Hey. Everybody, Jeanne. Ginsberg, here, I'm going. To give, number. One, be. Like a minute or so who, might have more people joining probably, have more people joining so thanks. Everybody for being, on, the webinar today I'm very excited, and we're going to get started and maybe, about 30 to 60 seconds. So thanks. And, looking. Forward to getting this rolling. Great. We have more people joining so this. Is how to grow your high-tech. Business with branding, content and storytelling, and we're, gonna get started just in about 30, seconds, or so just want to give a few. More people an opportunity to join live and, yeah. Very excited for everybody to be here. All right well we're about two minutes in so I think I'll get started thanks. Everybody for joining me I'm gene Ginsberg, digital, marketing expert number, one best-selling author, and this is how to grow your high-tech, business with. Brand neke branding. Content and, storytelling. And I'm, going to go through a presentation. Today it talks all about those. Things, and I'm going to show some examples from. From. My clients, and high-tech companies out there that I think make. Good examples, for content. And branding and storytelling, so. And of course if you have any questions, while you're on. The webinar please feel free to put them in, the chat box and I, will get to them at the end we should have about 5. To 10 minutes at the end for any questions, so, absolutely, please be, sure to put, those in there during. The presentation, and at the end I will get, through to the questions and answer. Any questions that you guys have, so. Thanks. Again for. Joining me. Oh. How. To grow your high-tech, business with branding, content and. Storytelling. And, a. Little bit about me, looks. Like that image might not be showing up. So. There. Doesn't. Look on the left-hand side so, a little bit about me so I am a digital marketing expert I'm. Also a number one best-selling, author, of the book with new customers, how to attract, connect. And convert, more prospects. Into customers in, 60, days using digital marketing, strategies, I am. A founder, of a couple of companies the, judge in ball digital marketing and Jean Ginsburg calm in both of those companies. We help entrepreneurs and. Small to mid-sized businesses, find new customers using, digital marketing, strategies so, I've. Been doing this for a long, time in. The digital marketing space that is I feel a long time it's, only been around for like less than 20 years probably, so, I've been doing this for 11 years, and the last five years I've been on my own as as. I founded my two companies, and I. Also have a YouTube channel which, you. Can just find my. Name if you google if you go to youtube and put my name in there you can find that there's a lot of. Videos. On content. About entrepreneurship, and digital, marketing I'll actually talk, about that at the end and, then just, a little bit about me from a personal perspective I'm, a lifelong learner I love, books and. Audio, books on time I go. Through podcasts, and digital courses on a regular basis and I feel I could become. I've become a much better entrepreneur. Much, better leader going. Through books and audio books and courses. And podcast, I'm also very outdoorsy, I love trail running and snowboarding, and cycling so, that's just a little quick tidbit. About me so. I've, been featured in a few places. Forbes.com. Huffington. Post, I'm, also a contributing writer for a couple, of publications. MX, open form survive, global, and authority, magazine, if you look for those you'll. Find me and you can follow of course me on any of those publications. I've. Also been a podcast. And radio show, guests, and a few, spots. So, again. Feel free to check those out if you want to learn. A little bit more about me and my business. Great. So. I just, also wanted to share some digital marketing results that, I have done. In the past with my clients.
