Big Business

Big Business

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Tonight's. Story big business, is, about, Reginald, Molina, a young, man of slender, means and slighter, intellect, who. Before the dramatic, change in his fortunes, had, only two assets, in life the. Love of Amanda, Biffen and the. Ability to sing Old Man River a, talent. We discover, him exercising. In anticipation. Of the annual church concert, in the village of lower smattering, on the whistle Worcestershire. You. Don't say nothing. Double. Negative. Don't, say, anything. He must know something, Oh Ben Reb oh just keeps rolling along you. And me. Bit. Impolite that you and I I think rather. You. And, I we. Sweat and perspire, and strain. Stop. Dammit very nice body, wall I brought, you some Holly in things to brighten the place up oh and, I finished your costume for tomorrow night's concert. I'd. Say Amanda. This. Is a bit run this is from a gaggle, of solicitors, called Watson Watson Watson Watson, and Watson. Common. Name it, may be no related now. But, the point is they want me to go and see them down at Lincoln's, Inn fueled, at, my earliest convenience where, I might hear something to my advantage. That. Sounds great something. To your advantage is what we've never been more in the market for absolutely. Because when these legal birds say something, like that it usually means you're in for a purse of gold from, a rich uncle in Australia, in. Australia no. Not as such now. Well. Then I wouldn't get your hopes up too high. Somebody's. Managed to steer a little bit your way and, as uncle Jethro always says each little bit added to what you already have mix just that little bit more by. Jove, how true that is these. Financial. Boys know how to put their finger, on it and they know how to keep their finger on it but first, you have to get it so I suggest, dearest but you make that convenience, you're very obvious today. When. You've seen these Watson's, and found out what you clicked for you get a little drunk on you land in jail no, you don't you, catch the first train back telephone, me at home and tell me about it right you'll gaggle, of Watson's here I come with a song on my lips. Seuss. He'll. Whisk whore Amanda, Bethune speaking look. Could, I talk to Amanda Biffen please this, is Amanda, Reggie. Oh Amanda, look it's Reggie here yes, Reggie. You. Know what, no. Yes. Reggie the. One from Watson Watson Watson. Yes. Reggie I remember, down to the last Watson, yeah well you know what it said well bye -. It certainly was what. Was. What. Do you mean well, you'll never guess I know I won't so tell me I. Will I, bet, you, Reginald.

I'll Believe it I promise. I'll believe it I swear I'll, believe it I've been left a fortune I don't believe it. Australia. Apparently. The whole thing works just as well with rich. Cousins, in South America. Gervaise. His name was and he, died intestate, wherever. That is I. Can't. Say I ever even, knew him but apparently that doesn't count against, you so there. We are oh. Sorry. No, 50,000. Of the brightest, best fifty, thousand, crazy. Moses. Yes. I mean I mean I staggered. Back from, the desk if I hadn't clutched at a passing what's not to come a cropper. Oneg. This, does mean that we, can announce our engagement doesn't. It I mean I mean your, guardian can hardly complain because of lack of funds I shouldn't. Think so, but. We'd better discuss it now, look Reggie I want you to stay exactly where, you are I'll pop down in my two-seater and we'll go into the whole matter see, you soon good, bye Reggie. So. I gathered, leave less coherent than usual no wonder he's, had the most marvelous news, he's, just been left 50,000. Pounds. Louie here says he where well venture, there why do you think we'll be going out to celebrate tonight so don't wait up oh yeah. I do advise, young man to make it a modest celebration, fool. And his money are soon parted. God. Willy. Bailiff. That barge. Hello. Hello. Mother here, oh hello. Jethro. Mattias. And. What he'll sir Jessie. Amanda. Was just I. Beg. Your pardon I. Understood. You to say, he. Don't plump taters, he don't plant cotton. To. Whom did you refer him how did he creep into the conversation. Oh. River. You know no. I'm afraid we're not acquainted. No. It's a song I'm singing for, the Christmas pantomime, I must have been rehearsing. Unconsciously. No. Rather. More poignant I'd say it's, all about this afro-american. In reduced circumstances. Who's feeling, rather low was life because, he's having to choke barges, and lift veils all. The while this Old Man River he, don't do nothing. Yes. I see. Typical. Working-class, attitude. All. Resent, anyone with a private income Oh Toki, we check reminds. Me I'm Anna just tell me about your slice of good fortune, I. Wonder. Perhaps if you could find the time to come round and see me I think, we could have a little chat and perhaps I could put. My experience. At your disposal, Oh, draw. There thanks, a lot sir Jessie, that's, really good oh by, the way I wouldn't, mention this to a man revival y'all I don't, wish to flaunt my philanthropy, yes. Best not to do that sort of thing. Anyway. We will never understand, I finance much better left Ross chaps. Look. I've got an insurance chappy, coming to see me first thing we should be through by 11:00, you, said we'll say just after that day.

