Business By Design I Individual Sovereignty

Business By Design I Individual Sovereignty

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hello hey welcome how are you doing ashley and bella here and uh today we are starting something new starting something special so every tuesday we do our portals of deconditioning uh cohort we have our our meeting with them um following the transit and so we've already gone live on tuesday you've seen us live on tuesday we were playing around with the 40th archetype the father so tuesdays we're kind of feeling like are going to be this theme we're going to come on we're going to talk about the trans we're going to talk about what's alive and thursdays we want to come on and talk about what's alive as well however on thursdays it's kind of a business by design type theme so tuesdays will be archetypes and transit talk and thursdays will be business by design and we're not going to prepare it's not a teaching thing it's not a masterclass thing it's what's alive for us so at noon pacific time three eastern time we meet with our business by design cohort and what we're doing with them is we're going into um brand fuel and going into the vocation sphere so that's what we've been talking about for the last four weeks this is our last meeting together um and diving into core wounds diving into uh you know the fuel that that fuels your mission your your business expression uh within the world and today we're going to have a really cool um creative expression exercise so with business by design being this new series that we're going to do you can expect us to come here every thursday so if you hop on between like nine and 11 30 9 30 and 11 30 will come on it's not it may or may not be consistent with the time but for sure um thursday in the morning uh we'd like to create this this routine uh bella did you want to come in and add anything share anything clarify yeah i know everything you said was clear and it is cool to have to kind of have those worlds like i feel like on tuesdays we are going into that the conditioning wheel and and really feeling into the transits and everything that is kind of the layers that are ready to lift off in us and then on thursdays the day for me at least it's completely into that more what we say the the merkaba or the way that we kind of the way that we are expressing in the world which which actually needs to have that balance inside of us with the yin and yang masculine feminine being and doing and that's so much what i've been feeling into today it's we are working with the vocation sphere in in business by design and and we often speak about it in genki sense that we have a core wound that is imprinted we didn't it's not personal we don't we our soul might choose it but it's not that we come in and we can then we know so it's there and the first 21 years of our lives we're going to be reminded through what happens to us about what is it that the soul has decided to to work with and then we work through it and we can use the venus sequence we can use the core wound to sq all this and what i was seeing today is kind of going about it a different way because somehow we're also not wounded so when we can feel into the body and and have the soul and the spirit which for me the body and the soul have to do with each other and it kind of comes from the bottom of mother earth and we need to probably be enough aware of a lower chakras so that we actually want to be home because sometimes when we are too kind of this when we when we don't have that connection with our own body it can be too uncomfortable to be in our cycle or tune into our route or be in our solar plexus that just pulls us everywhere so it takes a kind of embodiment practice of wanting to be there and then the other part is what i feel is the spirit part or triangle of evolution and that is the awareness and and in spirit and what i feel is that what happens when we can connect the spirit to our awareness our connection to the sky to the to to above what's just our mind and then the connection to the body to the soul and what's even below what's mother earth when they can meet in the middle that's when the split the division that we can see in ourselves that we can see in humanity right now that we can see everywhere the split the division the discord can come together in us and that's how we can work in our life as a human as an individual that's how we can work in relationships that how how we can work in business and what i could see today is that when we tune in and we allow soul and spirit that the feminine the masculine to come into our heart together actually we don't need to work with a wound because everything and anything that isn't in sacred union there isn't a line it's going to show up and for some of us maybe it's the physical vessel that we haven't cleared out well then there's going to be some kind of discomfort this east that shows and if it's if we have maybe clear there it's going to be in our outer it can be mold on the wall you know in your house there's there's no way of of coming into coming into union that where everything that leaves us every not self that leaves us it's going to kind of show itself on its way out and even when it's not one of the ways out it's kind of talking to us because we are here to i guess learn to discern the true self the soul and the spirit from from the not-self and i know that this is kind of out there but it's like that's what i'm feeling and instead right before now that we are going to go in and work with a core moon vocation i feel like what if we can just have a felt sense of soul and spirit meeting in our body and then allow everything that isn't aligned to kind of just burn off in some way or leave us that's just a lie for me we can get so i love what you're saying we can get so caught up in the in the healing the