Build Your Own Business | Internet Cafe Simulator 2 | First Look

Build Your Own Business | Internet Cafe Simulator 2 | First Look

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thank you so much for joining me thisis  gameedged we'll be testing out internet cafe   similar too that's right i did miss the first one  i played it uh but i don't think it ever showed   up on this channel i missed the mark on it but  yes we're gonna jump in and test out number two   uh this came out so yeah let's let's jump in  and learn a little more about this game it is   a little goofy and it's a little fun so hopefully  you guys are enjoying us if you like seeing brand   new games or just like seeing this one and  want to see more of it make sure you take time   hit the like button and get the confidence  always love to hear back from all you fine people   and again thank you to dev team  for sending a copy of this if you   of course want to pick up for yourself there'll  be a link in the description field all right   so it looks like we just woke up and it's  time for us to go and make ourselves some   money by getting out of the little tutorial on  top here which is supposedly not too long so   get out of the apartment we're going to try and  take care of that that's pretty darn nice turkey   is that where it is i don't know about to chest it  out we'll see where we're at well these doors are   pretty darn sweet not bad looking place though  i tell you not bad um okay so it's the elevator   okay yeah we have punching we also have  special skills i i guess afterwards   we're able to upgrade our skills here at  points and such we also physical and cafe   and customers with nine points we every now didn't  get any extra points for that so we can't really   use it all right open up open up i need to  close this door closed automatically all right second floor lady is lingerie love it in  an elevator oh by the way i called my cafe   another one bites the dust didn't quite  couldn't do the dust it wasn't long enough   but i put bites by b-y-t-e-t-s so that's pretty  okay how you doing buddy are you my competition one hour free wow dude all right now let's can't  turn that off all right well we'll get this   we'll get back here it looks like it's  just a little cafe or he's got his own   that we're trying to do the same thing  and he's inside our building so okay   what does this do stop oh we  can actually stop it point out all right that seems dangerous stop i don't know but try to see if it'll break the  game or not i'm gonna break the elevator all right   so it looks like we're out there some kitty cats  roaming around all right well that's pretty okay   a lot of people are exercising are we keeping  in shape a little close right there guys just   just a tie a bit too close oh my god is this  sweet games what are you carrying on you dude that looks like explosives what  the hell all right i'm sorry dog what the frick is going on is that teletubby   now my daughter thankfully enough was old  enough to to not to surpass the teletubby   phase oh we have dogfight no dog  fights all right cool what the hell am i supposed to exercise with you guys what   what the hell's going on the cats all right  there must be a map for us to get out of this   hell hole and find out where our place is oh  my god all right so can i zoom around this i   can't really click or move around so i'm figuring  okay there's a club right there second-hand shop   your home your internet cafe actually we're  going the right way pretty darn impressive uh yeah this map is not the  best though i figured down here i'm not even going there okay what  the [ __ ] is going on this game no is that musk really oh my god okay well  there's teslas and everything in this game   running with your dog that's pretty  cool dude what's that are you mike i'm just looking at the faces i'm  like there's like a whole bunch of   them put in here i'm pretty sure it's not  right okay we're supposed to talk to you   what does it say everything  that happens here the city man   and you owned a new internet cafe they smashed  the man who worked at the cafe before you man well all right what happened to him  build btc mining rig in the city   you have to pay me a license really i gotta  pay you a hundred dollars to build that i don't know it looks like a honestly it  looks like urkel but much older and jacked   let's just come here buddy turn around let's turn  around yeah it kind of looks like oracle an older   version of urkel hey cowboy hat we have here uh  big nobody okay i don't know there's like a fruit   store and stuff again do we have to eat i didn't  see anything about that and there's guys a mask   somebody you know it could happen i mean you know  through it there's also copper right there with   to be careful that okay so we got our cafe what  what the hell we have a big mess in here let's get   ready and to go electricity's off all right we  got a baseball bat okay i remember that that's   for clients that don't