Business Credit for Real Estate Investing Discussion

Business Credit for Real Estate Investing Discussion

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hello hello hello landlords i'm so excited you  guys are here today welcome to the better than   success real estate league live q a weekly  on this youtube channel so while you are   here make sure you hit the subscribe button  because we are doing lives every week and we are   posting various videos every week we have hundreds  of videos about investing in real estate teaching   you how to build your real estate portfolio and  so the information is here you might as well get   it so hit the subscribe button i can't wait to  get into this conversation today with one of our   seasoned vets members who have been investing  in real estate for quite some time and they've   grown their business and grown their portfolio and  we're gonna be answering all your questions but   before we get into this conversation i have some  homework for you really small small homework like   i don't even know if you will call it homework  might be like classwork you know the kind of   class work where everybody scoops around you know  i don't know why the teacher put his head down for   a few seconds so it's like classwork so first  things first is i have a free download for you   today's free download freebie giveaway is based on  one of our most popular videos on this channel and   that video is how to become your own  general contractor right so if you're   investing in real estate how to also become your  own general contractor i have a checklist for you so i want you to go and download the checklist  let me post this checklist in the chat and it   will also be in the um in the description  for those of you are watching this replay and for whatever reason this video is  private it should not be private   what's up what's up what's up everyone and how do i edit this public  public public there we go here we go let me make this public someone  on my team made this video private on youtube   and it shouldn't be private so okay yes  um so download that link get access to   that checklist to become your own general  contractor it might be something you're   been thinking about might not be something  you do tomorrow but it's something that   you can absolutely aspire to do it makes  running your projects so much easier so   and the other thing the other piece of homework  that i have for you class work that i have for you   is i'm gonna give you guys a few more seconds to  hop up in here but i want you to take this link   that you use to get in here and send it out to  three or four people y'all know i ask this all the   time send it out to the people you love because  you know we'd be getting it popping in here   and i know you want those people to actually  like it's not fun being successful in real estate   and you're the only one in your family in your  circle so you need some people to do it with you   so go ahead and send this out and have them  hop up in here i'm really excited hello maxine   what's up emwoldmariam i hope i pronounced that  right hey df how are you how are you how are you what's that link right there so all  right let me read off our guest's bio and we will hop right into this remember  this is a q a session real estate q a session   if you have any questions post them in the  chat right one of the things that you guys   had mentioned on my instagram post a little  while ago when i said hey what do you guys   need in terms of real estate you'll say y'all need  mentors this is your opportunity i don't want to   hear it they really don't don't say  you don't have mentors and we're doing   live q and a sessions every single week answering  all your questions all right i'm going to read off   lorenzo's bio and i'm going to let lorenzo on  the stage lorenzo's real estate career started   in 2008 when he received his real estate sales  license he quickly found his niche in property   management and smoothly worked his way up the  corporate ladder holding positions as leasing   consultant assistant property manager and  property manager while working full-time in   his corporate positions he built a multi-million  dollar real estate portfolio and decided to run   his own property management jackson rental homes  and construction jackson home remodeling full time   he is currently growing his property management  company and he received awards as the top leasing   consultant for berkshire properties outstanding  service for berkshire properties and was recently   recognized for his real estate work as 40 under  40 for philly real estate week yes lorenzo   mr jackson is an advocate in the philadelphia in  the city of philadelphia and surrounding counties   to teach entrepreneurship within the schools  and programs assisting disadvantaged minorities   he regularly attends career days panels and  accept mentorship programs lorenzo is a married   father of two and resides in a philadelphia  area everyone welcome lorenzo to the stage hey guys how are you what's up nicole how you  doing i'm doing well doing well good so a couple   things i got to let everybody know before we get  into this conversation first of all i did a little   sass when i said the philly real estate week  award because that is an award that my company   gave out when we do philly real estate week and  we did a 40 under 40. we had a whole voting thing   and um we put a bunch of names up there and  then people voted and lorenzo was awarded   to be one of 40 under 40. and so  that was a grand time and a grand day   and so yes yes that was a great week though  it was we're actually um we're finally   finally going to do it again it's going to be  virtual again it's not going to be in person   but um in the summertime so we do a virtual  we try to like over provide value so it'll be   20 events in four days i know we that's  what we did in 2020 20 events in four days   so we've already yeah so here's the other thing  i want everybody to know lorenzo joined bts like   when our first or second meetings and we've been  trying to get lorenzo to speak for a long time and he was shy he was like no and then the covey happened and he was like you  know what i got to get in front of this camera   yeah because i i really just enjoyed sitting  back in the class and i'm a back of the class   type person and kicking it with jabar and  everybody else i used to sit in the back   so sitting in the front it's a little lonely  out there but in the back it was a lot more fun i'm sure it was it's always fun in the back of the  class y'all get to hear the jokes the side jokes   when she got on yeah what are you talking about  he's stupid look at him over there so but i mean i   think you should be proud though because a lot of  people even in philly today the better the success   tree is all around the mentorships and everyone  who is doing well i think in real estate came   under the better the success tree from their  first few meetings i don't want to drop any   names but you can go off like almost 20 people who  are millionaires just by the information that they   gain from better to success so congrats to you  and