BITSGAP TRADING BOT DAY 1!: 1% Gains in 12 Hours! Keep Your Funds And PROFITS In Your Wallet!

BITSGAP TRADING BOT DAY 1!: 1% Gains in 12 Hours! Keep Your Funds And PROFITS In Your Wallet!

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good morning good afternoon and good evening  this is max the curious kryptonian back with   another video and this is one platform that  i have been waiting to try out that i've been   talking to a few people in the telegram channel  about that i feel as though it keeps some of the   power at least within our own hands right and  for those who have been with me for the last   i don't know month month and a half we've  been taking a look at quite a few platforms   and we've seen what has happened right  our funds our investments have been left   in other people's hands and the outcomes have  not been incredible so far right some people   may have made some money some people may have  lost some money but i'm here to make money so   i want to see how is it possible to go in and  make money with my own investments only in my   own pocket i don't want anybody touching my  money right so let's take a look please like   comment subscribe join the team if you like join  the telegram everything's in the description below   we're trying to make money here that's the goal  and how we're going to do it today is we're going   to look at bits gap and as you know this is not  financial advice none of that's happening here   no matter what i talk about you can choose  to listen you can choose not to listen   you can turn off youtube you can do whatever  you please right this is always risky it doesn't   matter what it is doesn't matter if it's your  own money keeping it in your pocket there are   always ways to lose money but we're here to  make money so let's see what we got here now   i've been doing quite a bit of research on this  platform specifically for i would say probably   about a week and a half now i've been taking a  look to see if i'm keeping money in my pocket   is it possible to do this all on my own right  well let's take a look so this platform here   it's called bits gap now some of you may have  heard of it some of you may not have heard of it   right now it is a platform that allows you to do  crypto trading okay now you set up your own bots   so i'm not going to a company and say  here's my money i'm gonna have you   do whatever you're doing behind the scenes to give  me profit right that's not what's happening here   now that's its own strategy in itself i'm  not knocking all of those platforms right   no matter what the platform is if it pays  out then it pays out right it's up to you   the risks are still risks with platforms like  bits cap even though the money is in my own   exchange i can still lose all of the money so  it depends on what the risk is that you want   to take what kind of work you want to put into it  so i'm not knocking those platforms that go ahead   and take people's money and then do some trading  with it and then pay out rewards i mean if it   works it works we're here to make money right  so this is one way of doing it here bits gap   okay very simple smart smarter way to automate  your auto your crypto trading right so you   can set up bots it starts with a free trial  here as well right it's very straight ahead   uh i'm still on my trial right now right  uh today is may 23rd i'm still on my trial   i am this is my day one video is how i'm  looking at it after i've done all my homework   and my research i feel as though i can be in that  position to be able to say okay i understand this   enough that i'd like to share some of my results  so far okay now my results are still in their demo   mode as you can see here there's a free demo mode  okay i just started some of the trading last night   and it's going well i mean you'll take a look  once we get inside but let me take a look at this   main page just as we continue to move forward so  trusted by five hundred thousand traders right   binance okay x kucoin and the sort all right  we've got some trust pilot reviews fantastic   these are things that obviously we don't see with  all platforms okay watch your cryptocurrency grow   right all these types of things  right so it does make profits 24 7   right and this is with grid trading okay so  you'll see what i mean by group trading when   we go in and i'm here to keep it simple right  i'm not here to get technical i'm here to show   you how i set up my personal bots for the time  being okay we got 500 000 traders worldwide   3.7 million bots that have started quite a  bit of trading volume here 300 billion okay   so we've got some testimonials right sure okay now  here's this is this is the part that i love okay   so your funds are secure  right well why is it secure   how do we know that you can't access my funds  right this is why right here an api key is all   you need okay so for those who don't know what  an api is basically what an api does is it's like   making a phone call right i can call someone but  that doesn't mean that i have keys to your house   right so that's what an api is an api is calling  your exchange in order to get information and it's   only getting information that i'm allowing  it to give right so if i'm on a phone