BOOK REVIEW: The God Business and the Death of Reason in Africa

BOOK REVIEW: The God Business and the Death of Reason in Africa

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sure welcome welcome to this show for tonight let us have a conversation um about things that affect us welcome to this show my name is katong Casa your host today and I should say I'll be alone today because of unforeseeable challenges my co-host Linda who is based in South Africa got a blackout there is no electricity in his heart part of residence for the last one week so South Africa is in a blackout so Linda can't be with us and last minute our guest from Chicago U.S third has got some uh hiccups some challenges he couldn't make it sadly tonight but to be with us in another weekend when we shall be able to communicate uh we thought that it's important not to let you down to go ahead with our show today because uh some of you were waiting for this show and we thought that it's important not to let you down to continue with it regardless of the technical challenges tonight we are going to have a discussion about a few things that affect us as human beings we shall look at the progress and progress of our societies but also we look at the role of our beliefs our belief systems and how they affect our economies and how we can move forward legalities of our beliefs or lack of beliefs and today I'll be uh talking about the book I wrote the book is called the god business and the death of Reason in Africa and we shall be having a discussion rotating on issues that I highlight in this book but also going deep and analyze what affects us as human beings tonight I would like to share with you just a few things from my own observation and there will be rotating around a religion around our beliefs around our practices and how they affect us and how they either help us develop or affect our development I want to look what the history of uh the regions we have today and basically I want to look at uh how where we Trace these religions how they come to be what they are uh I'll talk about Africa where I was born where I was raised and where I have made great observations over the years I want to say that Africa is predominantly a very religious continent and we all have different belief systems in some way or another one another we all have a background you know our families as being this or that we have non-believers we have also believers but also we have those who practice their worshiping who Still Believe In traditional religions but also took on the imported religions which are called the abrahamic religions now when you look at all these factors and look at our countries by country when you look at Uganda you discover that over 80 percent close to 90 percent of people in Uganda prefers to be religious and Uganda is taking as one of the most religious countries in the world when you look at Nigeria it goes under the same umbrella that people are highly highly religious and we look at all these other countries in Africa their Traditions their Christians they are Muslims there are some Buddhists of course given the immigrations and all that of course there are other peoples of different denominations that are in Africa and we would expect that since we are a very very very God-fearing their continent would be doing good would be doing good would be um having no walls would be very Progressive would be very productive would be um a continent full of love would be a continent full of productivity because uh ideally region tells us to do good but when you look into the practice these are the theory part of it you discover that the more religious people claim to be in many African countries the more corrupt the society is the more the more poor people are the more dictators petitions we see in the societies and the more unhappy these people are when you look at the um index that measure happiness in the world the happiness index if I can put it that way you'll discover that countries that are highly very privilegious basically have very depressed people very unhappy people and on the contrary you discover that country that don't even put religion and faith and lives on the Forefront of driving the economies have other people you can look at your statistics and check out especially Nordic countries you check out countries like ice around countries like Norway Netherlands Sweden Denmark they are ranked among the first uh 10 countries that have very happy people yet when we look at the composition of religious people in these countries people who spend all their lives or their days and night in churches you'll be surprised to see that basically the number of religious people in these countries is in decreasing and yet people are more productive and yet people are more loving yet the governments are more afraid of the people there's less corruption in these countries and in contrast when you look at countries that we see as being highly highly religious countries that promote this religion that have even National Mortals or slogans flaunting religion you discover that these countries are so much into war so much into uh poverty people many people in these countries are basically struggling to survive lots of corruption in these countries and the dead body also increases in terms of governments taking loans and all that all these African countries I can mention about starting with Uganda starting with uh Nigeria and others that are highly seen as a front in gold and being so religious people always in mosques churches shrines worshiping we are going to discover that basically the more they go to seek these gods or to pretend seeking these goals and being so holy the more they do wrong the more corruption we see in these countries uganda's motto is for good in my country but many of us haven't been comfortable in our countries we'll be talking about corruption torture imprisonment