pay right all right so very  dirty okay i guess i'll pick those cans up after am i getting a footprint at all  jeez man it's a lot of scrubbing does it need to be highlighted oh okay so even  picks up this is a pretty good mop and it picks   up cans like that in one phillips sweeper  so you have to highlight what you want with   a little yeah okay there we go it's it's not so  hard to do you just have to get used to it okay   what the frick is going on with this game already  just walking into it i know this is gonna be   uh it's gonna be fun it's gonna be fun looks  like we got table stuff and the guy beforehand   was running this place and it got smashed up  so we're gonna try to avoid that by using that   baseball bat i guess that's what it's for  i believe that's our desk where we can buy   stuff oh [ __ ] okay whoops we gotta take a  couple scrubs to get that and we got a fire   extinguisher i guess in case of emergency  oh my god there's a lot to clean up here   a little more unexpected actually kind of  kind of filthy is that my feet to do this   my footprints i don't think so all right clean uh  tutorial buy a computer case and modder all right   well just a second here dude this  freaking mammoth cigarette there okay   and how do you drop [ __ ] cue oh you just drop  it by right clicking gotcha that that stands up   that's pretty good all right um i think i  think i need to place this down first uh we uh you know what if i want to put  couples i'm probably best to put them oh god   you know what screw it i'm going to put it against  the wall here one second here grab you know what   i want to click for oh god freaking crap okay  it's not easy by the way to uh to put it could   be honestly i gotta get used to the controllers  just to type it feels like uh they're messing with   me i remember last time i played the demo on the  demo of the actual game itself i had to make sure   it was like a little bit off the wall issues that  things were popping off of me so that was an issue   but yeah again i'm gonna keep on clicking that  forever and ever okay and rotate this baby here oh yeah and the seats had to be  a little further out because we   had him popping out things and destroyed my   my setup right i think so anyways yeah let's go  and order that stuff what the hell is this spray okay to make things smell better gotcha and how hot it is in this room i guess 25 i guess  with all the computers and everything else it   can't get hot mine gets hot i like the warmth  and of course extinguisher and our baseball bat   in case of emergency right now we are closed right  all right nice little doggies sitting there while   people watch me look at his computer all right  space yeah all right i heard you i hurt you poppy   okay that's uh that's a  very loud computer booty up   all right so cafe is gonna stay closed we need  to buy a case and stuff from where is zama bills mail fruit slots skin case all right my cafe hot dog cart sliding doors new rooms okay kitchen toilet stuff okay we  could upgrade a whole bunch all right cool cool   uh where do you get zamasu from oh this is your  star rating okay there's food there too a lot   of people question marks up and running walking  around here i i think no no oh my god close that   up okay so where where is zamasu or zamasu had to  type that in zamasu oh wait there's more than left   side okay so zamasu okay i'm going to open this  up here dudes so we can see what we're doing so   computer cases now i'm gonna want something a  little better not an old computer case i'm gonna   want something pretty darn decent how much maybe  we have two thousands two thousand dollars good   english rf i don't think does it make does it give  me a better computer or is it just the case itself all right well we'll see what we can  do right let's add that to basket   and then we need i'd love to get air conditioning  but that's not gonna happen arcade machines fans   chairs we have a chair there plastic one should  be good enough keyboards and mice something decent class keyboard old keyboard i  don't want to go too cheap either okay i was i don't think i'm gonna have  enough money for this i could see it already   okay we're gonna try to stay somewhat not  disgustingly cheap desk see we already have   a desk tv vr controllers vr headset uh tvs are  they okay these are wall mounted do you have s   monitors anywhere did i see  that i missed it i missed it   uh old lcd okay i would love to get that how much  is that fifteen hundred dollars that that that i   think this could turn out better uh if we have a  little bit of something good all right complete okay i think i think we're good  we gotta wait for a delivery now   all right well um once we have that i guess  we're good to go can i get out of this   queue help i would just turn off oh great we  have unreliable power that's fan freaking tastic   oh i think the dog's dead you okay  puppy he's breathing just chilling what the freak i don't know is it supposed to  arrive by