Best Passive Income Opportunity to Start Online- BE Forex, Binary, & Crypto Trading- Copy and Paste

Best Passive Income Opportunity to Start Online- BE Forex, Binary, & Crypto Trading- Copy and Paste

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yeah jj are you a panel yeah jj is a panelist too hey what's going on gentlemen how you guys doing yo jj don't be sleeping on my session bro we're going to one and three all right don't be sleeping on my session for past three sessions i know it man everybody's catching green everybody's catching it hey there you go you should be cool there you go there we go you know what i'm trying i need to let myself in on the phone too so let me do that do that go ahead and do that sir yes sir all right yeah sir we are we are good we're streaming everywhere we're everywhere we're everywhere let's go let's go all right all right let's get this show started let me go ahead and uh hit record all right just let me in um ontario you said whatnot i let my other account in from my phone i'll get you and then just promote that to panelist do a little demo for everybody in a little bit gotcha where is that at nick where is it at uh it should be nickelow and i see k l a l should oh i see i see you okay i can make you host real quick go ahead and do that oh that's fine just um go go ahead and get started and then when i do the demo in the middle i'll let you know cool all right all right ladies and gentlemen make sure my light is good what is going on i'm tyrion hawkins here i'm the passive income guru you guys are probably wondering what are they what are they talking about all right so welcome to this webinar we do this quite a few times every single week giving you guys the opportunity to uh check another opportunity that can earn you passive income that's what it's all about that's what people are want um this is in the forex space crypto space binary option space you're gonna learn more about that here to set but for those of you who are new to who i am a little bit about me been in the network marketing space slash affiliate marketing space well over 10 years uh to be frank uh 20 years in the game because i started in the early 2000s and i've been grinding ever since why haven't been grinding ever since well first of all i wanted to uh get to the point where i can control my time freedom it didn't make sense to me working a job the rest of my life i saw my parents do that i saw many people struggle doing that working a nine to five and to me it's it's modern-day slavery i'm just gonna be frank and honest with this money day slavery guys when you cannot control your time when someone dies in your family if you want to go on vacation guess what you gotta ask somebody to do that it doesn't make sense so i wanted to grind to the point where i can control my time freedom and when i was released from the nine to five back in 2013 i said now i'm in a position to help more people do the same thing of course there are certain jobs out there that we that cannot be uh diminished or eliminated we need nurses we need doctors we need certain people out there to make the system that we live in work but there's a lot of you who work jobs that that this called dead-end jobs you're looking for something different and let me mind you if you're on here right now and you're one of those people there's not a coincidence that you're here there's not this is not a coincidence this is a this is divine plan right here so understand that the information that you're about to hear is is going to be life-changing we have several people who have no had had no education or former dealings with forex or any of the platforms that we have and they're making a killing they're making hundreds and even a thousand dollars a day on a regular basis guys we see it every single day and it just wows us to the point like it keeps us it keeps us pushing it keeps us wanting to share this with even more and more people what a bit what a better way to share than the internet the internet is worldwide this never sleeps so we're on this platform now to share with you guys something that can revolutionize your life and most of all to to to help build a legacy for your family now what if you could take your simple as simple as a cell phone look at it a couple times a day and make money from it that simple guys this is what we're going to be sharing with you today okay so that's just a snippet about me i'm all about passive income my partners that you that we have on the panel here is we're all about passive income most of all we're all about helping people we're all about helping you start your journey to passive income and bridge over to financial freedom to where you can have the time freedom to do what you want to do that's what this is all about okay without further ado i'm going to pass on to one of my good friends and partners i've been going here for quite a long time guys in this space we go way back i think to 2014 over seven years one or eight years in the making uh great mentor he's a one of the hardest working men that i know in this game i mean he works 24 7 and we locked arms in this particular opportunity because we saw a need in the industry and guess what we are actually helping people make money every single day so without further ado my good buddy a good friend and business partner nicholas loud i'm turning over to you sir thank you very much i'm terry can you hear me yes sir loud and clear all right i appreciate you um everything you do for this team and uh everything that you've done for me over the years my name is nicholas lal i'm from dallas texas and um today i'm going to present to you a company that's absolutely changed not only my life but the lives of a lot of other people on these this call some of these people i have known before this business some of these people i met through this business and through this industry and it's been an absolute blessing so um without further ado let me just go ahead and get my presentation slides up so we can get right into this i'll do a little demo for you in a while and then if you stay until the end after we're done with the presentation i'm going to give you a little bit of crypto analysis and some signals for some of you that uh like to uh play with crypto as you know recently the market did go down so right now it is a great time for shopping but we'll get into that a little bit later all right so let me go ahead and uh go ahead and start the slides here can you all see the slides ontarion tony can you guys see the slides we're good yes sir yeah you good sir all right perfect all right so the name of the company is b be a better you for a better tomorrow now b is based out of dubai and it is a company that is only about three years old but it has taken the industry by storm now a little bit of a disclaimer uh we cannot guarantee how