Hello. And, welcome, to my spoiler review, for, Black Panther, a movie, the more I think about it the more I like, it in fact I would say I really, like this movie because it sparks, discussion. And thought, probably the. Most intellectual. Superhero, movie to, date and I think what's even more interesting. Is that you, know I think that right now with, all the discussion that's going on right now about you know. Equality. In society for all these different groups I think, there's a feeling lately that the discussion, isn't evolving, it's the same thing again and again and again but, what's so fascinating about, Black Panther, is that Ryan Coogler, and. You know his, his co writers cuz you, know it's it's I think it's important to recognize. That it's not just Ryan Coogler voice here but. That everyone involved is trying, to shift the conversation. And. I think take it to the next level and, really truly, make some progress right like we've been spinning our wheels for, a loyal now we've acknowledged, the situation, but where do we go from here and I think Black Panther tries. To present that that, path and that's amazing, now, if you don't want to talk about politics, for this movie and a number of you are like keep politics, out of Black Panther it's just a comic book movie but you know what it's not and if you want to skip the pulp political, aspects, of it I think you make Ryan Coogler and his, co-creators. Sad because. That's clearly their intention, here but, there are chapter, times in the video description if you want to jump to other topics to. Discuss instead. Alright but where I want to start is. With my statement in my non-spoiler. Review that. I felt that, I feel that this movie is the next step after roots, and a lot of you were like what the a. Lot of you mistakenly, felt that I was making that comparison just, because you, know had an all-black cast not, at all anything, that's totally. Not why I made the comparison so let, me explain so. For those of you who aren't aware roots, was as big a cultural, phenomenon, when it came out as Black Panther, is today. And, the reason it was so important, is that it was the first mainstream conversation, about. Slavery, acknowledging. That it had in the mainstream, and. That it was and what it was like from the black perspective, it's almost like the, first Holocaust, movie right I mean it's conversation, we've had so many times at this point but roots was. The very first again. Mainstream. Conversation. Where everyone. Partook, in it right so, that was important and.
Now Black Panther all these years later comes, along and I feel the message here, and I'd be curious to hear your thoughts about this down below but, from my perspective the, message is that basically, the, film is saying it's time to close the door on that not, to forget it by any means but to, move. Past it's not let it define the black community, anymore, and again to move forward, I mean you can see that evidenced. In many, of the lines that Chawla has in the movie he says he's, not responsible for his father's actions against. His uncle and what happened to arrack as a child he's like that wasn't me you can't hold you can't let. That keep, us from you, know because he's trying to. Negotiate. With Eric you know to try and find a commonality. And he's like you, you just can't hold me responsible for, something I didn't do. Even though it is my ancestor, right so that's an, amazing. Concept. For this discussion, also. We he says T'Challa. Says we cannot become like our oppressors, that's not gonna solve anything to become that which, we hate I thought that was an amazing statement, and, then also his, the UN speech which I loved at the end you. Know what it was the first end credits sequence where he said it's important, to build bridges than, barriers, and, I thought that was also really important, in today's discussion so, I thought that was that so that all speaks to this idea of moving, forward and you know letting the past go, because. It obviously is gonna, kill longer character demonstrates, it's it's holding the black community, back and I'm not this is what the movie saying okay and this again you know I love this discussion, now. In terms of looking, forward to, what the it's, in two ways first, off I want to check my notes because again this is a really, tricky conversation, but. I think moving. Forward in terms of what the black community, can achieve and contribute, to the world specifically. In innovation. And leadership, and I thought this movie really. Did a good job of. Of, establishing. That really, fabulous but. That also how. It's important, those who are more fortunate particularly. In the black community, that they have a responsibility to, help those who are not the basketball, court seen at the end and. You know they return to Oakland, and and you, know especially. With, two challahs interaction. With that little boy, who who. Hung. Back from. Their, ship you, know this idea. Redefining. You, know, what. Maybe a black. Children can believe that the, opportunities, that are open to them I think you know not only in terms of career, paths but place, in society again as I said leadership. You. Know all, those aspects, and I know that was really well done and for instance I think this movie is already inspiring, that because you see Octavia, Spencer has. Said that she's going to you, know go to a, disadvantaged. Community and, buy out a whole theater so, that children. In that community can see this movie because she feels it so important to them and that's exactly what, this movie is trying to inspire and, I hope that continues, beyond. The, release of this film I think that's the intention of it and I think it's wonderful. Now, some people in the comments of my non-spoiler review said how can a movie about a king relate. To slavery well it's what's right in there the whole point of to Chawla vs. Eric kill monger I like that they made that was like his military, nickname, I will, talk about military aspect, in a moment but that that's their the yin and yang right so it's you know the you know the the fork in a road right, so, kill, monger represents, all Africans. Outside, of Wakanda, who were enslaved and how it made them has made them broken and angry many of them as a people and again, they just can't get past that it's holding them back where's. T'Challa, represents. The black spirit, it's, hard to talk about this you know again not being a member of the black community but please I hope that you'll have this conversation with me because you know if we can't talk about the movie I think that that's the, whole point of the movies that we should be able to have these conversations. But. You know T'Challa represents, you, know the black spirit, if. It was allowed to thrive unhindered, right but there's also the discussion, of the, responsibility. And guilt or con has should. Have for. Not helping its fellow Africans, all this time I mean that's kill, mongers whole mission statement, now. Ask for kill mongers death this is very important, and that's what this is also another reason that I made the roots comparison. So, you know he's mortally wounded, and I don't know how to, Charlie knew about what kill.
Mongers Father said about you know because he was you know again two challahs uncle that, were Condon sunsets, were the most beautiful thing you'd ever seen and I thought that was poetic that to chawla helped to kill longer get up to that to that mountainside to see it but. You know touch all of being the awesome guy that he is it's like maybe we can save you you know maybe you don't have to die and kill. Longer turns to him and says. So. What you can just lock me up do. Me a favor bury me in the sea so I can be buried alongside my ancestors. Who jumped from the slave ships because they too knew that it was better to die, than to be caged and it's, supposed to be this really you know poignant. Noble, moment for kill monger and I think it's led to a lot of people saying you know I saw someone even in the comments of my non-spoiler, review say, hashtag, kill, monger did nothing wrong but here's the thing first of all what, if nelson mandela had had that opinion. Right he was you know in his opinion. And he was correct and listen, with them instance with mandela that he was being wrongfully jailed, but, he stuck it out he persevered, and he, is one of the biggest, you, know civil, rights and, leaders of the, black community in history. But. What if he had said i'd rather be dead than locked up right i mean that just showed how I think how. Short-sighted. Kill, monger was and he is not he was not a good leader so, that's I think really important, I wish to chala had said that to him I did I think T'Challa was too nice I wouldn't have liked kill monger go out like that with that kind of legitimacy, both, in terms of how kill longer felt about himself to, in the context, of the film and also to the audience I think Ryan Coogler shouldn't have let him go out like that either, cuz, while he didn't have some good points kill monger did have some good points you know when he was in the museum and you're like you just can't take this this, artifact, it he's like oh did you pay for it when you took it to acquire it and you're like yeah he's got a point there and I think that he was right that Wakanda, should have helped you know other members of you know their, fellow Africans, and what was happening it was it was cowardly and selfish, to hide, away, but. He. Killed with a smile on his face his, own people no less that like that member of the doora melash and he had no respect for, what he claimed was this fantasy that he'd idealized, his whole life I mean he came in there right away and was tearing it apart he was a terrorist, and they, said oh you know he wanted to burn that purple flower because, of his American training, and they were trying to maybe put it on that a little bit but you know what ultimately it, was his choice just like it was his father's choice to, point that gun at young forests whatever which led to his death although.
They. Could have just kind of taken you know it speaks, a little bit to police brutality to, that you can you can take someone you can disarm them without killing them and so, but, that's a whole nother discussion in this movie as you can see has enough on its plate so, I had real problems with kill monger and I think that he was I I. Liked the character and what he presented as the yang to two, challahs yang but, I felt that the movie was a tad irresponsible. In trying, to again legitimize, him when he was a terrorist, and. You know I, don't. Wanna get into that that's really complicated all right so anyway T'Challa. On the other hand truly. A wonderful, leader I mean when he fought in Baku during that first challenge and he was like you have to yield your people need you I was, like what a great guy no wonder he's like a fabulous leader he has a quiet strength, to him we'll. Talk more about him when we go through the characters individually an, order of my favorites, oh but, I will say here that I don't really feel I got to know him though because the movie was a little bit more about what Conda as a whole than. The. Black Panther aka to Chawla but, on that note it was hard to understand, the tribal leadership. Structure. That they had I mean I could understand, I mean that's another reason I compared it to roots this is very much a celebration of, Africa. And what it could be and what it was and, how you. Know there's beauty in that I mean that's a big I mean Wakanda. Is very much a city of the future but, at the same time very much, a city of the past so that's a huge part of the movie I think. A very effective part of the movie, underscored. By the costume design the production and, the score, but. You know they had a lot of flowers, there why not make a whole group of Panthers like the door imma launch I was like I think mbaku would be a wonderful Black. Panther he's really good and, also the fact that they would burn the flowers because the king ordered it only Lupita. Nyong'o's, character, thought, to save, one I was like no no one else thought to pocket one of these flowers that makes no sense I just. It was it's odd for me maybe. Maybe. As an American it makes it particularly hard for me to grasp this mindset, but I just I couldn't get it and I mean to allow and also. To allow kill longer to be king who obviously was, a monster, from the get-go simply. Because he want to fight that also I just couldn't understand that people who are like you one I guess we're gonna all have to be ruled by a monster, now oh well and, also but all the other leaders were like yes, probably two challahs you know mother and sister are gonna be killed but what can I do we won the fight and you're like clearly, I hope that there was some serious Legislature. Passed, although. I don't think they have that kind of a system but, I hope they changed the rules after what happened in this movie, okay now. I also want to talk about the women in the film uh strong. Women no doubt wonderful, female characters, but I stand by what I said in my non-spoiler, review that, they were support staff they. All they all serve just one purpose and that was to serve their king I think the women in the film were particularly, loyal no less almost to, a fault you. Know they, really couldn't even imagine doing, anything that wouldn't support. And further to Chawla I. Mean, sure he could challenge him, you know technically, for leadership right and for her to become the black panther I can't wait for her to be the black panther she eventually does in the comics but. I never got the feeling that she would know, and, I don't really feel you. Know she was, developing tech largely, for, her brother you know I didn't really feel I think, they all felt to me like extensions. Of T'Challa not their own people with their own paths and you know it's. Long been argued, in you. Know in not. Just from tribal, culture but even like it in the 1960s, you know before the women's movement came along that oh women, should be glad that the backbone of society, you know you can't have a strong warrior. If you don't have a strong homemaker, to, as the foundation, etc etc, but, that's an old argument for keeping women out of the making, process, in the front lines I have a major problem with it and I thought it was very much in this movie I hope. That in the sequel and I really want a sequel the women, start to have their own ambitions, and. Again. Their own paths, now. I also want to talk about the lack of action some. I saw some comments with people being like what are you talking about this tons of action Wow I don't count some things as action I've got the tribal challenges.
For Not particularly, you know they're not action sequences, they weren't filmed particularly, well I think the fight choreography, was okay they were more about the personal interactions, and again the the power, structure, etc etc and, I don't think carrying claw out on a chair you know there was just a little explosion, and then they picked claw up literally in his chair and put him in a van that's, not an action sequence and even at the museum too fast it wasn't enough to really I don't think it was enough to qualify as an action sequence I don't think you really got an action sequence even when they were in the jungle and he was you, know taking Lupita Nyong'o out of the field that, happened so fast, I just again, and we saw most of it in the first trailer so, I don't think that counted as an action sequence either you didn't really get an action sequence until South Korea the best action sequence in the film and what, an action, sequence, but it wasn't Chawla scene it was, a Koya scene, played by Danai gurira, wow. She was amazing, let's talk about how amazing she was so, in the casino, the. Forcefulness, with her spear was amazing, to watch I loved the whole thing with her wig that, was great I love, the way I mean. I thought she was amazing when she first started swinging, her spear around but when she jumped off the balcony with that force and her red dress like, behind her almost like a cape like. This beautiful, flower of anger, and and determination. And and and force. I was. So impressed it was amazing, that was I think my favorite moment in the film as, I said in my non-spoiler, review it, took my breath away. She, just dominated. That scene and then when they moved outside to the car chase I loved, her line when she was like looking at them firing on her and she's like guns so primitive the delivery was fantastic. I loved, her use of the spear, I love the spear when she threw it through the car head of her, through the glass and then it went into the road and then acted, as like a stopping point for the car that. Was just so clever I mean what what she could do with a spear, was, amazing, and it also looked out she stopped herself in the car of the accident, I mean it was cute when Lupita Nyong'o showed up still in the driver's seat you know just on its own that would never have happened I mean I think she would have been seriously, injured Lupita, Nyong'o in that crash but it was a good bit good gag but. The way a Koyuk. Took care of herself by, putting you know with the hood of the car and the spear and, how important, it was for her to get her spare shoes I liked that moment of danger she was like I need the spare I need the spare that's my thing that's my jam. And, it certainly was she was amazing, I'm so happy she's like I couldn't have to understand, why she was an infinity, war and then when I saw the first trailer I was like I don't understand their door more needs to be there and she's running with all the other heroes she.
Definitely Deserves, to be running with all the heroes I was gonna say it later but I'll say it here I'll say it in both places I think, she might be the best fighter in the MCU that's how good she is I was really, impressed. And, then the big egg fight scene opposite, kill monger and you know when. Daniel. Coulis you, know Maccabi his, Rhino people, betrayed. Everyone it. Was okay it was a lot of CGI versus, CGI particularly, when you had the two Panther suits versus each other and I thought even though rhinos we're not at all believable, as real they were cool but they were super fake and, so I thought that action sequence again, it was more about what was being said and then into the character, interactions, and the political, statements, than the actual fight now. Let's talk about the cast in the order of my favorites, first up latisha, right as Cherie people have been losing their minds over this character, and I totally understand. It I like that someone said she was the newest Disney Princess, and what a fabulous addition, she's. Great across the board she's smart, she's funny and, she's fashionable, I really like her quite, a bit she. Was a bit of a technological. Mary Sue because, just she could literally, do anything the technology, in the movie made no sense they are like if you can dream it you could, do it because it doesn't have to me you know it doesn't have to have any logic, to it we just can you know just anything that you can imagine we can do and even though it all was stemming from vibranium, I was like I don't understand, how that's possible it didn't make any sense but. Just like Daisy Ridley's Rey her. She's, so cool and her she has such a fabulous personality. And she's just a force of nature but, it's okay that she's very soon I mean I like ray quite a bit too and. I can't wait for her to become Black Panther can't happen soon enough I know I mean I don't, see why they can't be the Black Panthers at the same where can't give more than one I know, cuz i love the sharia. T'Challa brother-sister, relationship they. Should totally, be a team it would be I would love to see them in the field together, fabulous. I love this character so, good, next. My second favorite was Andy Serkis ask LA what, a sleazy, dirtbag, it was fantastic. I love, that he hid the metal you know the vibranium, in his crotch at the the. Casino to sell it to Martin Freeman's character, I loved. When he let the security guard run away I'll actually laughed out loud because it was so funny he's like oh you can go just don't tell anyone, although, he's reasoning for doing that I wish he just did I like to eff with people because, he was like oh burn, him out so it looks like we're you, know we're novices, and, I was like they knew right away that it was you so why, don't want you wasting your time for but. I just and Andy, Serkis is having so much fun playing the sleazy character, that it made it it, was fun to watch I just thought it was amazing, and I can't believe that, they killed him I mean it made sense in the context, of the story and how kill monger was able to win over. Maccabi. To his side that, made that made sense I understood, it intellectually, but in my heart it's a shame he won't be back I can only hope that someone in Wakanda has cloned him now. Next, up Winston Duke, as mbaku, he was so funny, he was great, I. Loved. His two lines my favorite lines that he had was and he said just kidding we're vegetarians, I thought that was great and when, T'Challa asked him for an army said I could really use an army and mbaku said I'm sure you could but no it, was great delivery, he was fabulous I really liked him a lot I mean if I was a you. Know a member of this community of Wakanda, I'd be like I don't know Bach was really great I think he's a little bit of a challenge for the leadership I could see why he challenged, to chawla and I felt bad he didn't have more of a place at the table because he's a great guy and. It's funny to me that the only other place I've seen Winston Duke is Modern Family where he had a non role and I can't believe it's the same actor, he totally, not, only is he given a better opportunity here, but he just totally changed his body language every. You know everything, you know he's a fabulous, actor, clearly, and you know often when we talk about diversity, in movies people who are against it will say you should just hire the best actor, for the role and if you know but I think the good counter-argument. To that is so it's always a white actor, who's the best person for the role and I think that this movie just, in this alone is so important, because it provides an opportunity for Winston, Duke to show he, is a fabulous, actor, and I hope that he gets a lot more off of this ah the.
Next Up I like Chadwick Boseman as T'Challa. He's a little low down but, that's because he's playing the lead he's a very stoic lead and so again you didn't really get to know him that well but. You know Chadwick Boseman I've been a fan of him since he played Jackie Robinson, I think he's a fabulous very. Likeable actor and he brings a lot of that to the table here and. Also that's like sour power right like so even though he doesn't have a lot to do here, I have forged a relationship with chadwick boseman and the other movies I've seen him in and I take that into this movie so that I think is one of you know that's what Starr brings to the table not, only their ability, but, also their relationship, with audiences it's already established, and chadwick boseman I think has that but. Just like in civil war still, waters run deep and he just seemed like a wonderful man and therefore a wonderful, leader someone you can totally, trust you know sometimes you do have to follow someone else then it does need to be a leader you can't have too many cooks in the kitchen and I would totally, you, know I like him beaucoup but I really like to charla as well I would throw I would throw my. Support behind both of them I thought they were fabulous the. Next up Danai, gurira as, a co yeah now you might be wondering why she's so lowdown well I didn't love her her character took a little bit of time, for her to get going you know I thought in the beginning didn't. Love it and, then also I thought her ridiculous, her loyalty, to the throne was ridiculous, she was like they, were like oh are you gonna really serve kill longer and she's like that's the job and you're like you know I mean throughout, history people, have you know served you, know murder, murderous, leaders and been like well you know what do you want for me that was my job and you just can't do that but she came around thankfully, I like when she said you have too much anger in your heart to ever to be king to kill monger, I'm like finally, you get it but. Again her fighting ability was absolutely, amazing she is the best fighter in the MC I was really impressed, I'm so happy she's gonna be an infinity, war I'm really looking for it it makes me more excited for the movie that she's such a seems to be a big part of it next. Up Daniel Cole Ouya as wakame. No, one could look at you sideways like. Daniel Cole Ouya hey that's, really a great skill and I thought he brought a lot to a character that could have been very one-dimensional just. A plot point but. He you know again still waters run deep eek, he showed I think tremendous, again depth I was very very impressed although I don't know how he can continue to lead his tribe he, was traitor you, know I mean I know he was dating a Koya, and, I was surprised she said she would kill him for what condom I even I was surprised about that I was like ah can't, you just you know whatever happens, it's just taking someone down you know you don't have to kill them although it's. Interesting it's an interesting discussion because, clearly two, challahs unwillingness, to kill kill longer during the challenge the first time around was, a mistake, because kill monger I guess it depends if your opponent is willing to kill you and I that's I guess that's how I would how, I would say you should that should be the rule of thumb and fights to the death okay if, your opponent, is willing to go for the death blow then you have no choice but with what it was a Koi a versus, wakame I didn't, think he would kill her well I don't know maybe he would it was getting that fight was getting pretty ugly and on that note again I don't know how anyone can forgive him they're like remember that time you betrayed us and you seemed okay with two chala being killed and his mother and his sister being killed and maybe even a Koya that, was a crazy week but what's all good I'd be like you, might have to very least leave Wakanda, you know if not be imprisoned, now.
There, Were two actors, I actually did not like in the movie and one of them is Michael B Jordan s kill monger first off I, thought, he played the same character he, always does and then I thought that well kill one who was a simple guy not a very smart guy that, doesn't mean that his performance, needs to be simple I didn't think there were enough layers here for instance sterling K Brown is his father. Interestingly. When he showed up at the very beginning of the movie in the opening scene the people next to me were like damn they didn't say no to anybody you know because a lot of black actors of course wanted to be in this movie and I love sterling K Brown I thought you know I thought I don't watch this is us but, I really, liked him and you. Know the OJ Simpson miniseries, and I'm very excited for him in the upcoming predator, movie I'm a big sterling K Brown, and I think that you can see why he's so good in this movie alone because, he came across far, more interesting, and far more conflicted than kill monger did you know and with far fewer scenes so I wasn't a big fan of what Michael Jordan did and also I felt that Michael Jordan also. Was irresponsible in trying to portray his character. Again. By not portraying, him as conflicted I think. That he you know almost. Condoned. What he did as an. Actor and I think that was not good and, they're also Martin Freeman, now as I said in my non-spoiler, review it's. It's fair because in the Bond movies poor Jeffrey Wright as the CIA operative, has to just run through there and they never give him anything to do not anything it's always like why don't you like Jeffrey Wright have one action sequence where he can help out right so, they did the same to Martin Freeman here but I have to say on top of that though the, role had no dignity both in the way it was written like how the other characters, treated Martin Freeman I thought that was not cool and, also how Martin Freeman, played the role I would say this is a low point in his career it was it was unfortunate. And. I a couple, of times it made me a little uncomfortable watching, the movie I was like not, cool guys not, cool now. As for the MCU overall, no soul stone is introduced, in the movie I think that was a big mistake I think it would have helped have, multiple, viewings and maybe made people who were on the line about going to see this movie go I mean that's the thing if you want to have this fantastic, intellectual. Discussion, you need you know you have to have a little bit something to you know a little something sweet sweet, sweeten, the pot so people you know people who don't want to have that political discussion, or like okay and then they're surprised by how good the political discussion is and then they have it so, you need more action you should have had this soulstone just other reasons for people to go, also. With Bucky Bucky is the last and credit sequence but there's really nothing there you know he just comes out of a hut and he's like thanks for caring me sherry and she's like sure. But. I have to say what Conda certainly agrees with him he looked fantastic, when cap sees him he's gonna faint all, right so I really liked Black Panther a very, sophisticated movie. And if they make the sequel and I just, think they definitely should make a sequel I hope they do and, if they up the action, I think we could reach Dark Knight levels here I think the sequel could be that good if they take, if they keep the sophisticated, aspect, of the movie, and then they again, amp up the action, to the level it should be for such a film again. I think it could be on level on the on par at the Dark Knight which works with my comparison if this film to Batman Begins I think it's actually better than Batman Begins Batman, Begins wasn't. Again. This sophisticated it, in, its. Discussions. But, I really am impressed, so that's my exploiter review of black panther you can say anything you want down below because this is the spoiler review I look forward to continuing, the conversation there, and as always you can check out some more videos right.
