Business & Productivity Software | CompTIA IT Fundamentals+ (FC0-U61) | Free Course from ITProTV

Business & Productivity Software | CompTIA IT Fundamentals+ (FC0-U61) | Free Course from ITProTV

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Good. Morning good afternoon and good evening everybody and welcome back to another episode of IT Pro TV, I'm your host Don pizzette in this episode we're diving back into the world of cup tias IT fundamentals. Specifically. We're taking a look at business, and productivity, software which is really. Kind of like one of the most important things that we use a computer, for after. Video, games right so we're gonna leave the video games part off we're gonna tackle the business productivity side and here to help us with that is mr. Ronnie Wall and Ronnie thanks for joining us in studio well, Don thank you again for having me as we continue, on taking a look at the, idea and the world of software outside, of video games I know it's hard to actually believe but, yes my videogame, prowess goes, to free sell I think is pretty, much where I get to but, we, know that video games are pretty much the driving force here but in the business right the, companies that you end up working for it's. Not gonna really be around free sell or even whatever, other game that you tend to install on a computer it's gonna be around the idea, here of what, we call productivity. Software and business. Software, as well now, if you're not familiar with those things we want to make sure that you understand what those are and also, some of the different, applications that, are there and, we also want to make sure that you understand well how you access. Them as well okay so, you'll see that over time has changed a bit from. When I first learned and when Don first learned we. Actually see and we'll show you those differences too as we get started so we should see a lot of that and you should be able to learn at least some of the functionalities, of the programs, that you're more than likely to encounter as you end up working for a business ok all, right well Ronnie when. We say like business and productivity so far obviously there's a lot of different types of businesses out there and there's a lot of different types of productivity, so where, do we want to start like what is one of the more common, applications. That a business is going to use when. It comes down to it right the idea of productivity, is the key but the big player in this market is something that. We tend to do all the time which is of course write letters or memos or draft anything, that we might might, take a look at right and, even though that might come down to email most, of the time is going to come down to of course a word processor. That you would use and so, we want to make sure that you're familiar with some of the concepts of the word processor, and what you can do with it and also some of the other things that you can do now now that the the products, has changed just a little bit to help us to see a few different things and we'll see that as well okay so let's take a look at my computer as we get started and this will help us out I've pulled up probably the most common.

One Or probably the one that you'll see most often in business called Microsoft, Word and I've launched, it up from. The actual Start menu I simply come down here to my windows button. If I scroll all the way down to, the dub use down. Here you'll, see right here where it says word, 2016. And it's been freshly, installed so. It's fairly new and right. Here is the interface that we see right so, at the very beginning, when we want to type out something, it might be something like a letter so, I might actually put in dear. Whoever. It is customer. So. I can begin typing, in a letter just like when I first start out this wasn't of course on a computer it was on just a regular typewriter and so. At this point we can continue to type and we can use the keyboard as we would normally use but I want to put an indent in there I just type in tab and say, hey this is great to see you hello. Great. To hear from you, once. Again okay, so, simply, typing in sentences, and words but you, can continue, to add and, change this a bit more on. What your, need is actually, going to be once you do something like this, the nice thing about the word processor, as well is that we can change a few things if you think that this is looking a little bit small I can. Simply select. And change, the font size if I want to let's, change this up to a 24, point font that, will make it a little bit easier, to see if, I wanted to emphasize it. Some other way of course I can change and create bold or an. Italic, if I want to or even better change. And add in a different, color so, formatting. Can be done in this way and as, I'm doing this mainly, though okay well, that's going to take a lot of time and a lot of processed, on to having to do this sentence, by sentence or you know paragraph, by paragraph it, becomes that you know a little bit more challenging, but, there's different other tools, that, are up here that make it a little bit easier, for us to be be able to do a lot more in, bulk at one time and in everything you've shown so far Ronnie is pretty standard like any word processor, you get is going to be able to do the stuff that Ronnie's shown you but then. Where it starts to deviate depending, on which product, you get there's a lot of advanced features and I know like like Microsoft Word but, let's say you want to write the Great American Novel and you, you, really want to go crazy it, can do typesetting, and table of contents. And even create an index for you automatically, like all these really advanced functionality, not, every word processor, has that and that's part of one of the reasons why Microsoft, Word is so popular, is that it's extremely feature-rich. Right it really is it brings in so many of the different tools and technologies we need if you wanted to write that novel or, you wanted to actually create a research. Paper it, has some built-in tools and utilities for, you that are really neat, that, are foundational, so, if I select. Like one of these up let me go ahead and select like references. As well so this is a good one since, Don had talked about the idea of one insert in a table of contents and I'd really created this novel, I can, go back in and highlight, the portions, that I want and say here's, what my table of contents are going to be based around, and by, simply using the utilities, that are there and I don't have anything to add in but I can actually go ahead and begin to form at what. That table of contents, is going to look like for. Example oh, it says apply, a heading style that will work but there's no entry so that's why it's not working here, on this sense but, you, can do, that and if you have 50 pages and say here's the headings that I want to use by using certain styles, that. Are also available if I go back to 500 home. And. Up here where you have heading and different styles you can chop. Up or divide it up using these things and then your table of contents can be created around that option.