digging deep the the coming into alignment that i feel like we can trust we can trust our vocation sphere we can trust our gifting we can trust our spirit and soul to do what they need to we just have to get out of the way we just have to surrender and i feel like actually there's a quote that um that i that i was reading yesterday actually my house my housekeepers came and they left they left it and stapled it to the paper which they don't normally do and it said we are each gifted in a unique and important way it is our privilege and our adventure to discover our own special light and it's true it is an invention it is a privilege and we it's not to be taken lightly it's it's kind of not to be taken seriously either we're here to play we're here to have fun as soon as you go into the seriousness of what's my gift what's my mission what's my purpose it becomes so arduous and so heavy that we almost can't see it anymore but when you were a kid you knew what your genius was you knew what you were good at and i feel like it's just a remembering of sorts and when you're when you're diving into this part of you it can get you can get so lost in the emotions and the thoughts and the conditioning and all these things that we've kind of built up and taken on over our life but it was always there it was always there for us and with mine i could all i mean mine is the 53.5 and it's immaturity expansion super abundance the truth that i'm discovering is i don't need to consciously work for with it i'm going to evolve regardless i'm lucky in the fact that i mean it's in the root and it's a format energy and it's unconscious it's all unconscious for us right it's not a conscious thing we're not working with it with our minds it's unconscious and it's a format energy which means it's going to do its thing regardless i have the 53 and the 42 which it's gonna bring me cycles and what is that going to do it's going to help me mature it's going to help me expand so i kind of don't even need to put all my effort and energy focusing on that and i have been and i had been and i just came to the recent realization that i can just let go and trust that i'm gonna mature i'm gonna evolve with every birthday with every milestone i'm picking up new things that i've learned and i don't need to worry about finding this gift and talents already within me it's just like can you surrender to it and that's your holy grail that's the thing that you're offering to the world that's what you're bringing your true self your light to the world that's kind of what i'm feeling with that yeah i i agree and what i was seeing as well today was a little bit scary is that whatever has to do with the body and the soul is very much it's yin it's nice it's that dark part of the yin and yang so out so the outside doesn't have a lot of access to it it's an inner journey with yourself with your soul with your depth with the deep waters so it's it's something that you do it's a soul discovery and that's what i feel like you're speaking about actually too it's like it's it's happening when when we want to be here in our bodies and we are kind of you know excited about the journey there is going to be this inner discovery and then the spirit part and the expansion part has to do with the gene gives for example when we read a jinky book well like it's going to expand we understand that we are not stuck in the shadows we understand that there's even like a unity acidic way of understanding things and what i realized is that that part is almost more tricky because since it is the outer it is the action it is the eras kind of the that was going in the world that's where we can be more influenced so if there is kind of a and it has to do with light i guess too so if there is a false light out there if there is something that is impacting our minds we can think that that is like where to put the energy we can confuse that with spirit in a way and this would maybe be you know the intelligence that doesn't have love like lucifer or you know like all these there are different ways of seeing it but there can be something out there that we kind of infuse our spirit in but it isn't true light and there could also be like there could also be outside influence of wanting to of wanting to influence that part and if that if your spirit is is busy with something that isn't the truth how can it ever come down and meet the soul in that sacred union in the heart so there is something there is something here when people say oh the mind is everything and i actually more and more feel like oh don't say that again i i changed the video on on on youtube if somebody says the mind is everything because i don't agree but what i did see today and what i do understand is that when the mind is busy with something that isn't truth or isn't light sacred union is impossible because the soul and the heart is going to know that when that spirit comes down it's actually not really going to trust it and want to merge with it the feminine is not going to trust the masculine if he isn't pure in his intentions and that i feel is important that there is something there's something important here and now with that that we that i feel we all want to be aware of there's quite a few of you commenting and um and joining us on youtube and on facebook hi jennifer thanks for joining us on facebook and there were a couple questions uh hi brandon brandon's listening from toronto canada he says his core wound is the 25.4 and somebody was clarifying the core wound comes from your design subconscious mars placement right so yeah it's the it's the unconscious mars so we can't really touch it it's not in the personality sign it was 88 days before our birth that defined that part of the gene key sequence the the core wound slash vocation sphere uh andrea is watching from youtube as well she says i feel like