Business Credit Blueprint Every Business Need Cash To Expand

Business Credit Blueprint Every Business Need Cash To Expand

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[Music] historically more millionaires are made during times of economic downturns than in booms right now you have the opportunity to position your business to ride the next great economic boom but you have to act quickly my name is brian and in this presentation you're going to discover three little known strategies for obtaining bank financing for your business simply by watching this to the very end tips like how to build a business credit file that isn't attached to your social security number how to get business credit cards even if you have personal credit issues how i got a 20 000 unsecured line of credit without a personal guarantee plus you'll discover the three most common mistakes you absolutely must avoid if you want your loan application to sail straight through underwriting i can't tell you how long i'll keep this presentation online or how much longer it will be for you to watch so grab something to write with and watch this now while you still can the real problem with business financing is that there's so much conflicting information out there i can tell you this what i'm revealing today is on the cutting edge of business funding strategies and any of my quick tips i'll be giving you today will get you started within minutes on the path to getting the cash you need to bankroll your business this will not only renew your hope it will change the way you grow your business forever just remember how much you need that business funding as i share all of my insider tips with you today before we go any further however i feel it's only fair to level with you there's a rather humiliating story i need to share with you before we dive into the strategies i have for you today you'll see why my embarrassing little drama is so important to your success in just a minute deal i wasn't always a business financing expert in fact i was anything but thinking back it was august 2006. it was hot that summer and i'd started working from home i was sitting at my desk in shorts and a t-shirt just staring at a pile of past due bills my wife a makeup artist had just left for work she had no idea how much trouble we were in financially see we had only just recently purchased our home in long island new york when the mortgage market collapsed i had to close my mortgage company because banks were just refusing to lend i hadn't made any money in months and i had collection agents calling me daily i couldn't eat i couldn't sleep i felt like a failure my hair was literally falling out in the shower because of the stress i was experiencing frankly i was at the lowest point in my life or so i thought though it led me to where i am today having unlimited access to bank funding to grow your business and insulate your family from economic downturns is something i bet you want to experience too still it took this one event something so embarrassing to really move me into action and take me from a failure to success i got a call from a friend of mine who had owned one of the largest private banks in the northeastern united states he had just endured a multi-million dollar lawsuit that wiped out his empire and everything he had earned he had to sell his vacation homes his expensive cars and the legal fees alone totally wiped out his savings he was now starting a new company and he wanted to know if i want to share some office space when i whined to him about my financial troubles and gave excuses why i couldn't afford the rent he really let me have it are you kidding me brian i just lost everything i own but i can't let that stop me from accomplishing my goals look you can either work your ass off to build someone else's dream or you can find a way to build your own he told me to tell you the truth i'm only calling because i can't afford to rent a place either but we can do it if we invest together guys like us have to be resourceful if it were easy everyone would do it you have to keep in mind that this was someone i really admired he was the guy who started his business by maxing out a five thousand dollar credit card to open up his first office and within three years his company was closing over a billion dollars in home loans annually he had found a way to become successful without resources the first time and it was only a matter of time before he'd be successful again i was humbled and embarrassed i realized i've been playing the victim and making excuses instead of finding solutions as i hung up the phone i made a decision to make a change that would affect my life forever i will never make excuses or act like a helpless little victim ever again and i'll start with finding a solution to this funding problem or die trying i swore i'd do whatever it took to find the money i'd read a hundred books on the subjects of business financing and scour the internet research journals and pick the brains of the top pros to discover the secrets of underwriting approvals and i discovered a blueprint that works virtually every time today i'm going to share it with you and save you the hassles and years of effort it took me to develop this process so keep watching keep in mind that even though today i've been very successful helping folks like you get bank funding to start or grow their businesses i'm exactly like you are in so many ways really the only difference between you and i is that i had some lucky breaks along the way this is a system designed with you in mind entail it for folks like us who are hardwired to pursue the dreams of our financial independence so you can stop using your personal bank account to fund your day-to-day operations build a credit score separate from your social security number that banks will love to lend to stop tying your family's financial future to the success or failure of your business ventures position yourself to take advantage of when full business opportunities stop using your personal credit and assets as collateral on business loans and provide your business the reserve funds you need to survive and thrive in economic downturns we use this process to help thousands of business owners access millions of dollars of bank financing every year and now you can experience the same success for yourself using this proven blueprint to get the cash flow you need for your business faster and easier than ever before yes i'll be covering all the details of my discovery with you in just a moment however first i need to let you in on what your real problem is today this is the real reason it's so hard for you to find the cash you need to grow your business and why your lack of success until now is really not your fault the sad fact is that you've been unknowingly lied to for years when it comes to funding your business and these lies are the reason you've