much money you can make here all we can do is give you the tools for success we don't know what your work ethic is we don't know if you're going to actually show up to the trading sessions we don't know if you're ever going to tell a person about this so we cannot you know predict what your income can be but we will tell you that there's a lot of people that are making a lot of money and changing a lot of lives in this company so artificial intelligence will replace half the jobs in the next decade okay so when you go to say a mcdonald's and you don't see a cash a cashier up there you're like well where do i order and then you turn to your left and you're like oh there's a little machine here you order from the machine that's the direction we're going you go to the post office the same thing you don't have to stay in line anymore you can just go up to the kiosk weigh your package get the postage send it you go to walmart when you go shopping now they have all these self checkouts you can just scan the items there's going to be one employee there just in case there's any troubles but those other 10 machines those used to be employees a long time ago those used to be human beings not anymore now they're machines so what i'm trying to tell you is you have to embrace automation you have to accept automation or you will get replaced by automation now here are three gentlemen that actually understood that and they said hey we need to get with this automation thing we need to bring it to people so we can teach people how to make money from home using these this type of technology these are the isan brothers or these are i'm sorry that yeah the islam brothers munir moyan and issan now these three brothers have an absolutely amazing story now about um when they were very young they lost their parents and they were separated from what i understand now later on in their teenage years they reunited they got to spend some time together they decided hey listen we're not going to be separated anymore we're going to take care of each other we're going to you know get jobs we're going to get educated whatever we have to do eventually they ran into the network marketing industry that changed everything for them because now they had an industry that can actually take them where they want to go there is no cap on their limitations this is a true rags to riches story about how these brothers and as you can see they're still very young how they've become multi-millionaires in this industry not only with network marketing but also with forex trading and in the currency markets all right so they have been uh featured in forbes entrepreneur yahoo finance usa today bloomberg associated press and the reason why is because they're innovators in technology so they've been mentioned in the same breath of people like jeff bezos warren buffett kylie jenner ashton kutcher and a list of other people now what they've created here for us is an infrastructure very similar to what you see at the apple store now right now i am talking to you on my macbook i have my iphone here next to me i have my apple watch on behind me i have my apple tv what that means is i have sold out to apple they have done such a great job with their products that i don't even have to think twice when something new comes out i gotta have it i gotta have the new iphone i gotta have the new apple watch because i am a product of the product okay they don't have to sell me anymore as a matter of fact now i'm more or less a cheerleader for them that's what we have it be we have a bunch of products that complement each other in the financial space that's going to help you make money but here's the cool thing not only are we a financial tech hub we're also a travel hub this uh company does trade and they do travel because like you know those things go so well together there's so many companies out there that might do trading there's so many companies out there that might do travel what if we brought it under one roof because when you go look at social media when you go look at different influencers out there that are professional traders what are they doing they're showing you their life they're like this is what trading did for me trading got me this house trading took me on this cruise this vacation uh you know it helped me buy this car so it's a lifestyle thing and that's why trade and travel works so good together and that's why you see a lot of traders they're out and about different countries really enjoying things every time i look at facebook one of my trading friends is off in some country doing something cool so with that said let's get into what we actually do here now the forex market is the largest financial market in the world it's our flagship industry within this umbrella now 6.6 trillion dollars every business day is circulating within the forex markets what's cool about the forex markets it is live 24 hours a day five days a week monday to friday as long as there's a bank open somewhere in the world there's money moving you can make money in the markets over 10 million people trade forex live every day it can be traded from any device if you have your iphone if you have your tablet if you have your laptop as long as you're connected to the internet you can participate in this market and with the advent of digital currency bitcoin ethereum uh litecoin all of these other um cryptocurrencies out there those are deregulated what does that mean you could trade those seven days a week so when the market closes on friday that doesn't mean you're done making money you can start trading crypto you can trade crypto seven days a week it has already hit a one trillion market cap it is going a lot of places digital currency is the future and if you notice um so many places are starting to accept digital currency it's becoming a widely accepted form of making a transaction so now here are some of our products okay now different products come in at different levels our flagship product which i'll demo for you in just a bit is called the shift app the one that's on the far right now the shift app is our forex trading app what that does is it gives you forex trading signals to take so you don't actually have to sit on your computer staring at the charts for hours while you're you know if you want to learn that that's great if you're like you know i heard about this from the past of income grew so tell me what about this is passive well can you copy and paste because if you can copy and paste this app will drop you signals you just copy and paste it into your metatrader4 app which i'll get into in just a bit and you all you have to do is just set it and forget it it's really that simple and that's how much amazing technology that we have and when you see it it it'll make more sense now we also speaking of sense we have an app that's called sense now