Biden delivers remarks on his 'Build Back Better' economic recovery plan

Biden delivers remarks on his 'Build Back Better' economic recovery plan

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Community, center. Actually. That's the one down i used to work, as a joke. You know where you were anyway. It's uh it's it's great to be here and uh. Back uh. A place where uh. You know. I want to thank. Wayne jefferson, for uh, having us here at the hicks anderson. Center. Everything from delaware, everybody knew who hicks was. He was deeply involved, in social justice, issues, and. Politics, in the state for a long time. And uh was really, very much engaged. Back in the days, when uh. When, after dr king was assassinated. And. And this, city was in flames. And uh. He was a good friend. A good friend. And i want to thank him for. I used to work over the east side. Uh. And uh. I uh i got to know, hicks, very well because he did a lot of work over there as well. And uh, you know, folks here at this center as wayne will tell you, doing god's work. This community, center gives, people, hope. And. And a place to belong. I saw hope as a senator, when as i said uh. I watched, my, son the attorney, general of delaware beau biden. He would attend mass at sacred heart, just up the street here. And then he'd walk here with his notebook, in hand and pocket and, sit around for the better part of the day and. See if he could find ways to help and see what they may need or not need. And it was on the as i said the east side where i uh. When i was a teenage, lifeguard, and my career as a public defender, started. That's how i got so involved, with the community. And this center as i said is named after my buddy. Hicks anderson he was everybody's friend hicks and i went. Way way back, you know we, just walk around wilmington. And everyone. Everyone, has a story, about hicks. How he cared, how he always is there for you and. How he built a wonderful family including, twin sons. Who. Gave, back so much to this community, continued, to do. They, they served in the united states army. And now they're, serving, jointly, as the, poet laureates. Of the state of delaware. And uh, and uh. Um, namdi, is a state representative. And hicks and his family, and, everyone, else at this center. Embodied, the defining, story. Of. Of america. For generations. Americans. Who are. Black, brown, native american. Immigrants. Have always. Been found they pushed out not fully included. From our democracy. And our economy. And it's by pure courage. Heart, and grit. They never gave up as they pursued the full. The full promise of america. That's the story. Of the people of this community. And of this country. That's why i couldn't think of a more meaningful. Place, to talk about. My build back, better economic, agenda. A bold, practical, plan that's going to help build. A stronger. And a more just and sustainable, economy. For everybody. Everybody, this time included. And it's a story of. Two civil rights here as we lost last week. One who. One who, shows the way forward. Each of them. Their separate ways. Reverend c.t, vivian. Who faced. Down, drownings. Beatings. And his comment was, you can't, turn your back. Upon the idea of justice. Enormous, courage and my friend. An american, hero congressman, john lewis who.

Crossed, The edmond pettis bridge. One last, time, on sunday. Who once said. Freedom is not a state. It's an act. I went over the bridge twice once with him and, i thought i knew a lot about it. Until you walk that bridge. And some of you have done it. And you get to the crest, of the bridge. The first time you can see down the other side. When i walked over with him a couple years ago. I thought to myself what in god's, name. Did it take in terms of eternal. Fortitude. Courage. To walk down there seeing those folks with clubs. And on horses. Waiting at the bottom of the bridge. With no way back. I spoke to john. Just before he died he was on his death bed. And they said he could talk he wanted to talk. Instead of answering my concerns. For him. He asked about me. He asked about us. He asked that we stay, focused. On the work left undone. To heal this nation. To remain undaunted. By the public health crisis, and the economic, crisis, taking the blinders. Off. In this crisis. And showed the systemic, racism. For what it is that plagues this nation. People have seen now. Those people allowed them to shelter in place. All those folks. Risking their lives stacking, the shelves and the supermarkets. Farming, the food, getting into. Our tables, all those folks. Most of whom. Are black and brown. One thing. The senate and the president can do right away. Is pass. Right away. Pass the bill to restore, the voting rights act. Just, yesterday. It was renamed, in the congress, in memory of john lewis. You know. Back the effusive, praise. We heard since he passed, especially. For many of our republican, friends back it was some action. Protect that sacred right to vote that he was willing to die for. If they don't. I've been saying all along it's one of the first things i'll do as president if elected. We can't let the fundamental, right to vote be denied, especially. In the middle as this pandemic. Rages, on. Nearly 150. 000 dead. From cover 19, and county. More than four million americans. Have tested positive. And county. Black and latinos. Are three times as likely to be infected, and twice as likely. To die from the virus, as white people. More than 30, million and counting. Are collecting, unemployment, checks. Black unemployment. Is at 15 percent, latino. 14.5. 40 percent. 40 percent, of black owned businesses. 440. 000. In total. Have reported, they had to shut down. And everything is worse is worse than by this crisis. Of presidential, leadership. To change the tone. Over the last few days, as trump has. Doesn't change the facts of the last four. Years. Donald trump faces. A real test. And he's failed it the basic, threshold, of being president. The duty to care for the entire. Country. Not just as reelection. Prospects. He's shown. That he can't beat, the pandemic. And keep you safe. He can't turn the economy, around and get america back to work. And he is horrifyingly. And not surprisingly. Intentionally, stoking, the flames. Of division, and racism, in this country. I've said from the outset. Of the recent protest. That there's no, place for violence, or destruction, of property. Peaceful protesters, should be protected, and arsonists. And anarchists, should be prosecuted. And local law enforcement, can do that. When president obama and i were in office we protected, federal property. We're able to do it without, the department, of homeland security. Turning it into a private militia. And it could be done today. But that wouldn't help trump's political interest. He's determined, to stoke division.