The. Nation CNN, goodbye. Sorry. Wrong. Turning now. Quite. A place you have here, Oh. Quite, a place. Thank, you for doing the whiskey oh just a small one thanks. Just. Good. Mayo. Suppose, you'll be looking for larger premises yourself, well not this large you know I I, might tend to get a bit lost. You. Wouldn't always be alone I, mean have you ever considered. The patter of tiny feet I'm not really no I'm not all that fond of myself. Children. Melanie who if. You like the little prayer you, like that sort of thing I mean you, can easily accommodate, 15, or 20 are you 15. Or 20, where that sounds. Rather, too ambitious for me. After. You my boy Ivan outlaw it is your money. My, way that kid, motorcycle. Is that a new acquisition yes, I've just bought us a haha, expensive. Toy you know Reggie. Yeah. I do hope you're not one of the young man U&I Reggie who certainly. Enriched. Squanders. All his absence, on frivolities and, baubles oh good lord no sir I'm, gonna stick to my boodle. Like a porous, plaster, yes. The young, the. Lawyer chappie, in London, told me to stick it into something called a funding, loan now don't ask me what it is because I haven't the foggiest but apparently, you buy a chunk of this stuff off the government and they pay you something back twice a year just like finding, it in the street, it, pays 4%. Imper. Adam whatever, that means with, a net result according. To this legal eagle that my 50,000. Brings in rather more than, 2,000, a year fairly. Peachy, I call, that and one wonders how long this sort of thing has been going on, Oh. 2000s, not much man oh isn't. It no, I mean these days of inflation and rising prices. Wouldn't. You prefer. 25,000. Oh well. That'll be nice very. Easily, arenas uranyl yeah. You ever made. A study of the oil market, well, not really sir no in fact I didn't know there was a special market for it I usually. Get mine from the local garage. You. Know how important, oil is to our industry, Oh, ratha, you, sardines, and all that. Just. No. Sound in this now. You. Just so happens that amongst. My effects, I have. A block of smelly. River Ordinaries. I could. Let you have say, Oh. 50,000. Pounds, worth yeah. Sure. May, I say a close friend. Now. They should bring you in a safe, 50%. Of 50%. Of. Man or. Per annum per. Person precise. Annual. Yield would be narrow the neighborhood of our, where. 25,000. 25,000. Not a bad neighborhood sir, but listen, can, you spare them I mean I mean won't you be losing money huh I never. Wait. At my age you'll. Find there, are more. Things to life than money. Somebody. Once said I. Shall. Pass through this, world but once, any. Good thing I can do therefore any. Kindness. I can show a fellow-creature, let.