something because it the hell is that i thought it's a tall guy no what's that camel prime it is all right well we got delivered by camel prime  whoa dude okay you got it you got okay i don't   want anything stolen so we're gonna this is  keyboard but is that one keyboard in there really   computer case i think that's the most important  most expensive so let's get that in here   i put against the wall because i didn't  who cares about that right i mean i mean   i don't want i don't i care for it hey tell  the tubby is that what it is i'm pretty   sure it's a teletubbie you know you could  tell me if i'm wrong get it going tell me   again if you guys are enjoying those follies  uh take time hit the like button of course   show us some love always appreciate it yeah  this is much better this is way back here   all right yeah remember i grabbed i think the  first time i played this a crt monitor and it   was just shite all right there's a mouse  oh my god it's a big box over packaging all right it looks like it's a lefty  mouse too for that mistake and i think i   [ __ ] the holy [ __ ] what happened here what the frig squid guy came and blew himself up i just freaking got this [ __ ] done where's my light oh wow  that's a harsh way to start   don't you think oh crap all right  i guess he's sending a message   all right let's just drop this for a  second let's grab one of these what an ass   didn't get set up he's already sending a  message okay i guess we're gonna put this   on the other side for now because i don't want  to have to move all that [ __ ] to run again   that's all good i'll leave a little bit of  scene between the wall and stuff there we go   all right take two and next time i  see squid boy he's uh down for it i hope this shit's not broken eh okay yeah it looks like a lefty mouse isn't  it and it's ready when i pick it up isn't it   i don't know you can use whichever way you  possibly can i don't know if you could buy a left   or right mouse but that looks like a handle no  actually it looks like a lefty alrighty sorry okay okay and it tells you exactly what you need to  still have and that's a chair right there right   yep tell me a chair good this word  good let's come back in here get you   [ __ ] all right so we have to open up our  cafe right it says here so let's do this   oh did it screw up my pc oh here comes a hard  start up on this thing that's so loud booting   okay open now we have a little bit of monies  not a whole lot there's food and stuff my cafe zamasure can i not get out of that afterwards   well we'll say we'll go back to the  internet thing how do i go back now i don't know it seems to uh stick you in  there pretty good let's just see if we can   find our way back out to ww dot  where the hell are we there we go   so we're going yeah it's fruit slots  that dog warned me of my death i hope not we wouldn't find buckaroos i'm such another gambler in real life i would  never ever do this and it's i guess anybody   just personally i just can't handle it ten  dollars a pop i'm losing oh we're winning again oh okay hold on a second there  i made like nothing i think i   have the same amount of money okay so what's this  customer request you turn on is that through here okay we can change the money too okay computers  wallpaper order how do i do that request   oh there we go you have completed tutorial  mission that's it that's a very short tutorial   did you not work i get whoa oh get the baseball bat i'm sorry lady  but you got you used it for a few seconds   i'm sorry i don't hit anybody else here excuse  me excuse me excuse me sorry ma'am want to pay   oh sorry i think i hit another guy there oh oh oh we got a couple people and just  just walk over them like they're trash here   all right well that's how we treat our  customers here i swear to god squid boy   there's a squid boy over there i saw him all right well we got some moneys out of  that pretty harsh but it's all good it worked   okay so we can oh someone's coming  in did you have explosives on him no he's just going down to sit down okay  all right cool cool cool sure i approve   he's asked i think he's requested for three hours  that's pretty good now all right so maybe we could   earn some some decent money with that we can  minimize that crap and then my cafe was that   internet cafe no games inside oh games [ __ ] oh  my god i forgot okay uh where do we get games from i don't know i'm just gonna lose oh oh i don't think you ever win with  these things they're just meant to   irritate the [ __ ] out of you i don't know what the hell i'm  doing this for i'm losing money i don't know let's just just call it quits after  this once we get to 350. all right you know i'm going to keep on losing  money that's great that's not what i want   uh okay so we must have some kind of uh store   bills krypton have lost so much money off  this stupid game uh crack apps oh there's   apps okay application can listen to so i guess  these are free there's stream there it goes i