i didn't really know my genius even as a kid maybe just due to conditioning i understand much more now although i'm learning more and more every single day and i think that's like where conscious parenting comes in and where it is important to have um parents and mentors and influencers around you who are going to open you up to these different ways for you to discover what am i good at what is my talent you're not having that freedom and you're having a lot of boundaries and a lot of parents who are saying be this and and fit into this mold then you may not even discover that i was lucky enough to have to have that that influence in my life where i had the freedom to explore things and i kind of knew who i was and i have a leo moon so i think it was easier for me to just tune into like who who i was and what i was good at and i liked showing that off um but i understand did you want to add anything to that or say anything to that fella i was thinking about about you uh yeah you had you know you had that and that you were really lucky in that sense and i wonder if we're gonna you know i was thinking about you and also the goddess reading with the asteroids and the the golden age and the split you know if all for me it's almost like i'm coming i mean i don't know why i'm like so passionate today somehow there's almost like i'm feeling this split that happened sometimes sometime you know after there was harmony on earth it happened and that's the split between the masculine and the feminine so even if we were lucky i mean i was born in sweden in the 80s i was told i could do anything there's nothing i couldn't do there's nothing i couldn't have and at the same time did i learn what it is to feel spirit and soul inside of my body what it is to be completely human that has the masculine the feminine did i learn to trust the masculine as a feminine did i learn to trust it in myself or did i have to like over overdo it in myself like there are all this for me it's almost like everything goes back to that you can throw the 64 core the shadows and the core wounds in in the in the rubbish bin because if you don't know what it what it means to be a person that has feminine masculine playing and harmony inside of yourself or spirit and soul if you don't even have a notion of what that is or how that's it's not what what it is an understanding it's about the feeling in the body like when you have that you are in sovereignty and there is no not self there is no shadow that's gonna scare you you're just gonna be able and that's where we are now in the gate 40 going over to gate 64. that

is meeting the world and surrender because we know that when you have the inner sovereignty you you don't you you don't have to be afraid of what's on the outside so you're just getting sick i'm just leaving i'm like oh my god goodbye i don't even listen to what you're saying about no i feel like sovereignty is coming up a lot today and i feel like a lot of what what's going on with current events is like it it has everything to do with sovereignty you know and what we choose for ourselves and i feel like we're getting so far away from our own individual freedoms you know and and that's where it's kind of like that that helicopter parent that's like you have to do it this way it's like the powers that be are saying you have to do it this way you have to do this and do that and this is how we do it we're creating up all these structures and laws and things that are keeping us stuck or we don't feel that expansiveness of that creative freedom of like unbridled you know unique self-expression we're kind of getting like put more and more in a box because homogenization is safe and that's what the the narrative is you know let's just all do the same thing because we can't have these outliers we can't have these rogue agents we can't have these people doing whatever they want and like if we're gonna bring it back to business by design feel like oh i'm getting into my 5-1 i can feel it i want to tell all you guys do this you don't need to listen to me and my 57.4 in my mercury is like the dictator of sorts like this is what it is okay so it's our unique privilege and adventure to to find our light and to shine our light and to do it in our own unique special way and i want everybody to to have unbridled creative expression that looks completely different nobody's gonna do the same thing the same way and i want everybody to have the you know the time the space the freedom to be able to explore that and i want people to experience exponential wealth and exponential possibility and with with not having to worry about money and bills and all these heavy life things i feel like then we get to have this piece where we're like oh we can we can i can explore this i can try this i can spend on this like people are so constricted in so many different ways and i remember brandon you said that your core wound was 25 let me double check 25.4 constriction it's constriction i feel like we're just like closing in like this and i just want everyone to experience expansive freedom in all different parts of life but to do that and to experience that i feel like choose an area in life where you can give that to yourself where you're not going to constrict yourself where you're going to feel that expansiveness so that it can percolate and permeate and just spread into different areas of your life like when you can taste that and have that lived felt sense in your body no one has to give it to you you can give it to yourself so whenever we can have that freedom in our body and feel it and live it and like recognize it we get to bring that to different areas of our life and i want to see more people doing more unique things in business i'm tired of the copycats i'm tired of everybody saying the same thing i'm tired of the you know the puppets and the and the