the team that you guys put on together thank   you thank you so much you saw it from day one you  saw the behind the scenes you saw everything so i   really appreciate you saying that so all right  let's get that we got that stuff out of the way   i just want everybody to know that lorenzo has  flourished from not wanting to speak just getting   the information now he's ready to give back which  i can totally respect because i think a lot of   times and say this one last thing will happen to  this conversation with you a lot of times people   they will get some information maybe duplicate  it once and then immediately decide that they're   ready to be a mentor or educator and it's like  be a student for a little bit just a little bit   yeah for a long time like become a master  of something i always say become a master   or something and then you're allowed to teach  it but until then it's okay to learn everybody   doesn't have to stand in front of the class  and teach this it's okay to sit back and learn   everybody that's the truth all right so  lorenzo i read um your bio off why don't   you tell everyone a little bit about yourself  in your own words and remember everyone um   this is your q a session as things come to  your mind even if it's something from his bio   just go ahead and put it in the chat i will  get to i always get to every single question   usually unless it's just like a ton of questions  but i usually get to every single question so go   ahead and the sooner the better for you so  go ahead lorenzo why don't you share um a   little bit about yourself in your own words yeah  well they touched on the fact i'm uh i've been   doing this for almost let's say 14 15 years and  just being able to grow with better the success   i'm uh we went to high school together as well so  i naturally i'm a learner and a nerd at heart so   i was eating up all the information um marcus  knuckles really was the one that projected our   my career when i learned what business credit  was because i had no idea what it was and when   i say i may have had eight units maybe 10 when i  started and that next year i bought eight units in   that next year and a year after that i bought  12. and then a year after that i quit my job   so and then colby happened so being a professional  learner learning your skills and actually   executing on the information that you learned  was a trick that i was able to pick up early on   um but by trade i am a property manager  i love everything about tenant placement   tenant management uh people shouldn't know enjoy  evictions and just the small things as much as i   do when it comes to managing the overall process  so whether it's getting a bad tenant out of hard   situations or placing a really good tenant um  that's seeing a big smile on their face and   making everybody happy i love that part of it did  you say you like doing evictions i do because you   have you ever had one by time the eviction comes  i'm so excited i'm excited the night before and i   cannot wait to get this person out of this house  they've been not they haven't been paying rent   for months i look forward to that so um that's  my secret pleasure i got two that i need to be   actually actually one of them i negotiated  they should be proactively moving out at the   end of this month but another one that i need  actually no two yeah two that i need to do   and um i'm a little bit nervous about it and so i  i'm glad well i don't want to say nervous that's   the wrong thing to say this is my first time doing  evictions i just i'm nervous not for the reasons   you think i'm nervous for i'm nervous because  i am nervous about the headache of the process okay what part uh well have  you teamed up with an attorney   not yet so that's why this is my you know how  i kept saying to you we need to talk and i just   hadn't talked to you but i was prolonging it  like my tenant was getting caught up but now   i'm just i'm just not doing it and one of them  i talked them off the ledge and then two of them   now y'all gots to go i can't do it right right so  we'll talk more we'll talk we'll get to that in a   minute i just wanted to stop there because you  said i like the eviction process and everything   and it's constantly changing with it has changed  you know the landlords we kind of took a beating   for two years and now you know we got our gun back  now it's time for the get back you know let's go that's what i heard yes all right so um so you  love the whole process you are a landlord by   trade i want to just something you talked about  um very briefly i do want to talk i want to go   down this route one question a lot of people  have is around this business credit conversation   leveraging business credit to buy real estate  and you said marcus knuckles helped you shout out   to marcus he's like a brother to me and he has  been a friend of bts for a very very long time   why don't you tell us what that looked like when  you made that leap from having eight properties   and then being able to just like literally scale  overnight using business credit talk us through   the numbers talk us through the math whatever you  feel to share and how it worked out for you okay   so with the numbers my first um for me to get in  and out of a property i was spending around ten   thousand dollars at the closing table um  and that's not including the first draw   so maybe twenty thousand dollars to get in  and out and as a combination with my first   round of funding with marcus i picked up i think  forty thousand dollars in business credit so with   forty thousand dollars in business credit i also  had a good conversation with my hard money lender   and they decreased my rates and my um closing  costs at the table so i was buying houses for   five thousand dollars at the closing table so with  forty thousand dollars not counting the first draw   i was able to buy four houses at one time i think  i bought four houses in a matter of two weeks   and with the cushion you had with an extra twenty  thousand dollars in business credit i was just   circling i just circled the money around between  my draws and my hard money loan all the way to my   first refund and when you refinance four houses  that's a that's a that's a pretty good day and   then you're talking about almost having six  figures um to work with you take those six figures   and now instead of buying four houses now you're  buying eight but you just have to decide how much   can you actually stomach how many projects can  you do at one time um and by me having a nice   i had three crews at the time so i was able to  get them in and out doing lipstick rehabs until   i was able to max out i think one of the biggest  things you have to be ready so when i met marcus   i was ready with the 700 plus credit score llc's  in place for two plus two two plus years and i   was one of i wanna see the perfect client zero  inquiries i was seasoned and ready to go and   once you have that and i was also disciplined  i don't live a luxurious lifestyle i just   hang out with my kids um so that discipline  combination combined with the opportunity   and just being able to find deals with a