So. For a Google, AdWords campaign, that I ran for one of my clients got an ROI of seven. Hundred and forty two percent so we spent about fifteen, hundred dollars and, our sales were about thirteen, thousand dollars so, really. Good ROI and my campaigns kind of give you an idea you, know what I do on a regular basis, and some results, that I've that. I've had with my clients, and, then for Facebook Ads we, I ran, a campaign for one of my clients and we had a cost, per registration, so that the cost per lead for of a dollar forty which is, from. A benchmarking, perspective, very good in terms, of Facebook advertising so, just want to kind of give you some results, that I've done in the past, so. Moving. On to the presentation so you're definitely the right place I know you want to learn about how to grow your high-tech. Business with, content, and branding and storytelling, so we're, going to talk about all, of that today and. The. First thing that I want to talk about is it's going to be the agenda, so first, part is going to be all about the branding, piece so we're going to talk about branding. And messaging we're. Going to talk about core, values and core focus. How. To find, your brand story and then what differentiates, you in the market for. Our second, part we're going to talk about who, is your ideal target market, so before we can really grow our business we have to understand. Who are we trying to market to I feel. A lot of times when. I engage with a client this, is the ideal target market is almost like a second. Thought where it should be really your primary thoughts when it comes to owning a business. So, we're going to talk about that, then we're gonna talk about content, strategy so growing, your business and how. To create, content what is the best type of content out there and we're going to get into the growth piece, which, is growing your business and we're talking about social media and we're going to talk and again I'm going to give you an example of, an email marketing, automation campaign. Which. Is specifically, a SAS product, that, that, I've. Been working with and I think it gives a really good presentation of, what if, you're if you're a business, owner and if you're in the SAS space. Or the high tech space I think, it's a really good representation. Of what an. Email, campaign should look like and, kind, of a communication, strategy that, this company is using so that. Is the agenda so. The, first part is going to be company, branding, so we're going to talk more, about. What. That looks like with, a brand. Why. It's why it's important to have a brand so really. The primary reason and you want to, put. Your name out there and have people recognize it so as we all know you know big brands out there like Nike, and uber they all have logos they all have certain. Core values, they all have certain, things that they stand behind so, this. Applies to all businesses, whether you're a solopreneur or, an uber, every. Business should have branding. That's specific to their business that that embodies, their core values that embodies. Their. Their. Branding. Guidelines it, could be the other colors. On your website it could be the fonts on your website or. Any of your marketing material, so it's important, to have that no matter if you're a small, business or a, triumphant. Llamaron so the, first step really is, identifying. What your core values are, and, core. Values are, three, to seven points, that. Embody. Or really. Tell, what your what. Your business is all about they attract, like-minded people, to your organization, that, could be customers, clients employees, so, it works, on both sides, and of. Course you want to share this with your team and your company when, to develop those core values a lot. Of times I see core, values being created kind of as an afterthought, if. You're just getting started in your business or if you already have a developing, business I would, you know very highly recommend, looking in course core values and creating those for your own business, so, some examples of core values, for. Example client. In need. First complete. Walk experience. Action-oriented. No, jerks open and honest so there's just some that I found from, different companies out there but. I also wanted to share my company core values because. For. Me you know I didn't really when, I started my business I didn't really know too much about core. Values or how to really run a business it was really much of a learning experience, as I as I, grew, my business over a period of time I, really develop these core values just.
Recently In the past year but again, I would highly recommend creating. Those core values, right. Now if you're just getting started, so, micro our company core values are people first entrepreneur. Empower entrepreneurs, solving. Problems quickly being. Proactive cutting, edge technology. Staying, with text changes, and trends and embracing. Change so whenever, I engage with a new client or hire. A new employee these. Are core values that I share. With them all the time and because. I want to try to the, right type of individual. With, the right kind, of culture for. My organization. So I think core, values are really, going to be the key driver. Behind. Everything. That comes when it comes to your company. The. Other point of branding, was going to be your core focus, so what is your purpose your cause and, your, passion, and I'm. Going to show some examples, of that and, also your niche so you. Know we, think, of the business world as a big, space but we're really in order to get down to the right individual. The right customer, we really need to niche it down to a specific, thing that we're working on so for example for me my niche is. Companies. That. Have a certain revenue. Amount, of they're generating, SAS, companies, so specifically, you niching, down to especially, for a certain type of company, that I want to work with for example and. Some. Some, so, core focus in niche so really, the main points, here are don't, get distracted and don't, have shiny object, syndrome so, I see. Shiny object, syndrome pretty, often when, it comes to clients, especially when it comes to digital marketing because there, are so many things to do in digital marketing, and. A lot of times it's like oh do I need to do. This digital course or do I need to sign it or, maybe, do this email marketing campaign so a. Lot of times that happens but really, needs to stay focused which, is why we want, to make sure that we have a core focus when it comes to our business so, examples, of core focus of niche just I found a few when, I was looking around and, from, a different companies so creating, a write program, with the right coverage, for the right clients, simplifying. Companies, printing, environment. And. Solving. Complex real estate problems, so. These are just examples of, core focuses. For different, companies that I found that I think are really good examples because. Again. We want to make sure that where we. Have you know a product or a certain, area of expertise, for example of mind would be like digital marketing and that we will we stay with that and. Don't you know look at shiny objects, out there because that could really be. Detrimental to our business a lot of times when, there's too many things going on too much on your plate that can, cause other things that you're focusing on to falter so that's. Why it's important to stay. Focused and, then, the next piece of the branding, is going to be what is your brand story so. A. Lot. Of the companies that I work with he'll. They've gone through their core values they've. Gone through what. Their core focus, bitches and then we talk about their. Brand story so where, do they come from where, why, did they create this business what was really the why behind it, and we. Achieve and we really, understand. And remember things, a lot better when it comes to, telling. A story so we really in remember, things through, storytelling versus through let's say facts or things like that so it's, important to share your brand story in your marketing materials in your website. On, your social media when. It comes to your business and I.