And Chaos. It's not good for the country. But donald trump doesn't care. His campaign. Is failing. And he's looking for a political, lifeline. This isn't about law and order it's about a political, strategy. To revive. A failing, campaign. Every instinct. Trump has is to add fuel. To the fire. That's the last thing. The last thing we need. We need leadership. We'll calm the waters and lower the temperature. That's how we'll restore, peace in the streets. But this election is not just about voting against donald trump. It's about. Rising. To this moment of crisis, understanding. People's trouble, struggles. And building, a future. Worthy, of their courage. And their ambition. To overcome. Last month. I stopped at bethel amy church here in wilmington, not far from here. I talked to a group of, faith and local leaders. They shared their pain. Their anger. And the frustration. At the state of affairs. State affairs in our justice, system. Our health care system our politics, our, economy. There's just a sense. And it's real. That the deck is stacked. Stacked against the community. The common theme. Was how do we break the cycle. In good times communities of color. Still lag. In bad times they get hit first, and the hardest. And in recovery. They take the longest, to bounce. Back. This is about justice. I proposed, a criminal justice reform a policing reform agenda. That i'm committed. To working with the congress. To see it through as president. It's also about jobs. Good paying jobs. Financial, stability. Building, wealth. For families, of cover. Of color. And passing, it down to their kids. It's about economic, growth. For our country. And outperforming. The rest of the world to stay ahead. It's also about dignity. For working people. In the middle class. Many of you heard me say it before my dad had an expression. He'd say joey a job's about a lot more than a paycheck. It's about your dignity. It's about respect. It's about your place in the community. And then by saying it's about being able to look your kid in the eye and say honey. It's going to be okay. And mean it. Over 50, of the people in america, don't think it's going to be okay. For their kids that they'll never meet the standard. Of living they had. Over the last few weeks. I've laid out my build back better plan. Based on, necessities. And on the idea. We can't just build back to what it was before. We have to build back better. This time bring everybody, along. We need to make bold. Practical, investments. To recover, from the economic, mess we're in. And to rebuild, the economic future our country deserves. I've explained, how, these investments, be paid for. I've laid it out. Today i'm here to explain, how the buildback, better plan. Will deal with systemic, racism. And advance. Racial, equity. In our economy. So far. The buildback, better plan has had three parts. I've spoken to. First. Investing. In american, manufacturing. And technology. So the future. Is made, in, america. And it includes, all americans. Not just the seven cities. The vast, majority. Of venture capitalist, condu. Under my plan. We will mobilize, the biggest, investment. In rebuilding, our country. Since world war ii. Creating, millions. Of good paying union jobs. It includes a historic. Investment. In federal procurement. Which is the way government purchases, goods and services. Under my proposal. We'd make sure those goods and services, are american-made. And american supply, chains. Like american, steel for building and energy efficient vehicles, and battery technology, and so on. But for too long. Federal contracting, for this work has been inaccessible. To too many black and brown entrepreneurs. And businesses. They too often never. Get a fair shot to apply. My plan makes sure that contractors. And subcontractors. Of color, get a fair shot. We're going to triple the existing, federal goal for contracting, with small disadvantaged. Businesses. From, five percent. To a minimum of 15 percent. By 2025.. We'll create jobs, and growth along the way. We can do that. The second plan can build back better. Advances, racial equity by mobilizing. Our infrastructure. And taking, on climate change, with, jobs. Take do this. The third plank might build back better investment. Is in caregivers. Who take care of our loved ones, and our kids. If we truly want to reward, the work. In this country. We have to ease the financial, burdens, of care. That families are carrying. We have to elevate. The compassion. Benefits, and dignity. Of caregiver, workers and early childhood, educators.