have no idea we're gonna have a  whole bunch of apps with including   antivirus i guess what's worried  about that is that done yet i mean what are you looking at dude you're  just doing some regular internet stuff   you're not hacking anything are you  you're flipping through pages pretty   fast when i arrived here you bear  pay dude what the hell is your shirt who is that do you have any  clue what the hell that is i don't know thank you for the 169 dollars   dude that that's some pretty good coin right  there maybe with a baseball bat kind of like ups   the price for it that's okay um any footsteps  or anything here we need to worry about no   anybody else want to come in and use our stuff  i swear it got a squid boy comes back in here all right a lot of people  jogging and stuff in this area okay well we need we need a few more  customers hey look man we kept the   place clean at least it's not dirty like  hell so okay i guess we can go and spend oh not gonna blow up are you okay   just in case okay let's get in here and  minimize this crap and up here and approve   i didn't see how long he's actually requested for  look at the my pc one we could change the price   we wanted to keep it there for now that was pretty  decent 160 something bucks 30 minutes at 20 bucks   that's a that's pretty darn decent if you ask me  all right we got to get ourselves another computer   but need to spend more money what to say here  queen p uh oh you little [ __ ] you little shite   i said pay customer service yeah  you know what happened officer these people look familiar some of them i  don't know oh don't you dare oh no no no   no squid attacks here dude oh my god i think  that dog has his fur up in here what the hell   that's not healthy hello ma'am hey look musk what  bruh is it smelling oh crap i need the smell here   is does it smell better now how you like that  maybe it's you at least we have the scuzzy one   not talking with you mama  talking about the computer i swear to you i don't don't make me  beat everybody that's coming here thank   you very much by the way oh thank you  for the thumbs up you have a great day   customer service baseball bat gets approval  thumbs up again you guys can thumbs up on   the bottom too if you want to i'm not going  to use a baseball bat to make that happen   here look clean up a browser history and  everything else dude you're okay look   scrub it up dub payments in full please thank  you oh [ __ ] no he was my best pink clasper okay well we don't get money for beating down  people were innocent that's great so i just   wasted all that time waiting for him to finish  up the beating his ass down that's that's great   it's gonna bring me a lot of freaking customers  great service appreciate the beat down okay i've   been earning some serious money and also my  computer's on fire what the hell just happened   uh but the lady walked in and was not  happy i don't think she was very happy   i i just the first time my computer is on  fire i'm supposed to put this [ __ ] out   am i doing a good job holy [ __ ] my comp that's  computers now right i'm going to take him we have   the eight thousand buckaroos um looks like the  chair it's like bravo are you kidding me all   right well that's okay means geez if your computer  doesn't catch on fire okay the chairs are here there we go computers back up and running  just like that so yeah i've heard a bit   i did do a little bit of the online gambling  thing but most of it's been earning and wasting   my time going through his and i didn't want to  get more than one computer without you all so   we're gonna be investing in that in just a tiny  bit i'm gonna have to go back to the apartment   and get some sleep but very very important so i  shut down a cafe i think i just shut down power   or else we gotta oh something i don't know i'm  just gonna do it like that by the way my baseball   bat broke this guy's always here by the way uh  baseball bat broke i ran after some guy bashing   my head and took him out and yeah we were able to  take it there's also other places here we can go   and visit i think i should go and check this out  here oh oh this is where you get baseball bats   yes okay bat is not too expensive what's this  pro backpack what do i need a backpack for though oh can i actually put oh i see i can actually  pick up the stuff and walk around with it 400   bucks though dudes i need to buy stuff for that  okay he's actually sells some stuff right here some shitty rigs let's see what the  hell he's watching fire extinguisher   empties discs some more cans oh these things  run out oh good to know very good to know uh   where did my baseball bat go to go back to the  store i i don't know it's i i didn't know we   had inventory and if we can actually yeah well  we're going to figure that out i did buy it did   it drop on the ground or i'd have to pick this  up wait wait i take out him yeah okay thank you the hell's this guy doing  there's definitely some kind of   action going