cheaper  rate it just it really just sort of took me off um   and that's why i was eating all the meetings of i  was learning something new every every wednesday   i'm like okay great i got another contractor i got  this play here now i can use the points now i can   do this and it was just a big snowball effect so i  was in real estate university everybody was having   you know a good time like this is everything  that i need to change my life and i'm good you   know i'm proof that it does um but with business  credit you can do a lot of different things um   even today i went through a second round  funding with i'm running the business is   expensive websites all the backing things that you  really have to do can cause to run it effectively   so i think that when used correctly it's  such a powerful tool now there's a lot of   misinformation out there but used correctly  combined with real estate the right way   oh man it's you're almost unstoppable you feel  like you could be almost unstoppable at times   you do that's the truth that is the truth i i  i did a little bit of research um just around   this channel and also like um on instagram  to find out where people are struggling with   and i had to really ask myself like a while ago  i used to get really frustrated when people ask   questions i'm like yo i made so many videos  i've we've talked about this in masterminds   and i've realized that it's just so much content  and so much stuff like you when we were in person   you were coming every week it's different  now right you competing we're competing with   tick tock right like you can be looking at  bts or you can be doing zigzag or you might   be doing both and you're missing it so even  though we have so much information around it   we have so many mass amounts that business credit  question is a question that so many people have   and i i just like the fact that you you did  that and i wanted just to kind of walk through   the logistics of it because i think people hear  about it and they're still getting intimidated   when it's like oh my god business credit and  then they're like oh i don't know what to do um managing your personal credit and i also  took another i took a detailed course on   business credit as well um last january to get  further information on how to do it so i love   marcus but when you learn how to do your own  business credit funding that's another level   tool so now you don't have to pay the eight  percent and you can do it on at your leisure   um and with social media helps we're we're not  walking into the bank talking to the teller   we're walking and talking to the manager or some  of these smaller banks the presidents and ceos   so our conversations are different our application  process is different and our funding is   different we're not asking for ten thousand  dollars anymore we're asking for a hundred   in up and you better give it to me because i know  we if you want my business then that's where we're   at and when you combine that like i said when  you are still doing the hard work looking for   deals still on deal hunting every tuesday  um and just staying hungry at the same time   it's it's a powerful it's a powerful tool but with  business credit make sure your personal things are   in line and the education is out there to do the  right thing with it so let me ask you a question   um before i ask you this question i got a little  floss a little bit um my my videographer was   here was recording some content and i got a  phone call from one of the banks that banquet   and uh the woman called me basically she said  she told me about a new product and i didn't   submit the application yet and she called me  like can you submit the application please   say like that's where you want to be at  when the banker's calling you begging you   to submit the application so they  can give you a new line so i just   i'm just i'm just flossing a little bit  but let me just ask you this question   you said that a lot of people there's a lot  of misinformation out there what do you think   is the biggest most egregious misinformation  that you've heard about business credit   the thing that i found about business credit uh  maybe misinformation is people are using it but   they don't actually have a legitimate business so  they have you can submit the right documents but   if you're not running a business actually making a  profit doing transactions then it makes it tougher   now you have to manufacture spending or do certain  things to get points that i i don't look down upon   it but it's something that i wouldn't do like  we could spend a hundred thousand dollars in   a month just by working rehabs drywall you  know things but other people may have to go   and do alternative spending to run up points  or to get things back um if that makes sense   i don't want to go too deep into it i don't want  to seem like i'm coming down on anybody but i know   yeah it's tough because i yeah business with legit  transactions then it's the best thing in the world   but you can easily manipulate the system to be  in your favor but it's not really helping you   because you're don't if you don't have a business  you're just more so philosophy instagram and stuff   like that okay about this all right i just like  to demystify because sometimes i do see stuff   and i don't like you i don't i don't  wanna i'll be wanting to be like now what i got to remember to keep the main thing on  instagram i'm here to make money not to get in   not to get in dm fights with people because i've  done that be like how did i get in damn fights   with this person damn section going in like that  is wrong you cannot do that i mean we impressed   with people when i look on a page and they  sleep in the mattress in the grandmama basement   why am i fighting with you but and you sleep  in the mattress then your grandmama basement   because we had time that day it's like i got  time today let's go like this is wrong and   you're not going to put it out there but yeah  the dm dm fights they can be fun sometimes   but yes i do the same thing like look that's  wrong you're teaching the wrong thing and   your followers are going to you're going  to lead people down the wrong path stop   i had to promise myself not to do it no more  man i still get it as long as they'll screenshot   the fight then i ain't worried about it that's  the thing i know you know they will screenshot   the fight that's why this is somebody else's  group group chat i don't mind but don't make it   public because then we gotta take it to the next  level you know you made me feel so much better   because i literally struggled with this stuff  i didn't know it was other people out there i   just thought everybody was just like i don't care  like no i'm passionate stop telling these people   yeah you're telling these people to commit fraud  and stop doing it this is let me tell you the one   that i and that i said and i'm only saying this  not to talk trash about anybody i'm saying this   because someone has heard this and they have  it in their arsenal one of y'all at least one   of y'all's about to do this so i'm going to tell  you the one that i