Me Do it now for. I shall, pass this way, but once, just, sign the blank check. Right. Well I'll pop. This in the same place now. Area. Do. Help yourself to drink oh thanks. Thanks a lot. For two of ice-skating, yes I am but I mislead my MA why don't you just found it oh well that's fine that just gives me a chance to slip you the good news oh good it's bigger and better as from now my annual, income will, be in the neighborhood of, 25, thousand, pounds a year which you can't say isn't a bit of a good egg and all due to the benevolence, of your Uncle Jesse, they've been evidence of Uncle Jesse oh yeah well it supposed to be a secret but credit, where it's due I always, says handed, the whole thing to me on a plate and you thought he didn't like me Reggie, what have you done well rather a good business, joke if you ask me luckily, he, had this, 50,000. Pounds worth of many Ordinaries. Oh you've, heard of them as well have you, sit. Down dear yes fine. There's. Something I have to tell you. One. Of my earliest memories is, obsidian. Uncle Jeff throws me while he told me how at a moment when he wasn't quite himself having, been hit on the head with a bottle by a disgruntled shareholder. At a general meeting, he'd. Allowed himself to be stuck by some Hornswoggle. In hi binder, with. These smelly. Ripper Ordinaries. Reggie. I can. Still see the light in his eyes as, he spoke of his resolve to find someday, somewhere. A mug. On whom, he could unload them. He. Realized it would have to be the mug supreme. The. Sort that only happens once in a lifetime but. That was the gleam he was following patiently, through the years and. He was confident, of eventual, success. Congratulations. Oh. Well. I'm blowed. You're. Also bust. Well. Look now how are we gonna get married. We're. Not, you. Wouldn't want me to link my lot with that of a man whose brains if they were made of gunpowder wouldn't, blow his hat off no, no of course not, as. You're interested, in my future plans I'll sketch them out for you I'm, now going skating with rod Nabal of Norfolk Naboo Towers on our second, circuit of the pond or possibly. Our third he'll asked me to be his wife he always does, this. Time I shall, accept. Good. Bye Reggie. It's. Been nice knowing you I. Say. This. Sounds like the raspberry. You. Mean always. Over you're. Really casting, me aside like, a, like. Casting. Me aside like, what. What are those things people cast aside without, glove, I presume is the expression you're groping for. No. I don't think it is, well. Anyway. I don't cast, aside my worn-out gloves I usually give mine to the Salvation Army however, there's not the point at issue the point at issue is that you've broken my belly heart a girl with less control would, have broken your Bally head, good-bye. Again ah. Mr.. Vallee now good day to you. Vicar he. Said yes right him yes. Yes. He is. The. Concert tonight. Yes. Well I'd probably, be. Able to buy out the whole house first. And if well let's hope he's feeling generous. And, you how are you feeling you read if your public in good voice vicar. I'm fifty. Thousand pounds down I've. Lost the girl I love my heart is broken, I've got a small pimple, coming on the back of my neck. Not, just about gives me a full hand. God. Moves in a mysterious way, just. His. Head was turned and so. He chewed his pigtail till, he died his. Death which, happened in his birth at 40. Odd befell, they. Went and tailed at the sexton, and the, sexton, told, the. Bell. Most. Amusing and, spirited, recitation. And. Now we. Can give the dear lady a mammoth or two to resume her alter.