what sense is is our community platform within the be community we actually have an application so you can chat with other members of b you can start your own chat groups you could there's chat groups for different educators if you want to hang out with them and ask questions if they give you a homework assignment or something and you want to you know want them to review it you can do all that in sense wow is our world of wisdom that is our back office education that's where you get your live sessions that's where you get your recordings that's where you see what the schedule is of events coming up that's where all the other courses are for entry level so you can you know learn the basics of forex and learn the basics of binary all that stuff is in wow and that is streaming you can stream it from your devices you can stream it from your laptop wherever you want and mind hub is um that's advanced education okay because remember what i said we're a financial tech hub okay we're not just forex there's so much more over here with mindtap you're gonna learn things like cryptocurrency you're gonna learn things like e-commerce real estate mindset motivation all of those advanced education would be in your mind hub now here are our other products now nfx and we have a couple of nfx traders on this call maybe at the end of the call they're still around you can hear from them now nfx is nitro forex now what's the difference between nitro forex and regular forex well nitro forex is our personalized name for binary options trading the way we like to describe it is money in minutes because in a regular forex trade you put your entry price you put your stop loss price you put your target right that can hit in a couple of minutes it can hit in a couple of hours it can hit in a couple of days you don't know it could just be sitting there in consolidation for hours with nfx it's different because these are timed trades you're looking at the market and you're looking for a specific entry for a specific time let's say three minutes let's say five minutes at the end of the three five minutes if you buy your number should be higher if you sell your number should be lower and at the end of that you have won the trade and you get your money you can move on to the next trade so for people that like fast-paced action nfx is good also for people that like fast-paced action the wall street titan if you think that hey you know 4x pairs move a little bit slowly you got anything faster yeah we do we have the us 30 which is the dow jones we have the nasdaq we have the s p 500 these are very fast moving stocks so if you like those ones the ws titan is for you it will drop the indices signal we also have relic brand new relic is our crypto app it's going to drop crypto signals for you okay so and i'm not talking about just the big ones i'm not just talking about bitcoin binance uh ethereum relic the educators there are looking for the very obscure coins that nobody knows about and it's like you know what this coin is probably going to take off and they'll put all their parameters and all their study in there you just put your trades in and this is the great thing if they give you a buy trade maybe it hits take profit three four five you're like okay well the trade's finished should i go ahead and sell it you can sell it if you want but if you like that asset you could just hold on to it because who knows it can go up beyond that but at least this gives you a guideline on what to do we also have coming soon mira mira is going to give you stock quotes stock tips and indices futures it's going to give you more education more signals and oracle i absolutely love oracle for those of you that are desktop traders laptop traders you actually want to you know trade you don't just want to get signals you actually want to learn this oracle is amazing because it's a desktop scanner so while you're trading oracle is looking at the markets and telling you when to buy when to sell putting up little indicators and oracle even sends signals too like the wall street titan so um we actually have two new indicators on oracle specifically for the nfx team and we'll get into that in just a bit so let me go ahead and share my phone all right hopefully is everybody doing good just drop a one in the chat i just want to get a vibe check make sure everybody is doing all right and uh yeah we got some people doing all right okay so cool let me go ahead and share my screen from my phone all right let me know when you can see my phone um can somebody just unmute themselves you're all good brother you know you're good all right so all right first of all this is metatrader4 metatrader4 is an industry uh standard tool that we use to process our trades this is not owned by bee this is a free app that anybody can download how do you activate the app well there's many brokers out there that you can pick from when you pick a broker they're going to email you your username and password after you set up an account you just come over here you just put in your information you're logged in you get all your quotes for your different currencies uh you know australian versus uh canadian dollar euro versus canadian dollar you know all of the different ones and then you can look at your charts here you can look at your trades now where does shift come into play okay so let me just go over here so here's the shift app this is our flagship product that i had mentioned earlier okay so let's say you see this trade by gus it's the new zealand dollar versus the japanese dollar it's a buy so we're buying the new zealand dollar you're always buying or selling the first quoted currency so let's say we wanted to do this nzd jpy so i'm going to copy the stop loss i'm going to go to metatrader i'm going to look for nzd jpy let me see if it's in let me do it there it is nzd jpy trade okay so we put our stop loss in here we just copy that paste and let's say we're just going for let's say take profit too we'll copy that we'll paste and i believe it was a buy and we click buy and that's literally it that's all you have to do is copy and paste okay so that's how that's how we've simplified this now i can't put into words how amazing this is because we didn't have this technology a few years ago i mean even when you go before smartphones how did people trade they had to call their broker they had to put in an order somewhere on the new york stock exchange floor you know where all the papers are flying i mean can you imagine that we went from that to this what i just did copy and pasting from your desk from your bed from your pool whatever the case may be this is how much the industry has changed now let me see if i can find another one okay so like if you look at this one by uh brian he even put his analysis in there you can like zoom in on his chart you can see where he enters