Bitcoin day trading – The best Elliott wave analysis – Episode #54

Bitcoin day trading – The best Elliott wave analysis – Episode #54

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welcome this is bitcoin day trading the  best elite wave analysis episode number 54.   today we are going to talk about  the plunge we had in btc and   we will assess the possibility that btc has  buttoned that the flat expanded correction   is over and that we could be heading for new  ultimates but first let's talk about trading so what i want to tell you is that trading is  something where you are exposed to a lot of risk   and you cannot take a too big position if you if you bet too much money on one single position  you will get broke you will lose all your money i've tried doing this collection twice to  catch a button and the first time i did i realized that it was that my position was wrong  that it was not a bottom and i could correct and i   went out not a break even but close to break even  and then i tried it a second time because again   my outlook went from bearish to bullish so i  tried a second time to catch a bottom and that was that was a yesterday i think or two days ago  and then today we did get the plunge and the um   the drastic price degrees we had now and but and  this time i was sleeping so i could not correct my   position and i woke up to uh uh now it was a  winning position but now it turned into a losing   position my stop-loss uh um which for the current  trade is also my limitation point it's not always   the case but for this right now that's the case  did not get hit but it's right now a losing   position well why do i tell you that um just that  you know that even if i if i'm good at elliott   wave even if elijah wave is the best indicator  it won't work 100 of the time and sometimes   you realize it quite soon and then you exit at  break break even or with a small loss which was   my last time i i tried to take a long position  and sometimes like this the my current position   you end up with a bigger losing position but  in any way in any way in any in any case it   does not matter it does not matter because  it is only one percent of the capital i i'm   taking for day trading and swing trading  it's only one percent of that capital   and if this one percent gets this time is a losing  position it does not matter at all i'm not upset   about it i don't feel bad about it um the only  thing i ask myself is did i follow my rules um was my my entry position dictated by my worlds and  my words are and my indicators fisher and eliot   and if yes if i followed my rules i'm happy  with it even if if it turns out being a loss so i'm just telling you that because it's just one  percent of the capital i'm using for for trading   and i also can tell you that i try to increase  that capital so i have an amount of money that   i place on a trade right now and that's the  amount of money that i can lose on the trade   so it's the amount of money that might be lost if  my stop-loss gets hit or in when my stop-loss is   my reputation point if my duplication point gets  hits it's the amount of money that i can lose on   a trade and i try to increase that amount so when  i feel comfortable with a new amount i increase it   i i go 50 on top or 100 on top of the  of that amount then then my exposure   is bigger but that's a gradual process i'm i'm  go i'm going slowly slowly to my goal which is to   with time feeling comfortable enough  to take bigger and bigger positions   and it's quite complicated because as  you can imagine if you risk let's say a couple of hundred usd on a position  it's not the same thing as risking   a couple of thousand and a couple  of thousand is not the same thing   as risking up a couple of ten  thousands and so on so but with time um if as soon as i feel comfortable about it i  will expose i will increase the amount of money   that i'm risking on a position but anyways for  the current position it is only one percent   not of my capital but only of the  amount i'm willing to expose to to   to day trading and string trading and scalping  it's only one percent of of that amount so so i   could lose um i could have a hundred losing  position in a row and only then would have   we walk and that's not even the case because  it's only my the capital i'm using for trading and next to that i also have a capital that i use  for investing so i'm i'm just telling you that   and so that you're clear about the  thing that to me it does not matter   if the current if my current position ends up  being a winning position or a losing position   if it's a losing position i try to cut to catch  a button i did not manage it and i i'm taking a   loss but that's fine with me because i  know that that might happen once twice   if i if i really bad luck it will happen three  times in a while but then um one and by that but   question of time until i'm right and i'm when i'm  right and then i have a swing trade to the upside   which i ca which i catch um close to the low  and which goes to new all-time highs and i will   double um maybe five ten times uh the amount i'm  i'm trading so even if if i get two losing trades   and then i make 10 winning trades it does not  matter or if you never make three losing trades   and then i make a 10 winning place it does not  matter so for me it it has it it is not the end   of the world if if i lose on the current  position and that's important in trading   you you must know that it's a game of  probabilities that you