2018-02-16 23:55
Grace, I know exactly what u meant when u mentioned Roots When Roots came out it opened people's eyes, ears, minds and mouths And that's exactly what Black Panther is doing. I don't see what all the drama is about
Basically this Movie was MLK vs Malcom X White people till this day hate X and that maybe the reason why Grace disliked Killmonger and MBJ's portrayal.
One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.
Loved the sister didn't see any infinity gem i.e. the soul gem perhaps the mcu may actually give it to Adam Warlock but that's too close to the comics
Disagree with your points entirely in regards to Jordan and Freeman. Killmonger was the best character in the movie and the best performance. I wanted more of him. And Freeman stopped the weapons from leaving wakanda so how didn't he have anything to do exactly?
I though the ritual fight scenes were great
It was good but not as great as everyone was saying imo I preferred Thor more as a simple metric. I didnt mind how they weaved an African American storyline in and once again a good part of Marvel movies is the down time. Seeing how everyone is in a day to day feel. They went with the herbal treatment as to how the Panther gets his power which was a good movie also. That being said the action was OK and felt a bit blurry to me.... to much shaky came or whateva especially in the opening scene. I get that he's a predator in the dark but shit was just a blur imo. The Russo brothers only seem to do alot of action scenes that are fast but not blurry as fuck, along with Joss maybe. Cool end credits scene at the end and comic book fans should know who Bucky is now to Wakandans
Except Tchalla had no opressors. This whole thing has gotten so played out this recycling of we were slaves we can't get past it. Why can other cultures and races get through mass genocide and slavery yet some feel the need to re hash daily this " opressed victim" mentality? The movie kept coming back to slavery and could have went from good to amazing
Hi Grace, great review. The Black Panther comic from the start is mostly political with wakonda affairs, a lot of dialogue and less action. The origin stories in Marvel movies are usually slow with less action like Captain America, and Doctor Strange then pics up in the sequels. infinity wars and Black Panther 2 will probably be cranked up like what they did with civil wars.
Marvel's BLACK PANTHER was dope I've only seen this film twice. I give it a 9/10 !!! Review on my page (Y)
I thought that Daniel Kaluuya's character was very one dimensional and he is my only problem with the film along with the Visual Effects.
To be honest, I think the amount of action in black panther was a good amount, it didn’t feel like the film was just fight scene after fight scene.
I don't think we as Americans should really have a hard time grasping following a bad leader chosen by an archaic system...
Great review grace
She's not a Disney princess, she doesn't meet the requirements. Look it up
I liked Killmonger as a product of his enviormemt as the son of a Wakandan pronce.. he would have had all the best. But it was taken from him.. and as a result he was thrown into a system that lead him to the military and undoubtedly fueled his hate. I also thought Martin Freeman was kinda trying to be another agent Coulson. Shuri creating anything is akin to Tony Stark being able to defy the laws of physics and do dang near anything.. at least with vibranium.. you have an unknown component.. where with Tony it's just cause he's rich and smart. The tribal aspect to me was one of the beat parts. Killmonger had a birthrite claim to be king.. hence the fight.. and Abaku even cemented that with his comment about it just being a defeat not murder. Warrior tribes have always used challenges to solve or resolve claims to rule. The soundtrack was also amazing. And the locations as well. I kinda felt like I just got a 2 hour look at the Live Action Lion King storyboards lol
If we can't separate it from the politics, then I oppose it. I'd rather not, but politically the SJW left is my enemy.I'd rather not do that
THEY KILLED KLAW? are they out of their minds? klaw is one of the arch enemies of t'challa. klaw and t'challa are like black manta and aquaman. how could they klaw? it makes no sense.
Jesus Christ, Tachalla trusts women more than men in this film. He trusts the women to protect him more than the men. The antagonists are men. The smartest woman in the film is a woman. And thank god for all those things. And theyre not relegated to being just servants or employees in this film. They each have their character arcs, reasons for helping tachalla and importance in the functioning of society, and in Shuri and Nakias case, the women prove to be more important in their fields and in their contributions to Wakanda then men. And you still felt like women were only enablers or backseet passengers to Tachalla and his struggles? No shit because hes the protagonist silly! His support chatacters are supposed to do that. That's why theyre called support characters. You complaining that the women dont have their own ambitions or paths in this film is toxic. Shuri was lead scientist in Wakanda, Nakia was a spy but also leading the charge for helping African refugees and pushing for a more progressive Wakanda, Okoye was a military GENERAL employed to protect the king and proud of that fact. Are you honestly suggesting they had no autonomy or wished to fulfiill any other ambitions outisde the role they were already portraying in their society at that point? So why you still took this opportunity to push the same feminist garbage you always do Grace is beyond tiring at this point and a fucking joke
no talk about angela basset?
The irony of someone arguing for not wanting blame for something they didn't do......................
You can't pass what is happening right now just saying that slavery was centuries ago while the result of it is still presents. The circle of violence will never end. You slaughtered them and centuries later they do it to you.
All those poor transport pilots shot down just for doing their jobs.
Like the purple touch for the words nice
Micheal b Jordan doesn’t always play the same character???
Thank you!!! It was honest!!!
True about M B Jordan. He was too Ghetto!
I remember the "moment" in media that Roots was, so I get the comparison in terms of resonance and impact. People that only know the internet age might not perceive how much TV, movies, and music used to carry the collective culture, spark conversation and even influence politics. Superhero and sci-fi films are still typically _packed_ with politics and social commentary, so I don't get that particular argument from folks that don't want to see the film. And I agree that now that world of BP is established, the next one could be an action blow out on some level...
THought the entire cast did great, ESPECIALLY Martin Freeman, he is such a joy to watch and he’s so damn charming and I’m so glad they gave him more to do than in Civil War, I disagree about the action, thought it was fantastic and there was plenty of it, I do agree the effects were extremely dodgy and I feel they should’ve worked on them more but they weren’t BAD or anything, I just think they could’ve done some more stuff practically, I felt like anytime the black panther suit was glowing purple the ENTIRE suit was CG when it didn’t necessarily need to be
Yep. Should show the soul stone as the end credit surprise
I agree with you Grace on Killmonger's character. I feel like the movie justifies his character and his choices because of what happened to him when in fact it comes down to the individual's choices whether to be a good or bad person. And seeing how people actually think he did nothing wrong really shows how this is a problem
I’ll see this tomorrow but does anybody just think thanos has the soul stone already...or is that just lazy writing?
So, this movie is better than Wonder Woman. Hope it passes WW's domestic box office because a mediocre film should not hold that record. Also hoping Captain Marvel (2019) & Batgirl (2019) will do a better job than Wonder Woman (2017) at representing women in Superhero films. A war criminal should not do movies about 'ending war'.
I think she's wrong the soul stone is in wakanda.In the movie he has a vision of his ancestors
Alex Haley settled a lawsuit yesterday by acknowledging that his world‐renowned book “Roots” contained some material from a relatively unknown novel about slavery that was published nine years earlier. The settlement ended the six‐week trial of a suit by Harold Courlander, a 70‐yearold author from Bethesda, Md., who contended there were substantial similarities between “Roots” and his own earlier novel, “The African.” He sued in Federal District Court in Manhattan for more than half the profits of “Roots.” December 15, 1978
Hated the casino fight scene. All I could see was bad cgi special effects. It was like the fight/action sequence was on fast forward. Loved the car chase afterward.
Grace~ The Incredibles 2 sneak peek is out~~ ♪♫♬
I haven't seen the movie yet, and wasn't going to watch the entire spoiler review, only a part or two, for some characters and how good/bad Grace thought they were! For instance, Killmonger. I wanted to see what Grcae thought of Killmonger.. So I skip ahead using the time jumps in the description... And well. I think you all know what happened next. :( RIP
The incredibles 2 https://youtu.be/JwwY8gx_2LA
How’d they do marketing this to China though?
The movie was ok.
didn't mind most of this except the part of Michael B Jordan... i thought he fantastic !
Grace I like your videos but seriously, this movie is not as important as ROOTS so stop the comparisons. I guess Black history for the Black community should now consists of jay z, beyonce, black panther etc. Forget about Harriet Tubman, Frederick Douglass, Sojourner Truth, Dr. King, Malcolm X and the slaves brought over here before them that must be researched to know anything about. You wanna know about Black History..... research the slave coast or Negroland to really find out about the Kings in Black History. You'll start to find answers and see how far the "rabbit hole goes" (movie reference). It's all love though
I have watch dozens of reviews of this movie from people of different ethnicities, races and countries. Grace is to first to make a point of noting she was not a member of the Black community. Makes me wonder if she gave an objective review.
So Black Panther = We Wuz Kangz ?
Very good review Grace!!!
Martin Freeman had way more to do than Jeffrey Wright . Are u serious? He even had a legit heroic moment.
I will watch it after watching the movie.. :-p
"When Cap sees him, he's gonna faint!" Well someone clearly ships STUCKY, haha!
I had a feeling that they were going to be on MLK type shit T'challa & some revolutionary shit with Kiplinger. They always have to find a way to make the revolutionary a villainous soul & the go-along to get-along negro the hero. SMH, I been a Black Panther fan all my life, but the revolutionaries aren't the villains & MLK aren't the heroes. In real life, it's the magneto's & kilmongers, that'll free up the spirit of independence in Black folks, the Tchalla's will just make them better adapted slaves.
Should of just reviewed the movie based on the movie and kept the PC/Race stuff out.
Moving Forward..... I have to laugh.... I have a pair of shoes if someone wants to see what it's like! ✊
It will release tomorrow here in I India. I love your face and it's expression
Batman Begins > black panther Ryan Coogler is too far from Christoper Nolan's level.
I just love you Grace, you know your stuff!! and why can't everyone be more like you when it comes to "issues" that plague us all as a society today. I respect your views, I am not a member of the black community myself but most of my family is (I'm native American and Irish) No I do not live on a reservation..but we do go to the movies, one of your other videos (movie math) you said that we don't make up enough of the population to be counted and who's fault is that?? Well enough about that as we all know the answer. This movie rocks! I agree it could have had more action scenes But we needed this movie!! (right now!!) and more like it!! Representing all groups, either singularly or as a part the larger scope. :)
Are usually love your reviews but your fear of what blacks think Has you scared. You’re trying to be too politically correct. Just be honest and say what you got to say they want equality treat them equally.
The Holocaust never happened. No I will not argue with you here. https://holohoax.wordpress.com/2013/10/26/holocaust-or-holohoax-05-20-amazing-facts/
I think the Action was enough, at this point we have seen so many superhero movies that the Action scenes arent as exciting anymore....I prefer dialogue and character interaction
Careful Grace, Angry black man is an acting tool. Ask Denzel.
the fucking movie is black panther king of wakanda..... of course the secondary charactes are gonna support black panther... doesnt matter if they are male of female.... grace ur comments sometimes are too leftist -democrat
I wish they hadn't killed Claw, they could have faked his death and have him come out of the bag and be there to mix things up in the final act
Winston Duke was awesome! So hilarious!
Okoye's not as good as Bucky!
I don't understand the ROOTS thing is that a code language.
Gggggiiirrrlllll you give me so much LIFE!!!!
Black panther is a good movie that is very much aware of its unique position in the world. You cannot make it to be just like another superhero movie. The conflict within the story feels real and believable. This ia more than just a typical comic book movie where you watch for the good vs evil fight scenes. It is a cultural immersion, a political thriller with a positive message (to build bridges) and a journey of a Prince becoming a true King. These are not your usual comic book movie elements, because that's how bp should be introduced because of its unique background. Well done Ryan Coogler and the writers for such a mature take on this entry to the MCU.
Heimdell has the soul stone in his eyes.. he even talks about being able to see the souls of the 9 realms in TDR, the vision Thor has of him blind will have to come to pass
Damn they didn’t say no to anybody ... what does that even mean
just back from the Belgium premier and 1 thing i can say .... movie gone be uncomfortable for some white folks
The sceneries in this movie look gorgeous, even the costumes. This BP movie will bring style to the MCU. Am fascinated by the Dora Milaje women warriors. I think the best character that comes out of this movie is his sister according to comments, she does look cool. Can't wait to see this and especially, how it'll do at the Box-Office this weekend! Am surprised tho about the deaths, Michael B. Jordan looks great.
Impeccable timing grace! I just came back from watching the movie!
let me spoil the movie hahahahaha wtf
I enjoyed black panther, it's quite high up on my ranking of MCU. I'm definitely looking forward to a sequel. I agree that this movie felt like an introduction to Wakanda, but it's the first in (what is hopefully) a trilogy so I think it's good. I could have used more action sequences, but mostly because the ones they had were so good. I enjoyed the political messages, and thought this movie provides a good kernel for discussion.
she should be the new iron man
didn't want to wait until the movie was actually out?
It is out ~ saw it yesterday in UK You're just living in the wrong country :P
Love this women
If even grace can't review this movie for real, nobody can.
You need to see Everett ross in the comics
Black window vs Dora Milaje?
Grace cursing is so fucking sexy.
Let me go out on a limb here...... greatest MCU movie, incredibly wonderful, culturally drenching, epically reversely diverse, but, never enough women empowerment!!!! Possibly in the conversation of the greatest movie of our time !?!? Right ?
worst movie of all time
stop trolling
I love danai in the walking dead glad to see her doing amazing in this
I personally think Michael B Jordan had the best performance of the movie
About the women Grace...when you come from a marginalized or disenfranchised- read oppressed- group, you often don't have the opportunity to confront comparatively highbrow issues and suffrage and women's lib has historically been a fight for the priviledged majority- read whites. Think of Elizabeth Banks' assertion that Spielberg had never had a female lead, completely forgetting (unintentionally/ non-maliciously mind you) the Color Purple. And it's sometimes handled in that way from the black perspective as well. Black women are in the unenviable position of being sandwiched between (and underrepresented/valued in both) the black and women's issues- and often one supersedes the other- guess which. The community is in such dire need of unity that something like the women openly challenging T'Challa's ideas and/or leadership would bring up feelings of conflict between black men and women and would certainly play as being indicative of said divisiveness to a black audience watching the film. This is true even though there is a legitimate argument about their roles in the culture. Think of the legitimate beefs that blacks bring up about their treatment in America- being labeled "divisive".
great comment
Stop apologizing! Just talk about the movie and take a stand.
"When Cap sees Bucky, he's gonna faint" LMAO Love you'r continual support of Stucky Grace :)
I loved it.
Oh god..... what an awful film
Ok. I'll give " Black Panther " a try.. I'm not into the deep British conversation type movies. But I went to see " Spotlight " 3 times. .. And most people never even heard of that award winning film
I liked the way freeman was treated. It will be uncomfortable for some whites. But I think you gotta take it and laugh. Was really funny.
gotta love these guys at marvel /disney they've found another cash cow
Grace, I appreciate your efforts to clarify your Roots comparison. Culturally, Roots WAS impactful (40 yrs ago) but my point was that something great is happening NOW! An opportunity to break away from the litany of stereotypical portrayals of black people in a movie to be seen by the masses is happening NOW! A movie where we're not drug dealers/addicts, pimps/prostitutes, criminals, crooked cops, gang members, the help and yes, the dreaded slave, is happening NOW! An opportunity for genuine pride of portrayal is happening and you dropped a slave bomb, if not on it, then close enough to it to open wounds. I understand what you were trying to say but you've got to be careful. Some may think that the only way you can quantify the importance of Black Panther to black people is to say, "Hey, you liked Roots, right? Then you're gonna love Black Panther!" Grace, I'm a fan! I enjoy your channel immensely! You're clearly intelligent and, more importantly, passionate about your work and I'm glad you're willing to have the conversation. #itsallhappening
sounds like shit
Hi from Sweden. I don't usually comment on videos, but you are really amazing so I really felt like complimenting you! Your reviews are truly great, so detailed and your skill to summarize movies is so enjoyable. I just came home from watching the movie and instantly longed for your review. Thank you Grace for you enthusiasm and keep up the good work! /Fredrik
Thanks Grace. Will definitely be checking out Black Panther this weekend.
Ok so I did not watch this video but had to comment one thing, this is the only thing I want spoiled, does Nakia become Malice?
Wow — you totally missed the political messages of this movie.
"Hey Aunty"
I agree with her 100%
Killmonger was the best part of the movie though.
Nooo not doing this.. If its just a movie, I would have been fine with it. But it has a political agenda, noo. Just no, stop ✋
Bucky was nicknamed by the children as 'White Wolf' which is a cool reference
Thank you!!! Love your reviews, saw the movie last night and OMG
what is the beat in the background of the movie??
When cap sees Bucky he’s going to faint! Lmao
way to go Grace...Honest and Unmerciful. U RocK!
"he won, so i guess we'll have to be ruled by a monster now" guess what america...
Saw the movie yesterday in germany and loved it! Black Panther was my favorite character in the winter soldier and i really liked his portrayal. And the mid-credit-scenes was one of the best. But one thing bothered me totally in this scene: "with no disrespect, but what has wakanda to offer(paraphrasing)?!" Can't believe a diplomat would say something like that and it totally throws me off!
What if we as blacks adapted the Malcom X way of resistance instead of Dr. Martin Luther King. This country would be a different place
I really identified with Killmonger
"They couldn't even imagine to do anything that wouldn't support or further T'challa". Yep. That's exactly what makes them really great women
I seen the movie tonight. If you add more action, you take away from the history of Wakanda, the backstory of the king, and the backstory of Killmonger. This was a great movie. You could have never read the comics or watched the animation, and understood this character, his lineage, and the backstory of the tribes.
Martin Freeman's character is an outsider and an agent in Wakanda. Two no-no's! So how they treated him made complete sense. In theory he should've been treated worse because who he works for. They protected him. I thought he was enjoyable and he got his hero moment. As for the women, they are not Western women with their own agenda, saying I don't need no man, lol. They adhere to tribal law. You're thinking about them too much in the Western sense. They're loyal to Wakanda, not themselves. Commitment to protecting the throne is what they signed up for and why they are fierce. I agree 100% about the let's move forward message. It was one of the reasons I wanted to see this. Look to build and innovate, not wallow in the past.
I agree, they missed an opportunity to put a little soul in this movie. But it still a gem! ;)
why do they have to contaminate comic book movies with this political correctness crap, my goodness.
So you're saying that if someone says people shouldn't account those in positions of power for the actions of their ancestors, that's a great statement. We finally agree on something!
Black panther was dope & it’s ok Grace...I get what you’re trying to say now about Roots + BP.
Bucky looked like Jesus.
During the interrogation scene, i couldnt help myself from wondering if Bilbo Baggins would take Gollum's ring and run away.. again
South Africa is currently engaging in white genocide. How you doing?
I wouldn't even consider killmonger a villain. He and T'Challa are opposites of the same coin.
she was loyal to the Throne because the state is more important then one man.
and no... syri should no become Black Panther! let the BROTHER MAN SHINE!!
it is fine for the women to...get this....support their Patriarch! ! Men do not rule everything and women do not have to rule everythibg.
Funny how Washington was a monster who killed Native Americans. But ERIC KILLMONGER IS A MONSTER???!!# PLEASE!!
i loved the movie. But no Kumnayah!!!
Black Power Fist for KILLMONGER!!!! Forget making white people fell safe!!
movie is great killmonger greatest ever
How you gonna blame Michael b Jordan portraying kill monger the way he did he was from America and raised in rough Oakland how else is he supposed to be? He’s not his dad who was actually from wakanda hence why he was so much more “interesting” MBJ just worked with the backstory he was given and I think he did fantastic
"The technology made no sense." -Grace
25:50 yeah, well Dark Knight was a sequel, so maybe u should compare it to Batman begins instead. Though...tbh, I felt that there was a decent amount of action in this 1st film.
Just seen black panther My god you guys are in for a treat
i dont think you or any reviewer should be scared to critique a movie for what it is. i thought the movie was very good, the bald fighters were amazing and i really hope they get some scene stealers in infinity war
MBJ was awesome Grace, you’re nuts and you didn’t even mention Lupita, she was perfect and beyond gorgeous.
23:20 totally disagree with your thoughts on Killmonger; completely. Amazing villain imho. Strong, emotional, relatable, & capable of challenging the hero; makes T'Challa question & doubt things. Michael nailed this performance.
Heimdall Has the soul stone. In Thor 1 he says that he can see 12 Trillion Souls. and his eyes glow orange. Remember who said it
Just saw it AHHHHHH like seeing it opening night is such a special experience. It hit all the marks and I loved
10:50 the movie leaves out the comic backstory of the heart shaped herb, it can only be taken by someone of royal blood, if you dont have royal blood, its like poison and you'll die.
challas girlfriend had her own ambitions.
You don't understand from an American standpoint Why they wouldn't grab one of the flowers because us as americans don't feel obligated to obey our leaders and defy tradition. That's why you might not understand that Decision. Nakia and Shuri were the two characters that were anti Wakandan establishment, and that's why she grabbed one before Killmonger burned them all
Amazing film, great review Grace. Very impressed with everyone, especially Chadwick.
Hey, Grace, be careful with those land mines: The Black Race have contributed way more to this world than the other races gave us credit for starting with the Black Egyptians. So let's not get lost in Fictional past time.
But THE DARK KNIGHT movie doesn't have a lot of action scenes either.
I agree w/ most of this review and even comparison to Roots. However, condemning Killmonger philosophy shows lack of true understanding into African American experience. And rift between T'Challa and Killmonger is similar to sentiment between African Americans and Africans today
Winston Duke (M'baku) was in Yale School of Drama together with Lupita...
I think the whole roots discussion was mistaken in the first video she should have saved that for this video then there wouldn’t have been so much confusion
How was Killmonger a terrorist? Did you watch the movie? you became king by challenging the sitting king.
Completely disagree concerning Killmonger. He was an extremely effective villian. Like most good villians, he did have valid points. Now, how he went about things, well, was evil.
I loved the movie. Fight choreo though was very standard and somewhat unconvincing. This includes Grace's favorite, Okoye, in my opinion. Most impressive character for me by far was Shuri.
I really love the depth that Grace goes to in her reviews. I just saw the movie and liked it a lot but didn't love it. The CGI took me out of the movie. Especially the rhinos and I absolutely live Killmonger. I thought he had very good valid points but as Grace mentioned... I wish the film portrayed that he was unwilling to let go of the past in order to build a better future.
Why spoiling it so early???
Thank you for not shying away from this discussion and speaking your mind. Your observation were very well stated and you please ignore anyone trying to make you feel like you're wrong for doing so. This is the internet after all lol.
I love this film!!! And I feel it’s very important!
We all know Deadpool has the Stones Cable....I mean Thanos is looking for!!! hehehe
As usual great review
SPOILER Soul Stone is inside the meteorite FOR SURE :D Those flowers are not growing there by chance, and it will be Purple i bet ^^
What politics nothing great politics,just a small mystery n revenge fuk off so badass trailer n dumbass movie
You have failed to understand that honour is very important to African culture... And they protect the crown not the king.
Did this movie look kinda wierd to anyone? It looks like it was shot for a student film competition, The special effects look like video game cutscenes, some of the backgrounds were painfully obvious. It had some cool parts tho
He won and he was royal blood!!! Only Killmonger could challenge tchalla.
i found it very interesting that t'challa ended up fulfilling killmonger's mission at the end
First COOL MCU movie for me, loved the social commentary thought it was poignantly relevant.