Families, Are squeezed, emotionally. And financially. Trying to raise their kids. And care for their parents or loved ones. Living with a disability. My guess is if some of you've been through that. With a parent, who's ill and can't take care of themselves. You have to make the choice of going to work or staying home and take care of them. Because the cost is so. Incredible. Or a young child under the age of five figuring how you pay for it. I was a single parent for five years with a lot of help. And i had a good salary i was making 42. Dollars a year. Without my family i couldn't have done it. They need help. But often they can't afford it. And the professional, caregivers, out there. Home health workers, child care workers. Who are often, women, women of color and immigrants. Are too often underpaid. Undersea. And undervalued. But these are things we can do right now. To ease the burden. My plan. Would clear the waiting list that exists now. Of 800. 000 people who are eligible. For home and community, care. For a loved one, through medicaid. Who've signed, up. But are waiting, 800. 000.. My plan would make sure. Every three and four-year-old, child. Gets access to free high-quality. Preschool. Like students have at this center. But i do. With title one schools. And low middle income families, won't spend more than seven percent of their income on child care. For children under the age of five. The most. Hard-pressed. Working families. Won't have to spend a dime because they'll be free. My pam would pay and support. Our caregivers, who overwhelmingly. As i said are women of, color. This plan to help workers especially, those without college degrees. Gain new skills. In good paying industries, like health care. And provides, a pathway, to advance their careers for example. A home health care worker. Under this plan will have access to training you need to become an emt. Or a nurse. Or physician's, assistant. We don't just put millions of americans. To work in new care and elderly, and, early childhood education, jobs. Will also free up millions more to rejoin. The paid workforce. Studies indicate at least 2 million additional, jobs. Will be created, and more economic, growth for our. Nation. And the economy, as a whole. Will grow. We can do this. Today i'm laying out a fourth part of my build back better plan. Advancing. Racial equity. Across the american, economy. Not just. Part of. The other pillar of bill back better. But this is in its own right. To start, we create, a new small, business, opportunity, fund. It dramatically, expands, on the successful, obama biden initiative. That generated, more than five billion and five dollars in private equity, for every one dollar in public investment, in a small business. Particularly, in hard-pressed, areas. We're going to make take 30 billion. Of our made in america investment. I announced earlier this year. And put it into this fund. It will allow the expanded. Federal support. For the most effective, state local and non-profit, programs, to provide venture capital. And financing, for minority, business owners and communities, in need. Will also allow us to support, community development, banks. That have a proven, record of investing. In minority.

Small Businesses. That 30 billion. Is estimated, to leverage. 150. Billion in new financing. And equity. For more black and brown. Small businesses. So our small business opportunity, fund supports, an investment. In a small manufacturer, of color, seeking to commercialize, a new technology, for example. That helps the manufacturer, get started. Then private, investors, we know. Notice the promise of that business and invest, their private dollars as well. That helps manufacturers. Scale, and grow. That's how we'll make sure. That those with the best ideas. Are not denied, the venture capital or financing, they need, because of race or zip code. And here's why it matters. Right now we're in the midst of one of the greatest threats to small businesses, our country has ever seen. With donald, trump. Doing about it. Well he's giving big banks. The green light. The loan millions of dollars that they're covered for by the federal government. And make millions of dollars in fees. By favoring their most well-off. And well-connected. Clients while shutting the door. On smaller, black and brown business without these connections you all remember, some of you covered when i first laid out what i thought needed to be done, in the first. Recovery, plan put forward. By the congress. I said we should use. The president should use the authority, he has. Under the defense production, act. To force, big banks. To have to lend. To small businesses, they're guaranteed, the loan. We bailed them out before. Forced them to land but what did they do. Do you have a credit card with us, have you established, credit with us do you have a bank account with us doing a good list goes on. And they're denied. The result. Billions, of dollars in covert relief programs for small businesses, benefit. Ones who had lawyers and accountants, to help them, better connect to businesses. Jumped at the head of the line. And the big banks. Accommodated. Black and brown small businesses, that needed to help most got shut out. In fact just 12 percent. 12. Of black and brown businesses, surveyed, seeking help. Got the aid they asked for. Now half of them say they're going to have to close up shop. And they're a major, source of employment in america. Our economy can't afford. For them to close. Their families, can't afford for them to close. Under my plan. 50, of emergency, small business relief. Would be reserved, for the smallest, businesses. Of 50, or fewer employers. Right now we're talking 500.. They are small business compared to the fortune 500, but do you think most people think the neighborhood, stores. Have 500, employees in a small business. Ride down the main streets. Of so many small towns around america and big towns. And see them shuttered. This would help minority-owned. Business get life-saving. Loans. Before the well-connected. Businesses, jump to the head of the line. But removing the barriers for black and brown entrepreneurs. To start. And grow businesses. Is only one of many things we have to do to close, the racial wealth gap in this nation. Expanding. Black and brown. Home ownership. Is another. Today american, cities. There are a number. Where about 75, percent of white americans own their homes. Only 25, percent, of. Black and brown citizens, or black sessions, own their homes. Even in the middle. Class communities, of color. The same homes. That exist in the white community. Are often valued significantly, less. Those black residents. Then see their wealth accumulate, much more slowly. Many of you from families like mine middle class families where do we accumulate, where did my parents accumulate, any ability. To borrow and generate any wealth. In their home. That's how it got built. That's how a lot of us are able to send our kids to school. To borrow against that. When a house is an asset that helps build equity, and wealth. The homeownership. Disparity. Denies, equal opportunity. My housing, plan. Is going to. Be. It's want to give that person a second chance. And. Seal. Ceiling and expunging, of certain non-violent, criminal records if the state chooses to do that. The federal government will help put together the process and allow them the money to be able to know how to organize, to do that. Organize, their system.

