Bitcoin to $300k in 2021 According to BTC Expert (Here’s WHY)

Bitcoin to $300k in 2021 According to BTC Expert (Here’s WHY)

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bitcoin is so vulnerable that right now there's no telling exactly where it's heading over the next month we could be heading for a strong correction or we could be going straight to 50k so it's important that you have a game plan today i sat down with one of the best bitcoin traders in the game carl from the moon youtube channel to discuss where bitcoin is going and how you are going to lock in huge profits with a secret bull market strategy let's get it bit swap is the hottest new way to trade tokens probably all the top decentralized exchanges biswap gives you the very best price and value for your trades bitswap is changing the game try it now at bitswap decks dot io hey guys welcome i'm joined here very honored to be joined here by carl from the moon i love this guy's channel he's awesome he does technical analysis i've watched his channel for a long time does you know a little fundamentals mixed in and uh carl we're we're super glad to have you on the channel today thank you so much i am honored to be on this channel the i mean beautiful crypto this channel is blowing up like crazy i'm very very honored to be here yeah thank you thank you um so so let's just start with what people want to know people want to know about bitcoin and i i think we've already seen bitcoin kind of outperform where it probably should be right now based on on history charts whatever like it's really going crazy uh d did you expect this for the bitcoin price to see it you know like hit 20k and just you know blast off i mean i did not expect this kind of a huge pump no i did not i i mean we all expected bitcoin to reach 20 000 and to go above 20 000 even reaching 100 000 i'm just surprised how fast how quickly it's happening i mean from the corona dump um down at like 3.8 k we've just been skyrocketing for a year straight without any major corrections usually we see this big 40 corrections in bull cycles and we haven't seen that yet which is a little bit um weird and a little bit scary because we know that eventually it will come and maybe it's going to be worse than before because of that simple reason um but hey i'm not complaining i mean so far so good right um it um it really feels amazing um because i think it all it proves all this rights i mean we've been telling our friends and family and followers and everyone we've been telling people for for years and um i know that many people were skeptical most people didn't buy based on what we were saying and um [Music] yeah i mean most people i mean i told everyone i know to buy below ten thousand dollars and many of them bought but most didn't and i'm just sad to see that most of them are probably gonna jump in at like 50k or something and uh but it's just it's how it works it's like emotions people are emotional and um and um the fomo will kick in and that's sadly how these bubbles work the the people that don't really care too much about bitcoin or altcoins um they they only buy because of the price so they will only buy when the price is going up um you and me and everyone who's probably watching this video here we understand bitcoin and we know what it is and we know how it can change the world and that's why we are buying it whether it goes up or down if it goes down to 3k we're buying it if it goes down to 1k we're buying it goes to 30 000 we're still buying it it doesn't matter the price for us right um so i think that just goes back to this very important um wisdom in investing and trading that you should always know what you're buying you have to understand what you're buying do your research don't just go out there just buy random um it could be all coins or stocks or whatever but understand what you're buying and yeah and so i'm just happy that we found bitcoin and that we were actually um kind of smart enough to realize what bitcoin is because um that gave us this opportunity of a not only a lifetime but in a mankind you never see a new asset like this very often like it maybe happens once in humanity that you just get a new element like this i usually i usually see bitcoin as a new element it's like a new gold coming up from nowhere and um and we're here in the early days yeah that's really interesting to think about it like that i wonder if this was how it was when banknotes were invented people were like oh paper money what is this you know uh yeah so you touched on a lot of a lot of very interesting things there um but let's get to what you do primarily on your channel which is uh technical analysis and you guys make sure of course obviously smash the like button here and then go over to the moon channel we'll put the link down below in the description make sure you guys give him a subscribe he definitely knows what he's talking about and he's going to teach us some things for sure and analyze the price as good as anybody else does it uh but i got two questions about technical analysis so the first one is kind of going back to the first topic bitcoin so i base all my predictions on kind of the cycles and and really digging deep to figure out how bitcoin behaved over a long period of time of course i do trading so i'll look at the you know the smaller time frames for me my bitcoin prediction is 322k for you someone who is focused on technical analysis what is that a different process to kind of come up with with an all-time high and where do you think bitcoin is going to go based on technicals yeah so technically i think that i've just been looking at the previous bull cycles i can see that we have these diminishing returns so in the first bull cycle we had i think it was yeah nine thousand percent up from uh so essentially the only thing that is really important to understand is that i think we shouldn't expect the the previous returns to um to um to happen again i think we're seeing these diminishing returns and if you just kind of extrapolate and take a look at the charts it seems like bitcoin should be topping out somewhere between a hundred thousand and 250 up to three hundred thousand so that's technically and then i mean if you look