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good morning good afternoon and good evening this  is max the curious kryptonian back with another   video and we're on day two of bits gap all right  so this is one of those platforms that it doesn't   include anyone else it only includes myself my  money my exchanges my wallets and a trading bot   right and this trading bot is called bits gap  so please like comment subscribe take a look   at everything in the description i've got all  the links that you need to the telegram channel   i've got the link to bits gap as well right so  take a look at the very least right there are   a bunch of us that are we may have went through  quite a few things right there's platforms that   ask for your money and then they do some stuff  right there are platforms that ask for your money   and they don't do anything and they all seem to  end in the same result of where's my money so   this is an effort now again some of those  platforms actually work i'm a part of a few   that are still paying me and they've been paying  me so it's all about doing your due diligence   watch out for those percentages and let's see  what's actually realistic so again like comment   subscribe join the team take a look at everything  in the description come to the telegram i've got   two telegram channels happening right now i'm only  posting one in the description i'll give you the   other one when you get there because that one is  it's a private channel and it's got a little bit   more of i guess fiery information so come on  through and let's see what's happening but as   you know let's get to the money bits gap all right  so for those who are just joining in this video   right bits gap what it is is it's a trading bot  that allows you to do trading it's nothing more   it's nothing less that's all it is okay so you  know there's some other things that it's saying   here automate your crypto trading so that's  great because i don't have to manually do this   right i can set and forget theoretically i will  never ever do that myself i check every day   i am not a financial advisor so you can go  ahead and never check or you cannot use the   platform at all right completely up to you  right so there's a seven day free trial here   okay very simple right it's a trading bot  it's going to be doing trading for you   okay it's 24 7. it's based on uh on a  grid you can also back test these grids   so what that means is that i can put  in settings into the bot and i can see   how it will how it has worked or how it would  have potentially worked with how the market went   over the past seven days 30 days three days  things like that by just clicking one button   it's so simple which is incredible right so just  going through the website for those who don't know   right lots of action here is what  this means we've got some testimonials   so as i said last time the api key is all that's  necessary right so they cannot withdraw your funds   at all all right so that's the best part about it  okay i'm using kucoin right now for my exchange   at some point i'll do a deposit or i'll  do a an api uh video one that connects   bits gap to kucoin using an api it's super simple  okay i'll do that at some point all right so free   trial as we know and that's the end of the page  super simple okay we'll look at the pricing i'll hit the one month pricing all right 29  a month okay this is fine right you get two   bots i'm using one right now you'll see as we  get into the platform but what's important is   the trailing up feature so i'm gonna opt for the  69 one once i get into the actual uh once i get   past my trial i should say okay so trailing up  what that means is that as the market goes up   the parameters of the bot also go upwards along  with it it doesn't mean that you're spending   more money right it just means that the settings  change to accommodate for the market now there's a   trailing down feature as well which i'm not using  that okay that's all i'm going to say for that   all right so let's get into the platform i just  want to see the results today that's why i'm here   so there's a couple things that i'm looking at  one are the demo bots that i set up yesterday   and the other is the live bot that i set up okay  so this is really interesting all right what are   we seeing here so as you know there's this very  scary looking graph with a bunch of lines and no   one knows what to look at right but basically what  this is is that whenever these here let me zoom in okay we're going to continue to approach this way okay  so whenever they headed out into the green that's   when you make a purchase the bot will make  a purchase all right you want the bot to buy   when it's low okay and then whenever  it heads into the red it's going to   sell all right and that's when you make your  money okay super simple so if we take a look over the last i guess since 6 am this  morning right it's been trailing down okay trading down i should say or trending down uh   it's also been heading up before that so  it's doing this nice sideways right so   this is it's doing some purchases it's doing  some sales now i know that it's heading downwards   but again this bot hasn't been open for very  long right it's been one day seven hours so you   wanna see this movement right