on around here  i could hear it a rabbit club okay get in what ah 100 bucks to  walk into this this better be the   most impressive place on earth  wow it is it's very impressive oh boy girls girls girls all right well  i guess this is all you're supposed to do   is gamble here two hundred dollars a freaking  slot okay two of those i'm getting out of here dude that's why i don't gamble that's why oh it's  okay it looks like this it's a gambling place and   drinks and and bunnies and stuff the weird stuff  behind a bar going on uh i don't know what's   what else to say just just a dance bar with  people dancing on tables and i just wasted   two hundred dollars 300 total for that but  i don't have to showcase it for all of you   so very cool i think i'm gonna beat this guy down  okay can i hit him nope can't hit him damn it   hey musk nothing guess you just you stole  from me yesterday i didn't have a baseball bat   you know what i decided i'm gonna buy a backpack  i i don't know why but except that i'm hoping this   will go into inventory now tell me i can put this  into inventory or such but i don't know we'll see   how this goes i i should have a backpack oh wait  i have to pick the [ __ ] up i keep on forgetting   uh all right that's this one right take out him  you already have carrying something oh okay come   with that can i build i don't understand why oh  god just realized it just had to hold in hand and   then bring it over here then i have two slots  i can carry with me all right well that's good   that's appreciative and i would i do i put that  in my backpack how do i put that away i have to   go oh i see i have to grab this and shoot it  into there okay all right all right all right   it's not so bad i guess i could put this in there  too same thing because we don't you always use   it but you know it's kind of handy to have and uh  yeah that's in my tab and you just drag that over   here okay now does that give me one and two slot  this flip that would be kind of nice if it did   but it doesn't all right let's open this up by  the way i i you do have to gamble this game to get   anywhere i have to earn some coins and stuff  i i don't ask why but i'm going to avoid it   because i didn't like i was paying up to 100  bucks at one point i think i lost it all i had   to wait that's why i don't gamble in real life  that's just the reason why we're there all right   we're gonna need to get ourselves a couple of  things you can also get consoles i don't think   i'm not sure how much money we can make off  consoles my favorite computer is probably   where it's at right now we get a desk right here  oh these are console tables much smaller computer   old computer table we don't ever go with all those  oh boy okay maybe we're going to go a little older worn metal okay we're going to go the cheaper  table that's a coffin what the hell all right   old computer table no choice in that  one i don't have the cash for that   uh to go any further now we got  paintings and stuff we can do   all right i didn't earn that much money so we're  not going to go too crazy right so that's good   and then we have computer cases uh we do have  a lot of money so maybe that computer case   in a wide space computer case that's a thousand  bucks let's go with the thousand dollar one that   i don't think of air conditioning or anything else  maybe a fan would be nice we're gonna need a chair   uh boss chair and uh we can go with fabric  boss xl chair and of course these are nicer   ones right but we'll go with this one here  the boss chill looks kind of nice better   than the plastic piece of shite uh we'll get  two of those so that everybody else is happy   here we'll get some keyboards we'll move it  up to a gamer style keyword 800 bucks what maybe we won't be getting what  we want here lcd pro lcd okay gaming modder uh we'll see which one we can afford  here we'll buy we'll take off one of them for sure   and uh large mouse there we go doesn't say gaming  or anything else so just uh freaking crazy that's   a price of mouse man yeah well just take one  all right i think i got everything else right   yeah let's go and check out what we have here  they've been 5 000 buckaroos we're going to keep   that i'll get the gaming monitor and i'll get  the better mouse we'll get the two boss chairs   for sure white space computer uh um you know  what maybe we should invest in a better table   because we can afford it let's go back and just  get a nice big freaking table zamasu zamasu yeah   probe yeah that sounds good let's let's go for  it we gotta invest a little bit to make some   money in this darn thing because it's killing me  let's screw it we're gonna go pro for freak's sake   spend an extra few buckaroos all right that's  five thousand dollars let's have that happen it's   definitely to look like oh crap well there goes my  power they may show up at all for going to game at   all because it looks like it's pretty dead lately  oh cuz what my freaking someone stole my freaking   