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johnny how you doing i'm doing okay all right i think i'm getting there did john you guys treat him well down there yeah you know what uh he left and left this with a incredible thunderstorm i know that was about but it's the worst one i've seen down here last night yeah but i think he lives there yeah the the uh the elements like me being there they uh tested my departure the signals that are flying around uh you know the uh horrendous out there so yeah okay i got all y'all i don't know how my camera's not working but anyway i got us live on our facebook page so we're happy we did it i'm like so it's mike healy and a lot of moore's bottom it's crazy it's all right i got a good group of people on here tonight so that's awesome nice yeah very cool um all right so i got four after ricky ready to roll buddy let's do it let me uh hopefully i'll be able to invite uh maybe i'll get one more minute i got a couple more people i just got to admit to in here real quick should be okay yep i just uh make sure and then i will mute everybody and give everybody kind of what we're doing tonight so just you guys know uh this shouldn't take too long rick and i you get we we cut to the chase uh which is pretty cool so uh as usual we're going to just jump right into it um i'm going to be doing a pow i'm going to show you powerpoint tonight it's got some directions on it's pretty simple won't be hard to uh hard to understand obviously you get any questions you're welcome to uh reply to any of the emails you get from us a lot of you know our phone numbers you're welcome to call us uh that kind of thing we just wanted to make sure that we got this out as quick as possible i've obviously got my partner rick here say hi rick great to be here mike excellent excellent rick and i talk every single day i think multiple times today we probably talked about 10 times so that's kind of cool but not quite as much as you and stacy yeah about yeah that's probably true um but uh just you guys just you guys know we're actually celebrating rick and i and bid point we're celebrating basically seven years now uh of this project coming together which is incredible august 12th august august oh yeah it's august 12th that's right it's only a couple days seven years yeah yeah we uh we put this idea together and uh pretty pretty amazing we've seen some cool things happen over this period of time it's awesome so rick you ready to roll buddy yeah all right let me go ahead and mute everybody and then rick when i have to call you just be ready to unmute yourself um and i'll jump into it okay you uh drive the bus i'm i'm actually showing as i'm muted now so okay yeah i'm gonna mute everybody now all right so we should be muted uh all right awesome first off thank you so much for taking time out of your schedules my name is mike healey i'm one of the co-founders of bidpoint along with my partner rick moore our other partner monty bertrand he may jump on may not on here but more than likely he'll be watching replay we all have figured out uh the three of us we all know what uh what seat we have on the bus so our butts are in the right seats on the bus it's kind of how we put it we all have our different strengths and that kind of thing and that's what's been really good about bringing this together we're excited to have you on here tonight tonight we're going to be covering uh our solar launch which is really our first residential platform product uh you know everything we've done up in this point has been primarily commercial uh so i'm gonna pull up powerpoint real quick for you and let me get this going and i should be able to see it on my i'm going to just talk first just a second i'll kind of make some noise and make sure i can see it on the screen on the zoom you can see this rick you guys can see this give me a thumbs up if you can just show me your thumbs should be good yes yes sir okay perfect all right so uh real quick i just need to bring you guys up to speed some of you are new to this because you just you got attracted to us already brand new from the solar aspect of it um bitpoint was primarily created as a marketing engine for vendors of services that we've had experience with uh rick and i have a backgrounds in doing things with like uh you know the deregulation of energy um waste reduction wireless wireless uh commercial other commercial services and we primarily to this point have gone strictly after commercial business um where we find customers we have them we get best pricing for them in all these aspects reduce their cost make sure they're no longer being overcharged and then because because of what we've done with these relationships we have allowed representatives agent agents like yourself that's who i'm talking to tonight uh to market these services and when you bring these services to the table we pay you handsomely on these services okay so that's what our model has been up into this point for the last seven years the new vertical we just are now launching we're so so excited about this is solar we have made a a strategic partnership with sunsmart america now the one of the gentlemen that are the gentleman one of the guys that's running sunsmart america is actually a good friend of mine i gotta find my mouse to try to admit this person i can't find my mouse let me see if i got it i don't know if i can get it or not somebody's trying to enter but i can't i can't see my mouse on this screen but anyhow it's really really exciting the relationship we have because sunsmart's been