been let down in the past here's one of the lies that angered me the most many business experts will tell you that it's okay to ask your friends and family for loans to fund your business what a load of nonsense please if you've ever believed this stop right now i'll explain in a moment but just know this countless other smart men and women have fallen victim to this ignorant advice you have to lay that aside right now if you don't you'll more than likely end up losing everything it's a fact that ninety percent of businesses fail within the first four years if you convince your friends and family to finance your business you're just digging a deeper hole for your family to crawl out of and destroying personal relationships that are far more valuable than any potential financial gain listen this is not what i want for you and i know it's not what you desire for yourself your struggles and challenges with finding business funding are directly due to stupid advice like this which is why it's not your fault however now that you know the truth it's your responsibility to fix it fair if you need to lay the blame somewhere then blame the so-called experts who think it's a good idea to put your family in harm's way it's just so much easier to tell people to take advantage of the people who trust them than to admit that they have no clue how to get the funding themselves it might make them sound smart but the advice does a lot more harm than good if the business funding process is a dark and scary mystery for most accountants and business coaching gurus then what chance did you have of navigating the process you had no chance until now so don't beat yourself up about it the truth of the matter is you should be actively seeking to build your business credit file from the day you decide to start your business so your business can eventually provide its own capital and protect you from financial uncertainty now that you're aware of the lies and how they've crippled your business funding efforts for years let's get right into the three steps i need to share with you today without these tips your path to funding success will be hit and miss yet using these simple strategies you'll achieve your goals in no time this is the same step-by-step process i used to obtain an unsecured line of credit for twenty thousand dollars which i used to start my credit repair service i was able to accomplish this in only six months and with damaged personal credit remember i'll be sharing my most important tip last my business credit builder for building your business credit without risking your personal credit or assets so keep watching until the end first you absolutely must avoid using your personal cell phone email and home address when starting a business this is hands down the biggest and most common mistake entrepreneurs like us make while starting out our businesses while most startup experts will tell you that this is a good idea it's really not i'll explain an underwriter's job is to determine whether or not you're a good credit risk you want to give the underwriter every impression that you're a low-risk investment part of the underwriting process is to verify the business's contact information a business that uses a cell phone number as their main telephone number a gmail account for their business correspondence and is located in a residential neighborhood raises red flags that this business is not a good risk it's kind of like filling out a home loan application and using a payphone and a po box for your contact information you're basically giving the lender every impression that you're going to take the money and disappear i don't care if your business is netting millions of dollars a year using your personal contact information will more than likely result in your application's denial the good news is that this is easy to fix here's what you need to do get a telephone number through ringcentral you can set up a toll-free number for as little as 10 a month next go to and get yourself a virtual office regis will provide you with a real address and receive your mail for you there's probably one located very near you if not they'll forward your mail to you finally buy a domain name for as little as 12 a year then you can use a service like to build a simple website and set up your email to forward to your gmail account by following these simple steps you can have a fully compliant business that will sell through any bank verification process for less than a hundred bucks a month listen to this one would it surprise you to discover that you can actually enjoy creating a business credit file that's separate from your social security number most people think this is a painful process but if you follow my advice it'll be quick and easy quick disclaimer first i am not an accountant and i'm not an attorney you should definitely speak with your accountant and attorney for personal advice regarding the best business structure for you the first thing you need to do is set up a corporation setting up a corporation not only protects you from the businesses liabilities but it also allows you to build business credit and typically reduce your tax burden too can help you do this online with fees starting at just 69 once your corporation is set up and you've received an ein number and employer identification number from the irs you can contact dun and brad street experian and equifax to set up your business credit files your new corporation and ein number will allow you to apply for credit that's separate from your social security number putting you well on your way to insulating your family and your personal assets from your business's liabilities and it's about to get even better because now i'll be sharing my most vital tip when it comes to obtaining other people's money to grow your business this is my power tip the one you have to do no matter what otherwise the other tips i gave you are pretty much useless and get this this tip puts you on the success fast track to obtaining business financing even if you have damage credit zero cash flow or zero assets to start with this is my patented business credit blueprint used successfully by virtually every successful business owner who ever got approved for financing even if they didn't know it the fact is there's a right and wrong way to build your business credit just like there's a right and wrong way to build your personal credit most people never take the time to build their business credit properly and they just try to jump right in and start applying for unsecured loans at their bank they end up getting denied and give up without ever knowing what they did wrong here's the secret start building your business credit by opening net 30 accounts companies you're probably using every day like staples and amazon or for net 30 accounts for new businesses they just don't advertise them a net 30 account works