Best Techniques For Beginner Traders With Limited Time

Best Techniques For Beginner Traders With Limited Time

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Good morning good evening good afternoon.  For those of you guys who do not know me   my name is Navin Prithyani, senior trader  at also head mentor at starting off with a question  of if you're new what are the techniques to   get started into trading especially if you're  full-time so let's talk about a few things here   let's talk about a few things here a couple  of things that you need to understand um   before we begin uh a couple things some of you  guys saying thank uh thank you for the kind   comments for the hairstyle yeah i just got it  cut today so looking like johnny bravo today if   you ask me okay anyways so let's  get started let's get started   okay so you're a person who's curious and  saying hmm should i trade should i trade   is it hard is it easy can i make this  my career is it very mathematical   is it very math oriented is it very  oh i can't keep up with all the news   okay there's so much news involved i don't  know what i'm gonna do with this i i don't   like the news it's very confusing you know is it  technical analysis now what technical analysis   means is just looking at charts am i gonna have  to look at my charts and decipher what is this   stuff that i see in front of my eyeballs and  then do something about that right so let's   answer a few of those questions today for those  of you guys who are starting off and actually   looking to see is trading going to be a career  for you okay trading is an answer to one question an answer to one question it's deal hunting  that's what trading is okay i'm gonna ask you   guys this one question when you guys go shopping  do you love to get a bargain or do you love to   pay retail if you say i love to pay retail i will  tell you right now trading is not right for you   just off the bat it's not gonna work you might  as well quit now but if you love a bargain   if you are the guy who goes to the store and says  hey how much for this cd the store owner says 40   and you're like you know what let me  write down the serial number of this cd   and then you go online you're like all  right oh yeah man it's awesome  

it's super cheap here it's 20 dollars cool  cool cool i'd love to buy it from there right   how many guys have that type of characteristic  yeah good good good good good all right all right   now if that is your personality then trading  is nothing but deal hunting just imagine   all you're doing is trading is looking for a deal  right those of you guys who who've been offended   or ridiculed growing up by people saying hey man  don't be so cheap don't be so cheap it is that   cheapness that's gonna get you more money in  life as a trader trust me so don't feel bad   it's actually a good thing it's actually a good  thing it is what what people look down on is   actually what's going to be your greatest weapon  does that make sense so far so good you're with me   yeah fajar is saying be cheap as hell yeah exactly  there you go okay all right so how do we be cheap   how do we be cheap okay let's send it's a dirty  word how do we find a deal let's put it that way   okay no one's cheap how do we find  a good deal right okay all right so   what we're looking for in trading is an answer to  a few questions is an answer to a few questions   ready which way is the market headed what's  my deal or discount and if you do get it for   a discount can you sell it later for hire this  is your evolution of trading right here these   three things if you're outside of these three  parameters you are not trading you are gambling   okay trading is nothing but  another word for business   okay you are competing in this world of business  but the way you're doing that you're saying   let's say you you have a uh what's the best thing  to say let's say PlayStations okay something   simple so let's say you know PlayStations  are hot these days the latest playstation has   been out for a while now it's hot but there's  high demand for it there's high demand for it   but there's not enough supply if you find a way  let's say the playstation is currently valued   at 500 for example and you have a way to say  hmm since not everyone can get it can i get my   hands on the playstation and they say well one guy  says i have it i'll give it to you for 505 dollars   you know the demand is there so step one check  you know it's going up there is demand there   but step two is not a check you you are paying  higher than current market prices the average   current market price you want to get it lower  so if they say i will give it to you for 450   if you buy a lot okay you pick it up for a  discount and then because you know there is   a demand can you sell it for hire and say i'm  gonna put it on Ebay for six hundred dollars   right what is happening in a chart when you look  at a forex chart is this basic understanding of   prices are going in a certain direction and  you're like okay i get that then the concept   comes in i'm not gonna run after it i'm not gonna  buy up in the sky because that's not a discount   so stage one is done i know which direction  it's headed stage two is i need a better deal   i don't pay retail i never did i never will right  so we're not going to pay these prices up here   we want the deal to come