Just Want to share some examples of brand, stories, out there so this is one for uber and, so. Their brand story is uber said, it's. Evolving, the way the world moves by. Seamlessly, connecting riders to drivers, through our apps we make cities. More, accessible. Opening. Up more possibilities to riders and more, businesses, more business, for drivers so this, is an example of the brand story from uber, and. Kind of what they do is more like a core statement, or a mission. Statement for them but. Really digging, a little bit deeper. Into. What your core we are mission, what your brand story is and, this is an example of, what. A my client so I found. This on their website admitting this is a great way to share, your brand story so the. Founder, of the company on the name of the company is raw artists, and they create these pop-up. Artists. Booths. Or artists like festivals, in. Different cities they do it in like 60, different cities I know, that's not necessarily, tech related but it's a good it's a good example of a brand story so if, you see on the slide the. Founder goes into, you know how she graduated, from, high school and, moved to Los Angeles and. She wanted to be a fashion designer, and how, she created. This, company and how it grew so I think it's just a really, good example of, what a, good brand story is like. And how to incorporate, that into your business and. Then, we're going to talk about branding. We're gonna talk about company messaging, so. The. First point, is what really differentiates you in the market so if, you look at your competitors what. Are they doing and how, are you different. Them and the. Differentiators, could be a number of different things, so for example it could be of, course your core values so that's the differentiator, because we. All have different experiences with founders, of our companies so, our. Core values really is going to be part, of what differentiated, differentiates. Us in the marketplace but, other things could be focus on a superior, customer service. It, could be solving, a specific problem in. Our and our in the industry, being. Innovative, so maybe creating, products, or services, that are not. Like others, in the marketplace, so definitely, a big differentiator, there. May. Be creating, offers that are too hard to ignore so. You. Know having, just points, that are extremely. Differentiating. You as a as a business or, being, unknown, as an expert in your field or making. It easy to do business with you so, just think about these things I don't know that a lot of times that it can be hard to think about what differentiates, you in a marketplace. But. Be creative you know I'd say start with your core values if you have. To think about different traders because. That's really going to be the first thing that drives is like everybody's. Company's going to have different core values like that's the one thing that differentiates, I think is a good starting point for different shaders because, no, company is going to have the exact same core values there might be some overlap but, there's, many things that we value as people, as founders, of companies that are going to be different so think.
About That and be, creative when it comes to you, know what differentiates, you in the market place. And then the last piece of my. Branding. Is going to be your brand slogan so, brand. Slogan of course is a catchphrase or a small group of words that, identify the product, or company and of course we've seen a lot of those if, you see the examples, in the right-hand side so it's, kind of like a mini mission statement, it has to be memorable and differentiates. A brand. From. Other competitors, versus, a brand not brand and, then, it offers positive. Feelings about the brand so. Examples. That of course we all see in the marketplace Nike, just do it Apple think different the beer is a diamond, is forever Dunkin. Donuts America runs on Dunkin general. Electric imagination, work so, when. You're creating your brand-new we're company so you. Know besides all the things we just talked about like your, core values or core focus, what. Differentiates, you in the marketplace you'll think about a. Catchphrase. Or a group, of words that would differentiate, you even more as part. Of your brand Krogan. So. That. Was the branding piece and. Then the next step on the agenda is going, to be identifying. Your ideal target market, and. As a working. Expert and someone who's worked with hundreds, if not thousands, of different companies, at this point and helping. Them with digital marketing. One. Of the mistakes I see and. I think I'm kind of alluded to it earlier is that a lot of times companies don't really know who they're marketing, to they. Want to really get started on the digital side, of things you know social, media and running. Facebook ads or whatever but when. I ask them like who are we trying to target. You know I get, I get blank stares sometimes, and that's, extremely important. To know who. You're marketing to because, the phrase, is if, you are marketing to everybody that you're marketing to nobody so really. Niching, down and, understanding, your target market, is going to be a key component of how you're going to create your branding, strategy, how, are you going to create your content, strategy, and then how you're going to disseminate, that content strategy, and content. Across, those media and other platforms and digital marketing, because. Different. Types of people will, want different messaging, that's thrown at them and. Certain. People will not necessarily respond. To you, know for certain kinds of messaging so it's important to really, hone in on that so that we're, getting to, the right niche of individuals. So. I, have, kind, of a three pronged approach when, it comes to finding, your ideal target market, so, the, first one is a demographic, so it's, a good way to narrow our market, down, with. Age gender, geolocation. And, how to link them so for, example maybe you're going after women between the ages of 35, and 55, in. A certain location maybe, in the United States or maybe you're just a local business and you're going after these women into your, local metro area or maybe just in a state, and. Also maybe perhaps you want to know their hustle income because this particular product may be for. Example more pricey, so, you know it's a certain type of hustling. Goal that will probably be more likely to purchase it so narrowing. It down I think is the, first good step but it's not really the only stuff a lot of times when.