To Help you to divide that up the, other thing that's neat Don as, well is something like mailings, if I wanted to create envelopes. I can go ahead and also do that as well different, labels, that actually allow us to do this create, a list of people that I want to send it out to and then make a generic form letter and have, it merge and combine into one document, so. There's a lot of power here that we do end up seeing in just this idea now. Don, when we start to take a look at something like this like this, product, itself is installed, on my own computer. So I, can, download it from where I purchased, it from make, sure it's actually installed it may take a few minutes for you to install everything that you need to but, once it's installed is right, there and it's gonna be available on that computer, when I go to save, the document it's, fairly easy they, have a nice little icon up here at the top which, looks like a little floppy disk guy I think it's still funny that that's the icon for saving today there's. A little floppy disk and then, I have choices that I can make on where I want to save it very. Beginning, everything was just saved to won't the, PC. Itself so, it's here I can enter in a document, and I'll call this one my, first document. First, of a frist first. Document. At. The. Same time it attaches in a file letter for us if I can get ahold of my mouse and you, can extension. I should say a word. Document extension. That you see right here dot do see, X which is a, fairly. Common, extension, that you see and that means that the operating system when you click on that file it will automatically, associate, it to this program, so you don't always have to launch the program up first, and then, go, ahead and select File open, and find this document if, you go and find that file in your Explorer. Inside. Of File Explorer you can double click on it and it will automatically, associate, the application, with it and open it up as well just, make sure you save the actual, changes, and, when you do so you will now have a document, saved up, at the top it will tell you now that this particular, document, has been saved with the name that we have on here ok so, it's actually a really neat product, and what it does and we've, just shown you just a little bit of what it can do but it can do so much more and in your business depending. On what you need you, may end up finding out that hey there's. A lot more to this now. Don starting, off with a blank document is not the you know not the place that a lot of people like to begin so. Word, helps you out by selecting new notice. They can even start you off by using different templates, that are here ok that are also available to, us as well and that, will at least get you started give you kind of a nice boilerplate. That you can kind of fill in the gaps and be able to select and do so, for example, if we selected, just this title, I can. Now create, this blog post, and, select, create and, here. It goes it automatically, formats, it as, well register. A blog, account um and register that later I didn't create a blog account at this point, so. Here it is do you enter in the title and go hey this is con yeah. I, t. I t. Fundamentals. From. This point it's gonna help you to already. Establish the way that the blog should you. Know allow you to type out do whatever you want to and then of course you can upload that to your blog if you want to so, there's a lot of different features that just built into the word processors, not just like what we used to do on the typewriter print it out make, sure it's actually right and you're okay you, can really enhance your documents, very powerfully, with a word processor, yeah, now that is a very. Common piece of software and for a lot of people that are just getting into computers that's one of the first applications they're, exposed to but, it doesn't take long before you start to the limitations, of it right that you know a word processor is only as good as the data that you feed into it not, all software is like that though right Ronnie there's some software that we can give it data and it, can actually turn it into more than what we gave it and I'm thinking about like financial, data and other records keeping what.