Grace, I would like to first off say that I am a fan of yours and I hold your reviews in high regards. I just have to say that you missed some marks in your review. The marks you missed are totally understandable being that you are a white American woman. There were some concepts such as the Dora MIlaje's loyalty to the throne. As an American I can see how it can be hard to put what you want on the back burner and to follow an agreement but loyalty and duty were the most pronounce themes these women were portraying. How could we win any wars if our troops decided to do what not remain loyal to the country they were fighting for. The next thing was the fact that Erik Killmonger played his part to a T. There were no flaws in Micheal B. Jordan's portrayal as an angry black man hardened by an system designed to destroy him and the reason he was not like a Kyle Ren who was conflicted with the light and dark Killmonger knew what he wanted he was absolutely resound in his feelings and ideas and only saw fit to carry out what he saw fit. Again I can understand how you could miss this but I just have to disagree with you. Also I would love to see Shuri as Black Panther when it is her time but it is not. I understand that you may be a feminist I am as well but in efforts to remain consistent with continuity the first Black Panther was a male and THIS is his story. I think all of the women in this movie were amazing and were very strong and not because they were black but because they played their part in supporting the king as they would if it were Shuri. I also agree with you when you said that Killmonger was the embodiment of the African American scorned and angry and that the T'Chala represented the what Africans could be without colonization and the anger associated with that position from them not helping when needed. Again I enjoyed your review I just disagreed with a few things and I felt no anger or hate and I want you to know that's not where I am coming from I just think you missed the mark due to lack of experience. Best regards!
Grace I agree with everything you said. Also how do you feel this movie will effects the legacy of the MCU?
Just got back from the movie and wanted to checkout your review as is custom for me :). I'm an African American male. I have to say, that I think Killmonger represents how the black community currently views society as a whole and perhaps more importantly, whites. "Burn it to the ground. Start over." It sounds like madness in the movie and I think that was deliberate. Killmonger is just angry in the same way many blacks are angry. Anger is never enough. If there is no direction or path then anger just gets in the way. T'challa wants to move beyond the mistakes of the past and unify not only his tribes but the world as a tribe. Movie was good but small In scope and it didn't feel like a marvel movie.
Your insight is always wanted but today I have to disagree. I dont agree with your choosing of what was action. To me there was plenty. Many movies we are wanting more of the characters and not so much action. I think this movie was spot on with the balance. Michael Jordan gave us a villain that, while the revenge was a simple reason, I thought we all paused and at times had to wonder if we wouldn't have felt the same way. Martin Freeman, basically saved the outside world as he kept the weapons from getting out. Another broken white boy (totally forgot Winter Soldier was there as I was watching) was brought into a country where outsiders were forbidden and healed(respected) and then trusted to destroy the weapons, a CIA man we are talking about, and to help save the day even when he was close to being killed he stuck with the job. I disagree with your assessment of his character. They were not going to, at first, dignify a CIA agent who was an outsider. Why would they? He had to earn it and IMO he did. Ya, I was somewhat expecting the soul stone to show up...... Awwwww and the issue with standing for the throne, civil society is nothing without law or rules. To just throw them out would be disastrous! I think its your American views and the newness of the west that didn't allow you to agree or connect with supporting the traditions/rules that are still apart of older cultures.
It was a good movie. I don't agree that there was no action nor that Martin Freeman had a small role.
But please speak to someone from the black community and they can help you see more things from their perspective and you guys can articulate your perception and point of views from the movie
14:22 It’s a weave!
Boooy, she cuttin it close talkin a bit out of turn
I agree with you Grace. Killmonger was kind of underwhelming considering all the hype I heard about him being one of the best villains the MCU ever produced
Shuri to take over the Iron Man mantle
I want to add: this movie makes me PROUD to be a marvel fan. This is such a great movie and I came out feeling so...you know what? I can't explain it...I just know it's good. Such a powerful movie!
It was so good
I think there was just enough action. Remember, T'Challa is now a king of a sovereign nation. I rather admire the restraint shown in the film. I would hate if they show a ruler who is a thug. Clearly, the lesson here is that Black Panther does not do senseless violence for the sake of violence. Even the small destruction of Busan can be interpreted as an act of war if it becomes known that the King of Wakanda is the unregistered hero Black Panther. Just a thought, will the BP suppressant drink/train guard sonic lights work on Captain America? It may be that the secret ingredient in the Super soldier serum is vibranium.
Killmonger very much embodies the ideologies of Malcolm X so it would make sense that he would die saying something like what he said.
You surprised me Grace. You gave me the impression that you were gonna focus more on the flaws of the movie than its virtues. This is a well-balanced, fair review, even though I disagree with a couple of your points, I appreciate you taking the time to really ponder this movie, even if your initial opinion hadn't changed, I respect that you really thought about it and wanted to make a conversational video.
Never heard of roots but now I'm interested and willing to watch it
I disagree with the Roots comparison... I'm not offended I just disagree... any I really don't get how you come to that conclusion really... but offended no
great review
The monster who wins unfairly still gets to be king......hmmmm...where have i seen that 1 before
I really loved the movie, so different from other Marvel films. And the characters all had their moments (LOVED SHURI)
This review is TRASH! Throw it away and try again! Lol
15:12 “That’s what HE said!”
Black Panther was an important, timely and entertaining film. Great hero, along with a fantastic and sympathetic villain. I applaud Grace for not shying away from the conversation, but some of the overexplaining tells me the mindless trolls need to simmer down. I love what this film is doing to the conversation, even as our actual leaders on all sides seek to shut the conversation down. We are one love.
Before any of y’all start with your bullshit the Villian was the only one who took a Radical SJW perspective of the world. The movie then went as far as to condemn his actions and provide a better solution.
Loved this movie! Nor sure if I agree with your Killmonger take. It being irresponsible. I don't think the contrast would've been as strong if there was so.e conflict. Also I disagree kinda with your take on Jordan's performance. I saw layers in his performance but it wasnt consistent. I thought they explained well through dialogue why he was the way he was but perhaps they could've shown it more.
Arc reactors and gamma mutations make TOTAL sense (eye roll, again). Ok. I'm out
Grace you missed the Deep Cut of when the kids called Bucky the White Wolf which might hint at a future Bucky appearance in Wakanda
BushidoBrownSama Adopted brother!!!!! Yaaaaas.
WOW! The women were integral in EVERY aspect of Wakandan society (military, science, council, tradition), but somehow they still weren't "their own people"? (eye roll)
Grace loved your review until you hated on jordan he carried that movie even more so then boseman best marvel villian to date even better then Loki and he captured how black Americans feel towards Africa and most white people he was excellent
Black Americans feel Africans should have reached out and saved them? How? Wakanda of course doesnt exist and there is no African country that is .01% as awesome is Wakanda.
Paraphrasing: "obviously a monster from the get go, simply because he won a fight". Yeah. As an American that's SO hard to understand. Substitute "outdated electoral college" for "fight" and I think we can relate. In fact, that's why I liked the military's resistance to overthrowing the new leader because he was "duly elected" even if he stood for awful, regressive values.
Grace is crazy af why am i here??
Just finished the movie 30min ago. Black Panther is African Greatness.
Wakandans would probably call US foolish for blindly following OUR leaders, too, or criminalizing a DIFFERENT "magic herb"
In fairness to Killmonger's "shortsightedness", he was fueled by revenge of what he saw as the SENSELESS MURDER of his father
We Wuz Kangz: The Movie
There are still open-air slave markets in Africa where blacks sell other blacks into slavery.
somehow a movie about a comic book character is gonna bring things to the next level. All these politics are ruining movies. I dont even wanna watch this movie anymore since it has become so political. I just wanted to enjoy a Black Panther movie
Wakanda is more like WrestleMania than a real country. The government is controlled by the muscular force than the intelligence and they call themselves advanced civilization. Also no physicians, mathematicians, chemists and engineers. Only warrior who fight each other. It is somehow stupid and diminish black people intelligence.
Good movie. The performances were great. I agree the final fight had too much CGI and it looked not great. It reminded me of the CGI fights in the Blade movies and those came out in the 90s.
The action sequence that "happens so fast"? He's not your ordinary avenger. He's like a ninja. T'Challa's perfect as Black Panther.
In a society that was untouched by western civilization, they develop their own belief system.
How did you not like Micheal b Jordan he was the best part of the movie, one of the best mcu villians yet... But I do appreciate you attacking the conversation and and not saying away from the important message in the film
I don't know how being locked up in Wakanda would be, but if I was on a slave ship I would have jumped, or try to get help burning the ship down like in American Gods.
I completely disagree with grace’s interpretation of the message of this film. Killmonger never has a moment of catharsis, he never takes a moment to reconsider his actions, he even goes to his grave willingly rather than accept the possibility that maybe he has gone down the wrong path. The movie never really says Killmonger was wrong...he just loses to T’Challa in the end. And in the end T’Challa actually goes as far as to call his ancestors “fools” for creating a barrier to the outside world for centuries. So he actually adopts part of Killmonger’s philosophy. So that sends a bit of a mixed message.
Im gonna say this right now.Fuck it. This is my 2nd Fav MCU movie. Its maybe even better than Captain America Winter Soldier( i havent watched tws in a while) I cried in this movie dude...
Lastly Grace I think the fact that Michael b. Jordan played Killmonger without remorse made his character better... Why would he be conflicted, he had zero reasons to feel remorse. His father was taken away, the radical environment he was raised in, his training... He was the epitome of anger. So he played his character perfectly till the end. Also it didn't need the soul stone connection, being the type of movie it was it did its job perfectly like Ant-Man
great job grace
What if the sole stone is what is creating the vibranium
Grace they explained vibranium in avengers 2, it's what vision is made of...how can you not understand it's a techno wonder metal... Capt uses it at its basic form
And in not even going to get into the killmonger thing but...sirerously?.....bruh
That low point in Freeman's career is what almost all black actors have had in every thing since always.
I respect your thoughts Grace but they followed Killmongers orders to burn because he is the king...I mean it's not like we , even as Americans, Don't follow certain mindsets because of our government...they were fearful... Lupitas character loved T'Challa so of course she saved one
Grace thought last Jedi would be well received in China because Rose was Asian... She's Vietnamese. Any race political talk by her has to be taken with a bag of Himalayan pink salt ( the best salt)
i don't think me and grace watched the same movie, here's a hint wakandan's are white people.
Regarding Kilmonger’s speech, people who jumped the ships could not be his ancestors unless they had children who had also been enslaved in that ship. The African Americans are decendants of people who didn’t jump the ship. I think that irony shows why you should never give up and even in the worst of sitsuations there can someonething positive born even if it is in future you can’t see.
Okay people for those who don't like seeing politics in Black Panther then you must've not seen the first Iron Man and it's comment on gun control and absolute power going unchecked in Captain America's Winter Soldier.
I think you're off the mark with the women being just an extension of t'challa with no agency of their own. Shuri has no reason to challenge him for the throne, she doesn't want the responsibility. She can do more for the country with her tech expertise. It only seems like all of her tech is in support of him because we're witnessing a small portion of her duties as the head of science. It's comparable to Stark making the avengers tech. The work he does around the world isn't hindered by it. Nakia's defining trait is that she's at odds with t'challa's views. Her introductory scene has her explaining to him that she's found a purpose outside of wakanda and has no intention of staying past his coronation. She's a VERY large factor in his decision to end wakanda's isolation and is spearheading the outreach initiative. The Dora Milaje are soldiers. They serve their country to a fault because that's what soldiers do. That being said, Okoye tried her best to give consul to killmonger when he took the throne and steer him away from a path of destruction. When that didn't work she showed she wasn't above using a loophole to ensure that he couldn't hold the throne, allowing the Dora Milaje to act against him without stepping on tradition.
The only problem I have with this movie is that the twist was almost identical with the twist in Thor Ragnarok. A secret family member returning and trying to take the throne which they think is rightfully there's. It just felt a little too similar. But everything else is
I think the tribal ritual fight scenes were cool and could have highly benefited by phoning in the Russo Bros.
Killmonger is the black punisher
I cried at the end of the movie. I was so angry with Killmonger for removing the blade and choosing death. He was an awesome character and there was so much he could offer to Wakanda. For someone to just give up and accept death was TRULY disappointing and disheartening. The villain was AMAZING! And a little to real. He spoke to me, I saw a little of me in him. I grew up having to fight, i had to be tough, and ready to defend myself at all times. Seeing that anger on screen just spoke volumes to me. Anger isn't the answer. But hiding those kinds of emotions isn't healthy nor is having them but through anger you can find passion and with reason you can make a healthy solution. But Killmonger wanted to remain without reason and compassion, even seeing his father fueled him even more. So for me... seeing a fictional character with so much potential... give up. Was upsetting. But because he died... we are able to have deep conversation about why. This movie was hands down... a good one.
Disagree on Michael b Jordan his character is supposed to have resolve he is named killmonoger he in one day he got there and literally was about to give all the sleeper agents weapons to crush his enemies to have him have a crisis of conscience as the main hero is having a crisis of conscience isn't good storytelling he didn't need to be confused he needed to be killmonoger
It was enough action ffs. If it was more action then thay had to cut some great moments or maybe important moments from the plot. And noone taked about the jokes that were mostly absent finally.
How about that oakland Shout out tho...haha #Townbusiness any who. I agree with you about Micheal B Jordan. He played the same character he was in Creed. He said his character was inspired by heath ledgers Joker when I think he should have took more cues from Tupac Shakur. I also Agree about the action i also felt the same about Thor ragnorok in that regard.
11:27 "He won, I guess we're all going to have to be ruled by a monster now." In 2018 you didn't understand this? Really? Where have you been the last year? I'm not even joking, seriously say that out loud and think about it again.
Loved the movie! #TeamBucky
she IS the best fighter in the mcu!!
This is a horrible review. Killmonger was great. You understood why he had so much hatred in him. They challenge for the throne, if they have royal blood in them. Which is why , killmonger, ( t'challa cousin ), challenged him. Martin Freeman character ( Ross), was perfect for who he is. A cia operative, who's only concerns are for the interest of America. That's why he told t'chall , that at the casino.
As a life long fanatic of the character, the only thing i could say the movie truely got wrong was that T'challa is meant to be the best fighter in marvel and I thought the civil war directors haddled this better
"When cap sees him he's gonna faint"
A movie made to discuss something important to other people without actually saying anything. "The movie tries".. indeed, TRIES. It was too soft, flat.. and it accomplishes nothing.
I wanted to see more of Erik
Your view of the movie seems to put an inordinate amount of onus on the oppressed to be nice. It's like you legit missed all the parts of the movie and it's overt messaging. I'm literally looking for something nice to say and coming up short.
Hope this review gets to Ryan coogler
WOAH! WOAH! WOAH! better then batman begins!!!! Dark knight level you lost me there
It's fairly sad how much of the nuance Grace doesn't get. If I'm honest, the idea that she even reviewed it ignores the scene where M'baka told Everett not to talk. Everett Ross gave a MASTER CLASS on being an ally. He did what was asked by the people he wanted to help. I think this was a great spot to share this platform with someone who better understood the complexities of the topics being discussed. Or taken it a step further and had the conversation with someone over the things you didn't get. I've not watched your reviews in the last few years because it seems that you rejoice in not understanding movies that center minorities and sadly not much has changed.
I don’t think people know that Africa has many many rich cities. A lot of the cities in Africa ar more beautiful then here in America
You can't compare Mandela's imprisonment with being on a slave ship. The middle passage was horrible, people were chained up with strangers who didn't even speak their language and they were most of them traveling by ship the first time. Mandela was in the midst of a political revolution, his hopes and aspirations were much more in reach than a teenager enslaved on a ship packed in like cattle, they were also routinely beaten, raped and starved on the middle passage so the situation was soooooooooo much more destitute. They didn't just "give up".
I hate you , your attitude is repulsing
I have to disagree, I thought Michael B Jordan's performance was awesome. Probably my favorite villain in the MCU so far.
Killmonger was my favorite villain in the mcu. Great motivation, very relatable to me and he was badass.
Your trying to apply your American values and beliefs on African culture. That's why you don't understand the women of Wakanda or Killmonger.
Ok so you discount half of the action sequences then say there isn’t enough action wtf
I feel like whenever women in movies don't act exactly like how you would you look down upon them.
Should have used real rhinos, oh wait they're endangered.
Grace you don't have to have black skin to talk about what you think about this film.
This was a great movie. One of my favorite Marvel movies ever. Totally disagree with your opinion on Michael B. Jordan. He is the second best villain so far in the MCU. He was a worthy opponent to Black Panther. And this film didn’t need the Soul Stone. It would’ve discredited Black Panthers power and his comic book story.
I think the movie was just....ok...not really good but not a bad movie.
I’m disappointed you didn’t seem to grasp how important the phrase wakanda forever is to the wakandan people and thus why danai gurira’s character was willing to kill daniel kaluuya’s character
Spoiler Alert: Spider-Man does NOT show up.
18:58 He said "vegan" not vegetarian
as a non-american and a non-african, calling the film out for putting a monster in rule of the country is pretty hypocritical. so i think the film is very self-reflective of the current political system in america.
as an africn american man who grew up in a black community i feel like B jordan did an amazing job. I see him as the black community in america who go through the after results of slavery. giving the fact that he grew up in that life style. and your saying that he was a terrorist is kinda upsetting to hear. I felt he was the anger felt through african americans and everyone else in the african diaspora. also when you say you dont understandwhy they just said ok to him being the new king, you have to remember, its deeper than whats right In there way of living, in a way every king that rises was choosen the be king by there god(even if they became king through a battle)
No discussion of Lupita in the actors section?
Just wanted to say: This is the best Black Panther review on the internet. Appreciate how much thought you put into it, Grace. :)
Black panther was just a meh. The women were strong in the film.
9:49 Lol, Grace, what were you about to say? If Wakanda were like the U.S., eventually Wakandans wouldn’t see W’Kabi as a traitor. Instead they’d erect statues in his honor.
I think Roots isn't the right movie is referring I think more like Coming to America.
Only people from the panther tribe can take the herd
Ugh, so much to say! First, this movie was a triumph of Black Futurism, a movement I love dedicated to focusing on the future, and on empowerment. In the clash between East Coast hip hop, focused on positivity and rising up, and West Coast Gangster Rap which, validly, recognizes the reality of life, I've always favored the aspirational (that final line, so easy to lose the meaning of in the context of superhero movies, "Who are you?", so awesome). Second, I had an opposite reaction to the women: wow, all this dude's right-hand men are women! Nakia argued with and refused T'Challa's every demand, Okoye served the throne, not him, and his sister, well, she was a typical sister - I didn't experience them as support staff at all.
Your problem with the women being tchallas support system is dumb af
Grace you were doing so well until you started preaching about feminism
Saying that the best person for the role is who should be cast is not saying that it's always Whites who should be cast, it's clearly saying race isn't always a prerequisite actually.
You still somehow think comic book logic is suppose to apply to actual logic *face palm*
Black panther and wakanda is an immoral concept if meant and or taken as a serious concept or possibility, because it's saying that blacks are just as smart as everybody else if not smarter, and that means that the only reason why they aren't as well off is environmental and therefore being oppressed, thereby breeding hostility and putting responsibility or blame for there shortcomings on White people whos fault in reality it is not, and that's what makes it immoral. You can see why this could cause animosity amongst blacks who don't know any better, and guilt amongst whites who don't know any better; there should therefore be a clause or something attached to the story that makes it very clear that this is sheer fantasy, and not to be interpreted as realistic, or something that was actually possible and plausible in reality. This needs to be explicitly explained.
You can't have more than one Black Panther at a time because that is the title given to the current ruler. It's not a superhero name.
Wow kind of feels like somebodys pointing a gun at Grace's head as she's doing her review lol! I've never seen her stutter, blush and hold back so much for ANY review. Dam man this is really sad and why I'm having mixed "kind of negative" feelings about the film not because its good or bad but because I see a lot of reviewer like Grace looking so scared to even say the smallest bad thing about this movie very carefully narrating their review (love this, love that, amazing, funny, fabulous.. Bla bla bla) and quickly justifying the little tiny details they didn't like about the movie with how interesting the scene actually is. Im sure this is a very good movie, but all this fear of saying the wrong thing about it just makes these reviews not seem totally honest.
God you are embarrassing yourself grace
Killmonger is the prime example of both a victim of circumstances and a extremist who takes their ideals too far even when their overall intentions may have once been pure. His father was killed for being a traitor and he let his anger and hate lead him on the path to becoming what he was but even in all that what did he want besides revenge? He wanted to help those he felt were oppressed which is a pure intention but he went about it with hate in his heart which is why he succeeded only so much only to fail in the end and die by his own hand. Ta'chala was right in saying his dad was wrong. As a boy he was Wakandin and even now he is and for Ta'chaaka to leave him like that and not even bury his brother? That's fucked up no matter how you slice it because Erik at that time was an innocent child so really him becoming a monster is all Ta'chaaka's fault. Also am I the only one who was salty that Killmonger didn't say "long live the king" after he 'killed' ta'chala? It would have been so epic
I agree with most of the points you made expect MbJ i feel he was really good and nasty and perfect antagonist t'challa needed however, movie felt like divided into two Like first half was movie where they were trying catching klaw and he was antagonist and then a more grounded movie where A king has to re clam his kingdom. They could have made 2 movies out of this movie yet it didn't feel cramed or rushed so props to that both stories fit witj each other. And can't wait for moment when Tony will meet Sheeri
You are such a nitpicked the action was awesome
Martin Freeman’s character was one of my favorite 3 characters in the movie....
I don't see the comparison. The movie isn't saying that, and that is not how it is being received. (At least by me.) America has not dealt with slavery enough and the effects it still has on the black community.
The black community has a culture problem not a slavery problem. Its no magic brand new immigrants form all races come in and are doing better than the black community within a generation or two.
Ok Grace. I subscribed to your channel. You're a real one ^^ And just because you are white Grace, doesn't mean that you don't embody the black spirit because you do. And of that black spirit, you possess flicker-shines more brighter and violent than the flares of the sun. I'm so happy that you have an intelligent, self-aware mind that is capable of talking about anything whether it's about race or other things... I wish a lot more women, white women (and others of course) were as deep and thought provoking as you.
@ 11:25 == US Elections Grace. He won the electoral...
This idea may seem a little crazy, but I think that Black Panther 2 could be a great way to introduce Namor. Hear me out, they could say that Wakanda wasn’t the only nation that thrived off vibranium and that some of the meteor went into the ocean, which creates Atlantis
Okoye was my favorite part of the movie. She is such a badass and since I’ve been watching the walking dead for so long and have been a fan of Danai Gurera it made her parts in the movie so much better
T'Challa had a weak rule. He barely won the first fight, can't bring Klaue back, he loses the second fight to Killmonger and then opens his city up to be ravaged by other nations for vibranium. Sounds legit
His rule is weak but he hasnt opened the city..yet. For now he has an outreach program. He buys property in America. Americans arent buying property in Wakanda.