keyboard i did realize someone walked in and  stole my freaking keyboard what the frig wow i can't believe that let  this ship boot up for a bit   the power goes out all my lights go and i can't  seem to get them back yeah i thought maybe you got   knocked or something but it doesn't look like it  got knocked at all all right well this chair here   here we go camo express has arrived  i'm gonna put that over here for now   i just throw it how about if  i just throw it there we go   what are you doing i got to order another  freaking keyboard i forgot okay one second   okay gotta go back on zamasu before  someone steals my shite again   keyboard keyboard keyboard rah rah  rah okay and a gamer keyboard okay done all right my god i'm  down to like a thousand bucks all right well keyboard let's grab that one making sure he's not stealing  my stuff off for frick sick all right it's not properly placed for decent to  handle it and uh you know deal with it uh white   computer okay that's good what's this my mouse  okay chair holy [ __ ] that scared the crap by me   thanks for throwing out of me there camel express  now you're welcome to you all right let's just   rotate this now people have a nicer chair might  not be the best monitor or best things but uh   we'll make it happen all right so we  have boss chair pc gaming monitor and   cable well that's a freaking nice table all right rotate i hope that guy's not stealing  over there really hope he's not   uh that's why i'm hoping we're  not gonna lose anything else he take the stuff it feels like someone might ran out with something okay i'm gonna find out in a second ah  keyboard there's a mouse there on the ground   feels like i'm missing a chair i think  i ordered it afterwards didn't i have it alright too buddy yeah hold on a second oh no there's an  extra chair you want to sit down with a   shitty table no problem dude just sit down and  shitty one i'm gonna get somebody to play some   big bucks here all right one second approve  please unlock it we're good i guess i'll back   out mind the lighting sucks in this place i  swear god power goes out lighting goes out   at least it'll steal from out  here little thieves out there   come into our store and steal that looks  like it's ready to go all right uh can i   replace these lights a little because i don't know  what's going on why they're not working anymore i mean like there's no way to turn this on  what he wants wants a little longer okay okay so that's good i might have to  get the baseball bat up and running too   by the way i did get knocked out fighting one  guy and you have no baseball bat it's not great   do you want to go and check out my new rig  over there it's freaking expensive as hell   okay i have some money maybe i  could buy another steam license   it's up a month or no it's not  a month all right so let's see   what else can we buy here red horses too sure holy  crap he killed everyone i couldn't even get time   to record that how fast he ran into this place  son that was a good coin too coming up oh my god all right well that sucks big time still  lights are broken and it looks like he blew up   absolutely everything i had placed nicely so  yeah i'll be back in a few freaking minutes   that guy's annoying we need a bouncer all  right there martha stewart what the frank   you pay me before you leave no that's shite   no here at least all right i'm with martha  stewart stealing from me all right there we go   we're good we're cleaning up the area  uh looks like a new gamer finally   jumped on to here um hopefully gamer it looks  like he's surfing the web and the dark web   and uh yeah we're just gonna double check because  i've not been lucky lately people just walk out   one after another i'm not paying very much though  i think i can increase how much it fun now 41   bucks actually for the couple of minutes you spent  wow oh you look cringed there why what's happening   did someone fart before they left or what what the  hell all right we'll give her a shot to go back on   here approve this she wants limitless so she could  stay here for quite a long time long doesn't smell   like a bad fart in the wind you know i'm saying  uh so we could put that right here if you want to yeah it might be actually a  real fart in the wind she's   no smoking sir all right what do i tell  you you guys win all right unlock this   one too hopefully the guys are not going  to come back here and blow up our area and they come running really quick like i couldn't  even stop him he just ran through it so hopefully   with a bouncer and i think we could do that  afterwards right we could hire some people let's   just double check this employees like guard hire  for 300 that's five days for 300 bucks you know   at this point with the amount of explosions have  been happening i'm gonna have to say it's probably   important to have um that is a guard can protect  shop from all kinds of attacks neutralize your   enemies with very fast reaction night uh okay