where he exits so once you understand once you actually take some of the sessions and wow and you learn chart markup when you see something like this you could be like oh this is a beautiful setup or maybe you could say that you know what i don't agree with the setup i'm going to go ahead and skip this trade whatever the case may be now if you go over here we have top pip stars very transparent company it's going to tell you how much people's wins and losses record is so if you look at bride for the month he is up 608 pips okay he's hitting at a 71 win rate if you look that killed every target he's earned all these badges 167 trades won 31 times he's killed every single target in there so this is really phenomenal that you know you can kind of look at the weekly and say okay who's hot this week who do i want to follow well look gus and brian and fred none of them have lost a single trade this week so you'll be like all right well we know freddie is the gold guy so when a gold trade comes up if it's freddy you're going to be on it you're going to be on it so you click on freddie look at that 100 for the week 15 times he's killed every target on top of that this is not even including wow wow is your back office education and stuff but we even have education in here you go under mastery and check this out you have all of your getting started videos you have all of your forex uh fundamentals you know everything you want to learn about different topics it's brought it's broken into little bite-sized videos we even have tech analysis for advanced traders so that just gives you a little bit of a peek at what's going on at shift but we also have other apps too so let's see right here we have the ws master this is the titan this is the one i said is very fast paced right so check this out you know we can go through the trades but let me just show you the past results look at the past results look at how much green you see and look at how much red you see we've literally only lost three times in the last month and remember when you lose you only lose a little bit because there's a stop loss right but a lot of these wins take profit one two three four five the other day miss j hit one i think it was like take profit nine or 11. so just imagine that one trade could make you enough money for the month it'll easily pay any sort of monthly subscription fee but on top of that you can make um a lot of money just with this app alone all right so we also have the nfx app nitro forex okay live there's live signals going on as you speak to [Music] like javed is live right now now let's talk about javed javed is documented the number one binary trader in the world he's 22 years old he's a director of nfx for this company so right now he has a live trade that's about to go so clearly dustin is trading right now because he's pretty excited so um we'll see we'll see how dusty all right so that's nfx um well here if you want to go look at the um the leaderboard if you look at javed 44 wins only eight losses 85 winning rate okay and there's uh four other traders but javed is like worldwide known so it's really cool to have him on the platform as well as our director okay relic this is our crypto uh um app that just came out a couple of weeks ago so as you can see you've probably never heard of a lot of these cryptos what is cava what is ren what is atom what is ocean doesn't matter what matters is that you have these educators that are doing the research for you they're telling you when to get in when to get out and in a lot of these cases when you're in a bull market right now you're probably not gonna get out you're just gonna hold it until you're satisfied so like on ocean uh the ocean token is currently at a dollar 48 but according to dmc's projections he thinks that this token could potentially hit almost 10 which would give you a 538 return on investment nowhere on this planet can you get returns right now like you can get in crypto and a little bit later i'll show you all right so that was a little bit of a demo let me just go ahead and get back to the slides all right did that help out if if you guys liked that demo drop a one in the chat just want to make sure everybody can understand now that you can see now you can visualize what these products are like can you imagine that the financial industry is now in your hands you can trade you can make money you can get professional signals you could sit there at home making money all day it's a beautiful thing all right so we've already went over those products now what i'm going to do is i'm going to turn this presentation over to my business partner he's a man that knows all the information he knows how to build he knows how to trade he knows how to teach so he's the perfect one to tell you about these packages and how you can make the right decision is to what is the best fit for you so without further ado tony cano are you there sir i am here bro can you hear me loud and clear yes sir awesome awesome awesome i am super excited i just want to go ahead and get a vibe check because we just dropped so much value on you guys so if you guys got a massive amount of value from my business partner nicholas i need to see you drop a 333 in the chat box because guys these apps are bar none next to nothing in this industry right you guys are literally looking at something so user friendly and so copy and paste friendly that you could literally come in here and not know anything but learn how to copy and paste and start creating results to get that financial freedom or financial stability within your life right so i'm super excited because you guys are probably like well how do i get my hands on these apps well first and foremost our prime packages ladies and gentlemen okay our entry price is only 13.99 okay

this is going to get your hands on literally everything that has to do with the financial education side of our platform right and then it's going to drop down to believe it or not only 179 per month right you cannot beat that ladies and gentlemen okay so what exactly do you get your hands on first and foremost our world of wisdom our wow academy okay then you get your hands on shift you get your hands on mind hub right as far as learning about the blockchain learning about e-commerce real estate the whole nine yards and then you also get access to our oracle platform that has built-in indicators that are going to help you find actual trading analysis all right definitely a game changer if you can get your hands on oracle and then also our social app right this is where you can get connected with our educators and get your questions cleared up from them directly right talk about a game changer actually getting your questions answered from a six and seven figure trader okay definitely a level up then on top of that you get access to our nfx our titan and our relic