body governance and all sorts of evil committed by people and the government in a country whose mode is for good in my country when you look at countries like Nigeria we are still we see a god being fronted we said Vision between the North and the South where in the north it has been islamized we all know today that many many people have been killed by Boko Haram in Northern Nigeria and that Christians some questions have been attacked and killed including Deborah Summers was killed a few months ago by Islamic extremists simply because she dare to say you don't need to promote Islam or Islam at school if we have a discussion Let It Be secular so we see that the more we put religions at the Forefront of our activities the more we forgot our Humanity the more we focus on things that don't count that much and we forget to be human beings first so what we have been looking at is forgetting that we are all one people we are all good loving people and we can be good without God you can do good without religions we can do Simply Good without fronting our floods of religions of gods and all that Uganda as a case study is interesting that when a president is allocating ministerial positions after winning any election or changing a cabinet appointing ministers viewers here cries or people saying the uh Catholics haven't been given this position the Protestants have been left out the Muslims are supposed to get this ministry position and basically their positions we know in Uganda that have been ring fenced for certain religious groups for example we know that the vice president is generally picked from the Catholic Community because the president uh claims to be a Protestant then we know that the Muslims also have specific positions we normally see them uh featured in two and their sudden commissions where we know that for many years have been headed by people from a particular sect and are always complain if there could be any change in such an authority agency or Ministry so we see that we are getting divided alone religious uh grounds and it is detrimental for the cohesion for the unity of our society and the better we see this as a weapon that has been used to weaken us as a weapon that has been used to divide us as weapon that has been used to blind us blindfold us we forget tackling the real issue that affect us we begin fighting for things that don't matter that much the more we land behind as a people in Africa and as the people in the world and it's very important that as intellectuals of today we need to appreciate the histories of the religions we have today the histories of our own societies and how they had their own goals and spirituality and how they have were being affected in terms of development and politics and all that but also look at what happened when we took on the new religions and what changed with them how was Africa before Christianity for example how was Africa before Islam and how were these societies structured in their own beliefs we have been made to think that there are no religions in Africa there were no gods in Africa but basically when they brought Islam or when they brought Christianity that's when religion started and that's totally wrong because we appreciate the fact that there were regions in Africa there were hundreds and hundreds of gods in Africa and in many cases the Kings were treated as both divine and political the king would be seen as a medium but also as an Abita as a representative of the god and people had their own ways of beliefs but these belief systems did not did not did not separate people from one another did not create hatred you would be whatever I wanted to be you would worship whatever I wanted to worship but remain friendly with your neighbor did not break families apart because people simply knew their gods as gods for a purpose as gods for productivity as gods that could take them forward so when we look at the book The good business thank you Dennis for putting it on the screenshot and the death of Reason in Africa we look at things that have changed and how our mindsets have been affected by religion we ask ourselves where could we be if we loved one another without seeing each other in terms of your religion in terms of your belief where could we be if we treated each other as human beings not as Catholics not as Protestants not as Muslims where could we be if you worked in harmony without discrimination without fronting our beliefs without killing each other without hurting each other because it belong to different denominations we need to trace the origins of these religions and also know that they were brought to us for a purpose they are brought to us for purpose and that there is no Monopoly of knowing of righteousness when it comes to religion because all these goals they have brought all these gods that you worship today we we fight over today and not new they have been there they have been part of societies but today we see that they have been weaponized they have been politicized they have been commercialized that we can't do much without getting divided alongside religious divisions um I'm going to look through the book and I'm going to take you through one chapter which I give you a history of some of these religions and how they have affected our involvement as a people in Africa and what we need to do to wake up and do good and move forward uh chapter 16 of the book you see on the screen then you can put back the title uh yeah um foreign talks about a few things that I wanted to share with you and I say in that chapter chapter 16 of the book I title it as religion as a tool of a tool for Mentor as slavery and I say that the sun may appear to be the same size with the Moon when looked at from the Earth sky but the sun is 400 times bigger than the moon and 400 times further away from the Sun these are scientific phenomena and can't be merely explained by having faith and