in as the deal comes  in and as you buy in the discounted rate   you want to make sure you're able to sell it back  higher okay you want to be able to sell it higher   while the demand is still ongoing  okay so let me ask you guys one thing   tell me something that growing up in your life you  saw in high demand for a certain period of time   just growing up just reminisce a little bit  farther back and i'm going to say it out loud   whatever i see in the chat sugar well sugar sugar  is one thing boom boxes Pokemon cards okay that's   pretty cool covet vaccine nice okay blackberry uh  fuel corn Nintendo, oil, vaccin on the pandemic   yo-yos okay let's use something simple like  yo-yos or converse sneakers there you go   there you go sony ericsson phones there you go  there you go so you see a trend going up right   let's say that's sony ericsson guys for all of you  guys you guys know what the sony ericsson was the   old classic phone right all right so let's say  sony ericsson at that time when the buzz was hot   if you have a way to get a good deal will you  be able to sell it higher at that time if you   bought it for a good deal would you be able to  sell it higher and make a profit yes you can let   me ask you this if right now the sony ericsson  price is 50 and you have a guy saying you know   what i got 100 of them i'll give them to you for a  dollar a piece you might think you have a discount   but will you be able to sell it higher you  see so just getting a discount on its own   is not sufficient if you understand this logic  and it sits well with you i need a demand   i need a discount and because the demand is there  i can sell it back you see what you're doing   you're like a middleman entering the competition  says all right let me get on get in on this action   so the demand has to be there  the discount has to be there   and then you have to sell it back for a profit and  that's all you're doing on repeat over and over   and over and over again and while doing this prop  process you're learning how exactly should i do it   do i buy it here do i buy it there do i buy  it here do i buy it there do i buy it there   do i buy it there how do i know when to buy  it that's the whole process of your education   that's the whole process of your  education do i buy less here more here   that's another piece how do i know it's going  up what if it goes down more for a discount and   then it goes up but you understand the logic right  the logic is those three things direction discount   sell it back for hire for much more sell it back  for much more if these three three things are in   balance they're they're all done correctly you are  a profitable trader you now understand business in   general but you also understand trading that's  the concepts so if anyone tells you the way to   trade is you see this line right here if you  touch that line you have to hit the sell button   you see this uh little thing i'm drawing here  i'm gonna have six different lines coming out   of it all different percentages  okay this is a universal concept   whenever this percentage is reached you have to  hit the sell button or whenever this percentage   is reached you have to hit the buy button that  logic might not be there of the one two and three   that i just told you about that is a pattern  a pattern a pattern does not solve the one   the two and the three that we keep repeating  fundamentally these three things need to be there   okay okay i have one one one um you're saying  but i have seen some people who just trade   like that and they are still profitable how  impossible guaranteed life savings guaranteed   you want me to sign it somewhere i'll  sign it somewhere they're not profitable   okay let's move forward let's move forward okay  so the one two and three okay okay keep that in   mind keep that in mind okay direction okay uh  direction discount i'll just put a percentage   discount and then uh sell higher sell back four  more okay simple as that sell back four more   okay so shall we explore a little bit into this so  again you're starting off as a new person looking   to come into this market okay looking to come  into this market and you're like where do i begin   how do i know if this is right for me before you  even get into the knowledge and opening the books   or education or picking up courses or mentorship  programs does this sit right with you internally   if yes then you are a born trader it's not in  your DNA but if this is what you do in real life   where you find a deal at Ikea you go shop at  the what's that check out area towards the   Ikea where they have all the discounts and stuff  like that where you buy it you use it and then at   the end you're like maybe let me sell it back  on craigslist or o o l x ola or something like   that i don't know different countries have  different websites but and then you sell it   back you're like hey i actually made a profit  from this yeah olx right there you go right   so so far so good so far so good so let me ask  all of you guys one thing right now right now if this is you do not feel bad anymore this is  the time to shine this is when you thrive more   than the average person it's because of this  old habit that hasn't gone away you're gonna   do well okay never go out of this context now  let's take it further into now the techniques techniques okay i'm telling you right