found that the most egregious   get business get a get business get a business  start a llc get business credit because there are   banks that will give you business credit even if  you don't have any income yet it's a new business   get do that take that money that you get  pay for whatever it is that you pay for   and then file bankruptcy on this llc close the  llc yeah the biggest one is like do it with your   student loans because you can't file um bankruptcy  on your student loan so that's what that's yeah   that's that's the that's my fight right there like  stop yeah i don't i that one yeah okay all right   let's just go yeah so we're on the same page like  don't do that because you're just setting yourself   up you might get away with you may not but  don't just don't do that you know you're better just here's the thing right again for people  who think that is sweet like okay you get bet   like people are also marketing  hey you get business credit and because let's say you do get business  credit and you're not a personal guarantor   let's say that happens right and they're  promoting it as if you have less liability   i mean you have less responsibility  to pay it back and that's is it's easy to make it's easier than  you think to make money out here   and with any business you could  start a drop shipping business with   with the business yes like if you focus on the  right thing it's a little bit it may seem like   it's more work to do it not the right way but to  actually start a real business but it's a system   to it and the more work you put into it you do it  the right way it'll take you a lot further than um   maybe doing some of the other plays with the  bankruptcy and things like that all right so   guys make sure you load your questions in the q a  section so all right lorenzo let's talk about um some of the some of your buying  criteria that year when you bought   eight properties in a year well is that has  that been your biggest year in terms of how   many properties you bought at a given time  in a given year you're looking like heck no   no i had i had a really decent year last year  as well i think last year was like almost 12   or maybe 14 but i mentioned i told myself i was  going to count i was going to just keep grinding   until i turned 40 and then i was gonna see where  i'm at if i want to keep going if i want to stop   so talk us through so last year  you did 12 12 to 14 or whatever   talk us through the buying criteria and then  also how you managed all the work like any   tools for the trade in terms of  that's a lot of work in a lot of crews   how did you manage all of that work and also  by still making sure you you got good deals   now my buying criteria was really based  on zip codes i took a small area um i had   eight zip codes and in my i don't have it in my  office now but i had it broken down on what each   zip code the buying criteria was and specifically  it was really fifty thousand dollars or less   for a three bedroom house that was 1200 square  feet and as the arv started to increase my um   my price started to increase so maybe it was 50  then it started to be 65 75 and anything that   i could do with 50 000 and work so i had a a nice  handshake deal with a contractor where his he was   going to fix up all the house for thirty thousand  dollars so i just had to manage the materials some   of the materials were 20 some of them were 30.  so we were in and out if we were buying it for   i could easily manage that and we were he was in  and out in 30 days and i can say this now but i   wasn't necessarily pulling permits we were just  we were just getting right to it like look we're   buying this on the first we're getting out of  here at the end of the month um and from here   you're going to be able to go to this house so he  was making a lot of money everybody was happy um   one of the best things that happened to me  was when his crew split so his guys left   and the first person that they called was me  so instead of having one crew then i had two   and they already knew how we work so now i had  to double up on how many houses i purchased   to keep everybody busy and that was how i was  able to do it so some of them they were in 60   days but we were in and out and by me managing  the properties myself i had a list of people   still have a list of people who want to rent i  just picked the person at the top of the list   put them in in out um it got it can get hectic  at times it got to the point where i had to quit   my job because i couldn't manage everything but  having a system in place we got a 28-point system   that we use um all of my houses for a certain  amount of years they all look the exact same we   took the materials from one house to the next and  by being in the same zip codes the west building   and southwest area we're not taking the material  as far as like look take the drywall over here   and finish take the tile over here finish and just  use i had um like almost an inbox of item numbers   for amazon lose and we would just go plug and  play it was all a system it wasn't i took a lot   of the emotion out we just had to actually put the  work in and my job was really to find the deals   find a deal and keep everybody busy okay all  right so many questions that you just gave like   the 28 points talk to me about the 28 points  the 28 it was similar you touch i saw you did   a youtube video where i think your video i think  yours might have been 20 or 21 steps but i have   a few order of a rehab an order of a rehab yeah  okay and i don't skip the steps i go straight down   the list like where are we at we had the finished  frame i'm not jumping the head and doing anything   else at the finish frame we're going to insulate  you know and i'm sticking straight to this script   and everybody knows exactly where we're at and  exactly where you're coming in um got the system   on what the order when to order materials so  nobody's waiting we don't have um a lapse of work   and that was the key point where everybody at  least knows how we work and the quality of work   that we want so the steps i don't forget i think  yours might have been 20 or 21 but mine is 28.   and this is all right it's so crazy  i'm gonna say this and then we can   we can probably compare where what  you have versus what i don't have um so i made that video and i was like this is gonna  go viral because it was a game changer for me so   let me give everybody a little bit of context i  made a video that listed out the order of a rehab   for me and i think for a lot of people that  be your biggest struggle and y'all don't   even know that's your biggest struggle  when it when it was explained to me   i was like you could do as long as you know  the order you can find everybody on yelp for real for real so you really have no issue you  there is no mystery around the rehab process if   you know the order in which you're supposed to go  you can literally google everybody else that's it   you don't have to do you have to know anything  other than the order that's it and lorenzo just   clarified that for me so i said i'm gonna  make this video it's gonna go viral this is it's the hidden gems and some of the stuff is  right in front of them they just i don't know   i don't know hey they're all just giving out free  information that nobody wants to share with you   they want to tell you like yo buy my course for 75  thousand dollars and i'm gonna give and i'll give   you and they give you that and then you'll be like  and i'm like i just take a screenshot and then   take a screenshot like it save it to your faves so  that six months when you finally get in that first   property you could just be like nicki no exactly  okay no i'm here step number two you know step   and you name it and you you actually number so  when we number like nah where are we at we're   at number 14. your team your job is coming up in  about two weeks you'll know exactly when they're  