okay so now you have access to all four of our apps right now you're in a position to where you can completely capitalize on every single market that we are educating you guys on now maybe you can't handle that maybe you still want to come in you want to get your hands on oracle you still want to get your hands on you know majority of the tools but you can't yet afford the apps well check it out you can put yourself in a position to where you come in on a gold learn right this is only 7.99 going to drop down to only 149 and you're still gonna have access to wow shift mind hub oracle and sense right so very very important that you still have access to oracle because like i said these are going to be indicators literally giving you trade analysis now our silver learn package all right this is still going to get your hands on you know majority of the products to an extent now you guys have to understand okay when you come in on a civil learn it's only going to be 4.99 and drop down to 149 once again and you're still going to have access to wow shift and mind hub now why is this important mind hub is a game changer guys you're going to learn all about the cryptocurrency as far as real estate and e-commerce right definitely a game changer if you can get your hands on both of those fields if you know how lucrative they are alone now maybe you just want to get involved with the ecosystem you just want to get your foot in the door and still get yourself in a position to where you can upgrade in time to a prime package well check it out we have what we call the bronze learn you're going to be able to come in for only 199 dropping down to 149 per month and this is still going to get you access to wow and shift all right so this is all of our trading side now let's go ahead and break down our nfx right we have nfx packages strictly for our money in minutes all right now for our gold nitro prime this is going to be once again 13.99 dropping down to 179 and at that point you're going to get access to everything as far as nitro right as far as the shift app um you're going to also get access to the nfx app as far as the basic and the premium live sessions that javed does personally right so you're gonna get access to once again his basic which are very very basic and his premium to where he's actually going to show you how to use these strategies on oracle all right and on top of that you're going to also get access to titan and relic as well okay so definitely a game changer if you want to get your hands on just the the actual currencies and markets that we're educating you guys on now as far as the gold nitro this is going to be 7.99 this is just going to be everything gold related right you're still going to have mine hub you're still going to have sense you're still going gonna have oracle well check it out guys you're still going to have premium live sessions from javed i want you guys to understand that that is so important because you're actually getting that hands-on education from somebody who's personally been doing this for multiple years right and on top of that you're going to get access to the courses and the app okay very important that you get access to the app now for the silver nitro okay this is going to be 4.99 dropping down to 179 and this is going to be everything besides sense and oracle all right very important everything besides sense and oracle now breaking down to the bronze package this is literally just getting your foot in the door you're going to have access to the app and basic sessions that job that does for 199 dropping down to 179 now for those of you who just want to you know necessarily maybe get your foot in the door but still get your hands on all of the products well you have the opportunity to do so you have the opportunity to add on these products at whichever point you would like all right now first and foremost we have our shift okay this is going to be a one-time purchase there is no monthly fee right so one-time purchase of 350 and there is no monthly fee i want you guys to understand that is very very important now for the nitro academy this is going to be 350 right 350 usd dropping down to 30 usd per month all right very important that you understand that so 350 dropping down to 30 usd per month now for our wall street titan which is absolutely a game changer guys especially if you're familiar with indices and you know how lucrative they are this is a this is a level up for sure there's only a one-time fee for the wall street titan it's 179 and there's no monthly fees i want you guys to understand that it is super super valuable okay now for our relic that's going to be dropping down to only 20 usd per month all right now for our mirror our mirror will be launching this is for all our stock and our stock options this will only be a base price at 1.99 all right so these are all

your add-ons that you could literally pick and choose from at any specific time now that's just for the learned side of our ecosystem now let's start diving into our lyft side which is all that has to do with what we call the traveling right what what we call quest all right now check it out in these three descriptions as you see on the screen this is all your saving price points all right so for example if you go to the hotel in paris right for three nights for three adults it's a public price of almost four hundred dollars okay i want you guys to to just keep these numbers in mind a public price of twenty four hundred dollars now with quest dollars to savings right automatically you're going to save almost sixteen hundred dollars from this trip right you're almost saving 65 just on this trip alone and guess what all you would have to pay inquest dollars is 827 and guess what you're gonna be able to stay at the hotel in paris for three nights right so these savings are literally next to none okay nicholas has literally compared prices with expedia and let me tell you guys it's literally a couple hundred dollars of a difference and and that's that's big numbers for a lot of people especially family orientated people who just want to go and enjoy a vacation right so it's very very important what i wanted to uh let people know that we just recently had a couple that went on vacation and they saved so much money and paid off their whole prime package so not only that not only with quest we also have like a wine club there's different things they're adding to quest to make it more like a luxury stop so you know you can get your restaurant discounts you can get your hotel discounts everything but they're adding more to it so what i just wanted to say is you know the pandemic is pretty much over people are going to start traveling you take one nice vacation or cruise it'll pay off your whole package so i'm sorry about that tony i'll give it back to you no worries no worries thank you