call   and i don't say information to you you don't have  that information but once i say something to you   you now have that information so that's what  api key here in this context is doing what the   exchange is telling is saying is what is being  reported to the bot okay and then by that way   it can make some changes all right so the fast  trading as well what's great about this of course   is that if you're doing trading manually i mean  you have to go from exchange to exchange you got   to click buttons you got to do this you got to do  that you might miss trades right some slippage as   they call it may occur right so you may try to  make a change and uh or an exchange and or trade   i should say and by the time you physically  get to the other exchange on your browser   that value has changed right so this is actually  quite fast okay execution is quick all right and   you can try it for seven days right you don't  need to pay anything not going to go through the   entire website here maybe at some point i'll do  a full review okay i do want to go to the pricing   so as i said it's a free trial and also the  website works it's fast you have to worry   about anything don't have to worry about you  click on a link and it goes slowly i mean again   we've seen this on plenty of platforms not to  say that those platforms are completely you know   again not financial advice here do what  you need to do do your homework invest   within your comfort okay so i'll go to  the i i generally don't really like to   look at the prices when it comes to locking in for  any period of time so if i'm doing this strictly   on a month to month i can set up two bots for 29  this here is in usd i can set up five bots for 69   the biggest piece here is the trailing up portion  okay this is pretty important when it comes   to setting up these bots okay and this is in my  opinion right other people may teach you different   ways i'm thinking of this as a beginner way of  doing it you want your trailing up feature okay   trailing up what it does is that if the market's  going up your bot will uh continue to trade   up with it okay that's the easiest way of saying  it all right five grid bots i'll probably be using   somewhere around two to three so we'll see uh  and i'll show you kind of what's happening here   right the plans what they include you get 15  plus support exchanges you get to the demo mode   um you get some stuff okay let you already  know me there's some there's some faqs here   please read it on your own time but you already  know me i want to see how do i make the money   okay so let's go straight into the platform  right now and i'm going to show you a technique   as well that i've been using in order to see if  i can actually make some positivity happen here   okay so let's take a look all right  what do we got here here's our platform   okay we've got our platform up right and as you  can see we've got a great giant chart here that   you know you may be afraid of looking at but  trust me for what we need it for right now   it is you will get used to this guaranteed okay  so this is your chart this shows you sort of   what's happening as you can see it's seven days  is selected right away all right over here there's   some more information that i'll go through okay  down here let's take a look at what's happening   right now okay i just want to show a couple of  key pieces that's important right now okay i   started this bot here 11 hours ago and 10 minutes  11 hours 10 minutes ago okay right now i'm up 0.79 okay so i have three dollars in my quote unquote  exchange right now from my 500 investment okay now   this is not live mode this is our demo mode i'm  not live uh trading on these exchanges as yet i'm   not planning on doing that i might do it in the  next couple of days and you'll be following me   as i do it as well and we'll just keep it moving  in that respect right so i've already made 123   transactions because of how i set it up  right so if this continues i mean we'll see   this is how the market is changing you want  ups and downs so that it can make trades   okay so that's what's happening here okay i'm  at 0.79 that's how much profit i've made so far   all right so this is continuing to change continue  to change right this one is 0.64 this one is 0.79  

okay this one's made 225 this one's made 318  transactions all right so why did i choose these   in the first place okay now i didn't talk much  about one earth i just set this up 40 minutes ago   i just wanted to try it out because  i've heard a lot about this particular   coin so just wanted to set it up and see how  it's going to perform over the next while   okay so why did i choose these platforms  okay well firstly luna's in the news right   and it's been it's been i guess you know trending  upwards for a little bit so let's click on luna   okay i'm gonna look at the three month all right so as you can see right from back in  february here early march yeah february into march   we've seen that it's been doing what it's  been doing and then obviously we had that   crash that came in so we're way down at this  point right we're way down we're way down   okay so let's go into the one month okay we can  get a little bit more and let's go into