Business - July 2018

Business - July 2018

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Hello. Everybody welcome to the Pearson, webinar. For the team leader supervisor, apprenticeship, standard. My. Name is Nathan Cookson, I'm the sector manager at Pearson. Responsible. For the business services, sector, and. That means responsibility, for Pearson's. Apprenticeship, strategy, around. Apprenticeships. Within business, so it includes, standards. Such as the one we're here to talk about today, the team you the supervisor standard, and it also includes, a number of cross, sector standards, such as Business Administration, Operations, Manager customer. Service etc, so. The purpose of today's session, is to provide. Delegates. With a high-level overview of, Pearson's, approach to the team leader stroke supervisor. Standard. And win this webinar we will cover a brief overview of the apprenticeship standard, that's been fully published, for about. 12 to 18 months now. We'll. Look in more detail around, Pearson's. Endpoint, assessment, and then, we'll have an opportunity just to cover a few other updates. Before. We go into discussing. The new, apprenticeship. Standard. And. Please to give an update around, the existing SAF framework, so, previously. The. ESF, a had, undertaken a. Consultation. Around the withdraw of Sasa friendship, frameworks, with, the proposal, being that they would replace apprenticeship. Frameworks, where a new apprenticeship, standard, was in place that, closely, covered the existing. Occupation. There. Were a number of standards that we were drawn where there were no or. Minimum, learner uptake, however. Fortunately, none. Of the core business, apprenticeship. Frameworks, were, withdrawn, at, that point we've, recently had a communication. From the SFA as of January 2018. That, they do not intend, to withdraw, any further, seis apprenticeship. Frameworks. Although. Issuing. Authorities, can volunteer, voluntarily. Withdraw. Frameworks providing. They go through a full consultation process. So good news that certainly. The team leader supervisor, standard, will not be withdrawn until, 2020. At, the earliest so, what that means is we have a a period, of dual running where the. Team leader safes framework, and the team. Leader strokes we provides a new apprentice standard will be running side by side and you've seen this slide and a, link. To the doc of page where they communicate, on the bridge or alot of safe. Frameworks, and their, statement, they're in italics. Obviously. The point, to consider here there is also where it talks about issuing. Authorities, can voluntarily, withdraw, frameworks, and or pathways. What. I've done as part of this kind of webinar. Is. To talk to instructors. Skills who are the apprenticeship, issuing authority, for the business sector, to. Really get it get an understanding, of their. Take, on apprenticeship, frameworks, and. As you can see from this slide instructors. Skills of communicating. That they have no intentions. To withdraw. Voluntarily. Any of the business Sasa, friendship, frameworks, before, 2020. And that they kindly produce an FAQ, document that's. Linked. In this slide so again just to reinforce that there, will be a period of jewelry, in between seis and new apprenticeship, standards. In. Terms, of the impact on that to Pearson qualifications. What, it means is that the majority of the Pearson apprenticeship, qualifications. And those, diplomas, and. Some of the BTech specialist, qualifications which, are due for review in March 2019. Our, intentions. Will be to extend those qualifications. For the foreseeable, future or. At least until 2020. And when, that extension is, complete. We will communicate via, and formal comes to all customers, and centers. And. As you'll see from this slide here this is an update on Pearson's. Approach to submissions. To, the register of endpoint assessment organizations, we've been very successful in, those standards, we're engaging, with in regards to endpoint assessment, and in, regards to the business sector you'll see that, we're would approved on the register, for six. New apprenticeship, standards, in regards to delivering endpoint assessment, they are of course the team leader supervisor, and. Ops departmental, manager standards at level 5 were, also approved for customer service practitioner.

At Level 2 business, admin at level, 3 and the to financial, services customer, advisor standards, they're at levels 2 & 3 and I've, also had communication. In the past couple of days from the employer Trailblazer group for customer service who, advise now that the customer service specialist, apprenticeship. Standard, that has now been fully published and approved for delivery at level 3 so, as soon as that, opportunity. On the register opens to apply for endpoint assessment, as an endpoint assessment, organization we. Were actively doing that so that's very good news so, moving then onto the actual detail, of the team leader apprenticeship, standard and hopefully. All delegates, will. Have seen the, the published team leaders supervisors standard. Already like I say it's, been live for about 12 to 18 months, and, many of you will already be delivering, the unprogrammed phase 2 apprentices, and and perhaps will also be approaching, a ten-point assessment, in the coming weeks and months I. Think. This is a very tidy very neat standard, and very clear and easy to follow and, what. What the employer group have done and, they've split the standard, the skills knowledge and behaviors, into three key areas, called. Interpersonal excellence. Organizational. Performance and, personal, effectiveness. And as you'll see from this slide there are there are 10 modules. Within. That apprenticeship, standard, and each, of those modules have, been really. Clearly defined, and split. In the skills, around. For, example leading people and then the underpinning, knowledge around, leading. People and then that's repeated, for each of the 10. Modules. I think it's one of the better one of the while written standards that's really easy to follow and. In the pinning this standard is then those core behaviors. Which. Are taking responsibility, inclusiveness, agile.