That's What racial, equity. In our economy, looks like. Here's another step we're going to take under my build back better plan to fully include more people. Into the deal. We're going to strengthen, the federal reserve's, focus. On racial, economic. Equity. The fed. Has a profound, impact on our economy. Most people wouldn't even think the fed has anything to do with this. Its existing, mandate. Promotes. Maximum, employment. And stable prices. Under my plan i believe the fed should add that risk to that responsibility. And aggressively. Target persistent. Racial, gaps, in jobs wages, and wealth. Revise, its hiring, and employment, practices, achieve greater diversity. At all levels, of, that institution, including diverse, nominees. For the board of governors. And the regional federal banks. So the chairman of the federal reserve. Provides, a report on the health. Of our economy. We'll know if the economy is helping everybody. That's when racial equity is not just an aspiration. But a theory. Of change. How to build our economic, future to include everyone. To include all those remarkable, people out there doing extraordinary, things. Given just half a chance. I met a, couple. We're in here somewhere. Markivis. Where are you. See that young man right there i hope i not embarrass you and his lovely wife. Markivis, who i just met backstage. His mom and dad never went to college. And he was 12. When someone gave him so someone gave him hand him an old laptop. Computer. He took it apart. Put it back together. It changed his life. At 17, he got certified, to become, an i.t. Systems specialist. He went to college, studied abroad came back home. Seen the digital divide in his community. And he started a business. Getting computers, to folks. He's now 22, married a little baby and expecting, another. And he has seven employees. His goal. Is to teach people how to repair and recycle, computers, and create a workforce. Development, program. To get them trained. For good paying i.t jobs. Pretty incredible. He's incredible. Some of the people he helped. Only had eighth grade educations. Never used a computer, before. Five weeks later. They know how. Some are now earning, 15. An hour, for their first job and for the first time. They're incredible. He wants to scale up this business. And continue to reinvesting. In his community. That's pure courage. Heart, and gut. He never gives up the pursuit of a full promised american, that's who we are. That's what this election is all about. We are america. We don't settle. We aspire. And we succeed. I'm happy to take your questions. Let me get my list here. Okay. Jessica. Mr vice president, i want to talk a little bit about your vp, pick we're narrowing, in on the time frame that you had identified, as when you would make your announcement, are you still targeting, early august. And. How many of these people, how many finalists, do you have into you are you going to be able to meet with them in person, because of coven. I'm going to try to figure out how to trick you all so i can meet with them in person. You got crews outside my house, i don't think it matters actually. What i said was that i will. I'm going to have a, a choice. In the first week. In august. And. I promise. I'll let you know when i do. But will you get to meet with them in person do you think will i what i'm sorry will you be able to meet with them face to face. Well we'll see. You're going to have to wear masks. They will have to wear masks will you get tested, do you think if you have to do that, for kovid. I'm not prepared to say much more than that right okay. Thank you. All right, i'm supposed to call on people right okay. Mary bruce abc. Thank you mr vice president. This pandemic, is taking a terrible, toll on american, lives and also the economy, but are there specific, states, right now, that you think should halt their reopenings, and roll things back, and if so which states.

