Biden speaks to American workers

Biden speaks to American workers

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Since i'm socially, distanced, i'm allowed to take my mask off they tell me while i speak but i promise i'll put it back on gov. Ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon. And uh. You know. Secretary curry and mr president, uh like the sound of that where is my president, there you are, thank you pal thanks for the welcome. It's great to be here in michigan, and uh. And with the united, auto workers you know uh. I uh. As they say in parts of my state i got brung up on general motors. Um. My father, uh. Was uh ran a general motors, agency, he didn't uh he didn't own it but he ran it. And uh. I uh, you know i. Cars or cars or cars and by the way. I still have my 67. Corvette. Uh, that's new that was new i still keep that. But i got to tell you i'm waiting for that electric one you just all made that, goes 210. Miles an hour but that's a different story look. Earlier this week. And the reason we're a little bit late here. We found as i was getting off the plane the press, asked me a legitimate, question. That i did not have the background, on because it occurred, on the plane. Earlier this week we celebrated, labor day and here the heart of the american, uh, automobile, industry. We never forget everything that we owe the unions, and unions. As you've heard me say many times built this country. Unions, built the economy, the economic, engine has driven american manufacturing. Dynamism. And. And literally. Literally, in the case of the auto workers, you're the ones that did it, so i want to thank you again, uaw. Region. One. For hosting me today. And it's great to see, senator stabenow, and my good friend debbie stabenow. Got a chance to spend a little time with the governor. But, senator stabenow, and i worked together. On, an awful lot of matters. Over the years. In the united states senate, she was a great partner to me when i was vice president. And we worked in lockstep, to get the people of michigan, back on their feet. We joined. We were joined by one of the best and brightest and hardest working governors, around my friend, gretchen whitmer. And if you're wondering. What responsible. Strong, executive, leadership, looks like in covent 19. Just look at this, executive. Right here. Governor, you've done an incredible, job steering, the people of michigan. Through uh turbulent, time. Much of it is brought on by donald trump's, lack of leadership. You've been rock solid, governor you've listened to the experts, and you've. Led with science. And you put, the needs of the people, who are hurting, first. Helping them get through this crisis, meanwhile. On the day, that we hit, 190. 000. Dead. In the united states because of covert 19.. We just learned from the washington, post columnist, bob woodward. That the president of the united states has admitted, on tape in february. He knew, about covert 19. That it passed through the air. He knew, how deadly it was it was much more deadly than the flu. He knew. And purposely. Played it down. Worse. He lied to the american, people. He knowingly, and willingly, lied about the threat it posed to the country, for months. He had the information. He knew how dangerous, it was. Now while this deadly disease ripped through our nation. He failed to do his job.

On Purpose. It was a life-and-death, betrayal, of the american people experts, say that if he had acted just. Just one week sooner. 36. 000 people would have been saved. If he acted two weeks sooner, back in march. 000 lives. Would have been spared in march and april alone. You know his failure, has not only cost lives. It center our economy in a tailspin, it costs, millions, more. In american, livelihoods. This is a recession, created by donald trump's negligence. And he is unfit. For this job as a consequence, of it. How many schools, aren't open right now. How many kids. Are starting, a new school year the same way they ended the last one. At home. How many parents. Feel abandoned. And overwhelmed. How many front line workers, are exhausted, and pushed to their limits. And how many families. Are missing loved ones. At their dinner table, tonight. Because, of his failures. It's beyond despicable. It's a. Dereliction. Of duty it's a disgrace. We're going to hear a lot more about this. I'm sure not just from me but from. The news media and a lot of others. But i want to ask you one simple question. What's the value of a promise. What's it worth. What's the worth of a woman or man's word. Of a president's, word. If it's not matched with action. In 2016. Then candidate, trump. Came here to warren. Just a few days before the election here's what he said he said. If i'm elected. You won't lose one plan. You have plans coming to into this country. You're going to have jobs again. You won't lose one plant i promise you i promise you. That's what he said. Donald trump makes a lot of promises. He promised that he alone. Could stop the offshoring, of jobs. He promised. He'd bring back jobs. Stop companies. From leaving. He could do what quote nobody, else could do it, but him. He promised. That his administration, would enforce. Every. Last, buy in american. Provision. On behalf of the american, people. And what makes his wild claims and hopes. He now hopes we don't notice what he said, or won't remember. And when he does follow through. Or doesn't, do. When follow through the exact opposite. He's hoping we just have poor memories. He doesn't give us much, credit. But the american people are smart. Honest, decent. And they're hard working. And we expect, our president to be straight with us. To do what he or she says they're going to do. So let's look at the reality, of donald, trump's. Economy. And what exactly, his promise to the american, people, and workers, are worth. He's on track to be the first president. Since herbert hoover, and the great depression. To see the number of jobs. In our economy, go down. Not up. While being president. Our economy's, down. 4.7. Million, jobs, since he took office. 4.7. Even before. President trump's failed response, to covet 19, crashed, our economy. His reckless, and chaotic, trade policy. Had thrown american, manufacturing. Into recession. It was already. Contracting. In 2019.. Even when covet 19. Hit. Trump was before, it hit. Trump was creating, an average of 500. 000 jobs. Fewer per year. Than the last three years when president obama and i were in office. And when the gm, transmission, plan here in warren closed, last year. I bet the workers. Around, weren't all that comforted. By trump's empty promises. Under donald trump michigan, lost auto jobs even before, coveted. And what about offshoring. Has trump delivered, on stopping, companies from shipping, jobs, overseas, american, jobs. You already know the answer. Of course not. The rate of offshoring. By federal contractors. There are people that get federal, dollars. From the federal government. To do things. The, offshoring. Big companies, being paid by u.s taxpayers. Has, doubled. Doubled, under trump. Those contracts. Federal contracts, with your tax dollars. They've, doubled. The number, that have been offshored. He invited, companies, to the white house, to make what he called the pledge to american. Workers. He couldn't even keep those firms from outsourcing.