now many  people you know many people are you know who are   in this webinar i'm sure if i can turn on the  chat you'll probably see this many people who   are in this webinar they'll probably tell you  what i'm teaching you right now right here just   from the one two and three thing most people  have been in this industry for two three years   and they don't even have that piece  always going check check check   they're just following a pattern and pattern and  pattern oh my pattern's not working new pattern   new pattern no that pattern is not working new  pattern oh that pattern's not working because   the logic is missing the logic of what is trading  they don't know they don't know what is trading   so i want you to start the right way i want you to  start the right way first now that you understand   trading let's move to how how do we get started  with this i'm going to give you a list of things   that you must must know that you must must know so  what do you want to study okay i have webinars for   a lot of these things all for free available  on youtube you can go on there and just binge   watch it okay binge watch it and all my ads are  turned off you can binge watch it peacefully   okay no ads i was a big fan of on-demand uh stuff  for a long time you know uh i don't want ads and   i want ads all right so there you go enjoy so you  want to study support and resistance okay i don't   care if you study it from me or from another nut  case that's similar to me support and resistance   you must know this okay support and resistance  now one thing about support and resistance   remember one thing once you do this i want you  to ask the question why next thing trend lines   once you learn this i want you to ask the question  why is this important the next thing i want you to   understand market states oops that's a really bad  end market state okay and those of you guys who   have been in the industry for a long time you  have to know this too if you feel oh i know this   stuff i know this stuff i'm telling you in all  of my years of experience many times that i'm   training someone at an advanced level i'm like  wait a minute do you not know the basics okay market state which means is it a  trend is it a range or is it a channel   you need to know these things and then i want  you to ask why why must i know these things   why are these things important to me one of the  most important things you're going to do while   you're studying is not this section it is this  section i want you to learn it observe it apply it   and then ask why why must i do this  why is this important why is this handy   if that why is not answered in your mind not  the mentor the mentor can give you all kinds   of whys it needs to be answered in your mind i  get it okay you can move on to the next topic   and begin your studying that's all i'm gonna give  you right now for the stuff to study if you can   study this i can take you to places you've never  imagined before when it comes to trading shall   we move further i want you to dabble okay dabble  for those of you guys who are not english speakers   try it's like i want you to try moving averages  okay experiment with them what is a moving average   why must i use it how does it work and why  is it so popular why do so many people use it   okay so is it like because we all are internally  a surfer in inside of us like we just want to ride   the waves baby like why do we like moving averages  you know is it because it represents a wave   look into it look into it understand what this is   okay and then i'll give you another knowledge that  i need you to know especially if you're in forex   you need to take my word for it right now you  need to take my word for it because this is not   taught so i'm just gonna lay it out for you just  memorize it okay i never want you to memorize   anything this stuff you must memorize in forex  when you have movements that are going like this do not aim for getting in here getting out there  your trading career is going to be getting in here   getting out there that's your trading career  right there but if you constantly pursue the   big home run movements that keep running away like  that in forex that's a myth forex moves on average   one percent a day you're not gonna get chances  for runners because there is a currency pair   i've talked about this in other webinars i'm not  going to go deep into that today i just want you   to take my word for it anything anyone telling you  50 pips 100 pips i do 400 pips in a day good good   luck okay you don't want to do that that's not  for you you don't want to do that so far so good okay because it's not sustainable it's not  sustainable it's like saying i want to go   and play the lottery because once i win the  lottery that once might not even ever come   okay you don't want to go down that  road so anything that goes like this okay okay anything that goes like this and  you're like oh i want you to be like   that's my trade there to there that's my  trade there to there but if you see this and you are constantly worried and you're like  how do i catch that how do i catch that why can   i not catch this trade you have just extended  your learning period you're gonna take much   longer to make it much much much much much  much much longer why because i've been there   i've been there these are your trades these are  your