we're gonna  see where this goes when i opened this up   i saw the stop loss was written down and just  as a note this is not looking at my main choice   this is looking at the ens okay ethereum name  service i believe is what it is so i'm up 1.54   percent in terms of what the bot has made  me however the total amount that the coin is   showing is negative 5.1 so it's actually went down  since i purchased okay so i'm going to open this   up a little bit more and i want to see again was  this a good choice of coin i mean we'll never know   right what our choices look like until  we actually run the bot for some time   so if we open this up here i'm gonna go for a one  month i'll go for a three month as well all right   so you can see where the highs are and part of why  i chose this bot is because this range right here   it's not unreasonable right it's in  a range here where we've seen highs   okay we've seen much higher even when it's dipped  down here right it's still higher than where we're   at right so my hope is that it will continue  to go up at some point and when this goes up   that's when we start making money okay and  let's go ahead and head to coin market cap all right because i'm going to show you again  what i do so i'm going to type in ens in here   ethereum name service i'm going to select it and  make sure that it hits my parameters so the rank   is 131 which is great above 200 i'll take that  the volume is above 20 million because we want   to make sure that we're we have the ability to  make trades happen and i look at 20 million and   up okay so great fantastic okay so we are in our  volume all right so obviously it's trending down   right so i the reason why i came here is  because i wanted to look at the one year   i want to see how it's been right so why i liked  this one right is that okay it was doing well   you know you got some pumps in here and it's  been trending down ever since november right   just like the entire market pretty much okay  so when it started to stabilize around here   right 17 or so right january of 2022 we're  seeing that it goes up a bit it goes down a   bit from there it goes up a bit it goes down a  bit right we had a little bit of a pump here so   and then and then it dropped off right and this  here was when we really saw the market crash so if   this is what we're looking at in terms of what a  market crash looks like my thought process is well   unless this is just going to go to zero  then this should head back up at some point   will it i guess we'll find out right now this  bot that i have here this is only in demo mode   so i'm not trading real money with this  right i mean on the surface you know i'm   i'm happy about it right now but in a few days  i may have said i wish i was actually trading   with this because we don't know what's going  to happen right so my thought is that looking   at how the how the graph looks and thinking  about the fact that yes there was a crash here right in these times move in a little bit closer right so that's april there so in fact if  we're actually looking at it okay yes that's   correct so in this time this is sort of when  all that crash was happening okay right so what i'm thinking is it's got  to go back up at some point   now i'm not going to start trading real money  with it but i'm interested to see over the next   few days what this looks like because i may  jump in later all right so let's look at luna   okay cause luna and as you'll see later  i actually did jump in with real money   but let's continue to look at the bot so  luna's performing actually quite interesting   right so luna right and for those who don't know  okay i'm gonna type in luna here luna was in the   news quite heavily right over the last while and  apparently there's some news that's supposed to   be coming out today uh maybe by the time you  watch this video it's already come out or   maybe it didn't come out i don't know all right  so here's luna okay rank 213 it's a little bit   under 200 but the interesting thing about luna is  that it used to be pegged right to the us dollar   but it has recently been de-pegged there was  a crash of luna right ust you can check this   out in other videos right just always keep  up on your crypto news if you're looking to   really make profits here or don't don't be in  crypto at all right not your financial advisor   i don't have information to help you because i  don't own your money only you have information   for your own money all right i have information  for mine you've got info for yours super simple   all right so i'm just looking again at whether  this luna meets my parameters so 213 it's a little   bit under 200 but because i know about the actual  coin i'm willing to go ahead and take that risk   the volume definitely hits what i need 642  million right lots of volume lots of trading okay   let's take a look down here so as you can see  right there's been a lot that's happened uh if we   open up the let's check out the three month right  okay so obviously it's doing well it's doing well   you know we're in that range and then we get a  huge drop off right right in this same time right   may 8th may 9th may 10th may 11th huge drop off  okay and then it's been sort of stabilized in   that respect since now many people expect for it  to go back up i