And Professionalism. So. Like I said this brief, overview of the apprenticeship standard, and it is available to download, from. The dot-gov website, and also referenced. On the pearson, apprenticeship. Area of the website this, standard is typically 12 to 8 mums lungs but please do pay attention to that word typically, so. It, what it means is the minimum duration for, an apprenticeship standard, is 12mm some program. But. For this standard it's typically, 12 to 18 months depending upon I guess, that the needs and the progress of the apprentice and where they're coming in regards. To their previous, knowledge. Skills and behaviors and in regards. To delivering team leader and. Supervisor, skills, it's. Also supported, by your your, typical, maths, and English requirements. Which for a level 3 standard is achievement, of level 2 maths, and English prior, to progressing, to, endpoint assessment, and. Again. Hopefully everybody, is familiar of this to support each of the apprenticeship, standards, those two-page documents, there. Is a supplementary. Assessment, plan and what that assessment plan does it it, clearly articulates. The requirements, for endpoint, assessment, and how. Your, apprentices, are going. To be assessed, when they progress through that gateway phase. In. Regards, to this assessment plan the, employer group have kindly provided some unprogrammed guidance, so, typical, activities, that, should be undertaken during that 12, to 15. 18, month on program phase so, they're recommending. Regular. Assessment, involving your employer and training. Provider the, development, of a portfolio of evidence to demonstrate learning. And development, and application. Of. Those, kind of underpinning. Knowledge and skills in the workplace because, this is a management standard, they they're also encouraging, the use of 360. Degree feedback, within. Their own program learning phase and what. They're also doing, is recommending. Or strongly recommending. Either, the successful, completion of a management diploma at level 3 to, support the unprogrammed phase or equivalent. Knowledge, building, activity. So, so these these recommended, on program assessment guidance is is, typical. Formative. Assessment, activity, and typical, training, learning and deliberate development, delivery, activity, that we would anticipate that. An. Employer or and/or, an apprentice training provider will be supporting, their apprentices, with. When. The apprentice. Approaches. Readiness. For endpoint assessment, they, will come to something called the Gateway phase so, that I think the simplest way to think of a gateway is a decision-making, point so the point where, an. Employer. The training provider if they're utilizing, one and the apprentice. Meets. To confirm, that, the apprentice is ready for, endpoint, assessment, and they hope they have in place all those prerequisite. Requirements. To progress through the Gateway so for example, demonstrating. In their portfolio. That they're meeting the skills knowledge behaviors, of the standard, that they have the required, maths. And English in place before they, progress to endpoint assessment, critically. We're doing a lot of work with employers and apprenticeship. Training providers, on a number of standards including, team leaders supervisor, and I think to share some good practice, what, a number of our customers are doing is they're almost extending.

That Gateway period. To. Include. More and than just a decision-making process they, they they see the Gateway as a critical, period to, deliver, assessment. Preparation. Resources. Delivery. Activities, to support the apprentice in preparing, friend point assessment, so I think again thinking, very simple it's around mock, assessment, activity, so mock, tests, and mock professional, discussions, mock, competency-based, interviews. Etc. In, order to prepare or to best prepare that and that Assessor, for endpoint assessment, I'm, even working, with one employer who, are, working. At a forty, week on program. Assessment. Period in order to kind of transfer, and develop the apprentices, skills knowledge and behaviors, but, they're extending, the gateway almost to a 12 week period, where they're. Consistently. Undertaking. Those preparatory. Endpoint. Assessment, activities, in. In regards to a confident, and prepared, apprentice. Is much. More likely to result in a successful endpoint. Assessment outcome which i think is useful. In. Tao to share with a group. This. Endpoint assessment. So the third box on this slide, includes form, individual. Endpoint, assessment, components, that we'll talk about in further, detail as we progress for this. But, think of these components. As hurdles, in that, the. Apprentice has to pass each one of these components. In. Order to achieve their apprenticeship. And. To achieve at the end their apprenticeship, certificate, so just in in in detail we've. Got the test of knowledge using, scenarios, with questions essentially, multiple-choice, tests we have a competency-based, interview and, the, assessment, of the portfolio, of evidence and the, professional, discussion relating, to CPD, activities. And. We'll talk about these each. Of these in a, little bit more detail as we progress and, as. You can see there in the last box successful. Individuals, achieve. Their, industry. Design apprenticeship, a recognized. Of qala credited, qualification. If used, and. The, option for professional, registration with a relevant, professional body and there are a number and, within the management sector. Something. I want to focus on for. A few minutes is to talk about qualifications. To support on program. Delivery. Those. Who are familiar with typical, business sector, apprenticeship, standards so for example management and leadership and team, leader supervisor they'll be well aware that, those apprenticeship, standards, do not include, mandated. Qualifications. And. As as Pearson, are an employer and we sit on a number of employer groups both, both, as a endpoint assessment organization but, also equally, as critically as as a levy paying employer, we've, been involved in some of the discussions around qualifications. And. Specifically. For this standard it. Was actually the employer groups preference, to include a mandated, qualification. In the standard, however, current. Policy, at that time didn't. Allow for, the inclusion of a mandated, qualification. So. The. Employer group have been very careful, in how they've interpreted that within the assessment plan and what they've done is they recommended. The. Inclusion, of the qualification. To support on program, but, just to clarify that's, not mandated, so it is purely an optional requirement, and what, we've identified and, what the employer group of identified, is the implementation, of a level 3 diploma in, management, equating. To, 37.