for inputting that now as far as you know getting your hands on the learn and the lift side well guess what guys you could literally get your hands on both of them right when i got into this industry it did take me a little bit of time to get trading down but once i got it down what did i want to start doing i wanted to not only start sharing this with other people but at the same time i also wanted to start traveling a lot more right other than traveling the united states i wanted to travel outside of the united states so understand that trading and traveling literally go hand in hand especially if you truly want to live that lavish lifestyle that everybody chases or what we classify as the american dream right now to literally get your hands on both of these we have what we call our elite gold prime this is going to get your hands on everything that we have literally just gone over right no if ands or buts about it this is going to get you to the next level rather it's for your education right self-education self-knowledge or it's you saving hundreds to thousands of dollars when you're traveling around the world with you know whatever you want to do now this is going to be an entry price of only 18.99 right literally 1900 and you're going to have access to all of this okay and it's going to drop down to 179 i you guys have to understand how crucial that is right 179 per month the only thing that's necessarily going to bite you is your initial investment but you have to be willing to make that initial investment right so understand that you're going to have everything as far as delete gold on the trading and the traveling side right you're going to have access to all of the apps all of the education all of the resources to get you to the next level now maybe you can't necessarily afford that but you still want to almost get your hands on everything guess what guys elite gold is only 1500 usd dropping down to only 149 per month right per month that is that is bar none next level most people who start a business needs six figures plus i want you guys to look at this investment like it's 350 000 like it's a like it's a house investment like it's a small business investment maybe you're opening up a car wash maybe you're opening up a gym maybe you're opening up a barbershop whatever the case scenario may be i want you guys to look at that like an investment like if it were a small business but guess what guys because you know people because you're connected to people because you're connected to what we call the law of attraction the law of association right who you are connected with is exactly what you're going to turn out to be right just like they say you hang around five millionaires you're gonna be the sixth it's the same scenario here so understand when you come in on elite gold it's going to drop down to 149 you're gonna access to everything as far as the bronze and the silver packages right oracle sense quest trips holiday auctions activities merchants and guess what guys quest dollars now what do i like about quest dollars is you can actually use these funds for your quest trips right so you can initially get a free trip right and guess what you have unlimited guest passes that you could share with individuals like your friends your family members you know maybe you got close friends whatever the case scenario be may be and guess what when you share this with friends you're gonna also get points qualified to the business side which i'll dive into here in a second now for the elite silver this is going to be everything as far as both bronze packages now i want you guys to understand that this is only 950 usd dropping down to 149 okay both bronze packages as far as the trading and the traveling side plus cruises merchants and 30 000 quest dollars very very very valuable now moving on to the elite bronze this is going to be an entry fee of 379 dropping down to 149 per month now if you were to ask my opinion what package would i recommend it is the elite bronze package especially if you're looking at the business side of this okay because you will qualify for the learn and the live compensation when uh we we necessarily break this down a little bit for you guys so if i were to recommend any package it would be the elite bronze so that way you can qualify yourself for both all right now on top of that you're still going to have access to wow shift hotels cars flights and still 10 000 quest dollars that you can use for any type of you know vacation scenario maybe you want to book a cruise book a flight whatever the case scenario may be now the last thing that i want to bring up okay is all of this information that we have broke down to you guys as far as you know the education as far as the traveling and let alone the price points you can put yourself in a position it does not matter what package we just went over but as long as you share this with two friends two family members or two people you just love trust and respect you're gonna put yourself in a position to where you have to and free right you have what we call two customers and now your monthly membership rather it's 179 or 149 is completely 100 percent waived for free all right now what would i like to do at this point is make you guys understand that you get back to the person whoever invited you to this call and you let them know that for one how you thought about the information right what did you like best and for two okay make sure you thank that person because without that person you would have not had access to this information or this knowledge to where you can upgrade and level up your life to where you want to be all right so without further ado i want to go ahead and reintroduce my business partner someone who i have a tremendous amount of respect for somebody who's been in this industry for literally on and off i believe what what has it been like almost 20 years bro i mean you've been killing it so um without further ado guys nicholas lau the floor is all yours brother thank you i appreciate that tony so everybody drop some ones and some fire in the chat for tony to explain to you all the different packages now as you know with any product there is a compensation plan attached to it um i don't get too much into it because i want you guys to really focus on the products and education however if you decided hey nick you know that two and three is fine but what if i actually wanted to promote this product and make some residual income forty five dollars a year if you pay forty five dollars a year you're gonna forego the two and free but now you can participate in the compensation plan just to give you a quick sneak peek every time you sell any of the packages that tony mentioned you're going to make a 10 commission if you come in at gold or prime and you activate your first gold or prime member then your bonuses