluses and then the minus minus, minus, side and little, discussion, discussion. About about, them and then. Choose. Three. To five. Important. The most important advantages, over over there and then, same. Same amount for the important, barriers, that, you find collective collectively. From from your papers, and, then. Write. Those important, things to post-its, that you have and then like. Maybe bestest together on the table like on one table like the, advantages. And another. The. Barriers. So. But figure. Out like three person groups, next. Next to you and then. Go. Through everyone's, points. Discussed. Them them and then figure out what are the most, important, advantage, Asian and barriers. And. About. 12. Minutes so plenty of time to go. Them through. All. Right hopefully. Everybody has enough. Time to write right the advantages. And the barriers and the, post-its. Well. Thank, you thank you all and for. The end what. Would, you like your, grouped, like. To share like some like maybe one thing from the advantages. Or the barrier side what did you find. Yeah.

Knowledge. Knowledge related, challenge getting people talked and. Where. To find the information I'd, guess. Well. What about, from. From there something. Interesting year on a share. Stuff. Done. What. About my reasons to. Have. To waste time. So. The one advantage would be that if you like, allocate. Like one, time. Slot to get the done get, the thing done there together rather than having to like a one between, a few meetings like, every every few weeks. What. About the your is there something you're not sure. Different. Aspects. Kind. Of like find, out more about the problem with you. Yeah. Some more more perspective. And different solutions for the problem. At hand, was. There any like, challenges, like there were many years that there's this like. Well. You in the back or. I. Think. Y. Component. Barrier is the ways of working, and. In many cases when we start, doing, some kind of grace, and you know set up a workshop and, that, in something, the situation. Where expert, people like myself and you, we will take over and, be. In. Voice all the time and, then those introverted, people who have excellent ideas, are kinda silent, and quiet somewhere, in the corner and, never showing up what they have on their mind now so we need to figure out some other ways as well bring, up the ideas, and have some kind of channels what doesn't work people as well yeah. So the process that how would the more acquire persons. Get get their idea shared as well and then. One one idea is like this like posted, like let's do on our own for. Five minutes and then say. It out loud like that would could be one one. Meta that could help and then there's lot lots of others others. But yeah really good barrier because it's if we're talking we're, the, more, outgoing, people, are getting the fair share of the. Discussion. More often. Really. Interesting, a good point so increase. Motivation for, the in results, and getting, the commitment, for the project yes. Pretty. Good point was there something you wanted to share at. Cash. Flow. Placement. To keep these consciousness, like, you mentioned so no DNA would help so. It's not like in a big meeting. Yeah. Yeah, really good point for the. Yeah. It's you're definitely, right it's not not the most. Inspiring. Place to be at the meeting meeting, you can co-creating, stuff it's good can't be it can, be like outside walking, or Santander. And different, places and and that might also really, help with the more. Not. So outgoing persons. Persons, as well to share the ideas. Was. It easy easy to come up with this. Yes. Kind. Of all right well. Hopefully you've got like. Ideas. And then like thoughts, from, from this that you could really take on your daily daily daily works and a co-creation. And really. Focusing, maybe on the even the barriers that what. Are the holding you back and and could, we get a get a get rid of those barriers and then focus. On daily results. In that Vantage and advantages. Of the co-creation, but thank. You all for participating, and, the, concentration. On on this speech. And or lecture and workshop thank, you.

2019-11-23 12:04

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