I Work. With clients that's really all they give me they're like ah you know I'm looking for women between the ages of 35 to 65 and, in. The United States and it's like that's about half of you know maybe a quarter of the population like, that, is not nearly, niche enough or not nearly as specific, enough as we want it to be so, that is the first step of narrowing. Things down and getting it down to maybe, let's say a quarter, of the population, so. The next step is going to be the psychographic. So what. Are their goals where, their pain points what are their challenges so this is really where it gets even more niche and we narrow the market, down even more so, you. Know women 50, 35, to 55, who, might have you. Know who might be mothers or maybes women, this, is 35, to 35 who might. Want. A new skincare product, so again, the moms might not be the same people as the women, who own the skincare product so it to think about what. What. Are the challenges, that they're having in their lives now what are their pain points and, also think about how does our service, or product address those, pain. Points so those. Are very important, to. Identify as, we're going through all, right your target market because we're, going to incorporate that and, I'm going to show you down, the line we're going to incorporate these pain points and challenges, in. Our marketing, copy and our contents, because, that's. Going to be driving. A lot of the, kinds of individuals. That we're going to be attracting, to our business because, we want to make sure that we're addressing those, one. That we're posting, on, social media, times through email through our, blog or whatever laughing. And. Then the third piece is where, are they hanging out so. What. So what. Are they doing on a regular basis, are they in Facebook are, they looking at videos on YouTube. Are they on Instagram, maybe maybe, there are a younger generation than, there are a snapchat, are. They going to specific, blogs or websites so, are they a runner and there, they're. Looking at runners. World or something like that and hanging out there all the time maybe, you have a product for runners or, are. They calling certain gurus or experts in the field so. You. Know for example in, myspace, there's a number. Of rooms in digital marketing and I follow, them and there's a lot of people who follow those gurus as well so it, was me because wants to know if they're experts in the field who, your. Target market is following because, when. We know who, they're going after or who, they're following we can try to identify that and find. Certain. Ways to get to that target market just. By understanding know, where, the hanging out what kind of blogs are they reading what websites are they going to what, expert are they following are. They sending certain events are. They going to. Digital. Marketing conferences, are they going to running. Clubs things like that so we, need to think about where. They're hanging out and. We. Would, complete. That all as part of our customer what we call a customer avatar profile. Or, a customer, record, market profile, because, we want to really identify again, not only like what is their age and gender and where their geolocation is, but, what are their challenges how, is our, product.
Or Service addressing, those challenges and, then, also were, they hanging out, were. They spending a lot of the time really would think about attention, you know when, it comes to a content, and marketing it's. Really all about attention-grabbing, because, you. Know perhaps maybe twenty twenty-five years ago the attention was maybe on newspapers, and television things. Have changed so 25, years later. The. Attention, now is on social media so we, need to get to these individuals, so all right your target market and get, to them wherever, their attention, is so, that's. Why it's important to understand where they're hanging out. So. The next point is going to be content. Development so we. Talked about branding, and what. That looks like for. Your company we've talked about how. To identify your ideal target market. And. Now we're. Ready to create some content, for. Our business, so that could be anything from you, know putting. Items. On your content. On your website. It could be social media, it could be email marketing, um I. Mean it could even be print although we're not going to get, into that pieces you know we're not going to get we. Had a magician, but there's many different places. Where, you can distribute, we're going to talk about that a little, bit later on the line. So. The. Content, development we, really want to think about like what, is the idea, behind it so we want to think about engaging, and nurturing, our prospect, you, know. As a business owner this, is I think about it as this, is for the long haul this is not a quick. Way to make money, you. Know being, entrepreneur, being a business owner it, is it's. Really for the long haul and it's really a long-term strategy, so, this, is going to be part of the strategy is engaging, in nurturing your prospect is not going to be necessarily. A lot of times a fast or quick sale and the reason for that is just because people. Have become really desensitized. To online marketing, where before maybe 10, years ago it was much easier to convert a user from let's say just an ad to a landing, page and they buy well. For. My experiences. From everything that I've seen the companies that I've worked with and clients that I've worked with it's. Much, more. Difficult. To do that now and it, really requires, a lot more content. And engaging and nurturing, a prospect, before converting.