Many Were given lucrative, federal contracts. But then some of them turned around and shipped, 7. 000, jobs overseas. Under president, trump's u.s trade deficit, has grown. It's hit an all-time. High let me say that again. U.s trade. Deficit, is an all-time. High. Under trump in the last three years. President trump's answer to all this is the same has answered everything. Corporate. Tax giveaways, it actually reward. Offshoring. You heard me right. Giveaways, that reward. Offshoring. If you offshore. You get more tax breaks. His 2017. Tax bill. Slashed, taxes, on companies. That sent production. And jobs overseas. Those corporations. Then make huge profits. By shipping, these, foreign. Made, products. Back to the united, states. To sell to american consumers. And no industry has taken a greater advantage, of trump's, offshoring. Tax loopholes. Than the pharmaceutical. Industry. Big pharma. Lobbied, trump. For a handout. That's exactly, what they got from him. Farmers, building. U.s, pharma. Is building factories, overseas. Instead of the united states. Skipping, out, on having to pay, u.s taxes. And then. Sending those same, foreign-made. Drugs, back to american, consumers. All. While, raising their prices on prescription. Jugs. That union families and working people have to rely on. And in the process, by the way, he's trying to do away with, all health care, in america. During a pandemic. We're seeing not only the inequity. Of this policy. But the enormous. Vulnerability. That this creates. For our own health security. And our security, requires, us to have, supply, chains. Of the necessary, drugs. Based here not overseas. Not overseas. In times of crisis. And what about trump's commitment to buy america. Like the. Like the rest of president trump's promise. It has nothing, to do with reality. It's all a bunch of hot air. In fact, contracts. Awarded, by u.s governments. To foreign companies. Using american, tax dollars went up 30 percent. Since he's been president.