Well. I uh. I'm not going to comment in every state but any state. Where. The rate, is, more than one to one here. Should be in fact rolling, back. Look. From the beginning, of my view. The president has had, given us a false choice. He said that we have to get back to work. And, also deal with. Covet. You can't, get this country going again. Unless you get, coveted under control. And so he has been really. Late in the game. To getting around himself, wearing a mask for example. We, waited, for he as, you've heard it a hundred times the columbia, studies showing that, if it acted just one week earlier it would be, i think it was thirty, seven thousand was it thirty one thousand more people alive two weeks earlier fifty seven thousand or whatever. The point is that, there's no clear message, there's a federal responsibility. To lay out really clear guidelines. It's like opening up our schools. What's happening, now is, there's a national. We need, the cdc, they had very strict guidelines, they were going to do it first, they've watered those down in my view what i've seen, is talking the docs that i deal with, about three times a week and given, an hour and a half an hour 50 minute brief. And uh, and so i think that what's happening now, is even in the states where it's, about you know freedom. Freedom versus. Physical, safety of, your neighbor, and, and, communication, of the virus. Even in those states they're now, locking down. And they're locking down counties which have high returns. On. Testing. The president says his answer was we'll stop testing, so we're not going to know okay we won't know who's, who has the virus. I think it's really important. And here it takes me into. What the next stage of this is as you know, i know you covered this a lot. I called a long time ago meaning several months. That we should be putting together. Right now. And we should be providing, about 25, billion dollars to do it. To make sure that we have a detailed, plan. Once. A vaccine. Is in fact. Found, god willing, sooner than later. To be able to be distributed, to all america. And anything, beyond that. And it's really a difficult, logistical. Thing to do. Where's the planning, to do that. We said the same thing about testing, and tracing. We still don't have enough tests we still not have the capacity, to trace. And so it really, really i pray. The president, in fact takes advantage, of, the prospect. Of getting a vaccine. Near. Just before, just after the first of the year, so we're able, to distribute, it, and do it in a way that, deals with every part of america. But there's been no planning. That i can see. And to be clear have you been tested yet. No i have not. Thank you, thank. You. All right. Greg anderson, delaware, state. News. Uh you've had these meetings in dover the last. Delaware the last three weeks i'm just curious, why delaware. To be here making these announcements. Because i'm. Home. This is my home, and this is uh. Making this announcement, in terms of whether i did this announcement, in. In seattle, washington, or in. You know, new mexico, uh. Wouldn't matter it gets the same coverage, no matter where it is. And it was just a lot easier to be able to communicate, with staff. Work with staff that's in philadelphia, and the like to get this, all lined up. And. And, what i found is, operating, out of home, all the stuff about. Hiding in the basement. Uh well. Over, 340. Million people, have watched what we've done like this. On television. That's as big as the american population. So i'm learning, that it doesn't the way people, are. Viewing the news and absorbing, the news these days. Is totally different than it was before. So i find it really doesn't make a whole lot of difference, where. You do it from as long as we can do it safely. And, i, secondly. The reason i want to do this is because of hicks anderson. I can think of no more if i were in washington, at the time i'd come here. For dealing with this issue because of my buddy hicks and what, has been done and what he was all about. It's just as a delaware thing as you probably know. Thank you, thank. You. Okay. Um. Mike. Thank you sir. You just said that you believe that the president, is intentionally. Provoking, some of these violent clashes we're seeing particularly, in portland, but as you might know the president you turn your mic down a little bit so i can hear you better i'm sorry, it helps to be a little taller i suppose no no i didn't mean that.