divine interventions religion gives you wishful thinking that God did it all and will never give you the ability to explain how he did it all that's the quotation I use to open that chapter if there are four anything that has if there is anything that has direct human relations in the world today it's religion you can able to enter into people's psych through religion you can easily make people turn against each other divide it would be United people make a brother kill another brother countries go to war societies get divided and everyone will be doing harm in the name of preserving their faith and being proud causing havoc I was citing the example of religious wars in Uganda for the first time when the missions came to Uganda or buganda because there was no Uganda until 1960. two for the first time when the Christians missionaries brought their religions in Uganda we saw religious wars in Uganda we saw brothers killing brothers over a religion that had been forced onto them so here I'm talking about brother killing a brother because they have been told that this one is version of religion is satanic and this one's version of religion is the best indeed it takes a reason for good people to turn into murderers uh terrorists racists homophobic arrogant myopic and dumb ass despite the level of Education they have attained now here I'll make a point to say that if you want to see a professor getting it wrong if you want to see a way educated the person getting it wrong give them the religion make them get intoxicated and you'll see the worst part of them you'll say people cannot reason we'll be talking about homophobia in Africa I've been part of the Crusade that campaigns against hate of people because of their nature because of the way they love because of the way they associate with others and the homophobes in many parts of Africa don't get it that actually people can be people and we don't need to help them because of the way they love each other because of the way they let with one another because of the way they want to associate with one another but you'll see people hating each other because a religious verse has told them to hate such people and they would go ahead to ask questions to dig scientific facts about the things they've been told to hate relationships at people's culture politics and economy the region defines a country's laws healthy Care Systems it determines if a country will have a sound welfare system or not we'll maintain breastmilows or not or will get involved in specific conflicts or not we have seen conflicts that are engineered by the region we have known the US going to Wars because it had a leadership that thought that their goal has been provoked we know that it was in the Middle East apart from being economic Wars they have been partly religious wars and we know that many wars fought in Africa today a particular engineered by religion also part of the Indian by economic concerns people fight each other because they believe that this worship a different God and therefore need to be exterminated so when you look at these factors that affect us will ask ourselves the question is it worth it and how do you go back on the right path and we say in this book the religion generally defines the people people's short term and long-term actions and it is responsible for the general welfare of the people within a given country and that's true and I said that when you look at Society is where people relatively more happier you'll find that people haven't been derived so much by focusing on what book XYZ says people are focusing on what good people good leaders are focusing on what makes people happy how to improve on people's lives not what the Quran says not what the Bible says not what the Torah says but they ask a question what do people want because in a sane government that is secular that promotes the wealthy of the people people come fast not good but the reverse is true for many countries in Africa where often God comes first and the result is war the result is corruption and the result is poverty and what very often I have asked these questions at their moments when we shut down our reasoning and instead trust or rather have faith in stuff you can you can't verify are there those moments when things we cannot prove we use Gods to justify them because when you look at how gods are being used today in many societies even Beyond Africa when something is very hard to explain people are going to promote an ideology are going to promote a thinking that it's good you did it while people cannot explain how people work biologically how things happen in terms of physics and chemistry once they are ignorant of the obvious science they don't know yet they always find a backup and that backup is into religions and gods so it has been long added by philosophers the religion is political and I've been saying that and I do say that in this very book um reading right now I'm reading chapter 16. it has been long added by philosophers that religion is political social and economic tool used to control humanity and that's true the argument I make in this book and the admit we have been making over the years is that religion is a political tool when the missionaries came bring religion in Africa they never came alone they came with the colonists they came with the impurities when they are reading our history back in the history class we used to say that the flag followed the cross because whenever the cross was planted that's the church put then there was a protectorate then there was an area occupied by the colonizer so religion and the goods have been used for hundreds of years as political tools so religion is a political tool and if you want to rule people if you want control people's mindset give them a God make them fear something they don't see so that you can be able to do whatever you want and this is what is happening in many