mean i guess we'll find out that's   partly why i'm in it in the first place so lots  of volatility lots of volatility here okay downs   downs even even within um these time frames  here right we're seeing lots of downs lots of   ops right coming all the way back up over here  right and again i mean we like volatility okay   that's what we want when we have these bots  because we want it to purchase low and then   sell when it goes up right if it wasn't moving  we wouldn't be able to really make any money   okay so let's head back to bits gap so what  we're seeing here is that after one day   i'm actually up three percent right minus  this change right minus the one percent here   that it's down okay so up roughly about  two percent overall right now okay on this   um on this spot now i do have certain  settings here and i use the different settings   uh within the live bot so i'm gonna go ahead and  do that so let's switch to the live this is really   what we want to see right here so as you can see  i'm on kucoin and let's check out my kucoin bot   well look at this okay because i started a little  bit later i changed my settings a little bit not   going to talk about settings because it doesn't  matter right you have to do your homework in   order to really understand settings okay maybe  come to the telegram channel we can have some   conversation you can copy these settings if you  want it might not work for you uh yeah that's   all i've got for you to be honest i can help you  in terms of understanding what each of these mean   maybe i'll do a video on it maybe i won't i don't  really know because at the end of the day part of   this has to do with you understanding what your  goals are and what you're trying to achieve   and maybe i can help you with that right so as an  example right now i'm seeing 1.54 after 16 hours  

i mean if this hits 2 after 16 hours or more i'm  i'm extremely happy with that right you've seen   other platforms right cotp as an example 3 3.3  3.6 per day right compounding sure i mean you can   compound with this too just take your money and  put it back in right but i mean they're not here   so maybe they'll be here another time or later  maybe by the end of this video they'll be back   i don't know but right now they're not here so  i'll i would be extremely happy with two percent   over 24 hours and from when i started the bot  with my settings everything's positive so far   now it may go down and i hope it goes down i like  when these coins go down right if this continues   to head downwards then that means it's just  going to buy it's going to buy it's going to   buy because my thought is that luna is going to  go back up as we saw over here and we'll find out   i can easily be wrong this is a large  large large dip for something that was   you know essentially pegged to the us to  usd and it's still going it's still alive   i mean it's gamble it might go to zero if it goes  to zero then my bot will stop it will stop anyway   so that's okay with me as we saw previously  a stop loss was actually just brought in so   uh we'll see what happens i believe here i  can also modify i can include a stop loss   and here you can read this as well when the  price reaches a specified stop loss level   we will sell all base currency used and close the  bot just to stop the bot stop the movement right   now when it does get out of this range  here so if i buy buy buy buy buy buy   after this line down here right the bottom green  it's gonna start saying that it's out of range   right this active will turn to range so that  means that i can't do anything right i don't   have trailing down on because if trailing down  was on then it would just continue to go down   and down and down i don't i'm not ready for that  risk right maybe you are again do whatever you   need to do i'm personally not ready for that  risk but what i do know is that i'm up 1.54   right the change in the actual coin from  what i started right 0.47 so i'm doing okay  

this is after a day and i have control of  my money i can stop this bot right now if   i'm like hey 15 bucks is enough i can go and get  two coffees from you know starbucks great right   i don't know what your coffee store is but maybe  you know starbucks right then great i'll just go   get a couple coffees right call today pay some  taxes on this right however you deal with that   and be on your way so i'm going to continue  to hold this i think i do expect luna to go up   i don't know what other coin pairs i'm gonna  choose as yet this is just day two it's only   been 16 hours since i started this i'm still doing  homework as i was mentioning if you're looking for   coins come over to this recommended strategies  area right check out the last three days and see what what interesting action has been  happening right this is what i do not saying   that you have to do this but this is what i do  and when you choose a coin right so like let's   say i'm choosing cara just head to coin market  cap and make sure that it's a reasonable coin okay rank 3337 probably not that reasonable in terms of what  i would choose it's got not even half a million   volume i'm thinking next right head down to mls  what does mls look like okay uh they're not even   on there what does anc look like okay anchor  protocol some people were talking