at the stock to flow ratio model which is more of a fundamental model um i mean so far it has been uh very very accurate more accurate than than any other model that i've seen and um i think that plan b should have a very very like props up for him for yeah it's great i use it all the time yeah i have the same i mean i'm talking about it on my channel very often because it is it is very very interesting to see how we're following this trend the stock to throw ratio is just um something that clearly has an impact on price not only for bitcoin but for other assets as well which is the very interesting thing and that's why i think it's working out because it's fundamentally is impacting the price and i think that this is going to um according to plan b puts bitcoin at 288 000 dollars by the end of this year so um that is consistent with um with the technicals that i've been looking at so what i usually say is that i think 100 000 is easy i think that's easily going to happen that's my opinion but i think we can go much higher than that and i think that um 200 250 300 000 is very very possible let's say that my prediction is 300 000 by the end of this year and yeah i i mean of course it's very hard to pick the top it's going to be impossible in bull markets and in like parabolic run-ups it's completely impossible to pick the exact top so there's no way that i'm it's not like i'm gonna pick a 300 000 number and i'm going to sell everything there i'm just going to try to take profits as soon as we go above 100 000 i'm going to start scaling out of bitcoin slightly not with a big portion of my portfolio but with 5 10 at least i'm going to start kind of dollar cost average out of bitcoin um yeah i think that is smart because i think that you will be taking profits in in a range where we're clearly overbought in the short term um and uh because retail and like this whole mainstream media hype will make bitcoin go into this overbought territory um because like we talked about these people that buy bitcoin because of price they they will be the first ones to sell as soon as bitcoin starts to go down and um that's why i think we should take profit and i want to make sure that i take profit and i buy things that can generate cash flow for the next bear market but um but yeah my strategy is essentially to start taking profits above 100 000. so we don't do a lot of technical analysis uh any technical analysis i do is is rough technical analysis i'm not talking about you know the different indicate you know the rsi or the macd or anything like that uh can you just share with my audience a little bit um why technical analysis is advantageous and why they should should learn it if you believe that they should yeah so first of all before i learned about it i thought it was just something weird something that doesn't matter something that is just like price is just random and why would price bounce off of things it makes no sense that's what i thought and i think many people think so i hear many people always say that technical analysis doesn't work it's just it's just weird but as soon as i went into the charts i take i used trading view and i put a few lines there and i mean i see that these trend lines they seem to work very very well if you put a trendline if it bounced twice off of a line you will see that it will keep bouncing there and as soon as it breaks the line it will get a big move so i realized there's something significant to it and um simple support and resistance is is the like simplest way of doing technical analysis but it's also in many ways the most powerful way because you can draw these triangles and different patterns and it's very very um tradable or very very um actionable you can definitely use these patterns to make decisions and of course if you have a triangle you you don't want to buy or sell before it breaks out you want to buy or sell when it results when it breaks and that's when the that's where the power lies in pattern trading for example but i think that for sure it's very important to know technical analysis it doesn't matter if you're trading or investing it's very important because it can give you for example if you're if you're investing you want to make sure that your dollar cost averaging maybe in a in a lower area like you don't want to buy high you want to try to buy low so trying to establish when bitcoin is over bought and oversold is can be very very um useful so there are different indicators you can use and of course if you're a beginner there's no need to get 20 indicators there's like less is more less is more simple support and resistance draw some patterns that's usually what i do on my channel i want to keep it simple and powerful yeah sometimes i will bring out some something else like vpvrs or whatever it could be uh but um i usually try to make it simple and and powerful because sometimes i see people with like 20 indicators and i don't know any um serious trader uses like a bunch of indicators like that i think that um you should you should check maybe choose like three four indicators learn them well and and use them yeah i think that's great um and i think that you do a great job keeping it simple because i tell you that's that's one reason why i actually watch your channel compared to a lot of other ta guys because i can't follow what they're saying you know they get too technical pun intended i guess and you do a great job of just simple lines here's a pattern we're going to get a breakout you know it's going to go up or down we're at decision point you know bitcoin's got to do something like it's pretty obvious when you look at the charts uh the way that you do it i think that that's really great and i love the people that say technical analysis doesn't work because it's kind of like poker right like poker you can have the very very very best strategy all the time you can get pocket aces and the other three people can have two seven and you know it comes out on the board two seven and you lose you have the best possible scenario best possible setup best possible strategy and you lose sometimes that's just the way that it is and you know the best like uh sports handicappers for gambling or sports betting they went