increase to 20 a month as you can see we just have a simple binary system there's a left leg and there's a right leg that's it as long as the volume is um equal you know as long as you have at least that number in both sides then you're going to rank up so your first rank up position you can make 500 um a month sapphire you make 15 ruby you can make 4 000. me and tony are at the emerald position we did that in our first 21 days in this business that's 8 500 base pay that doesn't even count those 10 and 20 bonuses i talked about so our first check was about 12 000 just for sharing this amazing um business model with everybody so there's never a perfect time to do anything we create the perfect time and the perfect moment so as tony was saying take action now get back to the person who invited you to this call let them know that you're interested in getting started let them know what your budget is and you know we'll find like like you saw we have so many different packages you can kind of piece them the way you want if you're like hey you know the prime is too expensive but can i get the bronze and add on nfx so i can do some binary with javed and sniper in them yeah you can absolutely do that so without further ado let me just bring on some some guests on the team so they can give you just a little bit of um a little bit of a testimonial on this dustin are you there by any chance i am here all right sir if you can just uh no dustin is a longtime friend of mine we've done a lot of business together when i got into this business i immediately reached out to him i said i think you're gonna love this business and um sure enough he's on more sessions than i am that's like i jump on a session i see his face all the time so i mean let people know you know what did you like about this and you know what are you getting the most out of it not for sure for sure so yeah when when nick actually reached out to me i was done with forex with another company i was like nah i'm done i don't want to hear about it and i sat down with ali and jj aribe who's on this and uh and thomas carver and they showed me just the shift app and it said when when when when i was like this is what i've been looking for forever and i automatically within two minutes changed my mind and signed up went all in but what i did not like oh like just the the training that i got with this more importantly the signals are cool but i wanted to know how to go in and like john ed would say if you're on his things learn how to fish right learn how to go and do my my own uh signals and i can even get my own signals which i have been given to my team as well i jumped on with sniper and chris who were part of our team which is amazing you know if you're in this for the money nfx i would suggest coming into the nitro package because then you could get in on his on his calls but i'll tell you what let me just show you really quick here i was kind of i was hoping you guys caught me here about five minutes ago um but it didn't happen but i i can analyze these charts now which two months ago i could not do right i would look at it and just i would be a signal taker and that was it and i would so now i came in here and i was hoping that you guys let me in like right about this area right here because i was about to show you guys boom i'm gonna give you guys a signal right now and what happened was is we hit it and then it went one two three it was ended up in here areas where i want it then i took it again right here there's one minute two minutes three minutes i won that one as well um you guys could kind of see in this area that i did these are my last two i was just gonna do a dollar so i could show you guys and i'm gonna do that really quick so the money in minutes if you don't know what the binary thing is all about right money a minute so i'm gonna do one minute call oh i'm gonna do a one minute investment because i'm not really i analyzed it but i'm not really i'm like i would not put any money on this without going into debts right and i'm gonna go a call so i'm going to hit the call button this is now going to turn green which means that when it hits this finish line right here i want this little ball to be on top what it does then i will win 70 cents with this broker that i have right if it loses then i'll lose the one dollar but what happens and we've been on this call the whole time with the nfx job ed's been sending us signals and i've been taking those things taking those things i think it was like three and one on it is what it was which is still pretty good three in one um but not only that to learn it on your own to be able to go in and analyze this market it looks like it's going way down now i'm probably not going to hit it but all these different pairs i can go to every single pair it's what i do on the daily on the hourly and i go through and i go okay which one's going to hit because i all these little markings that are here i know majority of the time what's going to happen right like this one right here i would have took a bite right there because it touched this yellow line and it look it it went up to here it's up here right now it's coming back down but that's the stuff that you learn with this guys that is you could you could keep that forever it doesn't matter if if anything else goes away you have a uh what they're teaching you now is and i lost that one it's a dollar but what they teach you here is it's a lifelong skill that you could do forever i could just go in 10 years from now and just keep doing this and teach to my kids and now i know how to read the market as well and then with the crypto signals with everything man it's just it's absolute fire so once again nicholas thank you for introducing me to this i see a lot of my team on here our team on here we call each other family members because that's what we are we take care we have each other's back so thanks again for uh for inviting me here absolutely thank you very much justin all right dustin um jj are you there because it's it's very rare um you know big jj is a very busy guy he's got a very large team but if he's got a minute or so i would love for him to introduce himself to the team he is um he is our upline um it all starts from him ali and thomas and they've built an absolutely amazing team so jj the floor is yours to introduce yourself sir hey how's it going nick can you hear me yes sir awesome all right i'm out and about but uh real quick uh that was a really good call i'm glad that i i was i was tuning in the whole time i i'll be very quick my story listen you might be thinking that this is a little overwhelming it's a lot of different tools right and i want you to understand i felt the same way i was a railroad worker working for the railroad fabricating steel uh welding had had no knowledge of the the financial markets and when i made a