this  one the bouncer non-paying customers only this   is all kinds of attacks we're gonna try it out  because you know what we we're gonna waste that   300 bucks and see whether or not i can get some  kind of protection here because i'm getting fed up   uh there he is wow all right dude i need you to  take care of whatever goes by here it's supposed   to be the cops you have to be careful with too  like you can upgrade your skills and that hey   buddy thank you so much appreciate it have a great  day by the way any messes and stuff yeah it looks   like a little bit of mess but backpacks a good  idea if you can actually swap out between both   and i can't seem to unless i go in here i have to  swap this and put this back a bit of paint i find   but it was just me maybe sorry i'm just gonna  pick this up i need no no i don't need to leave   are you paying okay you're awesome thank you last  two customers have been awesome appreciate that   this guy over there costs 300 quite a bit  of cash actually so yeah let's see uh you   know the cats right there said cat smoking  or is it just like kind of fun going on   i don't know hopefully again we can make  more money by doing all these fine things   all right we have the guard we could fire them  anytime we want we can approve and approve that   and then we're going to start earning some coin  how much money do we have by the way even check   to see we are at 1 500 bucks so maybe we can  afford something else wait a second there's a   clean [ __ ] going on here it says cleaning but  there's there's like it's not doing so well okay   people don't like that they like a cleanly  place i mean i'll be honest i'll be the same   way thank you buddy appreciate it too from you  too can you just like mop's in the way thank you everything's back up don't worry dude thank you  very much appreciate your honesty here you guys   are absolutely awesome sorry for electricity  problems i will have to fix that sooner there   okay while we're waiting for this to boot up we're  gonna just see whether or not we can get a console   uh table i know we could upgrade like the area  too i'd love to build do that but get the cash is very hard to get for some reason so yeah you  see them not very good ratings uh we can suppose   we upgrade through our skills that issue we got  an extra game which is not bad i think i do need   to do a virus scan already found some viruses  we'll let that roll in the background the minor   thing i don't think i've good enough computer for  that just yet i think the multiple least computers   back there to make it happen but we could focus by  pressing f you can get the full screen it's pretty   cool i'd say that when i was working on it i  wouldn't stop doing that but i need to see what's   around me when people are walking especially if  it's open on top here uh it's kind of important   it's because i have the mop on the stupid clean  thing stuck all right so let's see here uh what   else can we do here to upgrade our place i want to  see that part of it and this is oh wait one second he's not gonna okay nothing's gonna blow up  good just saw someone run by just wait for   the explosion we do have a guard though i just  remember that too very very important all right   let's go back over here and see what else we  can do apps skin case cryptocurrency and stuff   i don't know if we have any crypto do we i guess  you can buy and gamble as you go through this   yeah you can buy and see whether or not you  make some let's see if we buy this right we have to wait to see if this goes up  or not that's a little bit whoa okay   everybody's happy guards keeping everybody in  check appreciate it i guess we got to wait for the   crypto to kind of move around a bit yeah approve  and i have the virus scan going still here's to   can it's still in progress once it finishes you'll  clean up all the viruses actually it's deleting   right now that's great so that to clean those up  you do have to run that and until you can afford   to fifty dollars a day where it cleans up all  your computers uh which i guess you know what   it's gonna be five days for 50 bucks let's just do  it very expensive uh but it is a corporate license   i guess and maybe they'll remove the issues right  there uh i'm peeing in my pants i just gross i   might need to mop that area you see i can extend  the room right here you can also buy a kitchen   for one thousand four hundred dollars i don't know  how we make money off that i guess we sell food   but they they're all asking for toilets right  right here one thousand three hundred but i   guess i have to lock these to get there and to  get to the bathroom okay so that's good to know   you might want to keep that in mind as  we're going through this it is night time   and i don't know if i'm gonna make enough  money right now people will invest in   it wait another guy's showing up let's  see if we can make a bit more coin here   off these two these guys want three hours the  other guy's a little