around for a little while now and they have they have put systems together to help people really really ramp up uh solar solar business okay and really what this comes down to is this is about you and i having the potential to find clients to find customers um that want to use solar on their homes that kind of thing and there is so much money in it okay there's the there's a lot of money in this and that's why it really attracted us because we wanted we wanted to bring a new service to to the market with our team that allowed our reps to get paid quicker now a couple places you can watch the interview that i did with chad one is on our big point facebook page and another one is on our blog page okay now i'm not going to go into a ton of detail on this i'm not going to give you a big solar rundown but i need i think it's important to give you a little bit about it okay in case you're not familiar with solar basically everything's running on solar televisions telephones radios internet in fact there's over 2 000 communication satellites com sides around earth's orbit and guess how they stay you know stay you know active it's solar panels okay so so it's it's a technology that's been working for a long time now the thing is is solar is brand new solar is brand new and let me give you some stats i asked chad if i could use these slides from their presentation he said sure in 1976 there were only six private homes that actually used solar in 2016 2016 over a million pv installs 2019 so three years later one of the two million and last year it was over three million people and they expect that to go to four million this year okay so the market is exponentially growing so what that means is if you're first the market if you're first to get in on something there can be a tremendous amount of money be to be made in it i mean i remember when telecom deregulated when long distance deregulated uh it's it's insane with what we have okay now the other now the benefits for a customer why people are going to really find this and why this is such an easy sell if presented correctly is these points right here you've got federal income tax credits people actually have the ability you can literally tell them that they own their own power okay so they they own their own power in fact you know energy companies want you to do that in fact the government that's why you're getting a federal income tax credit the government wants people to start going more green there's no cost out of pocket it increases property value right out of the gate somebody who has solar has shown a four to five percent in most states increase worst case on the value of their home right out of the gates okay and then obviously there's an environmental impact now what they want to do is so so our partnership is they have everything put in place sunsmart america has been doing this and chad and i know each other uh you know rick and i all the all these all of us together we thought this is the perfect vehicle for us to bring in it you know get our reps involved because they already have the established relationships with all these nationwide providers and financiers uh that they can do the loans for us they can do everything that has to go through with the you know the uh uh the procurement of these customers okay so it's a real oops i won't probably jump too fast here okay we can do prime we the primary states that we can currently do uh or that we're focused on let me put it to you that way with the solar are these states right here now we would love to focus primarily on florida and georgia okay and there's reasons for that is because florida is where sunsmart's headquarters are they have the most installers there and it is the easiest place to get customers now what i'm also going to tell you is you do not have to live obviously in any states to get a customer in one of these states so if you go through the boot camp you decide you want to be a solar rep with us and you live in utah and you call somebody in florida and they want to do it done deal okay that's that's all that's what's nice about this um i was talking to chad and i saw one of the trainings they had done uh because i we went both rick and i have gone through multiple times through their own boot camp to experience this okay but they've got some of their uh top just top reps in their company uh actually uh don't live in states they're they're actually like there's one of their top guys in new york and he's getting a lot of customers in california that kind of thing okay now i just tell you this too is we obviously bit with bitpoint we have other services that if you know if you can't do anything in your state or you just can't get out of your comfort zone we do have other services or 50 state services if you're looking for an income opportunity okay excuse me now how solar works i'm not going to give you a bunch of detail you can kind of see it here basically panels get put on a house uh and then once the panels are put on the house it goes through you know the energy goes through the company and then or the power grid and then you're paying for it okay or they they pay you for it okay so that's a pretty pretty some simple thing here all right let me uh go into this one of the other reasons that people are looking for solar is the utility prices continue to go up okay and they're going to continue to go up but we have an advantage with how solar works because people are locking in rates uh in a nutshell and it offsets the cost so we've done we actually we went through and did rick's