you can tell them you're gonna be already know we  got you february 5th that's when you're coming in i love that okay and so that's important because  this is something i'm learning from you right now   like i normally don't tell everybody the steps  right i usually have a project manager that   handles it i just make sure he stays according to  the steps but i know like the subs that i do talk   to i don't tell them that but i do that with my  regular business where i try to tell everybody so   that they know where they fit in the wheel right  even though and it's important i realize how   important it is in that business i don't i never  thought about applying it to being a developer   because it's important for my other staff to know  like hey guys i know this has nothing to do with   you but this is what i'm doing over here or this  is what susie is working on this is just everybody   know where they are where we stand so you  understand how important or unimportant your   job or task is right and so um i say that great  to actually tell where you are in the cog and why   you can't get in here or why you need to be here  on this day right so that they're not confused   and let them know if they can't finish on time  it's like look i'm giving you a week if you are   not finished by monday at eight o'clock it's  going to be an entirely no other crew in here   working and you are going to have to work around  them so you got this house to yourself whatever   you do by 8 o'clock on monday somebody else is  starting and if you think i'm playing a game you   know you try to do some plumbing with uh 10 10  hvac guys running around because you decided to   take an extra couple days it's going to be hard  but you're going to you can only blame yourself   um rob said the order and reference said no in  the orders he said i did a rehab with my cheap   crew off the order flow i know that's right rob  that's all that's all you need to know i mean as   you get better you start butting up some other  things but that's once you've got that you good   um all right it was another question i had guys  please post your questions in here um in the chat   rob rosie it's a lot of y'all in here thank y'all  for coming today i love it it's popping today all   your friends is here albert mike alyssa george  y'all got any question chrissy hey chrissy boo   um y'all got any questions please ask lorenzo i'm  working on that you gave me and that's going to be   that's another reason why i'm trying to slow down  i'm going to finish the single families and the   duplexes and focus on that because i don't know i  think my step system will work with it but it's a   lot of other stuffs that got thrown at me in the  middle of it and i don't want to necessarily mess   that up so it's just so it what ended up happening  that deal was meant for you to have what ended up   happening um the other deal i told you i was going  to do i didn't end up doing it so let me give   everybody a little bit of a backstory right so um  it was two quads that i was um that i wanted right   one of the quads i was like okay  i'm gonna have jabar going look at   jabbar went and looked at it and ran into  lorenzo at like home depot or lowe's or something   where are you ever there's a load right  down the street so he was like yeah they   ran into each other at lowe's and he was like  lorenzo's like yeah my way to look at that deal   so i'm like lorenzo was looking  considering buying a deal because   i was about to put the offer in and  tell jabbar tell everybody shut it down   so i was like lorenzo's looking at for real and  commander i'm thinking looking at the other deal   the other quad and i was like you know what i  can't one thing especially my members that's   been members from a long time ago it  it'd be i have to be very mindful of conflicts of interest i'm not trying to get  in a bidding war with one of our members   and so i very well could have been like that  now i don't know what he would have said   he might have had to you know and her beasts come  out but i was like you know what i'm not going to   get into a bidding war with lorenzo on this let  me ask let me tell lorenzo he can have his i got   this other deal to be honest it would have been a  stretch because the other deal was in germantown   and that was in west philly and then i had some  other small ones single families going on it just   would have been a lot of people running around  and i i did i don't know if i would have been able   to support that level of crew yet it would have  been all experimental so i was like let me just   let lorenzo get this one so i called lorenzo  i was like listen i just want you to know   that i'm not gonna go for it you got it and then  i had to it was a couple things that you didn't   know too about it yeah it was like negative four  is not a truck it's not a triplex make it a quad   so i did that before um i just i went to the  settlement table i needed to quad before then so   i was all right that's what's up yeah cause um  it was being sold as a triplex but the numbers   like when you ran when i ran the numbers it's not  that was what made it such a juicy deal the seller   the wholesaler was marketing it as a triplex and  i'm like sure i'll buy it almost sight unseen   because you don't know that this is really a quad  and the numbers are better right now like lorenzo   get this don't don't tell nobody but this use this  as a quad the numbers are juicier and this is why   and then so with the other one the lot size was  too small i it had the size to convert to a quad   but the lot the lot width was too small and it  was then it was just diminishing deal and i was   like i'm not fighting with no deals fine and then  what made it even worse is the wholesaler i had   it under contract i put the um the emd down the  wholesaler i mean the title company needed like   a death certificate from the seller and the  seller was taking a long time to get it to   them and we moved way out of contract um they  never did it so the whole seller just gave me   told the title company to release my money okay  so it's okay i'm honestly i'm right now i am uh   i don't know i don't know what i'm doing i thought  you just got like four houses on the contract   and they're all single families but you know  i normally do multis but the reason is because   a lot of them are like two of them are  