What Are solutions that we have in that area yeah so when we started to take a look another productivity. Solution, for us that helps us to get our job done it's gonna be something like Excel, or a spreadsheet, program, so. We're just using this because it's probably the most common application. That, you and are the most common applications, that you'll end up seeing let me close out of word for right now looks. Like I've opened up word quite a bit here and then. We'll go to excel. I'm. Simply going to use the search bar down here at the bottom and type in Excel 2016, and. Inside. Of Excel 2016. Well. Now it launches, up this way instead it used to launch up to a nice spreadsheet that you just had to kind of figure out what you wanted to do but, now it says all right you've got options and want you to either use one of these templates that are predefined, or, you, can create what call a blank. Workbook so, this, one dawn allows. Us to essentially, do calculations. Allows. Us to take numbers. And be able to do something with them I'm gonna use it just a simple formula. For. Us to do that and I'll use cell a1, and b1 and, put, the result in c1, is what I will do here okay so, when we take a look at this I actually want the result to be here I have to begin with an equal sign then. I can type in the formula that I want and that's gonna be a1. Plus. B1. Okay. And then. I'll just press Enter now I can put whatever numbers. I want to in here so Donham I do. 3650. 3,500. Here plus, 500. Notice, it automatically, calculates, and changed that up to. Give, me what I actually needed so. You, might be saying hey that's not super, impressive I could have done that in my head I don't need it but, when we start having, more and more of these columns, in these rows that's. Where it becomes impressive. So for example in this version of Excel, I think, you can go out to like, 65,000. Columns, if I remember right maybe even more for all I know now and then somewhere. Around a million-plus, rows, want. Me typing. In a manual formula, where I'm even calculating to say a thousand. Of these might, be a little bit harder than I think and trying to do whatever I want to if I want to change the formula it makes it very easy to what if I didn't want addition. And I wanted multiplication. It well I just simply change that to an asterisk and notice, I just changed one cell and have to go back in and go let me refigure, the entire form if I know the basics, it will, at least tell me is so very simple calculation. But, Excel also has what. We call different, functions. That allow us to do a lot more of these calculations, as well if I select this drop-down you, can see it will do financial. Calculations. Date, and time math and math, and trig Don yeah, that's not, going to be my area specialty. Oh engineering. I've I mean amazing. Some different you. Know categories. That, are here for the calculations, that can be done so you expect me to believe that you're not doing differential, equations, just on, the side no, I am NOT doing differential equations, I bet.

You You know beyond, the idea here the vision might actually throw me here Don so, the, great thing that does it now the, other, thing though Don is that as good as this is as good as what we have here we. Also realize. That not everybody else is going to be oh do so I'm like Don who can actually do that stuff in this head. Most. Of us need something, that visually, displays what we want okay so, we can take a formula, that we actually put in here or we can actually create these rows and columns and tell it to report it to us differently, such as a chart, of some sort because, I hate a chart this out help us to actually see what we want to do now, I already made. A document. For us so let me go back and create. A pull, up my document, here and this, is a fairly simple one that I used off of the template as it, well maybe not there we go okay so, this, one is formatted. As well and that's a kind of also the power of Excel not, only does it allow us to take numbers, and to do what we want to with it and to show some of the basic formulas and calculations it. Can format and make it look nice, now, you might wonder why do I care about this well in a business, right they're, gonna make decisions, based off these numbers and we want to make the numbers. As easy to read as possible I don't want to show six million rows or five million rows whatever, I want I want to actually show you know the idea of what needs here so here, when we take a look at the budget, itself, so I'm gonna start, with income, at, this point and we'll, just take some estimated. Oh let. Me see if I can do that again. Close. Out of that book here for now there. We go I was gonna say when did that actually kind of zoom out on me so let's just change a few different, things here so on. The actual, expenditures, on net sales okay, let's, say that we actually spent what, fifty, nine, thousand, instead, I just type in fifty nine thousand and notice it started to calculate, and show us two differences here and this. Has already been formatted, for us assets, that. We had let's change that to say. Six hundred okay so, now we can just do something like that now that's not super impressive Don I already showed you that but the formatting, is kind of neat okay but the other things that you can also see of course is that, it gives you the way to scale, there to show exactly, what you want so we can remove some of the things or sort them we, can tell it to sort by certain. One of these numbers and not by all of them and wanted to so. There's a lot more powerful but. Don that's not it notice down here at the bottom this, was designed as what we call a workbook, which means they all work together if. I wanted to actually show a summary I, can, come here and now, look Don here's. What's happened on the summary it's not only provided.