won't be right all the time   that all you have to ask yourself was my decision  um was my decision um from a technical point of   view correct indeed i follow my rules that's what  you have to ask yourself at the end the result   is fortune who decides if you make money or lose  money and from time to time you will lose money   and from time to time you will make money that's  perfectly normal as i told you a couple of times   i'm expecting myself to be one twitter two  times out of three and to be right three times   out of uh out of three so if i get  if i do ten trades i expect myself   to be wrong four times on 10 trades and on  10 trades i also expect myself to be right   six times and i make money because i'm right more  than i i'm wrong and also when i'm when i'm right   i let the position run and i make more money than  when i'm wrong because when i'm wrong sometimes i   can realize it quite soon and i only make a small  lot and i only take a small boss or even exit with   a small profit that also happens so but the thing  is when i'm right i make more money and i think   that i'm right more then i'm wrong so it's just to  but the important point i want to get over across   is that it's only one percent of the amount  i'm willing to trade and i would even be fine   if i lose that that entire amount which i  think i mean i would must i would i must be   extremely unlucky because i'm ma i must be wrong  100 times in a row to lose my entire capital that   i am trading but even if that's the case i would  be fine with it it would not destroy my life i   would not feel bad about myself of course i would  ask myself question because if i'm wrong that   that amount of time then there might be something  wrong with my trading system but even if it's the   case it would not change my life i still can pay  my bills i still can live as i did before and i   think that's important you cannot take risk with  with with the outcome of of which you could could   not believe you cannot take um too much risk i try  to increase my risk but it's a gradual process and and it must make sense and it must and it must be  possible and with the results i get so it's a it's   a critical process it takes month it takes years  to increase my position size every every two month   or every every month when i feel comfortable with  one amount i try to increase it to a higher level   and because of because because i want to increase my exposure but  that's a gradual process and and by that i   mean you should start with a small amount and  work you your way up to a big amount and one day   you you when you're an expert in trading you  might be able to to trade to risk on a position um 10k or even 100k depends it depends on on  your capital or how much money you have and   how much money you willing to expose to risk on a  position but that's a quite well process you you   you don't start with risk with this can um 10k on  a position that's not how it goes you start small   and you work yourself up to a higher level once  you feel comfortable that's at least what i do and   that's what i would recommend you doing too now  that being said we'll take a look at the charts so first i have to show you my disclaimer just that you are aware that the risk involved  in trading and that we are talking about   with a risky business it's not a given thing  that you make money you also can lose money   and end up sitting on a losing position and  if you're interested in my services i offer   live eight wave updates you will receive one two  three updates a day i think it always was three   no maybe yesterday was only i think it always was  more than three maybe yesterday it was only three   but uh but most of the time it's even more than  three but i only problems one two three updates a   day that it's during the week from from monday to  friday on saturday i take off and normally i start   updating again on sunday evening monday  morning my service will cost you 20 usd a month and if you are interested join  my free telecom group and i will i will give you the instruction  how to become a member   also what some people do is they they contact  me to tell me that they're interested and they   want to see an example then i show them an  example of the screenshot they get and the   explanation uh under it so that's also possible  so you you can ask me for an example and i will   provide that to you if you and then you can make  up your mind if you want to join the group or not   with the with the live edit with update  channel comes also a private group i called it a help desk and you can ask questions  and people discuss their trading ideas and that's   could also be a useful for you if you're  interested so i highly recommend it if   you're interested in trading or if you  just want to learn more about edit wave   my analysis are extremely technical  and you should you should learn a lot i personally if i would if i was  not always if i was not creating um   if i was not the author of  the live aid with updates   i would personally subscribe to it because  i found i find it a very useful service that being said let's jump into the charts so we'll  start with the three-hour chart   and on the three-hour charts i've  now relabeled it one more time   this uh correction was a little hard  to pinpoint at the bottom because because it was in it gave conflicting   signals which made you believe that the  question was over when it was not the case   but now i quite like how it looks at least the  wave c and and