countries today worldwide that a bad leader is going to pretend to be the most Godly is going to justify murder is going to justify War saying we are doing it for God yet as politicians are doing it for themselves but yet people obsessed with God are not going to be able to ask questions because they know you don't question God's will but many people are indoctrinated into religion at Birth and they spend their entire life depending religions which we are forced unto them consciously and consciously deliberately by a people who raise them up and that's the point I make in this book chapter 16 page 115 where I am right now that all of us in one way or another were indoctrinated into beliefs no one is born a Catholic no one is born a Muslim no one is born a Jehovah we are all born without any attachment and these external attachments are given to us by our parents but raises by the schools where you go to by the community we belong to so if I was born in China or Japan or India there's a high possibility that I would be a Buddhist or a hyundo because in these societies these are the goals they follow if I was born in Russia there is a high possibility that I will be orthodox because the setting in Russia is highly that if I was born in Jerusalem Israel there is a high possibility that I will be a Jew I will be into Judaism so the same applies if I was born in Saudi Arabia it is most likely that I'll be a Muslim because your geography determines your religious background now if you want to appreciate how religion is political how religion is societal setting how religion is economics as I'm going to be talking about that shortly look at the background of the religion it says yours if you claim to be a Christian in Africa I have to remind you that Christian is not part of you Islam is not part of you hasn't been part of your history it has been brought and taught to you talk to your grand grandparents today we we are going to host our comrade in the US I told Maya and we are going to talk about the history of religion in the U.S you would

have seen how religion was used on the plantations to keep slaves submissive how they were taught one thing that could benefit the plantation owners to be submissive because God wanted them that way we would see in the politics of religion on the plantations and how it affected slaves in the U.S and how today many many African Americans are Christians without realizing that the Christianity they follow was basically forced onto them to make them be what their owners wanted them to be the background in which you are raised the systems that are attached to that background defines how you live your life whether you're going to leave it free as the free thinker as a secular independent person oh whether you're going to spend your lives as a slave worshiping things you have no idea about so the point we are making here in this book is that Meridian is a tool for control of humanity and we are saying that many people are independent into religion at Birth causation and consciously and deliberately they arise to think that whatever they were told is the ultimate truth many people will talk about other conspiracy theories but we don't see religion as a conspiracy and there have been part of the point I've made that religion itself is more of a conspiracy how do you keep people in line how do you keep people submissive how do you keep people in a group think think the same way programming in the same way don't ask questions follow your directives make sure that they work towards what you want to achieve as a partition as a plantation owner as a business owner you program them you control them and to what end so that's how we look at the religion and we can't look at it as a tool used to control the human race when I talk about religion I include the African traditional regions and that is very important to note that African traditional religions are part of these religions that our ancestors also worshiped their own versions of religions and these religions were also used as a tool for Mass control people told to go and face a certain Mountain or go by a certain River and worship and call upon spirits and ancestors that they are going to help them and the rulers of the day tells them that the spirits have gotten onto the Lunas they have been chosen by the spirits to rule over them so we don't stop at the imported religions we also look at the African traditional religions they are not good at all they remain the same tools of Total Control and as I said teachers priests imams rabbits and all those authoritative people Usher us into religions that basically keep us into captivity into slavery into total control and what is worse is that you lose the control of your own destiny of your own lives in this book I go ahead to say in chapter 16 page 15 I just write this but I do not have any slightest wish to contain believers and that's true I do not condemn give us but another the religions the religious institutions that have promoted these religions through massive indoctrination which has created a mind prison for literally billions of people over the last 2000 he has so we don't condemn believers they are all mothers they are fathers there are brothers and sisters but we look at the consequences of the region itself and see how it has affected us and we say this is no good for us the world has over 4 200 known religions four thousand two hundred known religions today but what is mainly known and Christianity Hinduism Judaism and Islam which of course came uh from the same region of the Middle East or near Far East from perhaps seven thousand years ago now this is regardless of who invented them I clearly designed to imprison the mind and engulf the emotions with fear and guilt if fear going to hell if you want to go to heaven so you must keep worshiping a certain deity for your own Prosperity but also posterity because the