Credits Which is a typical diploma. Size. So. At Pearson what we've done is we we've looked at the existing qualifications. In the sector. And we've. Identified actually. That the current team leaders supervisors apprenticeship. Aligns, to the existing, diploma qualification. That's in the seis framework. Which in that I which in Pearson's case is the Pearson BTEC level 3 diploma in, management. Within. Our website what you label what you'll be able to download is, a full mapping document, that clearly maps the, current standard, against, the diploma, in management so, that you can utilize this qualification almost, as that vehicle, to support a program of teaching, learning. And formative. Assessment, and that mapping is available to download from our website. But. What this webinar really is to. Do is to not say. Undertake. Qualification. Or to say don't undertake a qualification what we want to raise awareness of, are some, of the considerations. When. Choosing or. Not choosing, to adopt a qualification on program, I think, ultimately it's, important, to understand that actually these this is an employer and driven. Apprenticeship, and so. The, choice of undertaking, a qualification optional. Or not really. Should be driven by the employer and the apprentice, I think that's a critical point to understand. However. What we do know is that these. New apprenticeship standards are new and they are taking some time to adjust to, in regards, to the sector, and, in regards to delivery, and what qualifications. Do do they do provide, a, familiar. Framework, that supports a structured, program of teaching and formative. Assessment, so they do, certainly. When they are mapped to this standard they do offer that framework for, delivery. Which. Will help apprentices. And, obviously apprently, training providers, what. They also do is they support, with, that certainly, that portfolio of assessment, element and they, provide the evidence that apprentices, are ready to meet the Gateway requirements, in regards to end point assessment, and a qualification a framework really to support that. Formative assessment, and that generation, of evidence that, you can use to, almost take off that gateway requirement, I think. A positive. Use of a qualification, and certainly in this standard is that you can almost phase. Recognition. Throughout, the apprentices, journey so if if functional skills are English amass was for intended there's an early opportunity to recognize, achievement, amass an English the qualification. Then gives the, opportunity to recognize achievement. At that gateway phase and then, there's, that third opportunity, for achievement, when the apprentice achieves endpoint assessment, so I think a qualification support. That, process, in. Regards. To funding, it's. An interesting one but funding. Can be used, where. The content. Of the qualification. And clearly. Overlaps, with the apprenticeship, standards, what. I mean there by is if. You're delivering the apprenticeship, some of the skills knowledge and behavioral, components, and that, content overlaps, with the qualification, and funding can be used for that and. We'll talk about where it can't be used in the next slide but again just to kind of the final bullet point is that the choice of qualification, really should be employer, and apprentice, driven. I. Guess. There is the opposite side of the coin in regards to qualification, considerations. So the, IFA, recently, published, at a paper, called faster, and better and. Within that paper what they what, they publish what they state is worth actually from their from their point of view, qualifications. That accredit, occupational, competence, essentially. Duplicate, the end point assessment, process they had costs, and may, draw resources away from training, I think what they're what they're potentially, saying there is that actually, qualifications.