I think Killmonger had to go out like that because there are people like that, they weren’t trying to legitimise it, but rather to show that the anger held by people in the black community is so deep that it can kill you spiritually and make u do immoral things.
This movie was so much better than i thought it would be i absolutely loved it
Just saw this and it was so so so so so amazing!!!!!!! Seeing it again next week
I found it funny how long killmonger sat around with a knife in his chest
Enjoyed watching your review Grace, but I gotta disagree on a few things. First and foremost is on Michael B. Jordan's performance and then again on Killmonger. I thought he did a fantastic job and it shows the depth of his performance because you came away believing that Jordan may agree with Killmonger. As for Killmonger, I think he represents a lot of the rage that has existed from the OG Black Panther movement to the rage that still exists today in black communities. If the oppressed head the means to stand up to the oppressor they would. Killmonger represents this notion, but represents say Malcom X to Tchallas, Dr King. In this fictional universe if Wakanda is this ancient and highly advanced society then it's right to question why they allowed colonizers to enslave their ancestors. Second, I think you just can't understand Okoye. She is essentially a kingsguard sworn to the crown. Killmonger rightfully claimed the crown from Tchalla through the ceremonial challenge. As far as everyone knew Tchalla died and Erik was King. Her life is to defend the crown. You can't understand that because it's not really part of our society to demonstrate loyalty to an office. She flips on Killmonger when it becomes clear that he did not win the challenge and is not the rightful King. That makes perfect sense.
I just got home from seeing it & it just dawned on me this movie is literally a live action lion king
This movie doesn't quite do it for me
Kilmonger was not a terrorist but a realist
I feel like Grace's review is a well intentioned interpretation, but one that shoes a woeful ignorance for the black experience in America. The sin of slavery will always be the elephant in the room when we talk about relationships between white and black, and this movie does not shy away from it, but it didn't end there, and this movie is not by any means an allegory for slavery. The movie is very clear, that this is about injustices that continued into the early 90's and are still a problem today. It's about the criminal justice system which is rigged against black people, it's about inequality in educational opportunities, it's about food deserts, and government policies that punish the poor for building stable families. Killmonger wasn't angry because he couldn't forgive America's history. He was angry because he grew up as a second class citizen in the country of his birth. The movie does not support the violent and short sighted way he uses his rage, but it does empathize with the rage that he feels.
What government policies punish the poor for building stable families?
I just saw Black Panther this afternoon. Loved it. I too would have liked a little more action scenes-particularly between T'Challa and Erik Killmonger. Was kinda disappointed with Erik died. Wished his character didn't end that way and the same for Claw as well. But overall, I loved this movie. Going to see it again tomorrow.
Grace!!! You came through for me on this one lady! HONORARY BLACK CARD
The political aspect of this movie applies to the film/writing first and then you can only take some pieces of it that can apply to us being better people. There is nothing that applies directly to something outside of the film.
People are saying Killmonger is a great MCU villain but I'm not seeing it. He's no Loki, he lacks that depth and substance. I thought he was one note and really wasn't saying much more than any other villain.
He served his purpose. As a comic book villain is as Standard as it gets, just a copy paste job of the hero in the end.
Ayee just watched it. It was amazing!! I didn't think it was political at all tho other then like the United Nations thing, and of course the black people wanted "revenge"..
Stepping out of the fantasy world fire a sec, Killmonger' geo-political perspective would be MUCH better option for Black People than T'challa's. T'challa is clearly an integrationist...and chasing the IDEA of integration (because TRUE integration has NEVER been achieved) has led to the destruction of Black People. As long as Killmonger's campaign focused on exclusively helping Black People with a nationalistic disposition in the diaspora....and USING then DISCARDING some white people as he did Claue, then we have something to work with.
You seem to treat your blacks like pets or retarded children...in a very patronising manner instead of just giving them back what was stolen from them! They are owed trillions in reparations for a history of tortuous injustice, incarcerations, bereavements and deprivations!
Killmonger was the real mvp.
I was cool with this review until she started talking down on Killmonger. Guess everyone loves a docile negro. Reason why they killed Malcolm. Dude kept it 100.
I totally forgot about the soul stone ...props to the story
I think you liked this film because as a white person the ultimate message made you feel comfortable enough to sleep peacefully in your bed. It sounds like you are afraid of real life Killmongers when in fact all they do is talk the language that the white supremacist world leadership understand. I also think you like the parts that put responsibility and blame on black Africans rather than on the white west for its lack of morality towards Africa/blacks. This movie obviously touched you personally and told you the "two wrongs dont make a right/you Negroes have to be more moral now" messages regarding race that you want to hear. Which is undetstandable I guess lol
Maze runner 3 action sequences > Black Panther action sequences Black Panther messages>Maze Runner 3> The whole DC Marvel Universes.
Only the bloodline of T'Challa can take the herb. Anyone else will die.
You completely missed the point of Killmonger. The entire review you’re glorifying T’Challa but without Killmonger he wouldn’t even changed any ideology. And Killmonger wasn’t a monster he was a product of his environment he’s an incredibly relatable villain in the sense that his motives are relatively his methods are what make him a villain. The last line Killmonger said exemplifies that and means a lot to most black people.
why was the black panther able to see his dead father and other past panthers...? i feel even though the soul stone was not seen in the movie does not mean it was not their. i dont know just a thought, i mean this is earth not asgard....
She nitpicks the hell out of this movie, but not WW.
Killmonger and Magneto are both right.
come on in Africa kings are respected and what ever they say goes, and the culture is different really
On par with the Dark Knight? HAHHAHAHAH I doubt someone wins the oscar for best actor or actress like Heath Ledger did
"Don't scare me like that, colonizer".
Did she just say this is better than Batman Begins?
The greeks the Romans Europeans all rob africa blind math science astronomy ect ect do your research before you make idiocy comments grow a brain first
Hey Grace some food for thought black panter will gross 2 billon dollars overall you can quote me on that
"When Cap sees him, he's gonna faint." XD Stucky!
Grace shits on everything marvel but praise everything. Dc
Girl if you going to talk about something you need to do some research I'm not trying to be mean or nothing but you're wrong about the slavery thing. What's holding black people back is years and years of Oppression. Every time black people tried to build something AKA Black Wall Street the s*** got burnt down how can you be held back if you weren't even allowed to take a step forward. Read something white girl
I would disagree with kill monger. He was awesome Micheal b Jordan performance was awesome
But nelson Mandela didn't forcefully take over a kingdom and make them fight eachother...loll grace what tf r u talking about
Kill monger is not done yet. Remember, in black panthers culture death is more like a stepping off point. Kill mongers gonna do a lot of damage now that hes reunited with the people that he can blame. The man who killed his father, and the other king's throughout generations who watched his people get slaughtered, oppressed and enslaved yet did nothing. The next black panther movie has to deal with the fact that he sent kill monger there. That's why kill monger happily died. He knew that it was better to be free in death than imprison. Black panther should have put him in prison. Now hes gonna have to deal with kill monger again.
Martin Freeman did have a good and significant role. He did single handling stop the weapons from getting delivered.
"They just going to let a monster rule just because he won", lmao this shouldn't be a hard concept to grasp for American by now haha
I don't think you got this one right.... you don't really seem to know what your talking about
Love you Grace!!
chadwick boseman has no charisma or screen presence, total miscast for black panther, michael b jordan should have been black panther
Did you watch the movie? Women didn't play second place to men. There were literal women on the government board. Nakia followed her heart in helping other countries. Sherri design and innovate like the train
I agree with alot of points being made in this review but what I truly disagree with is Grace stating that Danai Gurira's character Okoye being the best fighter in the MCU...For me personally that is totally untrue. Did she not see Captain America Winter Soldier and see how badass Cap was against Bucky or even the elevator scene or the beginning of that movie when they boarded the ship! Not to even mention all of the acrobatics and epic fight scenes with black widow in many of the MCU films thus far. Maybe I'm missing something but no way Okoye surpasses any of that. One can only speculate and see what's to come once Infinity War gets here and we see how the Russo bros flesh out her character and her fight scenes....
Lol wakanda agrees with Bucky when he sees him he’s gonna faint lol
The movie did not condone Killmonger at all, proven by the facts that 1) every sensible character in the movie thought he was an asshole and a bad leader except Daniel Kaluha's character, who was proven to be wrong. 2) He was the villian.
Grace - Marty Freeman has a fairly important role in this film, not sure why you said he didn't in your non-spoiler review? He's part of what moves the plot forward, he's shooting down drone ships....Also, not sure if we saw the same film but I saw PLENTY of action of all kinds, all the way through the film! There was some at the beginning, some in the middle, and a whole lot more at the end. Way off Grace, very unlike you! Oh and yes the film was bloody marvellous, way better than the silly humourous route the franchise has been venturing down lately. Loved it.
Oh and Eric tells T'challa about the sunsets after he is stabbed.
I really like your take on the movie that it’s about not letting slavery define the black community and moving forward
Grace loved your review, I hate how you had to hold back some of your opinions because your not part of the black community. You have such wonderful views and such a great way of expressing it.
thank you for putting into words how I felt about killmonger too - it felt like he never really saw the error of his ways and felt vindicated till the end... like he didn't realize that he had brought his own demise the moment he chose vengeance, the same with his father... they definitely hit upon it with the afterlife scene in the apt which really felt and looked like hell, but killmonger refused it with such certainty it was painful to watch. Perhaps thats what they were going for...
"First of all, what if Nelson Mandela..." Had to bail out there.
Disagree about the women's role in the movie: Angela Basset went to T'Chala's enemies to stage a coup after his death, game of thrones style! Michonne, general of the Dora Milaje, stayed loyal to the throne after T'chala is ousted. Monarchies, shit. Lupita's character refuses to marry him and wants to continue being a spy and assassin, etc. Shuri, well. She's just cool.
Had a suit that’s bulletproof yet still killed his brother
Kill monger said that his dad told him about the sunsets in thw train scene
Just saw...it's pretty good....I'm hoping for Universal to lend Namor so that we could see a Wakanda/Atlantis conflict like in the comics......one thing that I'm not seeing from a lot of reviews is that the kids in the end credits call Bucky, the White Wolf....in the comics, he's T'Challa's adopted caucasian brother....I'm thinking we're going to see a bigger connection with him in the future of Wakanda.....catharsis much?
I don't think the sequel will get to the level of TDK. Not with all its Disney ties.
There's nothing there with Bucky? They confirmed he's going to be White Wolf
Great movie, but it's nowhere close to Batman Begins, which is still the best comic book movie ever made.
She's going to be Peter's girlfriend I think
Another reason she's in Infinity War could be Thanos is attacking her beloved Wakanda?
Hello Grace, here's an interesting trivia. The actress Nabiyah Be plays Linda, Killmonger's girlfriend. Original the character was supposed to be Tilda Johnson who in the comics is Nightshade, the actress even Twitted about it. But they change this because the character will appear in Luke Cage season 2 play by Gabrielle Dennis.
Grace , there are roles in a tribe, killmonger is the warrior who dies on the battlefield, Mandela is the diplomat both are leaders in their own right .
I love all your reviews but I have to disagree on your comments about Michael B Jordan. Him as a villian is Loki level.
Grace seemed dismissive of the female characters in this movie. They were front and center, not relegated to supporting cast.
okoye represents a conservative, who holds on to tradition. everyone just can't throw away all institutions and tradition when fighting for their nation/country. Killmonger wasn't conflicted because his choice was already made for him. His father was supposed to be conflicted because he betrayed thousands of years of tradition and his own blood.
Naw Grace. Kugler is a very socially aware African American to place the blame for what stifles the black community in the wrong place, within itself. Killmonger in my opinion represented someone in between 2 cultures and the anger towards that. For example, as a Mexican American, born to 2 Mexican immigrants, I can relate. In the U.S. I am sort of a 2nd class citizen, a minority, non-white, member of an oppressed community. On the other side, in Mexico, I am not Mexican, but an American. Often, particularly in Mexico, I feel looked down on for having been born in the US. I’m seen as not really Mexican..... yet also not really American in the US. Of course there is some resentment. Killmonger was that person.
Well atleast you acknowledged Killmonger was a terrorist.
I disagree with what you said about Martin Freeman's character and Michael B Jordan's character I thought they were both good
What did think about Ângela Basset?
I feel the message of this movie was we should be accepted by out people were all Africans
1. T'Challa's words doesn't represent getting over slavery, his words are about Black people coming back together. Africans from their native countries and Africans who went through slavery. This doesn't say forget what White colonizers did, he's saying don't become like White colonizers, use violence, and kill people. This is more like Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X ideas/philosophies, who are portrayed in Professor X and Magneto.
This movie have no place in the MCU, is a good movie, not great, but is more a political movie the anything else.. disappointed
Grace don't listen to the complainers, you can talk about whatever you want it is your channel. Your beauty overcomes everything.
WTF!! The women were strongly representes in this movie than any other movie. Head of tech, bodyguards, opinions, suggestions, leaders, loyal. Still not enough for you. You'll never be happy unless it's a Wonder Woman movie. The women had the best action sequences and lines. What did you want? Honestly!? It's a monarchy. You follow the king. It was a great movie!
“You won, I guess we all have to be ruled by a monster now”... that is VERY American. Look who our leader is RIGHT NOW!!! I had so many issues with this review
Killmonger is a terrorist but it is good for that to be portrayed. Many white people are held in high esteem but they held terrible demons in their closets especially the colonists. I think that white people have a fear of seeing a monster of their creation coming to bite them in the butt the same way they did us. I think that you don't like Killmonger because he represents a eurocentric reaping season where white people have to atone for the sins of their ancestors.
How do you find it hard to believe Wakandan’s will immediately respect the position of king when popular shows like Game of Throne does it in almost every episode?
7:25 Cringe
Grace, I like you but you don’t know ANYTHING about tradition. Many people have stayed loyal based on cultural traditions. The Dora Milaje took a death oath to serve the throne. Did you read the comics?! My lord lol. The things you don’t understand about the movie is answered in the comics. I wish you’d better prepare for your review on this to get a better knowledge on Wakandian matters.
Black Panter = Cute ........
Grace the reason Killmonger is there is to represent the ones with hate in rage in their heart that drive their actions. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xrt8FEiISlY
How did forest whittaker's character grow up soo fast
I don’t know about Black Panther being about “moving forward”. In my theater, a lot of the Black audience clapped when Eric said the slaves who jumped the boat knew dying would be better than captivity. I think a lot of the people in my audience were more aligned with Eric than T’Challa.
Killmonger was obviously realized on the Zod from Man of Steel. The results is the best Marvel villain ever.
And as an aspiring writer, I realized that Ryan Coogler is actually Killmonger. Every writer has to breathe life into their characters and most of Coogler's essence was blessed to Killmonger. He was just pushed to be a great villain for the movie; but Killmonger's rebirth was largely inspired by Ryan's own beliefs and ideologies.
For me it wasn’t so much about leaving slavery in the past, because it’s effects are still felt and colonisation still takes places in Africa today. But it did address grievances between black people across the diaspora and showed that we can come together.
Grace: very eloquently thought out and well put! Loved this video ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Ms Grace I normally agree with you, but as a black man I disagree with you on Killmonger. His method was world domination by revenge, but it should've been world domination by equal or greater aggression. Eurocentric dominance exists only because nothing as strong/stronger exists to challenge it and in this movie Killmonger is actually the hero (who was tainted by rightful jealously and revenge on the people that could have saved the everyday black/African person) that can challenge it and defeat it. In the real world he would be more heroic and less of a villain than depicted in the movie because Pan Africanism is not as violent as Killmonger. In real life Killmonger would be himself and T'Challa.
I don't see this movie as saying that we should forget about slavery and all that. I think it slavery is an important part of black history, but it was saying that black people also have more to offer. It was a statement to the world that black people should be taken seriously. I actually thought they did a good job of explaining the science behind the gadgets. At least more than most other movies. They explained how the communication devices work, where as in most movies it's just a given that everyone can hear each other somehow, and they explained the sonic Vibranium dampeners. Maybe Vibranium is in some way related to the soul stone, since it's so powerful
I went to watch it on Saturday, I loved it.
GraceRandolph the soul stone was in the dust that they buried T’challa in
Saw the movie. Awesome! Much more than just a comic book movie. Fantastic sensitive review Grace. I feel like Wakanda came over to understand some aspects of Killmonger’s perspective. Helping and engaging the rest of the world without becoming conquerers that Killmonger wanted.
love Grace, she's like the cool teacher that *still* has to call your parents.
off the cuff, gonna call it now: Black Panther's sister will become the next Ironman after he ded.
What the movie was great but I wish the action scenes with black panther were as good with civil war
Go Eric go! I agree with killmonger! The women in this movie was just important as the men. I love the lack of white Feminism which helped destroy the black community. African feminist is based on Ying and yang like relationships. The women in this movie saved day like three times. Also you need to study sound and the creation of the universe. Not science fiction. Then you'll understand why they use sound to cut through vibranium. Sound and vibration can manipulate anything including DNA. Sound can levitate, cut, create light, heat and mini stars ✨ in a jar. All real not science fiction. Sound and vibration is so misunderstood. But from a science-fiction standpoint if you have over 3000 years of science expertise you can do what you want with sound.
Saw it this morning and you almost forget it is a superhero movie because the story line and dept that has is ridiculous
I took offense to your Roots comment initially but I do feel much better about it after your explanation. I completely disagree with you regarding Killmonger. I think MBJ played it exactly the way it should be played. Why pretend that he was conflicted? There's nothing in his past experiences that would've made him feel conflicted about his decisions. Showing him as a conflicted character would only have served to make the audience more comfortable with him and I don't think he's a person we're supposed to feel comfortable about. Thanks for the review and opening the discussion.
Only movie I'd choose to side with the villain in. Don't get me wrong I love T'challa, but I do agree with what killmonger was talking about.
small plot hole but .. why would the jajabari have fishermen of they are vegetarian ?
I'm very happy that you voiced an real opinion, but at the same time I also believe that there is just some things that people outside of the black community will never understand! But thanks for the review it's good that this could open up a discussion!
P.S I have nothing against white people just white supremacist. There is a difference and Grace seems like a cool white person
Killmonger was under used but was still really good I was on his side lol
Want to see more of Winston Duke? Watch Person of Interest. He shows up in the later seasons. Very Good in his role there.
The soul stone looks like a jolly rancher
What the fuck Grace. I loved Martin Freeman and Michael.
I enjoyed the movie overall but I guess now I just have to accept the "fact" that I'm a "colonizer" and if I go to Africa and try to speak to someone I'll just be barked at till I realize my proper place and shut up.
Political movie so good guns are so primitive
I really like the way you're bringing up this conversation Grace, great job!
Their were two action scenes before they went to South Korea
Interesting how Grace calls Killmonger a "terrorist" but also contrasts him with Nelson Mandela who was called a "terrorist" by the Reagan administration.
I completely agree with you on killmonger
Careful on those eggshells Grace
Great review.. and it's great to hear a white person that is open minded enough to understand how a film can have such an effect .. but killmonger might have had a raw approach but his motivations were not wrong!
We are being ruled by a monster now who won the election a short time ago, it does happen--we do nothing.. 11:27
MBJ was fantastic and by far the best MCU villain we've seen in a long time. Also does anyone else think vibranium IS the infinity stone? Or perhaps it's at the center of that mountain?
I know Ryan Coogler wanted to incorporate elements of African tribes in Wakanda, but Wakanda really reminds me of Japan and South Korea, in sense that those nations are technologically advance way ahead of a lot of other country, but also embrace tightly on their traditional values. I think it's the genius of Coogler.
This person pisses me off
I am black and approve the analysis of this film.
Two points that you said were ridiculously stupid and typical of an extreme LIBERAL. In case u didn't know their is only one king and of course the rest are meant to be loyal, and typical of a white woman to be mad that a black man wants to fight against white oppressors, maybe you are blind to the history or the present of the world. America deals with its problems through conflict, so does EVERYONE else. Sigh
No it's not time to move past shit
So interesting how different our views are about Martin Freeman. I have never liked him in the MCU. I've found him bumbling, and his American accent doesn't sit well with me. But, here in Black Panther I finally got why he was cast. Really enjoyed his performance here. His willingness to give his life (multiple times) for others, because it was the right thing to do. Really interested to see where the MCU takes him next. Also, I did like his hologram/action set piece. I am counting that as action.
I'm glad you stopped yourself at 9:44. I think we have a habit of labeling a person of color "terrorist" too quickly without even understanding what made him/her what he/she is, which this movie did. Don't blame the movie for trying to "legitimize a terrorist." Blame your ancestors for second-classing and creating color-race.
Great movie! Killmonger was awesome!
I found the “He won, I guess we’re gonna all have to be ruled by a monster now” comment kind of ironic. Grace, listen to that again and see if you really don’t understand how an entire society could agree to it.
This movie felt so rushed I honestly think it could have been a bit longer to really make some of the characters better understood, it did more talking about action than showing it.
This film could have been a whole lot better .
What the %$#@
Some things are out of your depth..., Humble yourself
Black Panther might be my new favorite Marvel Movie (and I'm pasty white btw)
Makes me think if this is what marvel does with T'Challa vs Killmonger wait till they get their hands back on Professor X vs Magneto.
Yes, it is just a comic book movie, Grace. Fictional fantasy and adventure genres do not mix well with real life agendas woven into them, hence the controversy over Disney films of late. Just to make it very clear, if this movie had a predominantly white cast and the fictional country was set in Europe, dumbed-down leftists would be screaming racism, making white supremacy claims about the film and even labeling the movie as right-wing, nationalist propaganda. You would also see a massive call for boycotting Disney which would be trending on social media.
I feel like in a subtle way this movie was saying at one point white people and america suck which doesn't seem to be the best thing to say in a movie...
However I have come to respect this versions Black Panther, he even told mongor that he was blinded by hatred and became the very enemy he sought to destroy, just like he told the Mastermind behind the avengers downfall "your heart is consumed with vengeance"
I think the movie was good but considering how political races right now I don't think they should have put a lot of that political races and b******* in there. To be honest and then aiming it directly at white people in general, it was the British government during the monarchy that stole the artifacts the people working there just work there. The problems that we have with racism stem back to the government , and the government is quite geniusly using newest the point fingers at other people while they stay safe in their homes with all of their security
wow, kilmonger is not smart...why should he be conflicted? i think your just about the only person who didn't like his performance, but what else is new. he knew what he wanted and went for it. don't you love Batman v superman.? was it irresponsible to have Batman kill so many ppl, then act like it never happened? and why are you always trying to make cap and Bucky gay?
Also if you notice closely Disney also slipped some more subliminals in there, for example when the CIA agent was taken back to Wauconda the mother of the king was told that he was burning the flowers so that there couldn't be another Black Panther after him. The CIA agent said of course that's what he was trained for D stabilize the government .
why such push for strong women in every film ? in reality women don't fight men.and are often victims of domestic violence ,sexual violence and of lately sexually harassment. I'm just being honest,why do women got to be beating up everyone in these new films? it's takes me out of the film,so unrealistic .already pushing for a female black panther ,ruler of wakanda? So she is going to defeat all the best warriors in wakanda in combat?
ill give you a black panther "Wink wink"
Winston Duke was in the show Person of Interest a few times. He played a villain who had the nickname Mini.