lipsticks on a pig one of them is a um   it's turn key and another one is a full gut but  it is a 2 000 square foot property and maniac   i'm getting it for 200 and the arvs are 650. with  a garage that might be my philly i might do airbnb   and then it'll be my philly house when we finally  come back to philly because i don't mind staying   and it's literally one block from main street  yeah you could put what maybe 200 is your rehab   budget if you on the high side my i told my guy he  said he could stay within a hundred he said maybe   he said put like maybe 20 on it because you know  you like nice stuff so 120 okay so if i'm all in   at 320 and the arv is 600 that's a i saw 650 a  strong 650 and it was smaller than my property   yeah yeah i lived in roxboro for a long  time so yeah those numbers is crazy and   it's a really good area that's one of the still  one of the good areas of living in philadelphia   it is because guess what you got main street right  there which is very cute food all that and then   if you want to get out the  city it's just right there you know 76 i'm going i don't have to go to  where the rest of it and go both ways you go   out the city or you could be right downtown  in 20 minutes so and uh you got your son now   you're gonna be looking at different schools  they have some of the better schools too in   that area if you can get in that zip code  you're good we shall see um all right so   rosie wants to know how that's a good question how  did you make that property into a quiet before you   got to the close and say well i tried to do that  and it was like the deed needs to be recorded   in your name before we actually change the use  so how did you do it um i believe she spoke on   your platform before i use a paulette philly  expediters so she handles all of our permits   how she did it i i don't know but i sent  her all of my documentations and i had um   i had everything back that was on there's a  four unit legally in the state of in the city   of philadelphia in about 72 hours something  like that took me three days she's coming   out to paulette she's a bts member as well  that's awesome so yeah so that's about the   relationship that i have because i've been  using her to pull all my permits and do   uh single family conversions and things like  that so with her i left my deposit down and i   would not have actually closed if she didn't turn  it into a four unit before i bought the house and   my hard money lender actually required me to get  that to him so i submitted that with my paperwork yes okay all right so now y'all  loading your questions in right now   um hold on maxine what happened to your  question where's your question y'all got   now see i'll be getting the conversation  juicy and then you'll just be uh happy now   um what are your thoughts about  doing larger commercial deals i love the larger commercial deals uh last year  we did do a i don't know if it's considered it   is considered commercial but a 26 unit for 1.8  million and the numbers on that is is through   the roof because it appraised for 2.5 so you came  in with almost 700 000 in equity um that's what   one of my partners deals but i was able to be the  agent and i manage the property and i'm looking at   all the money that's coming in it's bringing  in almost is netting almost 14 000 a month   so with that i think that's another reason why i'm  sort of slowing down because i would love to jump   into the larger commercial deals when you combine  that with a seasoned llc and business credit   those sort of deals will be open open up to you  um so i think that's the way to go if you want to   skip some steps in the rehab cycle straight  to large commercial deals buy some eight to   10 12 unit apartment buildings and i think  you'll you'll definitely see the profits i love it that's that's them some  beautiful numbers right there   okay let's get to the next question  when buying what criteria in a property   do you look for in turnkeys and what do you  renovate intern keys to make that rent ready with the turnkeys um i really or maybe  lips lipsticks or turnkeys um i'm gonna in between and anywhere from lipstick to turnkey  i really like to i'll change small things the   faucets knobs one of the big paint one of the  bigger things i always have a cheaper floor   installer so i really like to put down new floors  i've had some poor appraisals come back because i   thought that well they love this old original  hardwood floor as well i like it but the appraiser   didn't necessarily see the same um eye on it so i  would give them new floors and if i could change   the lighting make it nice and bright um and i like  to use gold do i did a little bit of research on   my demographics if it's going to be a  certain demographic i use certain colors   so gold stands out gold forces gold everything  in the bathroom and you'll be surprised you can   actually get a little bit of a higher rent  lorenzo said 40 year old black women like yes black people like gold so when  they see gold it works so if   i'm if i'm going to have african-american or  black empire i do put gold in the house somewhere   either in the kitchen and in the bathroom uh  all right here's i should here's my um here's   my criteria for turner kids i was reading between  the lines i started smoking your face the result   um all right so here's my here's  my my my criteria for turnkeys um   what defines if something is a turnkey or  lipstick on a pig or not is the mechanicals hvac   is a trillion dollars right now that's my biggest  question is what's going on with the hvac anything   that i buy i want to put forced air and heat in  it one it will keep a happier tenant and two um   nobody's gonna call you about  any issues with it they shouldn't   so it needs to if it's i won't even consider turn  key or rent ready if it does not have forced air   or force heat in it it could be everything else  nice and it's got that that might be a lipstick   on a pig depending on the number i'm just not  going to analyze it the same because it's just   so much of a headache and it's so expensive  um elec electrical too plumbing as well   um but that's really where i start from that's  what i look at those are the things that cost   the most money then obviously flooring and um  kitchens and bathrooms no matter what whether   you go you can have hvac i mean you really ever  see anything like this but you have brand new hvac   electrical plumbing um brand new floorings  that kitchen that bathroom don't look cute if it don't look cute the value of  everything else drops about fifty percent so i mean and it is it can be expensive the cost  of the tiling and um you know countertops and and   encounters and cabinets all that stuff is  is going up as well so like the mechanicals   bathrooms kitchen floors those are the things that  really go into the meat and potatoes of whether   something is a turnkey or being a lipstick on a  pig everything else paint trim is important doors windows that stuff can be massaged and put  together keep that in mind you know you might   be able to it's important but like it's not a  headache like everything else and you can get