That Are designed, to completely, mirror, the standards, are. Actually, duplicating. The purpose of the standard and the purpose of an endpoint assessment, and they don't endorse those qualifications. In. Regards. To funding so. Whilst, funding, can be used to cover overlapping. Teaching, and learning content, it cannot be used to, cover registration. Examination and certification. Costs, where, the qualification. Is not mandated so for the team leaders supervisors standard. Those costs, can not be covered by the funding, I, think. An interesting point specifically. In regards, to a hundred percent mapped qualifications. Or those qualifications, they're completely. Aligned to the standard there isn't it there is an assessment component. In the, and the final, one which looks at the CPD activity. In a professional. Discussion around that and the, guidance in the assessment, plan is that, that. Activity, will be based around evidence, of additional. Learning. And CPD, undertaken, during the apprenticeship. And so. I think just a point to consider there is actually, a fully. Mapped qualification. Potentially, doesn't demonstrate, additional. Learning it demonstrates. Learning. Against, the standard, and this component is looking at almost that above and beyond and that mastery. Type activity, and. I think the final consideration. There is actually, qualification. Achievement, versus endpoint assessment, achievement, is there, a risk, to. The success, of endpoint assessment, if an apprentice. Achieves a qualification so will they want to progress to endpoint assessment, I guess the other kind of risk I can say that then is also actually. If. A qualification is. Completely. Aligned, to the standard, and the apprentice, achieves that what, are the implications if, that apprentice, doesn't, achieve endpoint. Assessment. So. For the purpose these two slides is not Pearson, saying we. Recommend, the Pearson BTEC level 3 diploma in management we, don't recommend this qualification what, we're here to do really today is just to give. You some intelligence, in regards to things. To consider, when. Deciding with. Your apprentice, and your employers whether to choose a, qualification. As part of their own program phase then. Moving on to how the. Apprenticeship. Endpoint assessment, is graded, and. As we've already kind of covered in one of the earlier slides there are four components to endpoint assessment, there's the multiple-choice test the, portfolio variance a competency-based, interview and, the professional, discussion and, when, I said think of think of them as a hurdle, while I mean there is actually, that each of these components, need to be passed in order to progress to.

The Next one essentially, and in order to achieve endpoint, assessment, so the apprentice, must achieve a minimum, of 50 percent of the, available marks. In each of the four assessed. Components. To pass endpoint, assessment, so what that means is actually each of these components, are only, graded, pass, and fail. And then the final, grade is achieved. At the end of the endpoint assessment, period where those, marks are aggregated. Together or brought, together cumulatively. To. Award, that final grade and those grades are listed below in the in the arrow so a fail is less than 50 it passes 50 to 59 a merit, is 60 to 69 and distinction, is 70, and above so is very clear in the assessment, plan around how grading. Is. Achieved. So. Moving on to Pearson's approach to endpoint assessment. Customers. Who are familiar with, some, of the endpoint. Assessments, were already delivering and some of the resources, we published. What. Pearson, produced for all. Standards. That we engaging in, regards to endpoint assessment, is a very detailed, high, quality, and point, assessment, specification. And, within. Those endpoint, assessments specifications. There are almost four key areas of. What. We create to support apprentices, employers, and apprentice, training providers in in, this kind of on. Program, and input in assessment phase, so. What's in the endpoint assessment specification. Firstly, there will be the apprenticeship standard of course so what we do there is we, break down each, of the components, of endpoint. Assessment, and align those to, the apprenticeship, standard so that you can clearly see within. Pearson, specification. That say for example the multiple chest choice test component, assesses. These, areas, of the apprenticeship standard. To. Further support that we also create, teaching, and learning content, and what we mean there is that content, that underpins, the. Apprenticeship, standard, and. This is the teaching and learning content. That you can use during, the on program phase to, plan that 12. To 18, month period of on program delivery teaching, and learning and when. You see appears an endpoint in a specification you'll, see that it's written in in a language that is very very familiar and in a style that almost replicates, the way qualifications. Are written so if you are familiar with. Qualification. Delivery and you do like that designer that reassurance, and that framework that it brings you'll see that the Pearson and specifications. Replicate. That so we've got though we've got the apprentice standard and we've got the additional content. To, support delivery. The. Next phase of the standard is the assessment delivery, phase and what I mean there is the conditions, in which assessment. Takes, place or the rules for assessment, so for an example being, again the multiple-choice test, it will be X minute-long it will include this, amount of questions and they'd be awarded this about marks say, for example for the professional discussion it'll include information around, and the, professional discussion will last one hour it, will include these, this. Content, and it'd be delivered in these conditions so face to face or using. Audio. Or video technology. That's what I mean around the rules for assessment, and the. Final section I guess they're one of the critic of the most critical section, is the grading criteria so, you'll be familiar that the apprenticeship standard, the assessment, plan. Very. Accurately, and clearly lists, out the skills knowledge and behaviors, but what it doesn't do, it doesn't articulate, actually, what, needs to be achieved the, grading and evidence requirements, and needs to be achieved for the apprentice standards, so what Pearson have written within our endpoint, of specification. Is those clear and concise.