Ego As. Our accompanist. She's. Ready. And. So are we all I'm sure for. Mr. me no no no please please please. For. Mr. reginald, Molina, and his own rendition, of old. Man. Were. The white man, plane. Doing. The. Arsenal's. But. Don't say, nothing. He. Just, roared. He, keeps on. Mr.. Milan oh well done indeed what, a reception, you, were this time there's, a such still and vigor, because when I was taking this curtain. I thought, of at least six names for, a certain, party, uncut, the little, swindler, was at least in me tell me do you think that's better than slab-sided, sir. Well, neither seems very charitable but I'm Christian in fact this all right I think I'll newsperson, Thank You. Uncle. Hong Kong now Vic, and I've got more important. Business. I'm. Afraid mr. molineres, gone to. Rest after his accession. Perhaps. We can persuade him to return at some other time. Meanwhile. I suggest that, we all adjourn for, refreshments, I. Love. You I love. You my dream, man, what. A girl that's, the stuff not. You you poor sap I'm, talking, about my darling, Reggie, he's, the only onion in the stew for me it's, madness, for me to seek happiness elsewhere, especially. As the wife of a man who looks as if he's about to run in the 230 at Ascot oh I say say. It to somebody else our. Engagement, is at an end and, I'm going home. The, Sun comes. On I suppose on. You to face, no, no getting me out. If. You're come, on up cutting it. Right. I. Got. One or two things to say to you you hear you lord, face lizard. Huge. Chiseling. Cheetah, fifty. I. Told. Smells. Like paraffin. Funny. Time of night to be treating would one. Wrong, image. Change. Dammit Oh. Foreign. Birds. Police-constable. Popjoy. And I hereby reclaim. Original. My angel, can. You ever forgive me for all those harsh words. Probably. Not and. Shall I ever see, you again, Oh. Apparently. Yes. That's. Right. Nice. Evening. How's. Everything, Oh fine fine now, that you'll flatten, the flatty I noticed, he was in your hair what a bit yes, you, didn't think he's going, to recover and make a sudden spring no I think he's out of circulation for some little time in. Which respect, he, differs from me because, I'm back in circulation. Well. I've, broken my engagement, to Percy Noble Oh fine. You're, the man I love, Oh fine. Huh. And. Now what's the story how did you get snarled, up with the Constabulary, well I went up to whistle hall to render suggester, rather less than dust beneath my chariot, we all sort of thing only I didn't, get to see him because he was busy treating, the floor for wood well, I. Think, that's what he was doing because it was pouring paraffin, all over the place and there were wood shavings, and paper strewn, all over the fall. So. That's his game look, Reggie you, bounce off home and tidy yourself up then meet me back at the hall I'll bring the Raza along when he comes round what, for you'll see, hurry up right. Where. Am i right, here oh did. You see what hit you no mate I did not oh I did if you ask me it was one of those meteorites, you read about stone, it, certainly, did. They, raise the nasty bump these meteorites don't they what, that head of yours once, is a beefsteak, and a glass of beer Oh yummy, my car I'm gonna see what the larger of whistle hall has to offer. Have. You yes. Yes. I've just got, here, just. This second, I I. Cannot, pick up the bike which. I left here this afternoon ah well. You want to look out for your property mr. Molyneux there's some highly suspicious, characters. About I nearly, nab one of them just now it, was a foreign. Cast an unsavory. Hue I was. Pursuing him hotly when I was struck, down by a heavenly, party. Yes. Isn't. She a. Meteorite. It, was. Well. You go and check around the back popjoy, mr. Mulliner and i will go inside where it's warm very good. I've. Got a spot on my tie. Grease. Please, I know what are you playing here Amanda I would expect you for another two hours. When Reggie told me he'd seen you sprinkling paraffin, on paper and wood shavings strewn all over the floor of the Great Hall optical. Illusion I've no doubt oh do, you think's again well just, for fun let's go and look and we'll, take constable, popjoy with us I'm sure you'll be interested. Comfortable. Pop drawers it's just outside I thought it would be a sound move to bring him along don't, ask him to join us will you Reggie oh all right just a. Little. Something, in what young Melinda says, yes. I did, happen to drop a few shavings and some odd scraps of paper that I had, about my person, and I. Did. Terron I've explained, that you were treating, the floor for wood worms hey.

Gee, You only use paraffin, to light a fire don't, you oh I. See. How, do you understand, yes, you're gonna smoke, them out. Exactly. Exactly. Who's she a chap, like pop joy might. Jump to the wrong conclusion, he might think you were trying to burn the house down to do down the insurance, company, Oh surely. Not I mean that would have never have occurred to me I'm sure it would never have occurred hi. There well, of course he wouldn't dream of doing such a thing no, not all of sticking poor half-witted Dunbar. Lambs with dad shares, ah yes. Yes I I meant, to have a word with you about that suggests. Who these smelly. River ordinary, is I I really, don't think I want mm-hmm where. Are you Charlie well got him true, but he'd like you to buy them back again wouldn't say I would. Rather yes oh yeah. I told him you'd be delighted, wouldn't you be delighted, no I wasn't, too. Bad, Ritchie go - constable, popjoy - step this way oh all right ah popjoy. Don't. Step this way for the Belmont Park, you. Were saying uncle Jeffrey. Molina. Really. Would like me to buy. Back though share would you he. Would this is official. I've. Taken one of those unaccountable. Dislikes, to them you'll see I've never really liked sardines, anyway. That's. A flat, you know that's a note I start Old Man River on. What. Do you say uncle Jethro. All. Right I agree I don't fight a popjoy. Continual. Not to step this way. And. Now I know. You always carry a blank check on you I suggest, you produce it and runs it out for sixty thousand five what here. To be fifty you said sorry it's not sixty, thousand, is it said yes no you think these girls don't understand, high finance. You see darling as soon as you buy these shares. They, increase by 50%, of, per annum, per person that makes it 75 thousand. That's right and he won't mind because he's only passing, this way once and so, any little kindness, that he could say five, thousand, pounds worth of socks. Gone up appreciation. It's called that's a - good name for it to close, with the deal at once is my advice before it hits a new high. My rebel. Man, River. You.

2018-02-10 17:58

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