Andy Serkis is turning into the next Sean Bean!
lol Grace what's you deal with loyalty? Bucky and Cap, the women and T'Challa.......
Grace is way off base about Kill Monger (Terrorist). And that line at the end about the slaves choosing death over cages is thee most powerful line in the MCU.
Don't be scared Grace. these are very nuanced discussions. You always talk respectfully about race. The black experience is very diverse and I'm just glad that the discussion has begun on a large scale. I don't agree with his methods but Killmonger's points were valid. But with the women I have to disagree with you. They were strong and followed their own paths while being loyal to T'Challa
I seen the movie two times already
Too bad Grace didn't catch the 'White Wolf' reference when the kids were calling Bucky that (on the 2nd end credit scene)
Kilmonger winning the fight and becoming king demonstrates how Wakandan tradition could work against them. One of the themes of the movie was about breaking tradition and changing with the times.
The killmonger/tchalla debate was a mirror to the Malcolm x/Martin Luther king Jr debate. One about retaliation, justice and an eye for an eye mindset versus a forgiveness and unity. That's why Eric was so uncompromising and non conflicted just as Malcolm x and the Black panther party were. While I strongly agree with Tchallas viewpoint I do see validity in the other side of the argument. This debate still continues to this day in black community and I think Eric's portrayal of his side was needed in the movie which is why there are some who say killmonger did no wrong. His portrayal was a credit to the movie rather than a hindrance in my opinion.
What in the fuck did you mean when you said police brutality and disarming without killing...
@gracerandolph Only the Royal bloodline can use the heart shaped fruit. It will kill others.
I liked your review. I don't agree with your narrow definition of action in this film. I do agree that the the development of Killmonger was a bit flawed.
The women are loyal to Wakanda.
I think you’re slightly misinterpreting the message of Black Panther. It isn’t saying to “move forward” from slavery because that’s quite literally impossible. We have to remember that slavery wasn’t that long ago and its effects are still felt in black homes today through various forms of systemic oppression that can be directly linked back to slavery. This movie, as you noted, is really more of a message to black people in positions of power to help black communities that have been disenfranchised by their own governments - although, as nonblack people, it’s really a conversation we shouldn’t be involving ourselves in/commenting on as it’s very much an intracommunity issue.
Now I wanna see that fight scene between Okoye and Black Widow.
Don’t you ever compare this to Dark Knight it isn’t even close to that Shame on you Grace !!!!!!!!!!!
I feel that the fact that its kind of separated from the MCU it's for the best and made me enjoy it a lot more, I feel like in this era of MCU crossovers it's important to take a little space and be somehow grounded.
I disagree with her opinion about killmonger. I don’t think his ideology was the problem, but how he wanted to accomplish it was. The end worked because of who he was as a character
See Winston Duke in Person of Interest as Dominic
I love your reviews Grace, even when I disagree with you. But wow, this was pretty cringe worthy at several points. But hey, you do you. I loved the movie too and I REALLY hope they give BP a proper trilogy of films.
Killmonger is like Helluva in Thor... Both wanted to rule..
*Tariq Nasheed's review was spot on. The deceptive messages are really being pushed, just like he said they would be.*
Dark Knight level , c'mon Grace
Grace I think the point of the character Martin played was to show how Black characters are written so often. Usually Black characters are just there to be funny, help the main character, ect
Killmonger that's because as a character Eric isn't conflicted he is sure that his path was the right course of action and T'challa was actually conflicted through out the movie until the end where he saw and felt that Eric was right. Just not in the way he had planned to do things.
don't you watch GOT, she is like the Kings guard. there is an Honor in guarding a leader even if you don't agree with their politics.
What in the world are you talking about Grace. The women in this film do have ambitions. T'Challa's sister Shuri is a freaking scientist. She is using technology to help not only her brother, but her country. Nakia is a spy who is doing all she can to help the people of Wakanda. Okoye is a general who is loyal to her country and is one of the greatest warriors in Wakanda. She is a badass and just so happens to be a woman. Seriously?! Did you even watch the movie? As a woman I was very happy with how the women were represented. Especially Black women. For so long we have be portrayed as stereotypes. This movie is showing Black Women in a whole new light.
You made some Great points!!!
T' Challa is the greatest black ranger ever.
I agree that they could've added the soul stone, but I liked the fight scenes. This movie does want others to have conversations about moving forward, but alot of people are too scared. Being afraid to converse about the truth of the black history is what keeps us all just talking and not doing anything. Definitely buying this movie when it comes out.
The line was long at my showing this afternoon. Overall, wonderful film. Looking forward to seeing a sequel, as well as other projects from the talent (in front of and behind the camera)!
You have to be of royal blood or beat the current king in combat to take the heart shape herb otherwise it'll poison you. Thats why there's a ritual combat for the throne. On challenge day any tribe members of Wakanda can challenge the current King for the title of King if you don't do this then you will be poisoned by the herb. If you beat the king you become king and the only way to challenge the king outside of Challenge Day is to be of royal blood. So your own family can challenge you at anytime for the Throne. The council of Wakanda is made of the heads of each of the tribes of Wakanda. They more like advisors to the king and the King has the final say of anything. The King of Wakanda must be strong, if you are a weak king you will be challenge for your throne constantly because Wakanda will not allow a weak King. Wakanda doesn't allow foreign kings so as only a Wakanda sits on the throne it doesn't matter who it is Eric Killmonger was of Royal blood so he had claim to the throne and as long as T'challa was believe to be dead. Wakanda would follow their King in whatever decision he made. Notice when T'challa shows up loyalties were changed quickly because T'challa was still alive meaning his ritual battle with Killmonger was left unfinished because he did not die nor did he surrender/yield.
re: roots comments. Ok, thank you for explaining :)
The movie has enough action. This movie has a perfect balance between humor, action, story and character development. So well done the two hours felt like 30 min I hate movies with action action action and at the end u cant even figure out why the story was important.
Wait, why did Martin Freeman's role make you feel uncomfortable? Could you please elaborate on that?
You couldn't understand the "Ok, we're ruled by a monster" ????? In case you haven't heard, the United States is ruled by a monster. That part should not be that hard to grasp.
At least she didnt talk about boob armor. The worst of feminism
Love me some boob armor
I was pleasantly shocked by how good this movie turned out to be. I agree with most of your points. I do think that Michael B. Jordan's character grew on me. At first, he felt out of place. As the movie progressed, he seemed to be a hybrid (which he was) between an African-American growing up in the Projects and a Wakandan. I'm really happy that they didn't cater the movie solely towards the African-American Community just because of the predominantly Black Cast. They told a great Story, in general. I love the discussion they created. Both sides have a point. Now that Wakanda is revealing their Advanced Technology, you know it's still not going to go well. How many people/countries will try to overthrown the Throne. Whether you agree with the Hero or the Villain, it's going to be a war, either way...
This movie was great!! Thanks Marvel
damn good spoiler review, totally agree. Ying and yang affect. Totally agree. Wakanda had more morals and on average strong ethics compared to the governments we see in the real world and especially in Africa. The key to success is hard work, strong families, and to have strong even-keeled judgement, moral and ethical values. And yeah, they shouldn't have killed killomonger.
Travis Scott also bought out a theater for less privileged kids to see!
I thought the final action sequence was better than the airport sequence from Civil War.
grace, I feel like you missed Killmongers purpose. His DAD was conflicted.. not him. He represents unbridled rage that cannot express itself. He is going to be two dimensional.
Black Panther is already one of my favorite films of 2018. I don't care.
Also hearing her say Michael B Jordan was a character that she didn't like was REALLY disappointing he was by far one of the best characters in the movie
Also I think that amount of action was fine because they have to show the story of how wakanda came to be and show all these characters it’s different then the other marvel movies
Anybody that had something negative to say about black panther needs to take the time to reevaluate what their definition of a good marvel movie is
Grace I get what you mean but it’s there culture you don’t break rules in certain cultures they have been raised on these rules you don’t just turn your back on those
7:36 I understand what she saying, but i hope she understands that being wrongfully jailed is also a terrible thing... The people of authority cannot keep doing wrong and the community just say 'ok i will be wrongfully jailed to become a hero'.. No.
Lol dark knight level.
Michael B Jordan is the best marvel villain ...hr makes you feel for him and slightly agree with his ideology not his methods but his ideas ...i disagree with your statement about michael b Jordan's portrayal .... You clearly dont know good acting or thr comics
15:39 Thats my jam
Grace, I can get behind why you find it so difficult to grasp how people can get behind someone who for all intents and purposes is clearly unfit to govern such a powerful nation - especially when the rules of succession or how said leader is chosen are so backwards. But hey, year two and counting...
There's a line in the netflix show, The Crown, about royalty that applies to how the Dore and Okoye consider the throne. The line is 'the crown comes first'. I understood that they were loyal to the crown and their allegiance was unflinching. When it comes to tradition and royalty, I think it goes beyond position and what they're doing is more of a calling and an honor to serve. I did love Kilmonger as a villain. I felt he was well fleshed out and his military and spy background made him just a force. He took wakanda and twisted it around to disorient everyone and make them unable to anticipate his moves. His motivation is also well fleshed out. He wants to help other black people and establish Wakanda was a world leader. Overall love the movie. My biggest issue is the fight coordination and the crappy cgi suits. I loved the fight choreography in civil war, but in this movie it was too shaky and blurry and even the hand to hand fight on the waterfalls was pretty poorly done. Can't WAIT FOR BLACK PANTHER 2!
I thought I was the only one that did not appreciate Michael B Jordan's performance (Too much shouting and proclaiming). He made Killmonger seem like an angry psychopath that used his personal trauma along with the horrors of systematic oppression, exploitation and bigotry as an excuse to seek vengeance. Not a man truly seeking justice and reparation for the atrocities that were committed against him and almost an entire continent of people and their descendants. Had he played it as the latter it would have been really impressive. P.S. I do know this is a movie and not real life.
What a great movie! Your comparison to Nelson Mandela in context to MBJ's line about bondage is a little off. MBJ was specifically speaking about the savagery of American slavery. Being kidnapped from your home, forced in the most wretched conditions... stacked like boxes... starved... raped for days on a boat, and then sold to the highest bidder like a wild animal. So, your question "What if Nelson Mandela had this opinion" is misplaced. The real question is... "What if Nelson Mandela or any other person had to face such treacherous conditions such as the American slave? Would his/her opinion or tolerance of bondage change?" I would much rather be thrown in an ocean than to live in such conditions. And I'm sure that many people, facing those conditions, would agree. American slavery and what Nelson Mandela had to endure, while both horrible and despicable, are absolutely not the same. And they do not warrant the same response to the question "What would you do if you were facing bondage?"
This movie should have been released after civil war and Thor 3 should have been the last movie going into IW. I was actually disappointed with the movie it wasn't bad I'm just not into any side movies anymore. Infinity war is right there and you vier off to do a side movie with little connection to IW. Wasn't the marvel movies suppose to lead up to that movie
Why wouldn’t the women be support? It aint their movie. Women not in the decision making? There was a woman on the council of elders, two counting okoye. F are you talking about?
This woman knows nothing. Okoye only rejected Killmonger when she realized T'Challa was still alive. T'Challa being alive meant that the challenge in effect and T'Challa is still the king. T'Challa did not surrender and did not die. Therefore he was still king. So she could over through Killmonger without being disloyal.
The women supported Wakanda NOT black panther. Appreciate your views but damn you missed that one! They’re role was not to be in the background.
I loved Michael Jordan as Killmonger.
i had the same sentiments about the abc miniseries roots compared to black panther as far as the blockbuster success. however, for all of its nielsen shattering acclaim, most of those actors of color never saw a tony project again for decades.
Killmonger got a son. You not seen that kid at the end. They look exactly the same
to please americans and their strong theist belives Disney lack of courage and used only ancestor element of Wakanda religion and made no effort to show the Panther Godess Bast (only in the ritual formula) and the important spiritual role of the Black Panther...such a pity
You was all wrong about the Killmonger sweetheart. But I know you don’t get it
I thought it was average. I don't understand the hype.
Man Grace struggled with doing this video.!
Michael b Jordan was the best part of the movie
I don't think Killmonger was a terrorist at all. He was king. Everything he did was law after that.
Oh my GOD grace WTF ime done with this chanell. So this movies is about telling black people to forget about slavery because it's holding us back lol.When Black Panther says what my father did was not my actions what you took from that was Black panther representing a European talking to somebody of ex colonial decent and telling them to get on with it lol I think you've have had a lobotomy.
Klaw was so funny
It should have been a super hero movie not a political platform. Your not helping.
"Holding them back"? Seriously, Grace? If you had any idea what black people go through you wouldn't be saying that. Yikes. I mean I guess I don't blame you for being ignorant but please think about what you say.
Am I the only 1 that get the Pink Panther reference? Hehe. Nice 1 Grave
Grace, as a black fan I appreciate you trying to understanding. There are some things that I feel you misunderstood though. Letting go of the past isn’t what is keeping killmonger or us (real black people) back. Everyone accepting the past and understanding how it effects today is very important. I think that gets missed a lot these days. The spirit killmonger had can bring about positive change just like T’challa’s spirit. You need the militant and the peaceful side to succeed. You hit the nail on the head with the yin and yang comparison. But people like killmonger isn’t what is holding us back. EVERYONE of all backgrounds have to understand. “Letting go” as you say, doesn’t appreciate the past and current oppression that occurs.
how did you not like how micheal b jordan acted as killmonger? He was a savage villian, and he talked o.d shit no censorship lmao
The wakandan government and the ceremonial fight made no sense, monarchies don’t work the way they had it in the movie they are hereditary, and if just anyone had the right to rule just by winning a fight, why not just have elections then.
I agree 100% with everything you said about Claw
I thought it was pronounced 'Mila-jey'
MCU Favorites The Avengers Captain America: The Winter Soldier Captain America: Civil War Doctor Strange Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2 Thor: Ragnarok Avengers: Age Of Ultron Iron Man *Black* *Panther* Guardians Of The Galaxy Spider-Man: Homecoming Thor Captain America: The First Avenger Iron Man 2 Iron Man 3 Ant-Man The Incredible Hulk Thor: The Dark World
discovers wakandan accent... *_I NEVER FREEZE_*
The movie was sooo amazing! I personally thought that each woman had her own goals and motives, but that’s just my thoughts.... I really hope they have a sequel!!
I honestly feel you should take this video down. The comments you're making are very disrespectful to the black community.. Very distasteful.
Loved the movie. This movie is NOT aboyt the action scenes, which I found lacking. What made the movie awesome was how they made an awsome movie that did not relly on the action.
How come no one talked about the namor comment the Panther stated
They should wait to make the sequel until the buyout of Fox is complete so they can bring Storm
I think the action was enough for what the movie was going for, it was actually a lot, so I don't know what you're on about grace, maybe you have been watching too much die hard or mission impossible
The final battle reminded me of Battle of the Bastards, the main characters are surrouned by an enemy (W'Kabi and Ramsay Bolton) using sheilds to block them, and then an ally (M'Baku and Littlefinger) comes and attacks the enemy from behind. On a much smaller sacle of course
Michael B Jordan was the best part of this movie...
Punisher = Patriot Killmonger = Monster / Terrorist
You won... I guess now you are gonna have to be ruled by a monster ? Isn't that very similar to what is happening in your own country?
Was Bucky already out of stasis when KIllmonger arrives in Wakanda? Because if not, why didn't they try and save him?
Jordan played Killmonger perfectly. Maybe Jordan does share some of Killmoger's feelings, is that so wrong? Is he not entitled to his own views on the world?
Winston Duke had seat at the table at the end.
The tech doesn't make sense? The tech we have today would seem like magic to people living a hundred years ago. Okeya's loyalty is to the throne, not the leader. I thought it was admirable that she would stick to her sworn duty. She only switched sides after she found out that T'Chala was still alive, so she stayed true to her duties throughout.
Representation matters. Saw the movie over the weekend, it really is a good movie. What I liked most was that it focused on story over action. Black Panther and Winter Soldier are my two favorite Marvel movies. Both movies are more like thrillers than straight superhero movies. I live in a conservative area and so the audience was mostly white. When colonialism was referenced in the movie you could feel the discomfort among some members of the audience. Regarding Killmonger, one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter; let's not forget that the heroes in Star Wars are seen as terrorists by the imperialists, and rebels by those against the Empire. I think Grace missed the point of the leadership challenge. The point of the challenge to the death is that it's final. There's no legal technicalities, no endless debate, etc. The outcome is final and everyone has to accept it.
You're wrong about the perceived message about moving on from slavery. You say you know you don't have this experience. That means you should stop speaking about it. Quote some Black pop culture critics or bring one on because you are really messing this up. "Before I'll be a slave, I'll be buried in my grave and go home to my lord and be free," is a thing. Your interpretation of Killmonger lacks depth. All of these women have their own paths already. Yes, they are loyal to the throne, their country, or to T'Challa, but also themselves. HER NAME IS OKOYE! O-KOY-YAY! If you don't understand how Killmonger has valid points, but flawed praxis you need to talk to more Black pop culture critics/movie reviewers. Freeman's role was that of the token, which is usually played by a person of color. If you felt the way he was treated "wasn't cool" welcome to our world.
Wilson Duke aka M'Baku he played a character called Dominic / Mini in Person of Interest a CBS show in 2014/15 he was in 7 episodes.
The biggest flaw with this movie is the death of Tachalla's uncle, which did not make any sense at all! Why not just disarm him? Why Kill him?! It does not make sense.
I have to disagree about Shuri becoming Black Panther. She was such an amazing character all on her own, I feel like becoming just another Black Panther instead of being just Shuri is a bit beneath her. She can create her own amazing weapons so why use what was created for someone else?? Same way I wasn't impressed when Carol Danvers became Captain Marvel after she'd really carved out an identity all her own as Warbird/Binary. It was supposed to be an upgrade but for me it was a downgrade and I didn't like that blue red and gold suit or hairstyle she got either.
Didn’t agree with your gripes but good review
I felt like the Black women in this film were more than just support. But this is a convo, id rather have with Black women to be honest. You should do the same.
Finally, having seen the film this evening, I can give you my two cents. And I'll dispense with the negatives first. Action packed comic book movie this is not! There are stretches of the film where protagonists are more inclined to trade words than punches, which means you can't just sit back and enjoy the ride. But on the up side, this is a damn good political thriller! Hats off to Ryan Coogler for making Black Panther the way he did (and a nod to Kevin Feige for letting him). It made apsolute sense to explore the power vacuum that was left in the wake of T'Chaka's death in Civil War, and I like that the social and political commentary that was in the movie fit with the created environment and the story, rather than being squeezed in because it's deemed topical. And with all the deaths (Klaue, Zuri, Killmonger's dad and Killmonger, T'Challa reprising Bucky) and twists (W'Kabi's betrayal, M'Baku's challenge and ultimate acceptance of T'Challa, Okoye's unwavering comitment to duty above personal loyalty) Black Panther had the graviti it might not have had were it a typical comic book fare. Characters were all great, with agent Ross being the weakest because after the Korean heist he seemed more like a stowaway than an active protagonist. Killmonger was a villain worthy of his mantle, while T'Chall's lack of prominence on par with other superheros was in line with with who his character was. All in all, this is a great movie and any complaint on my part would ammount to pointless nitpicking. Black Panther is definitely worth seeing.
The film in my opinion did a fantastic job explaining the (very realistic) world Killmonger he grew up in. This is the best Marvel movie so far.
First off let me commend you for having this discussion. The the biggest issues on both sides is that both sides of the word black or African American. Wow this movie did have predominantly a Black cast and depicts in African superhero. If everybody could just simply get past that part. I'm sure we would all come to see the same conclusion of this movie. It was a great all around movie. My personal insight into this movie world that we need to look out pass the imaginary borders and focus on the fact that we are all One race human. That is a short insight into my review. And I will convince you that I am not a professional like yourself. I do enjoy having unbiased intellectual conversations. Again thank you for being able to have the conversation. And if you would like to talk more My email is ht.offley@gmail.com
Martin freemen was so useless to me
Grace, you complained about the women being too secondarily too the story and only job was to support their King to a fault. BUT you raved about how awesome they were many many many times in this review. They served the movie is what they did!
The movie was okay.
Grace is always hating on my villain baes, and honestly in what universe was Michael B. Jordan not amazing as Killmonger? What are you talking about?
Still waiting on Grace to pronounce Dora Milaje correctly....
Poor Andy Serkis, First Disney kills him as Snoke and now they kill him as Klaue
Grace - what did you think of Lupita? I liked her character Nakia (spelling?) and I'm glad she wasn't just the romantic interest, though she did play to those stereotypes as well But also - what did you think of T'chaka's decision to kill his brother? I found this quite surprising, and also felt like it kind of typical of movies: you know when a character finds out something about someone they idolized that makes them imperfect? It was along the lines of the "lier revealed" and it really surprised me - though he did kill his brother to save Zuri and though we didn't learn much about T'chaka from the Civil War or from T'challa's mother - it still seemed a little forced. would love to hear your thoughts - and others in the comments too of course! :)
I thought racism was over, If Kilmonger didn't kill the museum lady because she was white, the movie would have been ok, but apparently he did
You're right in that you don't understand the cultural structure as an American. But to those who can relate wether directly or via similarities in their culture won't have a problem with them being loyal to a fault.
WHAT!!! Killmogerwas(Micheal B Jordon) was the best!!! And Winston Duke,,,
And she said he was not that smart. Killmonger graduated from MIT. The same school Iron man graduated from. Grace needs to do her research.
Winston Duke was also in Person of Interest
What are those!!!!!!???????
Ruled by a monster- look at European hustory/ ccaligula/nero/napoleon/ Ivan the terrible etc etc. The king is king in a monarchy by right- of which kilmonger passed through. Crazy or not crazy.
I would like to see Widow vs Okoye.
African Americans are responsible for 9% of all the patents in the USA.
Killmonger is the hero in the film.
@9:20 my gf made that same argument but i dont think it would have worked. They would kill people who found out about Wakanda, you think he was going to take his radicalized brother back to Wakanda? He already pulled a gun on a fellow Wakandan so at that point he is now a threat. Not only to another Wakandan but because he could possibly challenge for the throne.
Is everybody taking crazy pills? The movie was terrible! horrendous cg effects for a marvel movie, no action in an action movie, half hearted politics they couldnt decide if they were gonna focus on immigration or the terrible black history of enslavement or how a kingdom would still work in such an advanced civilisation. so were pulled in 20 directions and its obvious the movie bit off more than it could chew. as a pure movie without any hype about the black cast the movie is a step backwards for marvel standards. the few comedic moments dont even work because it takes itself so seriously. i cohldnt even believe the characters beyond black panther and his sister. the movie as a whole doesnt know what it wants to be.