about 53 percent of the time they barely went but when you have a an understanding of technical analysis you are putting the odds more in your favor that you're going to make right decisions and you might make a right decision and you can lose a trade but that doesn't mean that it wasn't the right decision exactly that's very important to know that even if you have a pattern which is supposed to have 70 chance to break up i mean if it breaks down that's not you being wrong it's just statistics it will break down 3 out of 10 times so exactly it's all about putting the odds in your favor over time so over 100 trades you want to make sure that over time you are profitable by putting yourself at the right side of the odds and yeah that's what i'm trying to do on my channel and seems like it's working out so far people seem to be enjoying my analysis and i'm very happy about that i love making the videos and um i'm super happy to to have this job actually that i can just i can talk about bitcoin every day and just like live off of that because um talking about bitcoin makes me happy um even if i'm not on youtube i will be talking to to someone about bitcoin you're probably the same right because we can all relate to that i mean anybody who's on youtube making content every day like you know it's there's memes about it you know like you know oh god someone asked him about bitcoin and then you know it's just i'm telling them everything they don't want to know about it uh but you know what's been really interesting for me has been this year with all the money printing going on to see like my family that i've been planting seeds for years starting to connect like wait this there is something wrong with this system we're using right now you can't just print money out of nowhere so it pays off over time to talk to people last question i want to ask you carl is about your bitcoin maximalism if you are a maximalist we'll we'll get to that for audience if you didn't know a bitcoin maximum someone who you primarily or sometimes only believes in bitcoin compared to the rest of the altcoins and we're very hard on the maxies on this channel uh we we have a lot of fun making fun of the maxis uh you i don't believe you're a hardline bitcoin maximalist but can you just kind of give us your thoughts on um just to wrap up here your thoughts on bitcoin versus all coins like is it a battle do you think bitcoins already won how do you feel about that yeah so i know many people think i'm a bitcoin maximalist i never i never um um introduced myself as a bitcoin maximalist um i got an eye for him i got an iphone i watched your tweets carl yeah yeah so i mean um i do um i do hold ethereum for example i do hold i would say that more than eight nine percent of my portfolio is ethereum and i do hold some um alt coins uh i'm not gonna go into any specifics there but i do hold like 10 15 altcoins um and yeah i mean if if a maximalist can hold the crypto like all coins then maybe i could be a maximum list but i i wouldn't say that i am i think that uh what i what i do believe is that i believe in bitcoin more than any other altcoin out there that is for sure um and i understand bitcoin much more than any other altcoin out there that is also for sure and um what i've been saying here is that we should always invest in what we understand right and um the monetary properties of bitcoin is something that i truly uh understand i've been talk i've been uh researching a lot about um the monetary system the financial system way before crypto i was a gold guy i was into precious metals a gold bug yeah that's what i was before bitcoin who said who says gold book who does that i don't know you didn't do it carl i did no i'm a bitcoin bug now okay yeah yeah but so so for me uh bitcoin is something that i i understand and i want to always make sure that i invest in things i understand and ethereum is something that i understand to a degree i wouldn't say that i am an expert in any shape way or form but i understand the um the the use case and i see the use case i can see that it's being used um it has the network effect out there so that's why i i feel like it makes sense to get exposure to ethereum and then when it comes to other altcoins that's when i'm kind of getting lost a little bit because there are so many coins out there we're talking about thousands and thousands of them and i try to stay away from buying things that i don't understand i can trade them but i i don't want to buy and hold things that i don't understand and good point of course i i can go into these altcoins and i can't i can spend hours and hours but is it worth it for me to sit and spend hours and hours to buy buy these old coins when i can just um do what i'm good at instead and um i understand the uh the interesting like the fun thing about buying old coins because they can go up 100 x in just a few weeks we've seen it before um and um but yeah if i'm buying all coins then it's basically mostly for the price not because of the fundamentals because um usually when a serious stock investor is investing in stocks usually he will take at least a few days to research go through the balance sheets and take a look at the macros and like everything and then maybe buy but here in in the altcoin space in the in the you know people just go to coin gecko or coin market cap and just like pick a bunch of random all to just buy them and it's just it's not a very wise way of investing and i think that a lot of the value behind the altcoins um it's kind of like air it's like it's um based on pure speculation for that would like for sure for sure but i just think that a lot of them the altcoins are you're based on speculation by people that don't really understand what they're buying i i guarantee you that if you go out to like 90 of everyone holding a specific altcoin i'm sure they wouldn't be able to tell you what the altcoin is supposed to do or the fundamentals of the altcoin um and i don't want to be that guy holding a bunch of stuff that i don't understand but i do understand that people that actually do the research and find these altcoins i i really believe that there can be fantastic opportunities out there i do believe that exactly as in