about this one   right this one's kind of interesting i remember  this this had some some interesting amount of   views right so anchor protocol 187 right  this is trading 1 billion 1.3 billion okay it's definitely doing its thing right  people are always asking can i go to   one dollar i mean we don't know  if it's gonna go to one dollar right go to the seven day something clearly  happened here so i'm interested to maybe do   some homework and find out why there was a bump  and why were all of a sudden positive let's look   at the one month same time we had that dip so  this one might actually be kind of interesting i may take a look at this one now obviously  we had a high up here if we're looking at the   three month this is back in february right and i'm  just looking at the trend this is when we expected   that everything would go down now we've got our  down and we were in it and now we're up again   right and maybe it's starting to stable uh  stabilize i mean who knows maybe it'll go to   zero we don't know right that's the risk so i  mean hey take money that you don't really need   and try it out that's that's what i'm thinking  to myself i'm not saying that you need to do that   right if i head over to right once i kind  of take a look and i say all right 187 is   reasonable 1.3 billion volume is reasonable  let's see what this is do i care about this right this is an app sorry about that sorry something  to do with borrowing and earning   right i can go into my own  page this is just showing right clearly this is it looks  like it's a coin of some sort something to do with luna so this is a pretty  risky bet because luna already had its issues so this is just going to require some research  from me right and you're you're seeing this   with me right this clearly has something  to do with tara and luna and all of that   and that's why we're seeing such volatility right within here so i don't know if i want two coins in  my portfolio that have to do with luna   so i'm not sure i'm not i'm not really you know  when i see green i'm not thinking wow this must   be great right when i see green i'm thinking okay  well what did it look like previously right and   one thing we can also do is we can do a back test  right so if i head over here and i select a and c and let's say i'm just going to put in you  know some amount right so cool right let's say   i'm going to put in around 500 514 and i'm just  gonna leave the settings just for the sake of it   uh i'll pull this down all right i'll just do some  just some stuff that i don't mind doing just for   the time being again not explaining any of this  because i don't don't really care to might be a   little bit high i'm just going to put this  here just because i want to see what a back   test is going to look like and i'll hit back test  right so what this is saying is that it expects   you know almost four percent a day based on  these settings right over the three days right   27 percent going over seven days 118 so some  of this might be attractive to some of you um you know this is what has happened right   over this last period of time you can see  the range you can also change the range right just seeing what happened  here you can just take a look   right if it's giving you a 13 day result right  so just based on those settings and again i   i did not vet these settings right so if you  decide to use these because you're watching   i mean again you can do whatever you want right  i'm not i'm i may not even go in with this i'm   not sure i need to do some more homework  okay i really want to always believe it in   what i'm in the coin that i'm purchasing okay  if it's if it's a coin based off of another coin   i mean i just i don't know right so we'll see uh  either way i know that this has been in the news   i know that it's doing well right now we'll  see how it continues to do right and again   all of this takes homework i'm just giving you  an update on how things are going on my end   i'm having a great time with this i love seeing  profits i love trying things and it works   right so again not your financial advisor right if  you're going to use settings it's all at your own   risk that's it all right so you can like you can  comment subscribe do the whole thing again doesn't   matter much to me because it's not my money  but it is your money so it should matter to you   and we'll see what happens so just a little  update join the telegram please lots of action   happening right now in both the channels  right we've got quite a few characters and   everyone is is having a great time so i know  you know this market has been a little bit   volatile over the last little bit  it's been quite down trending but   this is the time right at least that's how i'm  seeing it so like comment subscribe take a look   in the description for whatever you need i've  got the telegram link i've got a link to bits gap   just please keep control your money this is  an opportunity to actually take control of it   and bits gap at least is doing that  for me right now over the last 16 hours   that's about all the data that i have so  we'll keep going on this day too and then   i'll see you on day three so let's make  some money i'll see you on the next one

2022-05-26 19:56

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