So To recap. One. Trump hasn't stopped companies from closing, plans and sending jobs overseas. Two, he's rewarded, companies that have cut jobs, and failed to invest here at home, with billions, of dollars in tax breaks. And three. He's awarding, more and more federal contracts, to foreign companies. President, trump has broken just about every promise he's ever made to the american worker. And he's failed. He's failed our economy, and our country. But look. Would you really expect anything different from this guy. From someone who. Called, those of you and those who are serving, in uniform. Who have given their, lives, of the country, losers, and suckers. Let me tell you something. My son beau is an assistant u.s attorney, volunteered. To go to kosovo. To help them set up a government. In the middle of the war. I know as i'm being proud here but he's one of the he's the only foreigner. Has. A monument. That they raised, and built. In service to him. Thanking him for what he did. My son also then his attorney general volunteered. To go to iraq. For one year. He wasn't a loser or a sucker. No one. Who served this nation has been a loser or sucker, they're all heroes. But would you expect anything different from someone who could stand next to a father of a fallen soldier, and say, at a cemetery. And say i don't get it. What was in it for them. What was in it for them. Donald trump doesn't understand what it means to serve something bigger than yourself. He doesn't understand. Duty. Honor. Country. He lives in a diff by different code. Lies. Selfishness. Greed. Yes donald trump, and i have a pretty different philosophy. When it comes to giving our word. Mine means something. When i tell the american people i'm going to do something i follow through. Here in michigan, you know that's true. When barack, and i took office back in 2009. The economy, was crashing, we inherited, economy. In free fall. And millions of americans. Include so many including so many right here in michigan. Lost their jobs their homes and their savings. With the help of debbie, breaking her neck here. President obama and i. Worked hard he put me in charge of the recovery, act. I spent a lot of time here in michigan, and detroit. Working with you and. Senator staven, allen. Thinking, every single day about the folks. On the factory, line, busting their necks just trying to put food in the table. A lot of folks were all ready. To count detroit, out. As well as the auto american industry to count it out. But i knew what debbie knew. I've known, always. It's never a good bet. To bet against the american, worker. So when we promise to stand with the american auto ministry, we delivered. We didn't do it to help wealthy investors. Or pad bonus checks for ceos. We did it to save an iconic, american, industry. A testament. To the skills, and ingenuity. Of american manufacturing. And the jobs, of hundreds, of thousands of american, workers. And the lifeblood, of communities, all across, the midwest. And used to be in my state of delaware, as well. When detroit, declared bankruptcy. I was right here working alongside, the city leaders. To get the lights turned back on. To revitalize. The future, of detroit. And while nearly, 20, 000 auto manufacturing. Jobs have been lost in michigan, under trump, nearly, 80, 000. Were created. During the obama, biden administration. I've got a long history. Of not just talking about what i'm going to do. But delivering. Results from michiganders. And now we need to do it again. We need to do the hard, work not only to recover, but to build the economy, back for the future. Once more. That's why i might build back better agenda that's what it's all about. And it starts. Right here with you. In the union halls all across america. Back in july. I made the first plank of my agenda a plan to modernize, american manufacturing. And technology. To ensure, that the future. Is, made in america. By all of you. And today. I'm announcing, some additional, steps to, make this plank even stronger. First. We're going to impose a tax penalty. On companies that avoid paying uh, u.s taxes. By offshoring. Jobs. And manufacturing. Only to sell those goods back to the american, consumer. If you're a big. If your big corporate strategy. Is to boost your shareholders, profits. Your c's, ceo's, bonuses. By moving, jobs out. Well we're going to make sure. Not only pay. Full, u.s taxes. On those profits. But we're going to guarantee. We're going to add a 10 percent. Offshoring, penalty, surtax. To your bill. No more deductions. For writing off expenses. For the cost of sending jobs overseas. Which is a big deal. That could be done, here at home. By qualified, american, workers, i'm not looking to punish, american business.

But There's a better way. Make it in michigan. Make it in america. Invest in our communities, and the workers, in places like warren. That's what this is about. Uaw. Workers. Steel workers, ibw. Workers. You're the best craftsmen. And women in the world. And you're right here. If you're ready to make it in america. Then just like there are consequences. For offshoring. There'll be rewards, and incentives. For creating good paying jobs here at home. Today, i'm announcing. My new american. Made in america, tax credit. A 10. Advanceable, tax credit. For companies, that invest. In the united, states, and american, workers. To help accelerate. The recovery, under our bill back better agenda. So if your company revitalizes. The close, or closing facility. Here in the united states. Like the transmission, plant that got closed last year. We'll take care of 10 percent of the investment, that company makes. To reopen, it. If you retool, a manufacturing. Facility. To make it more competitive, for example. By shifting. To help, build a new fleet of clean american, vehicles. Made by uaw. Members. We'll make sure that's, more than affordable, for you. We're going to make sure. You'll get a tax credit. If you reassure. Jobs. That when pres, that have presently, been sent previously been sent overseas. Expand, your operations, united states or increase. Wages, for manufacturing. Jobs. Will make it even smarter, strategic, decision, for your company. Because we will make sure you get a tax credit. You know, these two steps. Are on top of my plans to close. Each and every one of the. Top trump loopholes, that have created he created in 2017. With his tax cut. To reward, companies. With big tax breaks for offshoring. That's going to end. If you're going to want to, build things here in the united states. Because under our administration. The biden harris administration. Is going to deliver, on the promise to buy american. It's been the law for almost a century. But we've never lived up to it, the idea is simple. Today. The u.s government spends, about, 600. Billion, dollars, of taxpayers. Money. On federal contracts. Annually. And that money should go to support, american, jobs. And american, businesses. But president, trump. Has only ever treated it like it was a weak suggestion. Agencies, of the federal government. Can require. Can waive the requirements. With explanations. That trump doesn't bother to even kick back on. We're going to change, that when i'm president. In my first week. I'll sign a series of executive, actions. To make sure we enforce. Buy america. And direct the full purchasing, power of the federal government, to fulfill its promise. Starting. By closing, those waiver loopholes. Immediately. And i promise you i'll use the full power. Of the defense, production, act to enforce. Buy american. And tighten the rules for public infrastructure. Projects. Roads, bridges, canals. Airports. And i'm going to crack down on companies that label products, as made in america. Even if they're coming from china or elsewhere. You know we found out. That on trump's watch. A company. Selling, deployment, bags. To active duty troops, being deployed. Falsely, claimed. His product was made in america when in fact. It was really made mostly in china. Trump didn't do anything to. Respond. I'm not going to let that happen to my watch. We're going to have an office, at the white house. Dedicated, to making sure everyone is playing by the same. Made in america, rules. And one more.