did so he's gonna walk out   and pay me out some good coin if he does pay  of course that guy is so sus it's unplayable all right i should have to worry about this bat  because i have that guard there he's there for 24   7 right yeah he's just sitting there man look at  how people pay now everybody's big thank you for   194 bucks appreciate it what are you doing check  out youtube videos it looks kind of nice yeah   gonna go travel there yeah how much to talk are  you all right maybe we'll just increase this to   see what it looks like we have the money anyways  miles will make it happen let's open this up   and go into again where the hell was i i  was in this one let's build the kitchen as   shits and giggles all right now we can  buy the urinal we just need more money   with 300 bucks can i hire somebody for that i  think i could to make food it's oh there we go you gotta unlock all these [ __ ] lock lock lock  you need a vending machine vending machine okay   so you need a vending machine too employees  and higher i just need a little more money   just a tiny bit more money proof oh sorry dude are you way all this  time i'm so freaking sorry busy expanding   the business of thank you for paying  for that not going to hire the girl   who's going to serve my what  if we make money off her as extra takes orders okay do i need a chef  for that though oh [ __ ] somebody just left   okay so i need a bouncer too   so that guy's just for explosions just  jesus son of a thieving good job there buddy i need a chef too don't i a bouncer and a mascot and a chef okay prepare  is great meals for customers in the kitchen   my god so can afford these guys just do it  it's not gonna happen we even have a mascot   what the hell is that smart scan completed  successfully okay the scan is going on now   can i get something to eat all right you  got do you guys want something tweets don't don't run don't run sorry dude yeah thanks again for nothing did not get the mic he had no money at all oh  oh you didn't shoot the dog did you no okay dude that was you just earned your keep you just  earned your keep all right well hopefully these   people will be useful and make us some money and  as you can see you can increase and grow with the   business as much as you possibly can so lots of  fun to be done in this game and again if you wanna   pick up for yourself just link in the description  field obviously very kooky and stuff i guess a   bathroom goes in here somewhere that's the reason  why it opens up over there and there and we can   constantly kind of take a mascot and other  things in here too i guess as higher as potential   customers brings it up we also were skill sets  which we didn't really check we're still open by   the way there's no one's showing up it might be a  little later it should be physicality there we go so this all the same here let's open this up here  oh you can move up your punches and stuff or we   can go cafe wise and earn ourselves some tick box  money people will leave some cash and here you   go a little smile will go a long way i think that  smile will go a long way scarface thanks for your   number of customers running away without  paying is reduced oh 110 damn they call me ugly   damn dude that's rough but yeah i  can constantly like i said upgrade   our points and stuff hopefully we'll fix  the lighting issue what happened there did you hear that what happened was that about oh the guy there what's that  back your head dude valve   i don't know why the cop is doing  that maybe because i'm holding a   baseball bat while i'm walking around  it's very possible too all right great   another uh horn thing going on over here what  the hell happened here i don't know what happened what a shitty place thumbs up what the freak   all right well we'll prove that i'm not sure why  we're getting something but uh it's good at least   there was some protection and stuff will keep the  explosions to obey what the frick is going on here oh you're leaving a little  [ __ ] you're leaving okay   okay what did i say about that [ __ ] huh  johnny i'm sorry gonna have to beat your ass that's right maybe if i beat somebody i guess   this week to watch out for make sure  they don't get in trouble and do that   but yeah i think we did a pretty good job i'm not  sure if these people are useful at all they don't   pick up stuff um yeah i guess we have a little  more customers maybe we'll draw in more customers   see because you can come here and eat but you  can't poop and pee which is kind of odd right   i mean let's go i have to do something about that  too unless yeah we can give them some more time   but very cool so thank you all for being here  really appreciate if you guys are enjoying this   so please take time hit the like button if you  want to see more of it too i'd love to hear back   in the conference you guys are the best this is  game edge i'll catch you guys on the flip side

2022-01-11 01:26

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