What I wanted, here in terms of my numbers and calculating, it automatically, but, I can see that it turned it into a chart. Okay, then, now somebody, were if I can let, me see if I can not. Zoom in, so much and get that scrolled up here and I know one of the challenges that we used to have was that if you were going to a meeting and you wanted to present a chart people used to go to print shops and you'd run up the big charts and then if you realize who this numbers wrong I need to fix it the chart had to be redone right, and that was a big challenge but here this is all dynamics, so when you change your values of the charts updating automatically, as well correct yeah it's updating, automatically, and it makes it so nice right so even at the last minute somebody, goes alright Don we're about to present this but these numbers are wrong Don doesn't have to panic can go now I got to go in and figure out how I can you know explain this he, just simply changes, the numbers and this chart too will also automatically. Change when, everything is actually kind of pulled up the way that one - so, very powerful once, again to display exactly, what one - and that's, key in a business right it helps us to make sure that people have the most, up-to-date information that, they need accurate. As they need right, then and there so that they can make the best possible business, decisions off, of the idea of some type of financial. Numbers or whatever numbers that we need so, it's a great utility something, that we should all become familiar, with so. Make, sure you check out the, idea, here if you're not familiar with we, do have shows right here on on T Pro TV that do point to that to help you to figure that out - I know. I mentioned, presentations. Right when you get up and you just play a big chart Excel. There's a great job of generating, numbers, and putting them into graphics, like that it. Does a heck of a lot more as well but it's not the greatest reduce displaying general, text, information so we have text in Word and then we have numbers in Excel, and if I'm doing a presentation it's made up of both it's, kind, of difficult to use them so I know that we have a whole third category of software called presentation. Software so can you show us an example of that yeah the, sample that we're gonna show you here is gonna be Microsoft, PowerPoint, now most, everybody that's, watching it probably at some point in their school that they've been in school, in the last 15, or 20 years has probably ended up using PowerPoint. At some point or at least being subject. Don't. Have any PowerPoint presentations, have you sat on me amazing. It would be hard for me to guess how many PowerPoint, slides I've seen in my lifetime and, I'm, seeing them out it's. Amazing, here so let's go ahead and show you what we would have installed on this computer as, well once, again I'm going back to my Windows Start, menu and then I select PowerPoint. And, by. Far gone this is the most intuitive, of the programs, that we have access, to in something, like the productivity. Here okay so at the beginning I showed you like you, know you could have these templates and just opened up at you know most the time as a bring a blank rank, a blank. Template. And here it is Don blank, presentation you, just think it's gonna be a white sheet of paper right but. This, one is actually fairly easy for us here okay so Don if I wanted to create a presentation just from scratch I think, PowerPoint, is as helpful, as it gets when you see right smack dab in the middle of screen that says click. To add a title, I don't. Think it can get any more, well, I guess it could get more direct than this but not easily, and so, if I didn't know exactly, oh look.