trades do not go out of bounds do not go   out of bounds do not look for lottery tickets  because chances are the larger players are not   gonna make the lottery tickets easy to grab okay  i don't care how professional a person says he is   let this go let this go let that go okay  so now the question when it comes to math   is trading mathematical no it's not okay you're  not solving how are we gonna get to space   you're just looking for a deal that you wanna get  at a discount and then you wanna sell sell it back   later like it's not difficult to say oh it's five  hundred dollars anything below 500 is a good deal   i mean i don't think you need math for that right  because 499 and below is considered a discount   right i'm sure we can count like that right okay  good good so now that we got that out of the way   there's no math involved there's no math involved  so you don't have to worry about oh well well i   have to do calculus and trigonometry and finally  use geometry that my teacher kept forcing on me   you don't have to do any of that stuff okay all right next thing next thing do i  need to watch all the news that's uh   no and yes when i say no is i don't want you to  be a news freak okay and and i'm i'm strong when i   use the word freak because i don't want you to be  that guy that's constantly saying oh the economic   news is going to come out the economy is going to  come out the unemployment numbers the unemployment   numbers oh the coronavirus vaccine the vaccine  like don't go crazy over that i want you to be   aware of the news that a news is coming and when  the news gets released see what the market does   and saying interesting what does it mean from  there on out don't trade it do not trade it   which means news is coming out buy it don't do  that don't do that so i it's news is a no any yes   no any yes do not go crazy over it  but be aware of it be aware of it   okay i'm trying to get you a shortcut shortcut  into this industry i'm already telling you as   i told you in the podcast it's not going to be  quick like a month or two months but if i can   shorten your journey to get you profitable then we  can open up the door of you know what i want you   here's what i want you to study next here's what  i want you to study next get you on the right road   but first let's get you the quickest road where  you can focus on and be like all right six months   one year down you're like all right i got the  hang of this i'm getting better i'm getting better   so far so good there's gonna be pressure along  the way okay it's gonna be pressure along the way   moving forward now one two three okay repeat  them back to me what are the three things   okay good i see many of you guys saying  direction excellent okay discount excellent   and sell for more sell back for more okay now i'm  gonna tell you one thing that you never want to do   as a trader as a trader you never want to do this  prices are going up and you're like oh interesting   i can see the demand very nice very nice prices  get a discount you buy it and you're like cool   let's do this prices hang around a little bit  and they start to go up they start to go up and   you're like you know what i'm not going to close  it i think it's going to go up forever forever   don't be that cryptomaniac like oh my god precious  like it's gonna go up and up and up and through   my screen into my neighbor's house upstairs and  through his house like no no no calm down like   where did that analysis come from stop stop the  news might talk about it your neighbor might talk   about it the dog might talk about it the grandma  might talk about it you need to get out you need   to get out you need to get out i cannot say this  enough this will improve your performance 10x   okay this will improve your performance 10x okay  so merrick that's a very good question how about   letting winners run you can't let winners  run in forex because there is no running   in forex something it's hard to grasp because that  language of you have to let your profits run right   it comes from the stock market the saying is from  the stock market it is not from the forex market   so anyone coding let your winners run in the  forex market is just regurgitating what stock   market is saying but you can't do it in forex  anything that goes up too much if it's euro usd   the opposite currency is getting damaged the  further it goes the more damage it gets the   session might close next session might open and  they might hit the cells and then later it might   go back up slowly that's the problem with forex  it doesn't go in a linear fashion it might go   overall in that direction but it will be zigzag  it will be zigzag so learn to book your profits   so far so good all right can i ask you guys one  thing be honest with me here okay i'm gonna turn   on the chat how many of you guys have been in  the industry long enough that everything what i   just said in here actually is clicking for many  of the things and you're like you know what   i've been around for so long i can't  believe i just didn't know this basic stuff   doesn't mean we're a basic person but i just  didn't know like my god like it's so simple but   every time i trade those three  logical pieces are not there   yeah okay i'm gonna turn off the chat  again sorry about that okay here we go   okay so far so good okay i hope uh we're  okay