the dot-com bubble there will be these handful and maybe even dozens of altcoins that can transform the world in in some different area of life um whatever that could be and i think ethereum can be one of them um i'm not confident in ethereum to the degree where i'm gonna go all into ethereum because i feel like who knows maybe something better comes up but then again ethereum has a network effect just like bitcoin has and that's a huge advantage for ethereum um and i don't know what do you think do i sound like a maximum list i mean i feel like i'm oh i'm like you know carl i'd like to say your name carl if you ever watched the walking dead i did yeah yeah yeah you know there's a meme where the main character looks at his son carl and says carl so when i say your name like that on my channel whenever i refer to one of your videos i'm like well i watch corals video today and he said you know such and such but you know i paid attention to your tweets and and i look at you know the engaging stuff you do on twitter you do a great job on twitter and you know your videos are primarily bitcoin almost exclusively and so i wanted you to explain it and i i honestly believe that the way that you explain that was really really well defined and i actually completely agree with you on all those points uh the the one thing i would say is i mean we know the people watching this channel not everybody has money not everybody has ten thousand dollars to invest or even a thousand dollars to invest and the appeal of the altcoins if you get in early enough before they pop you can take a small amount and turn it into a large amount and that's why we talk about it here on the channel we talk about all coins because you know some of those are life changing opportunities but of course you know some of them are just gonna go by the wayside like a lottery ticket um so like like to highlight those but but the one thing you said that really stood out to me was you know the bitcoin is the only thing that you're really completely long term on and ethereum to some extent and i've said the same thing uh you know i definitely believe there is a dot-com type bubble that's going to pop and all coins are you know going to disappear left and right i actually think a lot of them are going to merge you know like maybe this this foundation will buy this other coins technology or you know another coin buys the private send feature from dash because they don't want to do that anymore whatever it is uh i think we're going to see some of that i believe ultimately one day in the future i think you know having your own coin is going to be like having your own website that's just the way the economy of the world's gonna gonna operate i believe um like in uh i was talking to acon who does you know acorn and he told me that like they were trading uh cell phone minutes for money in uh senegal where he's from it was just fascinating like that's kind of how we're designed is to just trade with each other with whatever we have in front of us so that's a long term 50 years down the road uh but i i tell my people i'm cutthroat i will sell any coin i'm not married to any coin i will invest in any coin as long as i think it will make money and it's not a scam uh but the only two coins in my opinion there are 100 long-term holds are bitcoin and ethereum so uh appreciate you explaining all that and uh i guess i was wrong carl is not a maximalist yes here nobody wants to claim to be a maximalist these days except for those hardliners those guys i just can't deal with the toxic attitude from some of those guys that's what it all boils down to but you're a nice guy carl and that's why we had you on the channel this is what i am just like i i agree with you because i also don't like this um this um herd mentality all this um like um it's not like we're different football teams or whatever i think we're all in this together and like it doesn't matter whose coin is going to go up most or not like i think we're all in crypto and it's kind of us versus the banks and the traditional system anyways and i i still believe that most all coins are going to go to zero it's just what i think but i still think that we can we can learn from each other and hold each other's coins and hands or whatever and be happy with that um oh um but yeah i'm definitely bitcoin um a little bit of ethereum um but um yeah i wouldn't call myself a maximalist yeah well like i said thanks for explaining that and i think uh you know the audience hopefully got a lot out of that you know don't invest in something you don't understand i mean that you know in 2017 people were picking ticker symbols like throwing darts at a dartboard to invest in and so you guys got to make sure you have at least some knowledge of what you're getting into not just three letters or four letters so carl thanks so much for joining us today uh everybody in the bit squad you guys make sure to go subscribe to carl's channel especially if you're new to crypto of your new technical analysis it's something that interests you he's going to be able to explain it and break it down in a very simple way and uh he he's definitely got a great channel and a great audience and you guys could be part of that so carl thanks for joining us it's been a blast today uh tell everybody where they can find you yeah so thank you for the kind words and um yeah on my channel the moon i make one video every day about bitcoin and occasionally ethereum as well especially now um in the past few weeks and months so um that's where they find me and of course twitter the moon carl um yeah i i try to stay consistent make some content i love doing content and i can see that you love it as well you're uploading two three videos per day almost you see yeah it's a great time to be a crypto holder right yeah definitely very fortunate to be in this space and and do this full-time and being able to educate people and uh you know i love my audience i love my community and guys make sure you also go follow carl uh the moon on twitter he's a great follow on twitter you'll get a lot of stuff out of his tweets so guys that's all i got be blessed [Music] you

2021-01-11 21:50

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