Okoye was the best part of the movie
End Credit scene: To the untrained eye he was "just there". The kids in the village call Bucky the "White Wolf" Does that mean he takes the role of Hunter? (the adopted brother of T'Challa) If so then who will pick up the shield after Steve Rogers is gone?
i lol wen u said "wat ever happen to takin someone down n not havin to kill them"
Respectfully, I must disagree with you regarding your interpretation of the Killmonger character. Michael B. Jordan one commented that he saw the dynamic between Eric and T'Challa as very similar to that of Charles Xavier vs. Magneto, and I agree with his assessment. You point out that, as a psychopath who enjoys killing, Killmonger should not be portrayed as in anyway sympathetic or relatable...yet this criticism is rarely lodged against Magneto, despite the fact that he and Killmonger have very similar goals (albiet villainous methods of achieving them). Both consider themselves freedom fighters for the group they represent, and both have, in fact, become what they hate without truly realizing it. Consider: Eric Lensherr/Magneto is a Jewish man; an actual Holocaust survivor, who's goal is to basically inflict Holocaust on "normal" human beings on behalf of Mutants, whom he considers a "master race"! How is this any different from Eric Stevens/Killmonger "learning from the mindset of the colonizers" in order to visit upon Western culture what it visited upon African cultures? Both are, of course, villainous and I would argue equally so. And while Magneto has, at times, been portrayed as conflicted, I'd argue that this is mostly due to his prior deep friendship with Xavier, rather than him being overly worried about the good of non-mutant society. if we celebrate Magneto as a traditionally tragic character, whom we can loather and yet also sympathize with, we can do so for this interpretation of Killmonger as well.
T’Challa knew about the sunset because Killmonger said while spear was in his chest ! Did you miss that ? Lol
i totally agree with u bout NOT keepin politics out of it.. thats one of the main points of the film, n one of the reason y its one of the best marvel movies
Lol, you said it, because you Are American so you will not understand (the tribal culture) . Traditions are steep speaking as a Nigerian. Take an instance, in my tribe unless the father writes a will (which many don't do) tradition dictates the first son takes everything literally everything and only shares at his own discretion (if he wants to) . So you see why I said as a westerner you won't understand.
Here is my list of the MCU films :) I just love most of these movies
I have a theory where the soul stone is. I believe is buried under those purple flowers or in that place where the black panther is buried to meet the ancestors.
I really liked Michael B Jordan's performance and I think Killmonger was one of the best MCU villains so far. It was easy to understand his motivations and kinda be sympathetic, even though he was plainly wrong. That is what makes a villain a great villain (making the audience think he has a point). I only disagreed with T'Chala's decision to letting him die. Killmonger could have been a much greater character if allowed to survive and redeem himself.
My favorite carácter from this movie was actually Killmonger his motivation was real and he completed beat Tchalla fair and square according to Wakanda rules and traditions so there is no reason for his people not to follow him
Come on Grace at 11:35 you act like their way is flawed saying "He won, I guess we're going to have to be ruled by a monster now" as if they had a choice. I get that you don't understand or agree with the significance of what you see as "just a fight" but in Wankanda (and in many historical African cultures) those are their "elections." By your reasoning would you be okay with someone trying to overthrow the person we have in the white house today because many consider him "a monster?"
Why are people complaining about too much diversity for this movie? It's set in Africa. Did they expect white actors to play African characters?This is not one of those movies about ancient Egypt like the movie Exodus: Gods and Kings with an all white cast. lol That movie was historically incorrect.
not that I liked it but Martin Freeman was the "token" in this movie... and I'm pretty sure It was done very intentionally by the writers to show how black actors have been portrayed in over hundreds of movies with a main white audience not flicking an eyelash at it in caring..... just saying Grace ...:)
Lol you really botched the quote from Killmonger lol. But we got the point.
It was so much behind the scene black stuff in there that I saw.
Grace.... A woman behind me in the theater said the same thing you did about Casino seen and red dress, "She's so amazing" I heard a woman say. Made me smile as I watched the movie.
They did seem to dumb down T'challa just a bit regarding his knowledge of tech and science vs his sister. Supposedly T'challa is a genius in the comic book.... what does that make his sister then... superior to him in intelligence it seems... that's kind of awesome :)
I have read sooo many books regarding blood rites and rights of ruling through battle so the fighting scenes for honoring the outcome was not far fetched at all in the least...
I only liked Killmonger in so far as the writer's did a good job in shaping the how of him...and actually made you feel for him somewhat even after all the heinous killing he had done. He was a well rounded character and perfect foil to T'challa for a first movie as he helped shaped T'challas character going forward very nicely as well, giving him more heart than any superhero I have sent thus far in the MCU.... ever!
You’re clearly uncomfortable discussing killmonger it’s funny
Killmonger was too vengeful and unfeeling to be a noble villain.
Your views on why people sympathize with killmonger is out of touch but I understand why you don’t understand. This was a movie not just a superhero movie and that alone makes it better than most. I don’t even like marvel but this was superbly executed. What made killmonger a good villain was that is plight is real, relatable and understandable even if you don’t relate or understand. He was clearly in the wrong but he had a lot of displaced validity.
I liked your sincere, independent and optimistic (regarding human hability to cooperate) review.
Grace can’t handle watching non whites on screen
"What a sleazy character... It was fantastic!" haha, I lol'd so much. Wakanda's general, Imbaku and KillMonger were my favorite three characters.
Wow it’s amazing how you view killmonger im sure this has been rough for grace Lmmfao
I thought the jabs they made at Martin Freeman were hilarious (so did my theatre).
This is a great movie. Killmonger/Erik Stevens was a great villian. I will see this again soon, maybe get it on Blu Ray/DVD. It's that good too.
She sound so stupid
Grace you only like the black actors that you find non threatening. You need to check yourself. As soon as the Martin Freeman is put in a subsidiary role you feel uncomfortable and it's not cool for you. Your trying but your one-sided perspective is overriding your good intentions. You can't help bit be biased.
So why didn't Grace like killmonger? She never said why ...
That's because we are a loyal people. Also, Lupita had her own ambitions as a spy.
The Nelson Mandela comparison doew not hold as all people are not the same. They have different strengths and stories thay lead then to where they are. Kilmonger is too strong to be caged up. He's angry as he should be. Tchalla has been priveledged and has a different spirit. We should respect each person's process as in the end all will be well. Kilmonger was no terrorist and white people are too eager to use that trigger word to describe people of color whose methods don't agree with yours.
Wait how is captain americas shield and ultron made of vibranium if wakanda is secret
Saw the movie ...she has no clue wat she talkimg about..on several points.....one poiny wen she says there not enough action..wat the hell she talking about ...
lol at grace, so martin freemans character treatment = not cool and made me uncomfortable. Killmonger story which is rooted in the reality of the AA experience = he was a terrorist coogler shouldnt have given him legitimacy. White priviledge is so poisonous
Wow Grace i was with you until you said you did not like Michael B Jordan as Killmonger! Could not disagree more! I thought he was amazing and possibly the best MCU villian. My jaw dropped when you said that. But besides that i agreed pretty much with everything else you said.
Saw black panther, I'm afrocaribbean and a historical enthusiastic. I think Michael b Jordon character tries too hard to be deep. I get his historical frustration but between him trying to bring this across and being a marvel movie so it can't be too serious for me it just falls a little flat. Don't get me wrong it is a good movie worth watching again. Chadwick Boseman playing off Michael b Jordon didn't resignate with me. The one character I did enjoy was Shuri. She genuinely seem to having fun in this movie. That's my two cents
Grace you *completely* missed the point of what Michael B Jordan was trying to do. He wasn't being irresponsible - His Job was to convince the audience that his character believed he was doing the right thing. One of the best, (multilayered) Marvel villains to date imo.
By the way - Killmonger's character wasn't that misplaced at all. He just took it too far in wanting to attack everyone. Sort of like Martin Luther King Jr.'s early view vs that of the view of The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad and Malcolm X. Who's ultimately right - when the early views of M.L.K. put him in harms way to be assassinated. Notice I said earlier views. After Malcolm X was assassinated by government agents and M.L.K. met with Elijah Muhammad he pretty much changed his views from integration to separation. One of his last statements was " I fear I have integrated my people into a burning house. "
i dont think thank there should be two communities we should all be one
I was empathetic towards Killmonger's motives but at the end of the day he wanted to be a conqueror instead of a liberator. His downfall was necessary and just.
I think African Americans have this strong sense of overall community and "oneness" due to a shared history centered around their oppression. This sense of one is extended out to the rest of the world causing AA's to see blacks from other parts of the world as their "brothers" and "sisters". On the other hand Africans have that sense of community and oneness with their tribe or country. For example, I am Nigerian and specifically Igbo. Although we are all Nigerians, Igbo, Hausa and Yoruba people are very different (culturally, religiously, etc.). Igbos notoriously don't like Hausas (and sometimes Yorubas). African peoples' sense of community is centered around their shared tribe and/or country. That is the ultimate difference between Killmonger and T'Challa. Killmonger has the AA mindset of black people being "one" due to their shared race while T'Challa sees only the Wakandan people as "one " due to the shared nationality. That's why I stated in a previous comment that people (usually Americans) try to inaccurately lump people together by race not acknowledging the many nuisances within a group. Nationality and cultural/ethnic background is a much more stronger determinant of beliefs. Killmonger and T'Challa were both black but their ideologies were rooted in where they came from and the mindset of the people in the countries to which they were raised. Killmonger cared about black people of the WORLD (the diaspora) while T'Challa cared about his country and the people he considered "his people". This is an observation of a Nigerian American and not a criticism of either character.
What next level? At the end of the Movie Wakanda still had closed borders, and Throwing money at shitholes has never worked, it just keeps the shitholes being shitholes.
loved the themes of social justice and morality in this film, the overall message of building bridges and helping those in need really stuck out to me. dope film.
The women where amazing and strong, they stand for their king. Your very confusing about your comments on the women being strong. Different set of rules than the USA come on now
The south Korea action scene is my favourite. Ending fight really sucked.
Grace, you missed the boat on this one with Killmonger.
the movie is fucking awesome, the controversy and the reviews scared me because i thought its going to be all biased but boy i was wrong, shuri is definitely my favorite marvel character now, killmonger is the best marvel villian so far but he kinda fell off with his plan of conquering the world, klaw is fucking awesome, too bad they killed him off, the Dora Milaje are fucking badass, on the other hand the cgi is fucking terrible, i felt like i was playing a ps3 game, the action lackluster
Anyone who is on the line about seeing this movie won't be pushed over that line by the inclusion of the soul stone. If you are invested enough in the MCU to be swayed by the inclusion of the soul stone, you are almost certainly going to see this movie anyways.
Notice how she ignores Nakia (Lupita N’ongyo’s character)
WOW WOW WOW ! That was a gutsy review. I liked it. I liked your opinions, mostly. I liked even more that you placed greater importance on having the discussion than shoving your opinion down the throats of any who might disagree. Well done.
Wow grace , that was probably the best most honest review I have read so far. I know if was a little tough for you being a white female reviewing a mostly black actor movie, you were very objective in your insights and opinion. I agreed with all your opinions except the acting of Michael B Jordan and his character. I can relate to the character being a black man so I understand why they had him make the decisions he did. I was so fascinated by the story and dialogue I was not needing of more action. I am looking forward to your next review and yes I do feel you are incredibly beautiful to me! Keep up the great work!
fyi grace, winston duke was also on the 3rd season of Person of Interest. Great Villian
"He went tearing it apart-he was a tear-orist"
Also did you hear Shuri say Agent Ross was a ex Air force piolet. I wonder if he flew with Aforce member Carol Danvers aka Captain Marvel back in the 90s?
I literally can't finish this review with it being so disgusting. My god. Maybe have a conversation with different black perspectives before posting so hideously ignorant. Or better yet, don't have it at all. Just like in the movie where Martin Freeman got barked at and had not position to speak, that is what you should have taken to heart. BUT yet again that is lost to white folks. Never realizing that maybe you don't need to talk, you can just listen and digest, because you don't. Then you talk crazy like this making people harbor even more resentment.
When i saw Tchalla in the mystic world with the Panthers in the tree my friend beat me to it but he leaned over to me and said he is in the Soul Stone . I just read Infinity Gauntlet and when i saw that world it was the same world in the comic. So it makes sense why Thanos unleash the Outriders in the Infinity War and why Okyoe is with Capt and Hulk etc are together in the Infinity War trailer. There guarding the Soul Stone.
You’re actually AMAZING!!!
They made Ross a Cuck
I’m starting to think that you want every movie to match your perfect standards. Every movie has flaws, no matter how good it is. Why not just leave it at that.
Grace, I think you are awesome.
Eric Kill-Monger was not a terrorist more like a colonizer
Lupita said she couldn’t stay because she had a different path, Sheri said she hadn’t had a chance to best her brother when he died and OKoye was clearly loyal to the throne and Wakanda rather than to tchalla interests. I’m just curious what you wanted from them?
Dark Knight I though was a far more though-provoking and intellectual super hero movie but I still loved Black Panther.
I disagree with you in this entire video first off what I didn't like about this movie even though I liked it was it lack of black panther he was more like the second character and everybody else around home what's the main star Ryan coogler have to get it together next time and understand that this is a Black Panther movie yes it's cool to give his Supporting Cast screen time but this still his movie shaking off there shouldn't be two black panthers I don't hear you saying it should be two Hawks to Captain Americans two black widows and 3rd the people of Wauconda are very loyal to their King meaning they won't question him
I LOVE this female, white, youtuber really goes for a smart, analytical opinion. Excellent. I'm only a 1/3 in to this review and the Mandela commentary I think I may challenge after the review is done.
i love your analysis i think it was spot on. this movie political as much as fun entertainment and as a blk man from Africa i ve had the discussion with my American blk fnds who definitely hold some grudge or disappointment with how the continent of Africa allowed slavery to continue and for millions to suffer without intervention of some sort and many are slowly understanding the dilemma of Africa back then during the period of colonization, meaning Africa had no real unified leadership and were oppressed themselves. For this reason i totally understood the anger of killmonger and thats why this movies will touch ppl differently. i value tradition someone else will value action sequence or more humor or superhero actions which i hope next one does. i want to know about mbaku and the gorrilla ppl.
Clearly Grace you're not a fan of black panther the people up wakanda are loyal to him
I really enjoyed this review. I agree with you about Killmonger, I think it was a little one sided and irresponsible. I believe that especially in terms of Afro-Americans the anger and long suffering hopeful dichotomy is the essence of colonized peoples. There are just as many strong hopeful (MLK) types as angry/ militant (Malcolm x) types. So, I think Michael B Jordan's performance lacked that conflict or at least inner turmoil. I also wish T'Challa would have had more of a character arch, but I think that was just the nature of this beast they took on in making this movie. Anyway thanks.
T'Challa acts how captain america SHOULD act
*Are you done ?!*
Winston Duke was also a major character in the later seasons of Persons of Interest.
WOW, Grace! I couldn't agree with you more with the Roots comment and analysis! I saw that as well! I disagree with you at times, but, yes, I completely think that was the point which makes it a better movie than what it originally was.
Grace, I think that feeling of uncomfortableness was done purposely, more often than not black characters are in the role that Martin Freeman was just a plot device no real substance and often disrespected. Like your example with Jeffrey Wright
Grace I think your missing the point about killmonger. He's a villain you can empathize with as he makes a valid point of wakanda indifference to suffering of the black diaspora. Imagine the next wonder women film the villain a character who going to release a virus that would wipe out all men because she was violent raped and abused .. so she has a never again mentality, similar to Magneto… that’s Kilmonger … he so mad(as in angry) he doesn't have the patience to weed out the good ones from the bad ones , so he is like you all got to go .. So he works like Heath Ledger in the Dark Knight, a character who's been broken by the cruelty and indifference of society. A lot of people have similar pains as the Joker and killmonger, and wish there version of Chaos could become The New Normal. As it reflects their own lives externally and internally...
“He won, I guess we have to be lead by a monster now” -America Nov 2016
Grace u missed the point with Bucky scene the kids where calling him white wolf aka black panthers adopted white brother
I honestly believe your opinion on Michael B Jordan’s character is because you’re looking at the role only through the perspective of a person who feels safe and expecting in the society you live.... Terrorism is a word invented by the powers that be to demonize anyone who chooses to go against the current authorities (with violent actions).... Whether we agree with them or not, these radicals believe the reasons for what they do is just... Even those labeled as terrorist in real life are not portrayed as mere bank robbers or corporate gangsters, but Instead as people willing to go to violent extremes to right a wrong... Personally I believe those actions are wrong and Misguided and Michael B Jordan did a good job embodying that emotion, Ryan Coogler did a great job showing how an extremist mind frame will ultimately cause chaos and leave a lot of death.
I loved Michael B Jordan in this movie. I think he's a good actor, but this is the first thing I've seen him in where he actually made me forget he's Michael B Jordan and made me only see him as Killmonger.
The problem i have with the current conversation, is the characterization of modern day white men as oppressors. We are not defined by people in the past who shared the same skin colour. Just like modern western black men have not been subjected to slavery. We should sympathize and learn from the past, but we will never move forward as long as we dont accept that the world is not the same. This doesnt diminish what happened. Vilifying people that had no part in it does not help, in fact it actually sets us back.
Grace you got some points right. It is a start to the conversation, albeit overly simplified. The experience for the African on the continent, the African in America and in the African in the Caribbean are completely different. While our brothers and sisters were facing apartheid and segregation in Africa, in America they are dehumanized, in the Caribbean we were taught self love. Kilmonger represents a beaten down, dehumanized, disrespected group. Some people believe in violence to achieve their goals, I hope they bring back kilmonger, I felt sad when he died. As black people we sympathize more with Kilmonger than T’Challa. Go figure. Grace he’s not a terrorist but a hero. Terrorist were the founding fathers and anyone that contributed to the enslavement and dehumanizing of the African.
#KillmongerDidNothingWrong #staywoke
Honestly I like your talks but I just think you put too much thought with the actors and the characters .
What if the Soul Stone has nothing to do with Wakanda and they have a complete curveball coming at us with that....
Roots really? She is nuts... white people don’t understand... remember 12 years a slave... she Stupid.
Damn it i agree with everything you said. And your getting hotter with each video. How is this happening
Grace I applaud you for speaking up on the issue while also being Caucasian. It is so easy for we as people of color, to instantly take the defense when a Caucasian person tries to have the discussion and ultimately gain a better understanding. So I just want you to know that your efforts are not lost on me.
I think the best kinds of villains are the ones that change the heroe's outlook on the world and strngthen his sense of purpose. Dark Knight took this approach with with Batman and we all know how successful that movie was. In the beggining of this movie, T'challa was a lost boy crowned king. It took him losing everything to gain his sense of purpose and know what kind of leader he wanted to be. I really liked the costumes. T'challa's robes were especially beautiful. Also, the political commentary was very relevant to the approach modern superpowers should be taking with their powers and the responsibilities that power beings. I didn't care much for the action scenes, but the story and characters completely make up for it. I give this movie a 9/10.
I think that okoye is going to die in avengers infinite war trying to save black panther but I hope not
Women didn't have their own paths? No soul stone? Low point in Martin Freeman's career? Grace stop worrying me and take some fever medication. I like you but I have disagree with some of these things.
Grace, I am troubled every time there is a female character with natural perfect power you call her a Mary Sue, but when it’s a male lead you mostly accept it without noting it explicitly in your reviews.
I think Michael B Jordan was representing how flawed leading with anger is as a strategy. The nod to his military training to destabilize countries was more of a criticism of America and his entire approach was basically colonialism. The anger was supposed to represent specifically black America, but they wrote the death scene so as to not condone his actions.
Grace does a great job understanding cinema as it relates to minorities 9 times out of 10. The conversation is tough when you don’t have the conversation directly with people who aren’t like you face to face. Or have friends who are different. That’s when it gets tricky. It’s a matter of practice to be honest. But saying Michael B is condoning terrorism because of his delivery is having no conflict is strange. While ‘Folk hero’ Andy Circus is having the time of his life and... it’s awesome he’s enjoying playing a cold blooded killer, is where the conversation devolves. When our subconscious kicks in with double standards, that’s where is gets tough for people. Like I said Grace is brave for trying. She gets points for that. But she clearly doesn’t have many black friends lol. Andy doesn’t get a pass to have too much fun while B. Jordan has to be conflicted. No fair. I didn’t like Bored of the Rings and I’m not into the Circus worship but he is a great actor. But when we look like someone we have a tendency to give a pass by accident.
Only wakandans of royal blood can consume the heart shaped herb otherwise they would die
And at least they let Everett Ross (Marrin Freeman) do something, and actually she he has skills, unlike another minoriry character Finn,in a movie with a majority white cast, who was made to look like an incompetent bafoon. Maybe Star wars can learn how to treat their minority characters from this.
Now. That was not what it was about or tried to portray. But hey.... whatever you need to get past things
The dora milage were obedient to the thrown like samurai, not to T'challa. A point they brought up several times in the movie.
Funny thing about whites, just completely ignore the fact that people do not have the tools to survive and blame it on them somehow clinging to the past. People when they are living there lives day to day are not sitting around depressed about crap that happenned 500 years ago. They are trying to deal with the lack of skills and toola to survive today. For example I feel like welfare programs should be mostlyscrapped, in favor for free education and better schools.
Um Killmonger says they have not been given the tools to survive, thats what has been holding them back, not being stuck in the past.
Yet he did take responsibility for what his ancestors did, that was a major theme foe the end of the movie. How could you miss that?
Killmonger the best MCU villain ever all the rest of them were very poorly written except for winter soldier but is he really a villain
The movie was awesome! I'm wondering if the entire Vibranium meteorite is the soul stone...
BP don't even match half the intellectual creativity of the dark knight
Killmonger was like Kylo Ren in TLD. Initially, they seemed conflicted. But as we approached the climax of the movies, they go full dark side, which is kind of a let down.
Grace, stop with the feminist speech.... A good movie is a good movie... There are many strong and intelligent women in this movie, what more do you want?
You said you didn't know how T'challa knew about what Erik's father said about the sunset... he literally told him 10 seconds earlier about the beautiful view of Wakanda after he was stabbed. It just happened to be that time of day, poetically.
"Oh, he won. I guess we're going to have to be ruled by a monster now" As an American, you more than anyone else should understand this
No free tickets for Black Panther in Africa, third world countries, or white disadvantaged areas? No fundraisers from Disney either. GOtta wonder where all that money is going to besides their theme parks and movies.
The women were loyal to Wakanda not T'Challa. Something that you westernized women won't understand
some how you hold me to the end, keep it up
This is like Malcolm X vs Martin Luther king (im terms of ideologies). I was rooting for killmonger just because every MCU villains has been awful.
Michael b Jordan as Killmonger was one of my favorites!
There several messages regarding African, African-American, history, and the current states of being of those of African decent. . As for Killmonger, he was a true nemesis, his was a truly justifiable anger, and rage. As an African American male, I can kind understand it. The women in this film, were bosses. All of them. Your problem with this, is that you;re viewing it from a Euro-American perspective. As an African American, I realize the film was based on Wakandan culture, not American. Sooo yeah, we have to keep things in perspective. The action sequences were not the heart of the film, they didn't need to be, as there were more pressing issues to be covered.