the seven   day okay so this is what's been happening over the  last seven days right i'm gonna head back a little   bit just so you can see all right so we had it  come up and then it's trailing down here trending   downwards and then it's coming up again and  then we're getting that sideways movement again   okay so the thing with luna that's interesting is  that it's been in the news quite often right so   when i'm oh when i'm looking at a coin the first  thing that i do is i go and i check out what the   history looks like okay so this is where i go to  coin market cap all right i'm gonna type in luna   all right so that we can see what's happening okay  obviously due to the depending right there's a lot   of volatility things like that right okay so i'm  looking at luna first thing let's look at the rank   i like to look around 150 to 200 right this  one's 212. i mean i know this coin so i know   what it's done and i know what it could  possibly do right so let's go ahead okay   and take a look at this the one of the main  things that i look for is actually volume   okay i've been doing a lot of homework if your  volume is around 20 million and up you could   see that as high volume trades okay luna's got  a lot of volume right there in the 1.2 billion   okay so that's what i look for at least 20 around  there around 20 million in terms of volumes that i   know that there's going to be a lot of active  trading happening because that's what i want   all right so let's take a look here here's our  chart again okay it looks similar to what's   going on here all right so here's our try to get  chart again it shows when it's been going up and   when it's going been going down all right so this  is over one day let's take a look over seven days   all right so we see that it's been coming down you  know it did had some you know turbulence in here   coming back up again let's look over one month  okay we see the drop very heavily in here right   okay so that's here we're seeing the sideways  movement now sideways sideways movement is   great because what you end up seeing is some  choppiness right so in all of these positions here   whenever it's heading downwards your bot when  it's set correctly is going to be making buys   right it's going to be buying luna when  it's heading back up it's going to be   selling okay so you always want to make sure  that you've bought enough coin in order to   sell when it goes back up and i can show  you all this it's all automatic all right   right so here it's all trending downwards as you  can see but in here still making some profits up   in here okay uh trending downwards right and then  we're heading back up so if you do believe now   here's the thing with luna right look at how  low it is like this is where luna was previously   right it was up here right you're in the almost  you know that dollar range but like look at this   okay it's been so far down that either two things  can happen it can start to shoot back up or it can   head all the way down to zero okay so that's sort  of i guess where we're at right now is that what   we want to see is we want to see what's going  to happen if you believe in luna then purchase   right if you don't believe in luna then don't  purchase think that's sort of where that's at   okay so we can see from here that we've come down  come down come down and then it's been heading up   a little bit and we're seeing that it's got  some sideways movement and we love sideways   movement because then that means that trades  are happening people are selling people are   purchasing things like that all right now we  can see that this change is actually pretty   yeah now we're heading into the negative  so that's what's happening today   right so my bot will probably start buying  realistically uh i'm gonna skip flux for now   but i am gonna go ahead and head to this guy here  okay now this one was one that i actually found in the recommended strategies okay so  that's how i'm choosing my coins right now   instead of looking at the month i'm gonna look at  the last three days and i want to see what's been   really doing well over the last three days okay  so this here was over here somewhere at some point   right and that's why i chose it once  you choose it it's not here anymore   right because i'm i'm using the strategy okay so  i'm up right 0.79 percent okay now the thing is is   why did i choose this well i did the same thing  i went over to corn coin market cap i typed in ens okay ethereum name service  and i said well what is this   i don't know what it is but let's ignore what  it is for now and let's look at the main factors   again so we've got rank 126 is it above 200 i  mean yep still looking pretty good all right   and then what's our volume looking like 122  million okay that works as well right more   than 20 million that's actually going to be  trading quite a bit so there's a lot of volume   okay and then i'm going to head down here i'm  going to check out what's been happening so   over the day the course of the day right things  started trending up this morning all right over   the last seven days okay things have kind of been  in the green now what has this looked like so   over the last month our high has been here  around what