the the the the the niche has been you don't do this you are going to hell so they create a hell for you they create a sense of fear that keeps you in constant fear that we fear that when you die people are always going to ask you where are you going to go when you die because they have been fed into thinking that there is an afterlife but a big God who looks over them is going to punish them when they are dead and basically science has proven that as anality when we are dead we are dead people have been made to think that they are going to live when they are dead they are going to burn in a certain Hill when they are dead so you live in fear the entire life and my point I must point out that religion is the greatest scam billions upon billions are falling for over thousands of years and will continue falling for the next one century or so if we don't awaken up our people if we don't see them for what they are now from the African perspective we can say that Africans who worshiped their own religions as I've said and they did believe in the Sun all of us appreciate the son all of us know how beautiful the sun is and how it helps us to stay alive so as we see it in the security setting of the Africans we see the belief in deities that included the earth water and the Sun what is unique in all other regions is their worship of the sun all religions when you look at them they are worshiping the Sun deaf promoting the sun worship even when Islam talks about the moon still goes back the Sun so this may sound news to many angry dance and viewers today but Christianity and Islam just like many other religions uh religions of fun worshipers sun worshipers and yet people in Africa have been stressing it they are also Sun worshipers people who worship the sun why the sun is very important Central in our lives but should we worship it today as our sisters worshiped it thousands of years ago hell no we need to know it's used to know how it came into existence and stop it at that we cannot continue worshiping the Sun but of course today Christianity and Islam still worship the Sun all ancient religions going back to Egyptians Phoenicians and Babylonians and Beyond worship the Sun because they understood it its true power as an amazing generator of electromagnetic energy which is affecting our lives and behavior every second of every day and as written early in this book the Africans believe that the melanin in them worked in harmony with a son so the point of making things which you may highlight is is that religions promote Sun worshiping religions promote the worshiping of the Sun so the sun is so important to human life that without it we would all be in trouble scientifically that's true cast of the Sun out and we're in trouble so the sun is the solar system and when it is wind changes we change as it determines our daily live group and this was very important in the aggregorian revolution that revolution of agriculture I appreciate this fan very much because the sun determined the well-being of the people so people looked up to the sun and the sun was believed to be in disguise so people simply worship the Sun and made all sorts of sacrifices including human sacrifices in honor of the Sun so we are looking at at religion and the history of religion as the promoter religions promoting the Sun the sun worship and now once the sun was fronted as people sacrificed to the sun they even went ahead and sacrificed human beings to the Sun now all Asian people worship the sun because apart from giving them Heat needed for data survival it ensures that it supported their crops as running them of an abundant Harvest exactly true the Sun gave people life the sun ensure that people have an abundant Harvest better Harvest better crops because if it rains and rains without stopping without the sun coming into play you're going to have trouble so Asian people were well knowledgeable and new they are finding season as well for example the Asians took their cycle of the zodiac and instead of the Cross to Mark The Four Seasons do not think that the calendars began today the ancients people took the cycle of the zodiac and inserted it inside the cross to Mark the Four Seasons they had four seasons they placed the Sun at the center of the Cross so the cross did not start with the Christians today the cruise has been there in ancient Africa and as I explained it here the Four Seasons separated by the cross to submit the first seasons and the sun coming into play when you look what the history we read from Kenneth so the sun was too crucial in the lives of the Ancients that they worshiped it and looked upon it for Providence the budget of the sun was put on December 25th and they worshiped the birthday of the son as a pagan festival and when the Christians took over the dead as the birthday of the God Jesus Christ until when so you can imagine that the date 25th December was a day to worship the Sun when look at ancient history decisions are divided into four a cross put in the center of the seasons and the dead celebrate the Sunday is the 25th of December as the birthday of the Sun and this was a pagan celebration but today Christians have been told that it's the same date on which they are savior was born and they are weary to separate from their loved ones to hate the others because they don't fall they are savior now all Festival days of questions are based on this ancient Pagan traditions it is considered Easter as an example about 25th March the sun enters astrological sign of Earth the lamp and this time the Asian people used to sacrifice Lambs because they believe this would appease the Gods the Lambs would appease the gods most notably the sun god to ensure abundant harvests the Asians worshiped so many other gods such as the moon God mountains rivers but it specifically had belief that when blood was powered human blood specifically or the blood of the Lamb all their