Really? Luipta Nyongo’s character is a spy and Michonne is the general. How are they just servants? That’s ridiculous, Grace
The fact that they allowed Killmonger to be king after the fight symbolizes the respect we have for traditions, but with a mixture of fear to change our traditions when its wrong. This symbolizes a weakness in the black community. As an African descendant, I can honestly say that this is something that holds us back.
I don't think Grace has any black friends.
It was not Killmonger that disrespected the Wakandan traditions; it was the Wakandans themselves.. Killmonger legitimately won the throne in accordance with Wakandan law.. It was T'Challa's family that instead of acting in accordance with their own laws, sought to usurp the throne. The Dara mologue(sp?) member that Killmonger killed was an enemy combatant siding with those who were fighting to usurp the throne. Now how are you a terrorist when you are the rightful king fighting against those who had come to take your crown? The problem is that you are looking at this through the eyes of a white American. America in the real world, does this kind of stuff all the time when we use our CIA and military to topple the democratically elected leaders of other nations.. Then we turn around and say that we did it because those leaders were terrorists. If T'Challa's family were truly loyal to the country, then they would not have broken their own laws and sought to overthrow their rightful king, who was Killmonger. They may have been able to talk him out of his present course of action and helped him to find another way. But instead it was they who were looking to tear the country apart if they had to in order to win back the thrown.. Also, Black people can't just get over 400 years of slavery and another 100 years of mistreatment in this country. Especially when the reminders of that bondage are still all around in many forms. Be they from being forced to put up with the Confederate Flag just about every were we go; to statues; monuments and institutions named after the very people who fought so hard to keep slavery alive.. I enjoy your reviews on most movies. But this one is just off base..
Hulk Smash 24/7 he wrote it just fine. The “life for a life rule was asked right at the moment Zuri jump in front of tchalla, remember. He literally said it right there. He made a bargain and killmonger by default took it when he took his life. Maybe you just need to watch what actually happened instead of overthinking semantics. He didn’t know tchalla would be close to losing so he jumped in front made a bargain, he didn’t attack him or touch him btw at that. Of course it’s hometeam lol, doesn’t mean anything was rigged
When was this "life for a life" rule discussed? They certainly didn't tell Killmonger that at anytime someone not involved in the fight can jump in and die for the king.. I am sure that he would like to have known that. Wouldn't it have been Shuri's job to tell him that since she was the official and he was new to the country? If he wanted to give his life for T'Challa's he should have done that before the contest even began, not in the middle right before T'challa was about to be killed. It just seems like the home team(T'Challa's family rigged this fight from the beginning and then they let go of all of their traditions and honor once they didn't get the outcome they were banking on.. Perhaps Coogler should have written the scene better...I guess.
Hulk Smash 24/7 Shuri was the Shamon(official) of the match. He gave a life for a life that was the call. “Take my life instead I’m the one who caused this” I’m paraphrasing but you know what I mean. Killmonger whether he understood or not took the offer and killed him. He sacrificed himself for tchalla without outwardly signaling its up to the audience to pick it up. Afterwards killmonger being style over substance anti-climatically threw t Challa off the waterfall instead of securing the kill which isnt how you ensure a win by the rule. By that judgement there was no foul no one else interfered and there were no fouls called when interference happened.
Killmonger won after T'challa's uncle stopped the killing blow.. This is the equivalent of throwing in the towel.. When T'Challa fought M'Baku there is no way that the Wakandan guard would have allowed any of the Gorilla Tribe to interfere like that.. Killmonger won fair and square.
Hulk Smash 24/7 you only win by yielding or dying. Killmonger didn’t win by his own fault not ensuring the kill
Mandela was in his own land different from those who were brought to the Americas.
You really need a better understaing of the black experience to understand Killmonger."To be conscious and be black in America is to be in a constant state of rage"
So you thought it wasnt cool how other characters treated Martin Freeman!? I think that was EXACTLY the point.
I liked that Ross was willing to sacrifice himself when flying the aircraft. "Put me back in."
Enjoyed the perspective you presented, only one real objection. The women being support and individually strong. Remember that Wakanda is a monarch not a democracy. No one has a voice to oppose the king, being T'Challa or Killmonger. The king says burn everything, you'd best believe, you better burn everything. I think it just showed how good a man T'Challa was, that he allowed his inner circle to interact with him the way he did.
Ross was one of my favorites. And no action sequences? The Star Wars fight?
Wow. Apparently Grace didn’t understand the ritual of becoming King.
"I can't believe the let Killmonger be king when he was clearly a monster" Yeah, me too. It's not like we in America let complete incompetents be leaders.
I’m just gonna say it. Michael B Jordan was shit as killmonger. Don’t @ me
Tchalla was dumb af
Girl shut up
She doesn't leave a lasting impact... although I love Lupita.
Deandre Jackson I think the issues raised in the dark Knight hadn't really been raised before in the way that they were. Could anarchy actually combat injustice? Could it ever be justifiable to kill to prevent future deaths? Are people inherently good when given the chance to do something horrific? Can someone pure become truly corrupted by loss? Etc.. and they weren't stated outright, each person that watched it may have come away with different questions rather than a singular one. BUT I agree, Black Panther raised important social and political issues in this genre for the first time and given events over the last few years in the media, it was definitely needed! I think both films do a brilliant job of raising the right questions for the themes they wanted to explore. Agree with you totally there.
Tom Middleton how so? I love dark knight. My opinion dark knight was much more psychologically thought provoking and Black Panther was more sociologically/politically thought provoking. Both different but completely satisfying experiences
Lool...I laughted how this DC universe fangirl says at the end that she hopes that if the sequel is good that Black Panther would reach "The Dark knight level". Let me tell you something Grace, every Marvel movie.....and I mean every (even Thor 2) has reached and passed the "Dark Knight level". That Dark Knight level exists nowhere else than in your DC fangirling head.
The fact that Jordan played the character in such an unwavering fashion is exactly what made his PERFORMANCE great. I mean come on Grace, its kind of stupid that you see his confidence that's part of the character as literal agreement of those intentions by him as a person. It's called acting.
Michael B. Jordan was the best thing in this movie man.
The killing and the weapons are just a narrative tool. His point of view HAS to appear as the bad side so the "hero" of the movie can thrive. Don't take that too literally. See it more like a thougher way or more direct (or radical -radical ->root).
Different and particular situations with the Madiba comment. Dr. King rather die for his cause, of course he wanted to contribute all he could, but in the end he knew that his path was going to take him there.
The topic'll "move forward" when the opression ends, sista
"Take the conversation to the next level". Typical white people commentary...
Political policy has more effect on peoples quality of life than any blockbuster film will.
I disagree with your views on the female characters. Specifically the General. She shows an incredible amount of honor following the tradition and code that Wacanda has stood for for generations. I think it's a great character moment. Their traditions are very important in Wacanda and challenging for the thrown is a fantastic element that was very powerful as far as storytelling. As far as the rest of the review I think you nailed it.
They had the action where they needed it. The women played there part you can't have everybody doing their own thing while in a team situation. I'm glad they didn't make Killmonger conflicted Killmonger was the straight shooter, let T'challa worry about his inner conflict.
Grace you totally missed the mark. I almost feel like a white person cant truly get this movie to make a comment about killmonger and saying he'd rather b dead then enslaved
My theory on the Soul Stone is that it is in the flowers. Aside from giving them super abilities the flowers send the person who ingests them to the 'astral plane' which is where they can talk to the souls of the dead. So that right there is the soul/soul stone connection. Vibranium is everywhere in Wakanda (clothing, weapons, architecture), but the flowers are found just in that shrine. I think the Soul Stone is buried beneath the shrine and it promotes the growth of the flowers. Killmonger burned the flowers, but the Infinity Stones have thus far proven to be highly durable, if not indestructible. It's still there, buried in the shrine, and my guess is the flowers will soon grow again. I hope this is the case as it means the Soul Stone is hidden in plain sight.
Vibranium is actually a metal well renouned and valued by women.
i laughed so hard at your bucky joke...
Hello Grace, Question: What are your thoughts on the kids calling Bucky 'White Wolf'? Do you think its a reference to Hunter, T'Challa's adopted white brother who becomes Wakanda's superspy? Or maybe the Hatut Zeraze, the Dogs of War who main aims are the defense of Wakanda sense World War II? Keep up the good work. :^)
She’s clearly so wrong in this review. What she saying makes no sense
Grace I love you so much for being so respectful and considerate when talking about these subjects. I'm sure it must be difficult talking about these subjects when you're not a person of color. but you do it with (excuse the pun,) grace. I love it. keep up the good work
Thank you Grace for your willingness to WANT to talk about the politics of this. This film has aspects to it that crosses cultural barriers and of course with anything there are some things that one understands/relates to more based on culture but its still able to be understood. I think your roots comparison/relation is a decent introduction this topic. Onto Killmonger's death, I think was just a reflection of how much he burned with anger and hatred and jealousy. His response was as such and if he hated bondage as much than he still would've committed suicide in some way or form. Nelson Mandela survived prison ONLY because of his strength and purpose and faith. Anyway,... strength, long life, prosperity and peace to you, o 'graceful' reviewer of cinema!
I think that you are off the mark here. Michael b jordan had a great portrayal of Killmonger. He was not conflicted showing a more darker and rough tone than other villains. His ideas changed the way many fans saw him as well as t'challa as well making him one of the best villains in the MCU. I thought freeman was also quite good and his character arc was good showing his progression from the one dimensional agent to seeing Wakanda as a place needed to be kept secret. And finally they had to serve Killmonger it was tradition i completely understood her decision. It is diffwrent to our society but we must respect theirs and honour it like the film did. In my opinion of the best marvel films to date
I'm GLAD Killmonger went out with that legitimacy. The point he makes is that the ancestors who preferred death to slavery were brave & he is right. However that would mean logically that the ones who submitted to slavery were cowards but that's also not right. BOTH actions required bravery. Self preservation is a a trait held by all races so it would take incredible bravery to say I will stop living rather than be your beast of burden but it also took bravery to endure. If they all chose to die, none of us would be here. I don't even see Killmonger as a villain, he's just the antagonist of the film. ALL of his points were valid. I don't understand your confusion over Killmonger becoming king & the people obeying him. He had a legitimate claim to the throne & thus had a right to challenge T'Challa. Had M'baku won the previous challenge, he would have been king. It's the law & they follow it. Which is why Danai's character stated she is loyal to the throne no matter who sits on it. What's so hard to understand about that? She only said you have too much hatred to Killmonger when T'Challa reappeared which meant he never lost the challenge to begin with & was still legally the king.
The movie fails dramatically when it tries to sum up slavery and what it has done to Blacks "HISTORY SPEAKS FOR ITSELF"! So that discussion you say should be taking a turn for blacks to get over it so-tah-speak... well that'll never happen "retributions" A healing is needed before Blacks can move on!!! The movie is not a platform for anyone to forget! It's a reminder! T'challa's Father's crimes caused that whole mess...K!lmonger never would have been born if it weren't for others stepping on the necks of others to get ahead ...oh and are told to forget about it ...move on...it's in the past(crock)! K!lmonger had no retribution, lost his father and was forced to live in a country that hates Blacks! NO it will never be over until there is a "True Healing"!
Grace, you are very pretty!
Winston Duke was great in Person of Interest
it‘s funny she always got problem with over power female character and called them marry sue
I don't think the fight for the throne is the best, but it sure is a better system than the electoral college. It gives other families / tribes a chance to rule. Do you ever stop to wonder why only Odin's family has the right to rule Asgard?
you can change the channel name to Grace the complainer
11:26!! that quote. Isn’t that what’s happening in the US right now as you ramble on about Roots and what not. Just saying! In a way this movie was made for people like you, but subtlety gets lost on some people.
love when grace curses lol
In my opinion Killmonger is one of if the best villains in the mcu. I can’t help but disagree with many of your choices for the characters on your list
Grace! Excellent review. You handled your talking points... "Grace-fully"... Just a note: I feel that Black Panther has more similarly to the 1986 TV mini-series 'Shaka Zulu' than it does with 'Roots'. Both are sweeping epics that focus on a warrior and his duty to his people and his country. 'Roots' focuses more on the impact of slavery in America. One is a story that focuses on Africa, while the other focuses on America.
If Zuri asked for the right to take the place of T'Challa on the chopping block, so to speak; then that is admission by Zuri that T'Challa had lost he( T'Challa) was broken, beaten and ready to die. His whole family was standing around crying because they knew that he'd been defeated. Since it was a life for life bargain, in that instance killing Zuri was the same as killing T'Challa...at that point he was no longer king. Really Killmonger didn't even have to throw him over the waterfall in an attempt to kill him. Because as you said; Zuri gave his life so that T'Challa would live. Not so that Killmonger could kill Zuri, then turn around and kill T'Challa anyway. As soon as Zuri was killed, T'Challa should have gotten up(if he could).. Gone back to the palace and cleared out his shit...he was no longer king.
People need to realize that this is an ORGIN FLIM
is it me or lately blockbusters have lazy special effects, JL, Wonder Woman, specially backgrounds
The movie was visually great but overall it was not much better than the first two Thor’s
You said that the women have no ambition or paths apart from Techalla but Lupita’s character is following hers literally at the very beginning
Killmonger doesn’t represent the anger of Alavert it’s what’s still happening to us grace come on
11:26 was y'all when that cheeto won the election tho :)
It’s so sad...my people are so asleep.
Well... you started out good, until you started dropping in the subtle racism and feminism. Can I get my 10 minutes back???
As far as action sequences, I'd rather drama be tied to it than superfluous explosions and collisions. Wanting more is better than overkill.
How can they follow a monster as a leader as an American you ask??
You forget that the heart shaped herb cannot be ingested by just anyone that's why they don't just give it to anyone.
You don't understand "He won, I guess we're gonna be ruled by a monster now"? You don't connect with letting a ritual allow an unstable psychopath to become leader of a powerful country? Really? Okkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk... I too hope they change the rules after what happened.
Disliked. So if it isnt feminist propaganda then they arent strong women? I knew something smelled fishy in your Last Jedi review and with how often you talk about Wonder Woman ...
It was ok. CGi not the best though. Iron man Still the best
I think most people missed the "White Wolf" character reference during the last end credit scene.
Kilmonger is smart are you? Martin Freeman’s role is not small and kilmonger was not simple
After watching the 2nd time I have only 2 complaints. 1-Everything is too dark during the action. Action sequences should have either been in daylight or correct it to brighten it. 2- CGI fights. BP moved so wonderfully in Civil War. He was truly like a cat. I feel some of that was lost here. Using more practical effects could have given it a better look and feel. They needed the CW stunt team. Other than that the story and visuals holds up great. Excited to see it at least one more time at the movies.
why has killmonger got to be conflicted his character is straight on point one target and nothing getting in the way of that no conflict for him oh and bucky barnes read up on white wolf is a possibility.
so your all for ooh yeah tradition and culture but as soon as the bodyguards go "we protect the throne it doesn't matter whos on it that is our duty" you say well that's stupid I don't get it their idiots.
Hustle Tha GOD exactly
Killmonger is the best villian in the MCU so far.
I am very happy that my great great grandparents did not have Killmonger's attitude.
While I get your point with not thinking long term as far as prison vs. Death... Every situation is different.. What works for one may not fit for another.. Mandela may of been seen as a martyr even more so if he died.. And we say freedom is worth dying for.. Is this not true for ones self as well? As usual I disagree with the details with you.. #Rethink
Totally get where you coming from...but from an African perspective I dn't see this lack of action cause the movie intent was to touch on diverse issues. I dnt think action was the initial priority of the movie. (different lenses we watching from) Ryan thought the soul stone would be too much for this one & I agree imagine going about explaining that to new viewers after Vibranium... I think the large part of Infinity War is going down in Wakanda (dnt see how general Danai wouldn,t be involved lol) & i guess the Stones' somewhere in the mountain of vibranium... I say thats well played by Marvel.
This movie is overrated af, 6/10 at best
any suggestions where I can find a review about this excellent comic book movie that doesn't talk about fucking politics???
Grace, I honestly commend you for having a legitimate conversation about the movie's themes. Many reviewers solely discuss Black Panther's role in infinity war, the infinity stones, etc which completely bypasses the entire point of this movie. However, I think that you really need to rethink your justification for disliking Michael B. Jordan's performance. Not liking Killmonger, or not liking Michael B. Jordan's acting is completely viable, but stating that Michael B Jordan condones Killmonger's actions/beliefs because he does not portray Killmonger as conflicted not only does not make sense at all and is honestly offensive (Andy Serkis was a cold blooded killer until the end), but it misses the entire point of Killmonger's character. He is very much representative of radical civil rights movements (which have the main goal of flipping the hierarchy rather than dissolving it). I'm pretty sure you mention that there is a nice parallel between T'Challa and Killmonger, and how they both seek to end Wakanda's history of neutrality just in different ways, which is on point. However, the radical ideologies represented by Killmonger are very much alive today, and social movements often struggle with what is the best avenue for liberation, a struggle within a struggle if you will. That being said, I think it is irresponsible of you to state that these ideologies should not be portrayed fully and unwaveringly because of the fact that you you do not believe radical ideologies are morally okay. And it is irresponsible of you to try and make a connection between Michael B Jordan's beliefs and those of his character. I don't mean to attack you here either. I'm aware that these struggles can be hard to understand by people outside of them, and after watching this video I see you as a possible ally should this conversation transcend a movie. Just trying to give you something to think about :)
Thank you for this review. I thought I must have missed the soul stone but now I know I didn't. Great review and one thing, I liked the CIA guy's virtual piloting sequence. Mainly because I'm a plane nut.
Killmonger was a terrorist. Valid points he made but he was so wrong in how he went about his mission
Great Movie! Love your review too! But please my dear, stop with the Roots comparison. Anyone who's read the average english history books or just watches tv long enough, completely gets the gist of Kilmonger's ideology. Now Roots takes slavery to a truth that, trust me, you probably rather not discuss lol. I hope you get me. If not, I still like you anyway.
I lov your vids but Nelson Mandela did not just "stick it out" also WTF is rihno people, tribe as well as many other classification for a group would be more appropriate.
Some of these comments are just crazy... how can some people say white people don’t have culture? How can anybody say that about any culture??
23:16 Your Definitely Wrong About Michael B Jordan In This Movie, I Thought He Played A Great Villain In His Character Performance And No Your Definitely Wrong That You Said He Always Played The Same Character In Every Movie Just In Your Information Haven't You Even Seen The Fantastic Four Reboot With Him As Johny Storm, And My Opinion He Played A Much Better Villain Then He Did As Johny Storm I Thought That He Really Sucks At Playing Johny Storm
Grace, I have a movie idea.. first of all- I loved Black Panther!!- now how can we get a female black panther? (and still have the male black panther) it would be really cool for Black Panther 2! AND if Marvel would make a black widow movie... maybe she could get a suit made by Shuri with all the tech so she can have more epic action scenes??? - Idea: BLACK WIDOW AND FEMALE BLACK PANTHER MOVIE .....PLEAAASEEE!!!
he burned up all of the heart flower tho, so now t'challa is the last black panther
Killmonger went about things the wrong way however his motivations were strong because they stemmed from hard truths, that's why I liked his final words and it was an appropriate outro for such a man.
It was good, but it wasn't great. It was slow and the CGI was a bit off. The story was good all the way till the end and that is where it fell apart. The final act was just another marvel fight scene, and not even there best. I will not argue that Killmonger was one of the best Marvel Villains ever because he was, he had great motivation and was done perfectly, but Black Panther him self could have been better and I feel his character did evolve for the better because of Killmonger. Like i said, it was a good movie but it wasn't great.
It's disappointing that ideals like these still need to be reinforced in the mainstream to this very day. Isn't it about time people realised it doesn't matter what race or gender you are because we're all human and all have the potential to do so much with our lives. That what your ancestors did or suffered shouldn't have power over the person you are in the here and now. These should be a concrete facts in the minds of us all by now. It's sad that this isn't the case. I hope Black Panther does help further enforce this idea in people, a theme of respect and equality that Star Trek has been championing for decades.
what the hell she didn't like michael b jordan
i didn't like martin freeman either and wish they has use someone else
So you're just going to ignore the fact that the women took the herb to Mbaku to overthrow Killmonger to save Wakanda?? not just T'challa
Hi Grace, love your videos, loves from Puerto Rico. I interpretated Okoye choice to be loyal to Wakanda as a way to defend the people from killmonger. I think her position as General can give her an advantage to counteract any conflict between the king and Wakanda's peolpe and country. (Excuse my english, is not my first language)
Wtf, kilmonger was the best part of the movie. And hes smart. Rabdolph is the forst youtuber i see who disliks kilmonger. Wtf.
11:50 EXACTLY MY THOUGHTS. Exactly why Wakanda could NOT exist in real life. Idiots that follow tradition beyond reason cannot also be geniuses that independently develop Stark like technology without stark. Science and human rights and democracy were a mix in the west and THAT is why the west became so rich and powerful.
I honestly didn’t like “Roots” It was a rip off to “The African”.. I kind of understood what you meant when you compared it to “Roots” though.. I honestly love everybody opinion on the movie regardless if it’s good or bad..
Grace thanks for the review and convo. I think culturally, an African-American sees things like Killmonger's death differently because he compared it to would-be slaves wanting to die free, but your comparison to Nelson Mandela imprisonment which is more like the civil rights leaders that faced imprisonment for their beliefs. The difference is that freedom lost to slavery benefited the slave owners not the slaves; whereas, imprisonment for a cause often can have an eventual benefit to the cause. Secondly, I have to strongly disagree with your assessment of Killmonger becoming king after the fight. I agree that he obviously was not qualified or likely to be a good king, however, he apparently (by the belief that T'Challa was dead) had become king by the country's due process, they later found out that he actually didn't win the title and all except for one tribe rejected his leadership. I live abroad and many people ask me about how we have allowed our owns nation be governed by someone how many see as a worst leader than Killmonger, but again apparently he won and we have to except it. Of course if we are also lucky enough to find an legal escape clause...
Grace, I often disagree with your opinions but I still applaud your willingness to discuss issues. After all, how can we achieve greater understanding and negotiate a consensus on issues unless we air differing opinions in the first place?
Martin Freeman was funny grace I have to disagree !
I understand it is very sensitive but... blaming Wakanda for not entering into "defending" Africans from slavery is a disingenuous argument. A significant amount of African slaves were taken into slavery and sold to foreigners (Caucasian and Non-Caucasian alike) as slaves because they were enslaved by fellow Africans. Africa wasn't a peaceful place where everyone lived in perfect harmony. Tribes attacked tribes. They were routinely killing and enslaving each other's tribes. Slaves were merely goods to be traded to foreign visitors. So to imply that Wakanda is evil for not being involved in "defending" Africans from slavery isn't exactly accurate. With their technology they could have enslaved all of Africa and yet they never did any such thing.
Not to start an argument here, but the way you felt uncomfortable about Martin Freeman is how Black people feel about alot of Black roles out there.