with a and b looks fine too so now we have a wave one two and the wave two  subdivides into a wave uh double b x and y and then you get a wave three and a wave  four three and four and three and four   subdivides also into a double ray wave x and y so  there's some symmetry between the the wave one two between wave two and wave four and  um i find that quite interesting also   normally you you look for a sideways  collection and then a sharp correction   but here it's a little hard to say which one  is side is sharp and which one is sideways um but anyways i find it quite  interesting that we have a wv   x y in wave 2 and a double b x y in  wave 4. so i find that good looking and now we are going to talk about the  price level we have reached right now so   there are a couple of things i want to  point out first that here you have wave   and that that's the level where  you where the price reaches 53 909   and we went a little uh below it  but we reach at least that level   so that tells me that the correction could be over  because normally it's this uh um the most likely   point where for the retracement is the bottom of  waveform that's a guideline and we've reached that   level now so that tells me that the correction  could be over and the second thing and that is quite interesting is that we  we went we came very close to the fibonacci retracement 0.5 so the 50 percent  fibonacci retracement which is at 53 281 so we came very close to that  level as you can see here   and that also tells me that the correction  could be over number three is here and the 50 percent retracement is that  level here 53 281 so we came very close   to that level that also tells me that  we that the correction could be over so right now i'm still labeling it as  a bearish count as a main bearish count   because i need to see further evidence  that the correction is over one clue and that the correction could  be over would be if fisher turns   bullish but right now it is still  bearish so so that would be an indication   would not be the only one that i'm looking for but  it would be one indication efficient terms bullish and if we look on the smaller time frame   so here you have uh the wave three and the wave  4 and the collections of divides in a wb x and y   and then you can label it as a wave 1 2 three  four and five for the wave five of c or four   so you could label it like this and if that  is correct then the button would have been 53 uh 242. uh i mean 2024 53 524 that  would have been under bottom   so but right now even on the small time frame it's  still uh from if i only look at fischer on the 30   inch timeframe even fisher on the 30-inch  chamfer is still bearish so i need at least the fischer to turn bullish on the 30-minute chart  and then on the three hour chart and that level   uh 53 524 must hold so that could be the case it could we maybe  it's not the case and we go a little lower   but if we if the that level breaks  then the next level would be where wave 5 equals one point  six one eight times wave one um i have to check if that's still correct or  if that's if if that was from an odd labeling   so i could do it now or i could do it  later but i have to check but anyways um let's see if i have any other level yes  here i'm not sure about the first one   i'm not sure about wave five equaling um i  have to recalculate it since i i changed the   labeling this might not be correct anymore  so i have to redo it i have to see if way 5 from here to here equals 1.6 times wave 1  so i have to see that i have to recalculate   it and that takes a lot of time so i  won't do it live but i have to take um that amount i have to put it here and then  i have to if a a flip extension and see   if i get that level so i'm not sure about that  but what i'm sure about is the is the 1.618

a retracement of wave 3 and  that would be at 50 k 55 27 so if this level does not have will not hold then  the next level would be 50k 55 27 but for now i can it looks like if it  can hold it looks like if 53   524 could be the bottom as long as it's not  violated and we get some um impulsive price action   then i would be more confident in it so  we have to see what happens um i think i   leave it for that for today i talked about the  main points i wanted to get over to you people so i can leave it with that as always thanks for watching and hit  the like icon also leave me a comment   i like reading them especially  when they are kind comments   and make sure that you have a second way of  communicating with me you never know if one day it   might be useful so subscribe to my free telegram  group it's free on the free telegram group right   now not so much is happening because most people  are talking in the private group but still still subscribe to it just to have  a way of communicating with me   a second way of communicating with  me and if you're interested in the   private group let me know i provide you  the instruction how to become a member   or if you want to take a look at an example  of my analysis i will provide that also to you that's it for today i'll maybe make an  update on monday to start a week and then on   next friday again uh i think if i do two a week  and one on the start of the week and one at the   end of the week that would be not too bad  so maybe if i feel like it and want to do   one i'll do a next update on monday anyways  thanks for watching have a nice weekend and see you next time bye

2021-11-28 12:34

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