You Just said that you believe the president is intentionally provoking. Some of the violence we've seen in these, clashes, in portland, specifically. But as you might know the president, in his tweets, and his campaign, and the television, ads they're running, is warning that if you're president we would see similar. Scenes throughout the country i wonder how you would respond, to that, and if you were president right now what specifically, would you be doing to strike the balance, between. The right to peaceably, assemble. But mitigating, the kinds of violence and the damage to public property that we're seeing. I'd be. Using local police as we did when we were, in office. When there were riots in our federal property at stake. We were able to take care of that. We're able to take care of by the use of, not, what as wide as this obviously. The use of. Of local police. And the fact is that, arsonists, should be held accountable. People carrying, guns shooting, should be held accountable. People who engage in criminal activity, should, and must be held accountable, and taken to trial. But what's happened here is this has just, caused such, enormous, political, division. And it's all about being able to you see, some of the ads. You know you see cities burning, call 911.. Biden, is you know and they have my picture in the background, you know and, if it's if it's a rape dial one if it's. Anything else it's going to take seven days i mean, come on. That is all about, trying to. Come up with a. Bizarre. Law and order. 2020. Campaign, thing to try to scare the devil out of the american, people. And what's happened is it as. Look. Mike. When the president, decided, he had to walk. Across from the white house to a group of peaceful. Demonstrators. To an episcopal, church to hold a bible upside, down which i don't know how often he reads. Um. And he used the military. To do that. Did you ever think you'd see a chairman of the joint chiefs of staff. Apologizing. To the nation. For participating. In that. Did you ever see you think you'd see, four. Former chiefs of staff talk about how, everything's about dividing, the country. That wasn't about being able to walk across. And hold up the bible. That wasn't about. The church, burning. Or being burned. It was about. As his own people said his own. Own commander. It was about to dividing. The country. Preying on. When you have, a president. Who, in the almost the same day the state of mississippi. Takes the confederate, flag, off of their flag. And he's defending. The confederate, flag. It's just a matter of heritage. And why is it still being flown or something to that effect at nascar. And why things are down. This is about division. This is about trying to split the country. And so far thank god. The american, people aren't having any of it. Over 70 percent of the people in the country thinking, the protesters. That, that, do you ever think you see 77, people saying black lives matter. Because they see what happens. And they're not buying, on to. This racial, division. That's what he's done from the very beginning. As you've heard me say coming down an escalator, today now says you're going to get rid of those mexican, rapists and judges. I mean. This is. So, mike i don't think you need to do that but i think we do need to hold. Those who violate, the law accountable. You should never, let. What's done. In a, march for equal rights. Overcome. What the reason for the march is. And that's what these folks are doing. And they should be arrested, found arrested, and tried. And sir if i can as you finish the roll out of your economic, plan, during the course of the primaries, you were critical of some of your democratic, opponents. For putting forward, plans that you thought were too expensive and not realistic.

In Terms of getting passed. I wonder if you can, you're now proposing, nearly 3 trillion dollars as part of this, in spending as part of this economic, plan can you. Describe, your evolution, in terms of what you view as, achievable. If you're elected, and sworn in as president. I think there's a big difference between, saying. Figuratively, speaking no one can be a millionaire. It's a bad thing. Saying that we are going to provide. A medical plan that cost 30 trillion dollars or 32, trillion dollars. And being able to think you'd get it passed. And. Being, able. To pass, in this. Environment. Legislation. That. The circumstances. Have demonstrated. Is needed to solve real problems, for example. The idea. That we can continue. To be in a circumstance. Where, we reward, companies, for. Government contractors, for going overseas, to make their products. That we can continue, to provide tax breaks for that effort. When we find we come up short with everything, from. Reagents. Or nasal swabs. To not being able to provide, for. The kinds of steel we need to do certain things in american, ships and the like. Is, is is is. Totally, different. Than that, what we're going to what we're talking about. Is using. Federal, dollars, that have already. Been appropriated. To. Focus, them on. Building, things, that make us and increase our independence. So we don't have to rely. On anyone, else. For whether it's. Cyber security, and cyber information. Or whether or not it is. Steel, to make the banisters. On. On. Our destroyers. We in fact, should be able to do that those things that are necessary. That we have the capacity, to do at home. Do them at home. It's not industrial, planning, it's the things that, only the united states. Government, can do. For example, the same thing with regard to the whole my whole plan relative, to. The environment. We in fact. Can or the only outfit. Companies aren't going to come along and go spend. A trillion dollars on infrastructure. Rebuild, highways. Bridges that are causing people to die when they collapse, and, and they're still unsafe. Making sure ports are, are accessible, and ships can get in and out and unload their cargo, what's that, the government does that. And when the government, does that. The government, should be in fact insisting, that. Using that taxpayer. Dollar. We, are. Buying, the product, from an american, manufacturer. Made in america. Employing, american, workers, getting a decent wage. And that's that's not industrial, policy it's the things the government does anyway. It's like you've heard me say before. The president, united states and i'm president i'm gonna, inherit. The largest, auto and truck fleet in the world. Owned by, the taxpayers. Well. What do you think we should do. Well i think we should be doing is making sure we end up owning. The electrical, vehicle market. So. What i'm going to do is, move, move to make sure all those vehicles, become. Carbon neutral. Building, 550. 000 charging, stations up and down, federally, built highways, and controlled highways. Generating. The kind of growth. Union, wages, that can provide, good jobs for people. And bring everybody, along. So, it is very different than saying we're going to go out and find another. 38. Trillion dollars. And get that passed. In a congress, where you didn't have the support, to get it, i predict you'll find. That i get significant, support, particularly. If. I think is going to happen. I think we're going to take back the united states senate. And again, we're just spending the dollars that are already appropriate, in many cases, and how we spend them. Thank you sir. Okay ed o'keefe. Cbs. Thank you sir, um. I'll take this off. You alluded to this in in your remarks. And i bring it up because, polling, is bearing this out a little bit. But are you running. Against, president, trump. Or for. President, and for joe biden in other words. You alluded to this, but a lot of voters seem to think or saying that their support, hinges on the fact that you're not the president.