we're okay with the webinar today i   i always make sure you you learn something in the  webinar i don't waste your time at all we're okay   good good excellent excellent let's go deeper  let's go deeper so your techniques i gave you   a thing list of things to study okay as you study  ask the questions why why do i need to know that   okay without that why you're not gonna make it  you're just gonna be memorizing stuff you don't   wanna memorize stuff you don't wanna be that guy  okay you need to understand you need to understand   so can i give you a little technique about  support and resistance support and resistance okay   also known as snr what that is is price goes down  pulls back goes down this used to be support in   the market what support means just think of it  like support something holding it from the bottom   okay if that support fails and price goes  through it so let's say this is hundred   dollars up here is a hundred and fifty dollars  so prices go from 150 down to a hundred dollars   and then from a hundred dollars they  temporarily rise to let's say 125 dollars if it breaks through that level then this  area becomes resistance which means if   prices are now at fifty dollars if it goes  up near the hundred dollars it might respond so far so good now when i ask you the question  of understand the why right now all we're doing   is we're drawing it right all we're doing is  we're drawing it and you're going to learn this   all the time on youtube you see this and this  and that what you got to do is you got to take   that thing connect it to that thing you're  gonna have a nice line going across and   it's preschool all over again and then you have  to say yay like no no why why must i do this   why why why why why okay why so let's talk about  the wire real quick i want you to understand why   support and resistance is so important from the  perspective of one two and three ready here we go forget the markets forget euro usd in  forex let's say iphone super simple   the iphone right now is stable it's  a thousand dollars thousand dollars   it goes up and down five bucks thousand and  five dollars and then five dollars less up   and down but it's hanging around a thousand  dollars and then suddenly suddenly it goes it drops to six hundred dollars it's shocking people are like six hundred dollars buy it when people buy it at 600 if  the price jumps up straight to 800 this becomes memory this becomes memory  people remember these prices they remember it   activates something inside of them  that says when prices are reaching 900   and 950 dollars everyone wants to buy the iphone  it's at six hundred dollars it's at eight hundred   dollars it's at 900 everyone still wants to buy it  but as it gets close to a thousand dollars there's   a lot of people that says you remember last time  when it was a thousand dollars it dropped to   600 overnight maybe let's wait and don't buy it  now let's wait until it maybe goes back to 600.   what we just did that logic is called support is  now equal resistance that's why that line is drawn   and everyone talks about it as if it's the golden  key to life you need to know why know why if you   don't know your why there is nothing you can do  in trading you must know why behind everything okay so far so good i think they put something in  my barrier i'm all hyped up today okay so far so   good let's go let's go deeper let's go let's  go deeper just like a support and resistance   a trend line is very similar it is a moving  support and resistance price goes up pulls back   price goes up pulls back price goes up pulls back  price goes up pulls back and people draw this line   and saying whoa look at that beauty look how it  respects it so nicely every time it gets there and   then when that trend line breaks people go well  then sell it that is correct to a certain extent   in some scenarios i want you to ask why i want  you to open that door and ask that question   if you don't solve that then  this will just be a pattern of   you see that drawing that i drew it broke so it  was like what do you want me to do with it like   a line broke big deal like what do you want me to  do with that i'm not going to bet my house on it   it doesn't make any sense it's just a  drawing what does it mean what does it mean why okay so far so good okay Jason that's a very good  question actually that's a very serious question   also um so ason's asking how do you find the why  without a mentor i want you to just be curious   because a curious when you're when you're thinking  why and you're curious even if you yourself don't   know the answer what's the one thing you're  going to do you're going to look for the answer   that is the most important thing is the ability  to say i don't know i must know that's when the   search begins that's when the search begins  that is the groundwork of education why   okay i was that why kid in school and my teachers  hated me it's like i'm sorry like and here i am   a teacher myself i was that white kid and it's  like if you don't tell me why what's the point   you know what's the point i'm not gonna  learn all this tell me why so far so good   so i've given you a few things to learn i'm  telling you how to learn it because that's more   important than what to learn how to learn it is  important okay so study those three things i told   you the one two three study that