them   done a little bit easier hopefully that answers  your question aisha i didn't answer it directly   but i gave you some criteria for you to look at i  think the biggest thing that she wants to look for   is she needs to go and make sure the mechanicals  work if the mechanicals work then you got yourself   a lipstick if they don't you got yourself a  headache yeah but even if they do work and it's   radiator heat and it's old plumbing guess what  they gonna be doing calling you every darn week   every month my i got a leak my stack broke i got  you know my electric outlets are going out because   you got some knobbing tube hidden somewhere in  there so yeah it makes it tough don't call me   don't call me at all all right so i'm going to go  to my 28 step i mean my 20 step and then lorenzo   can tell us somebody asked me this lorenzo can  tell us where where what he got in there that i   don't have in mind um let me go to it let me  pull it up well i could go out on top of it all right all right i'm letting it the  video play so i can screenshot it   all right so so i can start off the first one is  you want to make sure you got your plans because   mine is based off a full gut so the very first  thing you want to make sure you have your plans   uh i'm a big fan of jane jane does a great job she  can be responsive and if you more information you   give her the better you can help her do her job  uh second the next three steps are setting up the   utilities whether it's pico i always start with  pico pgw then the water department pico you can   make a phone call pgw same or you can do them  online the water department is actually done   uh at the closing table however i like to  send them an email to make sure that they   have my correct email address and i want the  bill sent to a certain place um those are my   first floor i don't know if you got yours now  i couldn't let you go i do i didn't have the   um utilities in there and you know what i never  really thought about it to you said that i do be   fumbling through my utilities like oh i gotta  do that i need to have that in there so i i   pre-development is for me like plans permits all  of that that's all in one thing but i do always   every time be fumbling through like oh shoot i  forgot okay tell my my va like hurry up can you do   you know or i gotta i got two va's technically  one of them handle that type of stuff   and so like i just always fumble through it yeah  so that's my right after the closing table i'll go   one of my big things i sit down for an hour set  up all the utilities before we do anything else   and then um the first step should be the first  actual step in the house should be the demo and i'm trying to pull my thing up  so we can um pull it up on the screen   um while you're talking i'm pulling trying to i move on to any masonry work so if  i have to secure any foundation uh   foundational issues that's where  i'm going to see make sure the   house isn't falling down i'll  bring them in and just secure   everything so from there after that's completed i  move on to my it's actually called a framing rough   in a way yep yeah framing rough so you got a frame  so you do your your framing before you do the roof   i have on my my thing like if there is the roof  is not leaking i do the roof after the mechanicals why the reason why is because my windows are going  to be put in during the framing now my plumber is   going to put holes in the roof when he's venting  everything out so i'm going to have to bring the   roofer back anyway so if i can if the roof isn't  leaking i could bring the roofer after the fight   the mechanicals are done he's securing everything  and he's capping the windows so i'm doing all that   at that phase siding uh window capping roof  secure the building on the outside at that   point because nobody else is going to you better  not put any more holes in this roof at all after   the um your rough end is done and you know what  this is a personal preference i'm not mad at that   because i will tell you i have had issues where  the roofer got to come back and all of that and   then also the capping of the windows that's always  a thing that's got to be jigsawed in there so i'm   not mad at that but i'll tell you i always do this  because i have i i was scorned one time i uh so kim was doing jumpstart and he had already  done it when we had started and then   we met and he's like listen i want you to  go i want you to audit the program i just   want you to go through it so i went through the  program and one of their students they had um they on the day they did like a tour so the  previous student lets people come and look   at the house and this house was being done it  was beautiful gorgeous and i mean you know in   terms of it was just framing up i think  and they had put some mechanicals in and   on the third floor they they hadn't done the roof  yet and the mechanicals was in and there was a big   hole and it was about to rain that night  and so every time i think about the roof   i think visually to myself oh my god it's going  to rain and guess what ended up happening they   also it was a they did their whole thing out of  order and then somebody had ended up breaking in   and stealing all the mechanicals and all this so  the whole property just wasn't secure all together   so i think in my mind the roof something's  going to happen to the roof yeah and then   it's going to get damaged on my stuff and  i'm going to be like but i'm not mad at you   that's possible that's why i have it it's  flexible because if the roof is actually um   damaged then i'll do it a lot sooner but to make  it a one-stop shop that's what yeah that's why i   moved it but um i have those same fears like if  you put your electrical wires in you know your   installation everything can be ruined by you not  doing the roof on top your subfloor everything   backs okay so then so you said masonry then  you see you you start your hvac plumbing what   else what's your next step well yeah i do uh  rough plumbing rough hack and rough electric in   that in that order um and then i do the framing  final and after that that's when i do the roof   um insulation after the installation  that's when um straight up drywall   and then after we drywall it's a party after that  it is hey look you getting there you prom paint my   floor and tile guys they actually work together at  the same time it's like look y'all gonna have to   get along however y'all work it out um so they're  in there simultaneously and then after that   i'm bringing in all the mechanical guys can come  back hey y'all finish up um but the exact order is   i go back in the same order the plumber comes back  hvac electrical but uh massage they can actually   all work together everybody has a week to get  their stuff together you know like look y'all come   back february 5th and knock all this out and while  we're doing that we're doing a trim um a couple   things i add in there is after that that's when i  started to pre-market um pre-market to me is real   important because you can have your unit so rented  before it ever hits the market just by you taking   a couple pictures and