house i'll have rick on here in a second to explain that and showed the offset of his savings uh compare it with solar and so on and there's different ways and different uh there's different ways of flexibility for payments on people too so you might be looking to help somebody uh you know that wants to just lower their bills they want to lower their overall costs you can actually go in when you're getting a client when you're getting a customer and adjust some things in there that will drop their payment maybe they want to have you know maybe they only want to do two panels on their house well adjust the payment well maybe they want to do 50 because they got a massive southern facing roof and they put 50 panels on there and it just plummets their thing because of the amount of solar that they'll be bringing in so it's really really cool how this is all put together okay so that was i mean like i said it's going to whip through that kind of fast is you really don't have to do much here except go through our boot camp if this if you want to tap into solar and what i'm telling you there's a tremendous amount of money like a single family home uh that's like you know a florida single-family home southern facing there are thousands and thousands of dollars in commissions for that okay like like like multiple thousands of dollars potentially in commissions and as you go through the boot camp you get to see the the commission structure and all that okay now how somebody can join our solar program is basically you go to uh and on i i put a blog post on here okay the blog post basically allows you just click on the blog post you'll see it it'll come up you'll see the video with me and chat on there but then if you scroll to the bottom it says ready to join our solar team you click where that arrow is that will take you to the boot camp but you need to put in the bidpoint 100 discount code because it's right now if somebody just wanted to go buy the solar the boot camp training by itself uh it's that's a 3 000 cost for the boot camp so you want to put that in there because we have the boot camp um with what we're doing we can get it to our reps at uh at no cost okay so instead of having to pay three thousand dollars to go to a boot camp we you can give it to us through us at no cost okay so we set you up correctly once you go there you click on enroll now in the boot camp and like i said you put the thing in there in there there are structured videos you're going to see a welcome video from chad and i first and foremost and then what you're going to do is you're going to go through there and go through the things now here's the here's what i'll tell you don't rush through them yes you can speed up the play speed but make sure you take the time to go through each video because we'll know it and there's a there's a process that we're taking people through we will not work with anybody that is not going through the boot camp it's not gonna happen okay you have to go through the boot camp so that we know that we can have educated decisions uh educated conversations together and get you up and running quickly okay after you go to the boot camp the last thing that i just added so if you've already gone through the boot camp this last thing was not on day two as of this morning okay it is now on there you're going to want to watch a short video for me but basically underneath of that video you're going to click on a thing that will have you fill out a questionnaire the questionnaire will open up you will click it it will say basically start the survey and then basically you're going to fill out the information so that we get uh who you are where you're from that kind of thing we also are requesting that you are a big point you know you're already our bid point rep with us reason is is we want to track that as well because we have people that we kind of jokingly call cross pollinate so you've got people that maybe you're doing solar with us and then they want to also do commercial energy with us so we have you set up as a big point rep to begin with okay it's free to be a big point rep as well so you just click on and then you'll just go through fill out that questionnaire then once the questionnaire comes back to us you will set up a launch call with rick moore okay so rick moore i'm gonna bring you on now buddy uh because that was pretty much it on the powerpoint i know i went through that kind of fast um and so on so rick let me i'm gonna stop sharing my screen here and go ahead rick you unmuted i am okay perfect so so rick what do you think uh so basically i went through it pretty quick uh i only took about 10 minutes to go through the slides but really it's a simple process you've gone through the boot camp what are you what are you talking what are you telling people right now well let's talk about what got us to the boot camp you know um we found the right partner at the right time you and i have been looking at solar since we started bid point we've danced with a lot of people and it was it was less about couldn't find the right partner then the timing wasn't right but when the timing was right we found the right partner right so it's kind of it's just you know great when those same kinds of things come together so so chad and his team obviously you're connected to chad which i think everybody knows when we work with vendors we want to know them right and and so what's important to us is that we have a confidence in the vendor in building that relationship to take care of our partners that are writing business