change back in 2009 where i wanted to work for myself i started investing in commodities and it literally changed my whole life because i was able to know how to pretty much analyze the markets uh when when some type of contraction happens and we just know it just happened again with the global pandemic march of 2020 right and that's what really got me back involved in getting in to come out into commodities right so uh these tools one thing i could tell you is one thing i have an experience with this currency and commodities but i was brand new to crypto i'm gonna be honest with you i was one of those guys that was saying listen i don't want nothing to do with crypto well cryptos continue to get bigger and bigger binary options brand new to it but one thing i understood is or one thing i understand is every single tool that we're showing you if you can learn how to use one of them you can learn how to use all of them they're very very similar it all has mastery education videos and all the tools they're making people money from all walks of life all over the world and that's why i wanted to partner up with this company and go all in before we even partnered up with this company there was already about 90 000 clients from people all over the world and uh i just realized this is going to happen with or without us and i want to be a part of it and fortunately we locked arms with this company in about 12 weeks there's been about 4 000 clients that our team has grown into right and i should say team members clients family the thing is when you get involved with us this is not a one-time stop and then we never see you again you're going to be with leaders who want to see you win team members who want to see you win i met all my best friends in this industry i've met my wife through this industry i love it because of the people that you meet so you're going to get involved and we're going to help you with the tools and we're going to help you every step of the way you're not going to get left alone in this so with that being said um you know i want to keep it real short but thank you guys for having me on the call i look forward to meeting every single one of you guys soon all right thank you very much jj and uh last but not least my new business partner mo i just wanted you to just tell people from the perspective of somebody that actually owns physical businesses what we have here at b and you know how it fits into your life and your plans yeah i appreciate the intro there uh nick and i've met recently uh through ali ali and i have been have been in talks for quite a while but a little bit about me real quick i've been trading for about nine years now i never really believed in taking other people's signals because at the beginning i learned that if you take the opposite signal you'll win uh and that's the case with most companies out there and then when they showed me some of these results in this uh this business here i was blown away i was absolutely blown away and i went back and fact checked it i went back and looked at where these numbers were at this time and these are real these are real results these people are actually winning and one thing that all the panelists everybody that's talked to today have in common is they're telling you the truth they're they're not blowing smoke they are being honest with you and telling you the truth and another thing from my own experience is once you're signed up they don't ghost on you they're there for you they are in contact with you they are very responsive to you and that is very different than than other companies that i've been involved with i'm not going to bad talk any of those other companies there's been opportunities uh you know you kind of got to learn the hard way sometimes but one thing i will tell all of you tony cano hit something on the head i am a business owner i dumped tons of money into getting businesses started this opportunity is unlike anything else that's out there this is a business in a box the best thing about it is you know other people you know other people that have a need you know other people that want to be successful and want to have that financial freedom and that time freedom even more important okay uh and it goes hand in hand just like they said if you're successful and you put that travel portion of it next to it and you start posting your success and you start posting these places that you're visiting you're only going to see more success you're only going to see more people joining your downline so this opportunity is unlike any other for you know a couple thousand dollars for you to get something like this with all the products with all their providing you the wins in itself are gonna pay it back okay but being able to show people what you're doing it's gonna be a no-brainer for them to sign up and try to replicate your success so i wanted to keep it short and sweet uh i'm based in los angeles if anybody ever wants to reach out to me just have a quick chat i'm always there and always ready to help so thank you again nick i'll pass it back to you thanks mo appreciate that so with that said on tyrion i'm gonna pass it back to you um i want you to kill the facebook feed because the crypto signals are only for people that show up not not for everybody else so for everybody that's watching uh on facebook later it's time for us to go but you can always reach out to me if you're watching on facebook live you're like oh nick i just got knocked off you could reach out to me on ontario we'll help you later we just don't want it on the recording because crypto is time sensitive i don't want people taking signals later it's not a good idea you're so mean nicholas i know so nick do uh go ahead and make me host again nick you know uh i'll stop that feed i don't know how to do that click on his name click on his name on the right on the right you'll drop down box will be there and you can see i think i think he's still the host actually no you don't you don't host on your phone i'm gonna post on my phone you're gonna do it on your phone i think you can't do it on the end of the webinar huh let's see make post there you go there we go i'm so glad i didn't sign off my phone that would have killed the whole webinar huh that would have stopped all right yeah there we go we're good now uh let me stop the live stream all right ladies and gentlemen there you go for those of you on facebook you got to get in this company you've heard uh you've heard the energy you've seen what we do here you've seen the money that you can make here it's very versatile um it's it's it's life-changing ladies and gentlemen so get yourself involved um and uh let's make some money together all right so i'm gonna stop the live stream and we'll see you guys on facebook later

2021-05-23 10:44

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