parrots like no more puppets no more parrots like what wants to come through and out of you that's uniquely yours and i feel like that's what we're needing to get in touch and in tune with and when we can go in and do that that work and play and adventure of finding that that's that connecting to that and and and meeting with the masculine and the feminine in the heart like fellow saying like soul and spirit combined masculine feminine combined what happens union and that divine creative child so we're all birthing something do you have the courage to have that within you so that you can share that and burn that into the world because i think that's what we need more than ever right now is those creative expressions those creative children that were birthing through us like physically in reality like children and then like these projects these things that are going to change and transform the world if you want the world to change then you need to be the change so it all starts with us i think i'm i'm done on that tangent let's see what everyone else is saying um a lot of conversation i love you guys chatting it up jennifer jennifer has 49.2 hers is rebirth and revolution so that's what she's going to bring to the world i've andrea says i have a manifesto mom and a reflector dad that was a whole situation in itself and a manny generator sister and a generator brother so my projector self was like y'all are wearing me out dang you have all of the all the different aura types in your in your uh in your family that's that's a lot and intense and really powerful to have that um smorgasbord you know it's like you have the whole buffet and you get to experience each of them all right any more questions thanks for tuning in so much i had a question show up for me this morning about what it would be like to be taking up all the space i need and require for my expansion this matches that energy no more puppets and parrots yeah no more puppets and parrots okay did you have anything else that you wanted to to share what feels like a thread onto this or what do you see changing in business maybe too bella today it feels like i'm super kind of simplifying it to that thing like if we don't feel that inner union we cannot do anything in business we cannot do anything in our life and our family it really comes from that like the inner sovereignty is a request like it's a requirement requisite for anything else and i feel like we have been able to somehow to be out of integrity and still be in business that's been okay there are so many of us that weren't in our union and we still were doing business all over the place and i believe that that's what's falling apart and we actually have i think it's venus right now and pluto that are that are squaring each other 32 and 61. they're you know and in 61 is in capricorn some of these old structures are going to have to die it's psychosis 61 to continue those structures and venus is all about values and she's in the 32 saying you know guys there are some things here that you've been putting water to and and you know having grow but they are actually quite sick so what are what's worth preserving for the coming for the coming generations and it's a liberal energy so it's about harmony where do we put the nurturing in order so that we can come into a world and give inspiration to coming generations not more psychosis not more capricornian structures that we have outgrown so it feels and i i believe that we have mercury in the 18 which is integrity so it's it's really coming back to our own integrity and our own division i mean i have it i have the my purpose is is the seven the vision is it's the shadow frequency so maybe i am in some way i'm extra i'm extra aware of it and i i feel like i'm yeah i'm so tired of the division in me and i'm so ready to even watch it in in the face as it leaves and that's what i've learned if we're not ready to see the distortion leave then often we wait and we kind of hold on to those structures and that's where that's where there is more of the same and i think somehow more of the same is starting to be critical in in the sense that we can't continue with it it's go if we do more of the same it's it is psychosis so we want to do something different to have a different outcome in our individual lives in our relationships in business i don't see a lot of what richard is speaking about philanthropy i don't see i think this social core like corporate social responsibility is a joke many times so what what is true responsibility as individuals and organizations and a collective that's what is interesting and that's what what i feel you know that is like the the whole intention and the kind of great question for business and for business by the science or if we're sitting here i feel like that's where we kind of want to start uh because otherwise it's like more usual business which is boring which is like the old structure like you were saying you just you just brought in kind of like a weaving or a pattern or a formula here for people so you guys know that we've been talking about the core your your vocation or your core and some of you have placed it in there but bella just brought in her purpose fear so i want to tell you that in order for us to get into the doing and the alignment and the sovereignty where we're going to need to strengthen our core stability and so she's going to utilize her purpose fear to help her know like do i have core stability what am i anchoring into because she's not going to have that that that union inside of herself if the 2.4 is her is her life's work and the 7.6 is