and so um i think everyone that's that's here on this call right now will listen to this in the future understands that this is an opportunity for what chad and his team have put together is a training platform that we haven't seen in the industry and they are like-minded in the way they want to put a team together where you're coming into a business it's all about the service it's not about you pay some kind of a fee to get in right so we we felt like they're like-minded people they have a great program put together uh they understand both sides of it there's also a residual income opportunity on the solar side which doesn't exist really without the pay-to-play option in this business so it's really perfect from that standpoint so we're excited about all that but i also think that i can tell you mike today and you know this that what we have put together over this weekend basically since we made the decision a couple weeks ago we have flown through putting this together and putting our scalable way of attracting people and getting people through a training process and figuring out who wants to really work something you know versus who maybe not be ready yet and you know guys whatever whatever uh it is you want to do you may not want to do it today you may not be in a state that feels right today but i can promise you this there will come a time when we put this thought in your head right now that thought will pop up when you come across the right person a month from now two months from now three months from now and we know that if we give value to you you'll come back to us but i can promise you that mike myself and monty collectively have never seen something so explosive we've known it was there but it's never been put together at a time with the acceptance of the of the the rooftops of america are ready to take it so this is really special right now as mike mentioned there's there's thousands of dollars per deal available but that's that's looking at it small you know look at it like how many rooftops are there in america residential versus commercial there's a lot we can do either one okay hey rick you got your thumb over your camera oh sorry okay it's actually my finger sorry sorry i apologize guys i couldn't you could get my laptop working today but anyway uh what i want to say is probably in solar it's probably 85 90 percent residential at this point which is why we have to be in both you know commercial energy is probably the other way around but uh you think about that we we have to be in the game this way and want to be in the game this way and the reason we haven't been a residential in the past is there wasn't enough meat on the bone well there is enough meat on the bone here right now i mean this is something that we haven't come across in the past it's been unique in energy and energy has always been a big part of what we've done right it's what we're we're myself and mike healy and a lot of the people listening we'll put tens of thousands of meters in residential energy would you like to make 20 cents a month on an energy account or make two three four thousand dollars up front i'll wait right you know it's like we know there's a lot there so we are putting together a system where you can take advantage of what we put together and what sunsmarts put together and i want to say that uh mike you want to talk about the process now like where where does it go from here should we jump into that yeah um i you mean as far as like getting somebody launched kind of thing yeah how do we get launched yeah so basically just like i showed you on the powerpoint you just go through that or yeah go through the powerpoint you go to the solar thing the boot camp that we have on big point uh that we've put out there you guys should have seen it by now and then what happens is it'll end up uh you'll go to the boot camp you'll do the questionnaire and then it'll kick out and you'll end up scheduling a call with uh none other than rick moore to make sure that we got you dialed in exactly where we need you and that kind of thing and so on now the other thing i'll tell you too is um as we're learning more of this just to kind of give you a projected what i see happening is one of the gifts i think i have is the ability to make things simple is rick and i we went through and we did we submitted his own house and the process to actually submit a customer for bidding to give a presentation was way easier than i even expected like i i was like i'm like wait a second that was it you know i'm like are you serious because i know the boot camp's detailed but it's important that it's detailed because you want to sound like you you want to know what you're talking about when potential clients you know uh ask you questions right this is not hard to figure this out so the boot camp is there to help you learn the language right so you learn the language of what's needed what's what's necessary how it kind of all flows but then the process is quick and quick and pretty much painless and you go through and like we you know this the proposal came very fast uh we had you know we looked at it then you can go through and adjust the proposal with what rick thought he wanted to spend versus what he wanted to save and the different panels i mean it was so it was so easy and i will personally be making videos on some of that stuff uh to make it easy because ultimately what we want to do is we want to we and here's what i'll tell you is there's so much meat on this bone with solar we don't need thousands of people joining bitpoint