Evidence, Requirements. To achieve a pass and distinction, so. That you know and your apprentices knows prior to endpoint assessment, what, they need to demonstrate to, their endpoint Assessor. So. The endpoint so the endpoint assessment specifications. A sample, is available, to download from, the Pearson website if you. Want to access the full endpoint, assessment, specification. At, the moment, it is restricted. To only organizations. Who have committed, to Pearson as endpoint assessment, organization, and. What, I would suggest to. Obtain. A copy the endpoint assessment specification. Please, do have a conversation with your. Pearson. Account manager, but. Just to reinforce their the sample, specifications, is freely, available to download from the website the, full specification. Will. Be only, circulated. To come to customers, who have signed up to Pierce and endpoint assessment, services for this standard and that conversation can take place with your Account Manager. Moving, on to the knowledge test so, this is the first component, of endpoint. Assessment, and much. Of this information wouldn't, be widely known at this point of view, at. This point of time sorry and. It's very very specific to Pearson's, approach to endpoint assessment, so the more to put this so the knowledge as the multiple-choice test will assess the apprentices, knowledge, and understanding, and what we've clearly done is identify the, components. Of the, apprenticeship, standard, that will be assessed by, the knowledge test and they these will be included, in the EPA spec, specification. Including the content, and evident requirements, etc in regards. To the detail the knowledge test it will be an on screen test consisting. Of 30 multiple-choice. Questions. Worth 1 mark each so, in total there are 30 marks, and these this 30 marks, nicely, aligns to the 30% weighting. Towards, the knowledge test component, of the standard the. Duration. Is 45, minutes and as. You would have noticed earlier apprentices. Have to achieve 50% of, the available marks in order, to pass this, component, what that means is a minimum of 15, out of 30. Even. If an apprentice achieves 30, out of 30 it, will still be a pass but, those 30, marks, will be rolled up together in, order to aggregate to the overall end. Point assessment, grade but, the Middler threshold, for a minimum, pass is 15, out of 30 and. Those. Who are familiar with Pearson, multiple-choice tests, they will be hosted on our Pearson, online platform, and written. In the typical, way that you would associate with a multiple-choice test so for, questions, or one, question with four options and they learner The Apprentice needs to select the correct, option.

Practice. Tests will also be available and these are fully, published we do have a practice, test fully published now which. Again you can have a conversation with, your account manager to obtain, access to once, signed up to pierce and then point assessment services. So. The second component is the portfolio, of evidence and, as you would expect with a portfolio of evidence it is drawn from, real work based, activity. So real activity. That your apprentices, are undertaking, during that minimum. 12-month, unprogrammed. Period, and. What it will do it will cover the full totality. Of the apprenticeship standards, and the full knowledge skills, and behaviors. And, those elements are clearly again identified, in the end points but the, end point assessment specification. In. Regards to Pearson's approach what we have designed is 20 assessment, criteria, so. We've written 20, assessment, criteria aligned, to those skills knowledge and behaviors, within the standards, and. Supporting. Each of those criterias. Is content. That in depending content to support teaching and learning but also the assessment, criteria and, the clear evidence requirements. And what I mean there is say for, example assessment. Criteria one apprentices. Must demonstrate x y&z. So you can use the EPA, specification. To prepare, your. Apprentices, for, this component of end point assessment, while in advance of this. Specific. Element, similarly, to the multiple-choice, test is that 50% threshold, and. Because there's only 20 marks available for this section it's a minimum of 10 to, pass, this component. To. Support apprentices, and employers and providers. In the, portfolio evidence, component. Pearson, have created, a portfolio, template, to support. You in structuring, the portfolio, and we've also created a portfolio assessment, brief to, provide. The apprentice, with some context, around pulling their portfolio, together and those, documents, will be circulated, alongside the. Endpoint, assessments specification, when you do have that engagement, with your account manager. The. Interesting, thing about a portfolio. Is that within, the this is this was one of the earliest. Assessment. Plans written and at the time there was unclear. Guidance, around the, use of a portfolio, of evidence within, the endpoint assessment, phase and the, basic principles, actually are within endpoint assessment, is there evidence. For, endpoint. Assessment, can only be generated, after. The apprentice, has passed through the Gateway and as. You'll be aware this conflicts, with a portfolio evidence, where, actually evidence is generated, during that unprogrammed phase. So, in regards to Pearson's, endpoint assessment. And our approach to portfolio, evidence what, we're requesting, is that. Apprentices. Will, create a series, of reflective. Or narrative. Accounts, or reflective. Statements, so. What your apprentices, will do for this section of the endpoint. Assessment, is almost, narrate. To. The endpoint assessor this, is how I meet, this component, of endpoint, assessment. Making. It absolutely, clear to. The endpoint assess out how and why they meet those parts the standard, almost, making. So obvious to the endpoint necessar that they cannot, say that they're not competent, at those skills knowledge and behaviors, it really is a strong opportunity, for, your, apprentices. To, to make, that compelling, case to the endpoint Assessor with, those reflective. And narrative accounts, supporting. Those reflective, Nurik narrative, accounts is then, where, your, apprentices, will draw all of, that evidence they've, produced during that unprogrammed, phase to, support, those, narrative, account so think of it almost as two components, the narrative. Accounts to demonstrate, to the Assessor to tell the Assessor why, they've meeting the standard and then the evidence, the, work based evidence within the portfolio, to back what, they've told the Assessor up and.