"Support staff?" The women were every bit a part of T'challa and critical to setting up how important culture is to the people of Wakanda.
You hit it right on the nail Grace regarding closing the door on the past and moving forward. I respect you for that.
Grace as far as Tribal Rituals go, the US elected a Monster that the country is still stuck with.
Mandela was a sellout...
I actually think the female characters were more than just support staff. I felt they were very prominent in the movie and I appreciated that. Lupita's character did exercise her own free will and that was to serve not only the King, but the people of Wakanda as well. Multiple times he asked her to stay and she made her own decision to help the people outside of their kingdom. The men also have the purpose of serving their country, not just the women so you could argue that they don't have any ambitions or dreams outside of that purpose either.
I think the women were all like extensions of T'Challa because everyone was meant to be an extension of Wakanda itself. Also, was I the only one who thought Everitt Ross and Sheri were being set up as a possible relationship? If that doesn't happen, I want Ross to be gay.
Dumbest review for this movie ever,and your comparison of Killmonger to Malcom x is absurd,and kill mongers dying words were a deep connection between what African Americans in America and Africans in Africa feel through out their everyday lives in a world where white people hold majority of the power.and about the Everett Ross character, you hated the things they referred to him as because it might have triggered that guilt white people should have towards what their ancestors have done to the continent of Africa and its people.
Okoye didn’t serve T’Challa; she served Wakanda
Grace out here Woke
You do not understand don’t you
I remember why I unsunscribed you. You really don't get it. Then again a few months ago you thought this movie wouldn't make bank. You don't get tradition. Motivation or character.
Did anyone else notice that the boy on the basketball court at the end is the boy from Moonlight?
Comparing this highly overrated movie to the Dark Knight trilogy is madness.
People forget it’s not a all black cast just mostly
blacks were not the first race to be enslaved so for this ding dong to say that they were the first holocaust is complete horse shit
i hope Mugabe sees this movie.
could you review Dark Knight? The comparison statementu made on Dark Kinght "True", it would be nice to see your view on it.
Good review !!! great job !!! I love how you broke this down. and thanks for the roots break down it was before my time but I can see how it was the black panther of it's time .
For me Killmonger made T'challa change as a king. T'challa didnt care about the other countries except for Wakanda, and when killmonger is there and wants to open Wakanda to the world in the wrong way, he feels treaten. At the end he does it in a rigth way.
I think we did see the Soul Stone in Black Panther. I think we saw it fall to Earth at the very start of the movie. H is for Heart...
Not a perfect movie, but it was great. The great storyline made up for the "lack" of action which is why so many people enjoyed this movie.
You get the loyalty in GOT but not here? There blind loyalty is what makes story work
6:01 anti-black racism whole white back as well as America back but I promise you it does not hold black people back and no we are not broken or defeated that's why we rule over you
Just saw it finally. It was good and my fav characters were Shiri, T’Chala and Akoya. Although I did like it, I didn’t love it as much as some of the other recent Marvel flicks like Thor Ragnarok and the Guardians 2. Black Panther,for me, has less rewatchability factor and was not as fun and entertaining as those. Guess it mostly just means I dig a bit more humorous take when it comes to my movies. Over all this was still pretty good
I also thought it sucked that this seemed as if I didn't need to watch this movie to keep up with whats going on in the MCU... like you said put a stone in it or something...
Is it possible Zhurri (T’challa’s sister) could be being groomed to become the MCU’s version of the current Iron Man we see in the comics (who happens to be a young African American girl)???
Repeat watching is so far so good. Second week viewing is only behind The Force Awakens.
Better than Batman begins ? Are you high?! The villain was mediocre, the plot was just okay and there were no consequences after killmonger becomes king. I was hoping at least one ship had escaped and then tchalla would have figure out way to explain himself to the world. That would’ve been a more compelling end. Batman begins is way better than this one.
Grace you have no idea what you're talking about! Killmonger was not a terrorist. He was a victim of an irresponsible King TKchaka who killed his father and abandoned him in the USA. He is the chicken coming home to roost. Killmonger had valid points about his mission, although I disagree with his means, his objective of liberating black ppl across the planet was noble! Take several seats Grace!
I listen to grace quite a bit, but as usual with most non P O C you can't deal with , accept , or even try to relate the shoe being on the other foot type scenerio nor can you phantom any world where you as a Non POC could be secondary. Also I'd wager there's just a little bit toooooo much truth and reality in the movie that certain demographics love to ignore and over look
It is not holding them back you wicked white evil monster. You don’t know shit. California prison is made up of a lot of innocent black men and women. The California prison system make over 200 million dollars every year. To add further slavery is still going on. My people are still oppressed in this wicked kingdom. You are obviously dumb white privileged girl. This movie is bigger than marvel and us. Blacks all over the world are getting more united than ever. We already know our enemies, so called edomites or white people. Get ready for slavery, u think it’s a joke. A 1000 years
Okoye should be an avenger to be honest
she hatin on michael b jordan cause he had a valid point n her privilege feels threatened
Such a fine white Nubian goddess! Just keep talking Grace.
rewatch the movie u sound ignorant. they honor tradition thats why erik got the throne. simple shid u actin like u cnt articulate.
I have to disagree with you in the Martin Freeman part...I wonder why you felt uncomfortable about his role...hmm....
As an American I would think grace would fully understand the concept of following a crackpot just because he won the leadership process....
how can you compare kill monger - the villain with a outstanding man such as Nelson Mandela? obliviously they are two completely different men.
T'Challa didnt have an unwillingness to kill Kilmonger? T'Challa didnt have the ability to beat Kilmonger whish is why he had his butt handed to him. Even in the comics, Kilmonger beats him
Grace, Kilmonger said to Black Panther that his uncle said that Wakanda was beautifull. Black Panther just showed hi a view, not particularly a sunset per se.
Ahh now the Roots comment makes sense. Okay Grace I forgive you lol. That was a good explanation. Also to comment on the tradition aspect of things, I know you said you didn’t get how they just let kilmonger be king because “the government” lol. Speaking from experience Africans are very traditional to a fault. It made sense that they followed tradition and I was actually very impressed with how realistically African people were portrayed. Lastly something I definitely disagreed with you is about women in this movie. Compared to all the movies in the MCU this movie had the best portrayal of women and I didn’t think they were just an extension of T’challa. Nakia is opposed to T’challa throughout the movie and in fact she is very modern in her behavior because she doesn’t want to marry him and stay home. Okoye is loyal to the throne and not to T’challa so her actions are understandable and then she still manages to oppose the throne when she has to. And come on, can we really be mad at T’challa’s mother and sister for being loyal to him? Lol. They were supporting cast because this movie is the black panther and not Nakia the spy or Okoye the warrior and I applaud them for being the strongest supporting cast of women in the MCU. Shoutout to black widow though, she’s dope.
Excellent Review
grace misses much about the black mans struggle. when you have worn this colour skin you will understand killmongers stance. yes I agree that he was short sighted in a few respects and was not a good leader. however his anger and frustration with society towards blacks is a true representation on many blacks. and its not fair to say that he/they (meaning some blacks) still have one foot in the past. I do agree that they need to move forwards -yes, but first the damage done to the race needs to be acknowledged in order for healing to occur. you mentioned Mandela, which is fine, he made sure that whites and blacks came together and talked about the atrocities which happened to them via the white mans hand. that was a positive step in healing. So grace until you have been lyunched, raped and ridiculed for the shade of your skin, you will find it hard to understand why blacks are the way the are now. I appreciate you views, but I respectfully disagree with some of them. however I do still enjoy your channel so keep up the good work. :) ;)
I love Grace's take on almost everything, especially the role of women in the movie as strong but unwavering supporters. And Okuye is easily my best character. She is so powerful and wise. So often you see older ladies as helpless victims but her physical strength and experience are skills. I don't agree with her about challenging the ritual combat because it's the Wakandan version of the peaceful transfer of power. To make things fair, they took the Black Panther powers away so it is their respect for the tradition. Otherwise you would have usurpers try murder the king all the time and have that be legitimate.
Lot of people probably flagged her YouTube page so now she’s being nice. This woman is an idiot
The main point of the movie was for Black people to unite and build their own wealth. Also it was expressing that Africa should clean up the mess they made by selling some black people to Caucasians for slavery.
Grace-ist. Am I right
I loved your review.
You liked that line??? Guns are so primitive but she's fighting with a, spear...
8:35 The scene where BP jumps off his ship and into the jungle where Nakia had infiltrated a human trafficking crime ring shows the limited but existent help that Wakanda gives to other African countries though. That scene was in Nigeria, and a wink at the very real situation faced there, namely the kidnapping of a few hundred high-school girls by a Nigerian rebel movement called the Boko Haram.
In East Africa at least our culture doesn't embellish the hero villain concept. We have winners and losers but in the example of wakanda (which doesnt exist aynomre) kings are designed and fashioned to make those choices. But after colonialism....mheee, most people have your same train of thought.
I agree CGI wasn't good, fighting scenes could be improved
Those slaves that were dragged off the ships in America were brutally tortured physically, psychologically etc, went through 1000 times suffering than Nelson Mandela, can't compare to him sitting in jail, he might as well have been in a mansion compared to the slaves, if you were a slave you would have wished you jumped off the ship
I think Grace gets a thousand dollars each time she says action sequence.
In terms of tribal rituals, I think that’s definitely your American roots showing. Many cultures in Asia, Africa, and even Southern American cultures put tradition above all. It’s very foreign to me as an American too, but I get it if someone was socialized to think that way.
All Gracie cares about is HOW MUCH $$$$ is the film making.
Grace if you like Winston Duke you should stream some episodes of Person of Interest. He was a primary character and villain.
its a good movie, no more no less imo. as an African myself, some of those accents were straight up ridiculous. forest whitaker was talking like he showed up that day and they didnt tell him he was playing an african character. aside from lupita and (surprisingly) daniel kaluuya and a few more minor characters, those accents were comical at times. even the dialogue was like they were going for "imagine a bunch of africans who don't really speak like africans but instead use american sayings so it' be funny". it felt more like a celebration of african culture by a bunch of american and british ppl rather than a good, well-written movie. the plot was cookie-cutter stuff out of the MCU and the way they made those suits OP out of nowhere where they can become energy mini-bombs felt a little easy (not sure ig theyre ike that in comics tbh). its a good movie overall, some great performances (chadwick, lupita, andy serkis, and others), but not something as ground breaking as its been painted to be in my opinion
Glad you spoke about this movie. certainly a good review.
I Don't understand how you can't like Killmonger. Michael B. Did a great job. I'm not usually one for saying race can change ones view's or lack thereof, but in this case I feel like that's why you can't get behind Killmonger's view. Cause at the end of the day, Killmonger was right...at least in his idea/ideal. He just went about it in the wrong way.
gringe worthy review...she tried but this movie seem to be way out of her league I liked Micheal B Jordan
Martin Freeman and Andy Serkis were both in the Lord of the Rings movies. In Black Panther they are the Tolkien white guys
I disagree about Killmonger, personally, He and Vulture are my fav villains in the MCU since Loki
How the fuck did you not like kilmonger!? See this is the very reason why I don’t subscribe to you!
what are u talking about kill monger is the best mcu villain and Michael b Jordan is awesome
My God, stop talking about Roots and the Black community. Shut up.
Grace.... For Christs sake its pronounced "Dora ma lahj eh". Nukia actually says it in the movie! Come on!! And you could not be more wrong about the women characters as "support staff". The women were the stand out pieces of this very progressive film. Decision making, fierce warriors, rulers and leaders and genius level characters. Okoye, Nukia and Shuri- made this movie as good as it was!! Your too concerned with your whole " roots connection" and missing key points.
Grace! You don't watch 'This is us'? Watch it, it's awesome!
grace tbh , this movie had more action scenes than thor ragnarok.
You articulated the political/cultural importance so beautifully, Grace. Well done. What a wonderful moment to be a film nerd!
yea, i don't agree with you about Killmonger. the character was meant to be a villain beyond redemption, so I think MBJ did a fantastic job.
OK. I disagreed with you on so many instances but I respect and applaud your honesty and will to initiate a genuine conversation about race thanks to this movie.
i really loved this movie, it didn't feel like a marvel movie while feeling like a marvel movie if that makes sense lol but the issue I had w/ killmonger is that he really didn't have a backup plan and he gave up at the end, great villains know how to recuperate and recover and he didn't but I thought michael b. jordan's performance was amazing.
Bucky is the white wolf... I think they wanted us to wonder if that is his new identity
I whish andy serkins wasn't killed in the movie because he was great. It would have been great if Killmonger kept him alive and then he was imprisoned. That way he could have been set up for the second movies main villan because when the glass shattered in the lab that could have let him escape or something. Maybe he could even have helped out, but betray them at the end oviously. I don't know, I just really liked andy serkins
Grace.... For Christs sake its pronounced "Dora ma lahj eh". Nakia actually says it in the movie! Come on!! And you could not be more wrong about the women characters as "support staff". The women were the stand out pieces of this very progressive film. Decision making, fierce warriors, rulers and leaders and genius level characters. Okoye, Nakai and Shuri- made this movie as good as it was!! Your too concerned with your whole " roots connection" and missing key points.
Wake up
Grace lol
Oh the irony "he won, I guess we all have to be ruled by a monster now"
Now my 4th fav MCU flick, behind Cap 2, Cap 3, and Avengers 1
Really need to stop shipping Cap n Buck, it's all in your head and nowhere on the screen.
Finally saw Black Panther. Andy Serkis was a little too clownish for me, liked him much better in Age of Ultron.
Hey Grace I'm back and wite and I have a friend who has witnes this and I want to tell you that the Michael b jordan wasn't shallow because he just stated facts about real world things and problems
No action? What? There was plenty of action. I'd rather have a smart movie then a Snyder/Bay action mess
Grace, the last end credit scene with Bucky, was the children shouting "white wolf" - who is the name of a character from the comics, T'Challa's adoped brother who was white, that his parent's took in when they found him in Wakanda =] x
The ending of Killmonger reminded me of Baron Zemo in Civil War very honorable of Black Panther
The movie was a bit shit to be fair!
BYE, Melinda May is the best fighter in the mcu
"When Cap sees him he's gonna faint" I literally laughed out loud!
Tell me do you bleed
"What a sleazy dirtbag! It was fantastic!!!" ~Grace Randolph, 2018 (Also: "Come on who's with me?" "Nobody." "YOUUUUUUU SLEAZY DIRTBAG!")
*Grace with all due respect, the Wakanda people letting Killmonger be King has nothing to do with 'African traditional culture'* ! Are we forgetting the three worst mass murderers were allowed to rise to power in Europe and Asia? Hitler, Stalin and Mao. Not forgetting the USA re-elected George Bush after he invaded Iraq on false justifications, tortured people without trial and so on? I am Black British, if we are going to criticise other nations, culture and politics. We should do so without forgetting to also hold our own to a high standard too. Let me be clear here, I am not arguing George Bush is equal to Stalin, Hitler or Mao. But nevertheless we should be brave enough to admit our faults and demand better.
Even though throughout the movie the tech was outstanding... personally I thought there still seemed to be a logical explanation for each individual piece of tech, but that's just my opinion.
Also think you and all these other people are wrong about the soul stone being in Wakanda
Don't think soul stone should have been mentioned ....
Grace clearly said Black Panther wouldn’t gross 1 billion. Oh boy was she wrong. Like she always is.
Killmonger best thing about the movie, I get that he doesn't resonate the same way with everyone because of his ideals but he is relatable to many inner city black kids, although I don't condone his methods I understand where his anger and frustration came from, unlike loki, and all of the other marvel villains
I was writing something about the feminism I kept seeing you display but something happened -___- Another time Grace .... Another time ....
Killmonger was my favourite part
Yes, _YES_ , YES GRACE 2:32
Stupid white woman. I'd like to see a movie about indentured servitude
Grace the movie is about respecting authority to some degree bc the people were actually listening to the king even though they didn’t want him to king
To be king*
Not sure, if you were watching the same movie as me. I completely understand that you don't completely understand the history of Africa or it's diaspora. But by keeping things hidden it kept Wakanda safe. Do our generals go against our leaders no, they serve the country no matter who is the leader. If things is rewritten to your version, please explain to me will the western world come to them with bread or knives. Looking in the past, I think it would be knives.
Everyone mentions that women were represented well in this film contrary to what Grace was saying, but I beg to differ. Their CHARACTER DESIGNS were impeccable. It’s just they didn’t have an arc very much.
I am glad you spoke your mind Gracie. Its sometimes hard to be honest out of fear of offence but i think you did a great job!
You don''t understand shit about our community.
Thank you for this video! :*
This movie isn’t diverse almost the whole cast is Black. Still a fantastic movie though
I just got home watching the movie and all I could think about was 'why do they all speak English? ' I understand them speaking English to Ross, claw, and Eric, but why would they ever speak English to each other? especially since they sometimes it of randomness speak their native language to each other
shuri is 16 and has a great relationship with her bro why would she challenge him in combat that strips away any enhancement or tech
I absolutely love Grace as a black man in America. She is so knowledgeable and is always open to being critiqued. She makes sure she takes the feelings of the black community into consideration and makes sure not to offend. And if she does, she either further explains or apologizes. This was a great interview and every opinion, she is entitled too. Love this woman. Continue doing what you do.
I have to disagree with u on Michael B. Jordan's performance bcos I thought he did really well n is one of the best villains in the MCU 4 sure
I thought that b. Jordan and freeman were pretty awesome, both of them
"You won! I guess we all got to be ruled by a monster." Fantastic summary of Trumps presidential election.
Respectfully, "letting the past go" is not the message of Black Panther, whether the phrase refers to racism/colonialism or cultural heritage. Rather the film asks everyone to acknowledge and face the past squarely, and remedy the wrongs that have been committed against nations and peoples. The end-credits UN speech is not merely about building bridges but fostering the unity of the human race, which is only possible on the basis of equal rights for all. There is no reason why Africans and African Americans should "let the past go" when the Jewish community is so right to warn us all to "never forget", because the duty of all humanity is to guard against the return of such evil. In any case, if this message is not learned now it will be in due time. Finally, the lion's share of the work in remedying racism and colonialism lies not with the black community. People of color are ready to support the healing, but the greatest responsibility is with those who created and still perpetuate the problem. Those ran up the flag of racism must be the ones to bring it down. This point was not explicitly stated in the film, but it is there in its foundation, in the background of every bit of dialogue and every symbol and gesture.
You say terrorist, but remember: "One group's terrorist is another's revolutionary".
This was largely a church sermon. The stuff that looks the weakest is the least Promoted. The violence wasn't well captured. The children without parents did bad and supported whoever met their thoughts of his parents. The rhinoceros action bad. But the message of him knowing his identity and loving okoye was the whole movie. He knows whose he is and who he is. Can't separate the sermon and the movie. Best movie by marvel but not the best marvel, brains off play dress up and fight movie. Okoye over the balcony joins Captain America destroys a jet and you've got me, whose got you for icon comic book movie moments.
You're One Down To Earth Chick #ilikethat
Why I am not subbed to you.
You are so full of shit
I liked Martin Freeman' s character in this.
Fun fact: Those purple plants are poisonous to regular people. Only People with royal blood line are immune to it's affects and that's why it gives them powers. I don't know why they didn't establish that in the movie.
REALLY GRACE, then I have to ask, were you watching the same movie?
So the best fighter in the MCU couldn’t beat Kilmonger who was beat by T’Challa.... that’s odd
Like Draft Day
I just realized Black Panther= James Brown. I also have great relationship Chadwick Boseman
Wasn't this the woman who said Black Panther would need more white actors in lead roles for it to be successful?
As good as Chadwick Boseman was in this movie, I thought Lupita Nyong'o, Letitia Wright and Danai Gurira stole it out from under him. And did anyone mention the Gollum and Bilbo Baggins reunion with their face-to-face?
one of my fave analysis of this movie. you touched on a lot the profound topics this movie inspires.
aw thank u!
Hopefully there is some legislature in the future in Wakanda that stops monsters getting into power.
I like how Grace tries to backpaddle her last review of Black Panther!
i totally agree about michael b jordan and the action etc!
*laughs* what a sleazy dirtbag
I think it’s good that the Soul Stone wasn’t introduced in this movie, Ryan Coogler said it wouldn’t fit in this story and he wanted to make Black Panther almost its own thing, and if they did introduce the Soul Stone then having 2 mcguffins in the movie world make it feel very convoluted
Black Panther is better than The Dark Knight.
I have never seen a faker person. Fucking lizards.
Black panther was a good movie
Daniel Kaluuya was very 1 dimensional. He was disappointing.
I'm so late but this movie is great and didn't feel like two hours.
Lol. His father was wakanda royalty. Lol. Stupid writing making him say bury me in the ocean with my ancestors, since his ancestors were from wakanda lol and never delt with that shit smh.
You're my favorite channel right now
This movie was so hyped that by the time i watched it, although it was a good film, I was a little disappointed.
Yeah fuck this movie
I 100% understand Killmongers motivations. I think you're missing the point of some of the aspects of Killmongers character. My ancestors were slaves from Jamaica, and while I personally have never been a slave I'd rather die a grusome death than be locked up like an animal. When T'Challa said "We can save you" I felt it was a slap in the face to soothe his remorse and it had me thinking the same thing even before Erik gave him his reply. Chalking it up to short-sightedness of the character gives me the impression you don't understand the importance of freedom.
I feel like it could have been executed better. I was lost, and the CGI vs CGI final fight was jarring.
I enjoyed it alot, but... the film sounddesign was realy bad and many outdoor scenes were obviously filmed in indoors. The echo was on level with graces video’s.
Everyone is arguing about 11:23 When the answer is right at 11:12
“When cap sees him his going to faint “
Killmonger took the best course that he felt was necessary to him. If people were to organize and truly get themselves ready to survive on their own we would be in a better situation.
Wow I bet you think Loki is a better villain then killmonger
lol this lady lost me when she said Michael B Jordan's performance in the movie wasn't good
Good movie that is competely over rated. It has some great parts by also has a ton of very generic stuff and plot points. The final battle scene was so predictable. Some of the dialogue was very forced too. Also quite a few head scratching plot holes. Advanced civilization that still uses spears with very little ranged weapons? Black panther boils down to who drinks from a fkn plant. Nothing special about it at all. Wanna be a special super human? Drink this plant juice. Why not let everyone drink from it? At least the royal guards anyway. Super advanced civilization still using thatch huts and wood fences?
I didn’t like Michael B Jordan performance either. He could have done much better. It felt forced from him.
Well said Grace.
this review is way off.
This channel is amazing!
Ibo landing st Simons Island ga
T'Challa already demonstrated in Civil War that he is above taking revenge. That's what makes him a great man and great leader. He rises above, contemplates, learns, and moves forward. He always was one of my favourite superheroes and the movie portraits him perfectly. One thing I also loved (and love in the Black Panther comics in general): Ramonda is not T'Challas's biological mother. She is his step-mother. But the comics (and movie) never make that an issue. They are a loving family, as many modern patchwork families are.