sins would be forgiven and you would have bumper harvests those are Asian people in Africa those are Asian people in many parts of the world they are worshiping the sun before your question was invaded we shall talk about in another episode they're already worshiping the sun because they know the sun plays a pivotal role in their survival and to appease the sun they offer sacrifices the lamp the harvests they have made and sometimes they could go for the extreme of sacrificing human beings to appease the Sun so I got here to send this book that Christianity is a manufactured lie from the Publican traditions when you look at your history ask yourself before the coming of the Christians and their Christianity the Muslims and their Islam about 200 years ago where where people worshiping what were they worshiping what were they doing they had their own son worship they had their own deities they had their own sacrifices and then you bring in and improved version of what they were having and tell them this is better and what I've been doing is wrong so this is the programming we talk about when human beings are programmed as such a change into thinking and programmed to think into a different direction to benefit those who wrote them over kushante as such is a corrupted version of the Pagan traditions there are several accounts which correspond to the story of Jesus long before it was invaded by the Romans and their allies and as I say in this book that Jesus Christ story is an invention the Romans wake up and he invite something they conserved the Jews first so that they can rule them over and then they find it very appealing so they want to go ahead and take over the world conquer more territors and they front a religion they have created and that's history well written tell a story of Thomas I want to give you a brief history how other cultures other civilizations had their own versions of God even before we see Jesus in play the Babylonians tell the story of tamus the son of Queen semilanis who they say was crucified with a lamp at his feet and placed in a cave so when you Google simply and read about the Babylonians you are more likely to get to know the sort of Camus the son of Queen similarness and when you look at that story as I documented in this book you are going to be surprised to find that what Jesus Christ said to have done was actually done by Thomas and tamus lived thousand and more years before Christ so however when you go back and look at the Babylonians they are still of tamus they are saying that there was a rock where he was placed when he was killed and after three days later three days later his body disappeared and in ancient Babylonian Christian was a capital punishment and later several people were crucified for disobeying the overalls of the leaders of the day equally when you look what the stone of Jesus this also resembles the Eastern savior God known as vishna the istan savior God known as vishna who was in who was there 120 200 years 1200 years before Jesus story was invented now who is vishna the Indians will tell you more about this God now because there are people do not read these histories because they are people do not know these facts they don't seem to add up the pieces and know that there's nothing special about the new gods they're actually the new Gods had existed long before long before long before at the the old gods were into play long before the new gods look at the example for example of um cardamas of Grace better of Japan all these are Goods you can look up or you can read in this book which I've summarized for you and showing you when they existed and how they have the same qualities as uh that of Jesus Christ of the Hindustan of Siam of Egypt devoted and alistence of Thebes and Muhammad or Muhammad of Arabia these gods have almost the same history but then there is border of Zakia of India that is vitaba of billions there is salvana of Bermuda the roster of Persia creative Odin of Scandinavia hesus of all Eros of Baal so these are all Goods there are so many gods whether in Nepal Syria Babylon Prince all these Gods very many gods I do mention uh in this book and one is what is so unique that many of these Goods had the same story born by a virgin performance and miracles had battles with the ruling regime and then somehow were crucified and then miraculously is elected so if you have a history of God's happening including in kemetic Africa Horus and others who have similar histories with the gods that are being fronted today why don't you pause a bit and ask yourself a question how come that we didn't know about these other gods how come that this history of the gods that existed before is not talked about what was the agenda of those who saw that the gods that we fight for today and also the purpose of selling us these gods if we talk about Mithra for example who was crucified and who is believed to have risen from the dead on March 25th a day basically for Easter Mr I was a god Buddha Krishna nimrod U or series akasos Horrors and all those goals have been naming written in this book did exist well before the gods we are fighting for today the gods we kill each other over invited so there's nothing special in honang Christianity Jesus Christ there's nothing special Muhammad because actually Muhammad and their religions looked at what existed looked at Christianity looked at Judaism to forge their own kind of belief system which is highly rooted in Arabic culture and as I said these are all abrahamic gods because they come from the same stem Abraham Judaism Christianity and Islam come from the same tree and as I've been saying in this chapter 16 which and I'm now winding up is that the essence of all these religions the essence of all these preachings is mind control mind control whether Islam whether Judaism whether Christianity the catch what is mind control I think Genesis should capture that