At That it gives me a blinking. Cursor here and so, we can go a presentation. So. We might just start adding a presentation. And say this is a conte. A-- i. T. About. Type i teeth, Oh TV. Come, to you IT fundamentals. Here and there's. The beginning of a presentation, not exactly the most flashy presentation in, the world but, at this point at least get the text that Don was talking, about for. Us to make this a little bit better right we want to make a presentation, if I keep showing slides like this to Don I'm gonna say within five, clicks Don's asleep, at, this point and, so not exactly the most exciting, thing so, what can we do what else can be added, in here well we could take some of that excel data like the chart and pull. That into. Power, point of wanted to but, of course the, idea is visual, right so, let me bring up another one and this one was actually created by our office, pro, superstar, over here let, me make sure I open up the right one and. There it is. Let. Me open this one up. So. This one though Don is actually. One which is, hey let's learn PowerPoint. Don. Is with he I can see he's drooling at mouth he's either for this presentation, for, me to go through now the goal of course is not to go through the entire presentation but. Just to show you what else we can do okay so, we, can make of course a text out of slides but, here it is Don of oh look cats cat pictures I mean why not I mean if anything is you excited, right it's the idea here of cat pictures and then, adding, in graphical, elements, to help us out to, create the presentation I think these are actually really somebody's. Pets here if, I look, they even have a word bubbles Don you know you can't you, can't beat the idea, here of adding, in additional word, bubbles, as well yeah, of course you can create columns, but, now there, it is okay so Don now can actually take some of the stuff that I learned in Excel I can create tables out of them I can even import, in like a basic, the, chart and. And pull it right in here if we wanted to all. That can be created and all you're doing is you're creating multiple. Slides and in, the end here Oh diagrams. Of course you name it there's, different, transitions, which we're not going to go through all this so you can make it fancy, we're done you got to love that what, does that diamond, affect you know that that flips everything over I'm, sure you've seen that what two or three times before in your life yeah all the different crazy transitions. Is like watching Star Wars where George Lucas just went crazy with every transition he could come up with you. Know Ronnie. For me I've got I've. Done a good bit of public speaking I have a few thousand, hours under my belt and, I've. Used PowerPoint, a good bit the the stuff that you're showing this is kind of what the the viewer. Would see the person in the audience right they're seeing these slides but, PowerPoint, has a lot of tools in there that are designed for the presenter, I and so, if you were to kick off this presentation, when, it starts it goes, full screen with the slides for, the viewers you put it on a projector, it goes up on people see your slides but, meanwhile in your computer, PowerPoint does a really cool thing and it puts you in what's called a presenter, view where you see what. Slide is about to come up next and you can even create notes, and set, timing, so that you know I want to spend two minutes on this slide and five minutes on this next slide and then you can control others you'll run and just pull up the little notes view so you know it's time to each slide, and meanwhile.

You're Up giving a presentation, and your notes are right there digitally, and we're not having to worry about printing, out cue cards or anything it's just right there and when. You're all done you. Can actually print out your slide deck you create handouts that you give to people and it has your slides and your notes and so on you're, brave Ronnie because I can't remember how to do it but. I know you can do it the way I do it is I ask somebody else do it for me. But, basically you can generate, these these different types of handouts which are really, really cool and amazing, so very. Powerful software yeah, so what Don's talked about is right here the idea of being Oh to print, out either, an entire presentation or, notice, that you can print them out on specific. Ranges too but, there's also a selection at some point if, I scroll, down let, me see if I can oops. And. What it is you can even do the list or just the images itself and there's, even one that actually just says print out the notes and then a little tiny. Thumbnail. I couldn't run what is called thumbnail, of the slide and that way you can do yeah I think it where you've got the full page slides see. That right. If you pulled out that's, the one to let you pick and yes page yeah, there you go so now if you take a look let's, see yeah there we go okay so now you can see where it actually allows you if you want to do to create a physical, handout. Where. You could do that and that one will help you out too so, a lot of this idea the presentation, is, is a good thing for us especially if we're gonna have to be doing this and sometimes they just call on you to make sure it's done so, it's a great way to organize, your thoughts in terms of the presentation, and be able of course to do that now the only other recommendation, is you know make sure that if you're doing it just do it according, to what you need to go, to fancy, you'll. Pricey people will get a little bit annoyed at your decision. To use what. What is the fun that everybody loves. Accent. Yeah people from with that but if, you want to go, for it and see what happens there's all art to making presentations, it does take a lot, of work but having tools like these really do facilitate, that so the three tools Ronnie's shown so far we did, a word processor, we did a spreadsheet, and we did presentation, software those, three tools are, what makes up the most typical. Office suite. And Microsoft, Office is like the number, one product, out there as an office suite you'll see the majority of businesses use it there are other vendors.