Them Into paying customers. So. We. Talked about branding, so we want when we want to do all of the points that we've talked about is, we want to incorporate. That into our content, now there's. Going to be different ways of incorporating it, but. We want to of course take, our core values talk about our messaging, and our ideal target market their pain points and their challenges, and incorporate. That into. Intent, strategy because, again. We're going to be attracting, a certain type of individual, a certain. Type of audience, who. Might be interested in partnering, with us and engaging, with us further, so. Great content, to address challenges and pain points, and then of course add, in your, kind. Of what differentiates, you in the marketplace adding your core values add. In your your, branding, and in your messaging, so, the, zero goby component, of. Creating a content, strategy and. Then, really, the main point that I want to address, and I want to talk, about is adding value, like, I said it's much harder to convert people now to from. Prospects, to buyers and, you know we'll say within one step it, really takes a lot of touch points so. For, example. Users. Who, might engage with you on social media maybe they'll get an email from you maybe. They'll be, an, ad from you on Facebook so, these. Are multiple. Touch points that you're going to have. As a business owner when it comes to engaging with, your audiences, so really, adding value is, going. To be a key component of, it because, you want to you. Know share, your, expertise, and give, them some information or a value, upfront before you even ask for the sale just. Because as we know it's much harder to grab this to get the sale if we, ask for it right away because nobody really wants to be sold to people, want to see that you're adding value and then engage, with you further down the line. And. What, are the types of content out there, video. Audio, so. Podcasts. For example blog. Post articles, case studies white papers. There. Are a ton, of types of different content my. Recommendation. Would be to, to. Really hone, in on video and the, reason for that is, she's. A bit of presentation, yesterday specifically. About video and stats for video are just astronomical I, mean the gross home video on social media, the. Growth of video in general and online marketing, is. Just, amazing. These days so, honing. In on videos, creating. A story. About, your brand, addressing. Challenges pain, points for your customers, clients. And, adding, value is really, much. Easier way to do that with with, video because, you. Can do that in a short video let's say three to five minutes if you're pulling across get your message across and. Not. Have to write a write a long blog post or, a long case study although I still think that those are important. And I think that they are valuable. In certain, parts of let's say your sales, funnel but, starting. Off with video I think is a great way to get, the connection between. You. And your target, audience. Podcasts. Are audio I find. That to be very successful as well again. You're adding value and, if you're maybe you're not so comfortable on video this is a good way to. To. Create content, and to put out there to your audience's, blog. Posts I still I still think they work and. There's a good way you know - especially. If there's good SEO on them and you, you know you put it out there on your website and people, are searching for a specific topic I would say again getting really specific on a topic, is going to be the best way to get discovered, by you, know if you have blog posts on your site just. Because if it's, cheap it's kind of generic it, might get lost. In the shuffle and then, if you're a high, tech or a SAS company, for example your articles case studies white papers those are very helpful as well, especially. Things, like case studies where you want to share, you. Know an experience. Or results to look slightly, worked, with if. You have a high tech business so I think. Incorporating. That into a. Strategy. Of content, a strategy, of touch points with. Your audiences, is really the way the. Way to go and. Then just as a side note there. Is the strategy that I use with me and for my own business and for my clients on on how, to easily. Create content. And repurpose. It without, having to do. This all at do. This all like you know piecemeal, so, the, the recommendation, that I have is that you, would create a video so the video might be let's say 3 to 5 minutes of them piece, of content. Maybe. Some sort of you know value-add. That, you can offer to your, audiences. Then, you can what you can do is you can download it as an mp3 file so you can create, an audio file out of it and put, it up on your podcast, or, on an, audio experience, for example if you have one and if you don't you can always easily, create, one and, then what you do with the video is you can get, a transcribed.