to make humongous amounts of money in my opinion we're just looking for the small handful of people that we can work with that we can really get rocking and rolling we do plan to as we scale as we get as we get our people get the hang of it you know there will be times where rick and i aren't taking all of these onboarding calls or onboarding and we'll probably compensate those people that end up helping us do that so you know we're we're all about spreading the wealth here that's that's one thing we do know because of our past histories of what we've done in you know in our in our collective industries um but it's going to be a pretty simple process we're going to make it as streamlined and as efficient as possible from a to z uh with getting somebody so you know obviously bear with us in the beginning because we just launched this thing but uh we're we've seen we're fairly smart guys we should be able to knock this out pretty quick rick go ahead well there's a lot of fairly smart guys listening in too so i want to say this is that just no matter what your level is coming into here go through the whole process because you're going to want people to do the same thing so go through the whole process we've got a very slick setup behind this you go through the training process we get set up on a calendar we do a launch call we figure out what color it should parachute so to speak and and we take action from there and i want to say this i'm gonna leave a little teaser we actually have something else coming that's nationwide in energy that you can also take advantage of it happens to be coming around the same time same vetting process same kind of perfect timing but i want to i want to say this one thing solar is probably once in a lifetime kind of stuff for a lot of us here we are catching we are catching a time when it's still super new i mean a very very less than one percent uh penetration in america and um and so much money involved and so much progress about to come in the industry and with all the sustainability and even some mandates in some cases on the commercial side and we have the capability to do all of it there's nothing you can attract to us the solar that we can't handle so we're starting in georgia and florida on the rooftops okay but we can literally with our relationships we have in place and some of the stuff we can't divulge yet but we can do anything anywhere in solo i think that's a big statement mike pretty big statement man yeah pretty big statement so uh well um rick do you have anything else because otherwise i kind of promise we do about 30 minutes and we're kind of at the 30 minute mark get through get through the get through the uh uh training get scheduled let's talk perfect don't send me an email go through the process there you go that's important yeah because we want because in guys and i'll i'll kind of uh i'll kind of uh close with this then rick okay yes sir okay so the reason obviously we want to have we have these type of processes in place is because we you this is how you can scale a company to the size that we believe it can be uh the amount of money that can be made we're talking tremendous amounts of money are available for for you guys for us uh collectively working i mean we're just you know one of the things that rick and i from day one was we wanted to just make sure that we brought together uh the right partners that we could introduce our friends we started out with just people acquaintances we knew and then once that worked we started to expand it a little bit to invite other people on board but i really believe that done correctly we can scale this very quickly um you know we plan on doing marketing uh you know for for customers for more associates that kind of thing to really grow this thing um and edifying you guys you know i mean that's the cool part too is you know you do the work we'll make sure you have uh you know have your day in the sun to say the least and and get you up to speed so um all that being said uh i don't want to i don't want to drag this out all you got to do is go through the boot camp if you already went through the boot camp just go to the day two and click on it now just make sure because here's the thing uh the the platform the platform that we use when you go through the boot camp i can see and rick can see if you completed those videos okay i that's all got heat maps on them and everything like that that's one reason i use that platform is because i could track who was telling the truth and who was just skipping over stuff okay because we we just want to make sure that we're off because when we put our name out there we want to make sure that when you say it or you're talking about sun smart you're talking about big point that we all uh have enough of an education that we can be you know run with scissors and not really hurt ourselves kind of thing so that's kind of where we're at with everything but um anyhow thank you guys so much for being on here if you want to watch this again the replay will be on the facebook page as well as on the youtube channel i'll get that put up on the youtube channel uh today or tomorrow but it should be the replay i'll start right over on facebook on bitpoint uh so just check it out there but uh anybody uh i appreciate everybody jumping on here so everybody have a great one and we're gonna go rock this and you're gonna make a lot of money if you just hang out with us and we get you up to speed so thanks guys appreciate it

2021-08-12 21:52

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