is this 26 dollars 26.50 right   and then it had it came back down right we've  seen the crash which is around here and now we're   making our way trending back up right for  me that is it's sideways movement that's   slightly trending up i would love to see it  especially right let me go to the three month   right especially when what we've been seeing  previously has been higher than we're where we're   at right after a crash okay and our volume  is high all right let's look at a one year   okay obviously crypto markets have not been  incredible but to be honest this has been   staying quite sturdy throughout all of this i  guess uh you know through the downs within uh   what we've been seeing with bitcoin you know  the market crash as people are saying right   okay so yeah we had a dip here right  when things went kind of haywire but   we're already trending right back up so i'm  thinking to myself well what exactly is this   like what platform is this because i'm  not familiar so head to the website   and what is this decentralized  naming for wallets websites and more   i'm like okay not your typical right setup  right not your typical i guess business model   right but you can head down and you can start  reading right so some of this is kind of   interesting to me right like own your username  store an avatar right use it across services   okay right i look at the amount of names  you know integrations owners things like   that and i'm like you know what i don't mind this  particular business model so for me i'm thinking   all right you know what i think this is worth  investing in it looks strong it feels strong   i actually read a couple of these comments  here as well i don't really take these for   i just kind of take it for what it is right some  people are going to be talking i'd say most people   are probably speaking out of turn right so i  don't really pay attention to it it's more for   entertainment on this side but that's kind of  where we're at right so when i chose this one   it was over in the recommended strategies  and i said let me do some homework on it   okay and i did right now why did i choose this  one over any of the other ones well like i   said right if i choose milos or uh mellows  when i come over here and i type in melos   well let's see right 3 million trading  volume um it's kind of low for me right and   what's the rank 28 96 kind of low so i just said  no okay dmtr that's another one let's try that out 2900 rank 3 million it's just you know i'm  not saying don't invest in these it's just   not what i want to be investing in right  now right if we go to comb let's try comb okay 32.57 the volume seems really low here   not really that interested  right let's go to god's gods so this is how i'm currently looking for my  coins and i guess we'll find out if this is   the way forward soon right so gods was one that  i was kind of looking at as kind of interesting   right 648 right 24 million  in trading it's like okay   not bad we're seeing that it's trending downwards  right as of today anyway that's the seven day right that's the one month so this one  actually shot back up pretty quickly   right and now it's trending back downwards i think  for me i mean when i look at the year long yeah   it seems pretty reasonable i don't know why this  bump happened right that's the other thing that i   like to add to to think about why did this bump  happen i don't know right why is there a spike   and i think that that's also something that's  important to know is why is it pumping right   is it just pumping for the sake of it  was there some sort of news and i didn't   really see any news over here right this is a  place where i might be able to find some news   but i didn't really see any news so i'm thinking  okay let me just and then what is this exactly   god's unchained for me personally i'm just  i mean i i don't mind trading card games but   when it comes to the crypto market it's not my  appetite right now so that's how i'm choosing   as to whether i'm interested in what's  happening right so yeah i'll pass on that   right so that's kind of where that's at there um  you really have to believe in what's happening a   big portion of this was that there was that  pump here right like suddenly over the over   a couple of days as well and this is a pretty  big jump and i just don't know why it happened   i didn't see any information showing that it  should have happened right so i'm leaving that   as is and but anyway this is sort of where  i landed right and it seems to be doing okay   for me right now i'm in the positive i don't mind  right all these seem to be doing pretty well right   and look at this i'm actually up now 0.86 so i'm  approaching one percent pretty quickly with luna  