videos um then you got  your your final paint your staging and then your then i'm done after that pretty much  similar similar similar orders so here's   my order take a screenshot everyone and  um lorenzo if you can what we'll do is um if you can send your order to irish or  or um alaia and then we'll see how we   can get it out to everybody their own  way either way they're both good orders   um okay you got to you got your appliance  i sort of bring my appliances in with um they kind of go in almost with the cabinets   i always do it last it just that's just always  what happens um it's all kitchens call for the   granite it's all around the same time honestly  when you get to this 16 through 20 a lot of   that stuff is around the same time right and  you can be in and out in about three weeks   to me so like everybody if as long as you're as  the actual project manager have everything inside   get it in and get out i aspire man i think  i probably i i will need to come back home   or be in the same city for that i know people  will be doing all type of i i leave a room for   nicole live on a different coast we gotta get  over on or a little bit i don't be i i don't   be tripping about that i just i really don't  and that's all right long as y'all stay within   the budget y'all answer my phone calls y'all be  honest y'all good people y'all stick with me i   take i'm i'm three thousand miles away no i'm  not gonna come and punch you in the eye like   i would if i wasn't there nobody's like taking  the flight to just to check or make sure they're   showing up for work every day like no send me some  pictures and i'll be okay right all right so next   question what are the basic property needs to be  sectioning i don't do section 8 so lorenzo is the   king with section 8 uh you want to be aware of  what commonly fails and that's going to be the   first off is making sure all of your outlets  are grounded um that's the i found that's the   biggest thing where they'll fail you it could  be 40 outlets in the house and if you have one   that's not grounded it's going to take you two  weeks to get it you know until they come back   out um with section 8 they really want to make  sure the property is safe and secure and when   it comes to the inspection though outlets plummet  similar how everything we just mentioned you want   to make sure you do your research and make sure  everything works don't get taken off guard by   them turning the stove on and you have a turn you  never turn the stove on it doesn't work or testing   your heat out make sure the heat actually works at  every room your windows lock doors lock it seems   very simple but you want to make sure that if  you do your own research you'll find that okay   this master bedroom door does not lock and the  window doesn't work so you make those repairs   it's not complicated but they will fail you  for it may seem like something small but any   one infraction you're not going to pass um are you  investing outside of philly for me no what about   you not no i don't know i can't get over the taxes  and i haven't been able to make the numbers work but i would love to i would love to invest  outside of uh philly but i haven't been able   to really the taxes always throws off the cash  flow for me i'm not making any money on this   and by that he's talking about the surrounding  counties um and there there are people here   who are investing in a whole other states  um for me honestly i am very very very um   i'm strongly considering investing in memphis um  i just haven't done i don't i'm it's just a little   making me a little nervous and plus i got some  other things i want to do and so i'm just not   super locked in but i'm i'm heavily considering  it uh okay we got the rosie answer that question um mike said what's the discount code for your  hundred thousand dollar membership you got a   hundred thousand dollar membership lorenzo or  mike being funny mike is it's uh it's ten thousand   but i'm not even trying i need to come in here to  sell anything i'm just here to bust it up we good   mike might just trying to uh bust chops okay  uh lorenzo i'm trying to restart flips this   year i spoke with the gc yesterday and he said  he can look at a property then have a proposal   put together within 48 hours he said continue  okay congratulations oh he said if i identify   a property should i put it under contract first  or just take the dc with me from the beginning   to minimize the time frame between seeing it  and putting an offer in put your offer in get   your offer accepted and see if you can get 72  hours before you have to leave your deposit   and during those 72 hours you got a lot of work to  do to find before you put your money on the table   typically what i do rob is um i and as you develop  this relationship with these um wholesalers it's   just a kind of a normal conversation so actually  this happened to me wholesaler sent me a deal i   looked at it tentatively and i go through my i got  a list like okay this costs this this costs this   okay i'm looking at the pictures okay this need  that this need that and i'll put numbers in right   and i always assume that whatever it is is full  right not partial whatever that line item is so   i came back to the wholesaler and was like hey  i'm running my numbers preliminarily and i always   use language like that i'm running my numbers  preliminarily this is my counteroffer they accept   it i say okay listen i'm letting you know right  now i want to have my guy go through it there   i'm letting you know right now like that's  the number i would do it at i just is it   okay if i had my guy go through it they know  the game right you do have some wholesalers   that's gonna be like oh and guess what i don't do  business with you because a lot of times they be   like really out here scheming and scamming  i can tell you stories collecting deposits exactly make a whole business out of collecting  deposits and not selling any properties not   selling any property just collecting your  five thousand collected deposits okay   right so most wholesalers will understand  like all right y'all verbally accept it   but just tell him like listen i want to  have my guy go through this to verify it   so my guy went through it his number was  wired a number stock whole time like listen   i'm gonna pass on this deal this is what this  is why and we had a whole conversation because   he also had his comps way higher oh you you going  3.3 miles out for commerce is a cop on the block  

that's like the appraiser is not going to overlook  a comp on the block that's 30 000 less than what   you're telling me the 1.3 miles away is like you  know so we had a whole a very good conversation   where i was helping him to understand i said this  doesn't mean that your property won't sell where   you want it to sell it because guess what there  are some investors out there they not bts members   they won't know stuff so you'll probably sell  it where you want to spell it out but i can't   do it there because this is what it is and so i  say all that to say to you rob r

2022-01-28 08:05

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