her purpose then it's like she has to be united in the heart with her masculine and her feminine like that's her that's the way that bella thrives and it's going to be so important for her to be discerning of who she works with as well with the 44.3 that she has in her culture sphere she's going to also want to hold people to the integrity of are you in sacred union within yourself are you are you bringing in the light and the dark are you spirit and soul are you this and that do you have a preference and she's going to be pointing out your preference because she's also going to need to look inside of herself and be like what's my preference is there a preference because as soon as there's a preference there's division and preference means like i'm going to side with this when she can hold both perspectives and both things at once that's where union comes in so she's not going to be able to do business or be in business if she's not holding herself to that integrity and holding herself in for accountability she can't tell other people to do that if she's not doing it for herself so that's what she's always checking in with so that's bella's did you did you want to say any anything about no i loved it the way you said it so if you guys are doing that i would look at your purpose here and and weave that together mine is the 10.1 so this is all about naturalness my own individual naturalness investigating my naturalness being being in this unbridled expression of naturalness and being okay in my aloneness feeling empowered and my behavior is the investigator if the 10.1 is all about the behavior of the self then i'm here to be an investor investigator i'm here to empower myself and i'm here to give this naturalness to myself and not give my power away to someone else that says you can't do that you can't be like that i'm here to be my wild woman extreme expression however it comes out whatever it looks like and if i'm ever dimming my light it's not doing anyone any justice and i've had tons of business experiences where as soon as somebody disagreed with kind of how i was bringing through something or maybe they did something that i did and maybe i thought they did it better or i didn't want to rock the boat with them and i didn't want them to feel inadequate around me because i was good at it i've always been really good at whatever i tried and a lot of people would why is it always so easy for you why is this it's just was just so easy for me that's just how it is and then i started to feel shame and guilt around how easy things were for me so i would dim a little bit and my 10.1 isn't here

to dim either i'm just here to be my individual expression and so that's going to be important for me if i can feel free to be me and have peace with being me then i can give that to the world and share that with the world nobody wants a half-hearted ashley nobody wants half of me showing up i don't want half of me showing up so part of my uncovery has been expanding into the potential and pure possibility that is me and so that's been my thing and i'm i'm never gonna let other people dim their light either i can recognize when people are not being creatively expressed or i can feel when they have this emotional charge or something is ready for breakthrough because a lot of the reason that we're saying no to ourselves is because we have a lot of guilt shame all these different emotions around our identity and i want to get those emotions you know integrated and seen so that we can start to be be ourselves become ourselves and just shine our light and that's what i'm noticing with my 6.5 in my in my life's work is that those emotions the shame the guilt the the all the other things that's what's in the way of us actually being ourselves yeah yeah i'm just to conclude today there is something it's important with those systems that we that we don't get too far out in the world and we're like in the all the words and all the all the differences because we are here to be unique and differentiated and somehow what i can see today we're human it's a kind of a it's a similar journey and it's about sovereignty and you know the gene case and human design can help us and and at the end of the day still it's like when you go to bed how how good does it feel how how in peace do you feel in your body and i think that a lot with the 40 is to find that peace inside because it even says god is not outside of you so if you don't find the peace inside there's no one there's no other way to find it so i will also invite in a little bit of like the simplicity here um i feel like that is important we can get become really really technical especially in the business by design that we're doing i mean i think if somebody would join the course now that we are like almost halfway through it could be extremely overwhelming because it's very technical so i just want to make sure that we don't forget the essence and simplicity and the felt sense of union that we can have even if we never learned about astrology gene keys or anything um yeah i think that's that's what i just would say to kind of to conclude [Music] thank you and it all comes back to the quintessence the essence of who you are and we can get so we can go so far out and expand it and expand it expand it but it comes from that essence it comes from that point of union and conception right the big bang so we can explore the galaxy the universe the solar system and we can also go back to the essence of it where union happen and that's what bell is also alluding to so thanks for joining us for this first episode of business by design for what's alive and i hope that uh this was fun because it was fun for us and we really like it when you guys uh comment and interact that was like a discussion instead of just me and bella talking to each other and to you so thanks for contributing and we hope to see you next week and we'll see uh jlo will see you and jennifer will see you in business by design at in a little over an hour so thanks for being here bye everyone

2021-09-10 22:31

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