That's Really Pearson's, approach to portfolio, of evidence and what it does it. Aligns. To the requirements, of the. Assessment. Plan in the apprenticeship standard, where it discusses the use of a portfolio of evidence but it also a deer's to the IFA, guidance, in regards to a portfolio. And the use of a portfolio during during, Yong point assessment, phase. There. Is no minimum. Or maximum period. For. Endpoint, assessment, but what we do. Gather. Feedback, from in regards to customers, or certainly, customers asking the questions, how, long typically. Would, endpoint assessment, last so. For this standard we, anticipate. The. Endpoint assessment period to take about three three, months and what we've identified here, is really that the portfolio of evidence is that activity, that may take the long, to do specifically. Those creation. Of those reflective, narrative accounts, so we anticipate the. Portfolio, of evidence will will take up to about three months to complete during, the on procuring, the endpoint assessment phase so, that that's that's, an indicative, time, so it's not a minimum and it's not a maximum. And. Finally, around the port for evidence it can be submitted electronically, or hardcopy. So what we're not going to do is we're not going to say to you. As a an employer you as an apprentice as user you. As an endpoint assessment, sorry a apprenticeship. Training provider, we're not going to say, it has to be submitted electronically. Or it has to be submitted a hardcopy it's about customer. Choices, and we will be flexible to, meet your needs. As. You would expect to in a portfolio, of evidence suitable, forms include recordings, of performance reviews ones who are meetings, coaching. Feedback customer. Feedback and of course the. Outputs, of work so work product. There. Are a couple of considerations around, evidence, within the portfolio because, just. To kind of reinforce, actually. The endpoint necessar. It. Doesn't have the opportunity to observe the. The. Apprentice in the workplace, is essentially. A snapshot, of, the, apprentices, skills. Knowledge behavioral, companies within the endpoint assessment, period. So. When producing. Evidence. Such as witness, testimonies. Or observation. Records, these are essentially, just pieces of paper that, the endpoint, assessment, the endpoint Assessor can see so what we expect to see in a portfolio, evidence is if you if your apprentices are, demonstrating. Competence. Through witness testimony, and observation, records we would expect to see supporting. Evidence, alongside. That, to demonstrate, that actually what's, in those records and what in those testimonies. Is true and here's the evidence to back that so, just consider consider. That when supporting, your apprentices, in pulling, together their portfolios. We. Do anticipate that apprentices. Will sign the Declaration, of, authenticity and, then one of the reasons why there is because this is an endpoint, assessment, phase for the apprentice, and the, work they produce must. Be. Evidence independently. And it must be submitted, on their own accord so the evidence they submit must be their own. We. Do recommend that the portfolio, of evidence component. Is completed. And submitted before, the, competency-based, interview. And. The reason why we suggest that is because within the competency-based, interview there's, the opportunity for, the apprentice to reflect, on what. They've achieved during, their own program period and of course what they've gathered. And evidence within their portfolio of evidence. So. The third component of course is the competency-based, interview, and, this is a planned discussion. Between the apprentice, and the independent, Assessor designed. To. Assess. The apprentices ability, to apply their understanding, of the standard in their role. We've. Identified that. The, competency-based. Interview will cover seven knowledge areas within the standard and as, per the other components, this is clearly, articulated.