Out There that make similar products, there's openoffice. And libreoffice which. Are our open source versions, of office suites they have their own presentation. Software a spreadsheet and word processor, you also have competitors, like Apple, where they have the. Product names are not as creative they have their spreadsheets, offers called numbers their word processors, called pages and their. Presentations. Upper is called what does it call back or something yeah yeah so. Uh so, they have a similar product so you don't you don't have to deal with Microsoft but if you're trying to get ready for the workforce. Microsoft's. Market share on this I mean it's not it's. Not even close it's it's it gotta be a nine eighty five ninety percent it's, ridiculous. And. It's partly, because they've. Been at it so long their. Software is so feature-rich, that, in order for a competitor, to create something that's even half as good they is really. Really challenging so the Microsoft, Office suite is what you see the most now the. Microsoft Office suite isn't the only option and actually it's a lot bigger we've shown the three most popular products, there's access. And. SharePoint. And, I, will sure you name it there's so many. There. Are a bunch of other products, that are part of it the three here that we show were just the most popular but, there's even more software. Outside, of your typical office. Suite that you see people run into for. Example diagramming. Software that, if we need to create diagrams maybe like. A company's, organizational. Chart an org chart or, just flow charting in general. Microsoft. Office doesn't have a product built into, it that does that they have Microsoft Visio a separate, product that you can use and there's a few other vendors out there running can you show us an example like diagramming, software sure yeah one of the examples, of diagramming software is one that I use all the time it's called, simple, diagrams.

It's, Not that it's you don't draw technically, you know exact, lines or in scale but it allows you to actually be able to do some of the things that we were talked about such as a diagram, flow or anything like this so, here's an example of simple diagrams, if I wanted to create a simple diagram I tend to do networking diagrams, I just. Use some of the different stencils that they have over here on the right hand side I'll, just pull a router and, then a switch. Of. Some sort and we'll just pull a server, over, just as an example and, then, I can use these connections. On the tools that are available to connect. These together that. Will allow me to do this now this is not the most intuitive program, in the world but. At the same time it allows us to just do simple, you know diagrams, that we need to do and then we can add in labels, if we choose to let's, take for an example here's, server one and then I'm gonna copy that because it's easier for me and then. Here's switch. One and. Donc. I think you can see a pattern in my naming here I'm, lazy just what it comes down to and, here's router one okay so, we, can do a simple thing like this but it can become more complex, it doesn't always have to be about network, diagram, what, Don was suggesting, as well is that there are basic, shapes that are out there - that we can use to help us to draw the flow, and and the connection, between them hard, lines don't have to be there so here's an example of a diagram that I may actually end up using at, some point right so, this is just to show you a comparison of what, can be done and even, fancier, than this I do everything in black and white but, you can even add in some different coloring, if you wanted to in the background, to. Change it up make, sure it actually shows you, know the way that you want it to actually display all, this of course is to help out when people aren't understanding what. Is going on so networking, for us is important, to have a logical, diagram or physical, diagram of how things are connect together using, software like this one helped a lot more than me trying to type out paragraphs, of hey here's what's connected, to what here, I can, print, this out or I can show this during a presentation, and be, able to have people understand, what's going on so, all, this can be used in conjunction with those two from stencils, if you're to use some light Visio it'd be even more stencils. And I think you can even create your own if you wanted to to, add in there and to make everything work out but, there's a whole bunch of different tools that are available in all these diagramming. Software's and these are by far not the only ones that are out there but. At, least for what I do on, a daily basis, this is probably the one that I use as well because it, looks, good as well what I like and it's. Nice and bold and allows us to be able to show exactly what I want and in diagrams might be like like what yours is doing which is more of a map round you can use them for calculations, and other things I I do a lot of project management training for fried SPO TV and I've got an example here on my computer where, I'm. Doing a critical path method calculation, or CPM so, these are all project, tasks kind of workflow the arrows are showing the direction that we move through tasks and we're calculating out how much extra time we have in between each task having, something mapped out like this visually, makes, it a lot easier for people to understand, to see that flow you'll, see decision, diagrams, done this way people.