okay look for  it on a chart the next things to do is study the   little list i gave you the snr the trend lines  and then the market states okay these are just   to get you started okay these are beginner stuff  you know it's not gonna make you profitable yet   they're just beginner stuff if you're simply doing  one one of three things you're not gonna make it   okay it's just to get you started market states so  far so good okay all right so that this plus the y okay and then you can go further deeper into  it part time you can go deeper into it i want   you to try and test but do not have hopes yet i'm  telling you i will predict your future right now   when you're gonna do it okay you ready all right  here i am with the crystal ball with the funky hat   okay this is not the duns hat this is the  magician hat okay so here i am with a funky   hat and i'm going to predict your future for you  right now as you learn certain things as you learn   certain things you will feel i got it when you  feel i got it you will run to your broker and says   how do i put money into my account because i  got this you will then go and tell your spouse   you know what i think i should quit my job  i can do this full time i should do this   full time why don't you support me you  never support me what's wrong with you   that argument might happen that i'm not very  good with that prediction but that might happen   okay but i want you to you will go through  this process and you will feel you got it i   want you to understand from my prediction you can  call me baba Navin from guru Navin's prediction   you don't got it you don't got it and that's okay  you're just starting you're just starting because   as you feel you got it and you do it you'll have  a loss and then you'll learn a few more things   and you'll start to do it you'll have a further  loss and you learn a few more things you'll do it   you'll have a further loss and that's what your  account is going to be like in the beginning   start small very very very small if you cannot  just do a demo and you want to simply do it live   please please please do not do it more  than a hundred two hundred dollars   do not do it more than that okay as you do more  more trades you will know you're getting better   and better and better it is not after one trade it  is not after two trade it is not after three trade   you have to do hundreds if you do 100 trade and  you're getting stabilized then you're like i got   this now the amount is not an issue do whatever  amount you want you're okay so far so good   and those of you guys who are already in  the industry did i just predict your past did i just predict your past right here right okay  so i'm telling you guys that for those of you who   do have not started this was going to be your  future it was my future now it's my past this is   something everyone goes through unfortunately  this is something everyone goes through   so far so good so how's my accuracy  of predictions i'm pretty good okay so moving forward moving forward so let's  answer that daunting question can i trade for a   living uh in the beginning can i trade for  a living in the beginning if i'm full-time   working and i want to just dip my toes in to do it  absolutely absolutely yes you can you can become   a trader part-time will it happen overnight  no it absolutely will not guaranteed will it   happen in one month no guaranteed two months no  guaranteed six months no guaranteed unfortunately   so let me ask you this does that deter you and  you're like well if that's more than six months   maybe it's not for me then maybe it isn't and  that's okay i don't we have to accept that   i'm telling you as a veteran in this industry  years and years and years in this industry   thousands tens of thousands of students that i've  gone through you're not gonna do it that fast but it is so worth it it is so worth it if you  go down that route and you try to do it and you   go it for the year or two year that it takes  you i will tell you personally it's worth it   it's worth it it's been worth it it's been  worth it for me it's worth it for me i've   seen many other students it's worth it for them  it takes time though it takes time though that's   during this process of learning unfortunately  that's going to be there that's going to be there   okay there's going to be pain just like how we  learn how to ride a bicycle in the beginning   you know we have training wheels we take off  the training wheels it's like ah fall down   scrape your knee this and that like you're  learning you're learning it's okay it's okay   it's part of the process but it's so worth  it you want to be that guy on ig that   flaunts the cash be that guy on IG but  it's through this it's through this   it's not doesn't have to be a lot of pain but it's  through this okay it's through this unfortunately   because you're trying to specialize you want  to make any money you need to specialize   so let me ask you guys one thing okay those of  you guys were asking what is IG is instagram   right you know those when you're on facebook you  see all these people flaunting their Ferraris and   stuff like that you probably look in their bank  account you got like zero money but you can be   the guy who has the Ferrari and money in his bank  account where you can actually afford the Ferrari   and it's not leased and you don't have