In Our endpoint assessment specification. It, will ask the maximum of one and a half hours and, apprentices. Will be asked a series of standardized. Questions, by, the independent, endpoint Assessor based, on the. Identified. Areas, of the apprenticeship standards, so that the. Competency-based, into is consistent. For all apprentices. Undertaking, what, we do expect, is that. Apprentices. Within the competency-based, interview will. Provide real-life, examples, of how they've applied their knowledge and understanding, in the job role. Similarly. To the portfolio. We're not stipulating. How, it has to be delivered we. Are flexible, to cover it face to face we're, also flexible, to cover the competency-based, interview by. Videoconference. And, software and audio recording, capabilities. What, I would suggest or, imply is that actually for the earlier, cohorts, of apprentices. We, would recommend, or anticipate, that the earlier cohorts, would be delivered during face-to-face, and actually, as, you. As an organization your, apprentices become more familiar with, the competency-based, interview and, theirs then the opportunities. To use that use Tec nology to support, delivery. But, the message ere is flexibility, in that we are flexible, to accommodate, the, needs of your employers and the needs of your apprentices. In. Regards, to the competency-based, interview so. Whilst it cover. Seven areas of the standard, we've, created so Pearson have created, 20 equally. Weighted assessment. Criteria and, again, that will be clearly articulated, in the in the endpoint assessment, specification. Because, this component, is worth 30%, each. Of those assessment. Criteria, in. Total, is awarded. One and a half marks, providing. 30 marks, in total, so that align those 30 marks aligned to, the 30% weighting, of this component. Again. Reflecting, back on the hurdling, requirement, so in order to pass this component, apprentices, have to achieve 50%, of the available marks which, is a minimum of 50 marks in total. Obviously. The, greater the amount of marks will be rolled over to the, combined. Total. Marks in order to give that aggregated, grade. Similarly. To the other components, we've created clear, assessment guidance so. For example to create to me create criteria, one the, apprentices, response, must show the ability to do x y&z. So again you can use that, criteria within, the endpoint of specification. To clearly. Prepare. Your, apprentices, for, endpoint assessments so that they're going to endpoint assessment, and period. Knowing. Exactly what. They're going to be facing and the types of evidence the the endpoint Assessor is expecting, to see. One. Of the reasons earlier why we suggested, that the portfolio component, is completed, is. Because there is the opportunity, for apprentices. To take evidence, into. The competency-based. Interview. To. Help, them demonstrate, how they've met certain. Areas of the standard it's not a requirement but, it, is purely optional but an example being so if the competency-based, interview, covers. Elements. Of project management, what. They and what the apprentice, might want to take into the competency-based, interview is, for example a copy of a project plan and to, support them in the competency-based, question. And that. They're. Moving on to the fourth and final component, which is it which is a nearly really, interesting, one because it's the only. Component. Within the standard, where, the assessment plan doesn't really clearly articulate, what bits of the standard it will cover. So. The professional discussion is a planned structured, discussion, between the apprentice, and the independent, endpoint assessor to, assess how effectively, they've, managed, their continued, professional development. During. The apprenticeship, period, and the, extent to which this Learning and Development as, affected. Their performance, in the workplace. What. We've done here at Pearson is we've looked at the apprenticeship standard, we've looked at the requirements of the. Professional. Discussion and we've, identified that, actually closely, alliance, two areas when the standard, one. Being the awareness of self and one being the management, of self so. The fourth and final component of endpoint. Assessment, is their professional, discussion and this is a planned structured, discussion between the apprentice, and the independent, endpoint, assessor. Importantly. To understand here that this is a professional, discussion, it's not an oral question-and-answer. Session so it's a discussion that will be facilitated. By the independent, endpoint assessor but, will be led by the apprentice, because we are talking about level three, professional. Apprentice. Here so we would anticipate that we'll be familiar, with how a professional, discussion is.

Delivered. We've. Looked at the apprenticeship standard, and we've identified actually. The two areas, of the standard that closely aligned to this section to the professional, discussion is the, this, the area called the awareness of self and the management of self so, what we will do is will define, we've defined clear, assessment criteria to, support, those, two sections of the standard, and it. Will be a maximum 45, minutes and again. Similar, to the other areas of the standard it can be covered by face to face professional. Discussion or over, time the, use of video conferencing, and audio recording. Technology. Allowing. To me how the other components, are assessed apprentices. Have to achieve a minimum of 50% which is a hurdle, to pass the component, which equates to 10 out of 20, marks. Within. Our endpoint assessment specification. And what, we've created is a professional, discussion brief, and. What. The professional discussion brief the purpose of it is is essentially. This is the structure of how the professional, discussion will take place so, if in the professional discussion brief which I don't expect you to see in this slide but it's within the endpoint assessment, specification, there will be six core. Areas. Where the, discussion, will be centered around and, the, marks will be based on these six core areas, so when you have obtained that EPA. Specification. Will you'll be able to use this professional. Discussion brief to, prepare your, apprentices, for the professional, discussion component one. In advance of actually them undertaking, it so again critical. Was part of that gateway that extended, gateway that critical, assessment. Preparatory. Activities which, are important. In. Regards. To how we grade, the professional, discussion. We've. Called, them something called. Proficiency. Level, descriptors. And but. Please just consider these as assessment, criteria. So. What we've designed is criteria, based, on both. The the two areas of the standard we are assessing. But. Also, those. Topic, areas within the professional discussion brief what, we've identified however. In the professional, discussion is that there, are a couple of areas where actually, the apprentice, has the opportunity. Almost. To demonstrate, different levels, of proficiency or different, levels of competence, so, we've identified in, two bands band. One where, an apprentice, has the necessary knowledge skills and behaviors to manage their CPD, so, for example think of band 1 as a pass and. Then band 2 which, describes. An apprentice, who has an S 2 skills and behaviors, at. Such an in-depth level and of understanding to manage their CPD, in an, exemplary, way showing. Potential. For progression so think of that as a higher greater merit, discussion, so there will be an opportunity, in the professional, discussion for, the apprentice, to demonstrate. Almost, higher, order. Skills or higher mastery, skills and those skills will be recommend, will be. Rewarded in regards to higher marks. In. Regards, to this section however. There. Are it's, awarded 20 marks and the. 50% pass threshold, is 10. Marks so. Reflecting, back upon how its graded and here, here we have it so the team either supervisor. Assessment. Plan is graded, to fail past merit and distinction and it's. The. Essentially, the cumulative, award, of marks. Over the totality, of the apprenticeship, but, with that 50%, threshold, that passes threshold, for, each component. That. Really covers. Pearson's. Approach to. Endpoint assessment, and please, do have those conversations with, your Pearson account manager, to. Discuss Pierce's, approach to endpoint assessment, and. To have that conversation about the endpoint assessment. Specification. Document, in regards. To Pearson's. Pricing models we do have a clear and transparent. Pricing. Model, and again, your, account, manager will be able to discuss this with you in more detail but, just to indicative. Indicative, lis say that the team leader supervisor, standard, endpoint. Assessment, list price is 650. Pounds the. Operations, departmental, manager which is a level 5 standard, is, 850. Pounds we, also have a clear, reset. And reassessment, policy, and pricing. Schedule. For both of these standards and again please do contact your account manager to, discuss that in more detail. So. To wrap up this webinar. Why. Work with Pearson on new apprenticeship, standards, I. Think. The critical thing to say in. Regards to our experience, is that we're learning from experience, here at Pearson, we're working, with employers and apprenticeship training providers, to actively, deliver, endpoint, assessment, which we have been doing for almost 12 months now for certain standards, and we, are shaping and evolving. Our.