like an american express card you have 30 days to pay off your full balance open at least five net 30 accounts and make timely payments for three to six months it won't be long before you're receiving business credit card offers in the mail okay now that was a ton of valuable information and you may be feeling a bit unsure of where and how to get started and that's fine all this really means is that you have two simple choices to make right now choice one you can take all the tips and information i just gave you and try to put the puzzle pieces together on your own without assistance and hey you never know you may put the puzzle pieces together eventually on your own sure it'll take a lot longer and there's no guarantee you'll make it or there's a smarter choice the one really savvy men and women take to speed up the progress toward business funding success introducing the paint by numbers easy way to get the credit offers you deserve why risk failure and frustration trying to figure out all this stuff by yourself when i've done all the hard work for you why even consider starting from scratch i laid out your exact step-by-step blueprint already my blueprint has a legion of raving fans because i've tested and perfected and honed this system down to a work of art here's what the vast majority decide to do it's called the business credit blueprint hi i'm brian diaz and i'm the man behind the business credit blueprint the number one business credit system that allows you to access unlimited bank funds without risking your personal credit or assets this radically simple yet effective business credit building system will work for you even if you have personal credit challenges have no cash flow have no business plan have been denied for funding before even if you feel as if you've tried absolutely everything to save your time and mine let me be upfront with you and tell you what this business credit blueprint is not before i tell you what it is this is not a cash advance program like cabbage or on deck who take 25 to 50 percent of your future revenue those guys want you to keep giving them your profits so that you never get ahead this isn't a course on how to write a business plan or a place to buy shell corporations finally this isn't a guide to submitting loans to the sba don't you think you've been lied to enough isn't it time you start using what's proven to work rather the business credit blueprint is a direct result of over 11 years of study and years of digging through the trenches to find what really works as well as examining the real reasons behind business funding failures so i could create a clever way to help you avoid these negative patterns and now starting today their success can be your success the strategies of the truly successful can now be duplicated easily by you giving you freedom to obtain financing without risking your personal credit or assets build your business using other people's money protect your family from business liabilities take advantage of when full opportunities and all of this while you quickly grow your empire faster than ever before possible before we go one step further i need to be 100 honest with you if you're just looking to swindle some lenders out of some easy cash something you already know will catch up with you in the long run if that's you and i'm trusting it's not then you need to leave this website right now this is for men and women who are ready to stop looking for miracles and start ensuring their financial success there are no magic pill solutions to obtaining business funding nothing in this life is easy and you know that but this is about as easy as it gets so if you're like most folks watching this presentation and you're 100 ready for real answers here's what you're going to receive if you want to get cash to start or expand your business stop stressing about where you'll find the cash to cover your monthly expenses stop robbing your personal savings to fund your business permanently separate your business and personal finances protect your personal credit and assets from your business's liabilities and secure your family's financial future then guess what the business credit blueprint isn't an answer for you it's the only answer for you let's take a look at what's inside in module 1 you'll discover the secrets to building business credibility you'll learn what common mistakes cause a red flag and how to avoid them in module two you'll uncover simple and effective strategies for building business credit files almost overnight many services charge several hundred dollars for the service alone you'll learn how to do it for free in module three you'll learn which lenders have the easiest approval criteria for establishing your first lines of credit this will make the rest of the building your business credit file paint by numbers easy in module 4 you'll discover how and where to get revolving credit without using your personal credit or assets as collateral i provide you with the links qualification criteria and even show you which bureaus they report to in module 5 you'll learn how to build your business bank rating to get approved for higher credit limits this is a little known strategy that greatly reduces your perceived risk to a lender if you're looking to solve the mystery for obtaining bank funding to grow your business then you've probably already figured out that the business credit blueprint is your answer as it allows you the simplest way to build a business credit file that underwriters will love and it goes without saying that this makes your life much easier here's what i mean in module one you get the actual compliance checklist underwriters use to research your business that means you can literally structure your business to meet their criteria before you submit your application now you may be thinking i bet any system that can give me all of that would cost a small fortune and in all honesty it really should since this one service has already revolutionized the business financing industry and the results men and women just like you are getting yet i'll get to the reduced price i have for you in just a minute first i want to share a few unique benefits this one-of-a-kind system will deliver for you you'll discover the different types of corporations you can set up as well as the advantages of each that's not all you'll learn which types of corporations you must avoid and this alone is worth the investment and i'll also reveal the three biggest reasons businesses fail to obtain financing so you don't make their same mistakes the price of the business credit blueprint sold by itself is 297 dollars yet you're not just receiving the business credit blueprint today because you've shown guts and determination by watching this presentation i'm gonna sweeten the deal by tossing in two incredible bonuses free with the order today the first gift you'll be