region serves one purpose mind control so as soon as we wake up as a people in Africa as a people in the most disadvantaged continent today where we kill each other because of differences in religion where we don't allow people to marry from certain families because they Define a region where we deny others opportunities jobs scholarships promotions because they don't belong to other religions where certain schools today will tell you your child must belong to this religion or must must accept to profess this religion to be admitted in this school if you still fight over religion over belief systems that we don't have an attachment that we cannot identify with that simply divide us we are going to remain a continent in turmoil the world is moving on as I said in the introduction when you look at countries that are peaceful countries that are prosperous countries that are having lower poverty reps many of these countries are becoming secular even a country like UK a kingdom like United Kingdom where they were highly religious yesterday they are becoming less and less religious and countries such as the US where we still have fundamentalists we see how religion is dividing communities we see how many people are pushed into poverty because they don't do things the way they should be doing them politicians don't pass the best laws that may help the country move forward because they don't want to antagonize what the word of God says I've given examples of countries like Iceland Finland Sweden and others where people are becoming more secular and more governments are getting more secular and there's fairness because there is equal treatment of all people regardless of how they believe regardless of who they are people are sin people we always say we are good without good and we all have the potential to be good without God so as I conclude today's um book review I only looked at one chapter began with chapter 16. simply look at region and a brief history but also augmented with its impact on Africa I would encourage you um to get a copy of the book being displayed on the screen and get to know how the region has been a death trap basically the death of Reason in Africa how it has been used as a mind control where people are not productive today many people in Africa go to church and stay there for a day without being productive people go to church and they have what they call overnight so someone is staying in church the whole day to pray to a god to bless them become rich another person is going to stay and overnight in a church so when are people going to concentrate and work when are people going to concentrate and reason on things that take them forward when they are busy expecting miracles when they are busy expecting Providence when they are busy expecting things to come magically yet the world practically does not work like that people must think strategies solutions to their own problems so uh comedians let us go back to the main screen and we wind up and we wind up uh thank you very much today I thought that having missed my colleagues who are supposed to be on set today who got last minute challenges uh I thought that I don't need to leave the audience unattended to we need to talk about a few things that are important I'll invite you to send your comments about what I have shared today and these comments will be uh replied going forward and I'd like to encourage you to dig deeper into the history of religions dig deeper into the effects of our belief systems look deeper into the correction between religion politics and economics and then you appreciate more they need to think more independently they need to think more critically they need to take more time to analyze whatever has been fed into our brains into our mind so that you can be able to ask the most important questions is it necessary to spend a lifetime following certain gods behaving in particular ways avoiding doing specific things is it important to hate people because of the way they love others is it important to avoid marrying from a family because they are Muslims or because they are Christians is it logical to kill another human being because he's a Christian because he's a Muslim because he's a Buddhist is it logical to fight was based on religious motivations because God desires it that way so these are important questions we need to start asking today questions like does it make sense for you to get your money and donate it to a pastor to build a church instead of building a school or Hospital does it help your Society to put so much into projects that don't benefit Society to move forward when there is unemployment when there is poverty when there is sickness what should be the role of the church today what should be the role of um religious institutions today they are not bad per se but how best can we put them to use to help people advance to help people work in harmony 12 people get out of poverty these are issues that I invite you to think about especially by looking into the histories of these religions into how these Origins impact our daily lives how these religions and belief systems affect our mindset and how they can be a source of harm or a source of goodness if we use them in the right direction we're talking about taking secularism being more open-minded being more uh willing to learn new things but also to learn and unlearn as we move forward so I want to invite you to look out for this book the good business and the death of Arizona in Africa to read more about the issues that I did focus on in the book but also promise that we shall continue with these book reviews going forward hopefully we shall be able to have our friends joining us in the next talk shows going forward I wish you the best thank you for joining us tonight be better think better be positive and stay well bye bye

2022-12-11 15:46

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