Our Support, our tools, our endpoint assessment, specifications. And our approach as. Well as we as we're learning from, endpoint assessment delivery. If. You. Do sign up to Pearson's endpoints. Services, what we are creating, is something we call countdown, to EPA and. What the countdown, to EPA does for each of our standards, it clearly articulates. To you as. An employer as an apprentice a training provider and as an apprentice the, different touch points with. Pearson. That you will experience during, your apprenticeship, standard, all the way up to endpoint assessment, so that it's clear, to. You around. Your expectations. And it's also too clear. To pearson around what what our expectations. Are as an endpoint assessment, organization. And. This is an example of a countdown to. Endpoint. Assessment, document for the team leader standard, so again you will be out to access these following discussions, with your, Pearson. Endpoint sorry, your Pearson account manager, finally. In regards, to, resources. We are creating. Numerous. Resources to support, the. Apprentice, standards were engaging with for, example team leaders supervisor, we, have a mix, of free of charge resources, and so what I mean there is we have sample. Assessment tests. For the multiple-choice test we have the endpoint assessment, specification. Document, and all that clear. Supporting. Guidance within there we, have the mapping document, against a qualification, and, what. We're also producing, now for us then this is something we called learner handbooks, which will be free of charge and when, I say learn a handbook, these, are, documents. That you can give to your apprentices. - you can give to your learners that support them in. Understanding. The endpoint assessment, specification. And so, as. Educationalists. With millie with specification, documents, we use them with qualifications, but what we've learned from employers. And their apprentices, is actually, they're, not as familiar with specification. Documents, as perhaps, we are so the learner hang handbooks, are really designed, to interpret. That specification. In a learner focused, language, so. We'll we will, be producing those for the team leader supervisor, standard, in. Regards to commercial. Resources. And we're in the process of. Creating. Also, a learner handbook, but. This will be almost think of a textbook type, resource. That. That the learner can use and you can use an apprenticeship training provider, an employer to support, that on, program, face and support that delivery, of underpinning, knowledge and skills aligned, to the apprenticeship standard, and. Finally, what we're also producing is. Training. And, preparatory, ii endpoint, assessment, resources. And so, resources, that you can use to prepare your apprentices, for endpoint assessment. Customers. Who are familiar with the customer service practitioner, standard will, perhaps all you have access to some of these resources, and what, we mean there are things, such as worksheets. Digital. Resources, such as videos, that. You can use to prepare for professional, discussions, you can use to prepare for observations, etc, so those, resources. Will be published, in and in a phased approach and. Again please to talk to your Pearson. Account manager. To. Discuss the support, that, Pearson have in place to help you and. Your apprentices, prepare for, their apprenticeship and then point assessment, and. That. Wraps up our Apprentice. Webinar. Please. Do access the Pearson website where you'll be able to download. Lots. And lots of information around Pearson's. Approach to apprenticeship, we also have, our assessment, specification. Samples, hosted. On the website and we also have a number of webinars for. The, business sector for, other sectors, and to, support you in your, apprentice on their printed journey thank, you very much.

2018-07-18 23:05

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