receiving is a copy of my book the small business owner's guide to getting bank funding without a personal guarantee it's normally valued at sixteen dollars but it's yours free today you'll also get my do-it-yourself credit repair kit it contains step-by-step instructions for improving your personal credit report now this is also not normally valued at 47 but is yours free today now you can see why the business credit blueprint is valued at 297 and even without the bonuses it is a steal at that price and when you add in the bonuses the retail value of the business credit blueprint is 359 dollars yet that price is not for you i have a much better deal headed your way so by all means keep watching of course you could choose to continue down the path you're on right now and end up losing 10 20 even a hundred times more than the investment you'll make today in the business credit blueprint and lost opportunities and continue risking your personal credit and assets to fund your business expenses and let's not even talk about tying your family's financial security to the success or failure of your business and that's not what i want for you i feel you deserve to know why i'm offering such a massive discount today look i know what it's like to have a dream of building a business and finding nothing but roadblocks at every turn it's frustrating and if left unchecked it can crush your dreams the united states needs folks like us to keep building businesses and create jobs in order to get us out of this financial trouble that we're in so i'm making this information more affordable to you in the hopes that your success helps other people feed and clothe their families that means you're not going to be paying the retail price of 359 for the business credit blueprint today not even close it's not even going to be 197 it's not even going to be 97 your total investment today for the business credit blueprint plus all the bonuses you see now on the screen is just one payment of only 47 dollars look below this presentation right now click on the buy now button to lock in your discounted price today for only forty seven dollars listen don't decide right now take advantage of my unconditional triple guarantee just try the business credit blueprint for 60 days if you don't get the business credit you want or you find the step-by-step process too difficult or if you're just not satisfied in any way i'll refund your money no questions asked no hassles and no hard feelings look below right now click on the buy now button and lock in your discounted price today plus i'm going to include this super bonus worth 150 dollars absolutely free how to obtain bank funding without a personal guarantee obtaining bank funding without a personal guarantee is the holy grail of business financing this presentation reveals the exact process your business needs to follow to reach this level of financing and that brings your total value to over 499 dollars yet just by taking action today the entire business credit blueprint with all the bonuses plus the super bonus is yours for only forty seven dollars now remember you're not just getting an incredible discount today you'll be taking a huge step towards protecting your business from economic downturns and protecting your family from financial disaster for instant access to everything click on the buy now button now no shipping costs no delays you'll have immediate access to every feature of the business credit blueprint without delay plus your free super bonus how to obtain bank funding without a personal guarantee which is alone worth over 150 dollars after you click the buy now button here's exactly what you can expect first you'll be taken to our 100 secure checkout page which looks like this finally you'll arrive in our secure members area which looks like this it's that simple just remember life is short and you've been struggling with finding cash to grow your business for far too long unless you take action today you run a grave risk of deeper levels of frustration real anger over not living the life you deserve and continued stress from placing your family in harm's way yet all of this can be avoided beginning today simply by applying the step-by-step principles found in the business credit blueprint imagine right now how it will feel the moment you see that loan application stamped approved you're brimming with excitement full of hope and optimism you're building the empire you always dreamed of and enjoying every second of it you're experiencing the success you deserve at long last you're right it's true that your failure to get the funds you need to grow your business isn't fully your fault and now you know why it's true that you've been lied to in the past about quick fix solutions and then there's all those false promises no one stands behind however today marks the day to take responsibility and take the action you know is necessary to put you on track to real business credit results using a system that simply works remember unlike those cheap gimmicky business funding scams this is the real deal and it's 100 guaranteed try the business credit blueprint for 60 full days on me and see the results you desire or you pay nothing plus you're always just minutes away from an answer from our friendly support staff immediately after you buy you need to go here then click on module 1 and watch the video so you can dive in asap and start seeing results the dashboard will guarantee you begin your business credit building process in the right place and in the right order just do not put this off one second longer and here's why first remember that i've lowered the price of the business credit blueprint by two hundred fifty dollars just to ensure that price wasn't a factor just know this i will eventually have to increase the price closer to the retail value and it's really a massive discount i'm offering you so act now before that happens and you also don't want to miss out on your free super bonus how to get unlimited bank financing without a personal guarantee which is reserved only for action takers those who act today are guaranteed to lock in their discount and this free gift others may not be so fortunate and let's remember unless you take action now today you may never take action look winners act when they recognize a good thing and this is a good thing so don't risk your future by hoping another answer is going to come by your way so let's make sure that you get what you really want and do the only smart thing you can do get my online only limited time discount while it's still available to you and wisely get on the right path today to getting unlimited funds to start or grow your business using this simple proven step-by-step strategy click the buy now button below right now and let's get you started today the business the daily ready

2021-02-04 22:06

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