So. Just the words transcribed, and there's platforms. Out there like rev com I don't, get any commissions off of procom, just, a platform that I use. It's, one dollar a minute and somebody will transcribe your video, or, your audio for you and you can use, that as the base for trading a blog post so basically. Taking the, entire you know taking one piece of content and repurposing, it for many different ways you. Can they also take lipids of the blogpost you would have to like you know go in and edit because, it's probably not going to be a hundred percent but you, can you know take the transcription, edit it into a blog post. Take. Some pieces of the blog coats like snippets put it on your social media take. The battery of your video and put it on your social media as well so, there's, many different ways of, how. Taking one video and repurposing, it for a number of ways I beneficial. Strategy. For creating multiple, types of content from just one piece, so. That, is content. And one of the things that, I always always, tell, everybody. When, I engage with the business, is be, consistent so, be consistent of course with your branding, when it comes to your content, but, also be consistent, with how, often you post your content so if you, post once. Week to social media your, Facebook page then continue. On doing that what, if you haven't a lot is you know you know I might engage for the business and they're, like yep, read good content, going and, then they start posting blog. Posts, and videos and then and then, think fall off after a couple of months so it's, important, to stay consistent with. Your content. Wherever you're distributing, it if you have a podcast and, you have an episode that comes out every week then, make sure it comes out every week at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday or whatever it might be if, you have a video channel, or a vlog, then. Make sure that comes out again, week on you, know 2 p.m. on Wednesday or whatever it might be so please, be, sure to stay consistent one of the ways I've. Recommended. One, of the ways I do it in my business and one of the ways I recommend to clients is, to, have a Content calendar so, I know, they can be hard to stay. On top of everything so creating. Just an easy spreadsheet, I use a Google, sheets with my team and I. Create a Content calendar and specific dates, for, every time my, team posts social, media to, content. To my social media channels so. That. Would be that. Would be my recommendation to, stay on top of things that. Content. And posting. Doesn't fall off after a month or two. And. I. Have, some examples of high tech companies that have. Done a very good job when, it comes to creating content and distributing. It through. Through. Let's say social media or blogs or video so the. First one is an example of buffer, and this, is a an, example of their blog so, they buffer, is a platform. For creating, for, creating, a social media calendar basically, and, uploading. Your, social. Media content distributing, it across all your social media channel so it's, just a schedule or basically for all your social media if, you're not familiar with buffer so, this is IO, they create a lot of content so how to create engaging short, videos for social media a simple, six step framework for, running social media experiment, so, really. Good examples, of how to use blogs. Blog. Articles, of content. Here's.
One For social, media it's an Instagram, account from, Microsoft. For their high. Tech company, so this, is one, is featuring a specific, business, so. I think that said they're doing a really good job of just not counting. Their own name but we're. Talking about businesses that use Microsoft. Of course and. This. One is an example of HootSuite so, who's similar. To buffer they allow. You to post, media. Content. To and schedule it for social media channel so this is actually, a video example I can't, play the video but if you who if you go to youtube and find it it's, called the game of social, Thrones it's a really cool short video so we've been in and a half it's. Always really funny but, basically it like talked, about it's, just there's no voice it's just a like. A music video, and, it's gotten, like Game of Thrones meet social, media so it's a really fun video you. Have a minute and a half to spare I'll definitely recommend taking, a look at it's called a game of social, throne. So. Um, this. Is the last part social media, and. Email. Marketing, is going to be the last part too but, basically gross, this is the last part so we talked about branding, and talk, about your ideal target market, how to find them we talked about creating a content. Strategy and, develop. L developing. Content for your business taking. Into consideration everything. That you feel done for let's say your, branding your core values and your, ideal, target market so now okay you've created some content, you maybe created videos or blog posts so what. Do we do now so we distribute it across social. Media channel to. Get it discovered, by other individuals. Who might be interested in what we have to say might be interested in our messaging. So. Why social, media so. Right now there. Are over two billion users on Facebook and. And. In the United States we have about 240, million users, as a -, from statisti. Com. So. About. I'd, say 5/6. Of our US. Population so that's there's, about 300 million people 240. Emily about 5 6 the population, or sofa that's right so think. About how many users are engaging, with social, media, on. A regular basis so 240. Million users in the, US alone. About. Half of the population in, the United States is on Instagram so think, about a 300 million people. In the United States about half of them are using. Instagram, on a regular basis so again, going back to what I mentioned earlier like attention. Where are people, attention. And yet another stat that I found, recently, is, that on average 20, people, spend 20 minutes on social media day I probably, use, it a little bit more just because I'm in the business but in. General, a person. Who is, maybe not in digital marketing just a lay man if you will is spending, you know 20, minutes a day on social media so where are people's attentions, they're definitely on social media and.