just in the last 11 hours 12 hours so if this  continues as is i mean who knows i might be at   one percent two percent you know end of the 24  hours i don't know and that's the beauty of this   right so that's how i'm choosing my coins and i  think that's sort of what the most of this video   is all about right how i'm choosing my coins right  how i'm going about that and am i seeing results   this is only in the demo and i am seeing results  so i'm thinking to myself maybe even by the end   of the day i might take maybe it's just this  cache right and actually move it live i'll be   using kucoin in order to make this happen okay  so as an example if i'm using this ens coin all right what i would end up doing or i'll  show you on a different coin if i'm using xdc   right i would put an investment in a 500 right okay and then what i'll do is i want to bring the high price down because  i don't want to buy all these currencies   right i don't want to buy a ton of xdc  beforehand i only want to buy when the market   starts moving and that's what trailing up is  all about when the market starts trading up   right that's when i want to start seeing more red  i don't want to have more red immediately okay so on the low end of things i'm just  gonna check where on the bottom roughly maybe around here right so what i'm looking at i'll zoom in it's  sort of the time when i've seen the lowest dip   right over average right i think this one has been  a little bit higher here so i'm just grabbing this   with the low price right and i'll do another  video explaining exactly why i'm doing this   but just not really important right now again  go check out other videos right as well just   to get even more in-depth information but that's  where i'm setting this up in fact i want even less   i want to buy the least amount of xtc possible  okay i want most of my buying power to be here   right when i'm ready right i don't want to  pre-buy for sales all right so i'm going to   keep that there and in terms of grid levels this  is the only other parameter that i change uh just   keep this at 50. that's this is what i do this  is just from doing some grabbing some information   okay i don't even really want to explain any of it   if you want to do it go ahead if you want to take  a look at other other videos and understand grid   levels understand all that go ahead but the main  thing for me right now is what coin am i choosing   that's the key right now okay all of this i can  learn at another time but what coin am i using   right and that's the key so if i did want to  test this out and see how it's been doing i   would click back test and i would see okay so  over three days result you know i'm getting 1.05   percent i mean i didn't choose xdc really what  i'm looking for is at least one percent daily   so this is not quite it i mean if i can get more  that's great okay so yeah this is a little bit low   and this is one of the reasons why i didn't choose  xdc in the first place but it's not a bad thing to   take a look at you can look at the market see how  it's been operating previously but again right i   already explained what you're kind of looking  for you're looking for something that's   maybe trending upwards or has the ability to  trend upwards but really is moving in a sideways   market because then you can make some money  right so look at this this is at 0.87 percent   right so i'm still making money on this right  which is great okay and that's pretty much it   i think for now if if i wanted to start  this spot so i can right i can hit start   and then i can confirm right it'll say how much  xdc i'm buying okay and i think that was like 30   usdt okay and i'm done it's purchased it and  the bot starts right and it's just gonna run   i'm not gonna i don't care much for xdc right  now it's not really in my portfolio but this is   sort of what i'm looking at right now in terms  of what i like and i i like what i'm seeing   right 11 hours almost one percent i mean  sure right and the change is still all green   this is great and again one earth was just one  of those that i said let me just try it out let   me see okay so i may actually go live with  this probably later today and then we'll see   what happens and we'll keep we'll keep going  now again not financial advice but you could   do what you want with your money that's the  beauty of it and really what i'm looking to do   is to give more power to people so that they can  continue to use their money how they want right   there are platforms that will use your money  for you and there are some platforms like bits   gap where you can use your money for you right  i'm always diversified in both physical assets   all across crypto as well so just be smart invest  smart and see what you can do and right now   at 0.8 percent after 11 hours i mean we'll  see what happens right let's see if we can  

make some more money on it so please like comment  subscribe check in the description for information   if you want to join bits gap you can do the uh the  trial right seven day trial i've got a link in the   description there for that there's affiliates for  that as well so you know to help keep the channel   going really that's you know those types of  things help right so join the team if you like to   uh come on over to the telegram right we'll be  doing a lot of different things there we've been   talking about many different things as you would  expect over the last week so it's a lot of fun   still doing a great job everyone is is enjoying  it you know it's it's been fantastic so please you   know check it out do what you need to do and let's  make some money and i'll see you on the next one

2022-05-26 03:10

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