to ask  your neighbors for hey man you got money for gas   i'll drive you in my Ferraris  if you if you can pay for gas   like don't be that guy don't be that cheap guy  you know i want you to do well but not just   rich i want you to be wealthy i want you to thrive  right okay i want you to strive don't be that   cheap person that wears a Louis Vuitton  but can't actually afford a Louis Vuitton you're better than that be better than  that be smarter be smarter okay so   in a nutshell in a nutshell okay three  things you want to make sure trading is all   about direction if you don't have direction  trading is lost so direction's got to be there   discounts got to be there if the  discount's not there trading is lost   if you have the first two then you must be able  to learn how to sell it back correctly if you   don't have that trading is lost it's that  three things in rotation over and over again   now any technique strategy anything  that you learn if it defies this logic   it will not work pretty simple right i'm giving  you a overall strategy many people love strategy   they want tell me exactly what i need to do i'm  giving you an overall strategy if whatever you   go out there and learn does not sit well within  these three parameters it won't work it won't work   okay all right so for those of you guys who have  been in the industry for a little bit at least   know a little bit of the basics and you like the  way i teach if you want to go the route of urban   forex and you wanna the route of urban fork that's  that's cool i should brand that you know like it's   like this journey uh a monk takes you know i've  taken the urban forex route no but if you want to   take the route of urban forex and you you want to  be like the 80 of the people that are in this room   and they're happy to come back to webinars over  and over again like how do you get that kind of   loyalty if your stuff is garbage right you  don't get that kind of loyalty if your stuff   doesn't work okay so if you want to learn from  urban forex if you want to start your journey   right if you want to understand well where should  i put my focus i understand the honesty part   which is i won't do this overnight you know  thanks for being honest with me about that   but i want to start right if that is your goal  then we have something called the Mastering Price   Action 2.0 if you have a little bit of basics  like support resistance trend lines this and that   i want to get you started in our entry level  program from the Mastering Price Action 2.0   at zero risk for a free trial if you want to  pick it up it is on   so if you want to pick it up and you want to go  down that route you can do that we remove the   risk for you try it out see if it's right for you  if it is you can continue down that journey and go   deeper into more knowledge understanding more  and what exactly should we focus on rather than   there's so much information  to learn all over the place   it's taking forever it's taking  forever what if we streamline it   okay we're we don't show you much other stuff  we don't give you 10 hours worth of videos   one hour or less 30 minutes or less a week just  focus here and every day we'll give you practice   examples this is coming live from the market do  you understand it you just learned it this is   coming live from the market do you understand  it you just learned it every day you get those   every day you get those okay along with that we  do a private webinar together similar to this   but i talk a little bit more openly more directly  towards the information that you just learned so   um i really look forward to seeing all of you  guys in that program okay like i said 80 of these   people in the room here today have already been  in that program they've already graduated gone   to the next level um and yet they're here also  picking up the basic stuff they're like all right   let's see what else this brown guy has to say so  i really appreciate it guys it's always a pleasure   to have you guys here um i don't know about you  guys but i have a lot of fun when i come here   to these webinars i hope you guys enjoy it you  guys always learn something okay i don't want   to just give you a little nugget of information  every time i want to make sure the entire webinar   was useful for you and you you learn stuff you  have fun you enjoy it you you walk away with   that not only was it fun but i also learned  something i can use that immediately you know   so i really hope you guys enjoy it because  uh personally i do and i wish that never   it comes a day where um we waste each other's  time right you are taking time off to be here   i i respect that i want to make sure i give  back uh at the same level and of enthusiasm   and power to say if you can take time off  to be here and sit here for a whole hour   you guys deserve more than just a little piece of  information in the whole one hour and you're like   man i sat through a whole hour i didn't learn  anything so you know again always a pleasure   thank you all for coming in today uh for those of  you guys again who are looking to join again it's um and i look forward  to seeing all of you guys in the next webinar and  

those of you guys are new in in the course as well  thank you guys until next time cheers bye for now

2021-10-28 19:36

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