Then. A quote, from one of my favorite gurus so I follow Gary Vaynerchuk and if, you are not a Gary Vaynerchuk fan, if you don't know who he is I would highly recommend. Following. Him on all social, media channels, he's pretty much done every thing in every social media channel so the next 12 to 18 months will be all about Facebook. And Instagram so. When. Gary Vaynerchuk speaks. I I definitely listen, he. Has predicted, many many. Good things for digital. Marketing and has been right about it so I. Totally. Agree with him the next 12 to 18 months will be all about please. Look at Instagram we'll. See what happens after that but. You, know there might be a new platform after that there might be a decline in certain, platforms, but for now it's, definitely those. Are very strong platforms. So. Some examples, of how, to distribute your content of course you can distribute, it organically, just by posting it to your let's say your personal, account, or your Facebook. Your. Facebook. Business page, but additionally, you can also run Facebook, ads and here are some examples, not necessarily example, to high tech companies but a Facebook, ad is the same for, a high tech company as, it is for a. Consumer, company for example or. A, consumer. Product company the. Only thing that's really going to change is going to be your messaging, and would say your copy in your image but, how. To set up a Facebook ad it's going to be just across the board but some. Examples, of some. Facebook ads that I've seen that I think are good examples. And kind. Of give you a quick. Breakdown of what. A Facebook. Ad looks like so, of course you have your page, at the top this is the this, is a page or the business or the brand sponsoring, this, particular ad. And. Below that you have, this, is the copy that we talked about earlier so, information. About your brand your messaging, you are values, and then pain. Points and frustrations, and how, your product, and service address into those there's. An image component or visual component, I recommend, really highly, using video so. You, can use now video as an ad unit within, Facebook and, the same thing with Instagram we'll get into that shortly. These, are all using images but I would highly recommend using. Video. And, again, adding, value creating. A piece of content that would be valuable. To your audiences, and then, having. A call to action so in, the trap nouns that learn more to, sign up so, making. Sure that people, know when they see it what. You're asking them to do and following, to on that call to action and. Then for Instagram, kind. Of similar ad. Structure. There's no headlines, in, Instagram, it's just images. Video and copy. And of course hash tag so, again. These are all really important components, of our face of an interest Instagram ad and of course hashtags. That's. Really the way now, to be. O beside stories to get discoverable, on is. To become discoverable, on Instagram. Is to use hashtags in, your ads or in your organic. Post and. Making sure that you're using a, good like. Decent good, number of hashtags that are relevant to, your post. And so it takes your industry, so that's. The best way to get discovered to. Get your conten discovered on an. Instagram, or also, those additionally, Instagram stories which is more of a couple. Years old and. Posting, to Instagram stories. But, yeah I use hashtags, all the time when it comes to to, Instagram, and the way it works is that you can as a, user you can follow a certain hashtag, so let's, say I follow the hashtag you know digital marketing or social, media but. Any time somebody puts, that as a hashtag, adds it to their post then, I would, be able to see it because I'm following the specific, hashtag so that. Is an. Instagram. Ad and that's, social. Media so. Another, example I'm, going to share just, marketing, and, automation. So. What, is email marketing on marketing automation with, a message, to communicate with prospects, or kosterow.
Prospects. There's, usually. Some sort of sequence, that I put together or, a business, will put together for. Nurturing. And then we talked about during or earlier so welcome, message. Learn more about your brand brand, story core values by sitting again all the information we talked about earlier would, go into this so, there's a method to the madness and, I, sending, them from being let's say a prospect. To a paying customer and, then if they're already a customer than maybe, using. Email marketing to send them updates about products events programs. And. Including any upsells, so. If you have a certain product you can upsell them to a different products a complementary. Product or. Maybe just a higher upgrade. In terms of services, or. Functionalities. And. I wanted to share an example. Specifically. To a SAS company, that. I think is a really good example when it comes to. And. Yet, to an email marketing campaign so this is a company called batter mark and they are. There. Is basically, a database of. Businesses. And startup. So, that if you sign up to be a mater mark user you can find all these data points on startups, like you. Know where they located when was it a lot funding. Around things. Like that how many employees do they have so if you're you. Know you're trying to find new, prospects, is a good matter mark is a good way to do that so. So. This is just a series of email doesn't matter mark has put together for nurturing. Their. Prospects. They offer a free trial for, 14, days so, to give you all of this content, upfront. Excuse. Me so, when you sign up to be a trial number they're trying to upgrade you to be a paying customer, so mater mark is not you, know it's not expensive, but it's not inexpensive either, so there's definitely going to be more of a longer, nurture, sequence, there, because. Typically. With SAS products, products. More, expensive. Sales. Like one more, of a nurturer. C nurture. Process. Because users. Need to learn more about what. Company. Is all about in what their functionality, so this is just the first welcome, you no matter. Markey no after. User signs up for a trial so. Another. Email next email was about just finding opportunity, automating. Your press. More. Content. And. How best to add spanner box, and. Then third. Email was a video, so how to use matter marks are smarter prospecting, it's a thirty, minute, video. The, talk basically. Goes into matter, mark into the dua and. Kind. Of gives you the. Concepts. And the points of. What to expect when you're using it so I. Think. This is a really straight you will get the message across so, that way you know it's like if you're kind, of using, the product itself you can see through the video on how you know what, are the data, points within. Email. Was up only, with matter market to know your mind share growth score so they have a couple of, data. Points called, mind share and growth scores that are specific, to matter mark so, okay. Give do I, rolled up a few data points like how many employees do they have like. Has. A company added within. The last I know six months or something and they roll. It up into these data points kind of gives you a benchmark, on how. A company, is doing based on growth scores, and find, share and, then. Another. Email this. Is not one of the last ones but this is I think number five, best. Of matter mark suggested surgeons you need so they have pre-built.