So. Why perhaps should they be voting, for you and not just against the president. That's why i'm laying out these detailed, plans. Look. Uh. I'm running because. Trump is the president. And i think our democracy's. At stake, for real. And, uh. What. Seems to be the case. As many americans. Those who don't like me and those who do. View me as the antithesis. Of trump. And. I believe, that i am. And. I. When i announced. I said i was running because i thought it was essential. To restore. Basic decency, the soul of america. But i really meant it it wasn't, you know remember i got criticized, early on for saying that, now everybody's, talking about. The soul of america decency, honor respect. The second, reason i said i was running. Is because, even back when people were talking about how well the economy, was moving. I thought the middle class was still getting crushed. And working class folks were hurting badly. All this talk about how happy they were i didn't see any numbers showing they were so happy. Because, people were, getting paid. Badly. They were being, corporate america, was overreaching. In terms of who they felt they had an obligation, to deal with at all. And thirdly. The thing i got most criticized. For and understandably. Was i said we have to unite america. And they said well that's just a pipe dream you used to be able to do that joe but everything's changed. Well if we can't unite america we're gone. We're dead, democracy, is dead. It requires, consensus, i'm not that's not hyperbole. It requires. Consensus. And that's why i used to, be sometimes, critical when people stand at the base they say, i'm going to buy executive, order do the following. Well that's trump he doesn't have the authority, to do. Half of what he's doing by executive, order. That is not democracy. And so. What i hope. The good news i think is the bad news based on. All the million polls have been done by your network and everybody else. Is the good news the bad news. People know me. They know me warts and all. And. The reason. Why, i'm running. Because, i think i have, two, qualities, at this moment. That aren't always the most relevant, qualities. Needed. In the president. It changes. Everything is every election is different. One is. That. I know a fair amount about american foreign policy. And i have relations, all over the world. And those who don't like me respect me and those who do like me respect, me. I know how to get things done internationally, doesn't mean i can solve a problem. But i am. I understand. The national security, and intelligence, issues, that's what i've done my whole life. Trump has no notion. Of it. None. Think of how he talks. About putin. My, god. And he talks to him privately, and says he's not he didn't he's not going to tell you whether he raised the fact that putin's. Paying, the taliban. Number one number two. I have been relatively, good. At bringing people together, in the united states congress, and politically. It's going to be a lot harder.

Things Have changed. A lot harder. But. Depending, on the outcome of the election. In terms of the senate outrage, house races. It could become very much within reach. Because. I'll say it again. I've never questioned anybody's, motive. I've never lied to a political opponent and misled, them even when. I was in the senate and i'd say you i need your vote on this but i got to tell you vote for it this part of your constituency, is going to be mad at you. I've never misled anybody. I don't expect anybody to voluntarily. Agree. Agree to be in the second editions of profiles, and courage. I try to recognize, the limits of where they can go, and still, find a principal. Compromise. And so. They're the two things that i think we very, badly, need now. And lastly. I think. That. Notwithstanding. The fact i think i have laid out. The most detailed, plans. On the economy. And, on. Issues relating to health care and the rest. Of any president of modern history. I mean it's awful detail if, if i'm electing this passes. Uh. I'm going to be going to go down as almost progressive, presidents, in american history. But none of the things i'm talking about are inconsistent. With. A, free market. They're not inconsistent. With capitalism. But they require. Certain safeguards. Just like you know. That whole thing, you know. It took uh. It took a capitalist, to save capitalism, well you know. I think there's a lot, that. We can, get done. And will get done. And that's why. Last thing i'll say remember i was, criticized, by saying i'm going to campaign, in states for senators, and house members. Or states that i'm not likely to be able to win. Because, what everything, shows, and you know this inside out and backwards, all of you do. That when the national, party doesn't invest. In areas, where. There's a tight race. It hurts, the local officials, up and down the list. And so, this is we got to build a bench here. And that's what this is about as well. So, i'm hoping that people will take a look at. What i've done. What i'm proposing. Why. It's in their interest. That they move in the direction i'm suggesting. And i think that, is. What, we're seeing some response, to, i have a quick, uh coveted, question in this regard, the florida marlins today, announced they had to suspend their season. Be curious. Because i know you get briefings, on how, kovid, should be dealt with and how society, should be. Comporting, itself in the midst of all this, what do you make of how sports leagues. Are. Starting to play again and frankly for that matter, what do you make of how schools. Are considering, all this. President's, considering, or has said he would withhold federal funding from. States or school districts that don't reopen. Or that yeah that don't reopen. I mean, you must have thoughts on all this, well i do i've laid out an interest time i've laid out we'll get your copy of my. School reopening, plan what i think is required, in order to do that there's some circumstances. You can do that. But you have to make significant, investments, to do that. In order to provide, for, protective, gear in order to provide. For. Social distancing, in order to have testing, and tracing, and all those things, it's possible. But it's it's a significant. Investment. And, it requires. The certainty, that. Teachers, as well as students are going to be protected. And where you're in a high. Intensity. Area. Where there's a lot of covet. It is not a good idea. Evidence, the fact that. Do a rhetorical, question i'm not expecting you to answer it do you think the president all of a sudden decided, not to go to tallahassee.