Thing. When i say. We're going to use the purchasing, power of the federal government. To reinvigorate. Domestic, manufacturing. I mean it. We're going to do that with the american automobile, industry as well. The united states government, owns and maintains. An enormous. Fleet of vehicles. We're going to convert, those government vehicles into electric vehicles. Made in america. Sourced, right here, in the united, states of america. With the government providing, the demand, and, support, to retool, factories. That are suggesting. They're struggling to compete, the united states audible. Automobile, industry, will set up, expanding, the capacity. In the united states not china. To lead the world and clean, energy, vehicles. I can't wait to get a set behind that. All-electric, corvette, that goes 210, miles an hour, you all think i'm kidding i mean it. Last year. That converted, corvette, set a speed record. Of 210.2. Miles per hour. Electric, vehicle. So don't tell me we don't still make the best cars right here in the united states of america. And trucks. We're going to make it easy for american consumers, to switch to electric vehicles. We're going to build on all the new infrastructure, we're going to build on highways we're going to build a network of, 500. 000, charging, stations. Across, america, providing. Prevailing, wage jobs for the ibw. And other craftsmen. All across the country. And by offering rebates, and incentives. To swap older fuel-efficient, vehicles. For new clean american-made. Models. Saving hundreds, of millions of barrels of oil. And together. This will mean. Listen to me now. One, million. New. Jobs, in the american automobile, industry, 1, million. It's supply, chain, as well as associated. Infrastructure. We can do this. We can do this. We can revitalize. Our industrial, base. As the heart, of the american, middle class. Think about the worker in warren who. When the transmission, plan closed, he told a reporter, and i'm quoting him. Getting a good gm, job 23, years ago is for me, was like winning the lottery, he said. I was trying to start a family. I was able to buy a house. I went to disney, world all that. Think about that. A job that felt like winning a lottery. Because it opened the door. To a life. That you wanted for yourself. Because it gave you dignity. Allowed you to provide for your family. Getting a good job in 2020. Right here in america. Shouldn't be a lottery. It should be an absolute expectation. For everyone. I don't accept. The defeatist, view. That the forces, of automation, and globalization. Mean we can't keep good paying union, jobs here in america. And create more of them. I don't buy for one second. That the vitality, of american manufacturing. Is a thing of the past. We have the most qualified, workers in the world. American, manufacturing. Is the old expression, you heard your grandpop, say and grandmother, was the arsenal, democracy. In world war ii. Well guess what. It's going to be part of the engine of american, prosperity. Now, in 2021. And we're going to make it happen. With american, grit. American determination. And american. Union workers. Look folks. That's my promise to you. And keep in, mind. You know when, back in the 30s. They set up a law relating, to unions. It said that, not you could have a union. It said the government, should. Encourage. Unions. To increase coba. You're going to have. The best. Most friendly. Union president in history united states of america. When i'm in the white house. I want to thank you all. For all you do. Don't give up hope. Don't give up hope. We can come back we can come back stronger than we were before. I want to thank you all. I carry with me i don't have it i gave, gave it to my staff but i carry with me, in my pocket. Hey, do i have that, around anyone. Where's my staff. I gave it away anyway. I carry a schedule, in my pocket. That list every single day. The number. Of troops, lost. In afghanistan. And iraq. The number wounded. This is my schedule. The back of the schedule, is always a black box. You can't really see it the press may be able to. It says daily us, updates. Troops, died in iraq and afghanistan.

Six Thousand. Nine hundred and twenty-two. Not over six thousand six thousand nine hundred and twenty-two. Because every one of those women and men left behind. An entire. Group of people who relied, on them. U.s troops wounded in iraq and afghanistan. 53. 188. Not over 53. 000. Us, covet, infected. Military. Uh, excuse me u.s covenant infected. In america, six thousand, three hundred forty four thousand, seven hundred. Us kova deaths. One thousand. One hundred eighty nine, thousand, five hundred six. Military. Coven infected. One hundred and eighteen, thousand. Nine hundred and eighty four. Military, covet, deaths. 6. 1114.. Folks. Every one of these lives matter. Every one of these lives. Left somebody behind, grieving. We can't ever forget, them. Ever ever forget them. I thank you all. God bless you. And may god protect, our troops, thank. You. Got to make the world go. Round. Is. Mama's, youngest, child. Is.

2020-09-17 06:47

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