Searches For you within matter mark, that. You can find but the, idea here is that this is a good example of a SAS product, that, nurtures. Trial. Users to become paying customers, and gives them just a. Boatload, of information and, content that they can go through and drips, it out over a period of time for. Users to understand, how to use their platform because, this is kind of a more, in-depth platform, you know a little bit more. Understanding. Because it's not just like you know a pair of shoes or a piano code it. Requires. A little bit more understanding. This is just there's more data points, and, charities and capabilities, so this, is a really good example of a SAS company, providing. Content, and nurturing. Their prospects, so. That, is. The. Presentation, how to grow. Your high-tech business with. Branding. Content and storytelling, we went through all of that in, the presentation we, talked about branding, we talked about how to create your content we, talked, about how to create a story and use, social media and digital marketing to get those that. Story across to, your audiences, so. I will take questions now of, course if you want to get in touch with me. Fuel, three on the. Right hand side you'll see all of my. Social. Media platforms, but. I use I'm very active on LinkedIn and Instagram. So you can find me there. Also. I have a YouTube channel that's. Filled. With continent videos that's, related to digital marketing and entrepreneurship, or you, can also find me on Facebook so. If you just put it my name in any of these platforms. You'll. Find me there. And. If you have any questions, please, feel free to ask you have a couple of questions, will these slides be available for, download later. They'll. Be available, through BrightTALK, so they'll. Definitely be available, through a video, the, video that we're just, recording. Now live and then, the other question was great, breadth of content discussed, how, would you change the focus when delivering a b2b service, rather than a b2c. Product, or service for, example Facebook and Instagram are not likely places at the target. Market is hanging out is LinkedIn, viable. As a smart, as a b2b, marketplace. I would actually not agree, with that I. Still. Have. Got really good results as of now with, b2b. And, using, Facebook, and Instagram I, think, one of the things we need to think about is that we're. Going after people and people, are on social media whether they are a b2b, or b2c they. Are still a person, so. Whether. A person, is part. Of an organization, or they're just a solo, individual, they're. Still probably hanging, out on social media so I. Have. Gotten very good results, with using Facebook, and Instagram for. B2b. Clients, I get, targeted, all the time by digital, marketing companies. Targeting. B2b entrepreneurs. And businesses, and. Selling me trying to sell me a bunch of stuff on Instagram so I see that all the time it's. Not I would not say that Facebook and Instagram are just b2c, in terms, of LinkedIn absolutely. I didn't, touch on LinkedIn in, this, particular. Absolutely. I would test it out everything. When it comes to digital marketing is going to be a test I in, terms of results that I've heard I haven't really used to instant to much with, my clients or my own business from, of things that I've heard you know they are links, and ads are kind of more, on the expensive side you know we're talking about acquisition. Costs of like 10 to 20 dollars starting, prices so, just something to keep in mind you'll. Find much. More, reasonably. Priced acquisition, prices when it comes to Facebook and Instagram so. Something, to keep in mind but I would you know I would recommend, testing, out LinkedIn, and seeing, if that works for your business everything. Again will be a test, so. Yeah. Everybody, thank you for joining me if. Nobody, has any questions, any, additional, question I appreciate, you being here I, hope you guys learned something today, and. Thank. You and have a great rest of the day.
2018-07-26 06:17