Because, He no longer he thought it was the interest of the public. For jacksonville, i mean jacksonville. Florida. I'm thinking of the capital, to go to florida, to jacksonville. Well because. Even the republicans, down there said we don't want you doing this. We don't want you doing this. They're just. It's a mistake. And so i think that. It, there are. Guidelines. That have to be much made much more specific. By the cdc. They should let the scientists. Speak. Let the scientists, speak. I'm happy the president, is back holding his uh. His uh. Conferences. On kova, every day. I don't know what tell he's adding to it except it's good he's wearing a mask. And saying the right things. Mostly. But. This is about science. This is about science this is about. Expertise. This is about transparency. And we've got to make it available to the american people. Because what everybody's finding out i'll end with is it. Is that. The circumstance. Is such. That even, when. Even when. The. Business, is opened. People aren't showing up. Because they don't think it's safe in many. And so. There ought to be a system whereby. And which i propose, that you can lay out the details, of what you're doing, in your. Business. And be able to put. A sign out. That says. It's safe i've met all the standards. But the idea. That we're just going to say open up and people are going to show up, they're not. They're not, should there be sports right now though should major league baseball. Go on well it seems to me. That. It's probably not going to be able to happen. Based on. Based on what the leagues themselves, are saying. I mean you have the marlins, saying, we can't do it so many people. So i think they should just follow the science. The one thing that seems to work a little bit. I don't know is basketball. Where no one's traveling. They're all, sequestered, in one place. It's like, look. Many of you have all of you have families. Moms, dads, etc. If they come from another state. You go from yours from wherever you are to their state. Well you should be quarantining. Before. You go see them. Up to 12 days. Think about it. The united states of america. You can't travel to a whole hell of a lot of european countries you can't get in a plane and go there. Don't come. You're a danger to us. It's because we're not following the science. And there's very little transparency. Of what's going on. But i have confidence, at the end of the day. Out of so when you you know when you have a lot of, football, players. Turning down eight ten million bucks a year. And say i'm not going to take the risk of playing. You gotta listen. You gotta listen so, i'm not gonna opine, on every sport. But it seems to me. That when you have to travel. When you have to be in hotel, rooms or places that are different than you've been. The day before. When you are in a position where you walk going into an area. Where there is a high concentration. Of, the spread of covet.

All Those things, add up to, a real. Problem. And i don't and we're not going to really overcome, that. Until. We follow, science, and, get a vaccine. But i want to say it again i'm going to keep saying it. The president. As. We speak. Should be starting. And should have started, three months ago. To put someone in charge, of how. Specifically. Like waging, a war. How are you going to distribute. The vaccine. When, it arrives. When, it arrives. When it's there. And the question of whether it's real when it's there, that requires, enormous, transparency. You've got to make all of it available to other experts across the nation. So they can look and see. So there's consensus, this is a safe vaccine. Because already you have what percentage, the american people saying if the vaccine, were there tomorrow. They wouldn't take it, and it's not the usual anti-vaccine. Crowd. It's beyond that. Because people are losing, faith, in what. The president, says. Think about it. What. The words of a president, matter. Significantly. They can as i said before, take us to war they can bring peace they can rise up to cause a market to rise. They can do good things but, people listen to what a president, says. And if a president repeatedly, says things to you that are not true. And then there comes a time when they say i have something that i think can cure you but. It could really hurt you. You're not going to listen to the guy who says been lying to you in the long run. Anyway. Thank you so much, appreciate, the time, and i'm getting out of here thank. You.

2020-07-31 17:09

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