Who Are doing risk. Analysis. Or. What. Is it when they're doing, a. Continual. Process. Improvement, CPI they do Ishikawa, diagrams, or fishbone, diagrams you, can do things like that and by taking information and putting it in a visual form it really. Helps things out and by having it in soft like this as opposed to drawing it on a board I can come in and update, and change these values and modify, them as needed and then kind, of refresh and update or even reuse that diagram over and over again so products, like Microsoft, Visio do a great job of this simple, diagrams, I've seen people where they use PowerPoint, the PowerPoint actually has a whole library of shapes that you can drop on the screen and you can leverage it to create things with PowerPoint. You have the limitation, that it's kind of holding you to the size of a slide when. You go into Visio, or simple diagrams you, can set the resolution to whatever you want you maybe maybe, you do want to print it but you've got one of those giant plotter, printers, they you know you can print five foot by seven-foot, pages, and and, that type of thing doesn't. Work so well in PowerPoint but when you get into software, the specifically, designed for diagramming, you can really create some powerful, powerful, stuff so. So. That's a pretty good example of that Ronnie, I know we've got several, other applications. We need to talk about what, we've talked about so far I think are really the most common, ones everything right here but we need to get into some that are a little more specific. A little more focus on particular tasks, or a. Little low on time in this episode so why don't we split off into a part - sounds good and when we get back in part two we're, gonna tackle a few, additional. Things like I think we've got project management software we've. Got. Accounting. A couple, of different things that we'll take a look at which, are in. A way even more critical, than what we've seen here everything we've seen so far is really common we use it all the time, but when you get into really task focused software, it becomes mission. Critical, software so, we'll get this a chance to see all that in part two before, we wrap up though did you have anything else you wanted to add well just remember as you're starting out you're gonna learn about these systems because you're going to encounter them on. A daily basis so being, familiar with them is something that a good IT professional, should be able to do so, make sure you take a look at this show again then maybe even get some more training on it - all right, well ladies and gentlemen that's gonna be a wrap up for this episode stay. Tuned for part two we continue looking at our software, and most. Of all we've been doing he's been running locally as well we need to talk a little bit about cloud software so we'll get chance to see some of that in part two it'll be exciting you'll definitely want to stay tuned for that but, as far as this episodes concerned we're gonna go ahead and wrap it up here so signing. Off for IT Pro TV I've been your host on pizzette now I'm Ronnie Wong and we will see you next time. Thank. You for watching, IP pro, TV.

2019-04-12 15:29

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How important is this certification in the IT world? and, What Jobs can I get with this certification?

Laith, great question! This certification is similar to "survey of IT" course in college. It gives the candidate an "around the world of IT". Someone could take the time and explore each field one by one. The CompTIA IT Fundamental+ show consolidates that by introducing them to the different IT career areas and skills in one course. Primarily, it is for those that have an interest in pursuing a career in IT to help them see what field they may have an affinity for or an aptitude for to pursue a challenging IT career. For a career changer or beginner, it's difficult to know what he or she may want to pursue because they don't know what they're interested in to start. The goal of this show is to help those make that decision easier and more purposeful.

Personally, i have to take this to skip a class to get into a comptia A+ course in june

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